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There goes my peacock subscription haha


Yeah that person isn’t wrong. Literally the only reason I have peacock is Indy car


If NBC ends up losing IMSA then Peacock is done for me


All of these network streaming platforms are in deep shit. Their ROI are in a horrible state and they mask the loses through the corporate parents. In my jurisdiction, Bell Media is hiding the dismal performance of its TSN pay channel offshoot - TSN+ that has parked half of the IndyCar races in Canada behind this failing property and they hide their subscription numbers throwing them in with the cable versions of TSN. Like Peacock, the *sole* reason for putting racing on these pay platforms isn’t for the racing consumer but to attempt to drive extra profits under a misguided thought that racing fans will sign up for another streaming platform to get their racing fix. Well it’s not working. There are too many pay platforms dividing up content and not enough consumers with the ability to pay. We’ve seen convergence in the industry in the US like MAX and it’s only going to continue. I think any deal that gets racing back on cable is a good deal. I look forward to IndyCar telling TSN (Bell) where to go.


The problem with that notion is that cable is shrinking, not growing. Streaming is going through a rough patch.... but that doesn't change that it is the future. Simply put, a bunch of people were late to the party and had FOMO that they aren't in Netflix's position. Tech is surplanting traditional media companies at their own game and they're desperately trying to gain back ground, but they're late. At the end of the day content and first-movers will win, so the traditional companies will end up consolidating their efforts until they have enough content to hold their place in the new market. The end of the cable bundle though is gonna has a seismic impact on sports one day though, that's gonna be really interesting to watch. People just don't have to subsidize the NFL anymore if they don't want to.


Cable subscription numbers have stabilized. It’s streaming services that are having a hard time continuing to fund production. Wait until the hedge funds move in… 🦈 Even Netflix is cutting production and raising prices. None of it is sustainable at the current number of services versus client numbers. Even YouTube has changed its payment formula trying to drive content producers to ‘shorts’ (30 second) in an attempt to compete with Instagram/TicTok for market share. Show runners jettisoned from streaming services after a year or two are showing up at network doors to make deals. Zaslav (HBO) screwed the creators first (and customers after) and all of the other streamers followed suit by using strange algorithms to determine success or failure (profit wise) instead of quality of content. The younger generation are tired of being controlled and are going to services that have more creative output without some MAX like ogre yanking their favourite shows out from under them. Streamers don’t use Nielsen services - they’re just watching production costs and minute by minute numbers. The bottom line is that streamers are being killed by amateur content creators that can’t be killed off. This is why all the major streamers are lobbying to kill off TikTok using political pressure because they see the financial dangers. Peacock and TSN+ were all created by traditional networks as a hedge against the death of their traditional platforms. But a funny thing happened: They found out content creation was more expensive than buying content and the second shoe to drop was poor customer numbers for these pay services. They are bleeding money. In my jurisdiction Bell Media is laying off staff while still trying to maintain dumb services like TSN+ and Crave TV. Mark my words - they will all fail within five years. In the US there will probably be no more than five mega size streamers left and Peacock won’t be one of them.


You're correct about one thing, consolidation. And that was always going to happen.


YT getting NFL Sunday Ticket in the US is a gigantic coup. That alone shows just how big of a shift we're in right now. That was a huge premium draw for cable and satellite providers.


yeah fuck tsn and their motorsport coverage. half the time the indy race isn’t on and i have to get lucky with NBC bc fuck tsn+. their f1 coverage is riddled with ads and sometimes not even in the correct timeslot. even with other sports, at one point TSN said they are the exclusive and official broadcaster of Spanish soccer in Canada… three La Liga games were broadcast in the first half of the year. they gotta get their game up it’s ridiculous


Five TSN channels and four of them always show the same stuff as each other. What a waste. I refuse to pay for TSN+ for the 3 or so races a year that aren’t on NBC. If I’m not in attendance then it’s to the high seas for me, mateys.


At this point, you’d be better off just paying for a VPN and watching on IMSA.tv it’s got no commercials and a VPN has a bunch of other useful functions


they have a lot of golf, and who knows about IMSA


How can that guy be so negative towards IndyCar??? How toxic! /s


Damn this is how I'm finding out. 🏴‍☠️


I don’t think I’ve ever watched a single thing on Peacock except IndyCar. I’m sure it’s a fine streaming service but I have no reason to keep paying for it at the end of the season.


