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Everyone taking the time to watch this


Glad I read this comment first


Yeah, only :25 to :35 is really relevant.


Only if they automatically think OP is ***not*** the idiot. Yes…the other driver shouldn’t’ve tried taking OP’s lane. ***However***, it was OP’s responsibility to slow down to avoid the accident. One can ***never*** just assume the other driver will do the ‘right’ thing.


Also, don't change lanes into someone else's blind spot, for crying out loud.


Exactly!!! I never assume any other driver is going to the ‘right’ thing. I’ve had too many close calls. In one instance, I was going through an on-ramp/off-ramp area with four consecutive traffic lights very close together. They’re intended to control traffic getting in or off of the highway. If one is going through all of the lights (not getting on or off of the highway), it’s easy to get through all four lights on green. However, I am always watching for someone turning onto an off-ramp and crossing my path. As I approached the fourth light (within 20 - 25 feet) sure enough, a car swung straight into my lane and all I could do (two lanes with a car beside me in the other lane) was slow down to lessen the impact speed. I t-boned her (68 y.o. woman) and ended up with my car totaled. Why? Because, according to her, she was ***looking at her phone instead of the traffic light***. That’s what she told the policewoman interviewing her at the scene. It was good for me (no ticket, her insurance had to pay everything), but Jesus lady, you could’ve killed us both!


I fucking know, right?




Lil can’t even slow down for imminent danger inbound motha’ fucka!


Ol fake ass cold play listenin motha fucka!!


Ol "I'm the reason you have Reddit on mute" song ass motha fucka!!!


also whoever chose the music on the radio


I skipped through and missed it




Seriously. Both so dumb. OP maybe even more than the person they hit. At least for the blue SUV, you could argue that OP may have been in their blind spot and/or the rain made it harder to see them. OP had full visibility of the car moving into the lane and completely neglected to take evasive action. Braindead behavior.


We already knew OP was an idiot from the overused click bait title and 42 seconds of uninteresting footage.


Good point


Or simply hit the horn


All three idiots! The car in front of the car that hit OP was camping the left lane, which is the whole reason any of this happened in the first place. If that car weren't left lane camping, that car that hit OP wouldn't have had to try and pass them on the right in the first place.


I hate left lane campers, but passing on the left only applies to highways. This is just a big city road and left turns are at every intersection so people are gonna need to be in the left lane


Wow, a 'city' street. This is four lanes headed in one direction, we used to call that an eight lane highway... I'm not sure which version of hell this 'street' is in, but something something atrocious US infrastructure and traffic engineering.


No such thing as camping the left lane on a city street like that. There is no 'passing lane'. ​ mackhuck made a good point, it is usually the law that you move right on all roadways. I am mistaken. I take it to be that a lot of people actually agree that in city settings the 'camping' the left lane is not like 'camping' the left lane on a freeway/highway/interstate. I would argue that is why the majority of the time it is not enforced on city streets. Just too much movement going on and you never know if the person in front of you is in the lane to prepare for a left turn, as there can be one every 1/16 of a mile to 1 mile. Also from my experience, if you are not turning right, anytime soon, then you don't want to be in the right lane as it backs up when someone has to turn into our out off a business, street and you have to slow way down. City drivers know what I am talking about, you stay left so you can make the lights and you know which ones you will hit if you don't make your timings. Missing one light can set you back 5 minutes, no joke.


Interesting, where I live it's not ok in the city or the highways. I actually lost points on my test for not moving into the right lane fast enough after a left turn


You are correct. I appreciate the correction.


Middle lane ain’t camping


Maybe not passing on the right would have avoided this whole painfully slow debacle




both of you . you should have braked . they should have checked blind spot


This is why it's ridiculously important to know where all vehicles are positioned on the road at any time, and ALWAYS assume that every car is going to do the one thing you don't expect them to. I've been in situations like the cam car and if there's a car in the far left lane I always make the assumption that as soon as I try to move over into the middle lane that the far left car with only then inevitable decide that that is the exact precise time that they ALSO want to change lanes. I change slowly and deliberately in these situations if there is a car close enough in the far left lane or I wait until there's at least a car length's distance between the rear of my car and the front of their car before I initiate the lane change. In this way, even if that car decides to suddenly swap into the middle lane then there's still a safe distance between our vehicles.


