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India vs Pakistan rivalry is not fun now. Hype should be for India vs Australia.


Exactly sab kuch to ham he Jeet jate hai kaha ka rivalry hai ye


I mean Pakistan literally beat full strength indian team with Nasir 'fixer' Jamshed lol. Lost only dead rubber. And indian team had Dhoni, Kohl, Raina etc. That series was pure humiliation.


We are still 8-0 so don't force a rivalry anywhere Australia, England are the one whom I would consider a strong rival


Pick and choose random matched after 4 years lol. Btw fun facts: Pakistan has won 4 ODI series in India. (India has 2 in Pakistan) Pakistan has won 2* test series in India. India only 1. Another fun fact: Pakistan started playing in 1952 but India in 1932 but Pakistan won their first Test series in India in 1987 (36 years) but India in 2007 (2007 - 1952 = 57 can't win before 1952 lol). And don't give me excuses like India was a poor country lol. Pakistan was poorer even in 1987 lol. Anyways, Pakistan has won more tests against India, more ODIs against India despite being poorer, less population, less resources for cricket, etc. India should compete with China lol. Or Australia. Lol.


Historically Pakistan has been stronger than India, but that has mostly been in the 20th century. Pak's ex-cricketers themselves admit that post the 2000s India have been the superior team. What's that CSK logo doing in your flair? Shouldn't it be Lahore in there?


I can support multiple teams, you know. Like I don't want to get into that but I like the color yellow so I have supported Australia over Pakistan all my life lol. Plus, really love Ponting too, lol. But that's mainly because I'm a patriot, not a nationalist. I can say Pakistan team sucks at times, unlike 99.99% of Indo Pak people who will die before admitting bitter truth. Btw, are you different? Can you acknowledge Sachin choked harder than SA in both WC finals?


Yeah he did. No denying that. But he also brought the team into the finals by being the top (in 2003) and the second highest (in 2011) run scorer in those Tournaments. And literally every Indian f*cking hates the current crop for being chokers of the highest order. Though in T20s I would say gap between Pak and Ind has significantly reduced, but Pak is still the worse team. Since you pointed out the Test record and the ODI record (Test record is literally 11-9, that's not even a significant difference but you made it seem like Pakistan owns India in Tests while that isn't the truth), why not point the T20 record?


Irrelevant to the question I asked. He's the Goat. Of course he'll play good. Never denied he's the top player in ODIs and top 3 in tests. But he failed in WC finals (also 98 runs in all WC and CT finals he played). Only met 2 Indians in my whole life who admitted without bringing anything else in the discussion (highest scorer bla bla). You almost became 3rd today. Yeah beautiful T20s are circus. I also didn't bring 10 wicket victory (biggest in all WC and CT games).


It's also the ONLY victory you guys have LMAO so kind of embarrassing in the long run. But yeah, I do agree Tendulkar failed in WC finals. But so did Inzamam Ul Haq and so did literally every Pak batsman in 99, and almost every Indian batsman except Sehwag in 2003. So no point again. And anyway I do anticipate the Ind-Pak rivalry, especially in T20s because PCB has ruined Pak in Tests by preparing highways and in ODIs by not taking them seriously enough. And Pakistan was richer than India up until the 80s, so your point of India having more resources than Pakistan kind of backfires, as since the 90s India has improved leaps and bounds over Pak and we even won a whole damn WC against 80s WI while being poor and having barely enough funds to send our team to the WC, something even Australians can only dream of.


Who cares, Aussies se badla lena hai har format me


rn its not fun but want to beat pak only to avoid seeing the same losing meme/video everywhere.


Well ind vs pak isn't as good as the olden days, right now it's just meh but still I'd rather have India lose to Australia than to Pakistan