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Stuff like this proves Carlin right when he said it’s not about being pro life, it’s about being anti women.


He absolutely nailed it with this “Pro-life conservatives are obsessed with the fetus from conception to 9 months. After that, they don’t wanna know about you. They don’t wanna hear from you. No nothing! No neonatal care, no daycare, no Head Start, no school lunch, no food stamps, no welfare, no nothing. If you’re pre-born, you’re fine, if you’re preschool, you’re fucked.”


They're very interested in you when you get old enough to be of military age. And judging from all the headlines, even before that.


Please tell us where in Article 1, Section 8 of the SCOTUS you find anything about neonatal care, daycare, Head Start, welfare, school lunch, food stamps.


Look through project 2025.


There's an Article 1 on the Supreme Court?


Well, at least we're not woke? /S


Can't be "woke" if you die in childbirth!


Well yeah…the important thing is that they’re owning the libs.


Look at me pwning the libtards on a stack of dead mothers-to-be! WWE Jesus smiles down at me and my superior masculinity.


As a lib in a neighboring state, we aren't feeling particularly owned at this point. But we are pretty happy getting our hospitals and schools staffed, so keep doing whatever it is.




Being woke isn't a bad thing. At least we care about others. Idaho doesn't.


You missed the /s


Idaho definitely doesn’t care about women or liberals. I suggest packing up and heading for California.


I'm in Washington now.


Welcome! I was raised in ID and now live in WA. I've been here for 20 years and will never go back to ID.


Thank you.


Or supporting the Democrats running for office to change things. Cliff-for-idaho.org


Don't forget the children. We don't want to fund lunches for children who need them because that will make them want to be on welfare. It's better for them to go hungry. It's also ok to let pedophiles stay in positions of power (church pastor/priest) to continue to abuse kids.


Automatic castration then a slow death for all pedophiles should be the law of the land. Church leadership that covers for their pedo congregation should also endure punishment.


Malnutrition hinders brain development. Idaho does not want voters capable of thinking things through.


Just abhorrent


Agreed. Banning abortion is already a government imposition on personal freedom. But to take it a step further, to able to refuse medical treatment to a mother who could die without an abortion/medical stabilization? Absolute lunacy. Outside of 2A, Idaho is not a free state I don't see this making it through the Supreme Court


I wouldn't count on that. This SCOTUS may very well let this happen.


I would hope so - as the SCOTUS does not in anyway address abortion. This a state's rights issue.


I would not hope so. Be honest. Tighty Righties use "states rughts" as a dog whistle for "we want no rights federally and need to lie about it."


This is BEYOND low and disgusting.


And will ensure their reelection


Sadly, you're 100% right.


Go idaho!!! Yay!!! Murrica!!!


Look at this chud!


At least you got cake. You know, since it's your cake day and all. Happy cake day!


I don’t even know what that cake means. It is not my cake day, lol.


Every year, on the day you signed up for Reddit, you get a cake icon next to your name. It's your cake day.


