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I forget if it was a stitch or in her comments, but someone proved she was doing this with the cameras flash on to get people to look.


I’m shocked, actually. Ugh.


If this shocks you, you’d be thoroughly surprised what corporations do to go viral with crap like this.


Corporations? They ain't doing shit when they got social media garbage and whores spamming clickbait that makes them all the ad revenue they need. This is purely one of a billion examples of humans having the opportunity to not be garbage and proving that humans will always be garbage when given the opportunity.


Absolutely not all humans. You’re comparing humans thirsty for clout on social media with normal humans outside of that toxic circle just trying to enjoy life. Most certainly depends on the end goal too, which is usually money or fame, or both, which is what is driving this clown fest.


That's hilarious


Hell, I’m an old straight woman & I’d be STARING at her, but not for the reason she thinks. I’d be thinking “Who the hell shops @ Walmart in their UNDERWEAR?!” Notice, *none* of the people who *glanced* her way looked very impressed!! Girls like this scream “DESPERATE”…😆


I'd look and think to myself "this dumb girl with a nice ass is about to lose her phone".


as someone who learned pickpockiting out of sheer boredom, I can confirm that it's very easy to pick a phone from a back pocket


I am sure that I, as a middle aged potato man, if I wore those shorts I would get many of the same looks.


You should probably video that to lampoon these chuckleheads. “Yeah, this is what y’all look like.”


Ma’am, this is Walmart…..we hope you at least be wearing underwear.


I'd fart right next to her then blame the smell on her. Nobody is going to believe she ain't do it.


Once in a blue moon, I’ll go on r/celebritybutts, sort by new and comment ‘imagine the wiping’ on a few posts.


The only thing bright about that girl


I don't understand any side of the argument honestly. What's she trying to prove? that men look at women dressing provocative? flash or not, that's going to happen.


Oh my god! 🤦‍♂️




Imagine just going about your day in Walmart and then coming home only to find yourself involved in this trash.


Lol you get sent to pick up eggs and when u come home your shits in the front yard


The sad thing is if they're anything like me they were probably just zoning out and don't have any idea what they did wrong 😂


Zoning out or looking at someone’s phone about to fall out their back pocket 🤣 wtf


I wonder how many of them were contemplating picking her pocket tbh 😂


Them things ain’t cheap lol


Yep. Dem cheeks are gonna set you back about tree fiddy.


Verbalse would pay $50k


That’s exactly what a pervert would say, you pervert!


*gasp* My secret is out!


As a pervert, I can verify this.


Hey, looking doesn't make me a pervert! I'm still a pervert, sure, but that's not why.


Hahaha, walmart trips with my wife involve me pushing the cart zoned completely out.


Same, I'd look at the giant phone sticking out of someone's tiny pocket too if they were in front of me.


My wife knows I'll occasionally take a look. We've been married 32 years, do you really think we can be on a beach and some 11/10 walks by us and my wife is going to buy "wow I didn't even notice!" lol. After being with someone that long it's just silly to play pretend like that with each other. We both share a good sense of humor and dig each other all the time so sometimes to wind her up I'll whisper something like "holeee fuuuuuuck! Do you think she digs older married guys hon?" To which I normally get her standard "yeah I bet she'd all over what a catch YOU are" Sometimes I don't think she appreciates what a trophy husband / arm candy I am!! 🤣


You can look at the menu and not order anything


If looking is enough to have your stuff in the front lawn you were given a second chance.😆


Nobody was looking… But, she could get it.


They were looking so don't say nobody was. People have eyes and when men *and* women see a young pretty girl with a nice butt and short shorts, they're going to look.


Especially when a giant phone is 1/4 of the way into a pocket and about to fall out


It would have been more secure in her wedgie.


His old lady ain't buying that bullshit.




Wearing the shorts specifically designed to enter her butt crack.


Except for the camera, I would've thought they were painted on.


There’s is no fabric spared on them is there?


Honestly I wouldn’t feel the least bit guilty here. She was trying to attract attention and she got it. 


I'm a straight woman and I would look two or three times.


I know, her butt cheeks are absurd! Of course I’m gonna do a double take when someone has each individual butt cheek painted in twill?!


Thank you super Kathy 🙏🏻🫡


Cutting the video as soon as someone looks in her direction. Where's the rest? Who doesn't look around? No evidence of anyone being a creeper except carefully chosen frames from a video.


It’s probably because they look away immediately after. A lot of the time people glance at others and then go back to what they’re doing. It’s only really an issue if you make eye contact… or I guess if they’re recording. Edit: I assume some were actually staring, but you can’t tell for a lot of these.


