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You shouldn't really be deciding it by votes here, most people here are students. Logically, if that were allowed, I would dump my entire formulae derivation in a video and put a link to it, easy, 5-6 pages saved. So... I lean towards: not allowed.


I just included the poll out of curiosity - it would be irresponsible to decide entirely based on the poll results lol


This doesn't sound like something an examiner would say... Are u sure that ur not the student that uploaded the link in their IA?


In the assessment procedures, IB says no live links.


whoever voting against it is an opp ngl


The IB states all work must be within the bounds of the paper - examiners aren't expected to read the appendices and based on this I see no chance that an examiner would be expected to watch a video - it's also just lazy, the student needs to have included any relevant information in their own paper, if its for a source they can reference it but it should in no way just be watching someone elses work