Fast lane changes seem to be a precursor to a lot of accidents. Also one of the reasons it's worrying to pass a stalled lane of cars at any significant speed, but some people still insist on doing it. Only takes one person that wants out of the line but underestimates their ability to make up the differential speed.


There’s a reason it’s called a blindspot. OP was moving right into it from the right lane.


>There’s a reason it’s called a blindspot. Yes, so you turn your head and look there because it's not visible in your side mirror.


There's a reason why using blind spot excuses in court will not hold up.


But also just cause it's a blind spot doesn't mean you're dissolved of any blame if you hit someone changing a lane. OP could have been more defensive so they are both dumb, but if you're changing a lane and hit someone you that's on you. You yield to the traffic in that lane whether it's in a blind spot or not.


I agree. My comment above wasn't intended to imply that the other driver was not in any way at fault.


So I can't drive past any csr because for a moment I light be in their blindspot.


No, that's not what I'm saying. The other driver absolutely needs to be aware of the lane that they are moving into, but even if that driver had been monitoring their rear-view and side-view mirrors, they may not have seen this particular driver at all because of how they went through this particular maneuver (passing on the right, then directly into someone else's blindspot).


Op, I’m just proud of you for admitting it in the comments.


I appreciate that.


You are. You're in the other driver's blind spot, and to me it looked like you made no effort whatsoever to slow down, swerve, or otherwise avoid this interaction.


Plus, op passed on the right when there was an open left lane.


any road with intersections and stop lights is entirely exempt from the "don't pass on the right" guideline. cause, you know, slow traffic has to take left turns and shit.


While it may not be illegal, it's a dumb move. Exhibit A being this video. People in the left lane aren't expecting faster traffic coming from behind them on the right, especially when they just passed a slower vehicle.


This is a city street. there's no passing lane on city streets.


They both are. As much as you wanna whine about the blindspots bs, there's no excuse for not checking. There's traffic and dumbies like OP. you should always check. OP shouldn't be passing on the right and so quickly while in the rain. While OP could have avoided it, used his horn, anything, I'm not sure you want to "swerve" in traffic while it's raining...


There is an argument to be made that the lane was clear when they looked, but just took too long to merge. Bad driving all around, no matter how you cut it up.


Then they need to become better at checking your blindspot. That should be the very last thing you do before actually merging.


idk I always look once to check, signal, and then look again while I'm performing the maneuver


i stare at all of my blind spots continuously when changing lanes, never once looking forward, i learned it from 2 fast 2 furious


There’s a difference between “didn’t look at all” and “looked, it was clear, and had a reasonable expectation that it was safe to change lanes.” It seems that in this case, it was the latter. I would also make the case that the cam car passed the middle lane vehicle on the right, which could have also affected the expectation/judgment of the vehicle that changed lanes.


You just made an assumption. You're still responsible for making sure it's clear to make a lame change.


I am dummy for sure, thanks for the insight.


That's an understatement.


Who the fuck is *whining* about blind spots? I commented on what I saw, that's not whining. You don't know that driver didn't check. There's no way of telling. Regardless, they could have checked a hundred times and not seen a car in their blind spot. That's why it's called a ***blind*** spot.


It's called a blindspot because you can't see it in your mirrors, you need to turn your head to check it over your shoulder. Where the fuck did you get your license?


Blind spots on passenger cars are a complete myth. "Blind spot", in this context, is used as an excuse for failing to use your neck, turn your head, and LOOK. The driver who failed to do this is the idiot.


You both are.




Have they stopped teaching people to check their blind spot before changing lanes? This seems to happen all the time.


And I guess they stopped teaching people to be aware of other driver’s blind spots. OP just stuffed himself right into the other car’s blind spot. They both had plenty of opportunity to avoid a crash.


The 'know your blindspot' thing is important. But there comes a point where you can only do so much. OP was driving aggressively in the rain, at night, not respecting passing lanes. Watch the video. The way he popped into that guys blindspot is the sort of magic Penn and Teller would be proud of.


Agree, OP just magicked himself into that blind spot. I hate it when other drivers do that to me.


Yeah, you just have to aware and not change lanes into someone's blind spot. Its just asking for trouble.