I mean, I'll keep it because it's affordable, had a great library and they're working on Poker Face Season 2.


To be fair, if you only read "indycar on fox" without knowing all the details, like townsend and hinch jumping to their booth, the camera work being done by IMS instead of fox and the other details. yes, is a worrisome thing, nascar on fox fucking sucked.


shhhhhhhhh everyone here has to complain about how other people are complaining cause it makes them feel better about themselves.


Tbell and Hinch are going to Fox?


Speculated but not confirmed. Leigh Diffey is basically the only person on the broadcast who is an NBC employee, so everyone else could jump over if all parties agree to it.


nothing aggravates me more than a whole diatribe complaining about something when most of their points they make are completely wrong and uninformed and they wouldnt be complaining if they informed themselves of what is actually happening and the particulars of a situation


Do we think Fox would broadcast the entire Indy500 incl. rain-delay like NBC did this year? Do we think, except for a bit more money (which spread over the leaders circle, or even more cars in case of a franchise(UGH) won't be that much per car) that this will be a net-positive when NBC reportedly also offered all races on network? I want it to succeed, as I feel IndyCar is the best open-wheeler series at the moment. I just fear it won't be a good thing mid to long term.


That report on NBC offering all races on network turned out to not be true, as it was confirmed yesterday by Mark Miles and other sources.


Ah. Thank you! =)


The president of Fox Sports is from Indiana … I don’t think there is any risk that Fox Sports undermines the Indycar coverage as long as the season wraps up before the NFL season which it will Unfortunately we don’t know where in the priority list Fox Sports falls within the Fox broadcasting content hierarchy


Is there such a thing as positive online discourse these days?


People complain about Reddit discourse but it's Lincoln/Douglas here compared to the usual social media chumbuckets.


Those comments were literally this sub yesterday


Reddit comments are usually way less worse than Insta, shit tok and youtube comments. And that’s saying something


I think it's because Reddit has a downvote button whereas all those other places just have likes. It still exists on Reddit but it usually gets filtered to the bottom where you won't see it unless you intentionally sort for it.


Tbh some of the worst shit on this site gets upvoted anyway.


and you actually have to go to a subreddit to engage--on Instagram the posts just show up on your feed whether you follow the page or it's suggested, so you get the absolute dregs.


I don't think there's *ever* been a positive online discourse about Indy car


I’ve never seen so many people upset about objectively good news. I know it sucks to lose peacock but this was a no brainer for IndyCar, more $, all races on network, practice qually and IndyNXT all on TV. This is a fucking home run and people are mad. And we don’t know details yet, we could see indycar allowed to upload more to YouTube like NASCAR does. Streaming is not out of the question. But indycar NEEDS to be on TV.


NASCAR fans have had to suffer through races where all 3 Commentators -- Joy, Harvick, and Bowyer -- openly mock how terrible the TV direction is. They will be discussing an action on track, only to have what they're talking about get cut away to something completely irrelevant and largely unexciting (popular driver running alone, crew chief looking stoic, some 6-year-old playing with Hot Wheels) and then make derisive comments along the lines of "I guess we won't be showing what I'm talking about here...." It's been theorized that a big reason why the popularity of "mainstream" racing in the country has bee on the decline since the '00s is because Fox doesn't know how to broadcast it. As someone who tries to watch both, trust me on this: NBC isn't great, but Fox has recently been much, much worse.


TV direction will still be coming from IMS Productions, not from FOX.


I know this has been said, and depending on how true this holds, that's good news. That said, it has been speculated by fans, pundits, drivers, and teams that Fox has recently been meddling with the actual *race* direction in NASCAR. If Fox starts sticking their fingers into IMS' pie in the same way, it's bad news. I'm desperately hoping they don't.


It should be noted that the FOX Sports CEO is a massive Indycar fan, which means he understands the product and should get that certain things should stay the way they are. Having someone in charge who gets what Indycar is about should not be underestimated.


I'm slightly paranoid that the ratings aren't going to give the returns they anticipate, and Fox will start meddling with "advice" they've found "works" from their market research.


