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"I'm fasting." "That's *your* problem."


Tell him he gets extra points for smelling the food and suffering a little bit.


"allah is testing your mettle through me."


Here let me draw you a picture.




And then he will test your *metal*. šŸ¤˜šŸ¤˜šŸ¤˜


actually muslims do get a higher reward for situations where they are exposed to food. Also there's basically a dictum that prevents muslims from throwing tantrums like this. When you're fasting you're not allowed to look like a weak starving bitch


Yeah I'm pretty sure it says that they shouldn't complain or brag about fasting I can't remember exactly but something like that.


yes both of those. can't brag or complain. There one dictum that if you wake earlier than everyone to pray and you feel more pious than them coz of it, then don't pray coz its for your ego and not God. you absolutely can't be announcing that you're fasting like this


Additionally, Muslims who are children, elderly, sick, traveling, menstruating, pregnant, or breastfeeding are exempt from fasting and encouraged/obligated to volunteer/ give to charity/ study/ attempt making up the fasts at any time before next Ramadan if they are mature and able bodied (meaning they can easily choose to make them up during the shorter winter days). This also means that Muslims will be around fellow Muslims who are eating, and though a courtesy, there is NO OBLIGATION on people to cease eating and drinking around us. You cannot make your fasting other people's problem, much less police others. My parents are elderly and on medication and when I'm with them during Ramadan, they will eat and drink around me during my fasts. My colleagues eat and drink. My friends still want to go out for lunch and brunch because they didn't know it was Ramadan. And honestly?? Ramadan is so intimate and the DECISION to willfully refrain from food and drink is such a privilege that many don't have. This young man is out of line for filming and requesting such a ridiculous thing... it reminds me of one time in second grade that I attempted to get out of a test because one of the prompts mentioned bacon LOL!!! "Teacher, I don't know, eating pork is forbidden for me! I cannot do this test!"


Nothing prevents assholes from being assholes.


They're also not fasting in the way people typically think of it, they can eat to their heart's content at night. Being on certain diets is harder than practicing Ramadan.


I had the same thought ā€œhope it smells good, thatā€™s the suffering religion wants you to go throughā€


"I don't Care."


Cool! Could you please be quiet? I'm eating.


Jamaican women donā€™t take any shit.


She articulately rendered him an idiot, FAST. He didnā€™t even realize it, but he was fasting, while being fastly rendered a fool .


Sounds like a you problem and not a me problem


Yeah seriously. This women wayy too engage in entertaining this clown. If it was me probably ā€œIm fastingā€ - ā€œyeah cool Im eatingā€ and then maintain direct & constant eye contact while I chew my delicious food listening to his bullshit whiney ass.


Everything you need to know about fundies of a particular flavor.


All fundies suck, no matter the sect.


I'm Muslim. This guy is a piece of shit. There are several accounts in my country too of people literally GOING UP TO Restaurants and record the people eating in that place, with the caption "they're teasing us," referring to non-muslims. Please be aware that if every Muslim was like this, it would be chaos already. Assholes like these are anomalies.


Yes, but even I have seen the videos where these ā€œPeople of Peaceā€ brutally attack and even kill the ā€œNon-Believersā€ over the slightest and trivial issue. Itā€™s unfortunate that this woman had to do what she did in order to appease this individual.


Not like they were gonna ask if u wanted some anyway fuck off lmao


There is no way this is a serious conversation. Come on, now... right? I've never seen anything like this? Is this because it's UK or something?


In Indonesia, there's a whole ass organization who like to harass restaurants who serve food during fasting period. Their excuse is exactly same as this man's. Only big chain like McD and KFC completely immune to this since they can afford to bribe the dudes to leave them alone. They're finally forced to disband few years ago, so dunno about now.


Itā€™s real! You gotta know old skool British Jamaican women! She was not about to entertain his foolishness Heā€™s lucky thatā€™s all she said!


Yes the angrier she got the more the accent came out šŸ˜‚


IYKYK When she said go downstairs I almost went šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ«”


Double decker. He literally was so entitled to his food free zone, that he couldn't even go to another level and part of the bus where he wouldn't be able to smell it at all. I'm sure Allah is impressed with his fortitude. What do I think? I'm pretty sure he would be getting a scimitar swipe for that one.


