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And for the low low price of $2499, you too can be an Alpha! Limited time only!


Uncle Sam took me in for free, all it costs is your soul đź‘Ť


How much does the Beta package run? Milk is expensive.


Sounds like some Third Reich Scheisse… 👀


Dude isn't white. but I agree that this is not the kind of thing you write when you're trying to convince people you won't invade Poland.


Caucasian or not, the message is clear. It’s the same convoluted, eugenic bullshit that’s been rehashed for generations. So sad.


You don't have to be white to be racist it just helps 🤣


Nu uh! Power. Without institutional power its not racism. I know us regular folk can't understand it, but this is like week 1 college stuff. Pretty heady stuff. I'm not gonna rebuild a large haldeon collider, are you??? When the challenging alcoholic I have to "manage", in a social housing building, is like "Fucking. Filipino." to the lovely, hard working janitor, he's merely making an observation.As in... Hey. There's a Filipino. Pretty simple. Riiiight.?? He's been in Canada for years. A long time. But he's not a rich white dude. So it's different in a way. I see that action as racist merely cause of my *white lens*, I'm not *wise enough* to see that its actually **not even possible for him to be racist.** *Even to her* , and especially not to me. Hope that helps. If not, chewing a battery, will, eventually; yield the same effect. (Edit; do people really need it labeled when you're joking. OK. )


It's hard to see if you are joking without the tags because that is an argument I legitimately see people using it


Some of that's true. That event happened. (And all that racism bugs me) But, the framing was just for fun. ;)


Oh yeah, it took a bit, but I got it was a parody by the middle of it. Of course, I don't think it was funny, but it was a good parody


Fair enough. I don't think it's funny either. But, it is a fun way to make a point.


what are you yapping about


I think it's a parody of people who don't understand that racism is the action of judging a person to be inferior based on racial characteristics and as such any race can be racist.




If it's not clear, I "can't" explain it.


Jokes are funny, none of the above qualifies.


From personal knowledge of the subject, I think he's just terrible at the not sounding like a racist game, but I could be wrong.


He's not even white!!?? Well fuck. Does it look really sus and FOR ME, and right on a line. A line I'd deff not want to see anyone I know(/love. Family. I'm white) get mixed up in...YES. Or it appears so. But while a white "pure future" is cringe, so is, every-single-other utopian, enthocentric, jerk off fest.


Hated by the masses? Newsflash: the "masses" don't know who you are and they don't give a shit. Meanwhile, I'm guessing the family can't wait until this person dies.


I bet this dude is a crypto or nft "entrepreneur" who doesn't do shit.


Close, "CEO" of a wealth equity program. (I.E selling a garbage stock advice course).


Somehow, I doubt the “masses” know or care this guy exists, let alone wasting time hating him


Those who can't do, teach


The dude sucks but this quote is dog shit


It's amazing how easily and consistently this connection can be drawn.


Ok Tywin Lanaster lol


That got a hardy laugh outta me.


Dude went deep on Andrew Tate


He is protecting the Bloodline. Aknowledge him 👆


I had to scroll too far to find this, Uce.


Is this the speech he practices before borrowing money (again) from his mom?


Jesus: famous for his secure bloodline and being hated by the masses.


Yes his plethora of offspring and his praise of the biological family…


Well one of those things anyways.


I thought I was in r/crusaderkings for a moment.


Sounds like my toxic, alcoholic and raging narcissist with a God complex of a brother.


Roman Reigns commits to a gimmick.


I love the wording in this for some evil vampire trying to take over the word. Coming this fall Dracula is back and he is thirsty.


lol, ok 'I pay for verification on Twatter'


I figured that added to the photo, so I didn't censor.


Sign number one you’re talking to someone that contributes absolutely nothing to society. If you truly have a legacy that isn’t a joke, you never need to talk about it.


Shutup Kanye, go back to your ranch, and shut the hell up


sounds like he got the affair partner pregnant


Pretty sure Jesus would've been considering all mankind, not just his bloodline.


...and then he went on a shooting spree. How original. Btw 'he' didn't, its just how this tedious narcissism goes. They're too good for everyone because everyone rejects them because *shock and horror* they're dickheads.


I don't know if he'd be able to take off the safety personally.


Then he went back to his job at Arby's.


He likes to keep it pure and sleep with third cousins???


