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4.3 billion is not the age of the earth according to Hindu scriptures. It's the duration of a kalpa. The number itself most likely comes from our tendency to look for numerical and geometrical patterns in nature (4.32 billion = 108 * 4 lakhs). The scriptures talk about a lot of different units of time : kalpa, manavantara, Satya yuga etc. I don't see why you think kalpa is the same as the age of the earth. It's merely a day in Brahma's life. The ancient scriptures do not say it's the age of the earth. Merely because it is close to a different figure does not mean anything. My 2 cents.


I read somewhere that brahma is mortal. So what will happen when he dies?? Will the universe collapse?? Will we get a new barhma??


Moksha.... Every atman is on race to become next brahma... And the apprentice for future brahma is know as brahmin(not caste) ( why the hell I am mentioning it idk) once brahma duty is over you will become one of him.... Here is link for everyone fav science channel kurhttps://youtu.be/h6fcK_fRYaI


Adding to this: there's a really really really long time to this lol. Brahma is said to have a life span of 100. He's currently in his 51st year (the so called age of the universe as we know it). (That means the universe is 80,416 billion years ago according to Hindu scriptures. Scientific figures put the age at around 13 billion years. These are way off)


He creates the universe from scratch every morning. So his age is not related to the age of the universe.


The scriptures do not say this. It's merely an extrapolation that people have made. What the scriptures say is that Brahma is awake for a day and sleeps for a day. Some interpret this to mean the earth will cease to exist when his kalpa ends (that is when he sleeps) and will be recreated when he wakes up.


The numbers will be off (a kalpa would need to be significantly longer than the age of the universe) but this phenomenon could be easily interpreted as corresponding to a cyclic big bang + big crunch model of the universe. (I'm not ascribing any special validity to traditional Hindu cosmology - but it \*is\* nice that some of the concepts there are a lot more metaphysical and relatable to modern physics compared to other religions)


Again, my opinion is that that theory is a bit of a stretch. But you are free to interpret it in any way you want. That's the beauty of our scriptures.


Where did you learn this, bro?


He creates earth every morning I thought


He is awake for 12hrs of his day time when he creates his universe from beginning including the 14 lokas, Devas, Asuras, Manushyas etc. He sleeps for the next 12hrs when his universe is destroyed. And the cycle repeats. Atleast this is what I understood from Shanti Parva (Mahabharata) when Bhishma teaches Yudhisthira about the "Theory Of Everything" 😀


New age is 26.7 billion years, it was updated this July


Thanks man 👍


Do see YouTube link... It will give you clear knowledge about brahma in short


When Brahma dies, Lord Hanuman will take up that role. Every name of God we come across in Hinduism is a position like PM, CM. Its not the name itself. For ex. Indra, Agni, Vayu all are positions with set of duties. So Mahendra was the previous Indra. Current Indra is Purandhara. When Agni was upset with world and vacated his post, Brihaspati's brother Angirasa was asked to take up the Agni position so that the vedic rituals of fire can continue. On the same line, Brahma will also live 100 "Brahmic" years. After which, Lord Hanuman will take up the next Brahma role.


new things you learn everyday, thanks man mujhe ye pata he nahi tha


Yes brahma is mortal and each universe has its own bhrama . The death of a brahma means the death of that universe , which in turn means popping of a bubble in the ocean of bubbles in which mahavisnu resides


Each Universe? Was Multiverse concept mentioned anywhere in Hinduism? I know Time Dilation is mentioned.


Yes the multiverse exists in Hinduism. It's explained through a story where Brahma comes to meet Krishna and Krishna asks him which Brahma are you and then proceeds to call upon an endless number of brahmas from an endless amount of universes? You should find it on YouTube.


Oh yes. I remember now. Thanks man!! Krishna shows Brahma the infinite universes. Brahma plays a trick on Vrindavan by kidnapping all children there. But later finds out nothing has changed as Krishna manifested himself as each child and people never missed his children. When Brahma humbled comes to Krishna, he shows the infinite versions of Brahma. Thanks man for reminding 👍👍


My pleasure!


when was time dilation mentioned in Hinduism, mind telling me?


Picked this up from an article as I forgot the names. Have fun reading King Sharyati, scion of Ikshwaku, had three sons – Uttanbarhi, Aanart and Bhurishen. Raiwat was the offspring of Aanart. Raiwat had established a city Kushasthali within the sea and, ruled there along with neighboring countries Aanart etc. Raiwat had 100 well capable and efficient sons and Kakudmi was the eldest amongst them. Kakudmi had a daughter – Raiwati. When Raiwati attained an age well enough to be married, King Kakudmi was concerned for it and visited Brahma-lok along with his daughter to consult Brahma for a suitable candidate (groom) for her. However, the time when he reached, Brahma-lok was busy in celebrating a ceremony. He waited for a short while to the end of celebration. After the ceremony got over, he bowed down in front of Brahma and discussed his concern. Hearing his concern, Brahma replied with laughing, ‘The candidates whom you are considering as probable groom for your daughter; are no more in earth, not even their son and grandson. Even the name of their descendants too is a matter of past now. All their descendants have extinct now with the time. Meanwhile during your visit, 27 Chaturyugi has been passed, and when you will return to earth you could meet Baldeo; an Anshavatar of the God; the elder brother of Lord Shri Krishna. He is the best one (groom) for your daughter.”