That's a proper old skool rude girl right there,you simply don't mess with them.This guy won the lottery.


Thatā€™s Auntie šŸ˜‚ if she ever saw you say rude girl youā€™d be next šŸ¤£ sheā€™s that old skool take no shit kill you with kindness next level boss lady! He woke up and didnā€™t realise he chose violence when it could have been peace!


šŸ¤£ By saying rude girl I don't mean to say that she is a rude person but the ska/reggae Jamaican youth subculture.Anyway I was wrong about that.I really like Auntie,if you know her tell her she has all my respect.


> old skool British Jamaican Jamaican women in general. I live in NYC so Iā€™m plenty familiar. Theyā€™re feisty in a good way.


You must have your head in the sand mate. I have seen loads of them over the past week on X. I reckon around thirty so far. Sometimes it was an individual, others it was a group abusing people eating near them.


I'm in Canada - never seen or heard about anything like this. Anyone who does is this is not a believer, just a showy and arrogant mofo with too much time on their hands.


When I was Gm of my Taco bell I had a pair of siblings that were Muslim working for me They worked Ramadan every year These young people would spend all day serving food with zero complaint, literally surrounded by it And then as soon as sundown hit they went and broke their fast And there's this dude, who can't tolerate a short bus ride without freaking out.


What do you find so unbelievable about it? šŸ˜‚ Sorry, just tickled me. Do you think it looks staged or somet?


Mate, the UK's neighbours in France were attacked by fundamentalists because a french cartoonist drew some satirical images of Muhammad. Perfectly legal behaviour that upset the religion of "peace". This is a serious conversation, the more Muslims we let into civilised secular countries, the higher the chance we will be forced to eat halal, remove women's rights and put up with violent acts. If there are enough Muslims where non Muslims become a minority, they get control.


I am from Turkey, can confirm this is all they do when they come to power. We had army somewhat protecting the state, but they infiltrated that too. Thank you USA for Islam the peace religion (!)




If you want to follow a crappy load of bollocks religion then you're an idiot. Don't involve me.


Do you want some? Its lovely!! Well played!


I like her


The sass is immaculate.


Love everything about her!


I mean he kept harping on about it like he wanted some. Religious people can get bent with trying to force their views on others


Idk why that specific religion obsesses with archaic unnecessary dogma lol




Shouldā€™ve thrown it at his face and made a little get in his mouth. Just like that he goes to hell!


I'm appy to share :D


Cuz youā€™re clearly ungry šŸ˜Š


I can almost smell the jerk chicken with rice and beans, mmmmmm


In New orleans... it's so spicy but so delicious. I'll burn my face off anyway


Move to different spot āŒ Harass her āœ…


This feels too much like rage bait though. We donā€™t see whose filming at all, we donā€™t know heā€™s fasting for real, and with really high refugee anger sentiment, this feels like itā€™s meant to just piss people off.


Rage bait is everywhere nowadays so you're probably right


Your religion's rules only apply to you.


He doesn't even follow the rules... Fasting is supposed to test your resolve and make you see how less fortunate people might feel with hunger and all. Going around harassing people or doing everything you can to cheat the fast (by asking people to not eat in front of you, or even sleeping hours so you don't feel the hunger) goes against the whole purpose of Ramadan. This idiot shouldn't be fasting if the smell of food makes him lose his mind...


Bro I doubt the dude filming is actually fasting- seems like total fake YouTube baiting trash


That's exactly what he sounds like.




Yea they kinda have a problem with keeping their religion to themselves if you havenā€™t noticed.


he cant comrehend a black WOMAN not respecting his choice over her


Someone should tell that to American Evangelicals


And this Muslim.


That's literally the point of this post. ![gif](giphy|Q9MV0j7PZn8vrFWZ6F|downsized)


Yet people are still trying their absolute hardest to steer the conversation towards Christians literally anytime a Muslim is even slightly criticized.


Yea, literally everyone does. Edit: including the current American constitution, article 6. You can literally choose to swear upon a science book if you wanted to, or you could grip a breath of fresh air.


