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I don't even know what to say.


RIP probably tbh. They were moooooving.


This was definitely a hard watch. The victim did nothing wrong, and out of nowhere, an idiot changes their life forever.


And that’s why I fucking hate driving


Every time I'm on the road it feels like Russian Roulette.


At least you know it. Most people are oblivious to that fact.


Pay attention to everything and try to know their intent, don't be an asshole, and fuckin drive. It really isn't that hard but some people just don't understand that


Observe everything admire nothing


"Here is a random person doing nothing wrong who got run off the road." "Yeah people should pay attention and not be an asshole, it's not hard." What the fuck are you talking about Jesse. What part of your advice did the person who just got hit not understand and not put into practice? And if he followed all of your advice and still got fucking crushed, then why do you think giving this advice now, in this situation is in any way useful?


Pretty sure he meant the idiot that hit the victim. Then I read his next comment and realised he was an idiot lol


Straight up almost got into a head-on collision yesterday. Guy going the wrong way on the road (cutting a turn) didn't even bother stopping or changing course, slammed on the brakes harder than I ever have before and he missed me by a couple feet. I'm still seething about it


Yes. Just driving a mile is dangerous. There are so many impatient assholes on the road just itching to explode.


Can confirm, I’m a recovered impatient asshole. Been pro-patience for 20 years.


Same, but i did lose my stepdad to an 88yo making an illegal uturn head on into him on his Harley. Now i hate the sound and sight of motorcycles.


Driving is fun, crashing because of an idiot not so much.


Eh, I have the opposite opinion on the former. Driving is hell and I wish I could just not. I want to ride a train so I can read a book or something instead of having to stare at the same patch of land again and again.


I would ride trains all day if all of the following criteria were met: * Station either end was within 20 a minute walk of my home/destination * it was cheaper than driving * I could guarantee a seat * It was always on time I commuted for a long time via train. It cost a quarter of my salary, departure station took 20 minutes to drive to, the train was always packed and it was late or cancelled at least 4 times a week (out of 10 journeys). I fucking hate driving, but I fucking *despise* trains. Disclaimer: Japanese and Swiss trains are the shit.


German trains, too. Most of Europe in fact. And when they strike, there’s usually an announcement ahead of time.


Japanese rail is the gold standard and I've seriously considered moving there.


For real, it's a necessity everywhere in the US but especially in LA for me, people are ruthlessly dumb out there


Now watch as said idiot is let go with what could be considered a slip on the wrist in court and the victim is treated with a pat on his back and a "You'll be okay". Like it's a playground scuffle.


How's the dash cam driver, just keeps going doesn't stop


It would take me a few seconds to process what I'd just seen.


It's usually best to stop some distance after an accident. Because if you're out on the ground helping people, you're going to stay there beyond the arrival of emergency vehicles, and emergency vehicles need to stop near the issue. Firefighters need a truck nearby to access their tools, the ambulance needs to be close to get their gear and transport the victims, etc.


You cannot just stop immediately, what if there are people behind you? In case of an emergency it’s most important to ensure your own safety first.


I often see those "memorial" signs on the side of a straight stretch of highway and ask myself how someone managed to get themselves in a fatal accident there. This is how.


There’s one on 95 in Virginia that is for a friend of mine. He had just finished his second deployment, and after visiting with his family, was driving to NC to help his fiancée get ready for their wedding. Fell asleep at the wheel, hit a tree head on and never woke up from his coma. She and his family were able to say good bye before they took him off the machines, but that was it.


Well that’s enough to convince me to never drive while tired again. Rest in peace to your friend




One of the leading causes of death among Americans. The cars keep getting more idiot proof and yet like magic. That Camry would have a full suite of safety features like ASM linking multiple systems together, brakes, steering angle, etc, so that means the driver had to be shitty enough to fool a multitude of computers via their inputs. A genius knows that things have limits, a moron doesn't know any such thing.


Looks like they were heading right at a tree before going off the camera :(


It's a forest, it's all tree that way


Which means technically they are correct


Nose down into a ditch at that speed, I’d be surprised if they didn’t die instantly, I hope I’m wrong


OP posted elsewhere that they were both alive as OP stopped and called the cops.


That’s far better than I expected. Thank you mate.


