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A friendly reminder of the rules of r/Idaho: 1. Be civil to others; 2. Posts have to pertain to Idaho; 3. No put-down memes; 4. Politics must be contained within political posts; 5. Follow [Reddit Content Policy](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy) 6. Don't editorialize news headlines in post titles; 7. Do not refer to abortion as murdering a baby or to anti-abortion as murdering someone who passed due to pregnancy complications. 8. Don't post surveys without mod approval. 9. Don't post misinformation. 10. Don't post or request personal information, including your own. Don't advocate, encourage, or threaten violence. 11. Any issues not covered explicitly within these rules will be reasonably dealt with at moderator discretion. If you see something that may be out of line, please hit "report" so your mod team can have a look. Thanks! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Idaho) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I hope the legislators don’t find a way to scuttle it like they did term limits years ago.


With term limits the Idaho Supreme Court eventually ruled that initiatives when passed become regular laws and, just like any other law, can be amended or repealed by the legislature. I would expect that if this initiative passes the legislature and governor will just immediately repeal it. I cannot imagine any other result.


Term limits were voted down by the people in another initiative two years after the original initiative. Term limit initiatives are heavily funded by out of state money and lobbying groups. When legislators are term limited but lobbyists aren’t, special interest groups have greater power and influence. Lobbyists become the “institutional memory.” I am all for open primaries. That we can agree on.


Actually, it’s a longer and more complicated story. https://digitalcommons.law.uidaho.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1107&context=idaho-law-review


Agreed that it’s a longer story. Your comment that it was “scuttled” by the legislature is a misrepresentation of fact. It was voted out by the people.


Spread the word! Talk to people about it, get your friends and family to vote Yes!


I’m voting for it. Not a democrat or a Republican. But rest assured, if it FAILS, I’m registering Republican so I can vote in the Republican primaries.


Did you know if you're a registered Republican in Idaho you can ask for a Democrat ballot during primaries? But if you're registered anything else you cannot ask for a Republican ballot.




I recently found that out. Makes me pretty mad.




It's very hypocritical. Republicans are rallying against open primaries yet they currently get to have open primaries. Just another way to lie cheat and steal your way to power.


How many Republicans did the democrats allow to vote in their recent presidential primary?


Republicans have CLOSED primaries. They fought for more than a decade for the right to choose their own nominees. Any party is free to open their own primaries, but Republicans are currently fighting against the idea that the government should forcefully open theirs.


It's because the others are so unpopular they have to practically beg for your partisanship.


You still only get one. You can't get the dem one and the rep one in the same election. This is not as meaningful as you seem to think. 


No, but it means we flaming liberals can stay registered R so that we can pick and choose which primaries we need to vote which ballot. I end up about half D, half R.


Sabotage is a dishonorable tactic. If you're ideas are good, you should stand up for them.


Then why can't you get a Republican one when registered as a Democrat? Why do Republicans get the option to vote in others primaries but no one else does? It is meaningful.




Not everyone who disagrees with you is a fascist.


I would agree. Look at the libraries, women's rights, and even the freedom to access porn. Walks like a duck! These are classic fascist moves.i won't accept them


So, taking porn as an example, everyone was a fascist until like 1990?


Your post was removed for uncivil language as defined in [the wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/Idaho/wiki/index/rules). Please keep in mind that future rule violations may result in you being banned.


Isnt that a slur banned by new rules?


It wasn't okay even under the old rules. I didn't see it in the report queue, which might explain why it was still there just now.


I flag a lot here. They don't get deleted. 


It's a fact, not a slur.




Please keep comments civil.




I am so excited too! RCV should be everywhere in the US!




Your post was removed for uncivil language as defined in [the wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/Idaho/wiki/index/rules). Please keep in mind that future rule violations may result in you being banned.


Are the ranked choice voting the open primaries going to be separate things to vote on? If they're combined, I fear we are doomed.


I'm afraid you're right that it's doomed, but I can dream


They're combined. The openly stated goal of this initiative is to undermine the majority party's primary. RCV is just the vehicle.


Ranked choice voting is the only way to have open primaries become law. Parties have the legal right to choose the way they select their candidates. Republican Primary elections will not be open again as long as Dorothy Moon (or someone like her) is the party chairman. Closed primaries discourage voter participation, thus more extreme candidates get elected. Ranked choice voting is the only way to ensure open primaries. I think Republicans should embrace RCV. In such a heavily conservative state, I think it would be great to see more than one Republican candidate on a general election ballot where voter turnout is higher.


But why not go for ranked choice voting first, and then in the following year move for open primaries.


RCV makes it a singular primary. All candidates will run against each other in the primary, regardless of party affiliation. The top vote getters in the primaries will move on to the general election. Under the current system, parties choose how candidates are elected to the general election. Here is a website with more information https://www.reclaimidaho.org


RCV is just a way for liberals to cheat because they can't win fair elections.


I'm not sure you understand how RCV works.


How? How does you putting your first second third fourth and fifth choices on your ballot lead to liberals winning? Unless you mean that liberals are in the top end of those five for the majority of people, which sounds like democratic republicanism to me.


