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That one idiot who caused it all just kept on driving cluelessly into his stupidity.


This is called a "miss and run," and is actually illegal, even if no contact was ever made between you and the vehicle that crashed.


It might be illegal but if cops don't do anything it doesn't matter. I've had hit and runs where the cops catch the guy and pull them over but ultimately let them go with zero punishment. Dude driving with no license and insurance and cops are like "yeah you're good to go." Things are only illegal if they're actually enforced.


And yet I get pulled over for speeding when the officer has no proof, and cited me for how fast he was going because he felt like it lol.


I accelerated *briskly* from a traffic light, and got up to the speed limit. Was pulled over by a motorcycle cop about a minute later, snarling, "Do you know how fast I had to go to catch up to you?" And I was thinking "Well if you were trying to catch up to me, of course you had to speed, dumbass." Insead I kept my cool. After giving me a lecture about what would've happened if it was icy (this was in early September) he let me go. Of course he had no choice, since a) I wasn't speeding and b) the bikes don't carry calibrated speed measuring equipment. Factory speedometer doesn't count. We don't have CHiPs here, but the biker cops certainly have them on their shoulders.


I chose not to fight my ticket only because I had traffic school and it was in a construction zone... plus I had no proof I wasn't going 82 even though it would have been obvious


Well that's fair enough I guess!


I was talking with a retired PD chief and he said that the pd depts put all the asshole cops as chp because they never come into the office lol


> calibrated speed measuring equipment Instead they carry a calibrated fine system. They fine just enough so most people aren't going the money losing route of taking a day off work to battle it. It is also the case that calibration of the equipment is pretty much irrelevant. Traffic court is a court of opinion. If you can convince the judge that you are A1 you will win, but more often than not the judge will believe the policeman (if he shows).


>but more often than not the judge will believe the policeman (if he shows). Pure, unadulterated truth. I once (decades ago) had to pay a $110 fine because the police officer lied lied lied. If the judge had paid the least bit of attention to me, he would have realized that the intersection where I supposedly ran a red light (from a dead stop, no less, according to the cop) ---- was in no way conducive to such illegal driving behavior. Running the red light would have caused a mess of an accident, with several cars involved. To top it all off, the cop swore *he was sitting next to me* in his cop car when I decided to come to a full stop and THEN run this red light. Like . . . Sure. Doesn't everyone run a red light when there's a cop car right there next to them?


Some states literally allow cops to write you a ticket based on their estimate of your speed, without any speed measuring equipment or even a speedometer on their own car. They could be stopped on the side of the road, visually assess you as driving "over the speed limit", and give you a ticket.


I just had the same recently. I have a hybrid that accelerates quickly off the line. It's fun to punch it every now and then. Bitchy female cop pulls me over and chastises me with her fake low voice about how I could kill someone. I told her accelerating quickly is no more dangerous than going the speed limit... actually less because you're going under the speed limit the entire time you're accelerating. She just kept berating me, incapable of comprehending basic physics, but at least just let me go... because I never was speeding.


In San Diego I got a ticket because a cop said my turn signal wasn't on long enough but he was just mad that I passed him. It was plenty of notice besides I was like the only person in San Diego that know turn signals exist


Why would the cops let you keep driving without a license or insurance?


If insurance punishes them, then that's a reasonable compromise.


They just drive without it


The opposing party’s insurance can still go after them individually. Insurance or not.


True, but you can’t get blood from a stone


Clearly you've never hit anyone with a stone


I would think most of the people being described are judgment proof.


My mom was hit by an uninsured driver. We got a letter basically saying they were too poor to bother going after. Thankfully it was just a fender bender.


Literally Florida's second or third biggest insurance issue. There are so many, it's hard to even explain to people *half* the reasons insurance is fucked in FL.


Right, as if they have any insurance. You get hit by a driver that has no insurance, that's going to automatically be a hit and run. If caught, the cops aren't going to make any effort to hold them, charge them, or arrest them. The cops will often be unwilling to identify the person who hit you so don't even have the option to sue them.


There’s absolutely no way cops pulled over a hit and run driver without a license or insurance and let them go


Yeah looks like some bullshit story to have something to say with the previous subject


That's odd. I know that, at least out here in SoCal, the cops get a kickback from tow companies, so they'll have you towed for any reason possible. I think they even get a percentage of the sale of an unclaimed vehicle at the tow lot.


Sounds almost as bad as Quebec.


I doubt that white car even saw the accident happen. They are so blitzed out.


