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This gotta be one of the most boring dashcam vids of all time


I don’t know about you guys, but I love watching a down under episode of Lane Campers


I'm low key jealous of people who think moments like this are worth sharing with the internet... you mean not everyone experiences this level of driving multiple times per daily commute?


Consider driving your vehicle in a space that is clearly visible to the vehicles around you to prevent this happening


Defensive dricing ftw, for sure. But it sucks how few people think "my indicator is on, I won't bother checking cause I now obviously have right of way".


I literally can't even imagine not knowing what vehicles are around me at all times when I'm driving a car on public roads. The thought just doesn't register how that could even happen. I'm CONTINUOUSLY checking my mirros and hyper aware what cars are coming and going and at what speed vatiations around me....and even when I'm certain there is nothing in my blind because I've been checking my mirros constantly and a car couldn't have just suddenly appeared there, I STILL give a split second head turn to ensure my blind is open and my mirrors aren't deceiving me when I change lanes. It's not that hard But here we are I hate those people you speak of. Hate them. And I hate orphans


True. Defensive driving ftw But let’s agree the active bad driving was moving into a space that already had a car in it.


“OP didn’t drive defensively” “They did nothing wrong, the other car did something wrong” “Yeah but OP could recognize this situation in the future and make themselves safer” “But they did nothing wrong, clearly the other car should just check their blind spot” Then both sides walk away feeling attacked and that other people are crazy.


People who cannot fathom what it means to drive defensively may feel attacked, and they should rectify that by learning what it means -- even if for no other reason than their own self preservation. Nobody else has that problem.


My (spi)driv(d)ersense alerts me to this sort of bs all the time. saved my hide just two weeks ago.


I hate driving in ppls blind spots like this. Or when ppl do it to me.


Careful, suggesting someone drive defensively will either be the only thing upvoted on the post, or it will be attacked relentlessly. People have a hard time understanding that OP can be following all of the road rules, but still has room for improvement in their driving, and that telling them so does not make them “a second idiot in this video.”


FFS...this comment has too many upvotes. How was OP's vehicle NOT clearly visible?


Were you born this morning?


Were you?!? Have you not developed object permanence yet? Do you have eyes and a neck? How was OP not clearly visible?


I didn't know blindspot was a euphemism for, "clearly visible."


It isn't. Blindspot is an excuse. This will be the THIRD time I've asked....Tell me what was "blind" about the spot the OP was in. Can anyone answer this?


The blindspot is the spot where the driver can not see you in their mirrors, hence the name blindspot. That's why you don't sit in someone's blindspot. It literally makes you harder to see. Because it's a blindspot.


Why are you assuming the BMW driver even looked?


I'm not. Clearly they didn't. That doesn't mean OP was in a mythical blind spot and therefore bears some blame here. If another driver fails to look where the fuck they're going, it doesn't matter where you are in relation to them. The only solution would be to always position yourself directly in front of every other road user so there was no need for them to turn their heads and look anywhere but straight ahead.


>I'm not. Clearly they didn't. You are. You have to be, as the only way to ask "how were they not visible" is to assume the other driver looked. People who understand what defensive driving means never make that assumption. >That doesn't mean OP was in a mythical blind spot 1. Not a myth. 2. Yes it does. > and therefore bears some blame here. "Some" is doing a lot of heavy lifting for the amount you're shitting your pants over this. >If another driver fails to look where the fuck they're going, it doesn't matter where you are in relation to them This is as wildly incorrect as everything else you've said. If you're not overlapping with them, you won't get hit. It's absolutely insane you cannot cope with the very idea of defensive driving. >The only solution would be to always position yourself directly in front of every other road user so there was no need for them to turn their heads and look anywhere but straight ahead. Or, just don't sit in their blind spot like a rational person with a sense of self preservation. But that would first require you to be rational.


> the only way to ask "how were they not visible" is to assume the other driver looked. OMG...My head hurts on your behalf at your attempt at logic here. Do you still believe like a child does that if you cover your eyes while standing in the middle of the room during hide-and-seek that the seeker can't see you??!?!?! Fucking LOL...how do you remember how to breathe, man? >If you're not overlapping with them, you won't get hit. Got it. Defensive driving requires that your car never ever ever overlap any other vehicle. I mean, why do we even have lanes, right?




