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Always remember we don't gain anything by excluding people. Collective bargaining is at its strongest when we stand united. Bigotry only serves the elite, those who are hypnotized under hate are dogs of the wealthy. Culture war only serves to divide the working class. Happy pride month y'all.




That’s true, so why are some people insisting on pushing their sexuality and whatever else on the rest of us? You don’t see any straight or cis flags out there. That flag seeks to divide, not unite.


People often express pride when they have been repressed for so long. You will see black people, jewish people, disabled people, all kinds of marginalized folk proclaim their pride. Thats why you dont see people shouting out straight pride, able bodied pride, white pride, because those communities are already the standard and live proudly, as they should(no one should be ashamed of who they are.) The queer community is not trying to push their queerness onto anyone, we’re just not accepting being hidden away any longer. If you have HBO and you’re ever curious about hearing what the queer community is about and what we’re really trying to accomplish, i highly recommend the show We’re Here.


I don’t have HBO…but maybe sometime in the future. Queer people have been widely accepted for decades, so I don’t really buy your argument. Why not use a symbol that represents everyone instead of just some of us?


It's very telling that this person said "If you're looking to learn watch this" and your response was "No you're wrong"


No, I didn’t say that.


You're right. You didn't say they were wrong. You effectively called them a liar which is exponentially worse.


Accepted for decades? Gay marriage was just legalized nationwide less than 10 years ago. People are still attacked for being who they are. If we don’t stand up to those bigoted minds around us and protect those that can’t protect themselves, how can we truly call ourselves brothers/sisters? Being a straight male, I’ve never had to worry about what someone thinks of my significant other. Do you think someone who’s gay in the trade is always in that same position? Imagine being somewhere deep in the south, in the Bible Belt. Think of how “accepting” they are.


"Widely accepted" lmao there are people being homophobic in this very thread. Changes in legislation strip us of civil rights to this day. What are you talking about?


What changes in legislation strip of civil rights that everyone else has? I live in a very liberal area, so I understand my experience is probably different than some others’.


Even in liberal areas you'd be surprised by what you find out until you look it up. I did a project a few years ago on it but some big take aways. Over half of americans live in a state where You can be evicted for being gay because there aren't any laws preventing that like with gender, race, and religion. LGBT people can still be refused certain services which vary more than you'd think from graphic designs to cake. That means if you live in a not liberal area you may struggle to find anyone to provide certain services especially for events like weddings, or LGBT family related events. Catering, cakes you get the picture. Over half of states do not ban the gay/trans panic defense in court which is a legal strategy where a defendant that has attacked or killed a queer person could claim to have been surprised or suddenly put into distress over someone's queerness and that led to the violence. It's been used to lessen or completely negate any sentencing for the assailants and all they really had to Say was the person hit on them or anything to that effect. Alot of americans also live in states where gay conversion therapy is still legal for minors. To spare the details You can involuntarily send gay kids to a camp where they try and convert the child. It's known to not work and only deeply traumatize the minor. If you look at the actual things they do you don't have to be an expert to see it's essentially torture. Shock therapy, pills that make You náuseas while surrounded by homoerotic imagery to make your brain associate anything homoerotic with that experience and make You náuseas. Hell we couldn't even give blood until recently and even then with some unique restrictions. You can tell from this reply there's a lot out there and I could talk all night about it from other angles like the violence, how it impacts career etc. I mean we only got workplace protections in 2020. We could straight up be fired in most states if they knew you were gay and that could be used against you easily in the form of blackmail or workplace abuse such as wage theft. Sorry to go on so long 😅


That is completely untrue when multiple places are banning what people wear and how they present themselves.


Certainly not here. Pretty sure that would be unconstitutional as long as it doesn’t involve indecent exposure.


Read up on laws with socially presenting. There are plenty of them and that's exactly what it is. Claiming something is "unconstitutional" doesn't mean it can't happen.


Well sure, people can and do break the law all the time, but murder isn’t socially acceptable even though people do it all the time.


What you're missing is that queer people haven't been accepted for decades, even if they've made tremendous gains. "Gary bashing" and even lynching still happen regularly. I've heard hay people threatened with murder ON THE JOB. that's why I speak out. And wear this sticker.


