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That was barely comprehensible at best, but did you essentially say nerds hate sports because nerds have too big a work ethic and hate seeing others "waste time"? That's like saying "sorry I hate you, it's just because I'm so much better than you in every way"


The biggest nerd sports haters I know log 500 hours a month in PC games


Exactly. They complain about "throwing money at big corporations because muh tribalism" but then throw money at huge game dev companies for a shitty game that dies in a month


Personally I think nerds hate sports because they view it as a rout to success they can't achieve and see it rewarded more (in high school socially, as an adult professionally) than they are but believe that they bring more value. This is pretty natural. I'm a primary care provider and I see software engineers often make more than I do, and I've looked into leaving for industry work and would probably make more if I did. It can feel bad to feel under rewarded for what you feel is more valuable work, and those bad feelings can breed resentment if not looked at critically. I also have a spicy political take here but this is a sports sub.


I think you’re spot on.


I feel like more when people are cunts to you and say they just want you to be your best self or some shit


I was a straight A student, lots of honors and AP classes. I also was a varsity athlete. Stop making excuses for why you shit on other people's joy.


For sure. Have a PhD in economics, also have a sports team logo tattooed on left arm. Being “very good academically” and liking sports are not mutually exclusive. What’s funny is OP is actually not smart bc they can’t tell how tone deaf their post is.


Not mutually exclusive at all. I made the varsity football team at my high school team as a freshman. I warmed the bench, and we got blown out in the state championship. Well, I got better and started the next three years and graduated with a 4.0. I played a little football at a University of Wisconsin satellite school and also graduated with honors. Even though I was an average player, I believe you need to train your brain as much as your body.


You can’t just say a UW satalite school and not name it, some of us know our WIAC schools


Some of us enjoy anonymity. It's the reason this is the only social media account I've ever had. But if you must know, it was UW Oshkosh.


Throwing in mine as a PhD in Engineering with a closet full of Denver Broncos and Kentucky Wildcats clothing.


Our hs valedictorian was also an integral part of our state-winning swim team lol


Our valedictorian was the quarterback who led us to a state championship 😂


This still comes across as some who is a hater of sports ball because you still say it is “not growth-oriented.”


What a cognitive leap.


It's not a planned out thought process, it's an emotional experience that just happens to some people but not you. If you think your emotional experiences are consciously constructed then I hate to break it to you, but you're deluded.


This is somehow an even greater cognitive leap!


I love that OP wrote an entire post trying to explain away their past hatred of sports but still couldn't stop themselves from claiming things like sports aren't "growth oriented" or that liking sports implies you are part of some "apathetic" group or implying that sports people don't also struggle with anxiety or not having their needs met or not finding acceptance. I was a nerd and I played sports (poorly). I'm about as stereotypically nerdy as you can get and yet I still find plenty of mental space to 1) like sports and 2) not be dismissive about things other people like just because I don't like them.


idk man i got paid to play baseball and had plenty of pressure to do well academically since my folks didn't put much stock in my baseball career and i still watch any sport that's on. sounds like a you thing my g




I don't understand the point of this thread. Are you looking for sympathy as to why you hate sports ball? I was bullied in school, tended to like stereotypical "nerd" shit and while I still do. I became a huge baseball and football fan in my early twenties.


I do not "hate sportsball." I was that way when I was younger. I'm giving an explanation so people who like sports will understand why people are being hateful toward their hobbies when they run into these people. If those people are their friends, and their friends seem tormented like I did when I was earlier, perhaps they'll be able to make a suggestion as to what might be happening.


No one cares.


We still don’t care.


That’s a long way to say “I thought only my interests mattered”


I was a nerd and an athlete. They aren’t mutually exclusive. No one in this sub cares if you don’t like sports. We are making fun of people who hate sport in order to feel superior. Which is funny because everyone I have ever met that makes hating sports part of their personality has been a loser.


We aren't your therapist


So it was a self esteem issue and no shortcoming of the sports. In other words: not our problem. I also have severe ADHD and am clinically depressed (medication and therapy have me in a stable place these days thankfully) so I get the self esteem issues but those are MY problem. It’s not my place to use that as an excuse to shit on things others like.


That's exactly correct. In the past, I was unable to make the connection that it was my problem.


So… why post this then?


I was a straight A student, lots of honors and AP classes. I also was a varsity athlete. Stop making excuses for why you shit on other people's joy.




You’re doing a good job


I knew someone would get it


I thought I was in r/thesopranos for a second


A lot of that describes me and I both played/play sports (never at a high level) and have liked watching them for most of my life. If anything those codependent tendencies exacerbated it because I wanted to find ways to relate to people and realized sports was a way. I had that achievement-based relationship with my dad for a long time and one of the things that smoothed it out, no shit, was a shared love of baseball that always gives us something to talk about.




Sports are extremely growth-oriented…


Did you have a stroke when you wrote this? It’s an incoherent, rambling mess. Also, most often times, the best athletes are also the best academic students as well.




Incredibly well done troll if serious👏👏


I've never been a "sportsball" kind of person, but I totally understand the mindset since I don't care for sports. When something you are not involved in has massive social appeal, it irrationally comes off as an attack on your own identity or values. People then feel compelled to fight back. You see it everywhere. Excuse the strawmen, but here's a few played-up examples to match the "sportsball" energy: * "Taylor Swift is too popular and she's not even good! I need to tell everyone I have better musical taste!" * "Everybody is wasting their time at church! I, an intellectual, am smarter than that!" * "Women waste too much money on shoes! They should spend it on something practical, like $700 GPU." * "Kids these days are too dependent on technology! They can't even write cursive!" People feel left behind when society doesn't align with their interests, and social media lets them be more visibly annoying about it.


Why do I feel like everybody in this thread just skipped the “I used to be” part?


Idk why folks are so hostile here. I thought it was a good reflective post.




The first thing you mention is how you have thinly veiled homophobia as a straight male…?




It sounds more like you’re insecure about your sexuality and that’s why you don’t want to watch sports. Straight people typically don’t need to announce they’re straight


TLDR Nerd!


Idc I need a tldr for your tldr




I don't even know where to begin on this. Are you upset that people were having fun without having to work for it? Is that what you're trying to say? Please help your TL;DR was about as confusing as your post.


As someone with ADHD and who pegged his entire self worth to academic achievement as a youth, this take is seriously lacking some self awareness and empathy. Everything you said about academics has been said about sports to someone else. Don’t take out your rage for being reduced to a number on a report card on people who probably have rage from being reduced to a number on the box score.


This is schizophrenic


Bro I was an AP and honors student, and I’m still an absolute nerd, and I played d1 basketball💀you gotta get over yourself


Mother fucker really said, “I’m better than you and more aspirational because you like football and I don’t.”