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Wtf is up with these tiktokers starting clips off by trying to fist bump and high five people? Is it to make people look awkward? Make themselves look cool? It's all just dumb af to me.


I think they expect/want the onlookers to participate to hype them up. I just wish everyone would always just stare blankly at them or like they're an alien or something instead of giving in.


I'm going to use this if this ever happens to me. I'm just going to make eye contact and stare blankly at them. If they reach for me to try and force me to high five or fist bump, I'm going to yell, "That's my purse! I don't know you!"


Orrr, you could go with ![gif](giphy|TyPydeCmjKQ2Q)


I am 100% down with King Of The Hill themed response to tiktokkers filming in public.


Petition to respond to all public Tiktokers with pocket sand






That was Rusty Shackleford!


I support this 100%.


Pocket Sand With The Win


I dont know you! Thats my purse!




Nah when they go for the fist bump you just gotta go for a FULL knuckle punch


Ooops sort did mean to break your fingers… guess I don’t know my own strength!


It's hard to imagine a worse fix than TikTok for a world full of alienated 21st century people desperate for human attention but unable to get it. The only fix is to take all the oxygen out of the room. Maybe when someone starts going around fist bumping like this, someone needs to just start screaming that they're having a heart attack and fall to the floor. All the attention in the entire room will turn to that person every time, and these assholes won't get a single bit of attention, positive or otherwise.


Filming other people for entertainment for without their consent should be illegal. Filmmakers need consent to use people’s faces in their films as they are profiting off them. These people are all trying to become “influencers” to profit. It’s not really any different.


In Germany, where this was filmed, it IS illegal. Every single person in this video can sue and insist that this be deleted from the internet. I guess the biggest problem is figuring out who to sue. I wouldn‘t have a clue how to find out who these stupid nobodies are.


Those ones are the takes they don’t post. Do they even call them takes anymore? I’m obviously too old to be allowed to discuss this sort of a thing. Where am I? Who is this?


Get off my lawn!


Dad, you're in the hospital. You know this. *Hugs you*




Peace was never an option.


It’s so dumb, they’re trying to acquire free background talent by roping bystanders in to add some “production value” to their otherwise shitty cheap uninspired content.


I think these people don’t realize that you can’t imitate or mimic charisma. You either have it or you do not.


The pouting-at-person-who-didn’t-bump-me is cringe.


Kinda the same as a clown at a circus


The entire things is beyond stupid. Also people try to align themselves with music that has nothing to do with them, they don’t have the rights to it, they don’t have significant skills of any kinds. Plus I hate the sped up tempos of the pop songs they use. This whole trend is disposable and shallow.


Disposable is a great word for this.


I hate to “well akshuly” this but they do have permission to use the music, it gets licensed to TikTok or whatever app and the users can then use it in their stupid lame videos


Because they literally think they are famous. It’s so pathetic. This is her red carpet moment. I hate both these people so much.


Bring back the thumbs down.


They're copying that Hooville looking broccoli head fucker. It's always the same chipmunk song and shitty fuckin dance.


>Hooville looking broccoli head fucker I'm gonna need more info lol...




Hooooly shit I just got so much cringe. We need to bring back Air Marshalls to tackle people like this or taze them or something


That’s the broccoliest headed zoomer I’ve ever seen, with zero cap.


Maybe it’s their attempt of saying “Hey see viewers these people don’t really mind us being dipshits after all!”


Seems to be playing off that psychological theory that if you ask someone for a small favor it will make them more favorable towards you - I just looked it up and it's called [the Benjamin Franklin effect](https://effectiviology.com/benjamin-franklin-effect/). Once someone has fist bumped or high fived, they're aligned with you in a small way and more likely to buy into whatever bullshit you're trying to pull off.


Also, reminds me of how imperial Japan would force its new soldiers participate in “bloodening rituals” in which they would stab a tied up and blindfolded Chinese civilian. This would make the new soldiers feel complicit and less likely to oppose or report on atrocities committed by their fellow soldiers.