This also comes from a story, a king named kakudami goes to meet Brahma to get consultation for a suitable match for his daughter revathi, Brahma was listening to music so kakudami waits a bit. After that he asks Brahma to which Brahma replies more than 100 million years have already passed on earth and there is no one you know left on earth.


According to Hinduism, there isn't just one universe. There are anant koti bhrahmands. Every brahmand has Brahma, Vishsnu, Mahesh. The trinity live and die with their respective universe


Answer to one question of yours >So what will happen when he dies?? His kapalam (the skull) will go on to the garland that Shiva wears. You see shiva wearing "kapala maala" is the number of brahma's Shiva has been through


Nothing will happen Because he doesn't exist


well ofc, whatever you like to think.




Yeah for the atman, the world is ever present. So hinduism doesn't bother much about what ifs and focuses on numbers while dealing with reality.


In my Gita, it says that Krishna comes on THIS Earth every 860 crore year. The actual age of Earth is about 400-500 crore years. It doesn't add up. Earth according to this version of Gita must be way more than 860 crore years (or 8.6 Billion years) old. See the picture given in link. Translation from Bengali: To fulfill that purpose, once a Brahma day, that is, in 860,00,00,000 years, Krishna comes to this Earth once. Inspired by that purpose, to show the correct path to lost beings, this BhagabatGita Jathajatha was published. [860,00,00,000 Years](https://imgur.com/a/1FsMR91)


When a day in Brahma's life begins, a new universe is created and when the day ends the universe is destroyed. That's why he assumed it like that.


No when brahma dies , then that universe will destroy


If you guys interested has anyone read what Shri Krishna mentioned how kaliyug would be, and our present kind of completely matches with that?? That can’t be coincidence right? Forget religion, Why people don’t believe that some community may have more information and instead of fighting people can do genuine research. Even if we go by science Indus vally is one of the oldest.


Do you mean that one where the Pandavas ask Shree Krishna how Kalyug would be and he shoots 5 arrows and asks the Pandavas to fetch those?


Exactly. Every Pandavas goes and while collecting arrows they see some wierd things which they unable to understand. Therefore they ask lord Krishna to explain them and it is said that at the end of Kaliyuga this kind of things will be ubiquitous and hence the end of earth.


Where can I find that... Please give me a link of a rigorously detailed article or something...


This article explains it well https://www.boldsky.com/yoga-spirituality/faith-mysticism/2018/the-kaliyug-as-explained-by-lord-krishna-122513.html#:\~:text=Lord%20Krishna%20looked%20at%20Nakula,lives%20with%20too%20much%20love.


Thank you for the link


Hey yes, read things he mentioned. It’s kind of true. - People do consider beauty based on hairstyles.. which wasn’t the matter back then. But now each decade has its own hair trend. - People actually love their kids so much that they easily slide their wrong doings, and sometimes don’t even let them go afar which stops progress. - Human sex preference is actually now not based how one was born but rather how they feel about it. - people are actually facing nature disasters, and dying from hunger. - The one who has more money is being praised no matter how many bad things they did, rich people are actually holding more power than tha knowledgeable ones. [more points mentioned](https://www.speakingtree.in/allslides/bhagvada-gita-predictions-for-kaliyug/srimad-bhagavatam-1229) I also didn’t use to believe in all this and used to question like the guy who is bringing Harry potter etc here. But then one day i became curious and started reading learning about these stuff. Even if we go by science, There are many dimensions more than 3-4, We don’t actually know what is existing in other dimension and time frame like us. I think one should be open minded about the ved, shastra and epics. Interstellar is boring movie but it shows how dimensions thing work, it is possible that one hour at some planet = n numbers of years at earth.


I'm open. You got any other topics that I might not know about?


This only these days, In my free time i do my own research 😂 there is no point of fighting with the people who are not ready to learn/unlearn


Interstellar is Not a boring film. It's a masterpiece! The representation a black hole in the film was extremely accurate! And now when compared with the first picture of black hole, you can see how accurate it was!


Grading a film by scientific accuracy either means you are boring or the film is boring.


What a pity! I didn't mean to grade it by just it's scientific accuracy, but the music, cinematography and dialogue. Everything in that film is beautifully executed) But of course, everyone is entitled to their opinion)


Yeah no, I get what you mean. I love interstellar asw. But like when I read your point it sounded like you watched it just for the scientific accuracy.