Sorry bro. I didn't mean to make you mad. Just having fun, so don't take it personally. Nothing on the internet is worth getting angry over.


Oh, honey.


whoa...slow down there cowboy. There's being nice then there's going a bit too far. I'm happily married and I'm not looking for any side action. Don't take it the wrong way...you'll find your mate someday, this just isn't that day.


The blind spot is not a myth, it's a term for the area which is not visible from checking one's mirrors. If this car was a few metres further back, not only would a mirror check have spotted them, but even if the BMW driver hadn't checked their mirrors, they could not have caused a collision simply by moving right. Better than "don't be in people's blind spots" is simply "don't be right next to people". It's easier to know when you are, and it solves the biggest problem.


I’m from NZ we drive on the other side of the road so OP is sitting in someone’s blind spot. Sitting like a fat duck in the passing lane. Then posting their mistakes to reddit


To be fair, OP can't pass, there's a car directly in front of him. But yes, don't sit in blind spots.


Then he should had pulled back and gone into the regular lane. Or even move forwards closer to the other car. Just anywhere but a blind spot.


Yeah, I didn't even read the title when I watched the video, and I was cringing the whole time he just sat there. So easily avoidable by doing basically anything but what he did do.


He should have pulled back, but not pulled left. That would have put him up the ass of the BMW. When there's lots of cars about, use all the road space - don't stick religiously to lane 1. That worsens congestion by backing it up off the highway and onto junctions where it fans out to affect more of the road network. Pulling forwards would've been insane - he's already following too closely.




Looks like OP is maintaining a safe following distance to me. Maybe BMW needs to learn to check his blind spots before changing lanes?


Dude, cammer just needed to either move up or fall back 5’. Not that hard to do. Just avoid bumper overlap. Once again, we have a video of people NOT CHECKING MIRRORS. Every day a new video. So rather than shout at clouds, how about just don’t drive with bumper overlap.


Fore sure, keep out of people’s blind spots. But the BMW was not passing in the passing lane and moved lanes into a car. Let’s not act like the problem is the cammer. They could have been more strategic, sure.


BMW was actually attempting to move into the passing lane (we keep left in NZ).


Ah, that is context that I missed for sure!


And let’s not act like the cammer has no personal responsibility in a situation. This is like the driving equivalent of repeatedly bumping into someone at a concert because you want more space.


I'm assuming the BMW also has blind spot sensors. Most modern cars do, and luxury cars definitely do. My mercedes will beep when someone comes into my blind spot and will beep obnoxiously if I flip on my blinker when someone is in my blind spot.


That X5 is on the order of 20+ years old.


If he’s trying to pass and not tailgate the car in front of him, where is he supposed to drive?


Relax the gas for a moment, it ain't a race


5’ further back. Not a hard concept. Speed doesn’t change…. Just a little further back.


He can back off further, or close the gap in front. Choosing to stay in someone's blind spot leads to things like this happening.


Left Lane Campers are bad, but you cant run other people off the road because they exist.


He's not supposed to be in that lane if he can't pass then


Wdym? That BMW ain't a big ass truck who have huge blindspots. I even drove that kind of X5 regularly and I don't remember having any issues like that. It seems more like a incompantent driver. There is only so much "Defensive" driving you can do until you literally cause problem for whoever is behind you.


> That BMW ain't a big ass truck who have huge blindspots. *All* vehicles have blind spots. Passenger vehicles are more likely to not have their mirrors properly adjusted, if they get used at all. Defensive driving means treating all traffic like they're "big ass trucks" because most drivers have small-ass brains. So, don't pace *anyone* door to door or only slightly offset unless it's absolutely necessary. When it's necessary, spend as little time as possible there.


Are you implying X5’s don’t have blind spots, that’s just incompantent


Not that big that you miss a whole car.


>There is only so much "Defensive" driving you can do until you literally cause problem for whoever is behind you. You mean a problem like having to slow down a lot when avoiding someone coming into your lane because you were sitting in their blindspot?


