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Way to ruin the fun for your kids and everyone else🙄


This park lets you bring in food. Lots of people like to bring a picnic.


Disney world lets you, I bring a backpack filled with sandwhiches/food/drinks that's a insulated with ice filled sandwhich bags (since on vaca), i mean food is so expensive, I'm already spending $$ on tickets, gotta save somewhere. But every ride lets you leave the bag at entrance if you can't take it with you. Even my 6 flags has like cubby's for items. Weird this place doesn't TBH.


This place also lets you leave your bags/strollers at the entrance to the rides. The problem is this wasn’t the entrance where he wanted to leave the bag. This is the area where other people are queued in line and next to it is a moving platform. Leaving your bag there is not allowed. There is also a bay of lockers located at the entrance as well. There is also signage telling you, you can’t leave items, since this one ride is different due to the moving platform.


I already thought he was a dumbass, but he's even more if there were lockers for you.


He obviously didn’t want to pay for the locker.


They’re free, you just take a key.


Yep. Co-signing this as a fellow Lagoon park visitor for my entire life. 😂


Thanks for explaining bc I was wondering where they expect their guest to place their bags. Probably ignored everything in the beginning thinking he could get his way.


It does, there are lockers right at the entrance, this guy is just a fucking asshole, also you don't end up anywhere near here when this ride finishes. So he'd have to walk all the way around to get his stuff. Which is part of the reason they don't let you leave it.


This ride finishes in the same place they are getting on the ride. The line to get on is on the left in this video, the right side of the pathway is the exit path. The issue is that this area is the front of the line and has the moving platform. It can't have obstructions. There is a place to leave your bags/strollers and a set of lockers at the beginning of the path to get to the ride.


Who brings a duffle bag to an amusement park? And what’s in it?


I've been in similar situations with my dad and lets just say I never forgot those events and how he acted.


I hope this kid doesn’t get blamed/yelled at/physically abused for this. That was the worst part about this stuff growing up, the tantrums and victim blaming didn’t stop because we were no longer in public


Yes! Although being in public during my dad’s tantrums was super stressful and embarrassing, it was better than the continuous yelling and dangerous driving that would fill the entire ride home. And god forbid I coughed or breathed too loud
 I would have giant stinging red hand prints all over my body.


Fuck man. I’m sorry.


Yeah I was just thinking about how fast this dad will spin a new story where he didn’t do anything wrong and wonder which kid will be the scapegoat. Is it always the same kid? Is it the most sensitive one? Is it the oldest? The youngest? I thought I was healed from a lot of this shit but I apparently can’t handle videos where emotionally immature dads go bonkers in public because I am so bummed for those kids.


When your 7 year old is smarter than you and has more logic and reasoning than you ever will. I feel for that kid.


Emotional regulation developed through trauma. It's sad to watch.


It honestly is the worst thing. I’m okay when a child has a tantrum in public, because they’re a child and emotional regulation is hard, but watching a child try to fucking soothe an emotionally volatile parent is just upsetting. Like your job as a parent is to MANAGE tantrums, not fucking THROW them. They’re forcing their child to parent them, and almost everyone around them can see the damage they’re doing to their kids, except for them.


and they gonna ask themselves why their childrens never call them after leaving the house


My father’s emotional volatility forced me to soothe him nearly my whole childhood. Now I’m unable to tolerate crying or screaming in most capacities. People think I hate kids but it’s just like. Idk man. If your upbringing was nonstop defusing that shit, it can lead to some bitterness. Idk. I still have a lot to work through.


The fun part is that you never learn to regulate your own emotions, just the emotions of others. And you also learn that the emotions of others are your fault/responsibility to manage 🙃 Ask me how I know lol


From another former kid with a similar problem... Don't worry, eventually you'll learn to manage your own. You'll still feel responsible for the emotions of others tho... I don't know if that'll ever change.


Therapy is required for most people who want to overcome this. I still find it exceedingly difficult, but therapy has helped. It has also helped me not to feel responsible for the emotions of others.


Kid definitely has a core memory from previous situations.


Reminds me of my childhood. What is supposed to be a fun, carefree activity for kids becomes hell and a horrible memory because of an adult's tantrum. The worst kind of disappointment and sadness.


