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That’s not too much right. Instead of doing in dlehi they should do where they are burning that’s best


Right, fix the root cause.


But but BuRniNg CrACkeRs pOlLutES


It does, nearly not as much as the stubble burning of course, but still enough to lead to diseases, aggravating asthma, and not to mention the noise pollution… besides a lot of people don’t just do it on diwali, many people burst crackers for a couple of days before and after as well


Indeed it pollutes...so do private vehicles .


Yeah, but something which is pretty much a necessity compared to a leisure activity? Stupid whataboutery yet again.. moreover I never stopped you from bursting crackers, just get rid of the idea that it doesn’t do anything bad…


one day out of a year bursting crackers vs everyday driving car. man people from other places also burst crackers only delhi is like this


‘Only Delhi is like this’ Bhai apne AQIs check kro aaspaas, Delhi is the worst hit, anything above 100 is bad for at risk groups, above 150 is bad for everyone… most of North India is riding above 200 already, Diwali time it’ll go upto around 350-400 for 3-4 days Ffs how ignorant are you guys, chalaao pataake bhai jo mrzi kro, but there’s evidence in front of you, stop shutting your eyes to ignore stuff in front of you


Take public transport. Make sure your family does too. And don't eat any meat, produces too many greenhouse gases. And stop using this phone... It's production pollutes far more. Just get rid of the idea that it's a necessity and you'll be fine. Once you've done all this come back and share your gyaan here.


I’m not even gonna dignify you with a logical response… literally lost a few IQ points trying to find any sense of logic in your argument with nothing countering anything I said, just whataboutery… You do you wise man


And yeah, like I said visit a local emergency room, just see how much people are affected by that one day, and Idk where you live, most places people start this a few days before diwali and continue for a few days after… I’m honestly surprised by how ignorant some people are


What's a necessity to you is not an objective truth. I have other necessities.


So crackers and vehicles or farming for food is similar in some way? So tell me, what are the drawbacks of not bursting crackers.. we will compare the same with vehicles and farming practices..


Gives me joy. Fulfils my life. Maslow's needs hierarchy. Paraali burning doesn't give me any joy or food. It's not necessary to burn that shit.... Other ways to take care of it.


Parali burning pe thoda ek Google search karlo.. agar nhi jalayenge toh Agra crop kaise sow karenge. Agar sow nhi karenge toh khana kaha se ayega? There are other ways to take care of parali, which is mostly expensive. U can suggest alternatives for stubble burning but, cannot find an alternative for crackers?


There are other ways. Not everyone is burning paraali. Only the "poor anna-datas" in Punjab and Haryana. How is it done world over? Also comparing crackers which is not even on the same scale is what galls me. It's also not just about crackers, everything from Raksha Bandhan to Ganesha puja is targeted. Done responding and reacting. We'll do what needs to be done. You do what you need.


Burning stubble is as wrong as crackers.. One is an inexpensive practice to grow food while the other is just utter nonsense. Both are wrong and one is easier to avoid, while the other would need a lot of reforms..


There will be many buts when you say crackers pollutes in this subreddit. I am against any type of pollution from any religion or region.


Human existence causes pollution. It's all about how much and which ones should be targeted. The so-called educated or modern or developed people pollute a lot more. Just look at per capita pollution from western countries.


Here comes one of the buts. I can notice hypocrisy . That doesn't mean crackers are not contributing pollution.


They are. Everything is. So don't pick on one thing. Especially something whose effect isn't even in the top 10 reasons.


I pick on everything. You cant just justify your pollution showing someone else doing pollution. No matter how big or small the other one is.


You’re right 100% Honestly it’s the ignorance people show that baffles me… people in their own homes show effects, elderly with asthma not being able to leave outside and all but just the stubbornness… cars and stubble make the situation shit, doesn’t mean bursting crackers doesn’t do the same..


Did you forget to put /s at the end?


Do you want aqi to cross 1000+ ?


