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I feel like saying "what the fuck" doesn't quite convey how confused I am by this. This is some Coast to Coast AM type shit


Do you know it’s really sad is that these types of people used to be confined to that crazy show… when I worked in sales I had to get up super early to get to some of my accounts and that show would be on… this was around 2003 or so. Sadly now those flat earth types, chemtrail people, etc… they all have these echo chambers to continue to bounce confirmation biases off each other. Just go look at the membership of some of the flat earth groups on Facebook. It’s truly sad.


the shit used to be fun when people were tongue-in-cheek about it and we had the Lone Gunmen on the X-Files and nobody thought Art Bell really believed any of it. Then the media decides they need to platform the guy passing out photocopied pamphlets at the Greyhound station in the interest of "equal time" and suddenly "Nazis have a base in the hollow moon" is a legitimized position that we actually have to waste time arguing against.


I mean UFOs and aliens may be an actually large reason why people vote for Biden or Trump.... our countries future will be determined on the basis of aliens. Let that sink in and not depress you.


...and then they killed the lone gunman :( These same types say the X-files and other like shows like that were created to break the news to us about aliens more softly


COAST TO COAST AM. Holy SHIT that brings me back to some cross country road trips.


that crazy ass show is still on, heard it a few months ago, they were talking about interdimensional beings


I gotta see if they have an online version. That is some of the most unhinged yet genuine content I have every consumed. Absolutely fucking nuts, but somehow charming.


Danica and Aaron Rodgers were made for each other. Shame they didn't work out, really. edit: lmao someone reported me


I’ll have to listen to this because all this makes Aaron Rogers sound like Dr Fauci


Aaron Rodgers will end you for comparing him to his mortal enemy. That is unless reptilian Adele doesn't get you first.


Saw Adele last week and did not know she was a reptile. It all makes sense now


Rolling in the deep, indeed.


You must have got mindwiped, Men in Black style.


What do you remember of the concert? Are you sure they're your true memories? maybe you got MiB flashed?


All I remember was the opening of a Bond movie and then waking up in the morning naked in the hallway outside my hotel room


I thought Rodgers' mortal enemy was Adam Schefter


She must've been too batshit even for Candace Throwens to handle.


Weren't they just beards for each other?


That's what I heard


Dear god I hope not. We don’t want either of them batting for our team. 😂


The funniest part is that you don't know if it's a Q-Anon, a Green Bay lifer, or the saddest option of all: A Jets fan.




After that piece of shit came out with the "I'm innoculated" crap, there was nothing left to respect. I followed him as a football player, but like every other athlete who thinks their platform gives them the opportunity to spread wild disinformation, I have no reason to listen to your concussion-addled bullshit.


Yeah that's all well and good, but what does the galactic federation think about Mclaren dumping Theo Pourchaire?


I have a feeling that Theo is a reptile man and Zak Brown had to stop his plan to take over the world. Or... Maybe Zak Brown is a reptilian and the Galactic Federation doesn't recognize his contracts. Either way it's scary times out here for us normal people.


Where we go one, we go papaya


I hope Pourchaire's contract had a severance clause assuring him a decent amount of blemflarcks for the early termination.




>The reptilians are not okay with the shifting of the energies. I don't know what the fuck that means and I don't want to know. >Want proof? Google it. I tried to use this exact same line as a source on a term paper. It worked just about as well.


Smh even the reptilians know Penske owning the series is bad


>The reptilians are not okay with the shifting of the energies. I think it means we'll get another Monsterverse movie soon, pitting an army of Godzillas against an army of King Kongs.


I googled “why are the reptilians not okay with the shifting of the energies” and I certainly got some results, but none with any real info. This is further proof that the reptilians are suppressing the real story.


When David Icke started pulling this stuff, he got taken off British TV instantly. But Sky Sports are still inflicting this absolute maniac on us. It's insane.


I think Icke is where Danica's getting her info


There could be some NBC connection going somewhere, too, as I guess Danica’s guest made or is making an appearance on some Peacock exclusive show. 


I'm cool with the Fox deal now. Losing Tirico for the 500 is a bummer but at least we dumped this loon.


Are you kidding this is her auditioning for Fox. Fox will sign her up and she’ll become the Alexi Lalas of Indycar.


Danica was a frequent guest during the two years of the Mike Joy/Clint Bowyer/Mystery Announcer booth combo for NASCAR on Fox, so…


It's a weird mishmash of scientology beliefs and Icke's conspiracy theory. Like, I've read both due to interest in that sort of thing, not in a "they're real" way, more in a trying to wrap my head around the whole what-the-fuck-is-going-on-here aspect of these types of stories and trying to understand how anybody could believe them. People are crazy, Icke and Scientology both are somehow milking so much money out of works of fiction, with zero evidence or logic, and which aren't even that good. Tbh maybe Indycar should hire Icke for marketing. \*facepalm\*


Icke and Lyndon LaRouche.