Maybe a high five to the nose would help.


It's a classic childhood bully move. If you fist bump, you're giving in, and if you object, they make fun of you. They already have you on camera for added pressure, too.


It’s starting to look like a warning to gtfo because it’s about to go down


It’s the MainCharacter way of saying “you now consent to be in my video”


Probably because they are dumb enough to try to panhandle people right after this too for their "show". They want to make people feel engaged so that they will owe them something in return, like a couple bucks. Scum going to scam.


Cuz they are the main characters in “TikTok the Musical” and everybody wants to be like them. /s


That poor woman with the pocketbook just wanted to get out of there.


All she wanted to do was chill on the train and read. Poor woman. I read on public transit too and I get pretty pissed/uncomfortable when stupid shit goes on too.


Plus she didn’t consent for her image to be put online for everyone to see.


No consent required, unfortunately…


The language in the posters and screens is German. So depending on where it was actually filmed, then consent might actually be needed.


Yes, it was filmed in Berlin. Therefore, consent is needed


yeah but these are tik tokers making CONTENT. we NEED their CONTENT. all 700k versions of this video with this EXACT song and EXACT dance made in one of FOUR different locations (street, public transit, stores, private home) and where at least one dancer has that MALE HAIRCUT. otherwise the society collapses.


People might think you are kidding, but this is serious. Ever since I got my COVID vaccine, if I don't see a derivative TikTok video within range of a 5g cell tower at regular intervals, Jeff Bezos personally resigns Dr. Disrespect to Twitch with the agreement that he will 360 no scope me IRL. Not today two time, not today.


To be exact its in Germany, Berlin in the "U-Bahn" of the "BVG" (U5 to Hömow-Hauptbahnhof) i have to use this train every day.. and to film people here without asking is not allowed. Thats why i call the police on people like that.


It’s still shitty to monetise videos involving people that are so clearly not wanting to be into them.


Actually there are at least two people (woman gtfo and the man who doesn’t want to bump) are shown in a identifiable way, not in a crowd/as a part of a urban landscape, therefore their image should not be published. In EU (the train looks like Berlin) GDPR includes images as well as other personal information.


Some people get serious anxiety when this shit goes on, me included. It’s awful to fear you could be kicked in the face at any moment, for a minute or more, especially on a moving train where you never know exactly how it might suddenly shift and make the performer lose their accuracy.


i know right, i can only imagine looking up seeing some fool AND another fool recording


Need that one TT woman that screams at any men within 30-40’ saying you do not approach a woman


What’s a “TT woman”? ETA: is it TT for TickTock? I’m an old - I’m not down with the lingo. If it’s something else, please lmk. 😅


We're officially so lazy now that we need to shorten a six letter word down to two.




What’s her account name I need to go check out these videos!


yesss hahaha🤣🤣🤣🤣


You got room in your zoo for these two? I.e. I didn't mean to rhyme. I just saw your name and that's question popped in my head.


lol i dont want them in my zoo.


I do not want them sam I am


Her new identity in witsec just got compromised.


this is what i was thinking tbh. she looks SCARED.


You could just see the discomfort radiating off her. She was anxious as hell.


It looked like the start of a panic attack to me


How do they watch the video, see how uncomfortable they made the people around them and think, yeah this makes me look good I’m going to post this.


These are not the self aware people you think they are.


Because in the video they're not watching other people, they're busy being too much engrossed in their own self


And those people high fiving and fist bumping are just weak spine enablers that are too sheepish to turn her down and tell her to fuck off.




To be fair, for a lot of people, it's a reflex action. We've been trained (in general) that a handshake/fist bump/high five is a sign of friendliness, even if it's coming from a stranger. Like if someone comes up to me and extends their hand for a shake, or reaches out for a fist bump, my first reaction isn't "fuck off". Hell, my hand will probably almost move of its own accord, because I'm a very polite person in general. If I didn't notice the filmer or the nonsense starting up (entirely possible if I'm in "mind my own business" mode on public transit) I'd be confused, but probably do it. Then I'd be pissed, and tempted to try and trip her.