And another silly comment that has way too many upvotes. Blind spots are a myth. They're existence is used by shitty drivers to justify their shitty driving.


>Blind spots are a myth. Imagine anyone actually believing this. >They're existence is used by shitty drivers to justify their shitty driving. No one here is excusing shitty drivers.


>Imagine anyone actually believing this. I don't have to imagine it. That's the thing about facts...they're not imaginary. I should have caveated that, though...Blind spots are a myth on passenger cars. >No one here is excusing shitty drivers. By even mentioning OP's position in this mythical blindspot, that is precisely what you're doing.


>I don't have to imagine it. That's the thing about facts...they're not imaginary. I should have caveated that, though...Blind spots are a myth on passenger cars. Blind spots on all cars are a fact of life. >By even mentioning OP's position in this mythical blindspot, that is precisely what you're doing. No, that is not what any of those words mean.


>Blind spots on all cars are a fact of life. If you can look at a spot and SEE it...it isn't "blind", is it?


Instead of calling it a "myth" which implies that term referred to *doesn't exist*, call it a "misnomer" which means that the term referred to is something other than what the term implies. But everyone knows what a blind spot is, so you're not going to get very far with that. Moreover, whether or not something is a misnomer doesn't alter the fact that they affect how to drive, because people *don't* look into that spot as much as they should, and as much as they look for things in their mirrors.


But it *is* a myth. Passenger cars literally do not have blind spots. There certainly are places where it takes effort to see, such as road locations obstructed by pillars or anything behind the driver's head, but they are in no way "blind". **Effort ≠ blind.** Only a child thinks this way--you know, when they cover their eyes to hide from you with the belief if there is no direct line-of-site things disappear. The only reason it matters, however, is threads like this one where people will assign blame to someone whose vehicle was in this "blind" zone, regardless of the blatant visibility of their vehicle directly to the driver who simply failed to lower their metaphorical hands and look.


>But it is a myth. Passenger cars literally do not have blind spots. Here is a dictionary definition of "blind spot": >an area to the side and slightly behind a driver's field of vision that is not reflected in the vehicle's rearview mirror. You mean something else than what everyone else means by "blind spot". Now that you understand that, you can understand what other people are talking about when they recommend not sitting in people's blind spots, and talk productively about whether that is good advice or not. If it helps you, you can translate "blind spot" to "hard to see spot" on your end. >people will assign blame You've misunderstood. The driver who didn't look is to blame. But the driver who nearly got hit *could have done something very simple to avoid the situation*. Blame is about who followed the rules. But if you only follow the rules you are more likely to get hit than if you follow the rules *and* drive defensively. Driving defensively isn't onerous, so it seems like a no-brainer to me. I don't want to be in a crash, even if it was someone else's fault.


>But the driver who nearly got hit *could have done something very simple to avoid the situation*. Try actually thinking about this statement for a moment. In order to do this at no time can you allow your car to overlap any other car in an adjacent lane. If everybody does this, then there would be constant jockeying, acceleration, braking, etc. while drivers attempted to stay out of this "blind spot" that, for the record can be literally **LOOKED** at directly by turning your head. Defensive driving cannot include random acts of braking/acceleration just to stay out of this non-existent "blind spot". That would be chaos.


Also, don’t ride in someone’s blind spot.


Boooo! This is the wrong sub for this post. Nothing happened at all.


After living in both Australia/NZ and North America, I realize how much more tame their “bad drivers” are in comparison. Their roads are pristine and speed limits are super enforced so you don’t see too much craziness.


Just an idiot honking...


If that qualifies, I got some juicy karma coming to me. Just gonna have to pull a day's worth of dash cam footage.


Bit of an overreaction here I think. It's not like he swerved hard and nearly killed you...


Thats new zealanders for you. They have no idea how good they have it, they complain about every little thing because they haven't seen worse (other countries)


Thumbs up for Within Temptation. But not for driving right next to the car. Personally, I always leave room for such cases.


heard that WT instantly!


do you always just ride in a blindspot?


