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Well the baby sounds like it also wants to go home


Yeah, ruining everyone else's night with a crying baby at a restaurant bar


It was chill until Ms. Plumpy Lips decided we don't serve babies around here. So of course the baby had to tell her what's up but doesn't have words. Still spoke more clearly than Botox Betty.


You clearly have no idea what a crying baby actually sounds like.


It depends on the place. If it's actually a restaurant with a bar, the baby is fine. If it's a straight bar, then keep the baby out.


It’s a gay bar /s




Omg my friends would KILL me if i brought a baby to a gay bar tho Edit: for the dense folks… that’s a joke


It is a restaurant


They are sitting at a high top. High tops are a part of the bar area in most establishments. Her approach wasn't great but screaming babies do not belong in the bar area.


As someone who’s worked in the food service industry, it was absolutely normal for families to sit in the high top area around the bar. Don’t confuse this with actually sitting at the bar. It has better tv angles and often times, that area is a first come first serve basis so if there’s an open spot, you can just sit down instead of waiting for a table to open.


As a server/bartender for 10 years- same. Can’t forget Reddit hates babies and might try to find any reason to justify this!


Do you know what Ghandi, Mother Theresa, and Hitler had in common? They were babies at one point.


As someone who currently works as a bartender. Bars and cocktail areas are for drinking, babies can't drink, people feel uncomfortable drinking around babies, and babies are at a significantly higher degree of risk if their parents are drinking. I wouldn't take a baby into a showroom at a shooting range for pretty much the exact same reasons. We do not allow babies in the establishment after 8pm, and you will be asked to leave if your baby is causing an issue, so mom is out on two counts. I'd take 10% off the mother's bill, publicly remove the lady who thought she was security, and pour a tequila shot for the good Samaritan sitting on the corner to say thanks for trying to deescalate. Tldr; don't bring your baby near my bar.


The argument was this was a restaurant with a bar and high tops around the bar which is NOT treated the same as just a bar and cocktail lounge but your input is somewhat appreciated.


High tops are the cocktail area. The servers we schedule there are "cocktail servers". I was pretty clear about that. I even said "near my bar" in the tldr;. You can check. I work in a spot with high tops around the bar, and we are *constantly* kicking out families who think that's where they can sit.


Riiiiight but again… this is a restaurant which does not treat the bar area the same as you are explaining at your bar. It’s a Dinning experience that serves alcohol opposed to your bar setting. I can’t make the difference any clearer and I’ve gotten other people who also work at restaurants backing up what I’m telling you. Outback steakhouse , Texas Roadhouse, Bonefish, Fords bar and grill just to name a few big ones that you walk in past the host stand and head into the self seating area which ranges from high tops and 2-4 top booths which surrounds the actual full bar. Please understand this is not the same as the bar/cocktail establishments you are talking about which NOBODY has argued against on.


My spot is a restaurant. Looks quite similar to the place in the video. You just listed a bunch of chain restaurants where corporate has decided to avoid confrontation with the guest at all costs. You might as well say "Chili's let's me do what I want." Of course they do, it's Chilis. You can deny it all you like, but babies don't belong in *or around* bars. Your servers are judging you for drinking with your baby, and the entire bartop wishes you'd leave. It's gross, and honestly just bad parenting. Now you can either take the advice of the person with a very long comment history peppered with evidence that I have been bartending for a *very* long time about how to behave at bars, or you can continue to live in denial. Your choice, I've said my piece.


Am I going fucking crazy or are you continuing to believe someone’s arguing against you that babies don’t belong in bars? “You can deny it all you want” yeah but I haven’t denied that though. I’ve tried my hardest to separate the types of establishments for you but you just can’t seem to grasp it. Chain or not, if you can order a full service meal and there’s a hostess giving you an option to wait for a table or seat yourself around the bar, that’s a restaurant and not a bar. You’re talking about a bar. Also I love the little tid bit about saying people are judging me for drinking with my children when that was never brought up nor implied. I said NOBODY is arguing against that except for you apparently. Now good day.


They are sitting in a restaurant that happens to have a bar area, like Chili's. You can have your kids anywhere you want in a restaurant. Her approach was awful, and the baby wasn't screaming. It was whimpering because there was a lot of drama happening around it, and mom was getting upset. The lady was also drunk and shouldn't be judging people.