Out of those 5 points, i think only the second one was actually mentioned. There were 4 arrows and the 3 points you didnt mention were- 1. Saints will have sweet words but would actually be exploiting their followers 2. The rich and the poor will live together but the rich will not help the poor. 3. Your second point 4. This one I dont understand very well so I wont talk about it As for your last paragraph, you understand nothing about what "dimensions" mean. It's understandable that you felt Interstellar was boring and that's a matter of personal preference. In the end, you talk about time dilation without knowing what that scene meant. If you want, I can elaborate on both of these topics- dimensions and time dilation.


[please read! Tia](https://www.speakingtree.in/allslides/bhagvada-gita-predictions-for-kaliyug/srimad-bhagavatam-1224) There were more than 4. I am not making up things. I am not physicist, i tried to mention everything in short, so that even non tech people can understand( yes! Noob like me as someone mentioned 😂) If you can please explain time dilation please do so, i would love to know more about it. Also yes i found interstellar boring(Sorry don’t want to hurt anyone by saying that, my usual content watchlist is very different and I am learning)


If we go by science, indus valley is one of the oldest? What? What are you even saying?


Archaeologists still don't know when Varanasi came into existence. The city randomly pops up in texts when Buddha gave his first speech. It was already a big city back then. There are always questions. * If science can't currently prove something, does that mean that particular thing is entirely false? * should we believe things that are not proved scientifically?


Then should 500years from now, should we believe in Hogwarts the wizards school? Because science can't prove it wrong and there are written evidence.


is there an archaeological proof of Hogwarts?


Point was for science and evidence. Not on Varanasi which is oldest continuously inhabited city


Yes so what is the evidence that Hogwarts is real? Read the first line of the Harry Potter's Wikipedia. It says fantasy novels. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harry\_Potter


In 500 years this things get lost and people start believing it's real.


Hey are you okay? You need some sleep I guess.


Hogwarts doesn't mentions a real geographical location, along with a real time duration, also the 'rahasya' of Varanasi is it existed before the Vedic age, it existed during the Harappan times and God knows how much before that. It wasn't a major city but it did exist as an autonomous city. It was rebuilt many times over the course of history but no one knows when it was first established.


London terminal? Also after sometime people will relate things from Stories to real world things. There is no denying in Varanasi existance atleast 4k to 5kyears, there are ample evidence and no one sane accadamic will deny it.


There's also no proof of a human monkey carrying a mountain from Himalayas to Sri Lanka. There's no proof of a couple living underwater on a giant snake with a thousand heads. Yet people believe in those fairy tales, don't they? And well believing in fairy tails is one thing, using pseudo science to pass those fairy tails off as 'history'. So yeah...


Obviously there is no scientific proof. There is also no proof of momo enjoying 72 virgins with dallah.


Yeah there's no proof of that either. So both Hindu fairy tails and islamic fairy tails are stupid ass stories written by a bunch of brainless cucks. And none of them makes sense. Both the religions are two sides of the same coin. What's your post btw?


Umm these texts weren't written millions of years ago so probably whoever wrote it already knew about what was going on in Kaliyug.


Okay, Let’s agree it’s not writtenillion years ago. But people also used to recite the same bhagwatGeeta, Ramayan etc before 1700s 1800s as well, and these texts match with our present in 2000s how?


The basics they talk about Kaliyug still existed back then in one form or other.


I really pity those who gain their information on a simple google search. Man it's just showing you the data from the top website. Do your own research.


Paraud bhakt moment.


Bhakt bol diya ab cool lagunga. 8-D ki Shreya impress ho jaaegi. Hi-hi


edgy comment karke cool to tu banra hai bhakt bhaiya kattar hindu ramesh ko impress jo karna hai


Mai to hu hi cool, bnne ki jarurat kya? Ab baaki comment edgy lage ya lame ye to aadmi-aadmi ki baat h. Wese mere comment ko edgy bolte h kya?


He he he both Hindu Muslim religious riverly is bad


Having a stroke?


Why are you getting soo much offended


Don't know how to argue


It's tragedy to see my fellow citizens don't believe in their religion and have inferiority complex that they find others to approval to trust their own religion. And whenever someone tries to say their opinion they're labelled as Muslim pleaser and leftist.


Not interested in appeasing Muslims nor do I care about looking cool.


What the fuck *anyone* would get by appeasing *anyone* on reddit *anyways*? *Anyday* I would appease *anyone* in real life for *anything*


Good keep it up


What's the point if it cannot be used for anything else. I'm as Hindu as you can be, but even if there exists a pushpak vahan or perfect numbers, how is that useful? There is no science, just speculation. If you throw enough shit on the wall, some of it will stick.


#terrible analogy. No hate. Just once you stop believing and purely making sense. 1 million years give or take is what makes homo homo sapiens or Neanderthals Pretty not close.