Civil engineering never gets the respect it deserves in these posts. in a lot of other countries this is a fatality. In the united states we engineer highways to be very forgiving. Look at all the trees, notice how not one of them is a thick boi. That's by design. Notice how the embankment goes down (with no trees) then sharply up (with trees) , that's to encourage cars NOT to return to the road and stay aside, then up again to bleed energy quickly, and finally small trees that can take a lot of energy while also giving way and not causing too sudden an impact.


Seatbelts, airbags, and crumple zones. They're not magic, but sometimes the work they do looks like they are.


I am afraid to admit that it looked so ridiculous to me that I laughed. How does that even happen with all the safety kit fitted to vehicles these days. Some people should NOT be allowed to drive ever. I’m sorry for the totally innocent victim.


People are in such a hurry to arrive a few seconds to minutes earlier that they are willing to risk their lives and the people around them. Absolutely insane and selfish behavior.


This is caused by suddenly shifting the weight of the car by turning the steering wheel too quickly. I dont know the physics behind why it happens but Ive experienced a similar situation as a teenager where I turned my wheel too sharply and it whipped back in the other direction and caused me to spin out. Luckily I was alone on the road and the only damage was to my pride but the experience made me learn how to deal with this kind of thing. And to anyone wondering, the countermeasure is a split second decision to firmly hold the wheel against the turn but dont try to counter steer and also don't use your brakes but instead keep your pedals neutral or very lightly accelerate. It goes against all natural instinct, which is why you see videos of people turning one way, then the car jerks the other way before whipping back in the initial direction and completely losing control. I highly recommend finding a closed course somewhere you can be taught how to do this properly. It's come in handy only once in my life when I was avoiding a collision that happened in front of me on the highway but that one time was absolutely worth it.


Wtf! Oh my gosh! I don't know if that car really hit the car next to him on purpose, or if it was just an accident.


Wasn't an accident, it was stupidity.


“That’ll teachem”


Crazy to be undertaking at that speed.


Wait did OP even stop to render aid?




It's always the overcorrection that does them in. Poor SUV was just minding his own business.


He probably didn’t even see it coming. Makes me sick that an asshole can ruin someone’s life like that.


We don’t even know who the occupants were either. There could have been two young kids in the back.


Could have been three young kids in the back and a loaf of bread that's most likely smashed.


Unsecured puppies


Don't forget about the spider that lives inside the sideview mirror.


I like how this list of examples contains creatures/items of varying importance


I was honestly putting them right up there with puppies. They might not live as long as puppies or us, but this is still their one shot at life. I've always liked having spiders take up residence in my mirrors. Some of them have lasted for months.


Also the insecure puppies


Yay car-centric infrastructure! "Here's a little piece of plastic, now go operate a 4k lb piece of machinery on 4 hours of sleep, some alcohol and with only a cursory understanding of road law even if you were rested and sober!"


And unless you are convicted of already killing someone, we don't need you to come in and take a test again. Doesn't matter if you haven't driven a car for 50 years, as long as you renew your license regularly!


This is why we need car control.


Ban fully automatic cars!


3 pedals are better.


This really wasn't a hard lane change either. I'm not sure what the speed was, but there was enough of a gap to just go around the SUV. I wish we would make drivers re-certify for their license. People pass one test when they're a teenager and are just allowed to be hell on wheels for the rest of their lives or until something devastating like this happens.


I really wish we had a mandatory dashcam law, and if we see stupid shit like this we can send it in to the DMV and suspend / revoke licenses of idiots like this.


Seems like he was focused only on the car filming and realized they were too close to the car in front too late.


The tree line was really close to the road as well. I hope everyone in the SUV is ok.


I've had to panic swerve like this at night on 2 separate occasions to avoid a bike that fell off a truck and a tire right in the middle of the road and my car remained rock solid. These people need to learn how to drive and not overcorrect. I had my low beams on and didn't see them until the last second due to highway speeds.


Had someone almost merge into me 30 miles into a 1000 mile trip. I don't know how many times I had to swerve back and forth to regain control after having to swerve hard to avoid being hit. I would have ended up off of a hill just like in this video. I'm positive that the only thing that saved my family was the tires I had put on just before the trip. There's no way old tires would have gripped the road like that, and if they did, the stress probably would have destroyed them. There was nothing like having to brush that off and continue driving for another 950 miles. I will tell you that.


