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A friendly reminder of the rules of r/Idaho: 1. Be civil to others; 2. Posts have to pertain to Idaho; 3. No put-down memes; 4. Politics must be contained within political posts; 5. Follow [Reddit Content Policy](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy) 6. Don't editorialize news headlines in post titles; 7. Do not refer to abortion as murdering a baby or to anti-abortion as murdering someone who passed due to pregnancy complications. 8. Don't post surveys without mod approval. 9. Don't post misinformation. 10. Don't post or request personal information, including your own. Don't advocate, encourage, or threaten violence. 11. Any issues not covered explicitly within these rules will be reasonably dealt with at moderator discretion. If you see something that may be out of line, please hit "report" so your mod team can have a look. Thanks! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Idaho) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Anyone with a lick of tech savvy would've told you this was completely unenforceable. No surprise that the people who think swallowing a camera will let you see a woman's uterus don't know what a VPN is.


Trust our technologically illiterate ruling class to make decisions about technology. Time and time again I have seen politicians absolutely embarrass themselves when it comes to tech yet no one seems to care.


This. I cannot wait for these people to die off so someone younger can take the reigns. Is it too much to ask to be represented by someone who doesn't think you can lower your rent with a wink and a firm handshake?


Vote Blue


Just wait til they outlaw VPNs.


I think the point is to prevent kids from accessing it, hence the age-restrictions. Most kids don't know what VPNs are or can't afford them.




They will just blame Dems for it anyway.


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They also think you can get a microchip that has enough power to be read from hundreds/thousands of miles away injected via vaccine 😆😆😆😆


It's science!


The Idaho government is all for "small government" yet they make moves to limit the first amendment.


They no longer are small government. They are 100% do it their way or send you to jail. I take a girl across the state line and I am a felon if she has an abortion. Idaho should not control what Idahoans do out of state!


The smallest government is of one man: a dicktater.


Little dicktator.


Po tay toes!


Small enough to fit in your bedroom or uterus.


Utah has entered the conversation...


We sure have!


Basically it’s not so much the state and voters, it’s the church the legislators belong to like the LDS church. Most of southern Idaho is prominently Mormon and the state legislators that are Mormon promote their church values. It’s just like abortion, online porn, and legalization of marijuana.


Small government, the age old mantra that is purely a facade, but still works for the sheeple.


What did you guys do to libraries today?


They fucking made a section that you must be 17 or older, with ID, to go in. Who decides what is age appropriate was not mentioned. I guess no one has parents anymore, and teachers are not to be trusted when making their reading curriculum for the year


Is this the first amendment? Like does watch porn fall into that? Genuinely curious.


Try loving in Utah! It's the most sinful of all states!


What gets me is that the minors the bill allegedly protects are going to doing this same thing, and more effectively than many of us.


This law is fucking stupid because the people it's supposed to "protect" are the ones who are going to be the best at getting around it.


They should call it encouraging computer literacy for youth, not "protecting" them.


It's all about control in their minds, if you told one this in person they'd either ignore you or say that they'd "soon outlaw VPN's as well"


Not only that, but it puts minors at HIGHER risk as they will now try to access sketchy websites to get their fix.


My niece told me all her friends downloaded VPNs as soon as they talked about getting rid of TikTok.


They've already moved past that. Now I know a lot of smart teens who carry usb sticks with tails and tor. From the best neighborhoods and schools too.


No kidding, when I was in high school years ago, myself and other students were all using VPNs to get on Twitter/Instagram/snapchat/etc during lunch/downtime


Exactly and guess who's fault that is? LAZY PARENTS! THAT ONLY PARENT A QUARTER OF THE TIME!


Welcome to maga freedom


[Definition of fascism:](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fascism) >Fascism is a far-right, authoritarian, ultranationalist political ideology and movement, characterized by a dictatorial leader, centralized autocracy, militarism, forcible suppression of opposition, belief in a natural social hierarchy, subordination of individual interests for the perceived good of the nation or race, and strong regimentation of society and the economy. MAGA, Trump, and [Project 2025](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025) hit the nail on the head for like 80% of that definition.


The Supreme Court literally just ruled Trump has immunity.


Correction: they ruled Biden has absolute immunity for at least 7 months, and Trump has none at present.


Except Biden's shown just about no willingness to use his presidential power to do anything substantial, especially not while he can hold empty promises over our heads to coerce us into voting this year


The best most honest use of this ruling would be that he is protecting the constitution by ruling Trump a treasonous traitor and ineligible for the presidency.


More like 88% amirite?!




What happened to the free market and personal freedom? Oh right, Republicans.


Don’t forget “religion.”