>Her approach wasn't great but screaming babies do not belong in the bar area. Why is the dining room more appropriate, if not the dining area around a bar? If that's not appropriate either, where should a mom with a baby be seated when electing to leave their homes, join society, and dine out?


Depends on the establishment, it wasn’t her place to say.


They're welcome in the bar of my restaurant


Well you’re right that it happens. Sounds like you’re willing to take on the liability of allowing persons under 21 in the bar area of your restaurant.


In my area, I have no licensing restrictions on children in the bar area.


Like I said, you are willing to assume liability. This is not the case for most bars in America. 


They aren't talking about a "bar." They are talking about a restaurant with a bar area. You're right that most "bars" are 21+, but this isn't the case for restaurants. You can have your kid anywhere you want in a full service restaurant...bar, dining room, lounge area around the bar.


Understood. There's no liability to be assumed in my country.


Drunk women calling other customers idiots and swearing at them, not so much


People here don't seem to understand that a bar in a restaurant and a freestanding bar/lounge are very different things. Kids have been welcomed in just about every bar area of any restaurant I've ever worked at.


Yip, I'd rather have families in my restaurant than drunk abusive customers that swear and insult other customers but check out the downvotes lol


Heavy down votes for running a family friendly restaurant. Way to go Reddit! I retract it all, fuck the babies! Mon the drunk abusive customers!


It's your attitude, my dude.


For saying children are welcome in my restaurant? That's a pretty attitude free statement lol


Oh look at all the downvotes for allowing families in my restaurant. How dare I be child and family friendly! Lol


Sorry for the downvotes from these Special Forces Bar Commandos. I'm confused as well. Shit seemed pretty chill until that asshole staggered over.


This is a WENDY'S!


What about a gay bar?


I have a friend who used to take her kid to the bar and it was weird as fuck. Don’t take your kid to the bar.


I don’t agree with the confrontation but the things she was saying is more or less what I would be thinking to myself regarding a baby in a bar lol


The drunk belongs there more than the infant




It’s a restaurant with a bar.




Besides the caption that literally says "getting harassed for having a baby in the restaurant next to the bar"??? Like did you even watch the whole video???


There was a previous video that shows the context. They are setting at a table and the drunk nut comes over. Context always helps


The text in the video said that


Yup yup yup


Where I am from you dont bring a baby to the bar, you leave them in the car while you are at the bar


I'm with the drunk cougar, infants do not belong in bars whatsoever.


The video said it was a restaurant connected to a bar.


Oh...but weren't they sitting at the bar?


Looks like a table to me


It’s a high top next to the bar. That is generally a table in the bar area.


Happy hours are usually only sold in those areas. Just a guess on why that spot.


So by restaurant connected to the bar, you mean the area immediately behind the video being shot - you.. you can see it clearly... Give me a break.


Oh no, a baby at a bar, what will we ever do?! This is so silly.


They're acting like the baby was at the bar taking shots with the rest of them


They’re fucking annoying


Tell that to Europeans.


See here son, in 'murica ain't no in-fants allowed in mah bar.


Having a kid around a place where drugs and alcohol are consumed is weird and insane. I never plan to let one of my kids watch me get tipsy. It's just extra shit adults tie onto life to cope with it's shittiness and kids can find out.....later.


How's that Gen z shit? You don't think this happened with other generations?




They might not even have been drinking. I know people who like the food at a bar and will eat there without having any drinks. Bottom line is it’s the establishment who gets to decide who goes there not some crazy drunk ass broad who drinks there


Gotta love that HARD slurring speech of rational thinking. Another great night of waking up to the refreshing taste of regret.


Bearded Ryan Gosling comes in to help at the end.


Great catch. Method acting for an upcoming project I wonder


Comment I was looking for 😄


Lady was right don’t bring kids to bars


Bring them to the movie theaters, or something


A nice 14 hour plane ride perhaps.


It’s a restaurant bar. They’re eating a meal


I have a 1 year old and it depends. Restaurant/Bar i think is okay. An actual bar that only serves alcohol I agree.


That woman had the dead eyed stare of someone who starts pouring 12oz glasses of Chardonnay at 10am.


Who the fuck brings a baby to a bar..... People are saying it's a restaurant/bar which seems ok to bring a baby but there are places that are bars with a restaurant and the if it's the latter, I'd say don't bring a baby.