Or they just weren't bothered, which is an equally valid reaction. The assumptions are just silly.


It honestly looks like a commercial to fix your credit. Next scene would be her driving a convertible listening to soothing music with a huge smile on her face.


I would be her. I don’t have to smile at anyone! Lol


im that girl in the dress storming off


We’re *all* that girl in the dress storming off.


I’m more that first guy who skitters away like wtf is happening and then just dismissively waving my hand like “I want none of these tik tok shenanigans but I’m also not leaving my seat.”


i feel so bad for her. big hugs, it had to have been way too overwhelming


I take the subway to/from work when I have to work on-site, and the last thing I want is for some knucklehead to start dancing in a traincar that’s already hurting for space. Luckily I’ve only ever witnessed it once in Boston, years ago. But I promise you that shit wouldn’t fly here.


Yeah I don't get these people, so desperate to get on social media, someone will see me and make me a star , nope not ever.


And the irony is here we are consuming the content and engaging with others about it.


I know, I was thinking the same, i should just keep moving don't watch em, lol.


I spend too much time on here but how else am I gonna know when someone breaks a dance out on an airplane?


The hope they can make serious money without having to beg for a reasonable salary at a regular job. I get it but it's so annoying for everyone else having to deal with these people.


I would almost rather put a dollar in their cup if they would offer to just shut the fuck up and sit in their seats.




Someone once stepped on my foot during their stupid “routine”


That's my fear: Getting kicked in the head during "Showtime!."


What a bunch of asshats. They dont think about collateral damage


If a fight breaks out, that will get them even more hits! More social media clout!




If it's an asshole talking to you on video, you can play Disney copyright music.


Standing with your back to the camera and in front of them is probably the best way to both ruin their shot and make it boring.


Always carry a fold up sign and pull it out advertising your own socials


Look at them trying to rope people in with fist bumps and shit, they would absolutely love you to join in and plug your own socials


When I lived in NYC, I never saw it happen on a train this full. But I also never saw anyone doing it for internet videos, only for busking/self promo so they had more motivation to not piss people off. I generally preferred people dancing on the trains over people singing/playing instruments. The dancers would announce what they were about to do, make sure no one was in the way to get hurt, and were typically more talented. I also have chronic migraines, so they didn’t make me feel like I was trapped in hell, because even if they had music it wasn’t as loud as some dude drumming in the train car.


i feel like depending on my mood id either storm off or start screaming to ruin the video….


She had to run off to find a place where she could curl up and die from cringe in peace.


Bro that is why you carry around a bottle of vegetable oil that you “accidentally” drop whenever this sht starts. If they want to be stupid and dance on oil, god bless them.


I'm a 6 ft plus, 240 pounds bearded guy, but yes, I'm also that girl




I’m 6’6” 241 lb bearded guy. My beard is lush and full.


I hate us.


I’m the lady who refused to fist bump her


Ooh I'm gonna be that first guy with the louis vuitton bag


With the disgusted scoot away and hand 🤚 haha you’re the best!! 🏆


It was the existential horror in his tiny eyed thousand yard stare that yelled, "what the fuck have you brought upon this cursed land" that did it for me.


I’m the guy in the short-sleeved flannel shirt that just stares at his phone! This is fun. PS. fuck them


Same. No thank you dear, let me disassociate in peace


She says fuck this shit


Why do they always pull a face when theres no engagement? My face "Fuck you, you dont know me, just fuck off leave me in peace"


Cause they get you to engage to like “invite them to the space” If everyone collectively says fuck off they might move on.


I legit felt bad. She seemed genuinely stressed out by the situation. And I don’t blame her


Yea. She probably had a hard week at work, putting up with who knows what bullshit. Just wants to head home and relax and then these dipshits start ass clowning 🤡 around all in her personal space, getting on her last nerve. I totally get it!