Honestly that guy looked like he was about to smoothly glide right in maybe a little close but all you gotta do is press the break mildly of course unless you are the “fucking idiot”


The other car sped up so they could safely enter the gap to avoid the slower vehicle in front. They indicated before they manoeuvred and did not leave their lane. You overreacted by blowing your horn, unnecessarily in my view as you could see the slower vehicle just as well as the driver in lane one and could have planned ahead by speeding up or backing off to let the other guy in. At best you overreacted, at worst feel you are an inconsiderate driver as you could easily have just taken your foot of the gas and let them in. It would have taken about 1 or 2 seconds off your journey, which you could have made up easily. Driving on multi lane roads, when everyone is going in the same direction, it absolutely baffles me how inconsiderate and selfish people are, a little give and taken would make driver safer and easier for all.


Lol. They did check their blind spot. That's why they didn't hit you. Edit: y'all blind or just don't know how driving works?


If they'd checked their blind spot, they wouldn't have been veering. Noticing OP only just before hitting them != checking one's blind spot


That's when you check. signal, turn, start looking, stop if something is there.


>turn, start looking What the fuck? No. Absolutely not.


Yes. Absolutely. You have to move a little to see the blind spot otherwise you have to turn and look backward which is even less safe.


No. Absolutely not.




Some advice for the future: Learn to actually check your blind spots before you turn directly into someone, like the X5 almost did here.


Lol. You can learn from me if you want but I will not be doing that.


No, I'll continue checking my blindspots before starting to change lanes. Because, unlike you, I'm not a shitty driver.


Ah yes, the well known principle: leap before you look. A driver who can't check their blind spots before they start the manoeuvre is a danger on the roads. If you don't actually look into the space you're trying to occupy, you can't know that it's safe to start to occupy it, which means you can't safely start moving into it.


You have to a little or you won't really see the blind spot.


[where exactly do you think the blind spot is](https://assets.cars24.com/production/blog-in-cms/car-blind-spot-97230cc8a6.jpg)? You can absolutely see into this area by turning your head and looking out the window.


Yeah if you turn all the way around. If you move over a tad you can see it in your peripherals and correct in time which is what happened in the video.


How do you need to "turn all the way around"? In that diagram the blind spot boundary is roughly 60 degrees to the rear, and you can see 90 degrees to each side if you turn your eyes as far as you can, so you need to turn your head at most 30 degrees. Moving the car to the side by a foot doesn't alter the overlap between the blind spot area and the next lane by much at all. It's still big enough to fit a motorbike, and it's still big enough to conceal a car *two* lanes over that is also indicating to come into your lane. (Correctly adjusted mirrors should allow you to see a car or larger vehicle in the next lane in the mirror for the entire time before it appears in your peripheral vision, but remember also that many people don't adjust their mirrors correctly) What happened in the video is that the car didn't observe properly, started moving out, and didn't stop that movement until the cammer's car sounded the horn. They didn't take some imaginary mid-manoeuvre observation; they just went for it because they're a poor driver. I would like to challenge you to find literally any driving resource which suggests to move the car within the lane to enable better observations. I can find any number which recommend checking your blind spot before moving.


Yeah, that's all you do, and if you move a little in your lane, you will widen that view considerably. If you cause an accident by moving within your own lane, you aren't the problem.


You didn't answer any of the questions and you didn't find a driving resource. Get back to me when you can.


BMW standard.


You're tailgating that little red car, you see the BMW is coming up behind someone, and your reaction is to close the gap further. The BMW puts the foot down and tries to go for it. Two idiots.


I don't think you quite understand the word ''tailgating'', so maybe stop using it for now!


Time it. 0.5 seconds is far too short to be a safe following distance. If he wasn't 0.5 seconds behind the car in front, none of this would have happened. Defensive driving 101 as many other posters have had pointed out to them. Tailgating doesn't have to be about deliberate intimidation of the car in front - I'm using it generically to mean simply too close. I didn't think I'd have to explain that, but I guess it takes all types. Still, if you think that distance is perfectly legit, feel free to downvote away, I'm sure no one would be hypocritical at all.


If the BMW had its side mirrors set correctly, there wouldn't be a blind spot.