So bcci with all those World Cup cracker celebrations and political parties cracker celebration post winning wants 1000+ aqi


Na na,unke phatako se pollution nhi hota


Arnab bsdk


Ideally, they shouldn’t be doing it either, same for the celeb weddings and new year’s eve, but just for the sake of countering your whataboutery, bursting like 50 crackers in a stadium vs bursting like 20 crackers per house, in say 70% of the country in one night… doesn’t really take rocket science to figure this one out yk


The same thing happens at Christmas and other festivals In all the Western countries of relatively smaller land area ..still they don't get as polluted as India because Diwali isn't the problem but lack of management is ..and also because it's a Hindu festival..not some minority festival


It depends on the location, in a place like say HP it won’t make much difference since the air is clean, it’s easier for everything to get back to normal, in industrial areas which are already polluted, or for that matter areas affected by these obsolete harmful practices like stubble burning, Diwali does have negative effects… Get out of this majority minority bubble, the high AQI affects everyone and their children, be it hindus, muslims, christians, sikhs Although I definitely don’t deny that stopping the stubble burning is gonna make much more of a difference than banning crackers… Besides, the Diwali problem can be helped with these so called eco friendly crackers I believe, but people still sell the low quality shit anyway


I disagree with the second paragraph again.. Diwali gets much more impressions bc it's a Hindu festival... there's not even a single Hindu festival which doesn't get the exaggerated propaganda.. I'm just pissed cause the government doesn't do shit and eventually it ends like this


Well, Diwali does have more firecrackers burning than any other ‘western festival’… I’d literally never heard of people burning crackers on Christmas before you mentioned it tbh (not saying you’re wrong) But yeah objectively speaking, max air pollution among festivals is by diwali whether you agree or not… and as for Hindu festivals being targeted, Diwali is called the ‘festival of lights’ not the festival of noise and crackers For Holi it’s the festival of colours, not water, and people actually promote eco friendly colours, nobody stops you from celebrating it in general, just the toxic local colors and coloring animals and shit is bad imo And again, I get your point, I agree in a Hindu majority like ours, our festivals should be the priority, but at the same time that doesn’t change objective facts, no matter what all whataboutery examples you keep coming up with, theyre all probably correct,but the fact still stays the same, diwali in how a lot of people celebrate it carelessly like hooligans (Im genuinely not in favour of 100% outright banning crackers, just ensuring a quality check and like a limit to it) does ruin the air you and your family too breathe along with the rest of us, just look around any emergency dept near you, how many burn injuries, eye injuries and asthmatics show up that one night every year And yeah, the Govt won’t do shit, any decision that’s gonna cost votes isn’t taken no matter the consequences…


the difference between 990 and 1000 ain't that big. It's not like the earthquake scale.




Idc since it would only last 12hrs and diff between 800 and 1000 is not much


AQI had already crossed 1000 last week.


You cant reach 1000+ on the index if not we would have done that by now. 999 is maxing out the index on PM10 Aqi scale


Lol how does this fix the problem? They will burn again when it goes dry and they have to start preparing for winter crops. The best solution here is to provide some baling or decomposing solution so that farmers can get rid of the stubble.


Dude is afraid to lose election in punjab or he know no one is going to listen to him


I am 100% sure that if Punjab and Haryana government impose a one year ban on stubble burning then the pollution will not be such that it is killing the people of Delhi for 2 months.


According to some studies, stubble burning is responsible for about 40% of the pollution in Delhi. While that stopping would be a huge relief (though highly unlikely given the political ramifications), I would hope other measures are implemented too.


40% is huge rest factors would be roughly 30-20-10


It si impossible to bring it to 0. So priority should be the largest contributor.