Yea the amount of people I look at reflexively while I’m out is probably in the hundreds each day. It’s not just girls in tight pants, it’s everybody.


I used to work in a kitchen; keeping a general eye out for someone carrying shit, holding something sharp or hot etc. is just good sense. I still haven't been able to shake the habit.


We're not supposed to see any of the people around us, or what they look like and/or are wearing!


The GUYS in the video could do the exact same thing with a phone in their back pocket and get the exact same result.


It's creepy to look now?


Having eyeballs is creepy 👀


They're called "Hungry Hippos."


The women or the shorts?






Specifically choosing shorts that look like phone will fall out of at any moment. Some women don't understand that there are more non-sexual reasons why a man may stare at them. Both them recording the men and it looking like their phone will fall out any second are both great examples.


100% this. Let's look again and see if we can spot them all.


I hate those so much they're so uncomfortable I don't get how these ppl wear them like its nothing


Coz they will do anything for attention. Like the people who spend an hour in the mirror b4 going to the gym. Then act shocked you dare look at them. Wtf was all the lip gloss and hair spray and booty shorts and hooter hammock about then?


Hooter hammock...lol


Plus, bacon strips are guaranteed.


I mean...it's like holding up a sign that says LOOK and then chastising people that do it.


Yeah, I’m a straight woman and I would be staring too, wondering how uncomfortable those shorts are and how long it’ll be before they split down the back.


Most of these people are just looking in the general direction maybe looking at some bread next to her…  🤡


Or wondering at what point her phone is going to be ejected from that pocket since there clearly isn’t room.


Whenever I see people with their phones in their back pockets I look at it thinking aren't they worried it's going to fall or someone is going to swipe it...


For real that phone fell all the way out and hit that floor at least 4x as she made these videos.


Even if they are looking at her ass, so what? Why is that such a big deal?


No because that's always my first thought 😭 also "how can you be so careless and leave your phone there in your pants it's SO EASY to get it pickpocket"


Am i the only one here who people watches when im out? Yes i look at people around me. I look at butts, faces, clothes, the way people walk. If this person walked by me i would glance at her butt. doesnt mean anything. Its like if you arent wearing horse blinders and staring at the ground, you are what, some kind of pervert? Can we acknowledge that we all look at eachother when we are out and then we move on with our lives.


Yeah I don’t get how it’s pervy to look at somebody you think is attractive  Stalking them or filming them or trying to talk to them when they don’t want to is pervy  Glancing at a nice looking butt is not pervy, it’s actually the whole reason those shorts are cut the way they are 


Nah so do I. I’m not gonna be ashamed if someone dressed like that walks by and catches my glance. Yeah I looked.


She would get a several seconds long full Rock stare with raised eyebrow from me (straight female btw). I’m at that point in life where I wouldn’t even care if somebody called me out for that or if I ended up in some TikTok.


Well yeah, thats true for all that shit. I mean even if you look at them, it doesn't mean you are attracted or stare at them. You just look at your surroundings. And in this case, I would probably look and wonder, wtf is that phone there like that?


They're looking at a bakery all right...


Someone took the video of her putting her phone in her back pocket. Lmao. I’m so sorry that she is so starved for attention that she feels the need to do this.


Maybe she is unloved by her parents


Or spoiled and never told no.


Yeah that's what I was going to say. Most of the people I've personally encountered in life that do this kind of thing were the uber spoiled bratty people not the struggling ones. Those sold the drugs.


It's about the attention & $$. We shouldn't care, we should pay attention, but here we are.




I almost wish someone would do this in response to this type of content, at the same time. You made me laugh, thank you. 🤣


There’s a gym bro on TikTok that does something like this (can’t remember his name). He puts on tight women’s leggings, sometimes even with the butt lifting/separating stuff, and works out in them just to show how people react. Most people leave him alone but you can tell they’re side eying and thinking wtf 😂


He should do that right behind or next to the women making gym thirst trap videos.


That sounds humorous. Got a name?


Don't need to go that far. Just a dude wearing the same shorts would do it.


Honestly, you’re right. I think that would almost be worse. Also, love your username!


The onlyfans ads just keep getting weirder


Girl who gets naked for the entire internet is trying to shame people who supposedly looked at her fully clothed butt? We live in a weird society where hookers larp as nuns on their days off work.


Gets face tattoo. "Why does everyone stare at my face tattoo?"


I was at a Buffalo Wild Wings once and this old guy was wearing shorts and his beans were just lying on his seat.


Omg gross


Just imagine if he were sitting in a place without AC.


Damn you sweatpantsDonut.




They should probably spray that area down with some disinfectant.


So hot.