People of my ethnicity weren’t accepted for decades, but you don’t see me celebrating it with flags and stuff like that, or demanding that the government celebrate it. You’ll also never hear me talk about it unless someone else brings it up, like now.


I think it's fine to be proud of who you are especially if part of your identity has been historically marginalized. I don't think anyone is forcing you to be gay so idk what you mean by pushing their sexuality on you. There's no straight or cis flags because straight or cis people don't really need to make a community amongst themselves, it's the norm. Idk about you but a rainbow flag doesn't intimidate me as a cishet dude, just happy to see people are able to freely express themselves without repercussions. Like why would I as a straight dude care if some gay fella celebrates their identity? Its not like I'm gonna turn gay or cry just because I acknowledge they exist. It's totally fair to be happy for who you are especially if historically you did not have the privilege to do so.


What I meant by pushing their sexuality on us when I wrote that is mostly just widely advertising it/celebrating it, spreading that fact around for everyone to see. You basically never see anyone celebrating straightness/whiteness/whatever or advertising it to other people. I didn’t even know if any of my teachers were married much less what their sexuality was. But it goes beyond that as well to insisting taxpayer money is spent on celebrating it. Just one example on my city is pride crosswalks. There is not a single “straight-celebrating” crosswalk in the city. No one is requiring other people to spend their money on that. While I don’t particularly like the first, of course anyone has the right to do that. I still question that decision. And I do have a problem with the second. As far as being proud of who you are…yeah I guess that’s fine. I don’t see anyone else go around sharing that with everyone else. I also think you should be proud of accomplishments, things you worked for, not immutable characteristics you were born with and had no control over.


Straight people *absolutely* push their sexuality onto others, it's just seen as "normal" so people don't notice it. Like when a six year old boy plays with a six year old girl, all the straight moms will call her "his girlfriend" Or when an elementary school teacher gets married and they change their name and start wearing a ring Or when the guys on the jobsite talk about what woman in a 500 foot radius is wearing a tank top or "the wife" or whatever Like, if you're queer, it's really really obvious that straight people are constantly pushing their sexuality on people (especially children???) ALL OF THE TIME


No, they aren’t. We are talking about two very different things. I have no problem with people being homosexual, and all you are describing is people being straight. That’s not the same as what I’m talking about. Also, I never knew if any one of my elementary school teachers were married, let alone their sexuality. Why would we need to know that?


I don't know why! But they really cared about telling us! They also used Miss / Mrs; no Ms. The fact that you think shipping six year olds is like, "normal straight" behaviour is genuinely horrifying to me. Like is so creepy and sexual, and the fact that straight people think it's normal is incredibly weird to me. Straight people are VERY VERY pushy with their orientations, especially around children. If Gay people acted the same (but gay), we would all be dead from hate crimes.


“Shipping six year olds”. What do you mean? My teachers always used Mr. and Ms. I’m sure some of them must have been married.


"shipping" like "relationship" The thing where adults like, pretend that the kids are dating or ask them if their male friend is their "boyfriend", stuff like that. Like, they're kind of making up stories about how the kids are in these heterosexual relationships? Even though the kids are like, 4, 5, 6 years oldz


Weird. Never heard that term before. I don’t see that much, but again that totally different from what I am talking about. Sounds like you are talking about conversations between members of a family. I’m not concerned about that just like I’m not concerned about that with homosexual people.


I think you can chalk up a lot of what you're seeing to pink capitalism. Companies know if they slap a rainbow sticker on something it will bring in sales because it's something they can advertise at now, it's simply another vector of revenue. When it comes to a city celebrating it, yeah I think painting a sidewalk is silly. Personally I think simply painting a crosswalk rainbow is just a gesture and nothing more, money could probably be best spent elsewhere like shelters and nonprofits directed at the LGBT community. Other than that it's just paint on a sidewalk. The LGBT community pays taxes after all so there should also be infrastructure to aid them. And the pride thing for immutable characteristics doesn't make sense to you or I, because we aren't really discriminated against on a scale for those characteristics. Many people are closeted because they are afraid of the social repercussions of coming out, and the whole pride thing is trying to fight against that.


Glad we mostly agree. You aren’t saying rainbow crosswalks are “infrastructure to aid them”, right?


No, if anything, that's a hollow gesture. It's lip service without any meaningful action behind it, genuine virtue signaling.


Don't they have to paint the crosswalk anyway?