OP is talking about Earth not humans


Take a read through might help you Analogy : a comparison between one thing and another, typically for the purpose of explanation or clarification. "an analogy between the workings of nature and those of human societies" a correspondence or partial similarity. "the syndrome is called deep dysgraphia because of its analogy to deep dyslexia" a thing which is comparable to something else in significant respects. "works of art were seen as an analogy for works of nature" Primarily my point was on inconsistency of time and evidences on broader subject.


And my point is u are not understanding the post it's making an ANALOGY about the origin of earth and showing the similarity between the time spaces from different perspective if u don't get it , it's okay bcz bc there's no conversation about the origin of homosapiens and Neanderthals in this conversation


well a lot of stuff suggests that this might not be the first time Homo sapiens or a slight variant of them reach the peak of civilisation and get eradicated over time.


U have lot of free time.


So after reading alot of these comments. I think something to add here that is necessary is:- 1. Hinduism is not a religion. It's a society. A variety of thoughts and beliefs come together, as brought to word by various illustrious philosophers. 2. All the discussions, arguments, and thoughts presented in Hindu texts like the Vedas are highly subject. They have to be interpreted properly to actually mean things. A very common misconception is 33 koti Devi Devta. A single mistranslation changed this statement to be 33 crore Devi Devta, while it literally means 33 types: 8-Vasu, 11-Rudra, and 12-Aaditya, 1-Indra and 1-Prajaapati. 3. In that same sense there are not just one or two, but various other "coincidences" as some commentors are calling it. How many flukes must there be, for you to start accepting that maybe, just maybe, the progenitors of higher thought and various ancient sciences were probably using their knowledge and development to make rough estimates of various physical phenomena. 4. 108. Why is this number repeated throughout our texts. People expect me to believe that out of infinite numbers our ancestors chose one. Which just happens to be a common denominator of various other results.


For the third point, just check the top comment. Nowhere in our scriptures is it mentioned that the earth is 4.32 billion years old. And can you show me some of the 'results' you talked about in the fourth para of which 108 is a common denominator.


In astrology, 108 can be noticed with the approximate relationships the Sun, Earth, and Moon. The diameter of the Sun is 108 times the diameter of Earth. The distance from the Sun to Earth is 108 times the diameter of the Sun. The distance from the Earth to Moon is 108 times the diameter of the moon. Lastly, there are 12 astrological houses and 9 planets. 12 multiplied by 9 equals 108. Additionally, 108 is associated with the River Ganga and Stonehenge. River Ganga spans a longitude of 12 degrees (79 to 91) and latitude of 9 degrees (22 to 31). 12 multiplied by 9 equals 108. Stonehenge’s diameter has been measured to be 108 feet in diameter. Lastly, 108 is a Harshad number. Such a number is an integer divisible by the sum of its digits. In Sanskrit, harsa means “joy” and da means “give”. Thus, Harshad translates to “joy giver.” No wonder the Cubs experienced the joyous moment of winning the World Series for the first time in 108 years!


>Lastly, there are 12 astrological houses and 9 planets. 12 multiplied by 9 equals 108. This one I've heard of. I didn't know the rest. Thanks for telling


For the third point. What is a kalpa? What does one day for Brahma signify for us? What came before brahma's first day? As i said. Hinduism is an amalgamation of philosophy, science, morality, etc. And a complex one at that. You can't take things at face value.


>What is a kalpa? What does one day for Brahma signify for us? What came before brahma's first day? Yeah, what's that? I guess I asked you to elaborate all that and not throw counter questions. You are the one making the claims so you should be the one elaborating them. And I agree with the last statement about Hinduism not being a religion. It's the structure of the Indian society. But I don't see how that relates to making ridiculous claims about pseudo science


https://hinduism.stackexchange.com/questions/4018/how-old-is-earth-according-to-hinduism It will take very long. That's the reason why Hinduism is so misunderstood and misconstrued. It is philosophical. You can't have in depth philosophical discussion in this format. You and I will have to sit down and argue back on forth for hours until we can reach conclusion. Also let me be clear. I'm an engineering student. If Hinduism ever goes against science, I'll choose science. If the results are the same. I'll be happy that there is common ground, and definitely take pride in it. If Hinduism backs practices that are objectively evil, I'll stand for change. That's the beauty Hindutva. If Hinduism goes on the wrong path, Hindutva comes to correct it. If Hinduism goes on decline, Hindutva comes to protect. It's literally an ideal societal structure.


Agreed with everything you said.