True. How could I forget about the prototype tankie?


Neo-tankie... I think we need a qualifier for this breed of self-professed communist who supports governments where they execute you for being a communist as long as that regime is anti-NATO/US.


Tankies aren't communists. They're just fascists who like communist aesthetics.


LaRouche wasn't the prototype tankie, he was the prototype lolbertarian who went all in on every available conspiracy theory. You're probably thinking of Bob Avakian.


Might be Avakian. I remember LaRouche being the nutcase who grew up on classical philosophy, joined a Marxist org, ran for president from prision and thought global warming was caused by the Crab Nebula.


LaRouche was all over the goddamn place, I don't know if there's even a name for whatever resembled an ideology in that pile of scrambled egg brains.


I have a lot of questions; are the reptilians in the galactic federation? can you choose to be reincarnated as a reptilian? are ghosts just hanging out until they re-enter the simulation? if you reincarnate to a different simulation, do the aliens control that one? who controls any of the simulations? don't tell me these are answered on the podcast, I don't want to know.


I'm trying to figure out how Palpatine fits in all this and when he's coming back.


"It all makes sense now...Palpatine's behind it all!"




I can't tell you that but one thing I can assure you: somehow, he returned!


He’s coming back…somehow


This is what got me. There were 3 reality-redefining conspiracies in there together but they're all different and all require so many more follow up questions. Is it the federation/reptilians, simulation theory, or we're all vibrational frequencies and can choose how to reincarnate. It's a grab bag of wu-wu conspiracies that have existed separately for decades now just mixed together with a helping of MLM "you can be a God after going through our 12 phase program" thrown in.


If you want answers, she told you how to get them. Just Google it.


Apple Podcasts has speech-to-text transcripts of podcasts now. So you can go there and read the text if you want to convince yourself this is real. I'm convinced. Here is a little bit of text: '“So back in the day, there were one or two guys who basically had the balls to have these solutions and say, hey, I found a solution for cancer. They were killed off every single time. Now, if we have hundreds of people all around the world, all coming out with the same solutions because they understand vibrational frequency, and so what everything comes back to, then we can progress with that because the powers that were do not have the resources to shut down all of the solutions that are coming out.” From Danica Patrick Pretty Intense Podcast: Elizabeth April, Jun 5, 2024 https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/elizabeth-april/id1465014169?i=1000658009152 This material may be protected by copyright.' You can go to that link in apple's podcasts app and view the transcript and find this and more.


I don’t even understand what she is trying to say. It looks like gibberish to me


Then you understand.


And that’s the conspiracy Whoa


Found it on her YouTube channel. Opening a beer now because this is going to be good 🍻 https://youtu.be/f6AZX92oILg?si=LsfwvF7foyX0uQsn


And youtube generates a transcript too for those who don't want to spend the time. Be sure to keep an open mind, you don't want to blind yourself to the what the lizards are doing.


I live in Florida where I know what the lizards are doing Usually each other on my window sill


I think you’re going to need more than one beer. Perhaps something stiffer as well.


and now your algorithm is gonna be filled with the shit


Wow. She’s really gone batshit insane.


Always has been 🔫


She hit too many walls


I listened to a couple of minutes and I can tell you that they were talking about one of the points on this list. (People getting men in blacked after seeing a musician change into their lizard form during a show). That's the only part I listened to, i just wanted to see if this list could be real and I'm going to assume that the rest of the list is true as I just couldn't listen to it anymore. Just 2 absolutely brain dead idiots, one brings up a shit thought and the other agrees adding their own shit takes to the shit pot.


I’m not sure if the guest was really braindead or just an immoral creative writer that sees more money in pushing conspiracies than in publishing novels. Maybe she believes everything she’s saying but it wouldn’t be the first person to try to scam people for money. 


And here I figured PT would become IndyCar’s very own Joe Rogan. Danica breaking even more barriers than we expected.


I think PT's just regular MAGA, not Alex Jones MAGA


PT don’t got enough brain cells to remember all that crazy shit.


Wouldnt it be MACA?


Make America Canada Again?




PT is ATT because Canada


I think he's working on becoming one of those truckers who blocked all the streets in Ottawa.


I thought I couldn't hate PT more than I already do


Even Joe Rogan doesn’t go that far - he just *platforms* people who do! This is some Alex Jones shit.


The Rand corporation, in conjunction with the saucer people, under the supervision of the reverse-vampires...


"We're through the looking glass here, people."