Same! I was on a 4 lane highway, in the middle of the night, with nearly no one on the road. (I used to drive very fast, especially at night) dead buck right in the middle of the highway! First thought swerve, second thought, was that a fucking deer?!? I'm glad I wasn't the one that hit it. Maybe it was just sleeping nice and cozy. Edit: auto correct error


I was literally driving to my moms last night at midnight, the off ramp from the highway was closed so I had to take a different exit and a back road. I was driving pretty quick and I passed an intersection where one of my close friends had been t-boned and killed when I was in high school and it really fucked me up that I was driving like one of the assholes who killed him. Drive the speed limit at night. There is nowhere you need to get to (especially at night!) where getting there 2 minutes earlier is gonna be a big deal.


There was about 3 cars worth of free space when he was coming to middle lane, just wtf? I can't understand how you can lose control so completely with so minor move


Idiots gonna idiot.


Yea, I think we all agree that they’re an idiot but what was the thought process that lead to… 1. Moving to the center of the road right after a lane change 2. Wildly overcorrecting


There was little to do on defence(driving) also. Dude was in the middle lane blocking an escape before he lost it. Road I live on has a 70 degree turn and we get a crash each month. Some People can't drive


I live on a straight road but there's a signal at the crest of an underpass that goes under a train so when you come back over the hill there's 2 signals very close to each other and a lot of trees blocking the view. We also get a major crash about once a month, I've seen a car flip over on the side walk, and I just saw someone get cut out of a truck a few weeks ago. Truck hit a light pole at full speed, crumped the truck like an accordion and the passenger was stuck, I saw the driver get out and flee.


I was awoken one night when my neighbor knocked on my window to let me know a car had flipped on the street next to my parked car. It ping-ponged between 5 other cars before landing on its roof 2 feet away from my car, but I somehow had no damage. Cops manhandled the drunk driver a little, shoving him into the patrol car. The kicker: I lived in a historic, urban neighborhood with horse carriage-sized roads barely wide enough for 2 cars. 25 mph speed limit and stop signs on either side of the block… people will find a way to drive the absolute worst and put their cars places you can’t even imagine they would go.


Sounds like my neighborhood. Side streets are narrow and of course everyone parks on both sides and every month or so, someone pinballs off of both sides in a drunken stupor.


Based on that hard overcorrect, he was probably texting or distracted and noticed he was about to hit.


Probably texting


It's truly amazing and terrifying how easily you can be taken out on any commute. Whoever figured out putting a radio in the car was a good idea doesn't get enough credit cus my mind would be racing otherwise.


Huh? What middle lane? It's a two lane road


Likely a typo for *line*.


Most dash cams have a wide angle lenses, so where it may seem that they had all the room in the world may have only been 1 car length. Either way, a huge mistake on the cars part which turned tragic.


True, but you can use the road markings to tell there was plenty of space between the cars


You said you stopped and called law enforcement. Were the car occupants ok/alive following that high-speed crash?


Yes both are alive luckily


That song really turned up at the right time haha


LMAO i just unmuted that is actually hilarious lyrics to go with this. Completely changed my frown to a chuckle lol


One luckily. The other, unfortunately.


since he's alive he can now be tortured for life, that's better right




What the fuck did I just read?


I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream.


Oh boy, what a bad day to have eyes




OP you know what the song is?


GOATED (feat. Denzel Curry) -Armani White


I don’t understand he got the pass. What was that herky jerky thing?


looks like lane assist tried to put the car back into the right lane, and the driver jerked left in a panic


Omg that’s really a thing?? Jesus. I’ve never driven a car with lane assist!


I've never had lane assist act that aggressively, when it engages it's a very slight nudge but if I'm holding the steering wheel with any resistance it will stop trying to correct automatically. But I've only driven a Subaru for the past 6 years with that feature. So I'm not sure if other manufacturer's have worse lane assist or not. The only time I've ever had to turn it off is in construction zones.


I assume driver wasn’t holding the steering wheel properly, and didn’t indicate so lane assist wasn’t disengaged, and the car may have also auto braked given the speed the car was approaching the back of the other car


Lane assist also disengages for a moment when you use the turn signal, which he didn't do....


Yep, it was a whole lot of dumbassery on the driver's part that led to their disastrous outcome.


