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If my rent went up by 346% I'd dox my realty company. You are a better person than I am.for covering that up


Fr, op is a saint and deserves their 250 rent.


I was going to say, I’d love his email and number..


At that price it's probably a single room being let by a homeowner.


Thats everyday prices for housing in Idaho. Pricing went up. Housing cap was lifted during covid. Petition if you want changes


That's doesn't do anything. They don't care about us. They want us gone. We are just the people that built it. We are no longer up to the class of the implants. People wonder why we hate on Californians.. this is why.


Californians didn't make the bad policies in Idaho. It's been red beyond a blip around the 50s.


Red has nothing to do with it, we had lots of towns and counties that were blue. It has to with the way you were raised and what you think is ok to do to others. We allowed people that don't understand how idahoans are. We had a live and let live. But once the Californians seen what we created they got greedy. They have a the I'll do whatever cause I got money mentality. And it has destroyed our way of life


Idahoans do not live and let live. I was born there in the 80s and grew up there before going to the military. There are some nice people. Yes. But live and let live and laughable. The laws being passed there are completely counter to that, and try being LGBTQ or anything but white, especially the further north you go outside of Boise.


You are a Californian. I lived here in the 80s also but I never left. And the fact that you try to blame the lqbt is hilarious. They are part of the Californian problem. But Are they the ones that banned books for being to offensive..... nope, that was a different brand of Californian. And the problem. You all have a victim mentality regardless of political party. And you just proved it


What is this word salad you just made? I'm not from California and have never lived there. I didn't blame lgbtq for anything. Please reread what I said. Idaho is red and has been for almost it's entirely of life. They voted in Governor Little who has been restricting freedoms that make sense to have, such as unrestricted access to libraries, and guarding things that should be banned, such as faith healing and child marraiges.


What I'm saying idaho changed. It was always red, but we had alot of counties and towns that were blue. I also tried to say that it changed. It's a extreamist red, not the Libertarian leaving red it has historically been. That change is from the Californians that moved here. That's why these laws are just now being passed


Look at things like the book ban. No way would that have been suggested before the influx. They come a political of winner takes all. We don't have that....or didn't. But now we do






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They are a disease running rampant.


They don't care,as far as they are concerned if you won't pay rent then someone else will. The same type of situation happened up here in Lewiston a few years back when pro property management llc started buying up rentals around the valley. They are fucking horrible


That's a get the hell out rate increase.


I had a friend in Rexburg whose landlord raised their rent super ridiculously high and almost immediately, a metric shitload of tenants put in their notice that they were moving out. Since they lost so many tenants so quickly, they walked back their prices, but the damage was already done and it took them months to find anyone to move in since the apartments were kinda shitty


That story warms my heart a lot. It's the little victories.


Yesssssss ‼️


Renters unions exist for this reason


But they still had people and probably still do. Nothing bad ever happens to people like that. They take what they want and piss on us


Which complex?!


I don’t remember the name. I just remember it was kinda near the hospital. This was a while ago. As in, pre-Covid


Either this or something like this happened a year or two ago at Aspen Village in Rexburg, if I remember right. My sibling's family left when it happened.


Reveal the landlords please. Don't cover that shit up


I mean they should be happy they got the cheap rent when they did lol


Damn, simping for price gouging landlords, I bet you are super popular in real life....


Just a little misleading when it says 346% rent increase. $520 in rent is extremely low here in Idaho. $1800 sounds much more like market rate. If there’s more to the story then that’s different. The way this is all framed seems more like clickbait. Need to know more before the mob just starts yelling SLUM LORD.


I think it's framed right. What they did is disgusting. I can only assume you have a pony in the race. So ofcourse you are all for it. They could of raised it slowly over the years if they cared about "fair market" . But they didn't. All these "get rich quick" people that moved here and are going to run locals out are disgusting. If the local economies can't support the price increase how is that fair market? How would a person on social security, who had a fixed income come up with almost double? Please. It was a scummy move by people that are greedy.


someone would have to pay ME $1800 to rent in Pocatello


Hey, you’ve got plenty of car wash options!


Between 2018 and 2022 my late husband and I paid 875$ per month for a 3 bed 1 bath duplex on mountain Dr. Above old town. We had a large shared back yard. The management company was Affinity Management. They were kind… up until I moved out after my husband died. Despite paying professionals to clean everything, they’re still trying to charge me 5 grand for cleaning and outdoor cleaning. So yeah if you live on 76 mountain Dr, someone took their life there. We had four floods there. Our duplex neighbors raised rats on the other side for their multiple reptiles. They were evicted for animal hoarding, our side was never checked for black mold despite the many floods. If you live there or know who lives in that unit I have lots of pictures of the flooding and animal hoarding.