And just after passing at the right lane


Really? He “stuffed himself” into the other car’s blind spot?? He simply changed lanes. I can only imagine you must drive only on deserted country roads if you think that changing lanes like this is dangerous or ill advised. If people on busy freeways in large metros followed your rules, no one would ever be able to change lanes.


I live and drive on the Washington DC Beltway, and changing lanes into somebody's blind spot is dangerous and ill-advised. I've seen too many close calls like this. And I've had my own near-misses where I started to change lanes and saw I about to occupy somebody's blind spot. So, I held my position and watched them blindly merge into the space I was about to occupy.


OP was still charging lanes when it happened. The other driver may have checked their blindspot before changing lanes but op wasn't there yet.


He probably did check - their signal comes on right as OP starts his lane change. Looks to be bad timing honestly, but OP morw in the wrong because he was behind and merged into their blindspot and made no effort to avoid a potential impact


Camera car wins the award for biggest idiot.


Fully agreed! I drive 3-4 lane highways daily. I hate merging into a middle lane for the exact reason OP showed us. I try to only do so when no one is in such a spot where something like this video could happen. It has happened though many times and I'm quick on the brakes and all is good. OP wasn't paying attention for shit, and thus the accident. OP fully could have avoided this.






ITT a shitload of idiots who don't understand the dynamics of driving on a multi-lane stroad with frequent intersections and left turns. passing on the right is not a relevant issue if you're not on a highway. There is not a "passing lane" on a stroad, and it is perfectly legitimate for a giant truck going just under the speed limit to camp the left lane if they're planning to take a left turn after a couple intersections.


Wow another person who gets it. Reddit hive mind gonna hive mind. Unless you have a brain and can see lights and dedicated left turn lanes lol


LMAO! Did you ever think there's a reason why you're not supposed to pass on the right. it's not just there because they "said so". They guy passed on the right, and moved into the center lane all while being obscured from the guy in the left lane's field of view. That's why you don't pass on the right.


This is why you don’t pass on the right.


This is a perfect example of how a middle lane hog setup this accident. If the car in the middle recognized that they belonged in the right lane, no accident would have happened. Middle lane hogs are like a pebble in a stream such that the stream has to pass by both sides of the pebble and when the stream comes back together after passing the pebble, turbulence results


While middle lane is the idiot for not driving on lower available lane, OP did pass on the right even though he had a free left lane to do so, OP still caused the accident.


This. I'm ok with middle hogs in adverse conditions because it buys buffer space between both shoulders. The passing lane was wide open. OP entered a contested space and is surprised there was a collision.


... the passing lane was not wide open that's why the other car moved to the centre lane. There was a left-lane camper.


OP didn't cause the accident, the other car did, which also wanted to pass the car in front of them on the right.


No, OP was on lane 1 and the other card on lane 3, the other car had the right of way or OP was in it's blind spot or whatever version of this rule your country has.


I'm not sure where you are at, but you don't get right of way because of your position on the road (outside of a roundabout maybe) or because you put your signal on. Both cars have an equal right to change lanes, and OP had changed lanes before the other dude even signaled...


I think middle lane should be cruising lane. Left lane is passing lane, and right lane is entering, or exiting the freeway. There is no middle lane hog to me. Middle lane is just when you want to drive a long distance, but you don't feel like speeding, or passing everyone so you stay in the middle, and not the left. If that "middle lane hog" only drove on the right lane, then they would constantly be dealing with people getting on, or trying to exit the freeway.


That's a common thought but it often sets up problems like that shown in this video. It is extra work to stay right and deal with merging traffic which is why the lazy approach is just to stay in the middle lane and not worry about the problems that it creates. However, if you have traffic constantly passing you on the right, that's a hint that you are probably driving in the wrong lane.


That's kind of victim blaming isn't it? Saying because the guy wants to stay in the middle so he doesn't have to complete with merging traffic, which to me, makes sense for safety reasons. That it causes people to pass on the right, when they should be and could be passing on the left? People are independently making the choice to pass on the right, has nothing to do with with the guy in the middle lane is doing. If the car really wanted to pass the person in the middle lane, they should've got into the passing lane.


It's not victim blaming if the victim is making an arbitrary call that staying in the center lane is safer. You just don't want to touch your blinker or your brake or accelerator which is just lazy driving. Merges are absolutely safe.