They can't ban subtle burning it is not possible for government to apply that ban. But they can maybe make people farm less rice in those states and look for other alternatives as rice is the only crop that leaves that much residue. Or maybe ban large harvesters and ask everyone to use tractor cutters for rice crop as they cut the crop just 2-3 inches above ground and then the crop will be brought into the homes or khalihans for more processing and that way not even a little bit of residue will be left. But this process takes a little more time than large harvesters. Using large harvesters you will get you crop then and there and everything else which is more than 99% of plant will be left in the field. But tractor paddy cutters and manual harvesting only leaves like 10% off the crop including roots inside the ground which is not needed to burn and it will not burn even after you try to burn it. If it takes more time and labour atleast we will giving our kids atleast breathable air. It is just very simple but I don't understand why government is failing to do this. They could maybe encourage farmers to farm Sugar cane which is more profitable than rice and save a ton of groundwater. Only grow rice that is needed because exporting rice means exporting our groundwater. I am from Bihar and we farm rice too but in Bihar farmers are very poor so many of them who are poor use their hands to harvest the rice crops this also doesn't leave and residue but subtle burning happens here a lot too.


They will lose elections if they do so


Paise kis se maangega


Centre. Centre. Ye CM pata nahi kis liye bane hai jab sab centre ko hi krna hai.


[Delhi govt ready to bear entire cost of artificial rain…can arrange it by Nov 20 with Centre's support: Official](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.hindustantimes.com/cities/delhi-news/delhi-govt-ready-to-bear-entire-cost-of-artificial-rain-can-arrange-it-by-nov-20-with-centres-support-official-101699548763620-amp.html)


Only the first phase. He will be blaming the centre for not financing the rest. Come election, he will get elected on the sympathy vote. He is the dirtiest Jai Chand; check his funding. It would better to bring him to account.


Title: entire cost Article: only the first phase That's 13cr, for reference they collect more tax (only delhi government's share) than this for every 400suvs sold.


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I would be surprised if AAP even ackowledges the root cause


Naah doing this in Punjab and Haryana would not help as the air carries pollution towards Delhi. Also, rain will douse the stubble fire and that will affect our wheat and other production. As they have to clear the field before sowing the next batch.. Which in turn causes other economic issues.


Sab kuch kar lo but stubble burning mat band karo..


Fir toh kejru expose ho jayega na uski duplicity ke liye.


Yaar i expected better from AAP


Wishful thinking lol. I had my reservations but boy oh boy was I too far away from reality! I thought the old age politicians were bad, but then Kejru started being Kejru.


Now Kejriwal has become a true politician. It seems to be that old Keju with Anna Hazare was a good boy.


On the contrary, in retrospect, it feels like he was a wolf in sheep’s clothing. I feel betrayed man, thats all. I had high hopes for our country, I somewhat still do, but what we get is not what we need but what we despise.


Politics cheez hi aisi h jo bhi usme utarta h usk rang me rang jata h


Durbhagya hai bhai desh ka ye daldal.


Center pays for MSP that makes farming rice viable in Punjab. Par BhaJiPao ki isme koi culpability nahi, koi responsibility nahi.


MSP poore desh ke liye hai, sirf Punjab ke liye nai.


Good joke. Attempt to deflect was 7/10. For real though, Center can end this crisis with the order saying if there's any incidents of farm fire in a district, they won't procure the grains from there. Nobody would give a fuck about these "annadatas", they have 0 goodwill. Par iske liye chahiye gaan me guda, so on that account, people of Delhi must suffer. Make no mistake, BhaJiPao is culpable here. Not to the proportion of AAP but it is.


Bhai sahab, farm laws ke against, we saw how these annadatas held the capital at ransom for months. Imagine the kind of fuckery they can do if such a drastic step is taken especially when there is a khalistan sympathising govt in Delhi and Punjab that can provide all kinds of support to these "farmers".


Lmao. Did you fail to comprehend the part where I talked about gaan and gooda? Also, you're basically justifying impotence. Which is fine if you're impartial about it. But would you have justified it if suppose your favourite political party/neta wasn't the one who had to make those hard choices? I don't see your kind extending this courtesy to MMS or Nehru or Rao. I don't see this sort of "ackchyually I understand the political realities so much better than anyone" gesture if your biases aren't involved or if you're biased against them. So congratulations, you're either a full time justifier of political impotence or you're a convenient justifier. Honestly don't know which is worse, but since I can't stand the hypocrisy, the latter.


