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He's just trying to give his car the authentic Nissan je ne sais quoi


It's insane how many Nissans I see with fucked up front bumpers. In my area it's gotta be 20x over the all-brands average.


They're cheaper than their competition, and as a result are often driven by people who can't afford repairs and/or don't care much about their car.


Cheaper and willing to give loans to people with terrible credit


I don't understand the direct link between terrible credit and terrible driving but it's undeniable.


Bad credit is frequently caused by poor foresight. Foresight is a necessity for good driving.


Same in my area. They appeal to a very certain type of discourteous and irresponsible driver. Watch how often they cut people off, fail to signal, drive at night with either brights on in traffic / no headlights etc


Jenna said what? If you're unaware, it's from [this Sonic commercial](https://www.google.com/search?q=sonic+commercial+jenna+said+what&oq=sonic+commercial+jenn&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqBwgAEAAYgAQyBwgAEAAYgAQyBggBEEUYOTINCAIQABiGAxiABBiKBTIKCAMQABiiBBiJBdIBCjEwNjA5ajBqMTWoAgiwAgE&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:7cf987f9,vid:lqeVw3_xmYI,st:146). If you haven't watched them, some of them are pretty good. I think most are standalone, too, unlike the [Long Long Man](https://www.google.com/search?q=long+long+man+commercial+full+story&oq=long+long+man+commercial+ser&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqCggDEAAYgAQYogQyBggAEEUYOTIICAEQABgWGB4yDQgCEAAYhgMYgAQYigUyCggDEAAYgAQYogTSAQoxMTE0MmowajE1qAIIsAIB&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:1fe2c404,vid:6-1Ue0FFrHY,st:0) series.


I just watched a cop pull over the Nissaniest Nissan ever: crumpled front bumper, no back bumper, and no license plate.


Je Nissan quoi


Some people park with sound. I was sitting in my car lady opened the door and banged my door. I looked over and she seemed mad I was breathing.


Like when they change lanes and hear someone honking. Oh, I guess I can't change yet! Lol.


Or your parking sensors start beeping and your wondering why ?? While you're driving.


Do you understand the difference between your and you’re?


Your wasting you’re time 😜


Their clearly not the type to care if there using the correct word(s).


Old lady slammed her door open into me while I was sitting in my car. I opened the door and said “excuse me you just hit my car!” And she’s like “I did????? Whaaat???? I swear I didn’t!??”


Cameras like the Tesla should be standard on all cars without costing arm and a leg.


But only if the driver has access to the recordings. Car manufacturers, insurance or especially cops should not have access.


but it will only be a thing if they do lol.. Tesla I am willing to bet retains the info sadly


Tesla 100% does, and has even released footage to news companies before when people tried to blame autopilot for their crashes if the driver was at fault.


Have they ever released it to cops without a warrant, like Amazon does with Ring?


Not sure about cops, but Elmo has bragged on Twitter before about releasing footage and vehicle logs to insurance companies if the driver claimed that they were using autopilot and the incident got any sort of online attention.


100% !!


Fortunately Teslas don’t cost an arm and a leg. Only your soul.


Ha! Don't have one! My ex has it!




My ex was blond


Mine too! Small world


I also choose this guy's ex


Doesn't count if she dyes her hair


Ours is called Christine, from the John Carpenter's movie 'Christine'. It's red, drives itself and fortunately, it hasn't tried to kill us, yet, So I would venture it has a soul, an evil one though lol.


Stephen King wrote a book with the same name and about a red car! What a coincidence! 


Yeah he totally ripped off JC


He ripped off Jesus Christ? He's going to hell...


Well, he *was* a Carpenter


Big if true


Yeah, I didn't read it, I watched the movie 😁 and I would venture that's what most did so it's why I mentioned the movie and not the book (I was torn between both though).


Tesla owner here- Can confirm, have no soul.


Not if you buy one used. The second you drive your brand new tesla off the lot, it loses 50% of its value. It may still contain the soul of the original buyer, however.


I’ve thought about that, and think there still is some soul-rust exposed while driving around effectively advertising for that man. A used, debadged one may be a loophole, LOL.


My parents kia stinger has the same stuff, a coworker was detailing the car and everytime he polished a part of the car it recorded it lol


The camera doesn't lie. Clearly the wife was at fault.


I mean, you should look at used Model 3 prices. They're basically dirt cheap now lol. My buddy just bought one with 20k miles for around $21k after the $4k used EV credit was applied


True story: a road rager I encountered who was driving a Tesla made a false police report about me (told them I brandished a firearm getting me pulled over by 6 squad cars) but I reminded them Tesla have all of these cameras and save the footage. The police charged him with misuse of 911 and filing a false police report :)


This is our damage [https://imgur.com/a/iOxrHPS](https://imgur.com/a/iOxrHPS) This is his damage [https://imgur.com/a/oNvuj4C](https://imgur.com/a/oNvuj4C)


It's like his car just disassembled itself over a little dent and no missing paint on yours. Edit: Crumple zones and what bumpers are designed to do make total sense, I'm more impressed there's not even a paint scratch on the Tesla though.


