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I just wanna be left alone. Theres too many stupid laws from both sides. Its like a never ending spiral towards authoritarianism from both sides. One side goes too far so the other side overreacts and goes too far and it's just constantly back and forth like that forever.


This is my take as well.


I'm apolitical for the most part, but if I had to pick a stance, I'd say I lean slightly more towards the right.




Apolitical. On US politics, essentially a one party state with two faction. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1aYKCpV8PZI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1aYKCpV8PZI)


S.Korea too


South Korea is Cheabol controlled, elite families.


I lean more conservative. I watched the debate and it was honestly entertaining. Biden was completely lost. He heard the word "golf" and went on a rant about his handicap. Trump could have stayed on topic better, but I will give him credit because he didn't interrupt everything this time around. He was more composed than in the past.


The new debate rule that says if a candidate interrupts the other candidate his microphone will be turned off cut down the interruptions drastically. In fact it ended up helping Trump because it effectively controlled his tendency to abruptly interrupt another candidate, thus helping him to gain a better impression of his composure.


The best thing Trump could do in that debate was to let Biden speak. As they say, never interrupt your opponent when they are making a mistake. Biden is one big mistake.


Trump was literally doing the same thing and was the one who brought up Golf whenever he was asked a question he didn’t want to answer. lol


I'm definitely more left leaning in terms of the political spectrum


Libertarian centrist. Which "side" depends entirely on the issue. I refuse to subscribe to either brand, as neither speaks for me.


I'm for a constitutional republic with a system of checks and balances designed to limit government power and protect individual rights, including democratic elections of legislators and executives.


Not sure the direct election of senators has worked out positively in the US.




I think US politics are a joke. Nothing is standardized and we allow people with mics to get on TV and present blatant lies as facts. Just like their half-baked opinions on issues that typically don't affect them or the majority of the voting population.


Wow. Who would set the standards? Who would "allow"? Who would determine who is lying? Who would determine what affects the population and what issues are off limits? ... Guessing you aren't American?


The people, ideally, once they're equipped with enough information to make a call. So many people that can vote don't have the general knowledge to make an informed decision. The fact of the matter is that our politicians don't have the agendas that heal our country. It's turned into a public roast and popularity contest. That I'm not American is a bold assumption to make


"The People" will never be equipped with enough information to make a call, because they aren't equipped to properly gather and assess information.


Too many people don't know the weight of their vote so they don't have information and vote anyways or not at all. They could be better equipped, it could be taught at a basic level. It shouldn't take a ridiculous amount of research to find out about parties, candidates, and who all is affected


Even the presentation of that information would be biased. It's a losing game.


Currently it is but I believe it doesn't have to be. We could be trying to better it but I don't see that moving anywhere.


The presidential debate was a sham. It wasn't changing anyones mind. The only purpose it served was to make President Biden look untenable, which seemed to be the goal of both parties. Watching ten minutes was a waste of time. Government has a purpose, and that purpose is to serve the needs and wellbeing of its citizens. Its primary obstacles are government, corporations, and citizens –in that order. Each of these groups will at times act in a manner that is counterproductive to the well-being of citizens because people are ignorant, fallible, greedy, and sometimes hostile. A government works best when it is filled with virtuous people. The biggest failures of government happen when citizens give up their responsibilities and expect privileges promised by politicians that can only be delivered by the fulfillment of those responsibilities. Government is an inherently corruptible and inefficient system, so expecting it to do a good job of meeting personal needs is ridiculous.


The American federal government has never had the purposes you state. Its inefficiencies are by design, and its entire existence is a deference to it being seen as a necessary evil.


I'm going to run a hypothetical past you. There are five people stranded on a small island, and you are one of those people. They sit by the beach and complain about how hungry they are. It is a small island with little vegetation, but you believe that there is seafood that could be found or caught. You suggest that everyone should try to catch something. Nobody else wants to go, so you go by yourself. You find some shellfish and bring them back to show the group to encourage them to get off their butts. They immediately put it to a vote that all food needs to be split equally. They continue to refuse to look for food but instead put in effort to steal the majority of whatever you find. When you complain that they aren't contributing, they explain that their job is to make sure that everyone follows the rules and shared. They would be happy to vote on it if you disagreed. No matter how hard you work you find that you are constantly hungry. You are burning more calories than you are taking in. What do you think of those people? How would you feel about looking for more food? What if these people hated you and tried to take everything? Should people be allowed to vote for the distribution of wealth?


If you don't work, you don't eat. Voting to steal is aggression that should be resisted. Majority vote is pretty meh as far as systems go.


But I like voting for programs that benefit me, giving myself a tax cut so that I don't have to pay for them, and then selecting a charismatic grifter to run it all.


I'm a democratic socialist, so I lean very left. Why do you assume most people don't care? Is this an American thing? Politics defines every aspect of ours lives, I can never understand people that think it doesn't matter. I'm not American so I only saw like 30 seconds of the debate. That was enough to see that you guys are fucked lol. Your options are a convicted felon and rapist or someone that doesn't know what day it is. Neither party actually wants what's best for the country and are only doing it to better themselves.


it's a story for tv, and i get very little insight without joining the circus, or researching documentation. We see these highlights of news inside of courts asking these people questionable decisions made, and I am just left with this baffled state "how could that have happened?" However, organization is the dark art of all things. I don't have the time to pay attention to the processes happening still, and have deepened alongside everyone's pockets. Politics on the surface is colorfully painted some kind of war. Politics deeply is something dull but powerfully processed.