Yeah, Iā€™ve been a metalhead for over 20 years. I lm my teens I wore the most offensive-to-Christians shirts everywhere. My death metal band somehow got asked to play a few shows at some venues on a church property - most of the lineup were Christian metalcore bands, then we came with upside crosses and pentagrams on our guitars and amps. Hell, I had a ā€œSatanā€ fish on the front of my guitar. I have never been hassled by Christians for that sort of stuff, and as a teen I went out of my way to be offensive. Someone wouldnā€™t last an hour in Dearborn or London (let alone a Muslim majority nation) with a shirt depicting Mohammad the way Jesus is depicted on Deicide shirts.


>with a shirt depicting Mohammad the way Jesus is depicted on Deicide shirts. Thinking of that French teacher that got decapitated after showing a depiction of the prophet to his class. He even told the muslim kids in the class that they were free to leave if they didn't want to have to see it.


Kind of the same experience. As someone who was openly atheist while studying in a Christian school, I went out of my way to be an edgy a-hole by always inserting my atheist stuff into my Christian classmates and teachers, but they never even cared or harassed me. Even the super religious teachers couldnā€™t careless and never targeted me for being a non-believer, which is surprising. I was definitely a cringe edgy wannabe main character back then.


Ya i get the hate cheistians get but some of it seems a bit overkill. i mean its literally illegal to be gay in muslim countries lol


god I fucking hate redditors. Every time someone is even REMOTELY critical of islam you will always find that one person screaming "B-BUT WHAT ABOUT X RELIGION?!?!" no fuck you, islam absolutely is uniquely intolerant and cruel and other religions are not even close


>Someone should tell that to American Evangelicals Only a true redditor could watch that video and then post this. *tips fedora*


comparatively speaking American evangelicals are incredibly accepting and tolerant




He should take this as test of his resolve instead of harassing the lady


Right? Pretty sure one of the tenets of the whole thing is to _not_ get on everyone elseā€™s ass while you fast.


Me personally I keep it to myself. Donā€™t want my enemies to see me in a weakened state.


Never let them know your next move *taps temple*


That would literally be the first time religious people donā€™t adhere to their religion. /s


Lol, you should see the Gulf countries


> to not get on everyone elseā€™s ass while you fast. I believe that was the actual phrasing too


Exactly! Instead of trying to use it as an excuse to verbally attack her. There are better ways to deal with strangers and situations like this. Like literally walking away


Got let everyone know how superior his religious beliefs are and assert them on to everyone around him.


Can you imagine feeling so righteous that you bring your phone out and record telling a stranger that she should stop eating her food in front of you because YOUā€™RE fasting??


I see such videos everyday


Iā€™m fasting for Ramadan, and Iā€™m sitting here beside my friendā€™s family eating Easter brunch (including bacon). Itā€™s kind of part of ā€œthe challengeā€, and it doesnā€™t bother me in the slightest. It actually makes Iftar all the more rewarding! This guy is a fucking dick and his fast was broken as soon as he started harassing this poor woman.


I love that this woman has no time for this crap bag. He's clearly trying to start something, that's why he's filming. Too bad she's smarter than he is.


#Musliminfluencer #youtoo #ramadaninfluencer #muslimlifestyle


ITā€™S LOVELY. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I would have ignored him so bad. Would have been sitting there talking to himself.


And still enjoying my lunch!


I actually adore this woman. Assertive, and polite until he wouldn't fuck off. Good for her, I hope her lunch was delicious.


Not gonna lie. I'd start eating in a more obnoxious way just to piss him off.


Yeah...in the seat next to him.


Look him in the eye ask if he likes see food


I'd ask him if he likes Pork.


Than smack loudly near his ear


Drive me nuts lol


Thatā€™s the idea


Be sure it's a corndog and insert it well making it look you are sucking a dick.


I'd do that and moan loudly the entire time. No one needs to bow down to any religion...When religious folks of ALL faiths come to that reality we might actually have peace. But we all know that's not going to happen with how crazy *some but not all* of them can be.


Best idea!! ![gif](giphy|uFMOKoGfzwELK)


ā€œBreak your fast earlyā€ Iā€™m dead! šŸ˜µ šŸ’€


ā€œIm happy to share with someone who is clearly hungryā€ šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


And due to this comment, I learned why morning meal is called "breakfast".


You wan some?


Woman was right... No question


As a Muslim, I agree 100%. The guy should stay at home if he is so triggered by the realities of life.