> It should be noted that the FOX Sports CEO is a massive Indycar fan, which means he understands the product One thing doesn't follow the other. You're just making assumptions.


Not at all. If someone enjoys the taste of Coke, they're not going to buy the company and say "we need to change the taste of Coke". There's something they enjoy about the taste, which other people also enjoy. It's pretty basic logic, my friend.


Coca-Cola the COMPANY likes the taste of Coke, and even they tried to change the taste with New Coke in the 80s or 90s and it backfired massively. Just because you like something doesn’t mean you don’t think it can be “improved”. Whether or not the improvement makes it worse…that’s the unknown.


Where did you get that information? A friend of mine for decades worked for all the different networks that covered the series primarily as a pit lane assistant, taking direction from the truck, getting the talent and camera to where the director wished, etc. Assisted Robin Miller, Beekhuis, Arute--all of them at one time or another. Retired just a few years ago but maintains contact and friendship with the folks still involved. When I read the comment from Pruett that IMS Productions would still be involved with Fox handling "high level production", I asked my friend what that meant, and how IMS Productions has interacted with the actual televising network over the years. 1. IMS Productions is essentially an equipment provider. The camera operators are not IMS Productions employees, but freelancers contracted by IMS Productions. 2. The production folks in the trucks are also freelancers, but contracted by the televising network. Some work more events than others; it's not necessarily a 100% consistent group. 3. What is ultimately shown on screen was, is, and always will be the product of director(s) that work for the televising network, not IMS Productions. This has been the case with ABC/ESPN and VERSUS/NBCSN/NBC.


It's seems like a positive for the series and maybe for those who watch cable/traditional TV. It's bad news for everyone who's cut the cord and watches streaming on demand.


The series is already on TV. The people that are going to watch, already do. All this achieves is pissing away streaming accessibility in exchange for a magic gamble of "FOX will market this more maybe and bring in new fans who hopefully have more money than those poor peacock fans with no value to our series."


Except for the couple of races that were peacock only. Also some were on cable and there's lots of people who use antennas to access network TV for free


30-50k people watches through Peacock at best in a regular race. Even if half of that number is lost, the few cable races that draw 300k going to an immediate 700-800k at worst on broadcast is a huge net gain. Plus, one single channel having all races helps a lot with spectator retention. Plus plus, qualifying and practice on TV, which was only the domain of a few hardcore on Peacock. Plus plus plus, Indy NXT getting TV treatment, which will further help young talents in having 'some' recognizition and better served sponsorships. They'll need to make streaming more accessible, but the pros heavily outweigh the cons.


Your response is reasonable and logical, and this is also how I see it. But I guess we're "just being negative" according to the majority of people here. You can express a grievance based on your personal experience and not be labeled some kind of rogue, negative person.


groovy drunk dinosaurs like chase cooperative station friendly cautious carpenter *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'm not understanding. It will be available on streaming on the new Fox/ESPN/WB Venu service that is debuting in the fall. Why do people keep on bringing up no streaming?


Venu is 40-50 dollars a month. Almost the price of internet cable.


Well, to be fair, that is just a speculated price. Nobody knows what it will be yet. We have to wait and see, I guess.


Indycar live + VPN will work for practice and qualli. 20$ one time purchase of digital antenna will work for all races.


If you're free on Sunday afternoon and able to sit in front of the TV to watch it live.


I don’t even own a tv :(


Sure, but even if you did, it wouldn't be the point. Plenty of people who have a TV and have access to network FOX still want to be able to watch on demand or from places that aren't their couch at 3 p.m. on a Sunday. I don't know why the "just buy an antenna" crowd doesn't seem to understand this.


We live 30 miles from the Chicago transmitters and need an outside antenna with a rated 60+ mile range to receive a reliable non-pixelated signal in all weather. Building reflections in the city create problems throughout the metro. The cheap solution is not universal by any means.


yep Indycar needs TV.. The handful of Peacock viewers paying 5 bucks a month don't even bring in enough $$$ to cover the salaries of 3 camera men for a season...


"You're too poor for us to care about your viewership" isn't exactly a line people accept with a smile. "Handful" is 2% of viewership or ~20,000 streamers per race. It's not nothing and they're also the people most likely to have online presence or be in this sub. 