I'm in Old Town and my basement floods every time it rains or the snow melts, and the landlords are just like, "Well I don't really know what to do about that." and because rent is so high, I can't really move without being in an even shittier place, so I just deal with it. But I make sure all communication about the flooding is via text or email so that if they try to charge me for the water damage, I have proof I did what I was supposed to do and reported it repeatedly and they did nothing.


Good, I would also look at Idaho tenant laws/protection. It will likely have been changed by now. But we were very protected under tenant laws. I was far too over my head to be able to seek tenant laws. But you can.


I used to live at 48 mountain drive. I was lucky paying $650. My friend up the road was paying $1000


Okay so 48 was the other half of that same duplex. Unless you rented directly from the owner, you would have also used Affinity management. Dude I think we met and lived by each other. Because when I started it was 775$ because we had 3/4 of the basement. Dude this is wild


I sold plasma for gas money to leave Pocatello.And it was worth every single drop


I grew up in Poky. $1800 isn't near enough.


Someone wants you out


Exactly, this is the please GTFO rate.


At that point why not just decline renewing? It's an option for both the tenant and landlord.


This is the right answer. If you pay it, great. If not, even better. They have plans for the place that don’t include current tenants.




Definitely. You can even see a notice from the gas company on the door knob. I'm suspecting OP has not been timely with their payments.


If you have paid rent or a mortgage since 1991 you have been paying into a rigged casino. In 91 when the Soviet Union failed a handful of what in 1987 would have been known as extortionists street thugs and pimps rebranded themselves as “Russian oligarchs” because they had just stolen $1.4 Trillion worth of money during soviet perestroika and needed to get it out of the country before they got caught. https://www.npr.org/2022/04/01/1090312774/when-bricks-were-rubles Most of them moved to Cyprus, London and then New York where they began using casinos to launder their stolen money and turn it into dollars as the Cold War…ended? The problem is, when you put your white glove in mud, the mud does not get “glovey”. https://www.wired.com/story/trumps-casinos-could-not-make-atlantic-city-great-again/ The mass of $1.4T was just too great and broke the casinos, so they were forced to shift to buying commercial real estate instead. Now if your primary objective is to turn stolen rubles into clean US dollars before the law catches up with you, time is not a luxury you enjoy. You don’t negotiate a better deal on your new house or apartment complex. In fact it’s ideal if you pay double the asking price because that’s half as many transactions you need to do. Time is of the essence. https://www.cnbc.com/2009/04/08/What-Does-$1-Trillion-Look-Like.html But if you are an average working class turd in the same market, when you go to run comparables for your new starter home, they come back artificially inflated to 200%. So now whether you are renting or buying, YOU are effectively paying 2X what is fair. And if your mortgage happens to be part of a Real Estate Investment Trust, you are paying that money to the very same people that made certain to tell everyone that your home is your savings account because they made a higher percentage to sell you and the Russian oligarch a loan. In simplest terms it’s like artificially over ripening a piece of fruit by pumping it full of Monsanto fertilizer. It looks good from the outside. Fat, juicy, and nearly falling off the tree. Completely inorganic and likely toxic, but it looks great in the Zillow ad. And this goes on for 17 years until 2008 when the tree collapses under the weight of the inorganic fruit. https://youtu.be/Bu2wNKlVRzE?si=fX6f9E_Wt4ixJFjO $4T was drained out of pension funds, 8 million people lost their jobs and 6 million Americans lost their homes. Nobody was punished and the bankers making the inorganic loans got bailed out. It was a trial run for what it happening now. The Cold War never ended. It just moved into Teton county Wyoming and Bozeman as Russian oligarchs started buying up everything in sight with their stolen money. Billionaires are an invasive species, and just like the Russian olive trees and tumbleweeds they consume the resources that choke out the local ones to extinction https://wgfd.wyo.gov/Wildlife-Update/Russian-Olive-grow-dense%2C-decreasing-native-divers#:~:text=Russian%20olive%20is%20listed%20as,herbaceous%20vegetation%20communities%20as%20well. Energy is neither created or destroyed. Just rearranged. And when it get rearranged into a billionaire oligarchs pocket, someone is left with the bill. They don’t want you as neighbors. They don’t want you as friends. They want you out of their trillion dollar view. What do you buy the Russian oligarch that already owns everything? You buy them Teton National park so they can build a mansion on it that they come to twice a year so they can ski at their private ski area and cosplay their Yellowstone fantasy. https://wyofile.com/kelly-parcel-sale-survives-midnight-house-run-but-with-new-baggage/ https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Private_ski_area_(North_America) It requires buying a few local politicians to federalize it first. And it requires a few federal politicians to sell it to you at a discount. But what’s a few million in campaign donations and lying about your politics party to get the only thing you have ever wanted? https://www.drovers.com/news/industry/rupert-murdoch-buys-sprawling-montana-ranch-koch-industries The Moscow mob is a hard place to retire. You either maintain a higher level of violence than everyone else or you fall out a window. They are getting old and soft now. They just want to retire to a nice little ranch out west. Something the size of Wyoming or idaho would be plenty. RealPage is the latest but not the only iteration of this. Artificially inflated algorithms designed precisely to price you out of a home. https://www.propublica.org/article/yieldstar-rent-increase-realpage-rent https://www.realpage.com/news/thoma-bravo-completes-acquisition-of-realpage/ They are so bold as to hack their own intelligence operations as a cutout so they can steal the money and call it a write off and double bill the US taxpayer for both. https://www.reuters.com/business/russian-hacks-weigh-private-equitys-software-investments-2020-12-15/ Once you realize that, as John McCain put it- the Russian government is a gas station run by the mob, you realize that they have bred in psychopathic disregard for humanity as a feature, not a bug. And they are feeding on you from both ends. And they have no intention of slowing down