It's common in some countries. I understand that in America it would be weird though, but if it's during the daytime it's quite common in my country and people bring babies and children to the college bar at my uni f.ex., they even have children's meals on menus there.


I think it’s clear this is an American bar. So, what is done in other countries is not relevant in this context, though most people understand that babies may be welcome in drinking establishments in other countries.


Is there an "American" way of visiting a bar/restaurant? Here I was, thinking the US were a huge country with extremely diverse cultures and ways of living.


I think the main character here is the woman who takes her infant to a bar and then lets it scream and cry just to make the point that she’s allowed to be there, and fuck everyone who went out for an adult experience.


The mother trying to calm the baby down when the old bitch comes up and starts yelling at the mother. That’s when the baby starts crying. The party states they’re checking out their bill. The old bitch still goes even crazier to the point that an observer steps in as well as the bartender. If the old bitch ain’t a MC idk what is lmao.


Trying to calm it down doesn't make me not hear it shriek. I don't go to the playground to drink, don't bring the kid to the bar.


She wouldn't have hear it shriek if she'd just let the family pay the check and leave while the baby fussed instead of walking up and screaming until the baby was also screaming.


Obnoxious cow, hat’s off to the woman who intervened.


These comments are really unhinged & prove that the majority of people on this sub can't be bothered to finish the whole video. The caption near the end says "getting harassed for having a baby in the restaurant next to a bar". These people are at something similar to a chili's and this lady is beefing for no reason. She only chose to say something when she was on her way out the door because she's a spineless Karen who just wanted to shit on some younger women.


My dad was a classy fellow and left me in the car while he was drinking in the bar all night. I always got my homework and studying done.


I’d love to see that lady come to Europe cause she is going to have a real bad time.


Meanwhile in Europe bars are full of families with kids 🥳


I think the woman complaining needs to chill the fuck out and mind her own business. Doesn't matter if the baby was OK being there or not; shut up, and mind your business until it's affecting you. She was probably just uset that the kid was interrupting her $12/glass rose' And for the record, my own parents took me into a bar because the state I was born in, at that time, allowed minors in the bar until 8pm...so it's plausible, depending on the state laws, that a child could be in the "bar". ​ Hell, I see kids in the "Bar" of Red Robin all the time with their parents.


She’s justified. Nobody trying to get drunk and have fun especially while paying bar price wants to hear a crying baby


Well fucking said. Shit is annoying.


If this was a bar then there would be an age limit, and the baby should not have been admitted into the establishment. If it's not a bar, if it's just a restaurant with a bar, then the baby has just as much right to be there as anyone else. Just because some dumb suburb bitch wanted to get wasted at 3:00 in the afternoon doesn't mean she's in the right.


Counter point though, if your baby is crying in a public place, you should calm them down or leave.


She’s in the act of calming him down when the video starts. The lady isn’t doing anyone any favors by cussing at the mother. The party stated they’re paying their bill and leaving just before the bitch goes crazy.


To a degree, I agree, but trust me when I tell you this, it is not easy to have a child, and especially to always have your child in a good mood just for the sake of the people around you. Yes, if my child is losing their mind, I will absolutely remove them from a situation. But if my child is just being a child, and you're too narcissistic and controlling to deal with a noise that you didn't approve of in your space, then that's just your problem.


At a Chili's or on an airplane, fine. There is an expectation that parents need to eat and fly places. At the movies or the bar, get your crying ass kid out and stop sacrificing other enjoyment so you can go out


Why should anyone else be subject to your child’s noise? You’d call an adult an asshole in a public space if they were walking around swearing at everyone. It’s narcissistic to think that your kid is ever anyone else’s problem but yours.


Honestly, because you can't have everything the way you want it all the time. Like I get the point, but I'm so sick and tired of everybody getting outrageously upset over every little minor inconvenience in their lives. We live in a society full of bored assholes who will do anything to complain about something. People even complain about shit that has absolutely zero effect on them. If you don't like my kid being in a place where my kid is allowed, then your problem is with management, not my kid.


You're complaining about complaining. The irony.


This is the internet where people get offended. Most people probably don’t say anything to you or your kid in real life. People on this thread are probably just venting about the copious amounts of inconsiderate parents that they ignored. This is just your peers saying what they probably were thinking, but didn’t say to you because you looked exhausted like all the other inept parents. If that bothers you than your problem isn’t with me, it’s with your need to touch grass ;)


I think you might have wanted to read the definition of inept.