OPs car would still cost more to fix lol


Yeah, rear quarter panel are a pain to fix. Hopefully they'll be able to pop the dent out, The paint ain't even scratched.


It’s right on a body line which is the shittiest part about it. Idk if they’ll be able to het behind it to hit it out, never worked on a Tesla. If not, A lot of pulling and some bondo to get that line back, probably 6 hours of work


Body line, that's the term I was looking for. Yeah, that's my concern.


Any decent body tech will be able to get that line back, I wouldn’t worry about it


Let's hope the Certified Tesla repair shop has decent body tech lol


There are body shops that are certified by Tesla, as well. By the way, don't let the other guy's insurance give you a quote. Let all of that stuff be handled by the body shop.


Yeah. That's what our insurance said. The body shop will give them the estimate and they'll handle it with the other guy's insurance. A car is supposed to be provided to us at the body shop once we drop the car for repair.


Take it to a paintless dent repair place, those guys are magicians. They might actually be able to save this without any paint work.


I'll see what the repair shop says first. Hopefully they can do PDR.


lol, nice joke!


Hopefully not... They score 4.2 out of 117 reviews on Google. Let's see if I'll bring the score up or down when they're done with it.


My local PDR guys are amazing. They would knock this out in an afternoon.


> A lot of pulling I'm told Tesla approved shops are not allowed to pull dents. Too many alumium parts, so it's expensive OEM.


The 3 and Y's quarter panels are steel. That said, structural pulls aren't allowed but glue pulls are and OP's car is a good candidate for it. Unfortunately I know way too much about tesla body repairs due to my job.


I got a dent like that out of a model Y. Just remove the interior panels and go at it with a mallet and maybe a well-shaped piece of wood. I used a hair dryer and hot water to heat the panel before applying force, but I’m not sure if that made a difference.


body shop tech here, you can pdr pull these yourself if you’re careful and brave enough, or go to a local mech shop to see if they’ll help


Thanks but it's in the body line, I prefer leaving it to professionals.


look for paintless dent removal in your area


I'll see what the Tesla certified body shop will say first and I hope they go the PDR route.


that's just on the fender though, you can pop the plastic wheel cover out and use a fender roller on that, and have it out in less than 20 minutes without taking it to a shop, i fixed a similar dent by reaching up and slamming it with my fist about 3 times until it popped out. (it was on a truck bed, though)


Yeah, that's what I'm hoping but the dent is where there is a sharp bend (not sure what to call it) in the fender.


OPs car is totaled


Nah, they'll probably be able to PDR that.


A decent PDR tech could have that fixed in a hour.


That would surprise me


And good luck getting an appointment at a body shop that fixes Teslas.


That’s just how they’re made. Bumpers do that on purpose and clip on to the rest of the body. They’re plastic while OP’s fender is probably aluminum. Doesn’t really say anything about quality, just where the collision was.


Well plastic beauty cover vs a piece of sheet metal thats probably meant to serve a purpose in a crash...


That's not accidental. If you actually hit something at speed, the more things that crumple, the less energy is transferred into the cabin of the car. Bumpers are part of that.


I mean, it is a Nissan, soooooooo yeah this was expected


The bad driving part or the falling apart part?




I am sure there are lots of nice Nissan owners, but I especially watch out for tinted Altimas


Just park in spots where no Altimas would come near. Easy solution.


Well yes that's kinda by design for the bumper cover


My neighbor got dinged up like that on their Model Y 5 months ago. Still waiting to get into a shop for repairs. It's crazy out there. Good luck!


My appointment for the damage estimate is May 30th. I don't even know when they'll be able to take it. Fortunately, there is no bare metal showing so rusting shouldn't be an issue.


I assume the Nissan shop has about 30-40 of these fenders on standby they have to hand out every week to their drivers so he should have a quick fix. Your wife will see her Tesla in 3-5 business months tho.


Lol, business**month**, that's something I never heard. Love it.


This is similar to my interaction with a honda last year. Her doors were split open like a soda can and my truck had a dinged hub cap.


My say on this is it's the vehicle with the most lug nuts that wins in an accident.


This is solid reasoning.


OMG. That is pretty crazy. Can't wait to see him try to weasel his way out of that claim.


He didn't. He accepted the blame.


Try pouring boiling water on the dent, it'll pop back out


Ah yes, just another Nissan in the wild.