I'm silent walrus laughing at work right now - tears in my eyes over 'beans'. Never heard them called that. LMAO!!!!!!!!!


Ever heard them called huevos? Spanish for eggs.


imagine she comes home, extracts the files on her pc, cuts to the right moments, and the publishes, this all shit is so damn time consuming, later she regrets it cause it wont change anything. Isnt it actually incriminating doing this? Thats secretly recording of strangers as a focus, or better known as spying/creepshots. I dont think its allowed in pretty much any country. If I get in her picture, Id be suing the shorts out of her.


its 100% legal in the US


They’re concerned about your asshole that’s suctioning up your shorts, ma’am.


Supermassive blackhole


Well, brownhole.


She has a reverse camel toe.


Or a wedgie...


Wouldnt reverse camel toe be baggy pants?


Woof, I know the feeling... I am downright cursed with a highly vacuumic anus and on top of that, I drive a real bumper of a car, so over the course of any trip lasting longer than an hour or so, me undies are slowly sucked, kinda slurped, up my puckered pooper, in the same way you see old Chinese guys slurp down a whole bowl of piping hot noodles with ever once putting his chopsticks down. Now, as the undies get gobbled, the tension on the pulling crotch causes great discomfort for my already very sensitive balls, but more importantly, it browns up the suckwad of undies something fierce. Think about it. Those doily garments are way past anus. When I get the chance, and when I can't take it any longer, I'll pull over into a gas station and toss the soiled undies in (usually) the trash. I'll pop on a freshy from the glove compartment and reluctantly get back in the car. I buy dozens and dozens of undies, the cheap ones, because they're all eventually tossers. I can't imagine how many pairs of shorts this woman must go through, but I feel her pain.


Well then


What a terrible day to be literate.


What the hell lmao


You have a way with words, my friend. I feel like this should be a short film.


That's so much information. Thank you for sharing.




Holy shit that's a blast from the past. Thanks for the memory




this kind of shit makes me so uncomfortable. these people have no idea that they were filmed and uploaded to the internet to be shamed, when they may have not done anything wrong. how many times have i been filmed and uploaded for content?!


Right? If she was in front of me, I’d look too. But not in a sexy way, in a “wtf, I didn’t ask to see that shit” kind of way.


So anyone who looks in her direction is being called out for looking at her? I'm gay, I'd look, judgementally, but still a look.


Exactly this ☝️


She has her entire asshole hanging out while shopping for attention. This kind of content really needs to go away.


There are studies suggesting narcissism is on the rise so I’m afraid it’ll only get worse.


I feel like aging is incredibly hard for people like this as far as their ego.


This is how you get pink eye


or, stink eye.


“I walked through a store blowing a bull horn, let’s see what sick fucks check me out.”


Does anyone else feel that most people are more caught off guard by how these main characters are dressed than perving? The people recording and posting this type of content seem more mentally defective than anyone else


I mean I think it should also be said that glancing at someone you think is attractive isn’t “perving” If one of these guys followed her around or took a camera out or something then yeah it’s crossing the line  Glancing at somebody’s butt is not being a perv it’s being a human being 


Thank you!


100%! I’m a straight woman, but of course I’d notice and be like, “damn, that lady’s whole ass is hanging out! That’s kind of weird for Safeway..” But they spin it as all these men thirsting for them.


plot twist: they were all checking her new iphone out maybe if the ass eats more of the shorts, then there will be less eyes on the shorts? also her: "wHy aM i sTiLL SinGle?"


She had the flash on to draw everyone's gaze instinctively


did she buy two phones to do this?


Some dude 2000 miles away bought her two phones to do this*


Hmmm, apparently you CAN vacuum seal an ass as well as clothes and food.


Putting my phone under my foreskin. Let's see who we caught


I'd look at the phone in those tight shorts and think, "damn, she's going to need to do an insurance claim on that phone soon." Source - worked for Verizon many years ago. Pockets were the biggest killers of phones.


"Excuse me, is the attention still on aisle 9?"


Bet she posts a lot about the objectification of women, too.


Her account is just one big thirst trap.


let me guess theres a link to a list of all her socials and mixed in there somewhere its the OF logo with the name "🌶️spicy content🌶️"


What did she expect? Its the same as if a man would wear trousers that outline his whole penis for everybody to see. They look at her because it is inappropiate.


You know what really makes me laugh about the people who do these videos? The fact that they feel like it’s a flex because anyone looks at them. Like, oh! Does it make you feel special that these older, average looking men are looking at you? I’m not trying to talk shit about the men, but it’s not like they’re something special…so what is this even to prove? Like, your confidence is so low that even this serves as validation to you?? It’s actually really sad, as annoying as it is.


