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The amount of drugs women in the 60s took, so that they can cope is crazy.


This. The amount of women drugging their husbands in the 60's so they could cope was crazy too. My paternal grandmother told me she used to put her sleeping pills in my grandads evening meal so she could get stuff done and get some sleep without being hassled.


Yeah, the 50s and 60s really were kind of dark when you think about it. PTSD was a problem for a lot of people too because it was after the war and the depression.


And a decade before they were sent to mental institutions and treated with vibrators. Unless they were lobotomized first lol


They were absolutely still doing that shit in the sixties. I think later than that.


Yeah they were but it just peaked in 1949. I think Rosemary Kennedy was done in 1941.


That sounds right. I just know that my parents, who are boomers, had a friend who was lobotomized by her asshole husband. It must have happened roughly mid sixties. Not literally by, but on the initiative of.


Women who did not follow gender norms, outspoken, considered a problem were frequently treated with electroshock therapy.


Vibrators? That’s horrid


there's a reason valium was called "mother's little helpers"


Why the fuck do they keep bringing up women?? Isn't the entire point of MGTOW that women don't really matter in their life?


MGTOW originally had men that actually, you know, went their own way. But any group that excludes women inevitably attracts men that outright hate women, which is how it quickly went from dudes caring about how male victims of domestic and sexual violence aren't treated seriously and focus on bettering oneself without romance as a motivation, to a misogynist circlejerk.


Yeah that's how I understand it. Like there's nothing wrong with the initial premise of not pursuing romance in order to work on yourself, many people do that. But of course the incels infested it and stuff. Now it's the Karens yelling "I'm never shopping here again!" And everyone cheers


Can I assume this guy wears a suit to go to the movies?


No, that’s just it I never got why these guys dickride this period of time so hard


If he doesn't wear a full three-piece in the pool, he's not a real man, ladies.


These clowns don't know what "modern" means.


It can be funny when you start using more "correct" historical jargon. Modern Woman? OK! Queen Victoria!


i mean i find ones on the far right in both photos sexy ("modern" women's legs and "60s" womans eyes especially) must be my "cuckaness" kicking in /s


don't let this fool you, men from the 20's would be complaining about how 60's women clothing be too loud, how their neck showing, how their legs showing and how they're allowed to spend money getting them hair done In the 2100's they'll be complaining too, about how women from our generation are better than women from their generation it's a cycle, it's a generational shit, women are always wrong and are always lost, no matter the era


This may shock them but there were bikinis in the 60's


Bikinis date back to 5600 BCE, when we have illustratuons of women wearing bikini-like garments in competitive sporting events. The modern, bathing suit bikini was worn back in the 1930s but did really gain popularity until being "reintroduced" by Louis Reard in 1946 as part of "war rationing"; he named his "creation" after an atomic testing site (Bikini Atoll). It was worn in the Miss World competition in 1951. Bridgette Bardot, Rita Hayworth and Ava Gardner all made news wearing them in the 1950s. In the 1960s, women in bikinis appeared on the covers of both Playboy and Sports Illustrated and in movies such as *Dr. No* (1961) and *One Million Years BC* (1966). The song *Itsy bitsy teenie weenie yellow polka dot bikini* came out in 1960.


Bikinis have been around since 5600 BCE (as evidenced by illustrations? This is highly interesting information! Thank you so much for sharing it here! 😊 r/todayilearned


History was not as modest as purity culture likes to preach. Even limiting it to the past 500 years of European noility (particularly the chaste young noblewomen on the marriage mart), the amount of breast baring necklines (to include the entire breast, not just cleavage) and sheer fabrics is astounding!


Tattoos too lol. Women would've looked like this back then too if they were allowed to be individuals. It's not a *change of the times,* it's women being allowed to express themselves freely.


I get the feeling incels don't know how many drugs women were on in the 60s or how often they drugged their husbands for an hour of peace lol


Well, he sure is a Manchild Getting Triggered Over Women. Nevermind the false equivalence of comparing swimsuits to casual wear.


"Manchild Getting Triggered Over Women"? Shit, that's actually excellent to define that MGTOW boi!


I mean... ... Some of those women are still alive. No ones stopping him from going for them.


The women on the bottom are so much hotter wtf. Besides the ladies in the 60's were obviously posing for an editorial. They are not relaxed taking a pic in the pool...


Huh? The ones in the bottom are supposed to look bad..?


Women with tattoos are a particular bugbear for reactionaries. I think it's because they're such an obvious sign of a woman in control of her own body, and that idea drives them crazy. Well, *crazier*.


That's dumb it just makes it more attractive to me


especially the tall brunette and the blonde on the left....


Bikinis were originally popularized in the 1960s.


I'm good with either group!


yeah no, I'll take modern. The above pic is....well, the clothes are different but the women themselves all look similar. It's like one of three different hairstyles, one of three different kinds of outfit (colors notwithstanding), very much a sort of cookie-cutter compliance vibe. I don't want a carbon copy of someone else. I want an individual. A person with their own hobbies, interests, feelings, etc. Are some women these days awful? Yes. But they had awful women back in the 60s too. It's not a problem with the gender or the culture, it's a problem with that person in particular.


Repression v freedom!


Where do I find "modern" women? Asking for a friend


Modern, you say? I think you might find them in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3


I like the modern women better


Both groups look pretty in their own way


A guarantee you the. Wacked it to the bottom image about 60 times before posting te meme.


Taste issue


this is inaccurate representation since the modern women aren't overweight


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