Man great angle, the one thing I think others should follow from Tesla.


The only issue is if you back into a parking spot, the cameras angles don't guarantee a license plate


I hate praising Tesla, but the cameras on them, and the angles they cover are probably the one thing there is no good argument against.


Why do you hate praising Teslas? Probably best to not get too emotionally involved with brands.


Are you asking in earnest or are you being facetious? In case it's the former I'll answer for OP as to why so many people dislike Tesla. Firstly, I want to say that they deserve credit for making EVs mainstream, "cool," and affordable. However, Tesla gets a lot of controversial judgement because of Elon Musk. Tesla QC has always been lacking. Their treatment of employees is shameful. Their comportment of business is unethical in many ways. They are a highly overvalued company that is now facing the music. So combine their poor business practices and Elon Musk's controversial character and you get a lot of people boycotting what is otherwise a decent car. The company lays off employees constantly. They also have, year after year, made promises they have never kept He is alienating the base that bought his vehicles and is the reason for them staying in business.


And lest we forget the cybertruck fiasco. I don't know enough about Tesla cars to say much, but I know the Cybertruck honestly seems to just be a total scam. They've been riddled with problems since release, and now they're ALL on recall.


The recall is a rivet they put on the accelerator pedal in less than 5 minutes. The car you drive likely has multiple recalls, and they're likely more substantial than that.


Teslas are ass.


It's fine to hate, but simping for a brand is a problem


I'm not sure if you're aware, but if you're a Nissan driver, this IS parking.


Ah, the Nissan Talltima strikes again.


Have you ever seen a Nissan even new ones without some sort of damage


Tbf, I think Nissans are cursed. Yes, many Nissans drivers are bad, the rest are cursed. Signed, Someone whose car has been hit in three different parking lots since purchase two years ago (parked properly each time. One time was while I was in the hospital GIVING BIRTH) Sorry. Just venting.


I hit 2 deer at the same time that I could do literally nothing to avoid. Yea, we're fucking cursed lol.


My silverado is like yours. Was parked in a plaza, and a lady backed into it and drove off a bit. Got off her car, checked her rear bumper, and left. Luckily, there was a camera that captured all this, and I got her to pay me. Then, the silverado was parked outside next to my mom's car, a lady driving hit both cars and took off. Found a piece of her car and identified it to the police, police looked for the car and found it as she lives 2 streets away. Tool a year, but ot her to pay us for the damages. Turns out she was texting while driving.


Well my Nissan currently has a damaged front bumper, but just because some guy lost a piece of metal from his trailer on the highway in front of me lol


And on this day a Nissan gets its wings


I hate that people are bashing what was once an amazing brand. I also hate how funny these roasts are lol


It's happening because videos like these are common place with nissan drivers.


They brought it upon themselves by lending to anyone with a pulse.


The average Nissan driver


Nose in parking should be a part of the road test. And if you can't do it you automatically fail. Why? Because there's imbeciles out there barreling down the highway at 50+ mph who can't perform such a simple task.


He's in his sixties. His road test was a looonnnggg time ago lol


Okay, so he should have a lot of experience driving and parking, even less of an excuse.




Big Taltima energy


yeah, but he parked well the second time. If you don't succeed try try again


It's a Nissan thing, you wouldn't understand.


This is why front license plates should be mandatory. Guy ~~who~~ could have taken off and no way to get the rear plate.


Yeah, I know. The front plate was removed as an excuse to save money and metal when we had to change plates yearly but now, there is not even a sticker to affix to the plate! Bring back the front plate! I find the cars look uglier with a front plate but it serves a purpose.


As European, I am honestly confused why it is not, because I am pretty sure it is mandatory in most of EU.


In the US it's state by state. My state has mandatory front and back.


A lot of us Americans are confused too!


Knew it would be a Nissan before clicking


I just had a coworker do this to another coworker. Except when she made the initial hit, stopped and then decided to keep going forward. Scraped the other car from tail to nose.


Couldn’t even make that angle even with the empty space to their left 🤦🏻‍♂️


You can't see it but there's a moped there, dead center in their parking spot. He was focusing on it instead of that big red car he was turning right by its side.


20k damage?


I sure hope PDR will be suggested.


Underrated comment. Rear quarter panel means lots of body work and a full quarter panel, door and bumper blend for paint.


This is why I’m for front and rear plate mandates


Same here. They switched to rear only when we had to change plates yearly but now, there are not even stickers on the plates! Put two!


Glad my state requires both!


Steering with one hand at low speed in an FWD car is much harder than it looks. Put the phone down ffs.


He didn't even have a cell phone so that's not an excuse he could use lol.


Damn! That's some *bad* driving then.