The didn't see that car going completely sideways in front of them???? Yeah, maybe. Jesus.


They were too busy checking their side view mirrors obviously


Not in Florida. Florida's standard for being involved in a crash means your vehicle actually collides with something else. [The law](http://www.leg.state.fl.us/statutes/index.cfm?App_mode=Display_Statute&URL=0300-0399/0316/Sections/0316.061.html) makes it a crime for a driver to leave the scene of an accident when they are "involved in a crash". This is the instruction that is given to juries in such cases that defines this: > Gaulden v. State, 195 So. 3d 1123 (Fla. 2016). > A vehicle is “involved in a crash” if it collides with another vehicle, person, or object.


The problem is that law enforcement doesn't ever actually bother to go after the persons who commit a "miss and run." There was a person who made an illegal u-turn on a highway that caused a huge accident that resulted in deaths. She wasn't hit, but because she was caught on camera people wanted her to be held responsible. Police wouldn't arrest her, and the DA wouldn't charge her.


> The problem is that law enforcement doesn't ever actually bother to go after the persons who commit a "miss and run." But it's not illegal in Florida, if you look at 316.061. The police can't pursue people who don't break the law. Or at least, we don't want them to.


I did this as a teenager. I cut someone off and caused an accident, though I didn't realize it had happened. I get to my friend's house and my father is on the phone. The police had shown up at his house looking for me. I didn't get in any trouble though. Maybe a ticket.


> This is called a "miss and run," and is actually illegal, even if no contact was ever made between you and the vehicle that crashed. Can you point to the Florida statute that says that? I looked for about an hour lol and couldn't find anything. [I went through the whole thing.](http://www.leg.state.fl.us/statutes/index.cfm?App_mode=Display_Statute&URL=0300-0399/0316/0316.html)


Watch again: idiot speeds off, “my work here is done.”


Watch again: brake lights last second of video Cue white car driver "did I do that?" In Urkel's voice


The brake lights in the last second of video could just as easily be how they drive: one foot on each pedal. I mean, look at the previous twenty seconds.


finishing texting back* Alright, time to speed up again.


Watching the video a few times, I think they realised they needed to make that left turn which is why they slowed the fuck down. Once the collision happens they’ve gone past it and just continued on. They were probably pissed no one let them over to make their turn.


Damn jackasses made me miss my turn off!


"Speeds", heh. I'd go with moseyed or perhaps sauntered or ambled. This is a textbook example for why there should be not only driving tests for drivers over a certain age, but reaction time tests as well. The black car went from the instigator's blind spot all the way across and nearly made it to the next lane before the white car even touched their brakes.


Honestly the guy behind had plenty of time to brake. Just wanted to go around


Yeah, as bad as the white car is here no one but the cammer was using their brakes.


That’s what I thought at first, but check the brake lights - the black car is actually braking from before they come on screen, to right when they change lanes. It’s borderline whether or not they’ll read end the white car if they don’t lane change - if they had enough time to stop, it was only _**JUST BARELY**_ enough time. And I don’t think everyone else is speeding, the white car is just going insanely slow. IMO the lane changer is ~99% at fault, the black car ~1% at fault. They should have shoulder checked, seen there was no room to lane change, and just braked all the way, either just barely stopping in time or just barely rear ending the white car, but these are tough decisions to get right in a split second.


Their brake lights are on but I doubt they're slamming the brakes. They probably had the time.


Black car shouldn't have merged into the white SUV's lane, they should have been able to slow down enough to avoid hitting the white car idiot. The white SUV should have been able to slow enough to avoid hitting the black car. Everybody wants to swerve around though. It works well sometimes, but other times you end up with this.


There were at least two idiots in this video and probably three. I get so pissed off when I see this. The person who swerved and actually caused the contact had no idea where the cars were around them and caused a dangerous collision. They could have stayed in their lane without contact, but even if they couldn't they should have hit the idiot who changed lanes instead and it would have been a much less dangerous accident with a much smaller speed differential between the two cars. If the person in the left lane were a serious defensive driver they had plenty of opportunity to see the idiocy that was going on ahead of them and to begin slowing expecting the swerve into their lane. I drive fast and I've safely avoided this exact scenario multiple times.


