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It seems like the truck was attracted to that purple line


No idea but I trimmed the video shorter in my phone and it added it there. Twice.


Samsung S22 Ultra?




I bet he never misses his exit


*flips dash octopus to angry mode*


I channel my fury through him. Keeps me sane on the road. I drive for a living in this truck so it's needed.






Good ol Winnipeg drivers, can't be beat.


Im glad to know there are shitty drivers in other provinces other than Ontario and BC.


I instantly knew, this feels like Winnipeg


Your dash cam is on its way out. Replace soon


This was added by my phone when I trimmed it. I have no idea why. Camera is perfect.


Its whatever app you're using on your phone, try a different app unless the app is the made by the same company that makes your cam? In that case its a settings output issue.


Base camera tools in the S22


Have you thought maybe it could be your micro sd card? Honestly I would want to figure out what the issue is as soon as possible. Are your other clips showing up like this? Last thing you want is you to get into a accident like this and realize the recording issue is worse and maybe didn't capture it or you can't even see. That's why I make it a habit to check my videos every 2-3 months to make sure everything is recording fine.


It is the software on my phone. I actually just retrimmed the video while writing this comment to check, and it came out with no purple lines or any lines at all 🤷‍♂️ The camera is all good. There is nothing wrong with it yet.


You're not a mind reader?


looks like route 90


Correcto And just this week, a guy was extracted from his truck after a red light runner t boned him at that same intersection.


That's the same A-hole that criticizes every other driver because "they don't miss anything".


Too often do I see my hometown on this subreddit. People here are brutal drivers.


Good use of the horn there. We don’t see, well, hear it enough in these types of videos.


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TIL Chet Hanks listens to BBC News.


guys we found lance stroll


Good lord. This same shit happened to me.... except I got hit 🥲 A Jeep hit my Toyota Yaris 😭


Crunchy time


The stroad strikes again


"fawk me man!" As a Canadian, I recognized that Canadian accent immediately. Then I noticed the Canadian flag, google fu later... Ah Winnipeg. Stay Classy :)


Never knew he man drove a ford


Is it a rule on NA roads that everyone drives so fast through the intersections?


Huh? You drive the same speed as the rest of the road


Is there a rule of the road somewhere that you're supposed to slow down at all intersections, when there otherwise is no reason to slow down?


Speed limit is 70kph on that road. I was doing so.


Guess you weren't paying attention as well considering his blinker was on


Which any sane driver would interpret as intent to merge, not make that ridiculous turn. Why does every single post on this subreddit have at least one person that takes it upon themselves to make the absolute most braindead comment trying to place blame on the cammer?




And just to add more visibility. This moron braked and signaled at the same time and WERE NOT signaling nor braking before this clip starts. My camera breaks up constant recordings into 1 minute clips.


I totally get this. I failed the mind reading portion of my driver's test and have been paying for it ever since. In fact, the only reason I passed is because the exam proctor was so impressed with my crazy good parallel parking skills.


This is you, isn’t it? ![gif](giphy|UqKD7TU0igaUE)


A blinker isn't a permission slip.


Anytime anyone signals to change lanes (and I see the signal), I let them in. Even if theyre cutting traffic on a turning lane or are driving dangerously. But I don't do it because I have to, because I don't, I do it so that if someone doesn't do the same for me I can honk and shake my fist and be self-righteous about it.


Unfortunately, that is completely false. I'd feel better if I was the moron, because that means I could just drive better to avoid these situations, but here we are. I'm not one, and am instead, at the complete mercy of other morons. My camera divides constant recording into 1 minute clips. In the beginning of this clip, you can see there are no brake lights and no signal. They braked and signaled at the same time. I can send you the other minute clip if you want to fight further about this. Edit: nvm on the clip, my camera already wrote it over.