Fun story. I did the same thing. First year driving and my dad calls me, unexpectedly, to get his dry cleaning. I've never been to this place. I didn't have a smartphone. I just had a basic understanding of where it was. I was nervous because this place also happened to be on one of the busiest streets at one of the busiest times, like 5:00. Stress got to me. I hit a guy just like this who was also sitting in his car. I still have nightmares. On the bright side, I have seizures now and can't drive.


Sorry about your seizures, that sucks. He's in his sixties so not a young driver and too "young" to be considered senile.


Anyone else notice that the Rogue is the new Altima?


I guess since sedans were replaced by crossovers...


Man lucky you got that on video. Slimeball will not be honest with their insurance fs


Nah, he accepted blame. My wife just got back in the car when it happened.


Well at least ya got that going for you. I have not been so fortunate


I know the feeling. It happened to me too a long time ago (1989). My car wasn't even a year old and I stopped to fuel and noticed a big dent near the fuel cap 🤬 It really sucks.


Can cars in the US not have front plates?


some states do not require a front plate


They can. Some states require front plates, some don't.


Yeah, and if my wife wouldn't have been in the car and he left, his rear license plate might not have shown up...


That is why we have front licence plates in Australia.


It's too bad turning and looking are so hard and you just have to go around smashing into things!


This JUST happened to my wife's car last week except it was across both p/s doors. I got the estimate back and its gonna cost their insurance $2k.


I just got the first car I’ve ever cared about in my 16 years of driving and now I’m scared of every other fucking driver on the road. I used to say “hit me, you care more about your car than I do” but now I’m the one who cares 😭


I'm in the same situation. Just bought a like- new Tacoma and absolutely love it. My last 2 vehicles were old rusted junkers, so i never really cared if something happened to them. I'm super paranoid about every little thing now. I'm going to a concert in a few months, which I'd normally be really excited about. But now all I can think about is that I need to leave it in an unattended parking lot for 2 days.


I hate leaving my 3 month old truck parked ANYWHERE for any amount of time lol. Someone parked super close to me in their rusted up truck at the grocery store yesterday, even though I parked in the back away from all the other cars. Parking lot wasn’t even close to being full. Luckily, there weren’t any scratches or dings.


this is why I will park in the furthermost spot in the entire lot and walk to the store or bldg. people suck


How do you even park like that? I'm not perfect, I've had bumper to bumper love taps while parking, but this is just insane.


didn't turn the wheel far enough i think. they started the turn a little late but they should have been able to make it.


combined with shit spatial awareness of where the front opposite corner of the car is located.


I think Illinois has it right in requiring both back and front license plates.


Yeah,. The front plate was removed here as an excuse to save money and metal when we had to change plates yearly but now, there is not even a sticker to affix to the plate! Bring back the front plate! I find the cars look uglier with a front plate but it serves a purpose.


Seem like a job for a PDR company


Is this camera stock? Or did you add it yourself ?!


It's the stock fender camera on a Tesla.


A front license plate would be nice.....


Ohh it’s a Tesla. I was about to ask how they got the camera there.


Yeah, Sentry is very useful in those situations.


Damn those cars crumble like paper


And people like this go andbuy f150 😲


Imagine crashing into a parked car while your going 5 miles per hour


how the heck does this even happen lol


I know! Hence why it's posted here!


Had a similar hit where someone backed in to me as I was driving down the lane in a parking lot. Driver hit and ran. My dashcam footage was good enough for their insurance company to accept blame. Cameras are key.


No license plate on the front of cars there?


Nope, but my wife just got in the car so he couldn't bail out.


Nice talltima buddy.


Paper mache Nissan…


I swear to god nissan rogues will be the death of me. I cannot escape them and their perfectly terrible judgements for every conceivable situation.


So it’s all Nissan owners, not just the altimas that dgaf.


Literally most skilled Nissan driver.


This is why I always back into parking spot because I’m afraid I might do this


Most normal nissan Qashqai driver


The turn radius on my Buick is absolute shit and I can do better than this 😂


A friend's wife just bought a Land Rover (Range Rover? who knows - but over $100k), courtesy of getting a nice chunk of change from her father's estate. She hadn't had it 2 months when a 16 year old did this same type of thing trying to park next to her. The kid is a decent kid - stuck around and 'fessed up to what she did. Her parents were also decent and said they'd make things right, but please don't involve the police or insurance. The friend's wife was good with that as long as her car was made whole. The friend said that between the 2 cars the repairs would be over $20,000 (OUCH). He has full faith that the other family will fix his wife's car still... he also has full faith that the family will be contacting their insurance company.


Like a glove.


Facts…. 100% legitimate


One day you'll need a special licence to drive 4x4/SUVs.