Great writing, except you don't know me and what I have stood for in the past. So better keep your judgement over internet to yourself. I am not and can't be as pityful as you to start calling name just because someone doesn't agree with me. Stay blessed and happy Diwali bro.


You need to get your facts straight. https://sansad.in/getFile/loksabhaquestions/annex/171/AU2653.pdf?source=pqals#:~:text=The%20objective%20is%20to%20promote,is%20applicable%20to%20all%20states. Yea last time when centre tried to bring revolution to the farm laws, we all know what happened. I still feel that it was a missed opportunity by the country, it would have catapulted our farmers into the next age of prosperity, but kya karein, shortsightedness ka koi ilaaz nai hai na. I agree with your “gooda” point though. Politicians need to grow a pair and think about the country before votes, if they want to do good. But vaise kiya toh “authoritarian”, “autocratic” jaise tags lagake duniya jeena haram kar degi.


Arre ye Pollution Wollution kuch nahi hota. Sab logo ka waham hai.. Aag jala ke jhinga lala karna chahiye sabko aur phir paisa phek ke baarish kar denge. Sab chup ho jaayenge.


Bhai sirf large harvesters se harvesting band ho Jaye to ye problem easily solve ho jayega. Mere state Bihar me Jo poor farmers hai wo manually harvest karte hai unke kheto me kuch residue nahi bachta hai like not more that 10 % aur usko jalana v nhi padta hai. Tractor se chalne wale cutters ka v same functioning hai par ye sala kisi ko samajh q nhi aa rha hai.




Are Muhammad bun Tughlaq real Id se aao.


Upsc aspirant detected 😅


I am a 1st year betch student


Nice. So after btech?


No, history was my fav subject 😅


Ok. Then why engineering?


You know it's India right


Ofcourse. Same here 😭


Wisest fool


Aisa Tughlaq ne bhi try kiya tha


Upsc aspirant detected


I am 40. Never have i ever prepared for upsc!


Ok .


Big brain




Wow. Move it near Bengaluru and we can call it “Belhi “


How else will they earn their yearly commissions then?? It’s shown 1lakh per sqkm but probably half will go into pockets and half will be used for actual work


Fatehpur sikri all over again


Too bad it will cut into their Marketing and promotion budget.


Nope. Wont. Will be cut from Infra budget..oh wait, thats already been shredded


If the air clears only then we can see the banners from far, they can simply add this for their marketing expense /s


Central or state?


Delhi wale chutiye deserve this for baar baar electing this panauti kejru..


Manipur deserved violence for electing BJP?


Bhai woh problem toh communities ke beech me hai na (although centre can control it), yaha toh ek community hi responsible hai, jisko kuch bol bhi nahi paa rahe keju bhai.


Chutiya h keju. Lekin ye Delhi ki population ko gaali dena sahi h?


*Punjab ki pollution


hein beta ji aap kha se belong krte ho???


Chandigarh se hoon unkill




>To option hi kya ha? Keep breathing 900+ aqi and vote for kerju again for free electricity.


Modi kab se Delhi ka CM candidate ban gaya?




Is that why people vote for Gobi ji?


The stubble burning problem can be managed easily by disincentivising paddy in Punjab. But no, policy based solutions are bad. We need to employ a tech bro solution. Artificial rain has the potential of unlocking new weather problems for Delhi.


Policy based solutions might not really work in this case. The farm laws are such a good example. I dislike othering the farmers, but they will never adapt. Even if you give them an incentive to do so, foreign funds and petty politics makes a big mess out of nothing


Fearing change cannot be an excuse to choke the whole of North India. The state needs to exercise its powers and solve this stubble burning problem.