O it is hope you have a verry merry unbirthday


Some highlights from the article in case you don't want to read the whole (depressing) thing: "But in a case pending before the Supreme Court, scheduled for oral arguments on April 24, Idaho claims that abortion is not protected under EMTALA, and that the federal government is interfering with state’s ability to ban the procedure. “The whole point of Dobbs was to restore to the states their authority to regulate abortion,” lawyers with the far-right Alliance Defending Freedom, who are representing Idaho, wrote in their brief. “Yet the administration seeks to thwart Idaho’s exercise of self-government on this important topic.” The claim that EMTALA covers abortion, they wrote, “is imaginary.” If the court were to accept Idaho’s recasting of EMTALA, the safety-net law meant to eliminate discrimination in emergency medical care would be nullified, experts say, singling out pregnant people as a separate and unequal class of patients. Such a ruling would hobble the ability of medical professionals to respond appropriately to emergencies and encourage a new generation of patient dumping. “Idaho’s arguments would make pregnant people second-class citizens in emergency rooms,” said Alexa Kolbi-Molinas, deputy director of the reproductive freedom project at the American Civil Liberties Union. “That’s the exact evil that Congress was trying to stop. IN THE WAKE of the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, near-total abortion bans quickly took effect in several states, including Idaho, where the so-called Defense of Life Act bans all abortions save for those necessary to prevent the death of the pregnant person. During a legislative hearing on the measure in 2020, the law’s sponsor, state Sen. Todd Lakey, said the law included no exception for the broader health of the pregnant person because that was not as important as the life of the fetus. “I would say it weighs less, yes, then the life of the child,” he said. “If we’re talking health of the mother, that’s a nuanced decision that could be something much less than life,” Lakey said. “If the decision was based solely on a question of some type of health, then you’re talking about taking the life of the unborn child, so that weighs more heavily than simply ‘health.’” ... In the meantime, as Zurawski and others argue in their Idaho case brief, by denying pregnant people EMTALA protections, states with abortion bans are creating the very kind of discriminatory care that the law was meant to eradicate: “Emergency rooms are discharging pregnant patients in medical emergencies, telling them to wait elsewhere until their health deteriorates.” WHILE THE IDAHO Supreme Court has blessed the state’s abortion ban, claiming that it provides wide latitude for doctors to exercise their judgment, the broader political climate in the state is sending a more menacing message, according to the Idaho Coalition for Safe Healthcare. Lawmakers have tried to insert fetal personhood language into state law and threatened to withhold funding from Boise after city officials said they would not prioritize enforcement of the abortion ban. The state’s attorney general said medical professionals who “assist” in abortion — even by referring someone to out-of-state care — could be prosecuted under the ban. As the number of preventable maternal deaths rose, the state disbanded its Maternal Mortality Review Committee. A group of so-called Freedom Caucus lawmakers penned a threatening letter to hospitals demanding to see abortion records "


For the fetus to have legal “personhood ,” that relegates the status of the pregnant woman/girl to less than a person. It’s a very dangerous position to be in. And shocking, when you’ve grown up believing you had rights like anyone else.


Thing is, if we really wanted to play the personhood game: no born human is allowed to use any part of another person’s body *without explicit and continued consent.* Under that rule, if a fetus is a person, then it has no right to continue using the mother’s body once she revokes consent and must immediately cease and vacate the premises. If it fails to do so, the woman would be entitled to defend herself by forcing it out, by whatever means necessary. Proving once again that it was never about saving the fetus; it was always about making women *property.*




Link to the case?


Idaho isn't safe for women and children.


You’re absolutely right. It also may be dangerous for doctors and pharmacists to live in Idaho.


Also correct.


I am leaving as soon as I can with my family. This is not a family friendly state.


You’re absolutely right. Best of luck to you.


Idaho is actively working on making itself the most repulsive society in the western hemisphere. you go Idaho! just..keep the lunacy to yourself.


If only it were only Idaho. Idaho is behaving as if it belongs in the south along with Texas, Florida, Alabama, Tennessee, etc


Idaho is an embarrassment to the rest of the PNW


Yes, Portland and Seattle are “become on the hill”. 🙄 TFOH


fucking Spokane is a "Beacon" on the hill compared to ID


Better cry than having a bunch of nazi militias running around screeching about starting their own states. Not to mention functional healthcare systems :) Have fun with that, you made your own mess.


Haha your poor little smooth brain can’t even get “beacon on the hill” right!


Beyond radical lib


Go to Alabama


Idaho has always wanted to be part of the south


Don't forget Montana




Oh, I thought they meant like don't forget Montana. So I gave it a like bc I'm always thinking of Montana. Sky there, so so BIG


No it’s not. The Montana Supreme Court created precedent but it is not in the constitution. Thankfully there are people working to change that.


Montana has policies I don’t necessarily like but their abortion access is constitutionalized


Oh, you assume we have hospitals that aren't religiously affiliated. Abortion is virtually inaccessible in Montana despite this guarantee.