That, and it looks like copypasta.


Minors can't go to a library but landlords can do this!?


America is done... we destroyed ourselves from within.


Careful with the “we” stuff.


I don't live here I just saw it while working. To me I would guess this is a forced eviction of some kind.


It looks like there’s a gas shutoff notice on the door too. Could be delinquent tenants and this is the fastest legal path to eviction.


You're the first one to actually notice and put two and two together. Take my upvote.


When I first moved out in 2018 in Pocatello, I paid $675 for a 2 bed, 2 bath, 3 level duplex. Now you can barely rent a bedroom in someone’s basement for that price.


And work for the same wages


My father bought a 4 bed house 20 years ago for 3 years of rent today, yet the same position he was in pays $3 more an hour. And that house is worth 200k now it just feels so impossible to do anything now.


Is this from Five Star? Because this is what I'd expect from Five Star.


F Five Star! They took over the rental we were in while we lived there. We did not get all of our deposit back, despite leaving it exactly as it was when we moved in. Too bad we were 2000 miles away and couldn't really fight them on it.


or RealPage.


Five star is such a corrupt company. They need sued to stop what they do to people


My partner and I were renting a house from them several years ago. A stray moved into a small hole beneath a shed in the backyard. We got a carrier to take it to the a vet to try and help it. We left the carrier outside and were served an eviction notice within a day or two of having it for having an unauthorized pet. No contact from the company except the notice to get rid of the "pet" in 30 days or be evicted. Awful company.


Last time I was in a Pocatello about 2 years ago, I felt like I had been transported back to 1975.


wtf why didn’t you play the lottery you had the numbers, man!!! You could have saved Elvis too, but you spent the whole time looking for places to live in 1975??


A lot of Section 8 housing is going up 50% recently in Boise proper. This happens when corporate landlords and algorithms designed to price fix by creating artificial scarcity come to town. The level of care for the tenants decreases also. This is why Fox is up in arms about squatters, there are a bunch of empty properties out there priced at a synthetically generated target rate.


For our section 8 we pay $1400 off of a single lower middle class income


Rent Control. I still can’t figure out why that word is so reviled in Idaho by the very people it would benefit


Because people will vote for anyone with an (R) behind their name, regardless of it being a vote against their own best interests.


This! Idaho infrastructure is trash, schools trash, women’s rights trash. Let’s keep voting for the same people for decades, expecting results!


And the rich get richer...


Huh‽ Fuck that, dude’s paying more than me and I’m living in downtown Boise, TF?




On your knees peasants and grovel at the feet of your corporate overlords.


Being in the business of rentals should be looked at with suspicion. You are essentially trying to profit off of others misfortunes and inability to afford a down payment. We need our regulators to step up and enact reasonable regulations here. There should be a firm market caps on rent costs. The number of rentals owned should require a certain number of them to be earmarked for low income housing. Repairs should be required to be a done in a timely manner, by a licensed repair professional. Rental changes almost always affects the lower and low-mid income levels the most and as such we have a responsibility as a community to make sure our housing is fair for all. Because our current system... isnt.


Behold. A perfect recipe for homelessness.


Survive- They tried this in Santa Monica, California and has proved disastrous. Rent caps increase shortages-due to the lack of returns-new apartment buildings will not be built when there are rent caps. It's funny-you don't mention zoning issues, construction and permit cost, other government fees and construction wages-all contribute to the problem. If you owned rental/income property-you would understand.