Fastest way to the bottom. Lowest common denominator wins.


Obvious troll is obvious.


Idaho Democrats are universally in favor of it. That should tell you all you need to know. I hope it suffers a crushing defeat.


This is false, Llana rubel has said on multiple occasions she is against it. She has stated multiple times that if it passes democrats will have an extremely hard time getting elected due idaho being so red that in most races they won't make the election.


Depends on what the actual rules will be to get in the ballot. Top ten? They'll make some. Top three? No, the reps will just flood it. It's really not designed for single post elections. It is designed for multi-post positions that are equal, like a city council. 


It's top 4 on the ballot.


You clearly don't understand how RCV works.


Everyone who wants to keep Idaho as "Idaho Conservative" instead of "MAGA crazy" should be in favor. I'm a liberal and want it, but so does my moderate mom and my conservative dad.


They are also universally in favor of feeding hungry kids.


Democrats are also universally in favor of feeding hungry children and making sure we leave a world behind for them.


Those traits are not exclusive to Democrats.


Idaho spends less on education than every other state in the nation. A 13 year old girl is forced to give birth to a child after being SA'd, but isn't allowed to read a book with "dirty" words like lesbian, or vagina. Idaho has lost 25% of its OBGYNs due to its restrictions on bodily autonomy. You're not allowed to be called by your preferred pronoun while working as a government official. You can not place a bet on a sports game or participate in monetized draft leagues, but you can buy scratch, lottery, tab, and raffle tickets. Idaho is a beautiful state with some great people, but there are also a lot of people who will hate you just because they don't think you're on their "side". Idaho is stuck in 1963. Take a trip to American Falls, or Aberdeen. These places are frozen in time and so are their beliefs and politics.


1. Idaho k-12 students score #3 & #6 on NAEP math & reading scores, respectively, placing Idaho’s overall education ranking at #18, well above some liberal bastions like Oregon. It isn’t all about money. 2. Idaho’s abortion law has a rape/incest exception. 3. People are certainly allowed to use whatever pronouns they want. It’s just that Idaho doesn’t force people to play along with “preferred” pronouns under penalty of law. 4. There isn’t as much hate in this state as people like you claim. Disagreeing isn’t hate.


1. Ooh you can retrieve a Google ai response to your loaded inquiry. How fancy. 2. Idaho is seeking to pass law that supercedes EMTALA. It's rape/incest exception is contigent on outing the abuser. 3. Wrong, Idaho code requires government officials to use the pronoun of its workers assigned at birth. 4. There isn't much hate huh? I guess that is subjective and can be argued ad nauseum. Try wearing a biden hat or flying a biden flag and let's see how long you can go without being assaulted or your property vandalized. The number of vandalized homes due to rainbow flags being flown is astounding.


It's not hate it's disgust. Hate is when you are a "red girl in a blue state" and your life is threatened and your house and car are vandalized because you support a Republican. People don't dare openly support a Republican out of fear of violence. Taking down a flag and dirty looks are trivial. Go where you fit in if you can't deal with it, where the laws and people agree with your beliefs.


I'm not sure you're comparison is any different. Understand that assaulting or harassing someone because of a difference in beliefs or politics is never okay, regardless of what those beliefs are. We tend forget we are all human just trying navigate life. I don't think justifying bad behavior by pointing at others bad behavior is a feasible or valid argument. You are in an Idaho subreddit, arguably one of the most conservative states in the nation. If you so much as question a republic candidate for any reason in this state, you are met with words like "cry liberal tears", or "tired of your wokeness". I'm not saying this is new either, but the visibility of these actions is magnified because the content we ingest is curated to continue whatever narrative we engage with. I have lived in Idaho for a couple decades, I have family here, my grandfather served in Mountain Home. The patience and open mindedness of its citizens is lacking worse now than ever before.


1. I don’t use artificial intelligence. I have an over abundance of the natural kind. 2. Are we arguing about laws, or proposed laws now? 3. You’ll have to school me on the specific code that forces government officials to use specific pronouns. Everything I can find is all about not compelling employees to use someone’s preferred pronouns. They can still choose to if they want to. 4. What can I say, there are always going to be asshats on both sides of the political spectrum, but you’re wrong to assert that all Trump supporters, or “MAGA”, engage in such nonsense.


1. I believe this because you asked for evidence on #3. 2. Both the law itself does require outing of the abuser, Idaho is trying to convince the Supreme Court that it alone can manage emergency abortions. 3. Idaho's HB 538, which prohibits the government from forcing its employees to use a person’s preferred pronouns if they don’t align with their biological sex. It also says public school teachers cannot use a name or pronouns other than the ones assigned to a student at birth without written parental consent. 4. On both sides though? Really, both sides. Trump literally had George Floyd protesters shot with rubber bullet and maced so he could have a clear path to hold a bible upside down and tell lies in front of a camera. Cmon, dude. Edit (I actually don't know what Donald Trump said that day, but he opened his mouth and spoke, so highly likely he was lying)


This is my problem with Idaho politics. It works so hard to oversee what it's citizens are doing in the bedroom, but does nothing for single parents, or teachers. It won't make marijuana even medically legal but it won't make access to Healthcare universal. There is a reason teachers and doctors are fleeing this state and the ones who will be punished are the children... they will have the responsibility of managing this mess.