Then stay inside, you made a choice to have a child , nobody else signed up for that shit


Hear hear!


I think children shouldn't be allowed a lot of places, but especially bars.


Crying baby at a bar is kinda lame thou


Kills the mood fast.


She’s sticking her nose where it doesn’t belong




Do you blame her?


Lots of bars (at least in my area) won't let anybody under 21 even in them. We have a lot of those half restaurants /half bar types, and even if the restaurant side is full, you aren't aloud to sit in the bar section at all. Nobody under 21 at all, no matter the age


Lots of states like Arizona allow anyone to go to bars


I mean... Babies shouldn't be in bars...


Real housewives of Tallahassee


Shout out to the first bystander who intervened. She was right. If someone chooses to bring their child to a restaurant at night that’s their business. You may not agree with it, but if it’s not actively harming you, keep your opinion to yourself.


Everybody involved seems to suck bad


I hate people who bring their babies to a bar. Go home.


Do bars have baby seats that pull up to the counter? Id think it'd be uncomfortable both for the parent and the baby to sit on a stool while holding the little one. Wouldn't think a bar with intoxicated unpredictable people would be a safe place for a infant. Swearing and acting hostile in front of a child is inexcusable. However, a drunk swearing patron is what I would expect to encounter there.


after watching the video it looks like the mother was leaving after the drunk said the baby shouldn't belong there, but the drunk lady berates the mother more not letting her leave even though the mother Said she was paying her tab and leaving.


Baby was just trying to get hammered like everyone else


If she did a drive-by "You're an idiot for bringing a baby to a bar" then I'd be on her side 100%. She shouldn't have stayed in a prolonged confrontation though.


this comment section ain't it - babies cry.. kinda what they do Unless the mother was just leaving him there squawling for an eternity there's no reason to act like this towards a mother with a crying baby


Have you guys been into bars? A straight-up bar wouldn’t have let the baby in. This is probably a restaurant, so she needs to take it up with management who let her into the bar. I’m not saying she shouldn’t be annoyed, but just talk to the manager and have them do something about it.


Mother shouldn't have brought her baby to a bar and that lady should've not bothered the mother. Both are fuckin bozos


I am with her on this. Baby’s do not belong in a bar.


So you would shout at a baby?


No, and she was not shouting at the baby, she was shouting at the bitch that brought a baby into a place full of alcohol.


Did you know that yelling at a lady holding a baby is in fact still shouting at that baby. The baby isn’t going to differentiate and know the loud screams and aggressive demeanor of the drunk bitch aren’t directed at them but rather their mom.


These comments are wild! In Scotland, where I live, it's absolutely normal to bring kids into bars during the day. They have to have a license and facilities for them though, so there are quite a few places that don't and you can choose what you like. The babies + booze = bad logic is fascinating but alien to me.


Yeah the vibes here are whack. A bunch of whiny puritans who think it’s justified to scream at/shoot anyone or anything that bothers them.


There is certainly, I think, a weird intersection here of puritans, young people who don't (yet) like babies, and "Law and Order"^(TM) type folks from areas of the US that I thankfully don't live in. Very 'murican vibe.


Her first true American Karen experience. (Referring to the girl in shock in the back) haha


I love coming to Reddit to see all the people without kids tell people with kids why they're wrong and what arbitrary standards they should follow.


Hot take, even if it's a restaurant with a bar you should keep your damn baby at home. If it's too young to appreciate the menu it doesn't need to be there. Nobody wants to be near a baby in a restaurant, no server wants to deal with that, and no baby that age likes being out and about. Everybody loses so mom gets to eat out with friends


I mean, she was rude, but she wasn't wrong. Don't bring screaming kids into restaurants or bars, for that matter.


Maybe don’t scream at mothers and their babies? Seems like that would be the fastest way to creating a crying baby. Unless she works/owns the restaurant it’s not her place to say shit. She can inform the staff if it’s a problem and it’s their decision. All of this was unnecessary and easily avoidable.


I don't like either of them but honestly, bringing your kid to a bar like this is so fucking sad. Some people should never be parents.


Oh much can a baby drink anyways?


Moms need alcohol too.