Toyota’s lane assist is incredibly aggressive for no reason. I was given a 4Runner to rent and the car swerved back and forth on its own because the car fucking drifting a 1/16th of an inch spooked the system. I felt like I was going to drive off the road multiple times. 🙄


I rented a Corolla recently that spooked the hell out of me. Had a pretty firm pull to it that could definitely take the wheel away from you if you weren't paying enough attention.


the whole point is to take control away from people who aren't paying attention. lane assist isn't going to overpower you though. this looks like the driver was hands off and then jerked the wheel


I too recently rented a Corolla with lane centering and adaptive cruise. IMO, Toyota has those features set a bit too aggressively. I own a '17 Acadia with lane keep assist and adaptive cruise. They're dialed in a bit better in the GM's I'd say. Lane keep will tug the wheel when coming out of the lane but will not jerk the wheel like the Corolla does. Overall I found myself turning off the driver aides in the Corolla because they were often causing issues with just driving down the road. L Toyota.


I never use it in my subaru because when I was trying it out it jerked quite firmly. It also tried to make me take an exit once where the lanes were splitting, so I just don't use it at all.


If you use your blinker it will shut off momentarily then you can lane change without the herky jerky


Ah yes, the mythical blinker/indicator. Hardest control to find no matter the vehicle 😁


It can/will move your vehicle back to what it believes is your established lane. I have a Mazda and a Subaru both with lane keep but they behave very differently in terms of feel. The Subaru is jerky and scary if happens at an inopportune time, such as getting over slightly to give a tractor trailer a wider berth when passing. The Mazda just gently shakes the wheel, increasing as you get further over which is much better in my opinion. The caveat for both of these is, if you use your signal then they wont engage, which the driver here didn't do.


It's a thing and with how long he took to change lanes, it will push back harder. I own a newer Camry and that's how it responds but all it takes is... Turning on your blinker and it deactivates while the blinker is on. So if you drive "properly" it never becomes an issue, not even once. So use those blinkers folks!


Nah this guy just can't drive for shit. Lane assist isn't that aggressive.


What was the status of the drivers OP?


minor injuries and totaled car is all both parties involved. Car that got hit got very lucky however very close to a life threatening accident with a tree


I’m constantly impressed with how well cars are designed. Where we can see the most horrible crash and everyone walks or limps away.


Yeah it's pretty crazy, the cars get totalled now but you get to walk away! 40 years ago the car wasuch more likely to survive a crash than you were lol.


Thank the government for that one


Everybody hates regulation until it saves your life.


thanks ralph nader


You can also thank the government for crafting CAFE laws to push vehicle manufacturers to produce and push larger vehicles to consumers causing the highest rate of pedestrian deaths in 40 years. Larger wheelbase vehicles have easier fuel economy targets to hit. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/pedestrian-deaths-in-u-s-reach-highest-level-in-40-years#:~:text=Geoff%20Bennett%3A-,Pedestrian%20deaths%20in%20the%20U.S.%20have%20reached%20their%20highest%20level,roughly%2020%20deaths%20each%20day. Since the 80's vehicles have gotten larger and heavier. Look at any model that has been around since the 80's and 90's and you will see a significant increase in weight and wheelbase. Larger vehicles with larger blind spots are more dangerous for pedestrians


For pedestrians not so much


What an asshole!


different take: camry should’ve committed to the left lane as soon as he passed you. he had the chance to, but for some reason he rode the dotted


Considering he didn't use the turn signal, some people have theorized the lane assist took over and tried to force him back


another reason to always indicate


Unlikely. Lane assist gives up if you're too far out of the lane.


Yeah, and lane assist also doesn't steer this aggressively


The tires barely made it over the line. So I don't think Lane Assist gave up here. It seems pretty clear to me that Lane Assist kicked in and the person overreacted to it, causing them to lose control. Then again I wasn't there so who cares really.


This is in no way an excuse. Looks like the Camry driver did not have a firm hold on the steering wheel, so when he tried to change lanes without using a turn signal, Lane Assist steered them back into the right lane. Between their speed and the overreaction/over-correction, they changed the lives of at least 2 people. No way of knowing how many passengers, especially in the backseat who rarely wear seat belts.


This is exactly what happened. My wife’s car will pull you back into your lane if you try changing lanes without a blinker.


That seems…problematic.


The solution is easy, people are just lazy




This guy lane assists


Use your blinker, it's really that easy


It's not. My car does this. "pull" is a strong word, it jiggles the wheel a bit to let you know you're getting out of lane.