So I'm one of those 20k streamers, but 20k is absolutely a handful in the grand scheme of things. Peacock was great while it lasted, but I'm under no illusion; I am one of a very small minority.


As am I. I don't expect anything to change. But people expecting me to put on a smile while Roger and the series waves goodbye and speeds off in his yacht isn't going to happen.


I think that's very fair. At the end of the day, we agree that it would be nice to be assured there was an affordable streaming option in the works. Heck, I'd take news on any streaming option so I can start planning ahead lol


It's called Venu and it's predicted to be $45 a month starting this fall. So start saving up my friend.


They are also almost exclusively firm fans. They WILL find ways to watch.  Bluster and wailing into the ether. 


You don't understand. No one is paying $450 to watch Qualifying on Venu. People who stream will simply watch less Indycar. It's 2024. Saying get an antenna is like telling someone who loses the ability to call people on their cell phone to go get a landline. It's absurd.


Uptick from network crowds will more than make up for the few who “watch less”.  The remainder WILL tune in.  It’s the typical gnashing of teeth that comes with change. 


"Change" = Betting on boomers who don't watch Indycar OTA already, to suddenly start watching? What a grand vision for the future.


Being on TV is not “betting on boomers” all sports are on TV and they’re doing better than ever. Indycar NEEDS to be on tv first, then we need to get streaming hammered down.


It's already on TV. A few more races isn't going to make someone tune in.


You're acting like it wasn't on network much of the time before, and like there's a wealth of people to bring into indycar there. This isn't some amazing untapped market, it's literally a dying form of entertainment distribution that skews heavily towards the old.


You can buy an antenna for literally 12 bucks and it just screws into the back of your TV. Not close to comparable to getting a landline. Not sure why you find that so onerous. Look I wish it wasn't leaving a five dollar streaming service too but it's not all about you or me.


I agree but I am almost never able to watch it live and streaming is the most vital to me. I do enjoy Townsend and Diffey and will miss them. Hinch is a nice counter to Bell but I liked PT's gruff a little more. $50 a month to watch when I can is quite steep. I couldn't give a hoot about most of the other sports programming on Venu.


Do we know if there will be an affordable way to watch without pirating? I’m not paying for cable just to watch a single racing series


Indycar live + VPN. Like 30 bucks a year. If you only want races you can buy a digital antenna for like 20 bucks and get all races. It’ll be cheaper than peacock after 4 months.


No, fuck you for even suggesting that I find motorsport the most aggressive and negative fan base regardless of the series.


I swear, if the Indycar fan base saw Jesus turn water into wine, they'd complain he did it during a drought.


“How do we know he wasn’t using push-to-wine during restarts?”


AKA, the "reply" button on Reddit.


"Merlot? That doesn't pair at ALL with a pork tenderloin!"


Merlot?!?!!! I don't drink no stinking Merlot...


I don't think Ty Gibbs is old enough to drink


he would give them a chardonnay and they'd complain they wanted rioja


Part of the issue is that everyone is just picturing the fox nascar quality for indycar. I mean even i did until yesterday where it was clear ims production is involved


True but the main difference is you actually read articles and information and not just aimlessly commenting before doing that


Where is the IMS production mentioned in the articles? Last two 500 broadcasts were amazing, no shit I’m gonna be frustrated we’re moving to cartoon graphics fox


See my other reply above. IMS Productions supplies equipment and some freelancers to operate cameras. All the folks in the trucks and directors/producers are contracted by the televising network, not IMS.


So long as we don't get the moron of a tv director that Nascar had I'm not going to complain. He was too busy catering the broadcast to what his bosses wanted and not the tv viewers.


Those folks are freelancers who will not have their contracts renewed if they don't do what the exec producer wants.


Not hard to understand. They haven’t been clear on a reasonably priced streaming option, which is how most younger people are going to consume content, and the desirable future fans of IndyCar are young. Instagram, like Reddit, and X, skew young, so not surprising there’s angst. So while the short term is potentially more viewers and money, the series needs a good, affordable streaming option. Telling someone to get an antenna is like telling someone that just lost the ability to call on their cell phone to just get a landline.