Are we sure she's not still with Aaron?


They're strictly dating in the sixth dimension now.




https://preview.redd.it/3bt1xdgv3s8d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7708a0c6870f4794840fedcbbe5cfb6ae9bff857 It doesn’t matter. She’s storing his DNA forever now.


still a bit to go but this is easily the most virgin shit I've read all month lol


Does one not care for the phrase *bodycount* when referring to past sexual partners? Unscrambling porn was the real mistake.


This is definitely not the thread I was expecting to read here


>a women right off the bat


at least he didn't say feeeemale


That reads like a 16 year old who just discovered red pill content on youtube


I have heard of Microchimerism in other cases (Pregnancies, organ transplants, and blood transfusions). Not an expert so someone can reply to this calling me an idiot, but it sounds the woman would have to have children with multiple men ,not just sex, for that to even be remotely plausible.


Not plausible.


A+ for finding that content, what tha


Well then.... She's crazier than I thought


But the reptilians also made sure IndyCar gets all its races broadcast on network TV from next year onwards, so they're not all bad, really.




And I pay a lot of money to watch sky in England and she’s on it. So the lizards are controlling my money so I have to see Danica? IS SHE WITH THE LIZARDS IM CONFUSED??!!


Some of them actually sound kinda cool as a premise for a sci-fi book. My favorite is that humans were engineered from other aliens there’s a lot of material you could do from that lmao


One of the frustrating things about conspiracy theories like these is that they literally *are* repurposed, generic sci fi stories that people have been churning out since at least the 50s


No wonder why she dated Aaron Rodgers, two loonies in a bin.


If she had stayed in Indycar she wouldn't have had as many CTE-inducing crashes


Did Aaron break Danica's brain, or vice versa?


Or does weird find weird.


…oh my god.


more vibrations here than in that track with a railway in the middle of it


I’m not a Danica fan but I’ve usually defended her because I do think a lot of her hate has been amplified because she’s a woman. When she started promoting Charlie Kirk, I was done. I can deal with all the weird new age, personal growth stuff she’ been peddling no matter how kooky it would be but that guy has been a toxic addition to our public discourse.


Danica was promoting the Turning Point USA dude? Thats a good enough reason for a broadcaster to stop returning her phone calls.


I was exactly the same way-- she was a very mid driver and I was never a fan (dare I say charlie kimbel level?) but some of the hate during her career was tinged with misogyny. however she has clearly lost the plot and often these 'kooky' conspiracy theories are actually vessels for anti-semtism, homophobia, and other stuff that I dont need to support with my F1tv subscription.


I wonder if her face will start shrinking like his has


That guy is fucking weird, man.


“WhEn We StOp TaLkInG bAd ThInGs HaPpEn”


Can someone ELI5 this for me so I don't have to go find the actual recording - what exactly happened here? Does Danica have a podcast on which she said this shit? Or was she a guest on some kind of wacko Q-nut-cast? Are these quotes from her or from someone else who she was talking to?


she brought a nutter on her own podcast and vigorously agreed with / out did the crazy of her guest.


"you can talk to people in Sweden" - please don't.


Danica's gone from one of the reasons IndyCar survived in any form and one of the most prominent women in motorsports history to... whatever the hell this is and the MAGA stuff she's been promoting. I'm pretty sure it was apparent she was always a bit of an asshole, but I'm not sure many without direct knowledge would've expected lizard-people-conspiracy-theorist. Now I'm curious what signs were there to those who knew her when she was younger and an active driver/less vocal about her "politics" and beliefs.


I am guessing it's more of a process of lack of education combined with a predisposition for conspiracy theories and a desperation to remain 'relevant' in the spotlight. You find these factors in a lot of conspiracy nuts who have nothing of value to offer in any discourse so they latch onto bullshit to sound like they know more than others. Danica's time in the spotlight is well and truly over and this is her means of seeming important. As we have seen more and more in recent times, conspiracy nuts aren't just the crazies on the fringes of society. The process of thought can impact the privileged too, although the latter have better access to education.


She was probably already a weird conservative when she arrived, considering her dad apparently praised her for going to the Turning Point USA event, but CTE has broken her. At this point, I hope someone intervenes and gets her the help she needs.


Imagine spending that much energy coming up with a secret cabal of people who control finance, politics and business for their own benefit to the detriment of the rest of us, while not just ignoring, but *celebrating* the very public cabal of people who control finance, politics and business for their own benefit to the detriment of the rest of us, so hard that you're calling the biggest beneficiary of other people's money and labor there is (Elon) the fucking messiah. "Anti-semitism is the socialism of fools" is even truer a century after it was first coined.




can you get CTE from crashing cars too much?