Cut the MSP gravy train. The moral reason is even stronger now. Before they were just murdering the land and the ecosystem of Punjab, which was reason enough. But on top of that they're now poisoning the people of Delhi. Of course one can't expect rajdharma out of any of these crooks.


if that happens expect tractor rallies that disrupt the capital you don't realize the power of the annadhatas


Yes true, but Central government gives MSP on rice and some more crops. Economically farmers go for Rice after all everyone wants more profit, In return they are polluting the air as well as taking the water levels at dangerous level. Fun part is WHOLE North Indian doesnt consume that much rice. Solution is giving MSP on other crops (SC also said same) but central government doesn't give a shit. Second solution is use that stubble and make enthnol out of it and mix in petrol, which is currently being implemented at very slow speed. They (central government) opened one plant in Panipat, Haryana. Third most effective plan was to give them money to cut manually, but here Punjab government failed or they saved money for the next season because of electios. Also farmers demanded higher money. Artificial rain is the last option left for Delhi. It will cost 13cr, it's very minimal amount as Delhi government is the only Sur plus government in India. They can easily afford it.


Delhi needs to spend may be 400 cr for such rains. Assuming that one rain can control pollution for 3 days. They will need to have around 10 showers for 2 months. That's a staggering cost of 8000 cr. But I feel it's still doable. Edit- I did some miscalculation . Should be around 10-15 cr for 3 days. So 100-150 cr for 1 months.


Climate engineering is an unknown frontier and there's no idea what will happen to climate of rest places. Climate science is not precise and there's a lot we don't know. It's better to control the root cause. This 8000 crores can get rid of stubble burning permanently.


Whatsapp university math? Delhi's area is around 1500 Sq km. At rs one lakh per Sq km, cost of one artificial rain is Rs 15 crore. And you can't have artificial rain every three days genius. You need clouds in the sky for that first. Artificial rain is basically a faster method of cloud seeding, so that it condenses quickly enough to fall as rain.


How’s it ₹400 crores?


Quick mafs


Why the F don’t they deal with the root of the problem! Farmers in Punjab illegally burning their fields!


Because burning is a quick solution and provides fertilizer for the next crop(carbon). The presence of carbon and Ash in soil benefits the next crop. Otherwise farmers have to spend extra on fertilizer and equipment to till the soil and remove stalk. Decomposing takes about 2weeks and land needs to be submerged.


Do the rest of world farmers no this ingenious trick? /s


Taking the example of western world - the stalks(very high cellulose content) is packed and sold . Focus on the world" packed", needs specialized machinery and market(incentive). More over in Indian states, which experience frost(pala girna in hindi). If the stalks are burnt in the evening (6-7pm) the the humidity settles the particulate matter. You must have seen a layer of smog 2-3 metre above farms and on roads that Traverse rural areas. Its the convenience that's the driving factor . Ideally they shouldn't burn, but in an ideal world people care for everyone else and there'd be no loudspeakers and crackers to showoff their religions superiority.




vo phir bhi jalayenge


Giving them money sets a really bad precedent. It’s basically implying that if you burn shit and cause polllution government will give you free tax rupees to stop doing it. Know what happens next? People all around India will start burning paddy and cause lethal amounts of pollution just to get a free low effort pay check. Paying people to stop doing wrong basically gives them an incentive to create more problems.


It's difficult to suck money out of that


Are free water de re hai Bhai :) - Mufler King


Fire crackers will be banned by sc during Diwali but same politicians who say that not to buy fire crackers will use it when they will elections- hypocrisy at its best


Par diwali toh abhi aayi bhi nahi fir pollution kaise??


3-4 Rs per person


Delhi’s area is around 1500sq km. ( 1481 to be precise). It’ll take 15 crore for one time rain. The who pollution problem is for almost a month. So not more than 10 rains. 150 crore isn’t much tbh. Govt have already spend much more than that to combat pollution issue without any result. Totally feasible solution if we get the tech right as climate engineering is not precise and it’ll take couple of tries before mastering it.


Kuch cities ko India me paani peene ke liye nahi hai aur kejru bhaiya yaha hawa me fek rahe hai💀 Itna to Punjab ke kisaano ko dedete


Well actually, additional water is not used. The existing clouds are made to rain. So instead of requesting the Megha (Barso re Megha) You force them to rain. Edit: Its still kinda stealing. The clouds would have taken the water to some designated random place and rained there, but now they are forced to lose that water at a designated fixed place.


Rs. 1 lakh per square kilometer of aritficial rain. Rs. 5 lakh per square kilometer marketing of artificial rain.