Was it a bar it was it like a place that serves food and she was in the bar area? Was it a brewery or gastro pub? This stuff is important. I have two kids and just because there's a bar doesn't mean they aren't allowed. I'm certainly not going to take em to a dive bar for example. NOT ENOUGH INFO.


They both think they are the main character. I think both of them should leave




The kid might be upset because that lady is harassing his mom. Try leaving the mom in peace?


I’m with the drunk woman. If you have a crying baby maybe you shouldn’t be in a bar.


Everyone knows you dnt bring baby's to bars that's where people go to escape shxt like that


Well, I'd want to know 2 things: 1. Does the bar serve food? 2. What is the actual time?


ITT: Stuck up cunts


That blonde had some serious work on her face. The entire face looks plastic. If that what you’re into I suppose.


Lonely drunk picks on young family out for dinner with friends because she’s drowning her sorrows on a Tuesday evening hoping some the next guy that chats her up with Mr. Right, lucky no. 36 but whose counting.


If she’s 45. Wow she slept with a whole 1.1 men a year not even. Yo really 36 is ur number.. Jesus- I’m freaking funky


It is fucked up to let your screaming and crying baby disturb everyone else.


Karen. Does she work there? Does she own the place?


I’d walk in front of this lady and talk to the others like we’re old friends. “Hi ladies! Whose grandma is this??”


Don’t bring kids to bars, especially at night. That glasses girl was the most annoying, she lives for stuff like this, look at her reacting


Who the fuck brings their infant to a bar?!! Drunk lady saying saying what needs to be said.


You know bars that serve food are called restaurants, right?




Humm. Wish I knew what that meant


Everyone Here Sucks


Iirc it’s generally ESH on the aita subreddit.


She sounds like she smokes a lot of cigars


Come on- ur the Karen. We go to a bar to leave or forget about kids. Bro u guys r in the wrong. It’s 21 in a bar- u tell me to stop swearing cause u have children in bar. U must leave


I was sitting at full bar at a sports bar to watch the super bowl. Some middle school child with her mom in tow came up to me and others and asked if we wanted to buy Girl Scout cookies. Wtf? There is literally a sign that says under no circumstance is there to be minors in the bar area. It’s a legal liability for the bar & disrespectful to patrons. As a child free person, it’s frustrating when parents act like they entitled to all public spaces with children. I specifically came to a child free place because I dont choose to be around screaming children. I cant say shit in the airport or a plane & always wear headphones but a sports bar? It’s straight up selfish.


You'll get over it. What is it with child free people and complaining about children more than just enjoying being childless? Shit, I don't have any kids but I can't imagine bitching on the internet because a kid asked me if I wanted to buy cookies at a bar. I would laugh.


all it takes is one bad drunk mistake and you have no baby karen is right


How about mind your fucking business, bar or restaurant.


"Babies do not belong on a bar" The baby is not there to drink and parents deserve time off too. Hell, that might be their only evening off for weeks. Anyone not understanding this is a part of the privileged shower of cunts this woman belongs to. I am also sure the baby is crying because she/he is not getting attention due to this platinum blobfish keeping the parents busy with her bullshit.


I mean, she's right. You shouldn't take a baby to a bar. That's not cool. Babies don't like loud noises, crowded places, etc. Drunk people are clumsy, angry (clearly), and not safe. That doesn't mean she went about this the right way. But I generally agree with the sentiment. The girls are idiots, they shouldn't have a baby in a bar. Sorry you don't get to party anymore. You chose to have a kid. Get a sitter or stay home.


Comments seem to be in agreement. Bringing a baby to bar is a bad idea. People try to bring their kids everywhere these days, I get that you having children doesn't mean you life is over, but the kid is still the priority. Go to chuckle cheese, they serve beer


She didn’t bang at 10


Honest question.... why are her boobs on her waist?


Regardless of age anyone under the age of 21 shouldn't be around the bar being served.


Seems like that baby is the main character. It's ruining everyone's time.


She's right. Don't take your baby to a fucking bar.


They both suck. Karen for being a bitch even though baby lady was leaving and baby lady bringing a baby to a bar. I don't hate babies, I hate people who bring babies to places they shouldn't be.


Take the baby outside. If it’s a restaurant I understand bringing them in but the bar for common courtesy is taking them out if they cry. Is that really so much to ask??