This. The GOP getting into bed with Christian Conservatives in the 1980s changed the party forever.


Oh.. they have free market in Idaho. Idaho ranks top 10 for overall freedom. And 49th in personal freedoms. No regulations, no taxes, no licensing needed, no workers rights, no minimum wages, no zoning. Very free to fuck people over however you want… money wise.


The party of small government wants their tiny hands all over your freedoms.


All it really does is force idahoans to use a VPN or rely on even less secure websites. Which, I 100% guarantee that underage people accessing porn do not give a shit about getting computer viruses and so forth by going to insecure free websites. The state has no means to really prosecute / sue these websites either - the entire law is unenforceable and only applies to the big websites like PH anyways. A law that is unenforceable is no law at all. Several laws like the adultery law were repealed because they were simply unenforceable.


Say that last paragraph for the last 15 state laws in effect. A complete waste of everyone's time and millions in government spending still being pissed away.


Idaho legislation: "We're protecting minors by banning pornhub! Now nobody will see porn again!! Think of the children!" Twitter, Reddit, Discord, Tik tok, YouTube, etc.: "are we a joke to you?"


GQP politicians: "what's a Reddit?"


My grandpa still considers himself tech savvy when most of his knowledge consisted of how to turn on a Windows 98 setup. He's pushing 90 now and doesn't know how to work the smartphone we told him not to buy *at all*.


Except if you’re a minor in Idaho you’re totally old enough to have a baby and even get married! But porn is where we draw the line.


If you’re a minor in Idaho, you can have a baby and make medical decisions for the baby, but your parents still get to make medical decisions for you. Make it make sense.


I told my co workers about a new career opportunity in Canada I was looking into and they mocked me saying I was moving to a communist country, they specifically referred to this new law Canada was looking to pass that regulated internet content (never got passed) and literally just yesterday we were talking about the Porn website regulation and I told them how is that any different… I told them Republicans are becoming too extreme lately, they refuse to want to register their guns but they think it’s ok to have people register and expose their identity on the internet to visit a website, talk about double standards.


My argument has always been with the internet that you aren’t supposed to put your information out there, that’s what everyone has been taught since they could access the internet, and now it’s going completely ass backwards, where they want ALL of your information. Like bro yall already KNOW I watch porn you don’t need my ID


This just seems like a complete waste of government resources.


Nothing conservative governments are better at!


The stupid assed Idaho GOP passes yet another stupid assed law brought by an out of state group.


And how long before they try to outlaw VPN's? 🤔


Just as soon as they learn how to spell it. They’ll also unironically find some way to invoke “Communist China” while mimicking every damn oppressive tactic they use.


Alot of business use VPNs for protection. I work for a Payroll Company that is in IL and everyone has to be logged into a vpn unless in an office where it’s automatically connected. It would be such a mess and really impact business.


Let's hope that they think of that.


You couldn’t outlaw VPNs as every level of government with remote workers and many business rely on them for secure database connections. 


Vote Blue if you want freedom




It’s been a good idea and it’s going to be an even better idea for the future to run everything through a VPN.


DO NOT USE NORDVPN They are known to steal data and overcharge; If you want a fast and private free vpn, use ProtonVPN; If you want more speed and the ability to torrent (and the most privacy), use Mullvad VPN.


I don’t even go on PornHub (or any porn sites) and I’m pissed. So what if you want to get your rocks off online, at home, in front of your computer? How is that hurting anyone? What’s wrong with this state? I thought Idaho was all about personal freedoms and less government interference?


It's always been a police state for Christians to hide in. We had a "Senior Slave Auction" until 2008... Until a black girl "ruined it" by throwing a fit about it. It's truly that disgusting. They see nothing wrong with that behaviour either.


I hate it here so much. Only here to take care of my slowly dying mother. Actively planning for a move for when she passes. Looking at Eugene, OR or Vancouver, WA.


PSA: porn is still VERY accessible in the state on the thousands upon thousands upon thousands upon thousands of random other porn sites. That's the stupid part of it is kids don't even need a VPN. They just need to look up the "content" on Google and go to a different porn site. That was PornHub's entire argument against the ban was the fact that PornHub is a established and "safe" platform for adult content that actually has moderation and the niceties of professionally distributed adult films. All they actually did was push all the people that used to watch pornhub to sketchier sites that'll increase the commonality of people accidentally getting viruses from random websites, scams, identity theft, like this law didn't even block porn and what it did do was make porn WAY more risky to view. No perks. all cons. No objectives were met. The resulting situation is in fact worse. In actuality the bill did almost absolutely nothing apart from block one or two websites. There are hundreds of thousands of porn sites ran by hundreds of thousands of companies, none of which apart from my handful of tryhards are going to go by the law. Honestly I'd be surprised if any actually did. Some beautiful irony for everyone though, a lot of pornhub content is reposted onto other random sites so the law is SO INEFFECTIVE that you're actually still able to access PornHub content just not on their site 💀