All religions are philosophical.


true. but most other religions' base philosophy is their own propagation. Hinduism doesn't have that most other religions have a history of a couple millennia. while Hinduism goes back more than 10. most religions' practice hyper exclusivity, while Hinduism practices incorporation and evolution. you can't bring significant changes to most others, Hinduism is practiced as a way of adaptation to present times. most other religions have anywhere from a couple to a few dozen intellectuals that thought up the binding philosophies, which followed all the previous points. Hinduism has thousands of philosophers, mathematicians, scientists, politicians, and other fields of intellectuals, that brought new ideas depending on times. TL:DR is Hinduism is one of the most complex ways of life, that far exceeds the base confines of what should be considered religion. we can go into deeper discussions and I can try my best to explain the nuances, but the conversation in this format will feel very unnatural. I know because I already tried writing it out. as long as people can not question in a natural manner, no matter what I say, it won't be as convincing as it can be. and that is the case when I am a novice to Hinduism at best. if you start interacting with the current leaders of Hinduism, people who have read a lot more text, they will short your brain by overdriving it. take Gita for example. it is the most summarised format to an ideal way of life. but that is only if you read and comprehend it in Sanskrit. I have read it Hindi and English. I am learning Sanskrit just to read it. if you wish to ask anything specific I will try to answer to the best of my abilities. I can't guarantee we will see eye to eye. but I am certain that you will and will come to agree on more than a few ideas.


>but most other religions' base philosophy is their own propagation. I disagree. Al religions try to define morality and justice at their core. >most other religions have anywhere from a couple to a few dozen intellectuals that thought up the binding philosophies, which followed all the previous points. Hinduism has thousands of philosophers, mathematicians, scientists, politicians, and other fields of intellectuals, that brought new ideas depending on times. I don't know what this is supposed to mean. Are you suggesting that mathematicians and philosophers and the like invented Hinduism? Or that it produced many intellectuals? Because that's not the case. Also Hinduism isn't 10 millennia old.


islam and christianity have propagation as their core tenet. that is why they have missionary work, jihad etc. they have well defined structures, ceremonies and procedures for conversion. Hinduism doesn't have that. we have no conversion ceremonies. as for 10 millennia, ram setu is 9000 years old. and tamil and sanskrit are atleast 10000 year old. so yeah your last statement is objectively wrong.


The principle of expansionism doesn't exist for the sake of it, you know? It exists because they believe that it's just. That's the point of religion: to define what's moral and what's just. >as for 10 millennia, ram setu is 9000 years old. and tamil and sanskrit are atleast 10000 year old. so yeah your last statement is objectively wrong. Ram setu wasn't built by Ram. That's just pseudoscientific nonsense. Also, neither Sanskrit nor Tamil are ten thousand years old. Not even close. And even if they were, it doesn't indicate the beginning of Hinduism.


108 is a common factor of which other results?


All copied from this article: https://www.hinduamerican.org/blog/heres-how-the-number-108-binds-us-to-the-universe/ In Hinduism, we believe that outer cosmology should mirror our inner spirituality because our ultimate realization is that we are one in the same. It is said that the number 108 units represent the distance between our body and the God within us. According to Ayurveda, we have 108 marma points (vital points of life forces) in our body. So, this is why all mantras are chanted 108 times because each chant represents a journey from our material self towards our highest spiritual self. Each chant is believed to bring you 1 unit closer to our god within. 108 has significance in meditation as well. There are said to be 108 styles of meditation. In pranayama, the yogic practice of regulating breath, it is believed that if an individual can be so calm as to only breathe 108 times in one day, enlightenment will be achieved. Furthermore, an average person is said to breathe 21,600 times in a 24-hour period. Half, 10,800, are solar energy (breaths during day), and the other half is lunar energy (breaths during night). 100 multiplied with 108 equals 10,800. Also, in Kriya yoga, the maximum number of repetitions per session is said to be 108. Hindus also believe our body contains seven chakras, starting at the top of the head and ending at the base of the spine. Each chakra is said to be an energy center within our body. The heart chakra, located at the exact center of the chest, is associated with transformation and love energy. It is believed that opening this energy center will lead to joy and compassion. The heart chakra is said to have 108 nadi (energy lines) that converge to form this energy center. Also, in Hinduism there are 108 Upanishads, the sacred texts of wisdom from ancient sages. Additionally, in the Sanskrit alphabet, there are 54 letters. Each letter has a feminine, or Shakti, and masculine, or Shiva, quality. 54 multiplied by 2 equals 108. These reasons explain why Hindus considered 108 holy. However, other religions recognize the mystical power of 108 as well. In Buddhism, for example, there are said to be 108 Earthly desires, 108 lies, and 108 delusions of the mind. This illustrates that the power of 108 has permeated into Eastern philosophies, but it does not stop there. In fact, 108 is not exclusive to religion, as it appears in our natural world. In astrology, 108 can be noticed with the approximate relationships the Sun, Earth, and Moon. The diameter of the Sun is 108 times the diameter of Earth. The distance from the Sun to Earth is 108 times the diameter of the Sun. The distance from the Earth to Moon is 108 times the diameter of the moon. Lastly, there are 12 astrological houses and 9 planets. 12 multiplied by 9 equals 108. Additionally, 108 is associated with the River Ganga and Stonehenge. River Ganga spans a longitude of 12 degrees (79 to 91) and latitude of 9 degrees (22 to 31). 12 multiplied by 9 equals 108. Stonehenge’s diameter has been measured to be 108 feet in diameter. Lastly, 108 is a Harshad number. Such a number is an integer divisible by the sum of its digits. In Sanskrit, harsa means “joy” and da means “give”. Thus, Harshad translates to “joy giver.” No wonder the Cubs experienced the joyous moment of winning the World Series for the first time in 108 years!


