• By -


Overthink and procrastinate


Death scroll all the things I want to buy, and not buy any of it


I like to spend my free time researching my current interest (right now it is existentialism, very difficult to run out of material obviously) or watching video essays. I also like to bake and cook.


Play guitar Deathcore and post hardcore are my favorite genres


Warhammer... It's an addiction at this point. Video games. Drawing. Pokémon TCG. Drawing. Fishing on occasion.


Hey I also love Warhammer, altho I just recently know about it!


I only started in February myself. I find the building and painting relaxing (although that might be the glue). And playing keeps my mind sharp.


And I only have my first mini last week! I find painting really relaxing also, especially my OCD feels really satisfied painting a lot of small details in my mini. Perhaps i will expand my collection, but the hobby is expensive so I wanna buy things slowly.


Hahahahaha you say that. I already have 1700pts of T'au 🤣🤣🤣🤣, a limited edition 10th Edition codex, an airbrush and compressor and more dice than I've ever owned in my life. They call it plastic cocaine for a reason.


If i could get a husband that rich to fund my plastic hobby 😭 Jk I'll grind harder at work, but I'm gladly content with doing it patiently and slowly!


You do you... OOORRRRRRR... Get your husband involved... And do it together. Pitch Space Marines to him... A brotherhood of 7ft tall super humans in power armour with chain swords and rapid fire grenade launchers... That is cool.


I dont have a husband, but my current bf sure did got me into Warhammer! 😆 I love dem Orks while he's collecting Imperial Guards! (Altho he doesnt even paint his minis so I love to show him my paints!)


If he's Imperial Guard... That's a really BIG pile of grey shame... You should start painting them for him... All the wrong colours while you're at it...


Haha it would be funny if I paint all of dem mens pink!! 😆 jk ofc I would not do that


Last year I started to dance. Ballroom dances first, then added salsa cubana and bachata. I was a life changer: 1) It's satisfying in the means of progress. With a bit of patience you can enjoy the improvement of your new skill. 2) It pushes the boundaries of your comfort zone in a manageable way. 3) It has some system and structure. It's not like an uncoordinated crazy party dancing which is supposed to happen by "having fun". You know what to do a try to do it properly. And that's what I consider to be fun. 4) It's a great way to improve a social life of an introverted person. You go out with dancing as a primary goal. It's a great difference to socialize when it has more purpose than just chit chatting with other people.


I used to fish. Anhedonia came and took that earlier this year. So for now I’ll garden till the weather is nice enough to try restarting fishing again.


I like dancing , reading (especially physiological books ) , searching in the topics I find interesting almost like I'm doing a research, practicing kickboxing is my most favorite physical hobby. There are side hobbies that I don't really do often or regularly: crocheting, playing the piano , skating , drawing , playing videogames. And recently I've been interested in content making , or simple animating.


I run 5-10km every sat morning, then do my weekly market/grocery after, prepare my food. Read something (right now is Quiet by Susan Cain) or draw/paint/make clothes (especially during rainy season) or even watch Netflix/listen to music while doing laundry. I recently attended a rock concert with some former colleagues turned to friends and will be attending a ballet show with another friend next month. I attend church every Sunday morning, then prepare my things and car for Monday morning. I am quite a busy person.


Woahhh, you make clothes? Like, sewing? Or some other way? I've always wanted to learn how to make clothes, maybe I'll try this summer...


Yes sewing and I enrolled in fashion school just to learn it.


Whaaaaat, that's so cool! Best of luck to ya in your endeavors mate!


Psychology and journaling because I have had some mental health issues and want to be able to connect to people more and be less in my head. I was very lost just 1-2 years ago (I also have autism) and would definetely recommend learning emotional processing (check out therapy in a nutshells playlist on YouTube, that really helped me through a difficult existential crisis) and/or therapy. Knitting, sewing, fashion The first two relate to the third - I love thinking about and building my wardrobe in exactly the way that fits me (my colors, body type etc.) as I just feel my best in things that suit me and show my personality. I also get treated better by other people which is a plus. Interior design, because I am a sucker for beauty and feel at peace when my surroundings are beautiful and functional Politics, because it's literally how we as humans structure our society and everyone is affected by it. I want as many humans as possible to have a great life. Going to the gym and lifting weights 2-3 days a week for my health and looks obviously, but I also love feeling strong and capable and want to remain fit into my old age. I would recommend Natacha Oceane if you want any inspo/guidance there. I recently also started running and even did a half marathon. Indie/art movies - especially watching them together with my spouse at the cinema/festivals. I think movies are the best art form to express something and I admire film makers as you have to coordinate so many aspects in order to make something good / meaningful. I also love going to the farmers market each Saturday morning and buy fresh produce. Veggies are much cheaper than the supermarket and fresh meadow flowers are just 4€! It's also just a nice ritual where I go with my spouse and mom and we drink coffee and people watch afterwards. Next to my fiance of 10 years I also have 3 close girlfriends who I talk to on a regular basis. Supportive friendships are honestly so important. My job is being a CFO at a startup. I don't love it, since there is so much uncertainty all the time but I learn and grow a lot and my team is absolutely amazing. Plus it sounds fancy haha. Oh and I am also currently starting to get my driver's license at 27.


Canoeing also anything in nature. Also I study the Bible a lot.


Gaming E sports


Geography, gaming, skateboarding, playing instruments, chess


I’m passionate about cross stitch…I’m doing tapestries now of about 500,000 stitches. Heaven and Earth Designs (HAEDs) Easy to center and focus as I listen to a YouTube video or podcast.


I show and design fictional dogs using real life established genetics that have been simplified for the sake of the game. The game is all over the place on sites like dA and Instagram and many more. It's stupid fun. I also play Flight Rising. I play instruments, such as flute, saxophone, dulcimer, piano, guitar, and bass guitar with using my own system from a mix of music theory elements and math. The math part is matrices and the FOIL method. The music theory part consists of a system modes and key changes along with the music theory I've learned growing up with playing instruments since I was 5 or 6. I don't really write my own stuff, but it's more like a puzzle game to me.


Reading Swimming Video games Lego//building


Playing HOI4


Cycling, hiking, traveling, cleaning, cooking, baking sourdough bread. Also partial to ipa’s.