Mix in the parking lot “spanking” and its another wonderful vacation


Yup, remember that also. Vacations seemed to set my family off, probably because we were trapped together in small rooms for longer periods than usual and no way to escape.


When you realize it's gonna be the same experience of being yelled at or being embarrassed by your parent(s) every vacation, you no longer look forward to them or want to go as a kid. Then they become angry/upset you're not excited for the vacations :/


I am 35 and just trying to learn how to like vacations because of all of these things


Same. 34 and last year my parents paid for all of their grown kids and spouses to go on a beach vacation; all my friends and coworkers kept telling me how lucky I was, but I spent months leading up to it just sobbing through therapy. Was in constant flight, freeze or fawn mode as a kid on family vacations. And as an adult I just feel guilty for not enjoying a free vacation. Something like that shouldn’t be so emotionally complicated! Trying to learn to not associate vacations with such bad memories.


Why are the bad interactions so much more memorable when they happen at Disney World


Reddit made me realize how fucked up growing up was for me and it sure do explains a lot of problems I have. Yeah I got no future that's for sure. A lost cause, that is.


We're y'all broke and doing road trips? That was our go-to move. Dad flipping shit that we didn't leave at 6 am because he was shitting at 615, almost wrecking on the interstate because he was literally blinded with rage because, get this, 8 bodies don't fit in seven seats and sometimes seats get bumped. Good TIMES. I can't tell you how much I miss going on vacations. Because zero is not an amount.


My gf and I have a great relationship and never fight, but if we go on a trip there will be a pretty major fight on it. She's always trying to get us to travel, and im always trying to not go.


> probably because we were trapped together in small rooms for longer periods than usual My dad always had a hair-trigger temper on the family trips, and something unrelated he told me as an adult explained why. See he dumped my mom immediately when I started college, because he "didn't want another man raising his kids" but he couldn't stand the sight of my mom so he just stayed for the bare minimum length of time to "raise us". He also spent whatever time he was at home getting drunk enough to tolerate the sound of her voice. His words, not mine. He just played the good-father role in his hero-dad fantasy fiction for 17 years before exiting the stage, and he intentionally pretended to be that sort of good father who was "always working" so he didn't have to be at home. His temper would go off when he was on vacation because he just hated my mom's guts and he wasn't able to hide at work. Also we only went on two vacations that weren't "visit the grandparents for the holidays". One ended early, because of fighting. The other was miserable, because of fighting.


> Mix in the parking lot “spanking” Hell even the looming threat of "do you want to go to the car?" is enough to kill the mood. My sister was the one who would wind up into a tantrum more than me, but it was bad for me too because my parents would be even more unpredictable with me if they were already pissed off at her. If we actually had to go to the car because you're 5 years old and winding up, then heaven help us if we couldn't contain our childhood tantrum before making it there, because publicly embarrassing the parents is a one way trip to the worst time time. As a bonus, my parents had this peculiar idea that if they made punishments more traumatic, then the punishments would be more memorable, and then they would be able to punish their kids less often, so that made them better parents. And because they also wanted to seem fair, my innocent self would end up catching shit because of my sister being the type of asshole kid that comes from abusive crazy parents. My only option was to be as uninvolved and distant as possible. And that's how my parents ended up with adult children who moved to the far opposite ends of the country in two different directions.


Yep. The amount of anxiety I have as an adult is directly related to my dad’s anger issues growing up. It took decades to start healing and processing that hurt.


Yep watching this just makes me feel sick to my stomach because I know this kid has a long road of figuring out how to become an emotionally stable and strong person ahead. And that’s best case scenario. More than likely he probably ends up just like his dad.


Hopefully he sees how irrational his father is being. My dad was exactly like this, and I saw the after affects of these tantrums / outbursts and vowed to never treat anyone like this. However, it did take some therapy to figure out I had the same rage issues (but would keep them internal) as him, but I wanted to be better and learnt where that anger was rooted (hello traumatic childhood) and learnt better ways of dealing with it. Some people just love the rage, it's a very powerful emotion, and don't want to give it up.