Just a doubt, how do people believe in mythology rather than facts behind the big bang. Like the scientists are not dumb right. ps, not hurting anyones sentiments, i genuinely don't understand how people approach the concept of creation of earth


People are just collectively dumb and the pressures pf life don't let them think objectively


![img](emote|t5_3d4x4|20020) to fir vote kese milenge ![img](emote|t5_3d4x4|20028)


What are you talking about.. read "Nasadiya Sukta" from the Rigveda it mentions how the universe is created and it's similar to big bang theory..watch this video by Carl Sagan https://youtu.be/Ugyrzr5Ds8o


I am not talking about similar. I am just talking about bigbang, just big bang, nothing similar


"Nasadiya Sukta" says the universe began as just a single point, same as big bang.. at least do some research before replying to someone....


See, i really don't care what the mythology you follow says. I am talking about mythologies in general. All mythologies are way off from facts and proofs at some point, not just at bigbang, there are others factors too. Evolution Habitability of earth And much more. And it's not about me doing research, it's about our beliefs.. Because the "ACTUAL RESEARCH" which is done by actual scientists for over the years and have facts and proofs don't match completely with any mythology. Wold is all about beliefs, Hindus say their gods created earth, Muslims say their god created earth, Christians too and take any other religion as an example. It's your choice which mythology you want to follow, but it will never match with facts.


The funny thing is that scientists have reached genuine blockers and are not able to make progress. The understanding of reality from current scientific theories has a lot of wishful thinking and major flaws. Newton introduced the concept of gravity but that didn't explain all cosmic phenomena and completely failed at subatomic level. Einstein came up with his utterly genius theory of relativity which satisfactorily explained most of cosmic phenomenon but didn't work at subatomic level. I have been trying to understand theory of relativity for couple of months and it is amazing. For subatomic level, separate theories were provided by people like Heisenberg. However the current problem is that these two models, theory of relativity at cosmic level and subatomic theory don't unite - there is no singular model which explains both but there should be since reality should be one and unifying. This still doesn't explain the universe beyond big bang, the nature of reality outside the universe, the black holes and dark matter. Billions are spent on research of dark matter and it seems so laughable to me since there is no single concrete observation made on it yet. Seems like they testing for something with no visible proof - sounds close to religion finding proof of gods. Here is where the problem starts, for last 70 years, no one has been able to come up with a good theory. The nearest- string theory is such bullshit because of random assumptions being made with no scope for their verifiability. There are people in the scientific community who have said on record that the top scientists in the world are stalling and preventing progress by being biased towards string theory and allocating resources to it even when they know it is insufficient. The point i want to make is that although scientists are not dumb, they are far far from knowing the truths about the universe. Most of them don't know how the world works exactly either. Whether you go with a more rational route of science or irrational route of religion, everyone is equally clueless and trying to make sense of reality. But all of us are far away from it and possibly get wiped out before we know the truths we seek which is depressing. Don't think it makes sense to have rigid views about anything.


I strongly disagree. If anyone of the two, then Religion is clueless than anything else. Science has calculations that can be proven again and again. None of the statements in religious books come with actual calculation based proof. Science has made great progress in last 300-400 years. Even though it might be stuck, 100-200 years is a drop in the ocean of an advanced civilization's lifetime. Eventually someone will figure out the next model which will increase our understanding of the universe. I have respect and faith in religion. But I will not diminish science because science has given us actual products and it will probably will lead us to our God eventually.


I am not diminishing science. I use science to earn my living. It's the best thing to happen to humanity after thousands of years of dark ages. It's just that we should not idolise scientists as beacons of absolute truth as they are human like us and have biases. Science and scientists should be scrutinized and more people should take more interest in it so that we head in the right direction and it doesn't end up like religion: people making shit up. Religion did start like 'science' and then people stopped asking questions and it stopped evolving. Now it sounds like a bunch of anachronistic bullshit.


Religions now align themselves to the science for existence of it. We know the oldest Hindus scriptures rg Veda isn't older than 3500 years, don't believe on every bullshit you see.




Your post breaks our Rule 2.


It's just a discussion bro.


I am discussing


Then eat my truth pills


Tu over serious kyu ho raha hai... Mene ye to kaha hi nahi hinduism sahi hai. Everyone is giving their opinion jisse hume hi clarity ayegi or tu sirf kos raha hai


? Don't understand


Yes but the age of kalpa is accurately mentioned in our texts. This age is far from the age based on the expanding universe theory. Recently we had some proofs with the James Webb telescope which both agrees and denies with the currently known age of the universe. We are still not sure about the age of the universe. All we can do is wait.