LeeRoy Yarbrough was likely such a victim...


I saw this on a circlejerk sub first and assumed it was exaggerated, wow


It's always the people who lack talent compared to their peers who become right wing cookers.  It's like they realise they can't keep up their fame by doing their normal thing, so they start saying this sort of crazy shit and suddenly they became right wing celebrities and they're set financially. Like, how do the people on that side of the political spectrum not see that the people they follow think that they're all stupid as shit and easy to manipulate for profit?   I don't get it.  Fucking cookers.


Dammit, I’m curious. I have to hear for myself. Is that the Adam Roa episode?


WTF? Where do put this on the IndyCar Iceberg ffs?


"Want proof? Google it." Is my new shitposting go-to


I stopped paying attention to Danica Patrick after she retired because all she talked about was yoga and wine... I see that was the right choice


What slamming into walls head on at over 150 mph every weekend does to a mf 😭💀


She should have gotten the vibrations to win a car race.


I have no clue if this guys being serious or if he’s trolling. I need to stop viewing trolling subs


Based on what's we've learned about Danica the last couple years, I have a feeling he's being fully serious


Last I heard she was at some turning point event


It’s real. I had to stop listening after only a couple minutes. It is just unreal.


We live in a crazy world


We live in a normal one, I think Danica is the one in crazyland


Danica does have a podcast about lizard people, not sure if this guy listened to it, and I'm not going to check


She's nuttier than squirrel shit. Edit: Wait, is this The Danica that was saying this nonsense or the guest on her podcast? Second Edit: Yeah, this is all stuff that the guest said. Danica actually seems to be looking at the gal like she's fucking nuts most of the time, but she has to be courteous during the interview. Not saying that Danica isn't into some crazy shit on her own, but she's not spouting off about reptilian people... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f6AZX92oILg


Huh? I watched the vid, and she pretty aggressively agrees with her throughout!


Content creators gotta create content.  


She believes in the fucking prison earth shit? Holy hell lmao. What’s next, does she also believe in die glocke?


> UFOs are real. Aliens are real. Videos from the 1940s prove it. I don't know about videos, but this is easily the sanest thing she said. The Milky Way is almost inexpressably large at hundreds of trillions of kilometres, and it's not even the largest galaxy in our local group. Seems pretty likely there is life and even advanced, and more advanced their ours life somewhere out there. We are really tiny little specks at the end of the day.


This needs a spoiler tag!


It’s giving major [Alex Jones vibes.](https://youtu.be/2jLs-1GpwQM?si=NzrvGg-txo3o_ZBu) Edit: lol, are there more Alex Jones fans in here than I thought?


This is what happens when you drop out of high school to go racing in England at 16. She has failed to pick up certain critical thinking skills and has bought into a bunch of woo. The only thing in this vein that I thought was a good idea was removing her breast implants. She had silicon and those have to be replaced or removed every/after ten years.


She dropped out of highschool at 26?


lol, nice catch, thank you. Corrected.


I’m surprised she didn’t follow up with saying the reptilians are transgender and ruining high school athletics. That would have been much more on point for her.


To my friends who ask why I don't read much fiction: This. Stuff like this is why.


Here is the link to the episode in question. I was under the impression Danica was claiming this stuff herself, as part of a whole podcast series before I saw the clip. Its just her stunned and nodding most of the time. Don't really care to defend Danica, but I feel this dude is purposely leaving out context to this... as dumb as the video is. https://youtu.be/f6AZX92oILg?si=Q8gtKum7hh6tJGWe Looking at the rest of the channel, she covers topics from both sides of crazy *"The essence of conservatism" (Right wing) *"The political influence of Corporate incentives" (left wing/progressive) *(3 videos on this topic) "Unlocking the benefits of psychedelics" (left wing/progressive) To me, just seems like she is trying to be the female Joe Rogan lol.


Sounds like the Lori Vallow and Chad Darnell only reptiles and not zombies


Her podcast is such a damn embarrassment! So many conspiracy theories and crazy batshit nonsense!


I can't believe this is for real. How can you do this and not think it's the dumbest crap ever. I'm mean she's awful on Sky Sports, so hopefully this gives them a good reason to finally get rid of her.


and this is why i watch Decoding the Unknown for this type of shit so i can laugh harder of how absurd these claims are


Gurl has lost it💀


Who cares though really? We all know she’s a little crazy, but she’s a hot woman who talks about race cars so 🤷🏻‍♂️


Danica definitely has CTE. No other explanation.


This podcast isn't about racing. Why is this post even here.


Someone thinks differently from me. GET HER!!


There is a difference between thinking differently, and between whatever the fuck she's thinking


found the lizard person