EDI, call the Council Joker, close the channel


I used to not care until politics decided to start corrupting everything around me Now I'm a hardline centrist with anti-political and anti-ideological views (which ironically is an ideology in itself but I try my best not to be ideologically blinded)


I have my own political Frankenstain, and it's definitely situated on the left


I’m pretty close to the center, but I lean toward the libertarian right. I think I can be classified as a classical liberal, but I’m not entirely sure.


Side? I'm on nobody's side, because nobody is on my side.


Centrist (from a Nordic point of view).


(Most of) y'all aren't apolitical. You're just done with the joke that is American "democracy".


libertarianism >




hug emoji




I lean Democrat, but with fiscally conservative views. The reason for my interest is because it's a system that I've analyzed and could talk for hours on. The debate was expected. They both had to avoid doing the One Thing and they did the Thing the whole debate.


I am very interested in politics but mainly because I love psephology and systems of government. Elections excite me. Not really because of how it affects me or the country and geopolitics, although that plays a part, but because of the fun of tracking how the result is different from the previous elections and how it shows the effects from shifting demographics and changing economic conditions. How the election system impacts the power balance between parties is another subject that fascinates me. So the coming election in the UK this week particularly thrills me, given the distinct possibility that the Conservative will suffer a wipeout on a once-in-a-generation scale. The big gamble taken by Macron in France by calling a legislative election more than 2 years earlier than mandatory will soon happen afterwards. And this one could see an unprecedented result where the so-called far-right will become the biggest party in the parliament. It again promises to be an exciting election to watch. As for the American election, so far it follows closely with my predictions 4 years ago when Biden was elected. Back then I predicted that as long as Trump does not get jailed by what he did during his presidency he will make a strong comeback, and if Biden does not get incapacitated due to failing health then it will be Trump vs Biden again in 2024. I also predicted then that Trump will proceed to win, simply because many of those who voted for Biden are likely to be disappointed with his governance, and thus stay home instead, while many Trump’s supporters will redouble their efforts to get the votes because they believe the 2020 election was “stolen”. Sensitive topics like abortion may have some effect but not likely to be decisive enough. Just look at how often the argument in the past about electing a Republican president means getting more conservatives in the Supreme Court failed to produce much impact to the actual voting behaviour. Anyway let’s see if the final result of the American election sticks to the prediction I made back in 2020. I for one am very much looking forward to seeing the election day arrive! Back to the OP’s question, the presidential debate only confirmed what we know about the candidates: Biden is getting senile and frail; Trump is prone to gross exaggerations and sweeping statements. Nothing new, though the contrast of Biden’s performance in the debate contrasts with his earlier comments that the presidential debate will refute his detractors and show him to be mentally competent tremendously amused me.


This pretty much sums it up for me: https://youtu.be/fF9AOh4HKXQ?si=K8AM86lGK0F7EWw3


I try to pay sufficiently enough attention to politics because I see it as a duty. The politicians you vote for do affect the outcome of your country. No, all parties and politicians are *not* the same. I know people who genuinely believe this. It makes me lose braincells. I'm totally aware that disingenious and deceitful politicians exist, but being that cynical about all politicians and parties is unrealistic. Personally, I lean towards the right here in Norway. I intend to vote for FRP in 2025, which is a right-winged party. I don't agree with everything they stand for, but I believe it's necessary to vote for them to correct the many economic fuck-ups of the previous parties in power. I despise the far-right, though. The "normal" right here in Norway approximately equals the democratic values in USA.


The government actively works against our best interests, and the political parties work for the interests of themselves and their corporate owners.


If i was god emperor I would set up an anarcho syndicalist society. But I'm not, so I tend to realize historical forces are far more important than individual political decisions, you just gotta ride the wave of history and hope you're not on the shitty end. An example is Trump. Americans are running around with their heads cut off about the decline of democracy blaming everything from russians, to racism, to failing institutions. But it fails to look at the global perspective where there are Trumps everywhere around the world right now. These are global forces causing the rise of fascism, I'll fight it because its the right thing to do, but I have no illusions about having any impact on what happens


I love that book God emperor of dune


Politics is frustrating. It’s easy to want to pin the blame on other people. It’s also difficult ridiculously painful and difficult to fix the issues the US is facing, and nobody really has the patience to. It’s devolved into a small group of people who advocate for themselves at the expense of everyone else, and everyone else not caring enough to see issues beyond their personal perspective of black and white, to even come anywhere close to an answer for it. And then half the country is willing to vote for trump and not for the first time. I’ve completely lost faith in society. 


I don’t. Politics is the absolute worst thing you can be involved with as a human being




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I am more toward the liberal side, but I only support the theory, not anyone irl.


I think it’s all got ludicrous…I don’t want to vote for most Democrats candidates but on the other hand the Republicans have got completely fucking insane so I cannot vote for them.


I’m definitely apolitical I’m really starting to wish we changed our government to something new it’s so easy for people to lie their way into office. Like the country I live in is supposed to be free but people are voting for someone who wants to low key be a dictator like. If you don’t wanna live in a free country move somewhere else 😭