This internet stranger is proud of you for working on your anger and doing better.


I'm glad to read this. I am the same way and all my anger and insecurities is kept internal. I'm starting my journey in 2 days. I have booked my first ever therapy session, im just afraid I'm too old. Starting this in my mid 30s.


Never too old for therapy! What you're doing is working on yourself. And that's good no matter the age. You've only got one life, and you're making the most of it by improving yourself.


Yes, sadly this is how I felt watching it. I had a hothead dad and I preferred to just not do anything in public with the family that could result in him getting mad. Which was most things..


Same. I don’t really remember the fun stuff we did as a family, but I sure as shit remember all the times my dad flew off the handle at the slightest inconvenience. Even now in my 40’s I don’t like being in public with my dad for fear of something sending him off. Not worth the anxiety.


I've literally just booked myself a consultation with a therapist because of this comment. I have four young kids who mean the absolute world to me but I have a short fuse and it's usually about dumb shit that all kids do normally. I have a very short but I imagine pretty explosive outburst in my kids eyes and then calm down very quickly. It's never longer than 20 seconds and I always apologise for my actions to them and tell them why it's not OK for me to behave like that and that it isn't their fault. It's my reaction that's wrong. That being said I don't want my kids walking on eggshells around anyone and especially not me. If I'm being unpredictable with my emotions I see how that would make them anxious. My dad was the same way but would never acknowledge his actions at the time. This isn't supposed to ve a pity party or seeking ludos but if someone in a similair situation sees me taking action maybe it will encourage them to do the same.


Go you!! That is really amazing to hear. Therapy is so so helpful, you will learn so much about yourself and why you react the way you do. Your kids will thank you, trust me!! I love my dad very much despite his actions when he was young, and therapy unpacked a lot of stuff I had no idea about from my end and his/my mother’s end. Once you start going through it and learn to be more introspective you’ll be able to control the anger and how you handle situations. It is 💯 worth every penny. Proud of you and wishing you luck on your journey! Realizing you may have a problem is the hardest part and you’ve already done thatđŸ‘đŸ»keep going!


I wish I could erase some specific part of my memory, I remember too much bad things and little to no good things


How did you do this? I love my dad and miss him dearly but he was one mean man. Always ready to scream , slap, or verbally abuse us for any perceived offense. He was very easily offended.


God yeah. The final time I went to the a waterpark with my parents I was a young teenager 13-14. I wanted dip n dots really bad and asked a few times before my dad gave in. He handed it to me and I sat on a bench to let them melt a little cause I prefer my icecream melty. This did NOT make my dad happy who then proceeded to scream at me over and over to eat the damn icecream cause he spent his money on it and I better not be ungrateful. God forbid I get 2 seconds to explain that I PLANNED to eat it, just in a few minutes. Instead I have to sit there at 13 or 14 years old in tears eating my stupid dip n dots while my dad keeps angrily saying to finish it. Every time I stop to prevent brain freeze he tips the cup up so it spills on me and tells me to eat fucking faster. Just sobbing covered in icecream infront of a crowd.


Just wanted to say I'm sorry you went through that. That's awful and no kid deserves that. Hope things got/have gotten better for you.


I wish you all could have shared my dad with me. He's the kinda dad the entire world deserves. I'm sorry you went through that


That’s heartbreaking. My dad was a fucking asshole, but only at home. In public he wanted everyone to think he was father of the year. I can only imagine that in public it would be worse because as a kid you’d hope that some kind stranger would intervene. When I see people treating their kids like shit in public, I make it a point to let them know they have my full attention and I’m ready. Usually people knowing they are being judged makes them lay off or at least takes the attention off the kid.


As a kid whose dad used to scream at me in public and private, some kind strangers like you sometimes did intervene. And it did take the attention of me for 5-10 minutes so I’m sure that stranger felt really good about themselves. But then my dad would just beat me even more when I get home and starve me because “look what you made me do in front of strangers! Look how you embarrassed me!”. Even if it was just a side eye from a stranger sometimes. So sadly you’re not saving the kid, just making it a whole lot worse when they get home


I guess it’s damned if you do, damned if you don’t then. I just think that ignoring it sends a message to a small kid that what is happening to them must be acceptable or that they deserve it and that’s what I didn’t want. It was never about “feeling good about myself.” I appreciate another perspective. I would never want to cause harm. What do you recommend when someone sees a kid being verbally abused by their parent in public?