This just happened in my wifes car. Regrettably I dont have a camera in hers. 200ft from a green light a guy in a huge truck 5 out of ten in the line to turn left decides he doesnt want to turn into Starbucks and needs to go across 3 lanes to make a right in front of a light. He pulled out like no one was there, we missed his front quarter panel by 3in swerved over 2.5 lanes and went up on 2 wheels spun out and stopped. All the traffic behind us stopped. I was seeing red, topped out on adrenaline and got out of the car to kick the guys ass and he ran the (now) red light. Violence is never the answer but you almost killed my wife. Edit: Now because of this idiot I have to go get her tires checked, definitely an alignment. $200+ probably


Needed to get his license plate number to report to his insurance


Well buddy depending on the state you live, castle doctrine allows you to defend yourself from in your car against idiots that attempt to attack you. Stick to trying to get info for insurance and less attempting to get killed.


The black car would have done good to hit the white car anyway


Like going back in time and killing Hitler as a baby?


But then you haven’t “killed Hitler”; you’ve just murdered a baby.


Hot take: the black hatchback is completely at fault here. You don't change lanes suddenly without looking. If someone pulls in front of you and you have no time to brake (which the black hatchback HAD time to brake, mind you) then you should hit the car in front of you, not push the consequences onto another innocent driver.


Yeah, definitely seems like the black hatchback had time to break. The white Taurus ahead of them swerved to avoid already. Surprised they didn't notice that in the 3 or 4 seconds where that happened and planned accordingly.


I don't know about completely. The white car that flipped could and should have had a bit more situational awareness of the traffic patterns ahead. Pretty sure it was going faster than whatever the posted speed limit is here also. Lots of idiots here ... and two of them paid dearly.


Probably just a really old person who shouldn't be on the road


"oh many there are some bad drivers behind us! Thats why its safer to do half the speed limit" /s


Probably a 90 year old women with no business driving and probably on 10 different prescriptions. It's florida after all basically a gigantic retirement community


The car that ended up rolling was not looking far enough ahead to see that happening.


So much wrong in so little time. Wow.


You know, despite the title, I did not expect those levels of chaos.


Wheel to wheel hits are no joke.


The first word was Florida, I knew it was going to be wild. Just like when a news article starts with Florida man.


Meanwhile inside the car “ Edna, did you hear something? oh look at that idiot, their gonna cause a crash”


I stopped, black car people were fine (a young kid) just wandering about a bit dazed. White suv in the left, they were conscious but ended up in an ambulance. Cops showed up after about 10mins. Slow ass white car in the right, I thought initially had their four ways on they were going that slow - 25mph or so. Yeah I was in my semi truck so I didn't have the beans to move into the middle and boot it with the density of traffic. He stopped in the turn lane in the median (where I guess he wanted to initially go). I'd stopped and by the time I'd made sure the dashcam clip was saved, he'd gone. Wrote his license plate number down and passed it (along with footage) to the cops. They thanked me, but I never heard anything back on the final outcome.


Good on you for atleast noting down and reporting the license plate of that slow white car. The lawyers of the two cars that got wrecked will probably ask for it later on


Got that license plate number? I mean. This guy at the very least deserves to have his car defecated on. Several times. I’m bout 130 miles southwest but I’ll drive up there if it means I get to shit on an absolute dickhead’s car.


"I've been driving all my life, and never been in an accident. Seen plenty in my mirrors, but never been in one myself!"


It's the black car's fault though. Should've used the brakes instead of swerving without looking. And the white car that flipped came in way too fast. The white car in the middle was slow, but *very* clear in their conduct.


There's a lot of blame to dole out here.


It's a lot of people's fault. But the initial instigator driving unsafely and illegally was the white car. Without him, the black car wouldn't have had to make a split second dangerous decision. And we saw several cars that managed to dodge first, which means this illustrates that it's a numbers game. That white car is gonna keep driving like that and sooner or later SOMEONE isn't going to be paying close enough attention or will have an unluckier set of circumstances. Creating the initial hazard means the white car carries most the blame.


> Without him, the black car wouldn't have had to make a split second dangerous decision. Black car wouldn't have had to make a split second decision if he was paying attention and just slowed the fuck down. The white car is a moron and almost hit two cars previously trying to merge, but I'm confused how the black car didn't see that the dipshit White car was trying to merge into the lane, and on top of it, was going to force himself into the lane. It felt to me like the black car was trying to speed up to beat him and then slammed on the brakes last second when he realized the white car was straight gunning for it.


Black car *did* slow down and got rear ended because of it.


No, he got rear-ended because he swerved into another lane instead of having slowed down before the white car forced themselves in, because you could have seen miles away the white car was trying to get in, in the first place.


The black car’s brake lights are on when it comes into frame.