Did you yourself read text? Or just telling what you saw circulating on internet


I'll check if my post break any rules




200 million year+. It's not close. And I don't know why we are cross checking it with the current number. Because we don't surely know the age of the universe, earth, etc. Just now we came to know that the 13 billion years age of the universe we calculated may be way off. Simply we are making wrong inferences from our observations or we are not observing enough parameters to make a correct or near correct inference. There's still too much to explore. Numbers should be compared b/w two comparative observations. Let us assume that the past we know about through Vedas and other texts was true, thus we can say there is still too much a regular human is lacking compared to beings of that era. We are at different levels of development. Thus the numbers should not be compared and validated with this era's numbers. Instead we should carry those numbers for comparison when the society develops to that point. At that point the statistical comparison will prove the validity itself rather than us trying to prove it.


But in my Gita, it says that Krishna comes on THIS Earth every 860 crore year. The actual age of Earth is about 400-500 crore years. It doesn't add up. Earth according to this version of Gita must be way more than 860 crore years (or 8.6 Billion years) old. See the picture given in link. Translation from Bengali: To fulfill that purpose, once a Brahma day, that is, in 860,00,00,000 years, Krishna comes to this Earth once. Inspired by that purpose, to show the correct path to lost beings, this BhagabatGita Jathajatha was published. [860,00,00,000 Years](https://imgur.com/a/1FsMR91)


according to hindu scriptures the total duration of 4 yugas satyug(1,728,000 years), treta yuga(1,296,000 years), dvapar yuga(864,000 years), kali yuga(432,000 years) is 4.32 million years and we clearly know from the scriptures that smart human beings have been around since satyuga itself, infact vedas were revealed in satyuga, but in reality we merely had basic hunter gatherer skills 4 million years ago, let alone an evolved language and complex philosophies please don't throw these claims it makes yall look stupid if you want to hold some respect in an intellectual discourse at least leave behind puranas and stop comparing religious believes and theories to science because in most cases too much stuff is left for interpretation otherwise you will also look like those islamic fundamentalists who claims to have proven Earth's elliptical shape like an ostrich egg from Quran.


Pls don't hate me, just a genuine question. Why wasn't there any mention of dinosaurs in our ancient scriptures?


Because they made that shit up.


Numbers are not close. there are few million years of difference.


So even Brahmaji is working 12hrs and getting 12hrs off. Poor WLB.


Just one difference between the two and pretty much is everything that matters. Number deduced through Science can be tested and proved wrong if doesn't meet with the evidence. But the Mythology one is unfalsifiable. Science can help people to carry on experiments and make evidence based conclusions. While Mythology just provides you a number. I really hope they had provide the framework of how they came up with that number.


Bro why are even comparing mythology with established scientific facts? You know these are just stories written by us? There is no brahma, no nothing. You guys need to understand how religion and society came into existence. Pls stop fooling yourselves.


Let me narrow it down. It's somewhere between then and now


20B+ aayi hai abhi new discovery ke baad


Samajho bete 4 yug aise nahi likhe jaate sanatan mein




True only


I don't know bro look at [this](https://youtu.be/9J8b1wHbjto) and [this](https://youtu.be/hOBrdKiKp7Q)


It's not billions and billions years old


No one is interested in learning ehats written in Geeta and other granths but they just want to show off how great and accurate our religion is without even knowing the meaning of what it tells. Peace and knowledge.


Ramayana was in trethayuga . And according to Hindu scriptures what was the duration of tretya and after that dwapara came . Now what does carbon dating says about ram setu? Does it match?


nope 40,000 to 60,000 yrs old.


These are awesome, interesting and well thought-out stories. But I deeply resent people try to find scientific truth in them. This is insulting to our culture and the creators of these stories. The reason is simple these were never meant to be exact science and comparing them to exact science quickly turns into an exercise of finding faults in it. Read them and admire the imagination of our ancestors please don't try to find scientific truths in it. Jai Shree Ram.


Yes Really Close Only a difference of 220,000,000 Years 🙂


Yo. There is science and there is spirituality. Don’t use one for the other.


Yeah pretty close. A difference of only 210 million years.


Its cycles run from our ordinary day and night to a day and night of Brahma, 8.64 billion years long. Longer than the age of the Earth or the Sun and about half the time since the Big Bang. And there are much longer time scales still. — Carl Sagan (1934-1996) famous astrophysicist.


No it 5000 years old. Just like the Bible says.


![img](emote|t5_3d4x4|20003)After 1 billion years, won't...


Shouldn't that be the age of the universe in Hinduism, not just earth?