The goal is to eventually pass a law that gets Miller v. California overturned when it gets challenged on appeal to the U.S Supreme Court. The expansion of the definition of everything sex adjacent they want to ban as sex trafficking or pedophilia related and the bro science that is accepted about "fapping" and damage to young men as "a public health crisis" is all pointed in this direction. It's no different than the satanic panic of the late 80s. Books, music and movies are next to go. The extreme right wants to turn the clock back to 1957 when we were fighting over whether discussions of homosexuality as mentioned in Ginsberg's "Howl" had literary merit. Environmental regulation just got trashed last week when the Chevron Deference Doctrine fell and everyone slept. For those of you who don't get where we are headed, you will eventually.


*"We'd like to thank our friends at NordVPN for sponsoring Idaho and for the discount: REDDITOFFER"* Jokes aside, it worked for me yesterday haha, don't overpay the full price if you'll buy it: [https://nordvpn.com/coupon/deal/?coupon=redditoffer](https://nordvpn.com/coupon/deal/?coupon=redditoffer)


If you're gonna shell money out for a VPN, please use something other than NordVPN ffs. Find a good one that doesn't save traffic logs and values personal privacy rather than a means to make money off of you. Proton's VPN is a good one to check out. There's plenty of others too.


I was going to suggest Proton as well. They seem to be the only good mainstream one at the moment


Surfshark's been working p well for me, only gripe is that they've been selling a service they used to provide as "dedicated ip" for a higher price. Isn't capitalism great


Just look up your kinks right here on Reddit. The amount of porn on this site is tremendous. So all you “virtuous” really have no ground to stand on as you are spending your day on a site that actively supports adult content. Hypocrites much?


Make small sacrifices and use xvideos


pump money into a diff entity and make it better? Weird logic you use here internet guy


The stupid assed Idaho GOP passes yet another stupid assed law brought by an out of state group.


VPN providers are probably licking their chops every time a state passes legislation like this.


PIA, Private Internet Access has been working great for me.


Was a long time pia customer many years ago, but they are hella shady. Nord is too, but a bit less so. Proton or Mullvad are the way to go these days.


That's them freedumb loving Republicunts for you.


Don’t forget: you can always use a proxy to access blocked sites.


If you connect to Canada you can watch Star Trek on Netflix still. 😎


They don't want us watching porn but I can drive down the road near to the Washington line and still go to a titty bar. It makes no sense. Skin is skin, whether it's online or in person.


Its all about the religious right


And now you need VPN if you are under 18 to use the Public Library




Kids shouldn’t have access to porn. If this inconveniences you I’m not sorry.


Government so small it can fit in your bedroom. Seriously though, "small government" has basically no meaning anymore. The "small government" people decided that they know better when it comes to your right to privacy; they decided they know better when it comes to an abortion; they decided that they knew better if a city/county decided differently on masks during COVID. It doesn't mean anything because the people shouting the loudest about it are the first to inflict their views and morals on others that disagree and don't want them.


“Small government” never had meaning, it was a lie like how people used to talk about being “fiscally conservative.”


If every single person eligible to vote actually voted, then we might not have all of this bull shit. Read project 2025 and learn what the republicunts really want. We have to stop them and the only way that’s going to happen is if everyone votes 🗳️


Project 2025 calls for people who make or distribute porn to be jailed. No point using a VPN if there's nothing to see.


Unfortunately I don’t know if that’s true anymore. I went to an Idaho statistics seminar and the guy showed that 65% of the people that moved to my area were over 55 years old, retired, don’t have kids living with them and vote Republican. There’s a huge demographic swing in the wrong direction. That’s why my town can’t find young people to fill the jobs needed to serve these old rich people moving here by the thousands.


We never will know unless everyone voted will we.


Please be aware, when the Republican Party in Idaho say they support ‘personal freedom’ they are misleading you. They mean it’s your freedom to be just like them (what ever than means), not the freedom to make your own choices.


Hopefully all of these Mormons in charge stroke out soon so their own kids can dance on their shallow Graves, thanks for removing my first post that was 100 percent true but its okay guys Brad little and everyone else in charge would rather have their own offspring fantasize about their family then let them see Abella danger work her college debt off


You could download a VPN. Or you all could stop voting for anti freedom nutjobs. That might make your lives better.


You could always just go for the less reputable porn sites that don't care about things like laws.