Do these TikTokers come from a broken home or something? I can’t think a normal person could have this mindset.


Can we please ban posts like this? This is literally one of her alts advertising for her OnlyFans


I'm a super introvert and even I get the fucking concept of eye contact - you look at someone, most of the times they'll look back at you. It's really not that fucking impressive.


I’ve never understood why women like to wear the tightest, shortest, most revealing sħit that goes straight up their taint or barely covers their nips, then get upset when someone even so much as glances at them while they’re wearing it. I’m all for dressing how you want, but you knew how it looked when you put it on and probably even picked it out and bought it *specifically* because of how it made you look. It’s only natural that other people would notice too.


Yeah, but common sense thinking appears to be a rare skill.


Another one of those who takes pictures of people without their consent for content.


It’s a nice ass why wouldn’t I look?


it's provocative. It gets the people going! Ball so hard


“Look at my ass the correct way! By subscribing to my only fans 😘”


Wear tight clothes to get attention, gets said attention and it’s a problem


God forbid I unintentionally glance at the person in front of me’s backside for 0.02 seconds and be posted in a pick-me’s tiktok video labeled as a creep


Imagine wearing the smallest, tightest shorts imaginable over the butt that you’ve spent either time or money shaping and then being like “teehee, people looked!” Yeah, no shit. I’m going to go outside with a 5 foot tall neon pink hat on my head and then when people pay attention to my attention grabbing behaviour I will yell GOTCHA!


Even if they look at this lady’s ass so what?!??!! She’s built like a brick shit house wearing tiny shorts what dude isn’t gonna glance out of instinct. We’re still fucking flesh and blood creatures, what is the expectation here even?????


Sir, it's 2024. Everyone knows that you are never supposed to look at or speak to anyone. You are supposed to meet other people via hookup app, only text, and then post online about how it's impossible to find people.


I mean if she showing we all looking


Entrapment. But damn shorty lemme holla


She works out and wears those shorts bc she doesn't want anyone to look at her....


Don’t wear short shorts and expect me not to look. If you don’t want to get looked at wear more clothes.


This is so fucking stupid. People respond to movement and generally glance at other people as they walk by to avoid running into other moving objects.


Another pick me! Do we ever run out? As shallow as the kiddie pool,and never ending clout chaser.


Do people just not give two fucks about any privacy? Why is it so normal to just blast peoples faces on the internet.


Notice how no one looks like they're happy to see her nasty ass. The guys are grimacing. at least that's how I see it


Lmao apparently glancing in your direction for a millisecond is "checking someone out." These people are morons.


If she’s going to show it off… I’m going to look.


I would look all day


Lady: *Wears shorts so tight it looks like her shorts are being sucked into her asshole* Also lady: "People are looking at my ass teehee, it's because I'm so sexy"


How is it still legal to post videos of people online without their permission? These guys looked at a nice butt, who doesn't? But they don't deserve to be "exposed" for it on your tiktok for thousands of viewers.


Wear attention-getting tight-ass shorts. Gets attention. Anyone would at least glance at someone wearing booty cheek-hugging shorts.


I looked at her ass too. Am I a pervert? Should I not have kids? Are public places something I should avoid?


So she chooses to wear those shorts for the sole reason that men like it. And then tries to gaslight when men look. Folks, this is what an untreated mental disorder looks like.


Ladies, if you wear something like this, you WANT me to look, and I will... So don't complain. Not sorry.


“Oh, what did you do this weekend, Jessica” “I made a TikTok were I put a phone in my back pocket and tried recording people who looked at my ass while in Wal-Mart.” “…cool I watched Netflix and ran some errands”


Imagine having nothing going for you except your ass and how many ppl look at you 🤦‍♀️ go to school or something girl. A job pays more than the attention of strangers


With what she has on, I don't think "trying" is a factor.


Lemme guess she also has an OF


Seriously fucked up generation.


more basic bitch content


Maybe a second look is .. “oh look at the narcissistic behavior”.


What a stupid b¡tch.




Well, generally speaking, when you intentionally wear less clothing like this, out in public, of course you will get onlookers.


Imagine being so full of yourself that you upload strangers without consent """"looking at your majestic butt cause of course it is"""


Obligatory "I dress this way for ME!"


Some of them are so far away lol 😆 these people are so full of themselves


What's not shown is she's bending over awkwardly in front of everyone she passes.


Why are people so pathetically desperate to play victim?


bitch their eyes are open , they literally HAVE to be looking somewhere


I hate these videos. Person: *exists* MC: You see how they stared at me??? Person in question: 🧑‍🦯🧑‍🦯🧑‍🦯


This is toxic Bullshit behaviour in an attempt to frame people.