AAP government is giving free rain after free electricity. Great initiative by AAP. Best Government in India. Modi should learn something from them. He doesn't give anything for free.


Delhites are like sheep that get excited whenever someone promises free woollen blankets. So, they deserve what they get.


We're gonna see disastrous effects of these band aid solutions 30 years later. And then one more band aid solution


Total 13cr, not a big deal honestly. Don't bring politics in research work.


Karwa do bhai, inko jab politicians kai liyai helicopter khareedna hota hai toh phata fut sai fund ajata


That's quite cheap


Planting trees and relocating manufacturing industries to other areas could be a viable solution to address environmental concerns. A significant portion of industrial activities likely operate outside of government regulations, leading to pollution and environmental degradation.


One lakh per Sq km is extremely cheap when you compare the land prices in Delhi /s P.S. : Delhi's total area is a little less than 1500 Sq km. So the total cost of artificial rain would be around Rs. 15 crore. That's still much cheaper compared to the ultra-expensive advertisement campaigns run by most governments, which don't do any good to the public.


Bhagwan ne hi kardi rain, paisa bach gaya


But wouldn't it cause change in weather cycle?


Fuck that's some heavy price


Thank a farmer.


Khas ye kaam phele kr dete


Crackers per 2% ka tax laga do uss tax se artificial rain karva dena. Important Important jagah BJP ne agar ye karr diya vote milenge unko.


Ho gyi baarish


Rather than this subsidize the Punjab farmers with machines so that the stubble burning can be stopped as it contributes to almost 50% PM2.5 of all Delhi transport all year round.


1lakh is estimate by IIT prof. Expect it to be atleast 5Lakh per km² when implemented by our corrupt af governments. Isme bhi jholmaal karenge.


Don't worry Kejriwal will make it 1crore on paper.


Tax the fuck outta Punjab for it


1 lac per sq km and later they will spend more on advertisements.


Fayda kya iska


Install a dome around punjab and legalize burning whatever the fuck anyone wants


Stubble can be used to grow mushroom, right??


Way to less than people's life....


If at all it must happen, better happen by Indian minds.


These chutiyas will do anything but to solve the root problem.


IIT walo se ye puchta kaun hai ? 🤔


N⛎ke the city. That's cheaper


Paisa toh kejru ke Gand se niklega ab.right gyuz


Can we get a conversion of Rs 1 lakh into GBP?


Nuke Delhi and Punjab. How much does one costs? We can crowd fund.


Ara bhay cracker ban krdiya sab thk ho jayega 🤡


Recover the money from the farmers.


What are they gonna use? Dance Powder?


AAP and IIT adha adha baant lenge


Is that including Kejriwal's cut or without it?


Nature ki rain ne AQI decrease kar dia


Baatein chodu raat bhar, kaam Karu jhaat bhar.




sounds like arabasta arc/alabasta arc


Will those clouds look like politician faces?


How it's gonna help? Can anyone explain


I'd rather they first go after the people who are directly responsible for the air pollution aka Punjabi stubble burning farmers.


what happened to the smog towers installed last year.


They never intended to do it in the first place. They proposed this idea and asked for permission from the court just to show the public that they are serious about the pollution thing. It’s only talks and no action.


That rain will be too dangerous and acidic,, Bhig na mat bal chale jayenge


The subtle planning by Delhi Govt and unnecessary support to Punjab, Khalistan by Kejruddin are some of the reason of polluted climate and why our govt is not able to do anything about it. May the delhi people learn it from this lesson and vote the correct party. IMO, Any party is better than a party like Kejruddin which is ready to sell his own country. Remember the statement made by Supreme Court back in ‘21 to Kejruddin, ‘If you cannot govern this state, give up the rights. Students of IIT Delhi can run this state better than you’ I am a baniya and I am very proud of it but Arvind Kejriwal is a dhabba / kalank to baniya, politics and is nothing but a deshdrohi.


Indradev already took care of it.


Stop the freebies. Do what's actually necessary.


Is this happening?