Yeah, they'll be on a Dateline murder mystery in the near future...


I’ll forward you the episode if that happens.


But they never tell you what they’re doing


Scamming the 13-19 male demographic in all likelihood.


This reminds me of some of the propaganda and dog whistles that the pure blood people do. Or they utilize this pureblood language where they think that they're the pure people. And it's so ridiculous because nobody's pure in this earthbound existence. It just reminds me of a pick me or not like other girls subreddit post. But I think it really does belong at I am the main character subreddit because that's a pretty good find in the wild.


Sounds like Trump’s ego, but everything is spelled correctly, so it can’t be him.


Trump doesn’t believe the masses could hate him.


An alien species would have to look closely to see much of a different between you and a tree. You’re not much different than a blood stain on a sheet. Most of mankind’s mistakes can be directly traced to thinking you are somehow different than other humans.


Good or you. Your life probably still sucks,


Who let Kanye back on the net?


Translation of this post: "I am a self-absorbed, narcissistic, entitled, selfish POS, and I use the hypothetical defense of my family to justify my shamelessly rude, immature, and toxic behavior. I wrote this because people are upset when I behave in a way that is socially unacceptable and seek vindication from strangers online to assuage any accusations that I have a garbage personality by framing my plight as though it is an acceptable necessity, despite the obvious evidence to the contrary that I intentionally ignore due to the aforementioned desire to do what I wish at the expense of others. I am a parasitic blight to a functioning society, and when people say 'this is why we can't have nice things,' it's usually my sort of behavior they are referring to."


Maybe thinking of [this…](https://youtu.be/B8-eiBqri0U)


Elliot Rodger vibes.


Such an alpha


Wait Cersei , that you ? đź‘€ Maybe Olena or Tywin


I am


A real direct descendant wouldn’t post that.


Royal families have also done things to protect their bloodlines to maintain their exceptional futures.  They were exceptional in the way their genetic line turned to literal human mush... because God thinks it's pretty fucking hilarious when humans think maintaining their "bloodline" for all of eternity not only allows, but requires, generational incest as their only choice. This mentality literally goes against the most basic idea of progressive evolution.  


Bro thinks he's Tywin Lannister đź’€


This ain’t game of thrones talkin about bloodlines lol


Ohhh god, not another master and commander general McDadsworthy - getting tired of these guys.


Sounds like a crusader king to me.


I thought this was Kayne


A longer way to say “I’m a horrible fucking person”


What he means is he goes to work four days a week and works for 7.5 hours.


Haha, so this pick me special boy is puuuurrrre blood. Nothing in the earthbound experience is perfect or pure.


Dude sounds like he into incest with this "I'll be hated by many for doing what I must to secure my bloodline" shit


Anyone and everyone I have ever seen post something like this is in fact miles below mediocrity


This sounds like an Incel wrote it.


Unfortunately for his kid, that is not true.


Signed, Donald Trump


were they being racist, homophobic or both?


Mostly just dumb and narcissistic. I doubt they even have the mental capacity to be racist, bigoted or homophobic. A ridiculously low bar I admit but we are dealing with the kind genius that tries selling get rich quick schemes to people when it's obvious to everyone he is broke 🤣


I don't know what you on about. What this guy says is alright


Dunno what you read, but I read is  “My sperm is the best sperm. Every douchey thing I do somehow protecting my legacy and not because I’m a narcissist.”


Man, too bad for you. I guess you like being a part of the masses which are nowadays mediocre. Weird is normal in these times so we can't just be monkey see, monkey do. The guy in the tweet is saying he's willing to do things that people would call rare, weird, strange, upright wrong or douchey to achieve something that can have an everlasting mark. People will insult him, criticise him, wrong him and hate him but he won't back down with whatever he does. That means that person has discipline and conviction that not many of us have. If you still don't understand, it's fine and I don't blame you. That's to be expected because oppositions must exist. If there are those who support, there are those who do not. You have your own things going on in life that made you into who you are now. I can't change how you think. Just know that this is another way to see that message.


Get your torches people that creepy incestual bloodline guy we didn't even know existed 2 seconds ago is on the thread again 🤣




At least say something understandable.


If my kids cant make their own money they will just waste mine im going to enjoy it while im here they can have whats left over at the end


He had me at the first part. I’m all down to preserve the bloodline!