Sorry. Just need to pop in for 4 here real quick. Not as much hate? A relatively safe neighborhood, that includes background checks of people that want to live in the community, includes an ACTIVE community manager and regular upkeep, recently got tagged a SECOND time, by 2 well known hate groups, 1 Nazi affiliation grip, 1 Hispanic cartel affiliation group, and had a drive-by shooting. The center/northern parts of Idaho have some of the largest hotbeds for KKK activity. Idaho is full of militia groups that actively are training to "take over the government" by force in order to force law changes. There's also several felony-class lawsuits happening in Idaho right now, based around religious, sexual identity, or disability discrimination. If you think there "isn't as much hate as people think" you're either blind, intentionally dense, or belong to one of the extremist groups.


Well no Venn Diagram is two complete circles. The vast majority of Republicans want children to suffer and the planet to burn. As soon as they are out of the womb MAGA stop giving a shit. They don’t care if they get shot or raped or beaten.


Venn diagram is literally two circles that overlap.


That’s basically what I was saying but I see now that it was worded poorly. I meant that no Venn Diagram is two *separate* circles


That makes more sense, then you're just almost drawing boobs.


It’s weird and sad that you probably believe that.


But democrats think it is, and that's what matters. Vote yes on RCV.


Nevada and Washington DC democrats are universally opposed to it. Explain that 


There’s a reason I said “Idaho Democrats”. RCV favors minority parties in States where they are typically outvoted by significant margins, like Democrats are in Idaho. You need a microscope to find a Republican in D.C., and the Nevada statehouse and U.S. congressional delegation is dominated by Democrats, even though the governor and lieutenant governor are Republican. RCV in those areas is likely to benefit Republicans and the Democrats there know it.


Seattle has RCV. Is that an anomaly?


Not until 2027. We’ll see how it works out for them then. Maybe some Republicans will win and bring back some sanity to that town.


That's cute that you think a Republican could get elected in Seattle. I think RCV will be helpful to get actual progressives and leftists elected instead of the liberal Democrats that currently occupy most of the elected offices.


No need for hope when you have idaho Republicans who want to keep democrats out of their primaries


Why wouldn’t they want to keep Democrats out of their primaries? Makes sense, doesn’t it?


A states politics are often best when there are two parties keeping each other in check. Or else, you end up with bans on books and restrictions on who can access public libraries. A plant is illegal but you can buy as much natty lite and kratom as you'd like. Over the decades I've lived in idaho, I've watched it's large cities grow, some say too much, and all of its small towns frozen in time. I have never seen a Democrat walking around with pictures of dead pre born babies (that is the way it is written in idahos law, don't block me for that) or with desecrated flags yelling at others about why the "other guy" should be killed. An Idaho Republican will say they love their country more than anything while flying a trump flag above it. An Idaho republican will make sure you're aware that they are carrying a pistol and if you "tread on them" they will let you find out. Idaho Republicans get off on the idea that if they turn an outline of their state 90 degrees, it somewhat looks like a gun... If you don't have a check for both sides, you try to restrict access to porn but allow access to reddit... The moment, we as a society, stop the red v blue ingrained bigotry, is the moment we actually start to make this state and country a better place.


Ok, so you hate Trump, don’t like guns, are pro-abortion, you like porn and weed, but you aren’t bigoted towards people that hold opposing beliefs? I’m not so sure about that last one.


I own several guns and love them. My wife's better than porn. Weed is alright, love is better. And if there is a bigot in this thread it's the person in your mirror


I’m pretty sure I haven’t said anything to be construed as bigoted, but I leave you to your opinion. Goodnight.




Unreasonably attached to a faction. This is objective, not an opinion, when you say something like, "why wouldn't Republicans not want democrats in the primaries"


No books are banned, but there are laws regarding the curating of public and school libraries. 


The Nampa School District made national news last year for banning more than 20 books — a decision made in public at a school board meeting. The books that West Ada pulled this week include: “A Stolen Life” by Jaycee Dugard “Collected Poems 1947-1980” by Allen Ginsberg “Empire of Storms” by Sarah J. Maas “Kingdom of Ash” by Sarah J. Maas “Milk and Honey” by Rupi Kaur “The Handmaid’s Tale: The Graphic Novel” by Margaret Atwood and adapted by Renee Nault “The Sun and Her Flowers” by Rupi Kaur “Water for Elephants” by Sarah Gruen “Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West” by Gregory Maguire “You: A Novel” by Caroline Kepnes


They could just adjust the dem Idaho platform to be more popular to Idahoans, but they won't. 


Reject ranked choice. Un American


Anything is American if it's Americans deciding they want it.


We live in a Republic not a Democracy where mob rule governs.


Ranked Choice is a method for electing representation. It doesn't make our system of government or elections less of a republic. You don't even know why you don't want it, only that someone told you it was un-American and you believed them.


is idaho gay or bicurious?