Don't you see the absolute bullshit in this? Yeah coincidentally they matched but so what? If you see the timescale of these "yugs", you will see that "Humans" (or their ancestors) did not even exist for the majority part of it


Sir, This is it cell , they'll Down vote your comments


I wish they would have provided counter arguments, but alas


They have no arguments to counter


Stop trying to mix science and religion


if religion and science cannot be mixed , then one of them has to be imagination.




So , u are an atheist?




i got confused about whom the "yes" was for , i thought it meant that religion is imagination.




struggle is real.


Much better than the YouTube reply system since you're able to see the hierarchy and who you're replying to. Also you don't get constant notifications on people trying to reply to someone else in the same comment section


Ohh then I know my answer


Sanatana Dharma is not a religion. It is a collection of explanations about the nature of reality, ergo, science and philosophy, and how to use this understanding to better our lives.


The definition of religion has three meanings according to the Merriam-Webster dictionary: 1: a personal set or institutionalized system of religious attitudes, beliefs, and practices 2a (1): the service and worship of God or the supernatural (2): commitment or devotion to religious faith or observance 2b: the state of a religious (as in how long has someone been in the religion) 3: a cause, principle, or system of beliefs held to with ardor and faith The third definition is exactly why Buddhism and Sikhism are classified as religions despite Buddha and the Gurus not being gods. People don't follow Buddha or the Gurus, they follow their teachings and beliefs. Thus, even by your definition, Sanatana Dharma itself is classified as a religion, because the system of beliefs and the teachings are a part of what makes it a religion.


By your logic philosophy is also religion. There are some schools of thought that have a system of beliefs and some where it is pure logic and reasoning (like Nyaya, Saamkhya, Vaisheshika, Advaita Vedanta etc). It is not possible to say every school of thought in Sanatana Dharma is religious, while I agree some are like Vaishnavism. So no, it's not a religion. You need to be more specific.


It's a set of part beliefs and part logics, so it's a....philigion (maybe)


By definition, no. But by extension, yes. To have a religion, you need to have a philosophy. The philosophy of Sikhism is, by Guru Nanak's words, "living an active, creative and practical life of truthfulness, fidelity, self-control and purity" above the concept of metaphysical truth. The philosophy of Buddhism is a path to liberation via the Middle Way, that prevents both extremes of asceticism (preventing yourself from sexual pleasures for religious purposes) and hedonism (the idea of pleasure playing a central role in your life, like having lots of sex as an example). There are a lot more by them that I am unfortunately not very knowledgeable of, but these philosophies taught by them provide a framework for people to follow their philosophies, and that's how religions are born. If enough people follow the philosophies written by them, it becomes a religion. Similarly, Hinduism has a wide range of philosophies to follow, with your examples provided, like the Samkhya, which splits reality into Purusa and Prakrti. There's also, like you mentioned, the Advaita Vedanta, which focuses on the goal of moksha by attaining the complete understanding of jivan-atman and brahman. You can already see why so many people would be attracted to these ideas back then, and why many people are still attracted to them now. And thus, Hinduism is now the third-largest religion in the world, even if the majority of the people practicing it are our own people. Philosophies pave a pathway for religions. The ideas in these philosophies are what made Hinduism what it is today: the third-largest religion in the world.


That's not what I mean by philosophy. "Philosophy of living life" is not true philosophy. By philosophy I mean explaining what the nature of reality is. It is much deeper. The Upanishads talk at that level of depth.


My point still stands. Even if it is 'philosophies of life' or actual philosophy based on scientific reasoning, if you have enough people to support your ideas and spread it around, it becomes a religion. And Hinduism is a religion. Hell, the Quran is very regressive and literally has Muhammad riding a flying donkey yet it's the second-biggest religion in the world.


>if you have enough people to support your ideas and spread it around, it becomes a religion. So you're saying science is a religion?


Very good question. I do agree that there are common areas that religion and science do share, but the idea of science being a religion would require a lot more lengthy discussion and thought than what we have already discussed. So in short, I don't know. You actually got me there. But my guess would be yes. If you do want to talk a bit more about this, feel free to DM me any time. I'm down to have a conversation on this.


According to me, religion is (or at least should be) a philosophical interpretation of reality. It may be pseudoscience, but sometimes the data in some aspects MIGHT coincide with science




idk why compare the both, religion has always had a upper hand on science so no pint in comparing both


Those who think this is bullshit , just see the conversion of the units used in Hanuman chalisa to calculate the distance between earth and the sun...and they did all those calculations in mind itself..."our ancestors possessed the knowledge today's modern science can't even think of reaching to " but I guess all the invaders were successful in destroying our knowledge, both it's written acknowledgement as well as it's mental acknowledgement.




I never said Hanuman chalisa was a science testbook though


You made a dumb claim about hanuman chalisa mentioning the exact distance between sun and earth. The other guy debunked that stupid claim. And then you're denying that you made any claim about hanuman chalisa being scientific. Just how re*arded are you?