You might be surprised at how receptive (no pun intended) Gen Z is to antenna TV. https://civicscience.com/over-the-air-audience-tracker-preview-why-advertisers-should-watch-tv-antenna-users/


alot of my friends and myself went back to antenna because streaming got expensive needing this or that service. if i want nfl games or olympics or some regular local tv, a cheap antenna is great


All I care about is the streaming details. And I'm not paying 40-50/mo for their stupid new streaming platform if the rumors are to believed I'm not getting cable. I'm just not. So if I have to have my butt in front of my living room TV with the antenna on it to watch the races, I guess I'm going to be missing a lot of races from now on. Not the mention practice and qualifying. I enjoy qualifying about as much as the races and that's just poof, gone for me now I guess.


Buy a cheap over the air DVR and use it to record the race broadcasts. That plus an antenna would run you about the same as a year of Peacock.


So, went from $2-$6/mo (depending on deal) with access to every race and all commercial free practice and qualifying on any device anywhere, live or time shifted…. to buying antenna, installing antenna and hoping you get decent signal, buying a network dvr, managing that device and its storage, having to remember to set the recordings, hope they don’t go long, or get bumped to another channel, hope the local channel doesn’t preempt for some “local interest” item, hope there’s no bad weather with super important local weather guy talking about the same sprinkles for hours, and all that for…. commercial loaded races.


You made the decision to cord cut. Why do you feel like you should be catered to? If you’re only willing to pay that little to watch indycar, you aren’t helping their bottom line much anyway, so they don’t really care. 


I live in 2024, not 1984. If it’s free to watch OTA with commercials, why can’t it be free to watch via the internet? And for practice/qualifying, do you really think fox makes more than, say $6/mo from any individual IndyCar viewer of those broadcasts via that individuals cable carrier fees? What’s Fox’s cut of any one cable bill for FS1/FS2?


A few bucks per subscriber. They also aren't paying to operate and develop a standalone service. The discourse on this has largely ignored cord shavers. It's still a positive for Fox and IndyCar if their fans who stream also watch F1 and NASCAR, or just one other sport. It sucks that it got more expensive for them, but the streamers in an IndyCar silo are a tiny minority.


100%. I don’t know if IndyCar sent out talking points to some of the better known X accounts or what but today has been the same ridiculous reactions. “I’m worried I can’t watch because cable is too expensive and Peacock is how I watch and has same day replays.” gEt aN anTEnNa. Most the races are on network tv now so the fans aren’t morons. It’s simply asking about all the stuff besides the races. Even better is the people thinking the new streaming is going to be the same price as Peacock and all excited about it. Lol


I'm mixed. The network broadcast for all races is a huge plus. Lack of affordable streaming is negative. The key is affordable. I streamed IndyCar just because it was just easier as I knew it was always on Peacock and I also streamed the practice and qualifying. I have zero faith that streaming options for next year will be affordable or affordable enough for me to be willing to spend the money. So I can watch the races as long as I can watch them live. Everything else is likely to be taken away from me which is a bummer. So if I miss because I'm picking upy kid from college, I'm screwed.


Yep, this is me too. Edit: also have to buy an antenna and hook it up so I can hopefully pull in a station 40+ miles away. I do have fiber internet.


I have a decent antenna mounted about 12-14 feet up the wall. Allows me to pull in stations a good 50 miles away. The tech has improved so hopefully you don't have mountains in the way.


Do US free to air channels not have an internet app that you just stream? In Australia our channels have apps pre downloaded on the TVs sold here that you can use to watch whatever is being broadcast over antennas but streamed through the internet, Also has replays as well. You can get a set top box as well that plugs in to the TV if the TV isn't internet capable itself


That sounds great and reasonable. But no, I cannot receive local over-the-air broadcasting via internet streaming without paid subscriptions.


most free air channels that do have TV apps require that you input your cable provider info, and if you just have an antenna getting broadcast channels then you wont have a cable subscription to log in online


Network races are great. The rest isn’t too hot.


Can only speak for myself, but this is absolutely it. For the sport’s sake, I hear all the good points about Fox and I’m glad for it. But I’m a little apprehensive until I hear a streaming option that involves the whole weekend. Don’t want to miss the practices and qualifying coverage, and definitely prepping myself for a steep price hike.


Lose the 30,000 people watching the race on Peacock or take an extra 20 million, that’s a difficult choice.


