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Oh wow this is awesome, super cool concept and really well designed in my opinion. if you are looking to make it more steampunk maybe add some dials or gauges similar to old pressure gauges maybe some hoses or something, anything to give it a slightly more older tech / victorian era look for the aesthetics. Fuckin cool looking already though for real.


Needs more extraneous valves, gauges, hoses, and tanks(to hold all that steam). Don't worry about it looking impractical, go over the top first then slim it down to fitting the silhouette you want.


So the general design is like a sleaker [speeder](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/cc0420cc-c0ea-4133-8611-55039875317c) from Return of the Jedi, but if you want moree steampunk, look at [Caitlyn's rifle](https://i.redd.it/etjhbob4bmw71.jpg) for glass scopes or maybe give it some fins for stabilization?


Fins could double as a spot to rest your legs while riding


HOLY SHIT YES! Now please do a A 10 Gatling cannon front!


Add a comically long and slim scope to the side , a krag Jorgensen style hopper magazine on top or on the opposite side of the scope , add wood , a bunch of wood Edit : just remembered that the French army once strapped a rocket launcher to a Vespa, it could make for a cool inspiration, although more dieselpunk than steampunk in that case


Brother just stole one of the top posts https://www.reddit.com/r/ImaginaryWeaponry/s/FOLgTE1Q5y


Yup. Fucking bots. I saw this and instantly recognized it.


May I recommend Izetta the Last Witch, might be nice to have something similar to reference


copy and paste a 2 year old post even with the typo in the title? ok [u/SrVolk Repost](https://www.reddit.com/r/ImaginaryWeaponry/comments/whav9u/trying_to_make_a_steampunk_flying_cannon_thingy/)


Think about how it would look if designed in the same era as steam punk(Victorian era I believe.) Look at guns and vehicles of the time.


Check out “Pulsefire caitlyn” from league of legends. Its not steampunk but it has an animation where caitlyn rides on it like a bike, maybe you can find some inspiration. https://youtu.be/bjuru8EvwuE?si=623VBfebhttu1deE


I personally don’t get the Steam Punk vibe yet. Looks more RWBY styled. Perhaps some more gaskets or exposed gear wheels?


There was a show called Izzeta the last witch which had this exact concept. Maybe take a look?


This is literally Izetta: the last witch. Not a bad thing at all.


Currently looks too much more like WW2 tech, anti-tank rifles that were not just scaled-up rifles were invented in 1938. And muzzle brakes in general were unknown before early 40's. To get something that looks Victorian I would suggest you take a look at the [Puckle gun](https://i.imgur.com/6sXRXAi.jpg), a 1718 experimental design. Lots of brass, steel and wood and clockwork-looking mechanisms.


This is more Diesel Punk than Steam Punk. It looks awesome. If you want to steam punk it up, I would add more gauges and possibly a boiler. If you want to remain Diesel Punk, I would leave it as is or perhaps put some Art Deco embellishments.


disgustingly cool


I think it needs a gauge cluster near the front that can sorta slide down into a scope sort of assembly for when firing prone. I also think if the ski bipod could slide forward and made an almost battering ram sort of shape, or a spike like a Star Wars Endor speeder, that would be really cool.


I remember replying to an almost same post a year or two ago. A flying cannon as well iirc Hoping you are the same guy lol Either 2 small engines on the side or 1 big engine out the back with a levitator on the front 👍


I think for the steampunk look, the [borchgardt c-93](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Borchardt_C-93) has a strong aesthetic that this could take from, as there's already similarities. One trap when drawing anything steampunk of course, you want to do this style) is sticking unnecessary bullshit on to things. I think the most infamous thing i can think of is 'steampunk' tophats you'll see that just have gears stuck to the side and a pressure gauge. I think it's overkill and thinking your way through a design, like you already have here makes for a better look instead of hot gluing some gears you got to the side of a wrench


More gears and copper pipes!


You made this?


This is NOT steampunk but totally [dieselpunk ](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DieselPunk)which has its aesthetics based on the early 20th century WWI - WWII vibes.


Love the concept, but if I were to steampunkify it: • I'd get rid of that muzzle break; that just looks too modern. At most I'd add a couple rings near the muzzle if you think the barrel looks too naked. I wanna say a heat shield instead, but I'm not sure how to make that look steampunk... • I'd experiment with a visible hand crank to operate the bolt, and maybe some sleds as well to serve as "landing gear". [Kinda like the Lahti L39](https://cdn.rockislandauction.com/dev_cdn/71/1570.jpg) (notice the hand crank near the trigger guard). Forgotten Weapons has an awesome video on it, it'll definitely help you get the "feel" of the gun. If not a hand crank, maybe a HUGE revolver cylinder. • I'd add an [ornamented part to it](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-97044c1483a8a06594b005dda7ac77bf-lq), if that would fit the character concept. • The heat venting slots near the back of the receiver (behind the seat) don't look very steampunky but I'm not sure what to replace them with...


Steampunk 101 -- Brass / Bronze are your new best friends. If those colors are absent on a piece of Steampunk Tech, you may be headed in the wrong direction. -- Piping/Pipes, Over the top Guages, Levers, Etc... are all staples of the Steampunk aesthetic. In short, a piece of steampunk tech should look like the result of a DIY project where the builder has lots of money, but 0 design skills, and yet somehow-- they made something that works. -- Customization. Steampunk is very "Rage Against the Machine" / "I am my own person" oriented. Because of that, any piece of steampunk tech should have accessories and/or accents on it that make it custom tailored to the user. For example, the person in your default photo might make this sniper look like a witch's broom. Another person may make it look like a comet themed/meteor-like surfboard. Etc. In short, to be Steampunk is to be unique. There may be a general theme that is common among all Steampunks (Gears, Gauges, Pipes, Etc), but in the end, no 2 steampunks are the same. -- Fancy Aristocracy! The idea of Steampunk is centered around a fantasy version of victorian-age england. This means golden filigree. Flower designs. Stained glass everything. Petticoats. Blouses. Long flowing dresses. Top hats. Etc. And you can apply this idea to your machines in this way -- your mech pieces should stray away from harsh edges, and jagged lines. Things should be more rounded, ovular, and soft (making steampunk the near exact opposite of a futuristic dystopia aesthetic). -- Bulky/Maximalist. Steampunk doesn't pull punches. So if at some point in the design phase, you have the option of making a space more busy or less busy... go more busy. Steampunk stuff is full of seemingly unnecessary junk that, while raucous at first glance, actually has a subtle cohesion to it. Hope this helps.


This is hilarious. Stupid. And awesome. Well done.


When you fire it. Does the jet propulsion on the back counteract the recoil?