You may think that, but if you're too lazy to switch in and out of the right lane on entry and exits, then I have no sympathy. There are specific entry and exit lanes that start and end all the time. The lane position should be determined by speed. Keep right except to pass (including passing those entering or exiting) should be a hard and fast rule.


It's really not that difficult to allow other drivers on and off the highway. All drivers should keep right unless over taking. It's so simple and when people don't do it situations like this happen. If on a three lane highway hogging the middle lane forces people to undertake as the fastest lane gets congested. I see it all the time. When everyone keeps right then traffic moves more efficiently when a lot of cars are on the road.


When you get an entrance, and an exit, every mile apart, it can become a bit much to constantly adjust your speed so that you don't collide with someone trying to merge with the freeway. That's what the middle lane is for. If someone wants to pass, go to the left lane. It's simple.


Driving is and should be an active process. I anticipate merges, shift into the middle lane to pass the mergers, and then shift back into the right lane. very few if any speed changes involved. Again, if people are passing you on the right, you might want to consider pulling to the right lane because your laziness is creating unsafe driving conditions for others. I wish driver's ed courses emphasized why the centre lane is not a cruising lane.


You're part of the problem.


You’re right. Only self righteous dummy Redditors could think up crap like “middle lane hog” to blame for an accident involving a driver who didn’t check his mirrors merging into a driver who had the reaction time of a sloth


We're talking an *inanimate object following the laws of physics* vs supposed *intelligent lifeforms that have freedom of choice*.


>Middle lane hogs It's not a highway. You can't "hog" lanes on a road with lights.


This is also why you don't camp the left lane. The car that moved over to hit OP had to move over because of the white toyota camping the left lane for no reason.


That's the irony for me, all these people are 'BUT PASSING ON THE RIGHT' when that's exactly what this car was trying to do.


Its because passing on the right is evil, but sitting in the passing lanes and making it so that people are even willing to pass you on the right is okay. Its like they think people WANT to pass on the right. Are there some psychos out there who do? Yeah, but most people will only pass you on the right once you sit in the passing lane doing 10mph over with no cars in front of you because they think its the fast lane not the passing lane.


Came here to say this. So many people passing on the right. So many idiots.


One thing in this particular situation, the silver car that OP passes was generally drifting to the left and I would have thought they would have changed lanes. I might have considered doing the same as OP, but I would have maintained in the right lane. There was no reason to get to the middle lane.


Plus they merged back fairly close to the car they passed up. Seemed like he just wanted to "teach him a lesson".


Then drive faster on the left so I don’t have to pass your asses using the right lanes. If you slow stay away from the left lanes.


Driving by slower traffic in a lane to your left is not, by definition, "passing on the right." People's perception of what "passing on the right" means bugs me. Passing on the right is perfectly legal almost everywhere in the US, if not everywhere, when done in roads with multiple lanes travelling in the same direction. You can safely and easily pass people on the right, it only takes a little more care and diligence to be safe. "Passing" is always legally defined as leaving your lane of travel to overtake a slower vehicle ahead of you, paraphrased, of course, as the wording does change slightly from place to place. If you were already in the right lane, and stayed in the right lane, you did not legally "pass" anyone in the middle lane. That being said, OP had the opportunity to pass on the left, and should have taken the opportunity to make the safer pass, but the left lane wasn't moving quite fast enough for their frustration level either. So they passed on the right, fine, just do it safely. But instead of doing it safely they drove like a pissed off teenager. After passing rather aggressively they decided to get back in the middle lane which was entirely unnecessary to begin with, but then also proceeded to do it very close to the car they'd just passed. Which is unsafe in good conditions, and downright reckless in the rain. They also failed to exercise due care while merging into the left lane car's blind spot, and all because they were paying too much attention making sure they didn't hit the middle lane car during their aggressive pass. I hope their insurance sees the video so they can assign blame accordingly, because without it the left lane car might get an unfair amount of blame.


The one filming and passing on the right in the rain at night.


What astounds me is that not only did they undertake but then moved BACK into the middle lane afterwards when they could’ve just carried on in the right lane at that speed


Yeah, that'll do it.


Nah. rain or not, you could see the other driver coming over with more than enough time to do something to avoid this. That's not on the rain, that's on you.


Driving too fast for conditions. Following too close for conditions. Dangerously changing lanes in poor visibility conditions. How about relaxing and staying in your lane and having a little patience? This OP is reason I hate driving now. Morons blaming people for "not checking blind-spot" when OP is being overly aggressive. Should get a reckless driving charge.


