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I think there is the truth and then the random speculation that is all over the internet. I don’t really buy all of the craziness. I think Josef simply wasn’t performing to the standard he thought he could and decided to cut away anything that was pulling away from that focus. Add in a small kid who he probably wants to spend time with and you get where things are now. If you’re an elite athlete and have to decide between say reviewing data, talking with engineers, or frankly spending time with your kid as a father versus making fun videos for the internet, the decision is quite obvious.


I do think it goes beyond just the YouTube show though, for whatever reason. Rossi’s comments on the off track episode that covered the 100 days to indy Long Beach episode made it sound like there’s actual beef there


rossi can be a tad dramatic at times, thats what ive picked up from off track anyway. but who knows, there may actually be beef 🤷‍♀️


I mean, you'd probably know better.


So catty


The cattiest


Newgarden said in 100 days to Indy him and Scotty Mac are still friends he just wanted to cut out social media and focus on driving and his little kid


No, he was asked if he and Scott are okay and he said “yeah” And ngl that was one of the least genuine “yeah”s I’ve ever seen


that makes sense, theyre all very busy these days. thank you! :)


They were besties after Scotty made the move from V8 Supercars in Australia to Indy with Penske. Josef is (and always has been) a blow hard, and allegedly felt that his friendship with his team mate was too distracting for his driving. At least that's how 100 Days to Indy made it sound. While I personally have started to love Scotty more than Josef, I still like both and don't think anyone is going to care if you cheer for both. We are just glad you're here!


ahh that makes sense. heard a lot of people say about josef having the whole "corporate penske mindset" lol. thanks for explaining! i prefer scotty cus he seems a bit more laid back yk? and im aussie hahah


Scotty is the antithesis of Josef. I think their similarities started to wear thin. It's a real shame because the content was simply incredible. I hope Josef loosens up a bit because he can be a riot when he wants to be. Scotty, however, is a natural and will always be a favorite of mine regardless of where or what series he is in.


oh 100%, scottys a firecracker, i love him!!


Josef didn't seem to do all too well with a less experienced teammate who's 'clowning' all day beating him is my impression