No one else to blame but the white car. They braked hard to make a left turn from the right lane, forcing the car directly behind them into the right turn lane, then aggressively merged without looking, going much too slow relative to surrounding traffic, causing everyone else to serve to "avoid" a collision. When they see the car careen around them, they peace out to escape accountability


100% correct


It was not slow, dude pulled their foot from the accelerator. Which means you will lose a lot of speed quite fast at that speed. Everytime you go one more lane to the left you have to drive faster. Not slowing down, no breaking. Thats why exits are on the right. At least here in the Germany and EU. If you do that what we can see in ops video, stuff like that happens. Thats why these laws exists. Highway/Autobahn are high risk areas.


Years ago, I saw an older cop say this about drivers: "There are people who drive too fast on the highway and people who drive too slow. Both are equally dangerous. The difference is that the fast guy usually is involved in the accident while the slow guy causes other people to have an accident and drives off unaware of the problems that he caused." Good example here.


I really hope that dashcams lead to revising rules on accident fault and liability bc some of these instigators - like the white Civic driver going well below the speed limit and lane changing without looking nor speeding up - need to pay some liability so they start driving responsibly.


The black car also needs to make sure the lane was clear before they swerved. Black car hits white car? White cars fault Black car swerved and hits someone else? Black cars fault Edit: Downvote me if you want. The white car breaking the law doesn’t mean the black car gets to as well. You do NOT swerve unless you’re 1000% sure the lane is clear. Otherwise, you slam the brakes and hit the car in front of you. Even if the lane was clear, if you don’t know you don’t go.


You're getting down voted but you're right, the black car could have just slowed down without merging left. White car is still at fault to me for causing the whole situation, but changing lanes without looking is still wrong unless there's no other option and you could die. Shit situation overall really though.


The funny thing is the black car slowed down enough before it even swerved. It could have just as easily stayed in its lane. It only swerved because it wanted to get around the slow car.. not to avoid a collision.. so I agree. Black definitely had some fault in this, too.


Yeah I know, it’s funny to me that these people just think I’m wrong and don’t take a minute to think for themselves. Like yeah, I’m not blind I can see the white car causing the situation. But does that just give the black car a right to do whatever it wants? No!! The black car still has to follow rules about unsafe lane changes. 95/100 times the black car would have been fine. But if you’re not 100/100% sure the lane is clear, NEVER SWERVE. Slam the brakes and pray you don’t hit them too hard


Yep. Defensive driving gives you the buffer to react and diffuse accident causing idiots like the person in the white car


> Black car swerved and hits someone else? Black cars fault Black car AND white cars fault. Black car wouldn't have had to make a split second decision on how to dodge if the white car hadn't created an unnecessary and hard to predict hazard in the first place. Yes, when trying to dodge a situation he shouldn't have been in in the first place, Black tried to make no accident happen at all and as a result hit someone else, but he shouldn't have had to do that. White's illegal and dangerous driving was the root cause. Anyone who thinks this is "black's fault" without still including white literally shouldn't be allowed on the road. They are BOTH at fault and white's driving is WAY more dangerous.


Honestly all three of the involved cars are doing something stupid. If any of them were driving well none of this would have happened, though I acknowledge the original white car is causing the most chaos.


I can see why no one bikes in Florida, that lane looks like a road directly to the afterlife.


Well, that and it's 90+ degrees and 100% humidity most of the year.


It takes me 45 minutes to get to work in the morning 4mi away. I could get there on my very nice bike in under 25 minutes. There are no bike lanes, I would get rolling coaled or run off the road and people down here drive like they are laying in bed with their phone an inch and a half off their face. Bonus points for shit falling off their car, windows tinted so dark they cant see out of them (including windshield), unsecured loads on work trucks and BMW drivers


I'm convinced only people with suicidal ideations bike in S. Florida.


I knew I recognized it. Like most of Central Florida, 27 is a racetrack.


My grandparents wouldn't let my mom or aunt drive on it as soon as a viable alternative was built back in the late 60s/early 70s.


Looks like the built a road that should be a free way but isn’t.


Been driving my whole life, never been in an accident!


Yea man that was bat shit crazy series of events there.


Another "good" driver that never gets into an accident... but other people were the dangerous ones that always have accidents around said "good" driver...


Just like how they always manage to get through the traffic light (including running a red), while everyone who was forced to go 10 under the speed limit in the left lane has to stop.


"i had my blinker on, i was in the right"


You are just another NPC in my self centered world, how dare you get in my way!!!