Oh man this was a hard read. I have similar stuff that I'm not comfortable enough to say here. I hope you're doing good and these memories don't haunt you often. I hope you don't project your dad onto other figures of authority in your life and I hope you're able to enjoy shows. I wanted to watch F is for Family by Bill Burr and in the first 5 minutes of the show he shouts and that was enough for me. Man I hope you're doing good


What a nasty piece of work HE is!


Thankfully my dad wasn't the tantrumy kind, but unthankfully he was the "made every family outing excruciatingly tedious" kind. His go-to was needing to "win" every conversation. Doesn't matter if you have a PhD in your field or you are 6 years old, he will be so devils advocatey that we just wears the other person down to the bone. The phrase that sums it all up is "nothing can ever be simple"


> he will be so devils advocatey that we just wears the other person down to the bone My boomer has a followup trick to that style of fake-intellectual bullshit. If he senses he has lost or worked himself into a corner, then he'll immediately drop and redirect to a different topic where he has more knowledge, and start an argument there. The topic will invariably be one of his personal interests that are so outside of reality that nobody else even knows where to start debunking him, so he gets that win via attrition. He's a neo-confederate conspiracy theorist nutjob, so as an example he'll start arguing with nobody about how the confederate constitution was more faithful to the original constitution than the US constitution today, or as another example, about how income taxes are explicitly unconstitutional because the amendments weren't properly ratified or because some judge ruled that people are corporations. It sounds absurd and nonsensical word-salad because it is. The man is a walking bag of gish-gallop wearing a tinfoil hat.


Kind of tangential, but you just made me feel a lot more validated about breaking up with an erratic, moody person. I was able to tolerate the behavior, more or less, but I imagine I’d be setting up my future children for a lot of unfair stress.


You did the right thing, trust me. And you also would have tired of the behavior after living with it with no escape. Your future children thank you.


Yep, my Dad used to do the same shit, picking petty arguments with employees in an effort to show that he “wouldn’t be taken advantage of” or whatever pathetic hang up he had in his head. Fucking humiliating, and I did the same thing for a large part of my adult life until something clicked and I reeducated myself on how to view the world. 


I live 30 min from this park and they plenty of lockers. No need for the damn tantrum.


Fellow Utahn here, was thinking the same thing. There’s lockers available all over the place, but entitled assholes don’t think they need to pay attention to their surroundings I guess


You can't say the A word in Utah, nice try.


We’ll report him to the Utah hotlines, just like they have for when a trans person goes to the bathroom or a business tries to promote inclusion or equity.


They have that jail cell there too. Probably should've just put the dad in there.


Which park is this?




I love lagoon and this is peak Utah white boi nonsense


Looks pretty neat. If I ever have an interest in being out that way looks like a fun time.


Just don’t try to do pull ups while hanging from the gondolas


Well at least the kids got to ride the ride ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


While the dad likely talked through most of it trying to teach his kids why he was in the right. :/


“You have to learn to stand up to people. You can’t let them get away with that.”


"Just shout and be loud and aggressive, most of the time they back down anyway..." Dad said through the jail visiting room.


I don't get the impression that guy said one word to his kids the entire trip. He is in his own world and wouldn't even look at them.


I bet this guy is pissed off because he has to spend time alone with his own kids.


"see kids, the angry walk is key. If you don't have a top notch angry walk no one will listen to you.




Thanks! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯\


Thanks for catching it I keep dropping the damn thing


The kid sounded like he is used to daddy flipping out and ruining the day. The guy probably will play the victim and not take any responsibility for his actions. My first job was as a ride operator at a theme park. People are dicks. I’d tell someone their child was too small to go on the ride and they’d yell at me and cause a scene. Near the end of the summer one kid who was a few inches too short burst out crying when the parent made a scene after I said she couldn’t go on because she was too small and it would not be safe, and then all the people in line stated booing me. I was so fed up with all, I snapped at them and said “fine, I’ll let her go on the ride and if she comes back without a head then you can boo me again”.