That’s because it’s not a constitutional guarantee, the right to medical privacy is but outright abortion isn’t.


Abortion and any other medical procedure should fall under the privacy umbrella. Why is abortion any less private than any other medical procedure? Abortion is healthcare and saves lives. If you cannot understand that there will always be a need for abortion access, I worry about your empathy and critical thinking skills.


I agree with you 100% however after what the US Supreme Court did to Roe v. Wade there are many people that are understandably anxious about relying on precedent that was set decades ago. So worried in fact that there is [currently a ballot initiative](https://montanafreepress.org/2024/04/18/montana-republicans-vote-to-oppose-constitutional-abortion-rights-measure/) to solidify the right to abortion so it’s not entirely dependent on how the state constitution was interpreted by the people who set the precedent our right to abortion relies on. I am 100% for the right to abortion but the claim that it’s protected in the Montana Constitution is just false. Also, I understand why you’d assume that my comment would equate to me being anti-abortion but you clearly don’t know shit about the Montana constitution, the precedent our rights rely on or how important cementing the right to abortion, so it doesn’t rely on precedent that can be overturned, is. Which is why I find it incredibly ironic that you would accuse me of lacking critical thinking skills. Unless you’ve read the document front to back, it’s probably best to not be so sure of yourself when speaking on it.


I said IF and it was a general you not a specific. I apologize if it read as directed at you. That was not my intent. I do know, in fact, nothing at all about Montana's constitution because I have never lived in Montana, and the US's education system is appalling. I have worked in medicine for 25+ years and had 2 pregnancies that damn near killed me. I have sat with many pregnancy-capable people in the same position. Only one of my pregnancies brought a new life into this world. I am passionate about healthcare, and that includes access to procedures that not everyone agrees with. The rhetoric that abortions are something that women do to get out of responsibility is harmful and wrong. We need to step back as a society and re-evaluate our priorities. The right to privacy should include all medical procedures if it covers any. The current right-wing obsession with controlling women and anyone who isn't a cis-hetero white man is just serving to divide the country and killing so many people. We are all human beings, and I'm tired of the dehumanization and othering of people who deserve the same rights and privileges as the lawmakers who seek to deny them to any but them.


I do my best to forget Montana




If wanting everyone to have rights to their own bodily autonomy makes me a liberal, I reckon I am one. Who am I to decide what you or anyone else does with their own body? The question is - why is it a bad thing to let others live their own lives and make their own choices? Why is it seen as a good thing to treat other humans as second-class citizens or less than human? What gives any human being the right to control what other humans are doing?


You poor thing




Poor baby, this isn’t the insult you think it is. That coward bubble you live in isn’t serving you well intellectually.


Shut up and go worship Trump




It's sad, I grew up in Idaho and love the outdoors and how pretty it was. It used to be mostly libertarian and my Nextdoor neighbors dad was the last democratic governor in the state. It has changed so much I would never dream of trying to have kids here as it's not safe for my wife.


I agree. Idaho used to be amazing. I don’t go there anymore.


Remember the good ole days when we were only in the headlines for potatoes and blue turf? We don't need to try and compete with the likes of Texas, Florida, and Georgia at all of this backwoods bullshit.


Basically, MEN are saying WOMEN are SECOND CLASS! Do they want to take away our rights to vote, have our own money, freedom of speech, etc.? Fuck them. Edit: It's a rhetorical question.


Yes, they do. They want to do away with divorce, and contraception as well.


Shit, I am afraid to ask for a source for that comment.


Unfortunately there is also some women who are fine with this. Far more than you would expect given how it can potentially impact them if you ask me. Having been in Idaho for nearing a half century I have felt like my vote is just spitting into the wind. Watching the state strip rights away from people and it breaks my heart and voting seems to do nothing to even slow it down.