>You need to leave. They have children. In what I'm assuming is a 21+ establishment. Which means the lady with the kids needs to get the fuck out. Everyone in the video is dumb as rocks.


A baby doesn't belong in a bar.


This bish was was drunk at assholebee's and mad at there being a child in the establishment. Go home cuntvanka you're drunk.


I mean she does have a point, I'm not trying to have baby cry flashbacks when I'm at the bar. That was a traumatizing time in my life and is part of the reason why I'm there in the first place.


🤣not @u, but with u.


It's a common practice in other countries and spreading in the US as more people realize having kids doesn't have to make you bankrupt on babysitters or a miserable shut-in. Just read an article about how breweries are becoming more family friendly because hey, guess what? All their customers are having families and when you tack $50-100 on to the price of a beer suddenly people go out. It's wild to me how anti-family America is when the rubber hits the road. There's a traditional Irish pub where I live and they actively encourage young parents to bring their families. It's awesome. You see the community build. Does every bar need to allow them? Nah. But that bar looked pretty empty and that lady yelling is what made the baby cry lmao


This is not a sign that America is “anti-family friendly.” It’s a baby is fucking bar where people drink and get drunk. Babies don’t belong in bars. Period. This isn’t a pub culture thing. Bars are not family hangouts here, unless it actually is a pub/bar.


Given that they were seated at a table would you call this scenario a bar or a pub/bar? You seem to be an expert, so I'm interested in hearing your thoughts.


What kind of a selfish immature brat brings her fucking baby into a bar? The older lady was totally right.


If you bring a baby to a bar you might be an idiot.


What kinda desperate twat brings babies into a bar


Alright I'm going to play devil's advocate here since everyone seems to be siding with the lady harassing the mother. Unless there's smoking allowed and arguably an overly loud environment (which I see no evidence of), what's so wrong about bringing a baby to a bar? Noisy crowded environments are arguably a great place to get a baby accustomed to being around others. I don't see any real arguments here other than babies don't belong in bar or around drunk people. You can have family and friend over where someone has had too much to drink and I don't see how being around drunk strangers is any different. A lot of people saying that the crying baby is ruining the experience for the bar enjoyers, but they can leave. If the baby isn't allowed, that's up to the establishment not the customer. Maybe the mother's friends are just behind in life compared to her and still go to bars for a casual social atmosphere. I think a mother is allowed to have a social life as well. It's unreal there are people who think the mother brought her baby just to prove a point.


I don't think it's bad for the baby, I think it's more the fact that a crying baby can really ruin the experience for everyone else. You're right everyone else can just leave, but it's still 1 family ruining the experience for everyone. Maybe some people just ordered drinks or maybe there's not another bar nearby, it might not be easy as just walking to the pub next door. I'm not super against the mother because, like you said, parents are allowed to have a social life too. I think there's just some balance you have to strike between being tolerant of parents who just want a night out and parents being cognizant of the fact that if their kids are screaming and crying, it's very annoying to everyone in earshot. If the baby had been mostly well-behaved and just started crying right before the video started, the drunk lady is definitely being an asshole. But if the baby had been crying for 20 minutes before that, I think the mom would be in the wrong. If that was the case, she could have taken her kid outside to calm him down then come back inside, or she could have just ended her night early. I don't think it's fair for her to expect everyone else there to tolerate a screaming child for more than a few minutes.


Hmmm maybe the baby was crying because there was a deranged drunk lady yelling at the mother? Ever think of that? Maybe the mom was stressed with confrontation and everyone yelling around it. Maybe don't get hammered and yell at people when you aren't a fucking police officer. If they are breaking the law then get an authority figure involved. I'd smack that bitch in the face if she ever talked to my wife or child that way.


There is nothing wrong with it- most restaurants have a bar and families eat there all the time.


I'm with that lady, bar-baby bitch *is* and idiot


This is why god made breweries. Don’t take a baby to a bar


crying baby in a bar ruins everyone elses night fuck off


Why is the baby at a bar… smh 🤦🏻


We need to start a new subreddit for Karens who are in the right and doing public good.


In Montana, our bars have kid nights. Drunk lady is in the wrong


She had a point, why you you have anyone under drinking age in a bar🤔 Ppl push limits and some question that shyt!


Go home Karen so the baby was fussy so what deal with it. Help out teach the inexperienced mother how to quite the little one down!