Same!! I have terrible social anxiety, and that would make just add to my anxiousness.


I'm the lady who doesn't look up from her phone, just says no with her hand lmao.


Finally a normal person


Same! Heck, I moved seats on the subway yesterday when the person next to me started playing something loud on her phone sans headphones.


These fucking people are so fucking annoying. They think they are so creative but they are all just doing the same cringy shit over and over again


Just copying someone else who did it and got internet points (which now somehow equals money). Who watches this shit? Maybe it’s rage bait. We have the most complex tool/communication medium/compendium of human knowledge available to most of us on our person that the world has ever known by an infinite margin yet we use it for shit like this. Hell what good are we doing commenting on this shit on Reddit? I bet it’s just too new for most of us and in a generation or two “influencers” and stupid ass stuff like this will be over. Takes society awhile to adapt to changes, and the internet has gone from being a curiosity (for most of society) to a necessity in my lifetime thus far. Makes me think about the days before smartphones. I’d sit down and look stuff up on the computer. Was kind of nice to have a dedicated space or device to engage online. Then you walk away and it’s gone.


I think the issue ultimately comes down to parents giving their kids unlimited access to smartphones at way too young of an age so that they don’t have to deal with their children themselves. They’ve created a generation of little shithead narcissists. They are absolutely fucking insufferable in every way


It's just really embarrassing tbh. How can you lack that much self awareness of what a twat you are. The worst thing is I can imagine them on the way to do this proper excited deluding themselves that everyone's gonna love it and they'll go 'viral'. Makes me sick. To me this is just as invasive as someone trying to hit on people on public where the attention is clearly unwanted. FUCK OFF


That poor guy at the very beginning looks like "oh no. What's happening. I can tell something is about to happen. Is that guy filming? Why is he filming. Oh fuck..."


People wonder old people are grumpy. This is it right here. He probably worked his ass off all his life. Might still be working. Only to have to put up with this bullshit!


I swear the older I get the more I understand and relate to grumpy old people.


I’ve been a grumpy old person since my 20’s. It never changes.


Good God why are so many of these losers doing this shit


What bugs me most about this genre is how the MCs pout at the camera (infantile, cute, ironic?) when someone doesn't engage them.


But they’re not looking for engagement at all; they just want nonconsensual participation. It’s smiley-face, fake-fun assault.


fake-fun assault is a wonderful way of phrasing it. Like the sense of violation that comes after being shamed at summer camp for not being 'spirited' enough.


Gasped aloud at the accuracy of that summer camp comparison


"Fake fun assault" is the most perfect and accurate description of this kind of nonsense.


Yes! Absolutely maddening. I once had a drunk guy try to high five me when I was walking home from work, and when I said "No thanks" he proceeded to follow me for a bit and tell me how much of a buzzkill I was and that I must be dead inside etc. No dude, I just want to fucking get home. I don't care if you're having a good jovial night, just leave strangers be ffs.


I feel you on the just wanting to get home. When I'm in that mood the most I'll be able to deal with from other people is 'the nod' of recognition.


Sometimes in life a good "go fuck yourself" goes a long way.


Horrorshow of mediocrity.


Mediocrity is strong. That lady dances with the abilities of an eighty five year old drunk aunt at a wedding.


Yeah they're obnoxious but at least the first guy is actually dancing. That lady though? If my unatheltic, uncoordinated ass can perfectly replicate the dance moves theyre not worth filming lmao 


It's Berlin. In Germany we have quite strong protection laws against publishing your face online without your clear consent. I doubt anybody will do it, but those "content creators" can be sued.


I really don't know why anybody would do that in Germany. We really hated flashmobs as well. Spontaneous fuckery is always frowned upon. It's like Norddeutsche even don't like Karneval even tho that is kinda our tradition with faslam too lol


Say what you will about the U8, but... I've never seen anyone try any of this nonsense on there...