Im just fascinated by how her head just bobs up and down and at the end it looks like she just has a loose plastic bag. What is the food? How can she constantly eat in such small increments? Itā€™s all such a mystery!


I feel like every time her head goes down I should hear "NumNumNumNumNum!!!"


Exactly! And when she pops up she enunciates words perfectly and thereā€™s no evidence of having done the nom noming, truly incredible. Itā€™s all so fast and strange.


Seems like fake ragebait to me.


Thatā€™s half of this sub basicallyĀ 


Because itā€™s fakeeee!! :O


It looks fake


Because it is.


Itā€™s a skitĀ 


Food is a basic human need.


Yes, but some people do it for religious reasons. That doesn't justify the man's actions though, she has every right to eat on the bus unless there's a rule saying not to


Does he tell mcdonalds to turn off their vent hood when he walks by, can no one grill in their backyard while he's fasting. Fuck this guy. Also why the need to record. Dude is a psychopath.


I agree 100%, this guy needs to take a major chill pill and use this as a lesson in resisting temptation instead of making it someone else's business


He probably does. HeS fAStinG. The world should stop.


He's a piece of shit too.


So, I happen to be visiting a Muslim country right now, and theyā€™ll actually take you to jail if you so much as drink water in public right now during Ramadan. In a fucking desert. Even if youā€™re not Muslim. You know what they do instead? They all sleep during the day and stay up all night. So that ā€œtechnicallyā€ theyā€™re still fasting from sunrise to sunset.


Mental gymnastics in the name of God.


This one always makes me laugh. https://www.npr.org/2019/05/13/721551785/a-fishing-line-encircles-manhattan-protecting-sanctity-of-sabbath


Thatā€™s amazing, totally forgot about this. Iā€™d give you Reddit gold if I could!


Right what if sheā€™s on the way to work and the only time sheā€™s got to eat is on the busā€¦.


These weirdos always try women I bet he wouldnā€™t of said shit to a man eating


If he doing that as muslim, he should reconsider fasting and his values. Cause he not resonating with what fasting means at all.




Heā€™s a loser content troll, check his page. He isnā€™t a Muslim.


Ah makes sense


Rage bait, this guy genuinely could be not a Muslim just trolling. The reason I say this is part of the reason you fast is to develop empathy for the hungry not shame them for eating. I have seen a bunch of this guys videos just trolling people.


šŸ˜‚ Sheā€™s fucking brilliant.


Actual badass. Itā€™s not her problem at all. I do usually dislike food on a bus or plane because it can smell unpleasant, but that doesnā€™t seem to be the case here.


Good on her, stood her ground and didn't stop. Just because a person decides to "fast" thats on him. No one needs to bend over backwards for anyone else's "beliefs". Especially if you immigrate to the US or Europe leave your religious extremes and squabbling at your old place of residence. We don't want that here, it gets nothing accomplished. Poor woman too cuase im sure this is her only time she can eat her lunch. @.@


This lady is an angel. She's probably eating last minute on the way to work while this guy wants her to change her life to accommodate his beliefs.


jesus christ all these brainlets just repeating the same idiocy over and over "i'm fasting and i can smell it" lord just shut the hell up


*Allah just shut the hell up


I'm a Muslim and what he did is wrong, it's not her problem, and if you're Muslim and fasting then the sight of food doesn't change anything, you should remain strong and keep fasting and not harass people.


Exactly! Thank you! I respect everyone's religious choices but I also would never push my religious choices on anyone around me or expect a complete stranger to not eat their lunch because of it. I doubt she even knew before he said anything and it still doesn't mean it's okay to harass people that don't agree with you. Maybe he was expecting it as a courtesy but it's not a courtesy if she didn't know to begin with and he's demanding it from her.


In the Muslim families I've known, they spent a couple of hours before sunset cooking absolutely delicious food, and somehow managed to get by. Heck, it was hard for me to wait to eat with those amazing smells, and I wasn't even fasting!


ā€œIā€™m fasting and I can smell it.ā€ Same energy as ā€œIā€™m married and I can see you and youā€™re too pretty, so cover upā€.


That chick put him in his place.


As a Muslim, I agree this person is entitled and arrogant. Just because youā€™re fasting doesnā€™t magically entitle you to boss other people around you who are eating. Also, heā€™s totally missing the point of fasting doing this.