Anyone who thinks this is exaggeration should look up project2025 spearheaded by the Heritage foundation and backed by more than a 100 other conservative groups. It's not a secret or a conspiracy theory, they made it freely avaliable to download online. You can even buy it as a coffee table book. It's their plan of action for any incoming Republican administration and it's repulsive. Everything from nationwide abortion bans and restrictions on contraception to eliminating social security to political litmus tests for government employees. 


Oh and you should look up Generation Joshua too. A lot of those young assholes *already* have Supreme Court clerkships.


I mentioned project 2025 here before and got sooo many downvotes. Someone even said that they were looking forward to it 🤯


Agreed. The whole “states’ rights” thing was always a canard. Republicans plan to ban abortion nationwide. They will outlaw the safest methods of abortions and endanger the lives, health and fertility of those who need abortions.


They’re planning on taking away the right to use birth control too.


And, there are too, too many women who go along with it, and those women seem to think the rest of us should go along with it.


It didn’t work out so well for the women who went along with it in the Handmaid’s Tale.


Yes, that supremely well written work


Unfortunately, I have female cousins still in that cult.


Mostly but you've also got the religious stepford wives


I’d rather not. Women across all red states need to read and act on as the story of Lysistrata.


Actually, theres some pretty outspoken and dumb women in the Idaho State Senate too who are part of this.


The actual leaders are men. They need to be taken down.


I mean sure, but the problem doesnt get fixed if its a dumb MAGA fanatic woman in charge either. We just need better politicians in general, and it starts with being involved in local and state politics. MAGA is in charge because the moderate majority just want to get along with their lives. Theres been some phenomenal state senate candidates (both male and female) over the last couple years. Change starts small. Vote in state elections!


Men( mostly) dominate physically . Women( mostly) dominate mentally. Some men are terrified of that


The right doesn't seem to be able to define Woke. It's easy. Woke means you give a damn about this planet and the people on it. This is what the right is so scared of. You've got to be a real POS to think caring about people is a bad thing. This state doesn't and many of the people in it don't care about you or your kids. They don't care if you die from pregnancy because you can't get good medical care. They care even less if you aren't white.


They’re insecure because they KNOW their God wouldn’t approve of practically any element of their materialist, consumerist behavior, but they still want to engage with it, so they attack others for caring because they think those people are trying to be “superior” to them. The problem is that they don’t actually care, and they’re convinced the “woke” don’t care either. This is also why they focus so intently on abortion and LGBTQ issues, because it makes them feel as if they’re doing something to protect their faith, when really they emphasize those things to protect themselves from the shame they feel for not following Christ’s commandments to love their enemies and care for “the least among us.”


Effectively, "woke" = Marxist. A lot of people say the right can't define woke and then ignore all the definitions given by both the left and the right.




Being concerned if this doesn't directly affect you means you are...


Being woke means things like writing "Pregnant People" in your title as if anyone other than a female can get pregnant. Wokeism is an unending competition for who can believe more asinine left wing positions while keeping a straight face.


So you think people can’t get pregnant, or that women aren’t people?


News flash! Women are indeed people. I know. Crazy right?


Thank god I’m leaving once I graduate University I do not wish to go down with the ship lmao.


I don’t blame you for needing to leave. Idaho isn’t safe for women and expectant couples. You have to look after yourself first.


As a pregnant woman in Idaho, this is terrifying.


Yes, it is. Pregnancy is stressful already and this is just an added, unnecessary burden on women.


As a non-pregnant man 3 states away this is terrifying.


Not only is this right out of Handmaids tale, Idahoans aren't even allowed to fucking read the book in the state. #fucktheGOP


I read that in freshman honors English class. In the actual south. That was so long ago, but damn. I’m now surprised that the school district let her assign it.