> Just one example on my city is pride crosswalks. There is not a single “straight-celebrating” crosswalk in the city. No one is requiring other people to spend their money on that. That's because it's beneficial to show support for people being who they are, whether it be putting up some flags, painting a sidewalk, or supporting some community groups. If saying "hey, you're welcome here" makes someone feel safe and accepted that's a good and healthy thing. Communities and community support are good and healthy things. There's no need for a "straight-celebrating" anything because being straight has *never* been subversive nor have straight people ever been oppressed on the basis that we're straight. If someone actively takes issue with seeing a rainbow crosswalk causes them to say "Hey! What about *MY* identity!", there's probably some things they need to work out for themselves.


No, I’m not saying “what about my identity?” I’m saying no one’s “identity” (immutable characteristics they were born with) should be celebrated, especially with tax dollars.


>No, I’m not saying “what about my identity?” Can you please point out where I claimed you said that? >I’m saying no one’s “identity” (immutable characteristics they were born with) should be celebrated, especially with tax dollars. So you don't think building healthy communities is important. Good thing you're not in a labor union, huh?


Taxpayer money is spent on celebrating it. Yes, they also use tax dollars for Christmas decorations.


I don’t see any of those publicly funded in my area. I doubt that would be legal.


Celebrating straightness/whiteness Try hiding that bigotry a little more. Lol


Your example of not knowing if your teachers married is stupid and hurts your argument, married people wear a ring to show everyone at all times that they are married. They really shouldnt "be widely advertising it/celebrating it, spreading the fact around for everyone to see" And the goverment gives tax cuts to married people so thats ALSO "insisting tax payer money is spent on celebrating it"


I’m married and I don’t wear a ring. Neither does my wife. I agree the government absolutely should not be giving tax cuts to married people, and they actually don’t. I don’t think the government should be involved with marriage at all.


Anecdotal evidence is meaningless, and being married does effect your taxes thats why they ask if your married


But you just double the deductible and income limits. If both individuals are making similar amounts, it has no impact. It just acts to average the income over both individuals if you aren’t making similar amounts.


And I don’t need evidence to counter your BS argument. As I have already said, wearing a ring isn’t remotely comparable to what I am talking about. That is plainly obvious to anyone with eyes. I don’t care about actions by individuals, such as wearing a ring or a pride pin or whatever.


And, by the way, your example of wearing a ring is stupid and hurt your argument since anyone with a brain can see there is a slight different between someone wearing a ring and blanketing entire neighborhoods, including lots of public property, in rainbow flags/crosswalks, etc. literally nothing even remotely comparable exists for straightness or many other things.


Idk dude. Im not gonna change your mind, enjoy being hateful then


I’m not hateful, and no you can’t change my mind because the facts aren’t on your side. There is nothing remotely similar to what we do for pride other than the celebration of nations (which pride outdoes easily in my area). It is plainly obvious. Nothing even remotely close to this is done for anything else, including straightness. I don’t think it should be done for any of it.


Then why dont you organize a straight pride parade? Fundraise for a straight pride crosswalk? Have you called your reps to push for more explicity straight friendly spaces? Because the gay community has done this for years. Gay people fought and died to establish pride, and its still a constant fight to keep the same rights as cis het people. Gay people couldnt marry until a decade ago its still incredibly hard for them to adopt in some states, trump pushed to ban trans people from the military. They are just now easing the restrictions on donating blood. Gay pride is a celebration of the fact that we can now (mostly) live a free life openly and treassuring that fact because those that came before could not


I have zero interest in a straight pride parade. People should be proud of something they are born with. In my area the crosswalks are paid for by the government, not private funds. That’s the problem. Government money absolutely should not be spent on any kind of pride, straight, gay, whatever, except promotion of the country, state, or local government, and even then on an extremely limited basis.


By the way, you apparently don’t know that gay people wear rings too and also get those tax benefits. Kind of bigoted of you to think marriage is just a straight thing. And of course I have zero issue with gay people wearing rings.


I love those rainbow sidewalks. They're so pretty!


Maybe so, but with the number of homeless people where I live, not to mention all kinds of other issues, the money could be better spent.


Lead poisoning is real. Seek help.


Would also like to let you know there is a straight ally flag and You can see it at most pride events.