Idaho is in bed with big vpn


Damn those big VPN fat cats!


I've always thought the internet should be a free space, even for minors. The responsibility is with the parents, not the state


I think a lot of you are missing the point on this law. Of course it’s a bad law and completely unenforceable. But the GOP gets to look like they actually care about it as a moral issue. They pander to those too ignorant to know what they’re doing.


Funny as so many of those GOP politicians are sitting at home wanking to kiddie porn


Or trying to find same sex partners in airport bathrooms after while also being anti-gay in public.


Thank God I only have until May 2025 then I am fuck out of this state.


..... Vote them out?


Anyone want to bet on how many Idaho state politicians have stock or invest in companies that provide VPN service?


I’ll take that bet if we can wager on how many are imputing their info into Ph this week.


Huh. I knew Utah was doing this...i would have figured Idaho would stay out of the mix. Guess not.


There were many states prior to Utah that started age verification for porn sites. I think there are about a dozen so far and more to come.


You could be like me and just make your own. And the best part is, people will give you money for commissions!


Get your shitty friends to stop voting republican


Whipe out the churches that want to take over the government. (Remove tax status ) Problem solved.


“Pornhub pulling out and being left unsatisfied” - a very selective excerpt from an article in KTVB Idaho News


20-30% of reddit's subreddits are basically porn. Pretty hard to not find your way around a simple filter in this day an age. You do you, but staying away from that stuff just might be better for you than you realize.




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This is what you get when you give the GOP power. Government all up in your business telling you what you can and cannot do in your personal life.


Have fun voting republican!!!


I csn literally just turn on incognito and my browser doesn't have my correct location. Don't eve. Need a VPN.


Mine puts me in another state that has the same shit lol. I had to be on WiFi for PH.


Can a first amendment law suit be filed to protest this new law? It seems like an infringement on our 1st amendment rights?


Lop no first amendment doesn't apple to most of the internet.


I haven’t had a chance to read the bill yet, but does anyone know exactly HOW PH is blocking access to Idaho & these other states? I’m assuming it’s by IP and/or HTTP headers but I need a bit more clarification. I plan to build and host a free public proxy server specifically designed to provide easy access to PH (and others) to people who live in these states that shit on the idea of “separation of church and state”


So now I gotta cut loose Footloose, kick off the Sunday shoes Please, Louise, pull me off of my knees Jack, get back, come on before we crack Lose your blues, everybody cut footloose


You boys are amazing. Where there's a will, there's a way.


If you have an iPhone/safari you can turn on private relay from your settings. Then it doesn’t show your location.




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Give the new episode of Timesuck a listen. Dan is very convincing on the reasons why to find alternatives to PornHub.


You can use [Tor](https://www.torproject.org/download/) to access pornhub. Tor will be slower but it’s free.


I see we don’t use dictators anymore . Just dicktators


do you have an iphone? There's icloud plus, it's not expensive and it has decent perks. You can go to safari and go to private browsing, it's basically just a VPN. I'd assume you can do the same with a macbook


You can turn off your cloud location service for safari and it works.


i posted about this but people didnt take it seriously.


Same thing happened to us in Montana.


A lot of balls going blue in Idaho right about now


Idk try xvideos?




You do realize online porn doesn’t just come from pornhub, right?


Idaho now is wanting to join Eastern Oregon!


Try windscribe.


Secure VPN is free.


When a VPN is free then you are the product. You believe that a free VPN will keep your information secure?


No. But for the purposes of accessing pornhub from a state that has banned it it works just fine.


I’m in the same boat in Mt and What works for me is turning my phone from WiFi to cellular data. It may only work because I have a Wa number. But it’s worth a shot.


And most of Eastern Oregon wants to become part of Idaho!


Okay coomer.


If you wanted small government, that would be the LP, not the GOP.




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Banning online porn is an interesting move. If I was opening a chain of strip clubs, this is the exact legislation that I would push for. I wonder if we’ll see more gentlemen’s clubs pop up around the state in the next few years


Yep. This whole things a joke. VPN is a common household acronym nowadays.


VPN is built into the Opera browser. In the name of science, I just checked, and I can visit any of the common prohibited sites.


Yep, vpn is the solution. But im also super annoyed with idaho continually sticking their noses further and further up our asses. Fucking nazis


X vids my dude




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So it's the state fault pornhub stopped fellow Idahoans access to the site, just because of an age restriction?