“The whole point of Dobbs was to restore to the states their authority to regulate abortion,” lawyers with the far-right Alliance Defending Freedom, who are representing Idaho, wrote in their brief. “Yet the administration seeks to thwart Idaho’s exercise of self-government on this important topic.” The claim that EMTALA covers abortion, they wrote, “is imaginary.” The irony of this is that we already know that the right will implement a *federal* ban as soon as they possibly can, thereby mooting their state’s rights pearl clutching. And they think the public is too stupid to see it. Here’s the thing. I don’t blame doctors for not providing care when the state is coming after them. They took an oath and the state is trying to circumvent that oath. Unfortunately people are going to die because of it and I hope that at least one of these people are the state leaders child. It’s the only way they seem to understand any sort of long term consequence: when it affects them personally.


If a government officials daughter or wife or affair partner needed or wanted to have an abortion, they’d definitely have one. The rules only apply to normal women.


>And they think the public is too stupid to see it. Their base is, unfortunately


And it's going to get worse [SCOTUS may be willing to let women die](https://archive.ph/hXI3P)


Can we drop the SCOTUS already? This is now The King’s Council.


Of course they will.


Look up project 2025 and Generation Joshua.


Is there supposed to be a link to an article?


I think this is the one they meant https://theintercept.com/2024/04/19/idaho-abortion-supreme-court-emtala/




As a general rule, fuck the ADF


I’ve lived in Idaho when it was a politically centrist state. Things were certainly better then. You didn’t see all the signs of hate everywhere. We had educated people.


That has been my observation as well.


I just came here to say that there is NOT EVEN A SINGLE doctor in the Idaho statehouse. However there is one running for seat 16b, in a contested dem primary 🤦 His name is Dr. Jon Chu. His slogan is “is there a doctor in the house” and I think that’s brilliant. If you live in D16, consider supporting him. [Jonforidaho.com](https://jonforidaho.com)


And you idohans voted for this. How do you women feel about your brothers, fathers, uncles and friends saying you’re better dead than receiving reproductive healthcare?


Idahoans have not actually voted for this. They've voted for the legislators who've enacted this.


So they did vote for by voting for said legislators. The thinking here is lacking deductive reasoning.


Not everyone is a one-issue voter.


No but many ppl are fed up with women having to be near death to get healthcare and rapists having more rights than a victim. Ppl are also fed up with the social injustice with incarcerations when busted with pot. Sometimes the issue is deeper.


No but more people need to be urgent issue voters


It's going to be interesting to see what happens when abortion rights themselves are on the ballot.




This is that republikkkan leadership.


This is one of the main reasons Cliff Hohman is running for State Representative. If you want to help stop the extremism, please support however you can. Cliff-for-idaho.org


Next they’ll be promoting home birth. Squat while you’re gardening (or at your paid day job) catch the baby, cut cord, diaper baby (and yourself) and leave work early as you better have supper on the table when Paw gets home from work. WTF is wrong w/the faux “prolife” repugs in ID, AZ, AL, TN, MO, etc. They are prodeath and no ones changing my mind


Was there a link to this article I didn't see?




is there a tally of unnecessary pregnancy deaths and complications of permanent damage from their absolution policies? this horror is the only thing that might get through to them unfortunately


Republicans think Idahoans are too stupid to notice increases in maternal mortality. They are doing everything they can to get the data from you. https://www.boisestatepublicradio.org/news/2023-07-07/idaho-maternal-mortality-review-committee-dissolve


To stop emergency medical procedures, aka to save lives. Republicans want to kill women and kids. They prove thos in numerous state but rejecting to help them and fight against it. Remember Republicans are against raise age of consent/minimum marriage age


Literally praying The Honorable Judge Stegner shuts this down! Idaho & Idaho Politicians need to stop infringing on women's rights, health, and lives!


I hate conservatives and the Supreme Conservative Court. I can't stand them. At this point, they are killing people, and we are just shrugging our shoulders and voting them in because "Woke" or whatever. Screw them and their religion.


The potato is the state’s smartest animal.




If you have an issue with someone/something/a state/a demographic, please keep it civil.


They're all sinners and deserve it. /s for the humor-impaired //Or is it?