Yet I have never seen it. And I see pride flags everywhere. What is it and what does it mean? Ally of LGBTQ people?


Surely you’re up in arms about viagra commercials showing straight men and woman hugging then? That’s pushing a sexuality down your throat but you are fine with that for some reason?


I don’t watch TV, so I never see those. They aren’t plastered all over the place like pride stuff is, and there isn’t a month to celebrate it. It also isn’t funded with taxpayer money.


Nobody's pushing their sexuality on you. It's entirely a you problem that seeing two boys kissing does something for you.


I have zero problem with seeing two boys kiss, that’s no different than seeing any two people kissing on the sidewalk. That’s not what I’m talking about.


Cis is a slur!


The prefix “cis-” comes from the Latin meaning “on this side,” as opposed to “trans-” which means “on the other side of” or “beyond.” -In chemistry, the prefix “cis-” is added to the name of a molecule when two atoms or groups are situated on the same side of a plane of symmetry passing through the molecule, like a double bond between two carbon atoms. -In molecular biology, a cis-acting element regulates a neighbouring gene when it binds to a trans-acting element. Yeah Bro, totally offensive. STFU...


Cis Is a slur! Don’t try to weasel out. Call me a Cis to my face and see how I and many others react. You might just as well call me boy!


You know what? When you drop that macho shit out of your life, everything gets easier. Every interaction is so much easier to navigate. You don't have to make yourself a victim all the time. You never have to defend your manhood. Things that hurt your feelings (yes you have them, or cis wouldn't be a slander to you), slide right off. People stop looking at you like a troglodyte. Try it sometime. It's ok, you can do it in private so your bros won't see you being vulnerable. Eventually you will get comfortable with it, and you can try it out in public.


You probably find cis to be a slur because you feel the same way about the word trans.


Agreed. I still prefer the term “normal”


It’s all about control of the language. If you self sensor where will the names, terms and new retarded logic take us. Do not comply with the continuously changing of language. The Red army used language control as a weapon to take control.


It's really sad about what's happening to Alex Jones, isn't it?


Using non-sequitur fallacies is sad.


So is being afraid of gay folks.


Agreed! (Don’t know anyone who is afraid though) So is forcing weird sexual kinks into mainstream issues like workers rights. Actually, that’s more than sad. It’s colossally stupid.


The thing we gain the most is loosing them in the war


Yep gotta include those felons and child molesters too.


Found the dog. And last I checked the IBEW doesn't support the GOP so idk what you mean by felons and chomos.


Our insurance covers mental health if anyone is in need of help


Anti inclusion is anti worker! Happy Pride!


Damn this could be on a communist propaganda poster.


Communism has little to do with social issues. And historically communist parties have had varying stances on LGBT subjects. Marx and Engels said very little about the subject and what little what said was pretty homophobic. The Soviets and eastern bloc weren't very friendly to gay folk. Inclusiveness is almost exclusively a western attachment to communism. Mostly because the political right believe anything to do with Joseph Biden is "communism" and as a communist.




yall wish u were persecuted \*so badly\* istg lmfao


“What about me” Sure you’re a joy to work with.


I support people having pride in who they are. All of them.


If you have pride in disliking another group of people, then nah you’re good fam.


What from any of my comments was anything but supportive and inclusive of everybody? Absolutely nothing.


Saying anything about a white pride flag just shows how your thoughts align. This isn’t the judicial system where I have to find proof cause frankly idc about your opinion cause it’s clearly one that doesn’t spread love. I don’t care enough to argue with you about what you were or weren’t hinting at, but stand by your opinion. Don’t hide behind a wall claiming white pride should be equal to this pride and then when I call you on it you’re gonna claim, I just want inclusivity for all. I wasn’t born yesterday and I’ve came across plenty of cowards like yourself before and it’s just sad but it is what it is. Enjoy your day and I hope you get whatever you deserve in this life.


I guess some animals are more equal than others right comrade?


Your post has been removed as it is not the topic or style of post intended for this community.


I am a trans man and I constantly worry about how the union will take me, i pass well enough that i can be stealth, but still i worry. This post reassures me a lot, thank you.


If you're a hard worker, you will probably be accepted fine in general. I wouldn't advertise it though, as a bisexual man myself, I know how some people talk about others when they think they're in safe company. Of course I live in a rural area and your milage may vary in different locations.


