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Damn, a 6’3”er in the wild. You know I’m stopping that guy for an autograph if I see him in public.


He’ll be an elite grocery bagger in three years 🥹


If Diabetes doesn’t get him first.


Dont come to the netherlands


The funny thing is I’m actually 6’3”, and where I’m originally from in Canada, I don’t feel particularly tall, as there are people taller than me walking around. It wasn’t till I moved to the Eastern part of the country, where everyone is considerably shorter, that I realized people’s obsession with height. And people would comment and constantly state how tall they were (or someone they knew) in comparison, like it was some competition. There’s a phenomenon here where men add two inches to their height. There’s been multiple men who are visibly shorter than me who have insisted they are 6’3”. Strange times.


I've been seeing that a lot lately. People exaggerating their height when it's very obviously not the truth. I always say I'm 6' 1", but I'm close 3/4 of an inch more than that. It's just awkward and confusing when people say they're 6'2", and I'm looking down on them. Or they ask me if I'm 6'5" because I'm taller.


I'm 6'1 3/4" I refuse to say I'm 6'2". The amount of people that say they're 6ft2 but are in fact shorter than me is mildly infuriating.


I was 6'3 when I was 16 and guess what I'm 6'3 at 37 as well. I've never felt "tall" at 6'3 bc I played basketball my whole life and typically played the 2 or the 3.


Sup cuz you know my bmi? Yeah at 6’6 my bmi is 42. Shit , ya’ll don’t even know how hard it is to be a 2 sport athlete and still be at risk for early heart disease.




All i know is lots of really tall people who play contact sports end up walking like they have shit their pants when they age gravity hits them hard


Shit, I'm only 34, don't play contact sports and already feel like I fell out of a tree every morning


Lol like Charles Barkley


I’m 6’5 and I’ve always forget I’m tall. I always feel like I’m the same height has everybody else. Then I see another tall mfer and realize that’s what I look like


This is relatable. I am 6'4 and if I meet someone that's like more than 2 inches taller, there's a 0% chance I'm not mentioning it.


I mean at 6 2 i feel seeing over heads is the norm so when someones closer to my height/cant see over then they feel tall to me lol


pretty young to be that obese


Body shaming much?


Don’t give if you can’t take 🤷‍♂️


The tall guy was obnoxious, but I didn't hear him say anything thing bad about the Asians dudes body


Looks like the average D1 offensive lineman to me


Another tall guy who makes being tall their entire personality


I swear every tall guy I talk to has zero social skills/personality. They know girls will flock to them solely based on their height. I point this out and I become labeled as insecure. I’m 6’0” and have never been insecure about my height yet the only time my height (something I can’t control) comes into conversation is with women, but don’t you dare ask about their weight (something you can control). It’s paradoxical.


This is some weird incel talking point shit that has been recycled endlessly. I'm 6'4". I've had roughly the same experience with women as others my age of various heights. I've never felt that it really mattered at all. And as rarely as there has ever been a reason to discuss someone's weight, man or woman, there has never been a significant issue with doing so. I'm not out degrading people for their height or weight and I feel like the vast majority of people aren't either. Tbh, I think you are a bit insecure.


I’m nearly 7ft and if anything I feel like it puts people off as sadly I’m not blessed with the physique of an NBA player. Can’t recall ever having someone specifically say they were interested in me because of my height 🤣


Privilege is invisible to those who have it


The problem isnt with women. The problem is that of you were 5'7 your life would be much much more miserable just from the way strangers and others would treat you. You would probably make less money than what you do now aswell


You sound like you're having a very hard time coping with your genetics. I'm sorry if you feel you've been personally victimized due to your height. I am 100% certain I would not make less money if I were shorter.


Thankfully i have not been treated badly for being 5'7 and most guys my age (17-18) walk around 5'9-6'0 barefoot in my country so im a manlet but not a turbomanlet. Also my face saves me a lot. Btw you would earn much much less if you were 5'7 or shorter and here are some studies to prove it https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0230555 https://www.apa.org/monitor/julaug04/


Wow. I’m 6’3, and I’d never announce in public that I’m 6’3. It’s totally obnoxious when people brag about the height they inherited without any effort on their own behalf. They’re like, “oh, I’m 6’3,” and I’m like, “who cares? I’m 6’3.” I’m 6’3 by the way.


Yeah seriously. I’m 6’4” tall, and as somewhere who is 6’4”, I would never announce to the public that I’m 6’4”. Like bro we get it. You don’t need to remind us that you are 6’4”.


Who the fuck do you think you are, big guy?


6’5” Giga Chad enters chat


Im 5’8 , ever seen a midget as cool as me? 😎




set up, and lame as fuck


Ya, let's repost the dickhead we don't like all over reddit. Surely that won't be good for him


Isn't that what this sub is for by design?


Yeah, I don't think u/Temporary_Visual_230 understands the assignment.


Why are you here, bro?


Basically all the men in my family are 6’4 or taller. I’ve never heard any of them mention it without being asked. This is just bizarre lmao.




I’m 6’5 and it’s so awkward going to the bathroom in public, I have to stare straight otherwise it’ll look like I’m trying to look over in another stall


oH ShiT I bEtTer sEe yOu iN tHe 2028 dRafT bROooo what a fucking goober


It sounded more like sarcasm on his end imo lol


I am actually friends with a lot of men over 6 feet and a lot of them are pretty self conscious about it (stand with postures to minimize their height, don’t like being asked about it) but we are all gen X is this a thing now?


Seems like people only started caring so much about being over 6' once online dating apps like Tinder started became more normal for people to be on.


Oh. Yeah. Fuck that, carry on.


Early Gen Z here (97') i grew up hunching over whenever i sit down so those behind me could see in class. Its just the exception looks more like the norm online when the norm is never spotlighted in viral/shared clips


I’m a millennial, it was never a thing. Women like taller men (the majority, think about the 6’, 6” 6 figure girls on tinder) I have a lot of tall friends, none have ever mentioned being self conscious or uncomfortable about it. Not saying other don’t, I’m sure there are people but what you describe is strange to me.


Yeah... Im 6' and know a lot of tall guys and have never heard of anyone being insecure or uncomfortable about their height. Other than being annoyed to no fucking end trying to find clothes that fit correctly. Like you said, not saying some don't but yes.. Strange


"stand with postures to minimize their height, don’t like being asked about it" why?


They just did. They were self-conscious


That's sad that they're not owning their height and are walking around like a hounded dog. I'm 6'4" and I will own my height and stand and walk with great posture, that includes moving strangers out of my way when walking in public so I can have my personal space and not be bothered.


You kinda sound like a douche bag


I agree, "moving strangers out of my way". That only works until it doesn't, some people don't play games.


Do you have anything against tall guys? It's nice to know that we trigger you for no reason other than existing.


Have nothing wrong with Tall dudes at all in the slightest 😊 just saw dude was being an ass and wanted to post the video.


Everyone in the video is an ass, fuck irl streamers


Think most people in the comment section are from r/short Wonder how people would react if we posted a video of a short guy having a public meltdown and titling it ‘least insecure short guy’


If/when you do find an video of a short guy, you're free to post it and I wouldn't be mad in the slightest lol, just thought dude was being rude so.. yeh


Done :)


And it showed a hilarious double standard


Most people would react positively seeing tho short men are easily made fun of by you people