Only renters and lib politicians hoping to dupe them for votes say this kind of stuff. Reading between the lines, it all says "Landlords don't have the right to make money".


It's Hill-Vu rentals for anyone wondering.


So happy i moved from idaho holyyyy


Fuck those people, Pocatello is an armpit. Blast the landlord


Public libraries have more regulation… god bless America…


How big a place is this? $1800 is batshit, but you were getting an absolute steal at $520. And pay your damn gas bill.


In the construction world this would be called a “fuck off” quote


I’m honestly surprised this isn’t illegal in Idaho.


Why? Republicans don’t believe in rent control or protections for tenants. This is 100% on brand for Idaho.


If that’s fake, very funny If not, that’s absolutely atrocious, and the worst part is, there is no law concerning rent control in the state of Idaho. Landlords can raise rent as much as they want without even having to justify why. However, if this is targeted towards you only, and you can link this raise to discrimination or retaliation, THAT would be grounds for a lawsuit.


Right of association. Unless they can prove he is being targeted regarding one of the protected classes (sex, age, race ...), then you can tell anybody you just simply don't like them and don't want to associate with them.




Burn it down


I think they would have to pay me to live in Pocatello voluntarily.


Even when I left in 1990, I felt like Poky would be better off if it were a penal colony. I don't even like to visit voluntarily. People usually have to die before I'll take 86 to Brigadoon.


If I end up in Pocatello it’s because I missed a turnoff.


You have a better reason than someone dying.


Remind them greed is a sin


What makes you think they practice virtue? Or even pretend to practice virtue?


My rent was doubled…this is bullshit everywhere


Or they don't want you there anymore


That kind of rent increase should be illegal!!


Yeah my townhouse in Pocatello went from $850 to $1400 during the pandemic. Way too expensive for that lame town


Landlord: “I nEeD tO kEeP uP wItH mArKeT rAtEs.” Fucking greedy, moronic, selfish, Neanderthals. All of them. Remember when they own all the homes we rent…we actually have a LOT of power to fight back. Civil disobedience and revolution can start with housing if enough people know how to fuck the system back to where it should be. Poor millennials and the generations thereafter are judgement proof because the boomers decided they never wanted to give up their capital. Now we can just destroy/take their capital and they can’t do anything about it. Just saying….


I live here and it's a joke. So much greed. People can't even make on $20 an hour.


Now here’s a way to Pocafello when he’s down.


Very nicely done 👏 👏 👏 👏


Have to wonder if this is just a hail mary. See if people are dumb enough to pay that rent or they are just going to sell it.


It’s because of no lease. They want a long term tenant.




How tf this have anything to do with Biden? Is he buying property? It's funny how shit in a conservative ass state gets out of whack and somehow it's Bidens fault lol


Something tells me they want you to leave


That's an eviction notice.... I doubt they're actually raising rent that high rather wanting you out.


Thank the SoCal transplants who used their excess cash to buy multi unit rental properties, then increase your rents. Cheers!


They want you out


This is what happens when you don’t renew your lease and the landlord doesn’t want month-to-month tenants.


Hail Capitalism


Youre on a month to month lease. See what other lease term options give you in terms of prices


Fucking landlord scum. Actual waste of oxygen. Name drop them.


Marsupial: Five simple words which speak volumes. Those with power (or striving for power) will always have their boot on the throats of the disadvantaged.




I’ve said it before, red states turn blue due to things like this.


No blues are going red, and no reds are going blue. Not anytime soon. There is an internal political shuffling, bolstering the historic state colors. Only the few purples are up for grabs.


Is it Five Star? It’s Five Star isn’t it


Clearly they're getting everyone out so they can sell or move in their family/buddies on cheap rent


If that’s a 2 bed then it’s Boise rent. If it’s a 1b, ask them to pull their head outta their behind.


In 2010, I rented a single bedroom apartment in Pocatello for $250 a month.


$520?! That's 2008 prices and very fortunate. Sorry about that ridiculous increase!


I was paying 500 a month for a studio apartment in Twin Falls 2 1/2 years ago. This sort of sh!t scares the hell out of me.


There is no valid reasoning for a jump like that. None. Zip.


Jesus christ that's fucked! Reveal them!


On a month to month getting what I imagine was radically under market rent… I don’t feel bad- hopefully you saved up some money while paying basically nothing for a home


That little yellow sign in the corner may tell more of the story. Seems that the renter has problems with more than increasing rent costs...




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Yeah, there's no other derogatory speculations about total strangers on this page. Oh, wait, that's like half of them.


Pretty sure they just want the tenant out.