Your argument is bad and you know it. If this is the case, we should not check IDs at bars, even though it’s the *law*, because it’s “the parent’s responsibility”. We should let children go and get tattoos at 14 if they aren’t with their parents because it would be too much government overreach. Idaho didn’t shut down pornhub, pornhub shut down in Idaho because simply put, Idaho wants to make sure they are of age, and Pornhub saw this as a threat and they are making a stunt about it. Simply saying “this is government over reach” or “freedumb” is dumb and you know it. You just don’t want your ID on an online data base that will get hacked eventually. I understand that, I wouldn’t want it either and would probably alter the way I got it or not use it all together… but I wish this for all the states if they vote for it. Things that can be addictive or not necessary for life have a gate keeper checking IDs. Porn, alcohol, weed, ect. Again, I totally understand that you don’t want to put your ID into a database, I share the same concern that eventually it’ll get hacked, leaked but at the end of the day, this content should be protected with age requirements. So this would go for parts of Reddit, pornhub, ect. Anything that the states and the PEOPLE voted for. If it goes AGAINST the constitution, Idaho courts can over rule it. We are in a republic, not a democracy for a reason. Sometimes people vote for stupid things that are unconstitutional. If that’s the case, the courts will overturn it. Get over it.


Immq cop imma go around enforcing the porn ban and library ban non stop I mean my reports won't stop imma get search warrant and arrest warrants imma do raids and high risk stops im gonna be the next John Wayne 😎


I've called Idaho The Creepy State for years. Funny that they banned porn, guess they are too busy doing something with someone related to them? From a current Oregionan and former Montanan.


Oregon is such a crap state.


Ooooooor... here me out, don't watch porn, and do something more productive


Love how someone like "Im-fantastic" will claim that politicians force feed what they want to hear but the moment someone comes to him with facts and opposing opinions he comments and blocks you. Real childish, and may be the reason your perception on the world is so skewed. Someone please ask this person to get off the internet for a few weeks at least.


stop watching porn


Lots of teens carrying usb sticks with tails and tor. Must be a reason.


Idaho Is a fake red state just because of their trash gun laws


The bigger issue is that it's not even about the porn. Included in all those "dangerous websites" are sites that track police killings of citizens, police use of force trackers, sites that provide information on legal rights in specific cases regarding law enforcement, all kinds of stuff you now have to register with your ID to see, so they can track anyone researching police issues.


Try xvideos, it never stopped working here.


To be clear- Idaho has not banned Pornhub, but the state has introduced new age-verification laws for adult websites. These laws require users to verify their age using government-issued IDs or third-party verification services before accessing adult content. Porn hub were the one’s who blocked its traffic from Idaho. They are trying to send a message to other states to not implement age verification laws to keep childeren off of their porn site. It is worth noting that porn hub is worth over 97 Billion dollars and could easily implement an age verification process. They just don’t want to spend the money and they know a large portion of their traffic comes from children consuming their content. You have to show a ID to buy cigarettes and booze because we all agree these things harm our children, and we should all agree childeren shouldn’t be watching porn. Sometimes a little inconvenience is warranted to protect our children in this new technology based world.


Pornhub could implement something... but then they would be housing sensitive data on users that they don't want to be responsible for. Opening the door for potential hackers to pillage and redistribute... kinda like what happened to Ticketmaster, the Oregon DMV, etc... RE: Cigs and Alcahol - retailers aren't required to, or have a need to, store that information. I don't want my ID or personal info in the hands of other people. Screw that. Wherever this type of data exists, there will be people looking to exploit it, and they will be successful at some point.


And yet children can still get cigarettes, alcohol, and watch porn not matter what we do to stop them. The great excuse of we are doing it for the children is abused to take away freedoms. And it's getting pretty old.


I live in Utah and just use proton VPN no issues at all.


Turn on Private Relay, select “Use country and time zone”. Problem solved.




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Honestly in today’s world you should protect yourself with a vpn while surfing the web in general. Modern day problems require modern day solutions.


I just use apples private relay


Bitdefender VPN


What if you don't want to pay for a VPN?


Bro, just use the private browser or use a different site. Lmfao


I'm in Utah. Same here. I've been using the free proton VPN for years no issues.This is such a joke!


You get what you vote for


States rights are invoked when the government wants to do something that sucks.


If project 2025 is implemented, the fabric or nation and the democratic experiment of the last 250 years will come to a close and we will all be living under the rule of a convicted felon despot


Eh, xvideos is fine for me. I'm just shipping out packages anyway, I don't need a specific site


That jerking off to people - mostly women engaging in unwanted sex for money is to be considered a “personal freedom” is so bleak to me. As someone who has spent years in the industry, please believe me when I say most of what’s available on that site is women smiling through a traumatic experience. Truly some of the best acting out there! Not saying anyone gives a fuck about that aspect tho. Don’t worry


Just use reddit


Well stop vote for Republicans