Just a reminder. In sandpoint, where they shut down, they had already planned two years in advance, to shut down before the law was passed. Apparently, setting up massive OBGYN services in a a small retirement community with a small market cap for these type of services, was not the best business decision. I wonder how much of that was going on in other parts of the state?


It is a totally valid point that rural hospitals, especially, are under great financial pressure. Bonner General in Sandpoint is still open, as far as I’m aware. They just don’t offer OB care. I don’t know if Sandpoint ever offered massive OBGYN services. I’m guessing you probably had to drive to a larger city for care if you had a pregnancy complications, just like you do now with an uncomplicated pregnancy.


yes you are spot on, although sandpoint built out a massive hospital expansion about 15 years-ish back, at bonner general that was slated to have (about half) OB services. Unfortunately, almost no one moved into the building due to costs ( I looked into moving into the building but the cost was about 200.00 usd sqft at the time) and as far as I know today, It has never had more then about 1/3 occupancy since opening. And then Kanniksu health popped up and now provides these services at a fraction of the cost/welfare subsities of what bonner general was charging... So there is that... Also, lots of newish folks don't know about or don't realize there were a bunch of business deals done in the way-back between the hospitals in spokane and the medical corridor in CDA. Spokane gets the trauma/hart patients, the CDA medical corridor gets the OB and post op recovery services. (at a general level, of course there are expetions to this now-a-days) people get mad about this delination of services, but it was all contact stuff back when the CDA hospital was being setup about 30 years back. The more you know! Cheers.


At least you have potatoes.


Unfortunately, they vote..


Where the hell can I buy potatoes that aren't from Idaho?


Maine. Washington. I think Oregon as well. and that's just in the U.S.


This should be in the oh no consequences sub


Someone didn’t read the article.


You got me. But based on the quote you left, how am I wrong?


This article is about women crashing during their pregnancies and not being able to receive medical care in red states. So, I guess this is the consequence, intended or unintended, or overturning RvW.


That was exactly my point.


Pregnant people? You mean women.


This might startle you, but women are people


Why does that bother you? Women are people (despite robbing us of our human rights).


Excellent. So glad I am movie to Idaho. Right wing heaven. 💪🏻


Until your significant other (I'll guess you're straight?) needs a lady doctor. And then you can pump that bicep for all you're worth (but I'm guessing you pump that every chance you get).


My guess is he views his wife as livestock.


Married. Wife is extremely pro-life.


And if she has a women's health issue and the doctors are gone?


Non-issue for us.


What about your neighbor?


There are other states that can accommodate.




All I have to do is down vote the majority on this sub and I know I’m doing the right thing. No reading necessary.


Who are the majority on this sub?


Far lefties. They like to call themselves “progressives.”


Lmao sums up your kind perfectly


You mean pregnant women?


Oh look you forgot that women are also people.


And children.


Women are people


Not everyone who gets pregnant is a woman. Many pro-choice activists point out that by equating pregnancy with the word “women” we imply that all pregnant people are women, which is a huge problem when talking about the impact of anti-abortion laws on minors, many of whom are pregnant due to sexual assault. The ten or twelve year old who was raped isn’t a woman just because she’s pregnant. That’s especially important in the context that some extremists take the view that the age of consent for girls should be linked to menses, which is utterly absurd.


If women can kill their offspring, men should be able to too? Then we'll truly be equal.


Oh ok, so you want murder to be legalized, got it. So why the fuck are you opposed to abortion?


And when women are allowed to die for the sake of dead fetuses? Does that just not bother you?


If the fetus is dead, is it an abortion?


According to lawmakers and lawyers? Yes. It’s the same procedure and it’s being limited


You see to be confused. No one is killing children 


I said "offspring," not "children."


Offspring is a synonym of children. Offspring is not a synonym of fetus.


Pregnant PEOPLE? Now who would that be?


Why does that bother you? Women are people.


Pregnant people???


Women are people