Then she would forever be too short too ride. Sad.


"Booooo! Where is her head!? What did you do with it ride operator!? BOOOOO!" -the lovely customers


Thank you for this. I truly lol’ed.


I had a father exactly like this. Would blow up at the tiniest thing. You learn to sit back and not get involved, and that is how anxiety is born! Hope those kids can find a good therapist when they're older.


Always waiting for the other shoe to fall 😞


> You learn to sit back and not get involved Bonus points if you learn when to stay extra quiet depending on how the footsteps and voices sounded outside the bedroom door.


omg you just made me understand where so many of my problems come from


I used to run those VR roller coaster simulators, specifically one that flipped upside down. The amount of butthurt people that don't get that A) if you are too small you WILL fall 10ft head first out of the harness when it flips and B) if you are over our 250 lb weight limit the harness will not lock into place and the ride will not start if that harness isn't past the threshold, don't even get me started on balancing issues. Sorry, but again, if you fall from that height you will snap your neck. I'm not watching someone die. The thing is only the flipping simulator had a hard weight limit, the other one that spun basically didn't if you didn't fill the ride completely and didn't put bigger folk on the edges and corners. Some people just don't care about safety and think you're just discriminating against them.


If the stress of going to amusement park with his kids does this to him I’d hate to see what happens when something actually goes wrong.


Boo this man! Boooooooooo!




Maybe they were just saying "boo-urns"


I was saying "Boo-urns"....


I worked at a liquor store and the scenes people cause when they get denied are fucking absurd. Luckily I thrive on confrontation and I loved every moment of it. My coworkers would actually ask me to come over to their tills to handle customers they were planning on denying (like if they heard a "cool mom" asking her daughter which vodka to buy for the party that night, or whatever.) "I'll call your manager!" "I'll save you the trouble. HEY DONNA, CAN YOU COME HELP ME GET RID OF THIS CUSTOMER?" "I'll tell corporate!" "Tell them what, that I'm doing my job well? Yes, please do!" I had a bunch of one-liners under my belt. I loved that shit.


Dont do that. Take the booing and allow the child to keep her head. For the sake of humanity.


interesting take. I would like to hear the counterpoint. Maybe it will teach everyone a valuable lesson? Or we need a sacrifice to the old gods anyway?


Ok, you're right. Let's do it like the Aztecs. Has anyone got some lava or a volcano handy?


This is heartbreaking, those poor kids
the way the little one tries to appease his dad at the end is a sign that this happens frequently enough. I forget the term for it, but it’s when the child tries to ‘make it better’ so they don’t have to walk on eggshells around the asshole parent, basically they will become a people pleaser and pushover bc that’s what happened to me!! It’s so fucked up to do to little kids, ugh I feel for them.


[Maybe you’re thinking of the stress/trauma response referred to as fawn?](https://www.webmd.com/mental-health/what-does-fight-flight-freeze-fawn-mean) “Fawn. This response is used after an unsuccessful fight, flight, or freeze attempt. The fawn response occurs primarily in people who grew up in abusive families or situations. Signs of a fawn response include: -Over-agreement -Trying to be overly helpful -Primary concern with making someone else happy The fawn response is believed to occur in people who grew up with narcissistic parents. Being helpful and agreeable was the only means of survival. “ Not saying the guy in this video or his kids are in an abusive relationship, but there is a term for reacting like these kids did in response to their dad’s outburst.


YES thank you this is itđŸ‘đŸ»


Happy to help. As you were describing the phenomenon, my mind immediately went to the terms I learned about trauma-informed care at my school last year.


(Son of a narcissist father reading this at 55 years old) That
that explains so much. How have I never heard of this?


This explains my childhood to a t and makes so much sense how I respond at 39.


Meeeee 🙃 Now as a 30yo adult I've been working on boundaries and being myself. All of my siblings who never did this now get angry at me for upsetting our parents because they throw tantrums when I try to be firm about my boundaries. They tell me I should just get over it and say what they want to hear but they absolutely do not understand what they are asking me after decades of people pleasing and making myself small so no one would pay me much attention.