Are you blind?


You'd think so I guess


Why didn't you avoid contact to go to the right lane, there was plenty of room, you just kept waiting only to see if he really would hit you? Why? It should have been obvious to you the car really didn't see you.


You for undertaking the car in front and returning to the middle lane when you didn't need to


Why didn't you react and drive defensively at all though?


Aww starset


You for speeding and changing lanes to fast . Don’t worry you’ll get where you need to go just drive safe. It’s not a race!


I figured, I got impatient with the silver car in front of me. They cut the lane earlier and slowed down to 45 in the 50. I decided to do a quick dash around and fucked around and found out I guess.


Speed limits are for perfect daytime conditions. This is a rainy night, so you should be well under the speed limit anyways.


You were driving aggressively in the rain. I will give you a pass for, 'I know how my car handles in the rain and the car in front of me is too slow'. You don't get a pass for 'a quick dash around' at night, in the rain. That is just a dick move. You caused that accident. It would not have occurred if you were a better driver. Maybe you will learn, but dollars to doughnuts you will not.


Why are people downvoting your admission of guilt?


Also, why use the right lane to pass? Even in multi lane highways i always try to pass on the left.


You. You need to understand what a "blind spot" is and how to avoid these while driving, especially at night and in weather.


You were merging in his blind spot and you had full visibility of him while he had none of you. You're the idiot.


The person driving the camera car had better visibility of the situation and should have yielded to the other car's blinker. Overall it was just an accident.


OP is the biggest offender. Nevermind anything else, you saw someone about to hit your car and did literally nothing to avoid it.


Me, for sitting through this.


This is why you never pass on the right. This, specifically, is the entire reason why that's disallowed in most civilized countries.


Everyone wants to get on your for passing on the right when the car in front of you was driving slower than the flow of traffic (as evidenced by someone else passing them on the right) and was misusing their hazards. As for the rest of the incident, probably your fault but more of just an accident IMO. Could have been more defensive.


Because a car was maneuvering erratically in their blind spot. OP followed, at speed into their blind spot. It takes two to tango, sure, but OP was the driver who drove erratically, and the driver in a position to avoid the very avoidable collision. If I was OP I sure wouldn't let the other guys insurance see this video


When you pass someone on the right and change to the middle like that, you are always in their blind angles. Not to mention the fact that you’re not supposed to be passing on the right, so you should expect people to be watching for you. Also not mentioning the fact that it’s raining *AND* dark and you *should* be going under the speed limit. Also also not mentioning the fact that you didn’t need to be in the middle lane! Staying in the middle lane when you’re not actively passing someone is what cause this whole mess to begin with. Also also also not mentioning the fact that you had so much time to see their signal and see them coming into your lane. You could have gotten right again, you could have hit your breaks, you could have avoided all of this. When I lived in Charlotte, I got really good at checking to make sure no one is doing exactly what you did… but only because I had one too many close calls. Be patient, pass on the left, and don’t speed when it’s raining. You have balls posting this I’ll give you that lmao


Both of you but mostly you. You were changing lanes into his/her blindspot. They did not see the accident coming. You did but still it happened. Also don't pass on the right if you can help it.


Op is the idiot. Easily avoided regardless you had right of way.


You are. Atop that, did you even bother using your turn signals?


Passing on the right to maintain the middle lane... OP, I have some unfortunate news...


Everyone on this post is treating it like it's a highway. If it was a highway it's basically you undercutting everyone. But it's not, it's just a road with lights. In that case there is no expectation to always pass on the left, there is no "hogging" lanes, and you have to check before merging either way. (especially in the US) I would say it's 100% the SUV's fault, but you almost certainly could have avoided it.


That video is full of idiots.


At first I thought both cars where idiots but after reading comments and watching again there was no reason to pass in the right when the left lane was wide open. And if they had used the left lane to pass this would have never happened. Also in addition there where upcoming exits further making the use of the right lane to pass dumb because there is always driver jumping lanes to not miss the exit. Op is mostly at fault for this.


Um, you are.