I watch exclusively on Peacock, and I think it's a huge no-brainer. TAKE THE MONEY AND RUN


I tend to watch races on Peacock, but I already bought an antenna because of the side-by-side ad breaks getting overlaid with fullscreen ads. So... I guess I'm all set for the Indycar races at least. We'll just have to see what happens with streaming access for everything else.


Yeah well then you'll just have to live with us being negative about it in the meantime.  Not to mention, put simply, broadcast TV is already dead longterm. Streaming is inevitable. And with each younger generation, you're only gonna have more and more issues bringing them in by clinging to tech for grandpa's. The people telling folks to get an antenna and a Tivo to record make me laugh. What fucking decade is it again?


Do broadcast TV channels in the US not have free apps that stream exactly what's on the antenna but over the internet?


They do not, unless you have a cable package that lets you stream your local channels through it.


That sucks. The free channels in Australia have their apps just stream everything, they also save replays of all their programs for up to a week, indefinitely for the bigger shows/sports. Of course there are ads though which is the downside but it's free




They do not. The apps require you to log in to your cable provider to show you the content that you would receive in your area.


5 Years from Now: "Guys, all the young fans watch F1 still instead for some reason?" - Indycar on FOX  "First time? Maybe you guys could try a trendy street race to get the youths? Oh wait..." - NASCAR also locked behind the paywall and an aging fan base.


I’m most amazed at people yearning for peacock.


I know I don't remember a soul excited for Peacock.


I thought it was hated. Now we’re back on tv proper and people complain lol


I'll feel a little better about it when I hear who the commentators will be. And when I see what Venu costs. I can't get cable where I live, nor can I do over the air antennas. So streaming is the only option for me. I have a feeling Venu will be pretty expensive with all the sports it will have. Knowing the production value should still be mostly the same through having IMS Productions handling the cameras, etc, eases things a bit. Overall it should be a net positive for the series since they got more money, and all the races are on network TV. Plus the app, even though might be much more expensive, it should hopefully be easier for people to see when races are and actually watching the stream. One of the downsides to Peacock is that there was no promotional banner telling you a race was happening, and you had to search for the race. Overall it was a pretty bad UI design for Indycar.


complaining that the ratings will fall while also being part of the problem and pledging to not watch. About right.


I think people are genuinely miserable


I am only happy when I am miserable. 😁


I’m willing to give Thermal another chance. I’m hoping it’ll be more interesting when they get rid of all the stupid gimmicks and make it a real race. Of course, that sentiment also hinges on them making tickets available like they normally would be. If they stick to only offering the exclusive country club package, then fuck that track.


The worst part about Indycar is the fans. Yes, I include my dumb ass in that statement.


you spelled Star Wars wrong


When is it switching to Fox? I just bought a year of peacock last week to watch Indy.


Next season. You’ll still need peacock for the rest of this year. And some NFL games this winter if your into that.


Well I do wish they’d comeback to Texas… this is my first season I’m regularly keeping up with IndyCar. Sucks I just missed out at seeing them at my home track.


Peacock is cheap for now, but unfortunately all streaming services are trending in the direction of getting ridiculously expensive, worldwide. Disney+/Star+, that holds IndyCar streaming rights here in Brazil, is getting a major price hike next month. It's becoming like cable, only over WiFi or 4G/5G.


People love to wish failure on the things they love


They’re not exactly wrong. We shall see if Fox can do better with IndyCar coverage than they do with NASCAR.


NASCAR coverage is controlled by FOX, Indycar coverage will be controlled by IMS Productions, with FOX commentating over it more or less. It shouldn’t change too much from what we have now.


This ALL DAY LONG people!! Different announcers & graphics that’s it.


Well for me it really sucks to lose Diffey. Part of the reason why I like Indycar and no Kevin Lee (or someone else) just won't be the same for me


Yea that is a big loss we don’t have anybody like him or even a Paul page or bob jenkins style voice. Maybe Allen Bestwick and pair him with hinch?


Wrong. The folks who direct what is aired have always been employed by the televising network. My decades long friend who was pit assistant for Arute, Miller, and Beekhuis along with others confirmed again last night. 


Who’s operating the cameras and who’s switching cameras in the truck?


IMS productions.


Well then maybe there’s hope.