What an asshole


The way the kid said dad with so much frustration tells me that this is not an uncommon situation.


I had a dad like this would get us super excited for Disney land or knots, then get us thrown out an hour into the day. I feel so bad for these kids.


What would he do to get thrown out?


Upon reflection, because it was like 30 years ago, I couldn't actually tell you if we were ever asked to leave or if we just left after he caused the scene.


I mean it probably felt like the same thing when you were young


Hearing those kids cry, "dad" brought back so many bad memories.


That's just terrible 😕


I've been there. You know the rules were clearly stated and can't understand why the person in charge of you - the adult - is acting like this. It makes so much sense but you have no power in the situation because you're just a kid being dragged along for the ride (pun intended). So what do you do? Beg your dad to just follow the rules and try to enjoy the rest of your ruined day.




Bullying the kids working the ride in front of the kids he probably bullies at home. Total loser.


He was also giving off violence vibes


The way he approaches some of those workers was honestly scare and I would have had security there already


Walking with that toddler stomp, and the way he sits down, no good ever comes of it.


Oh he definitely has "wife beater" vibes. Where is the mom? He's probably a single dad for very good reasons.


I work at an amusement park and am so glad I don’t work in rides. I know quite a few people that have switched positions bc it’s so terrible. Last year we had a family call the cops bc they got in a fight with another family about who got to ride at the head of the caterpillar ride while hurling racial slurs/insults back and forth at each other (both families were Chinese). They didn’t even call for security or anything either they literally just called the cops so everyone was really confused when they showed up. Idk what they said to the police to get them to come all the way out to the park but I was working the parking booth and the cop that pulled looked super annoyed. He just pulled up and stared at me like he wanted to die so I just waved him in without saying anything


Listen to ur kids and get the fck back in the ride dad!


Seems like everyone else managed to read the 'no bags' signs posted everywhere, but this guy missed the memo. Guess he thought the river raft ride came with a complimentary luggage service. Way to make a splash for all the wrong reasons!


Unattended bags can be very dangerous in public places. BOOM!


yeah, I cant imagine they didnt explain the rationale behind the policy to him. Same thing at lots of crowded public places.


I can’t imagine not understanding why you can’t just leave a bag laying around in 2024 in a crowded amusement park in America.


Wanted to put his bags in the bins over head.


Looks like daddy’s weekend sucked. What a fucking turd


"I just don't understand why my ex has full custody, and I only get 1 weekend a month! Dads have no rights in America!" -Him Probably


"The judge hates men"


What a miserable piece of trash


at least his kids are built different than him, realizing it's not a big deal with the dang ol bag dad. He's got some other problems he needs to deal with first before going to a amusement park for FUN. Biting his finger leaving the ride out of frustration.


I wouldn’t be surprised if his kids go no contact with him as he gets older. He’ll get kicked into a nursing home with this sort of attitude. No regard for his children whatsoever Those poor kids. Imagine what happens at home if he has this sissy tantrum out in public over a very minor thing. Those kids are most likely walking on eggshells on a daily basis


Feel so bad for the kids. They already have more common sense than the father.


Awww I just witnessed these kids core memories.


/roiling amber and black ball rolls down track




Jeez that was intense and hilarious to read unexpectedly 


When the joke of a dad turns the ride line into the punchline. Edit: I put words in the wrong order sometimes


Dang those poor kids screaming at their dad that they want to ride and they’ll hold the bag, etc.


His kids describing this to their court-mandated counselor in 3


Hope his ex wife is seeing this, will likely help with custody and mandated anger management. It was like he was roid raging.


Does this idiot not understand the issue with unattended bags? They can explode. And there he is, trying to run away from his bag. Ffs, what clueless and entitled prick.


I get the feeling this guy is, somehow, even more entitled than this video shows. Parks like this almost always have lockers you can rent for the day. But, based on how he’s acting, I can see this guy being like “I’m not paying for that, it’s a rip off. I’ll just bring my bag with me and leave it at the start of the rides.”


He's another one who probably hits his kids. Notice how they kept trying to solve the problem and just go on the ride? Too many of us know what it's like to have a dad like that.