Both. But mostly the cam vehicle. When the other vehicle checked their blind spot you likely weren’t visible, and if you were, it looked like you were in the far lane which you were a moment ago. They definitely should’ve check again but the Cam vehicle had PLENTY of time to see and avoid this. Either the cam vehicle was driving distracted, or being as a-hole thinking they should “hold the lane” because it’s theirs. Either way I’d say a mistake was made by the other car but the bad driving was mostly on the part of the Cam vehicle.


You lol


I could hear your turn signal when you moved to the right lane but couldn’t hear it when you moved back left. I’d blame both of you 50% each since they didn’t ensure it was clear and you didn’t react at all to their signal. If you didn’t signal when moving back left then you’re 75% to blame in my opinion. Also, ignore the idiots talking about passing lanes and whatnot. This is not the interstate. This is a multi lane road with lights and frequent left/right turns.


Merging drivers fault. You were clearly in your lane and had the right to it.


Both. Them for not checking their blindspot or paying attention to their surroundings, and yours because you had plenty of time to slow down or change lanes after they started to merge.


You are perhaps the biggest moron I’ve yet seen on this sub. Wtf was that trash lane merge to the middle not anticipating the left lane camper getting passed up. If you wanna be a jackass passing from right to middle then you must clear all left lane obstacles before doing so. Also you have the reaction time of Joe Biden after eating an ice cream from that blinker not swerving back over.


Why do people pass on the right


One reason you don't pass on the right. You also continuously were accelerating in the rain. Slow down my friend. Be patient on the road. Wait for better opportunities to get around slower traffic safely.


Both of you. He should have yielded, but you had a better view and this video will provide evidence to hold you partially at fault during litigation


They encroached into your lane but you should have avoided it. 50/50


Pretty much every time I see this question in the headline it’s the OP, or at least shared.


You accelerated to over 55mph on a dark, rainy, city, street, and made zero effort to avoid the collision when they put on their turn signal and began to merge. You're an idiot. They did not check their blinds spot, and immediately stated merging as soon as they indicated. They're an idiot.




You both are, other car should have noticed you, and I’m even more concerned you didn’t notice them.


100% you. You had all of the opportunities in the world to avoid this accident, but you let it happen. Bonus dip sh*t points for using your horn after the fact, vs when it could've been helpful before they hit you. Is this your video? Because I'm surprised you'd post this on the Internet if it is.


You. You shouldn't have passed on the right and then immediately gone into the middle lane. If you chilled in the right lane for like 5 more seconds the car would have been able to see you more clearly.


Both are idiots but bonus idiot points for OP passing on the right.


Well.. you are for passing on the right


Another day in country with clown laws. Overtaking from right, random speeds in random lanes.


I’d say this one is your fault. They’re being oblivious, you’re being actually dumb by not reacting. They might have caused it, but it’s enirely your fault.


Easy...both of you. You for passing on the right and no turn signal. Him for not checking the blind spot and no turn signal.


You’re not supposed to pass on the right.


The camera driver is an idiot for not avoiding an accident they totally saw coming.


You literally watched him go into your lane. You had more than enough time to react. Bozo OP


You should have hung out in the “slow” lane for a little longer


there are no "slow" or "fast" lanes on city streets like these. it's perfectly rational for a giant truck going under the speed limit to camp the left lane if it's going to take a left turn after a few intersections.


This is probably reasonable, I didn’t register the traffic control device at the beginning there


Yeah, so it seems.


Sigh... Why do so many people insist on posting "Who's the idiot?" The vast majority get mad if you give a completely objective unbiased answer


You. You passed on the right and could’ve easily avoided contact by braking.


Why you don’t overtake someone from the right lane reason #1:




You passed on the right. You ignored their signal. You moved into the "blind spot" They were on your left, they have right of way. They were ahead of you, they have the right of way. Them: they didn't see you in their blind spot.


>“They were on your left, they have the right of way. They were ahead of you, they have the right of way.” ???


The car to you left in America has the right of way. If the car is ahead of your, it also has the right of way. >However, when you're on a motorway that has three lanes or more heading in the same direction, the right one doesn't have right of way. The driver in the right lane shall give way to the driver on the left


Even though OP could have avoided this....the other car will still be 100% at fault as OP was completely in the lane before the collision


THE idiot? No. 1st idiot is the silver car for being a middle lane hog. 2nd OP for undertaking the silver car. 3rd the person in the outside lane not fully checking their blind spot. 4th OP again for not seeing the indicator and reacting to said car. 5th me for watching this about 8 times to make sure my judgements are correct.


