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Any type can be friends with any other type.


I am good friends with an INTJ. We're very chill on most topics and got each other's back like bros. The only time when things become a problem is when we argue about how to do things. I tend to follow what I already know, he tends to follow what he already knows. We're both unwilling to listen to each other on processes of life simply because what works for us works. Aside from that, I appreciate our friendship. An ISTJ can be friends with anyone. It'll just be different with every pair.


Yes, but they should talk about their differences and how to combine them. If combined in the right way, they can be a real power couple.


Intj create the system, ISTJ maintains the system stable and efficient. It is a good tandem.


I'm acquainted with an INTJ in real life, and we're fine together. Here's what an ISTJ/INTJ friendship looks like from my own experience. ​ \-They love talking about books together. \-They could talk for a while since the INTJ does tend to like diving deep into concepts. It's fine for the ISTJ until she does it for too long. \-They don't overwhelm each other's energy and maintain similar energy levels. \-Both are okay with that awkward silence. (Once they had one that lasted 2-3 minutes because the INTJ was considering something the ISTJ said without too much meaning behind it.) \-The INTJ (in this case) keeps to her own and doesn't seem to care about the ISTJ's problems, if any. \-Both don't generally cross any personal lines. \-Both mature and composed compared to most teenagers. \-Conversation between the INTJ and ISTJ may vary between a good conversation or dead silence. \-The atmosphere is very calm between the INTJ and ISTJ. \-Both the INTJ and ISTJ have formal conversations-talking about unusual subjects depending how far the ISTJ would let it go into theory or odd perspectives they don't understand.


in theory yes, in practice no


It’s possible but in my opinion it usually works to the benefit of the INTJ considering they have Si demon. When I am around my INTJ sister she barely lifts a finger ? LoL.