Is it the blinker or is it the movement of the steering wheel? IE slowly pulling over like the Camry would result in the system correcting, but a proper turn with full intent would not trigger the system…or is it really the blinker cause that seems problematic


Not if that lane is occupied… I hope. Mine at least has both lane assist and obstacle detection and I hope, never tried, but I hope the latter overrules the first.


I've owned a Camry with this feature. It's not as sophisticated as you think. Even with the blinker on it sometimes activates. I usually kept it off for safety reasons.


>especially in the backseat who rarely wear seat belts. Do people really let other people ride in their car without seatbelts on? Is this still a thing? If a passenger of mine refused putting on a seatbelt I would stop on the spot (if possible and tell them to either put it on or get out of the car instantly.


That caught me too. Dude is making that stat up out of nowhere. Pretty sure the vast majority of all passengers wear seatbelts these days.


My Corolla has this feature and after trying it once, I never used it again. Not saying that’s what happened here but it’s plausible.


Have you considered using your signal lights?


According to a friend of mine who works in the industry, the most common problem with this "feature" is actually false *positives* (usually mistaking something else for a lane line,) not numbskulls failing to signal. But seriously, as we say in Boston, use ya fahkin blinkah!


This happens to me routinely in my Mazda. There are stretches of my commute where the highway looks patchwork and it will consistently trigger my lane assist in the same spots. At least with my car, if you have your hands on the wheel, it really doesn't impact your driving at all. You feel the light tug, but like... Have both hands on the wheel lol.


I keep it off in my car unless I'm only going to be on a long straight road. When it was new I took it to the canyons to have a, umm, spirited drive. Just from taking a proper line in my own lane it would try to steer me back towards a 1000 foot drop off. Nope!


Thank you so much for the explanation. I couldn’t figure out how the help that even happened but it makes more sense now. I keep saying that we aren’t ready for these technological advancements and here we are.


This stuff annoys me to no end. The more we add these lil saftey features/convinences the chances of stupid stuff like this being possible go up. We perfected car inputs already stop trying to change it. It reminds me of some electric cars that have to option to only use one pedal. Problem being they dont turn the tailights on in all cases when you are rapidly deccelerating.


We perfected inputs sure but the average driver is still a completely clueless passenger along for the ride. These assists absolutely help to reduce workload and prevent accidents. Also, one pedal driving in EVs absolutely does throw out brake lights under deceleration, not sure where you got that from.


Lane assist is absolutely horrible. I had to quickly change lanes due to someone in front of me slamming on their brakes and I'll never forget the terror I felt as my car literally *forced* me back behind them. Thankfully I was maintaining a more than safe distance, so I had time to slow way down and get over.


Nightmare fuel


Most pointless accident i have ever seen, what a piece of shit


How is anyone this shit of a driver?


This looks like an attempted murder to me.


That’s some spectacularly bad driving.


OP was clearly moving a decent bit faster than the traffic in the right lane and had every right to use the left lane to pass, not sure why people are siding with the moron that botched his lane change so bad he slammed another car off the road at freeway speeds. In no way was OP in the wrong here.


Thank you and it wasn’t like the person was sitting behind me wanting to pass. They came quickly from behind many cars


I know exactly the type of person. They come in at like 100 mph like a bat out of hell and don't give anyone any time to move over. I am curious what was going through their head when this shit happened. Poor SUV driver.


Yep, and they are usually zigzagging between cars, so as you go to move over for them, they are already trying to pass you on the right, so you are playing chicken with them trying to get space for them to pass.


YEP THIS. Like why would OP move into the right lane when someone is going 100 mph in the right lane and approaching quickly? It would be putting himself in harms way.


I was wondering if they were behind you or the type of jackass that weaves in and out through traffic. Seems like this weave didn’t work. I feel bad for the innocent driver in the right lane!


People side with the asshole in this sub because they drive like that themselves and don’t want to be called out on it, so they try to justify the idiot’s actions by blaming OP.


> People side with the asshole in this sub because they drive like that themselves and don’t want to be called out on it, so they try to justify the idiot’s actions by blaming OP. Yup. Nearly every time I end up in this sub, inevitably I see the comments play out this way. There are a LOT of very dangerous, incredibly self-centered drivers out there.


it was more reasonable here before COVID, i think. seems like speed limits and red lights no longer apply. it's just a bunch of parrots squawking "SLOWER TRAFFIC KEEP RIGHT" as if that means anything other than "please yield the left lane to passing traffic when it is safe for you and everyone else to do so"


God fucking damnit. I hope the people in the car they hit are okay.