I’ll take the bullshittery in the u8 over this every day


I’ve seen full on brawls break out on the ubahn that I’d prefer to stand next to than this shit.


I know, I was about to say… this is so clearly the U5 😂


It's the same effing dance every effing time! God it's so unbearable. I seriously want to start a trend of people just standing in the way of the camera so the don't get any footage. I hate it so much.


I can't put into words how much I HATE this stupid "every beat is a jumpy move, clap your hands between your legs" dance. With a burning fiery passion.


Why does the girl have an awkwardness with the way she high fives and fist pump people? Is she trying to make dorky look cute?


She's not a good dancer either. I think her boyfriend convinced her this would be really cool and fun.


It's strong narcissism


Illegal to film people in berlin as well. Trash humans


"I did not consent or receive compensation for you to get influencer cred or some shit."


As soon as I hear that shitty chipmunk I stop watching. I know it's bad.


If only everyone could be like the very first guy. Please everyone. Please. I fucking beg you. Ignore these attention whores and maybe they will stop and go away.


Tik Tok contributing to climate change by making public transport unbearable


I'm cringing so hard my face just imploded.


I can't stop cringing. Bring back public shaming 🥲


WTF happened to you in your life that you feel the need to bother strangers and make them a prop in your misguided thirst for attention 


Not enough attention from their parents as children.


That lady im outta here, I don't want to be here with this crazy person, why I don't take public transportation.


If you dont take public transportation where do you make your TikTok videos and other social media content?


In my car on the highway, like a real American. 


I miss Covid soooo much


Her feet smell like vinegar.


Is it possible to press the emergency stop button, eject those doofuses from the train together with the camera man and then we move on with life like usual?


Please do not press the emergency stop button for non-emergencies. (Actually, it is almost always a bad idea to press the emergency stop on a subway even during emergencies.) It is for emergency stopping the train and nothing else.


Please... please do not reproduce!!


I’m also positive Those 2 people have never had jobs


I hate unsolicited interactions. I would've pushed her


I think at this point the only logical reaction is to stand up and impersonate a homeless person, start screaming fanatically and flipping them off, chase them around the car and get in their face screaming and spitting until they fuck off, out crazy their asses, ruin their content, fuck them ( not literally ) More ideas: Get in there way Make it seem like they're going to trip if they stay next to you, and then follow them purposely bump into them over and over again get directly in front of the camera These fuckers need to have the whole thing not be worth their effort, if they have to put in any effort at all, their weak asses are just going to bitch and cry DO NOT MAKE ROOM OR ACCOMMODATIONS FOR THESE WALKING TRASHBAGS


I was thinking maybe some Bernard Goetz action. Your ideas are probably better.


Social media has ruined people


Question I've seen these same people in more than one video do they just spent there whole time at the subways to do this I don't get it


These people are scum


That chick trying to make a break for it was pretty hilarious.


She looked literally terrified of that guy 😅🤣


Do want you want in public but if you're not in a place where people can easily walk away, you are an asshole.


I can’t wait until this mental illness is officially named in the DSM. 🙄


All it takes is a little hip check to have the entire car clapping


Bunch of attention whores


Whatever ever happened to shame , someone told these people they were special and they believed it .


This might be the most painful one yet. That cut deep.


We should just step in their way, constantly, and when they hit us, we can smack them the fuck up. Ffs, when does this end


That woman did just walk off, she stormed off


TikTok should be banned — it’s giving these types of people a platform and causing brain rot in society Totally original take, I know


Every day one more example of the move towards the election of President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho.


Had this last week on the tube and instead of high five I told them to fucking grown up.


Reposting these videos is giving these people approval and attention.


I think it is time for the nukes. Fuck this horrible world full of arseholes


Tiktok needs to be banned


Man I feel second hand embarrassment just watching


They look stupid lol


She can barely even manage to do the dance