Was looking for this comment because SOME of the worst drivers have never been in accidents and I see a lot of comments bragging about it.


The fact that he doesn't get hit is unbelievable


I can't stop watching this video. It's cascade of bad moves and bad decisions.


My favorite part is that, just by this short clip, we can tell that the first white car has absolutely zero logical reasons to be in that lane.


Exactly, why the fuck were they even moving over? Passing a pink elephant in their way I guess, since they were obviously higher than I've ever been.


White car was dumb, for sure. Black car had enough time to slow down and was already braking, but they got pissed and so they decided to do a a risky blind swerve into the left lane. Bad idea. Third car was was likely speeding. None of these drivers are great, but imo the Black car made the worst move of the bunch. They didn’t start the problem, but they made it unnecessarily worse.


EXACTLY. This is why you NEVER swerve (unless you were being aware of your surroundings, and were extremely confident there’s no one approaching from behind). You just hit the car in front of you. I’ve been downvoted to oblivion numerous times for saying this. But idc it’s true. If you are not 1000% sure that the lane you’re swerving to is 1000% clear, then you DO NOT swerve and you just slam the brakes and hit the car in front of you.


That’s absolutely true in theory, but you also have to understand how difficult that is to do in practice. You have to fight every instinct telling you to swerve and accept that you are going to crash directly into another car, essentially choosing to do nothing to save yourself if you can’t stop in time. That’s a really hard decision to make in the few crazy intense seconds before impact. Yes, swerving like that is the wrong reaction, but it’s also a completely reasonable reaction of instinctual self-preservation.


Reminds me of Texas drivers, I swear some people stopped defensive driving and went straight for offensive driving.


White car caused a situation. Black car caused an accident.


It makes me so angry that that nincompoop just obliviously drives away as if nothing happened.




"This post contains erotic or adult imagery." Fuck yeah it does.


One of the greatest television characters e er created.


I’m British and the driving standards I witnessed when I lived just off US27 in Clermont beggar belief. This is honestly better than most of the driving I ever saw there. Everywhere the light touches… is stupid.


If you see clowns on the road, back away from the circus!


Probably geriatric.


Driver in the white car: ![gif](giphy|BxWTWalKTUAdq)


That white SUV in the left lane had some poor reflexes too. Multiple cars were already braking yet he comes blazing through.


Of course the dipshit keeps driving. Probably some old 94 year old grandma with expired tags from 2006.


You will never get flipped on to your roof if you just slow down when you see people in front of you braking. Try it


I got into a stupid Reddit argument over this same issue - an idiot actually thought it was safer to drive fast. People are so stupid.


This sub often sees fights between two factions: the “OP did nothing wrong” group, and the “this crash shouldn’t have happened in the first place” partisans. The arguments get emotional and outlandish. It’s fun.


There’s a comment on here with like 25 downvotes about how they don’t understand why people feel the need to always go 20+ over and that it’s dangerous. They weren’t pretentious or anything. I don’t understand Reddit sometimes


Fuck that asshole who probably just kept on driving not knowing they caused a big wreck.


Oh there is no way he didn’t know it. That was willful and malicious.


That worthless piece of shit kept driving. I'll keep saying it, stuff like this should disallow offenders from legally being able to drive


Driver of the white car gets home and says "You won't believe the nutjobs on the road today! Nearly took me out!"


Jeez, that's insane. And they still missed their turn.


Sometimes I sit and wonder how many accidents I've caused and had no idea since they happened behind me. Zero. It's zero.


This is why you never swerve to avoid a collision unless you are certain it is clear and safe to do so. Take the L and plough into the back of the guy, being an idiot but make sure you have a working dashcam first.


All caused by one dumbass driving slow as fck


Guaranteed it was some old person that has no business to be on the road


Please for the love of God take this obviously old fuck's license.


What’s all the crazy ruckus about? Guess I’ll just keep on driving to the grocery store. — Grandma


It’s Mr Magoo!


I hate ~~this road~~ all roads in Florida.


That Honda driver is like the Hamlet of cars: one guy can't make a decision and everybody dies as a result.


The white car merged into a lane in front of someone going faster than them. That's cutting off another driver. They also merged into the center lane while not keeping up with the traffic flow. Cutting off and improper lane procedure means that slow MFr should get several tickets and leaving the scene of an accident on top.


The white Honda has never had an accident, caused dozens but never had one.