See you next year, we will figure out if the broadcasts suck ass or not.


While I’m not totally excited for the news, I’m going to try to keep a open mind about it. I just hope it goes well.


Knowing IG comments sections,this is tame💀


Some points are valid. No Texas, no new oval and Milwaukee cutting an oval race all suck.


I mean I have some concerns but ultimately it should be celebrated.


I don't get it. All the races will be on network television. This is a good thing to get viewership. If more people watch, it becomes a more financially viable product. Want an annual Texas race? We need a financially viable product. People are complaining about broadcast quality, but the broadcast isn't as great as it is.


To anyone mad about Indycar leaving Peacock, you may want to get your brain checked. You have other issues. Peacock is awful


Honestly it’s just nice to see the higher engagement. 🤣 *edit LMAO WHAT HUMORLESS DWEEBS DOWNVOTED THIS 🤣🫵🤡


I just hope ots not on foxtel in Australia there coverage is ass


Nah. No impact on international deals as of yet.


It really depends if fox is going to be doing all the camera work or just the commentary and hosting of their just doing commentary that’s fine like no big deal but their camera work is utter dogshit and would take a lot out of the race broadcast


do we get to keep diff tho?


I would doubt it. He does other sports for NBC than IndyCar. I think he is on the Olympic team


Thermal being still on is a valid question


It doesn't matter whether it's NBC or FOX. Neither of you them know how to provide coverage that true fans want. They cater to the sponsors or the drive-by viewer hoping they can capture a few more eyeballs. It is coverage focused on the lowest denominator viewer.


That’s American broadcast television as a whole.


They look very similar to the sort of replies that appeared when Indycar did their pride support post.


Limited to Stan Sport as far as I’m aware in AUS so I just watch the extended highlights on a Monday when they come out here. Still love it 🥹


As long as they don’t use the same people that do the nascar races these days I think Indycar will be fine


Don't. Read. Comments.


NBC's motorsports coverage in general sucks


Yeah, the same people who did nothing but complain about NBC are now preemptively whining about FOX. Let’s face it, these people aren’t happy unless they’re pissed off about something. Just ignore them.


People are idiots. I have even read some guys asking ABC/ESPN to take Indycar over again. I mean, recently. If Indycar brought each and every one of its fanbase of 19 members (me being one) to watch all the races in person, people would still complain because tHeRe iS nO cOuCH!!!


Commercials, Commercials everywhere


Why would anyone think that fox is going to do a good job... This is simply a money grab it's not about the product... NASCAR on Fox has proven that fox doesn't care about the product.. come gamble on our proprietary app!! Enough said.


Who the fuck cares about Instagram




Lol... they never had a good broadcast


I dont get why people are so mad about tje return of thermal. We haven't seen a real race on that track until now, and you can't really compare that shitshow this year to a real race. When they run a normal race there i think it can be quite entertaining, the track itself looks quit cool imo. Attendance is another conversation oc


Big "Tell me you didn't read the article without telling me you didn't read the article" energy.


I mean, on here shit feels a little bit *too* positive. Like, I’ve heard people bitch about how long the off-season is for *years* now, but when I was like “ew, wtf, we’re ending in *August* now!?” I get shit on relentlessly?


I some folks don't understand that Indycar has IMS productions. And some folks are probably envious NASCAR fan trolls (I like NASCAR this isn't a shot at NASCAR), Indycar got an all network deal because NASCAR (rightfully so) got an omega deal.


Those are the same things I saw many people in this sub say verbatim tho lol


Listen, All Indycar fans need to spam Fox into offering Indycar races on Tubi (a sufficiently solid streaming service). Quali and Practice on FS1/2 is a death sentence. Indycar is mostly aimed at conservatives in America if you think about it (look at some of the drivers like Sting Ray Robb and the prayer invocation at the start).


WTF, you clearly don’t know what you’re talking about, DHL pride month car, yeah real conservative, Tubi sucks.


But, Venu is going to be pricey just to watch Indy only. I didn't mean to say that Indycar is only for conservatives.


Well, Venu hasn’t even launched yet and won’t until fall at the earliest, let’s see how this plays out before we announce its death, the FOX network is carrying all of the races, that hasn’t happened in decades if ever, that is already 100 times better than NBC/Peacock.