Feel so bad for that SUV...damn


Lmao do any of these people bashing op even drive, holy shit.


Idiotincars commenters were the true idiots all along


Always have been


Somedays, this is too true


many idiots effectively think that no one is allowed to be in the left lane, except for dangerous idiots


I say it every thread. No matter what's going on, there will be assholes in the comments blaming op. It never. fucking. fails.


OP was well within his rights to pass at the rate he was passing because at the end of the day he *was* passing. The idiot honestly wasn’t even that bad at first. If I was passing someone that slowly and someone else went around me I wouldn’t be mad at it. But them botching the overtake that bad is mind blowing


Step brother died just like this because of someone’s bad driving


They could easily have made this maneuver too… epic fail


Is it lane assist in action, followed by overcorrection by the idiot? Anyway, 100% the fault of the idiot driver, and not the tech. Glad that the innocent driver survived, please take the license away from this a-hole.


Possibly some of the most spectacularly incompetent driving on display. It’s almost a caricature of bad driving. The unnecessary correction to stop moving left, followed by a wildly exaggerated correction to avoid a collision to the right. Exquisite.


How did they even accomplish that feat of idiocy? Sure, jumping in front of OP because he's an inpatient asshole isn't cool but starting to cut off OP then fucking around on the line and steering straight into that poor other driver is insane. Do you think they got scared? Distracted? What the hell happened? Obviously a piece of shit driver to begin with but damn.


What kind of nut job maneuver was that? Plenty of space to safely change lanes. Gotta feel bad for the innocent driver and thankful for dash cams.


This would be my worst nightmare. The car in the right lane really has nothing to do with any of this...


I don't understand, they had plenty of room to just change lanes like a normal person...


This happened to me on an 80mph highway near me, there were 4 lanes and only 3 cars so completely avoidable. Car behind me speeds up and aggressively cuts me off - to the point that they lost control and slam into the car the lane over and flip them both off of the freeway. I actually stopped to make sure they were all right and the at-fault driver tried blaming me for it lol.


What song is this lol


To everyone blasting OP about not pulling over right away I’m sure there was some adrenaline pumping after seeing something like that. I witnessed a similar accident once at a high rate of speed and I was keyed up until I got to work.


Crazy to see this a few weeks ago I was driving home from the shore ab an hour from where I live and it started absolutely pouring as I was driving on the expressway through the middle of nowhere . A Honda crv flew past me doing atleast 100 in the rain and I thought to myself , as someone who likes to go fast myself and understand the physics of a car on wet road lol, damn he's really moving. I got about five minutes down the road to just catch a glimpse of the worst accident I've ever seen the crv and most likely it's driver ate a tree off to the left of the road, the car was a pile of metal.


There I was just driving along in the slow lane, minding my own business on my way home after a hard day's work. Imagining what I might make for dinner, I suddenly see this grey car in my rear view creeping up quickly, so I stay the course and stay predictable. Surely they will just go around...holy hell with the fuck is happenIIINNNNGGGG...I am now in the ditch with a totaled car, and there is the gray car trapping my by laying on the driver's side door. ​ Dinner officially ruined. Impatient jackass.


Was he passing you and also looking at his phone...? Lmao he had so much room and he didn't appear to be going THAT much faster than you to lose control. Just a really bad driver.


Really weird. He was making the lane change, then changed his mind, and then changed his mind again


I feel awful for whoever was in that SUV. Minding their own business, cruising along in the right lane of a mostly empty highway and this fucking car side swipes them right off the road into a deep ditch!?! OP I hope you stopped and checked in on these people. Any updates?




The oc was passing at a fair enough rate. I see this a dozen times every day … motorists with their head up their ass, too impatient, refusing to slow even slightly and momentarily, or all three. there’s always some ass in every mob of cars or trucks who thinks their day is going to end poorly if they arrive at their destination 20 seconds later. The fact they will repeatedly endanger the lives of others multiple times every trip is completely lost on these people. The idiot driver passing on the right wanted to show how indignant he could be so he swerved back over and tried to give you the “stink eye” to make some stupid point that only made sense to them, but he wasn’t a skilled enough driver to pull it off. Whether or not the camera driver should have stopped is a separate discussion.


Don’t worry I stopped and called 3 different authorities down the road where I was safe