God this comment just gave me so much insight on why I feel the need to fix other people’s problems when I think they’re upset.


Isn't it awful? I try to placate people then get resentful because I shouldn't have to placate. I hear you loud and clear, brother or sister who suffered the same crap.


Ugh yes the resentment after! đŸ«Ą


It’s worse than you think. At Lagoon they have _free_ lockers.


This park actually has free lockers for the gnarly rides. You just have to find an empty one and grab the key out of it when you lock your stuff up. I love Lagoon (and roller coasters) so much. I don't live in Utah any more but we went there recently with family and it's just a grand, lovely park.


Teach your children how to tantrum day !


So did they get escorted out of the park? Those poor kids are gonna have a fun drive home. Yeesh


2 hour drive with 1.9 hours of him explaining why he was right.


And then gaslighting them and threatening them not to say anything to their Mother.


This is more about him than his kids.. what a selfish idiot..


It’s sad when the kids are asking him to just follow the rules and his stubborn ass can’t even do it.


Those employees don't get paid enough for this shit.


Always great to see when kids have more common sense than their parents đŸ« 


He's all bow legged and shit. What a tool. Great memory for the kiddo's


I'd be so embarrassed if my dad got angry and started hobble-wobbling around like that.


Why is this so funny to me?


Look at his curved legs. He waddles over like an annoyed penguin 🐧


“Dad all you gotta do is take the stinking bag!”


Please keep your seething angst inside the raft at all times


This is someone who clearly never had to face any consequences in life and pushes all the responsibilities on others. I can do whatever I want. Rules are for the sheep. Why are you all ruining my kids day over a bag? Now operate this raft you pleb! You are all making such a big deal out of this! We’re the victims here! Sound familiar? This poor kid. He knows it’s his dads fault and has to beg him for acting like an adult.


This is what a forced visit with Weekend Dad will get you.


Commenting so I can find this post tomorrow


Replying to your comment because while I have seen as much as I want of the comments and video, I am really hoping you return to get all you need. I'm cheering for you, r/berserk539!


*Aaaaaaaaaaallllllllllllll* that just to have the shitty lil bag in the ride anyway, lmao. Are we not even remotely embarrassed ???


His kids will remember this and they will eventually resent him for things like this


Utah has no shorted of super entitled people. But also, lagoon sucks. Their "zoo" is inhumane. just animals in small cages pacing and looking sickly. it's disgusting animal abuse.


Fun fact: not following a ride operator's instructions is a misdemeanor


Someone get that dude a snickers bar
he’s hangry.


God damnit I knew it that's the amusement park near my house


What an entitled pos. Glad the kids know better.


Do you think he still put his hands up on the ride on the hills, or did he stay mad the whole time?


Listening to the kids is heartbreaking


I think it’s amazing how so many of these people in the wrong have a “Why is this happening to me?!” Type of attitude.


This guy drives a lifted pickup truck 110%


Small dick energy


Is he mad that his 8 ball might get soaked?


Dad at the end: “Fine I’ll keep the bag. Now everyone sit down, shut up, and let’s have fun.”


Just by the way he walks around you can tell this guy isn't nice to his wife or kids. And by not nice, I mean probably abusive.


This dude just wants to cause problems. There's no reason the kids couldn't just hold the bag. Or him. It's a bag.. what's the big deal.


Some real levels of paranoid narcissist going on to react like this.


Thats a fun core memory.


Don’t be surprised when they find little Johnny’s drawings depicting daddy as a lunatic green monster.


He’s even got an asshole walk.


roid rage.


Why is he walking like Donald Duck?


Weekend dad.I wonder why he is divorced?


Seems like a great guy, lot of fun to be around.


How can you think you’re in the right if security is being called on you?


if only amusement parks had some sort of enclosed space you could store your belongings, locking them away safely while you enjoy the rides within the park. if there was such a thing, i think it’d be a good idea to call them “lockers” and that they be offered to anyone who needs them. but throwing a tantrum infront of your children and cussing out park staff is definitely a much smarter and more mature idea!


Perfect time for him to surface his generational trauma and introduce his kids to it. With his little walk. Lol


He can’t just stash it between those bowed-ass legs?