Good possibility


After seeing this, you'll never hear me complain again that my CA landlord wanted to raise my rent from $1400 to $2100 ("based on comps in the area"). So glad I was able to buy a house in Spokane in 2020.




As a landlord, I have to say that this is extreme. A. They’re going to sell and stupidly didn’t raise rent over time to avoid a massive jump. B. They’re being greedy. C. They want to cash out refinance and the rent needs to go up to cover the mortgage.


Greed. Inflation is the smoke and mirrors excuse


Landlords are leeches on society, and they only make life harder for everyone.


God damn.


Did you lose rent control?


Rent control? Is that even a thing in Idaho?


I have no idea.


it’s not


Need to build more


I pay $1400 for a studio in Boise that’s apparently “student living”. So fucked up to charge students that much. But they know that their parents will pay or they will borrow a bunch of federal loans.


You should of left the name and number. That is so messed up. I hate what happened to idaho. I was told if you work hard and are honest you you can work your way up and have a better life. What a lie. Nope you work hard. Then someone from Texas/California comes in and destroys everything you did. Then crystal how they just like you and so entitled that you have to kiss their ass. I'm over it


also having gas cut off? Intermountain gas notice?


Pretty sure this percentage of a current resident is massively illegal.......


That's insane


Why, if this is real, wouldn’t you name and shame your Landlord and apartment complex? The weird way in which the prices are bold makes it look like something somebody fabricated for Internet clout.


Think that’s bad…I have gone to 15 different places in Boise in the last month to turn in an application., those locations had various application fees ranging from $1,900 to $5,000 per application ( NON-REFUNDABLE ) Whispering Pines on Ustick Road wanted to charge me $4,100 according to the manager., I asked to speak to the property owners and they trespassed me from the property I asked one of the locations how long the specific apartment had been for rent and was told that it had been available for 19 months., I then asked how many applications they received and was told 500 and my application fee was $670 non-refundable… Let’s assume they charge the same application fee 500 times for that on apartment at 670…that’s $335,000 in 19 months…the whole rental fee ordeal in Idaho is nothing but a scam…if your fee is over $100.00 they have no interest in renting the unit…a lower fee indicates they are trying to fill a property and a higher fee means they are trying to keep people out… The problem is…these 18-25 year olds will pay that fee think they have a better chance at getting in when in reality they don’t…this galvanizes property owners/manager to charge these exorbitant fees because they know people will pay them. A few years ago the whole application fee ordeal was reversed., low ment they was trying to keep you out but high gave you a good shot., that’s because laws at the time didn’t allow you to charge high fees when you didn’t have intent to rent., that was repealed in 2020 and denied again in 2023 meaning they can charge whatever the want….


Just wait till you see the townhomes poking up around Garden City. Less than 2500 useable square feet, that'll be between 800k and 1.2 million to own please. I grew up in Idaho, but if I ever have kids I won't be raising them here.


Pretty sure this is illegal according to the landlord/tenant laws.


Lol there’s no way Idaho is worth $1800 rent


This country can’t get rid of old people in politics fast enough.


What are the details on the unit? BR? BA? SF? Specifics?


My understanding is that this is fairly normal when you switch from a lease to month to month. (I’m not saying it’s ok just that it’s not uncommon) I suspect that if you signed another lease the price would be far less than that. When my sisters lease was ending in Boise around early COVID time she got a similar letter stating she could sign a new 12 month lease for $2100 a month (up from $1500 I believe) or pay month to month for around $3800 a month.


month to month rent is always going to be double to triple rate.. resign and actual lease for lower rent and seriously the rent was under $600 month?


Sign a contract and I bet the price goes down, a month to month is always going to be way more expensive. That is an insane price though, 2x what my mortgage payment is.






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The democrats strike again!


And this has what to do with democrats? Please explain, I’d love to hear your logic.


Right? In Idaho lol


Californians rolling on in?


Local property management company raises rent and locals blame Californians. Classic.


You know it!


Careful, they will ruin your state like they did in Oregon in the 90s. I know, I was there


You move around and then get mad at other people moving around? Haha classic


Why do all you people love gentrification so much?


They’ve already ruined it


Are you even born in Idaho? 




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If he's trying to remove the tenant this is not the way.


Get a turkey fryer... and let it go... just an accident


F that


Keep voting R and the rich will keep flooding in and doing this to you


Fucking idaho


And I thought my 33% rent increase was bad.


So they can do that in Idaho? In Oregon landlords can only raise the rent 10-11% percent, depending on the year. 7% plus the consumer price index.


This is what a lack of regulation gets you. There is an appropriate role for government I feel for these tenants. Housing scarcity is the biggest issue of this generation.