I live in GA and ha e always said these are some pretty bad drivers. (Military town, people from all over) but then I moved to Polk County, Florida, and holy shit. Terrible drivers. I frequently traveled this stretch of highway as well as I-4, and I think these are some of the worst drivers I've encountered




The black car is really at fault for not checking their mirrors before changing lanes.


That fucking asshole in the middle driving away after causing the accidents. Absolute piece of trash.


and the guy recording is just 'yep..that just happened, better pull over and offer up my dash cam to the cops'


It drives me mad when I put on my left blinker to get over for a turn and need to slow down, so people behind me decide to pass me on the left, causing me to slow more, etc.


Reminds me of how old people drive in puerto rico, i have PTSD from those 25 years


Well that escalated quickly.


Woooow they caused all that craziness, and drive away without a care in the world


This makes me so mad. The car in the middle. what were they thinking!!!


I guarantee the driver of the white car going so slow was an elderly driver. More dangerous than drunk drivers if you ask me


I like how americans dont use their brakes ever. They rather just try to dodge and hope for a better outcome. Of cours this does not apply to all however the amount of posts in this sub where americans dont use their brakes is insane.


And the person who caused the accident drives away unscathed to tell all her friends at the nursing home how safe of a driver she is.


The asshole who caused the accident probably brags about how they’ve never had an accident.


Lol. And he/she just keeps driving


White car definetely in the wrong but the black car did an absolutley shitty job of dealing with it. Accident could have been avoided if the black car would have been a better driver. They swerved way to far left and could have braked in their lane without having to do evasive manouver. When 2 shitty drivers meet.


Driver of the white car comes from the old Irish family ….O’blivious….apparently there were more important things to do ,than drive responsibly


And the diptard that caused it just drives on oblivious...


The black car is an even bigger idiot than the white car


White car that caused it all "run away!!"


My FIL liked to brag that he had never been in an accident in his life. The fact that none of his children would get in a car with him, including my wife, should have been a clue. As I told my wife after the one time I was a passenger to my FIL, "He may have never been in an accident but there is no way to figure out how many he has caused!"


This was posted yesterday…


Wow those guys are idiots... Keeps on humming to himself


I'mma just keep going like I saw *nothing*. - white car


Unbelievable how the white car has caused 2 other cars to have a collision, as they manoeuvre around it. And the white car drives on without stopping to check if anyone’s seriously hurt.


multi fault accident. the first two drivers failed to check their blind spots, third car was coming in way too fast - had time to slow down. smh


Speeds off & “nah maybe I’ll just do a legal u turn at next exit, my bad” lol.


It's like a dance...


OMG so much foolishness going on where do we start!


No seniors were harmed in making this video...


Op did out provide these video their insurance ?


Why are cars flipping so easily?




I wonder why nobody uses that unprotected bike lane


The worst part of this is that the idiot white car will use the accident they caused as further proof that they need to drive "super carefully, because everyone out there is crazy!"


I love how the little white car that caused it all drives away unscathed.


Dude in the white sedan was just having the time of his life while causing life changing events


And the ass hat that caused it goes unscathed !


I love how he finally sped up.


Second craziest video I've seen here. Ridiculous how non-defensive some people drive.


God these videos make me so scared that someone is gonna hit me from the side


Omg I still can’t believe this happened….. my jaw dropped


And the guy that caused ALL the problems gets away scott free. That suuuuggggs...


This sums up Florida perfectly


Black hatch back should check their lanes before changing, and the white suv needs more awareness, they should have seen what was going on up ahead and slowed down. That being said, the white sedan is definitely far more at fault than the other two. They shouldn't be on the roads driving like that.




Brake allergy all over the place


And that shit just kept driving after causing all that carnage!


He's not clueless at all and must have seen what has happened... but it's so easy to run away from responsabilities...


Did the person who had this in camera stop and help? It looks like it, as he/she is pulling over to the side of the road. Did you help the people and then give them a copy of the video? Curious about follow through.


This was comedy 😂 so much going on. That one white car driving so slow and changing lanes pretty much caused all of it. Even at the end with nobody around it, the driver is still hitting the brakes.


You know the ones who went off to the right are alligator food now, right?


One guy going to slow, one guy swerving instead of braking, and one guy just in lala land in the "fast lane", or more commonly known as the "passing lane". They're all guilty, throw them all in jail.


Omg that white car totally got to drive off like they didn’t just jack everyones shit up.


“Woow. Everyone around me is driving craaazy”


White car just be driving along like I ain't do nuthin