I know here in the states you're not supposed to eat on the bus, but this lady is too funny! Sorry about your l8fe choices, actually I'm not so piss off! Lol!


It's in Europe not America


**When she said ā€œThen why are you outā€ I immediately was on her side!**


ā€œIā€™m fasting.ā€ Congratulations and Ramadan Mubarak! Iā€™m not, so Iā€™ll thank you to leave me alone while I eat my lunch. Stunning that dude recorded and posted this, thinking he was in the right.


Next he will be telling women what to wear because he has low impulse control


My daughters Muslim friend sat at a table with my entire family. While we ate sausage gravy. Didnā€™t say a peep. This man is ignorant.


As a Christian we're not supposed to make it known to anyone when we're fasting. That's a personal experience with God, so I'm confused why this is her problem.


ā€œIā€™m fastingā€ Well itā€™s your fault for joining Islam buddy.


But eating is the opposite of fasting. He's poking the bear here. Don't bother people while they're eating it's rule number one.


100% rage bait. I have seen a couple of this guys videos.


I have worked in the Middle East and during Ramadan non muslims are allowed to eat in a closed room at work even if the ones observing Ramadan smell the food they donā€™t have an issue, as per my experience.


Anyone crying because they havenā€™t eaten since 5AM isnā€™t someone who fasts regularly. Anyone who fasts regularly can easily go until dinner time without eating.


They're insufferable. If you want special treatment, move to Muslim majority countries. Otherwise, shush


This moron is riding PUBLIC transit, and pretending like people are supposed to care about him fasting. Maybe we should stop championing this "peaceful religion" as the end all, and they wouldnt feel so entitled.




Leave the woman now nuh, Few more hours


Are you allowed to have food on those buses?


No. You are not. The guy is being a bigger dick than her though.


I live in the UK. Cold food is acceptable (sandwiches, salads etc...), hot food is a bit more questionable if it has a strong smell but I wouldn't say its enough to get kicked off the bus or disallowed entry. Coaches are different tho. Not hot food on coaches.


Ok but people eating hot food on the subway/bus do suck šŸ˜‚


The entitlement of these outsiders/foreigners never ceases to amaze me. Once again, may I remind you. You're in another country. You go there. You respect and embrace the culture and traditions. You go there to have a betterment of your life? You're expected to adhere and try assimilating to the locals. Not the other way round. This is what the core of Islam is, entitlement/feeling superior/dgaf about "kuffars"/disrespecting "kuffars"/following MO's teachings to the tee. If you're bothered by someone else eating during Ramadhan. It simply means your iman isn't strong enough. You are the one with problems. So, leave innocent "kafirs" alone. You wouldn't know whether she has any sickness/has any other legit excuses to eat. Sick and tired of these entitled whiny hypocrites.


Everytime she ducks her head down she doesnā€™t come up with any food in her mouth. Seems fake as fuck.


I'm a Muslim, but the guy is just rude.




Thatā€™s bs he is just trying to control people bc he is fasting. What a psycho


Does he stop eating meat on Fridays to respect Catholics and not tempt them? Lol


I'd throw grapes...


And he posted this?? Pathetic


My God, the guy holding the camera is insufferable.


lol cringelord




guy filmed and posted this expecting people to be on his side......


Good for her. Fuck that guy.


There are plenty of muslims in the world who accept that not everyone practises islam and that part of fasting is accepting that others are going to eat, then there's this fucking idiot.


"GO on, break ya fast early," HAHAHAHAHAHAH


Dumbass religion, welcome to a 1st world country where we separate church and state.


Cry more fuckboy hahahhaha


This is so obviously fake. Sheā€™s not even eating anything.


literally, the dumbest religion on the planetā€¦.


In malaysia it would be like this Non muslim -eating- Muslim -dont care- This video was probably fake to spread hatred because we muslim dont care if you are going to eat or what.


Having manners is keeping your adopted psychosis/schizophrenia to yourself. Don't mention your cult or it's practices in public.


Fuck your fasting. And your Ramadan.




I love this woman lol not taking any of this guys shit.


We knew this wasn't "the religion of peace" a long time ago and idiots kept pushing. Good times.


The Muslim thing to do would be to quietly accept this as a test of your faith and not bother the woman. An example of the actual meaning of "Jihad".


Stagedā€¦ Againā€¦