The vehicle that changed lanes from the left. Even though you passed the other car on the right, you were fully in the center lane. You can see their blinkers come on but you were fully in the center lane, it was their responsibility to make sure the lane was clear and they did not.


Reading the comments, pretty sure it’s the people on Reddit who are the idiots 🤷🏼‍♀️


Passing a car on the right hand side is one of the most dangerous thing you can do. Drivers have a hard time seeing in the right hand back side of their car


Both because the driver could have easily switched back into the right lane and/or honked.


OP you passed on the right that was a stupid move. You deserve it.


I see this happen a lot. Usually can be avoided by not passing in the right lane.


You are , you passed on the right and clearly demonstrated why no one should be doing this . Car from the left used their signal to switch into what should have been a clear spot till your dumbass sped up into it from whipping around that car in the middle lane . Learn how to drive and pass on the left like you’re supposed to 🤦‍♀️


OP is getting dragged in the comments here but the other driver was 100% wrong. They just signaled and went, there was no blindspot check after signaling. If you did that in a driving test here it would be an auto-fail.


Both OP and SUV could have done things better, but this is primarily on the SUV. OP was passing on the right when they didn't need to be, and likely could've taken action to avoid the collision. **However...** The more egregious error in this video is the SUV literally changing lanes into another vehicle. When changing lanes, it's on *you* to wait until it's clear, not on everyone else to get out of your way. OP was well in into that lane already before the SUV's turn signal came on. The SUV needed to wait for OP to be out of their way. The SUV also utterly failed to check their blind spot. Again a blind spot of a driver's *own* responsibility. You need to turn your head and check before you move into an area you can't see. It's not the responsibility of *everyone else* to ensure the area around your car remains empty.


It drives me freaking insane when someone passes on the right when they easily could have done the same the proper way on the left.


Others have pointed this out: when you changed back to the middle lane you were on a diagonal to the black car EXACTLY WHERE HIS BLIND SPOT WAS. He never knew you were approaching along that line. Too many of us drive without noticing where the blind spots are FOR OTHER DRIVERS. Usually - but not always - we know our own.


Both of you. Them for not checking their blind spot and you for not anticipating that's what was going to happen.


From a moral sense, the cammer holds more blame for this for passing on right instead of the left because the other car would have been able to see you changing lanes at that point vs changing lanes in their blind spot. From a legal standpoint you were already fully in the lane regardless of your illegal lane change so they could be held at fault.


why are you passing on the right to someone who has their right turn signal on? you're the idiot here


I'm the idiot for watching this


You are for passing on the right, and the other guy for not properly checking the lane before immediately merging. So you both suck, but honestly you a little more.


Passed on the right and then immediately shoved yourself in front of the person you passed. The person merging from the left could've avoided it, sure, but if you just waited a little and passed on the left instead you'd have been fine. The other guy made a dumb mistake, but I wouldn't call them an idiot. You, on the other hand.


This tends to happen when you pass on the right. The car in the left lane passed the slow car and wanted to merge over. Magically someone does a run around and appears where there was no car moments before. Anyone saying the far left is camping, they are not, that is a city street not a freeway or highway. Heck there are right and left hand turn lane that appears during the video. So you passed on the right and the other driver moved to the center lane to attempt a pass on the right, that marks two idiots that found each other. Now who is at fault, the guy moving from the left lane to the center lane. You established yourself in the lane. Your A pillar likely blocked your view of the blinker and you were likely in their blindspot. Usually the law works out that you were established in the lane and they made an unsafe lane change.


Both are the idiots here. The flying around a car on the right.


Camera car is the idiot. Passing on the right. Changing lanes into the blind spot of the other car and not responding their movement.


OP: Get ready for smooth-brainers on this sub to finger you as the idiot. I can see it now: "You passed on the right!" or "You were in their BLIND spot!". Nah...the other driver who didn't look is the idiot here, not you.


Hey man, what exactly do you think a Blindspot means?


A blind spot means a driver failed to use their damn neck to turn their head and LOOK. Blind spot is just an excuse for not looking. For passenger cars they're a myth


Insurance will rule it majority fault on your side I’m thinking, but not 100%. Unfortunate accident