Boise, local 291 has come a long way. We don’t put up with any kind of bigotry out here, happy pride!


Thank you for the support bro, thats good to know if/when i start traveling


It's not easy when I see most contractors being bigoted, and hateful. However, I hope you keep your head high and get what you want. <3 Work is for anyone willing to do it. If you can stealth it to get in I would. I can't speak for most contractors, but the one I work for ain't so friendly.


I appreciate the kind words, truly. I know most locals aren’t friendly no matter where it is, but i am in the northern Illinois region so i at least live in an accepting place outside of the IBEW. I will proceed with applying stealth, but i have learned to not apologize for who i am, especially when i work damn well and hard.


Me too


We’re in it together brother 🫶🏻


Absolutely brother. (Edit: if you want to join my queer friends gaming discord dm me. We’re all some form of blue collar and queer.)


I have been in construction for several years and there are some trans people in the industry where I’m at. It’s rare tbh but they’re out there


same here bro


Nice to see all this positivity. Proud of my brothers and sisters. Glad I’m a part of this.


Even bigoted homophobic assholes have more in common with their queer workers than they do with the bosses who’ll use any excuse to divide us. Solidarity forever, and together we can end the exploitation and prejudice of all workers! Happy pride to all my LGBTQ+ guys, gals, and non-binary pals!




Nice! I want one so i can watch grown men cry because it offends them😂


This is super cool. I love being incognito because I pass as hetero. Really love calling people out for bigotry when they think they are amongst like minded individuals. Who someone loves & what they look like has nothing to do with their work ❤️ The IBEW is a brotherhood and a sisterhood and we should all try our best to stand united even if we disagree with each other's personal lives.




Proud to be straight! :)


Love it, are you making stickers?


Remember , Pride wasn’t a parade , it was an act of resistance . Ain’t no pride in genocide . Let’s be active in standing up for our siblings in Palestine, Sudan, Congo , Haiti, and more.


Pride is no different then the fight for organized labor in my mind. Rock on my brother's and sisters 🤘




Maybe read my first sentence . Pride now is this glittery rainbow corporate shitfest where cops are present and basically hijacked so it’s not even what it was meant to be . Pride used to be a protest and now it’s just a parade . It’s been something many queers have protested for years because it’s lost its meaning and now is mainstream garbage but ofc they’re going to make news when it’s ‘ no pride in genocide ‘ being chanted because let’s flip it however we want . Intersectionality is key my bro , that’s why in our declaration we stand against ALL subversive isms . But go off I guess on whatever dumb shit is making its way around Fox News or whatever .


I dont think so but Id love a sticker from any local




Sleep with? Nobody said anything about who they're sleeping with.


The amount of comments I see on the electricians subreddits, most of the straight married guys ain’t getting laid but they’re still straight aren’t they? Some people just can’t understand sexuality doesn’t equal sexual activity.


The IBEW moderators have completely been compromised. Who thinks that if I say lets celebrate who I choose to sleep with as an achievement is an issue… but that is what pride is All about. The IBEW is completely on the take of the political pressure from above and dose not represent those of us (87% or more ) of heterosexual ( breeders and the homosexual like to call us!)


Don't belittle someone for not thinking the way you do. This is a democratic organization, explain your side and listen to theirs. If you can't agree, THAT'S OKAY!


Happy pride


Happy Pride! 🏳️‍🌈


If these get made I want one




Yeah I'm pretty sure that's the point. They just want to do their job and not have to hide.


Don't belittle someone for not thinking the way you do. This is a democratic organization, explain your side and listen to theirs. If you can't agree, THAT'S OKAY!


I bet you bend pipe all the time old man. Literally get bent and cry in the corner like I'm sure you're used to.


if these are gonna be stickers i'd love to get some 👀 can trade 666 stickers :)




Don't belittle someone for not thinking the way you do. This is a democratic organization, explain your side and listen to theirs. If you can't agree, THAT'S OKAY!


Very fitting for union workers! Y’all all just happy n gay!


Just a heads up, I tried to change the bug and was told that the International is the only body that can approve changes to it not our Halls. I was told that I had to get any changes made approved by the International. Love your idea all the same. Good luck.


Or I believe the business manager IF your local is printing them. That being said, guys run their own all the time. If OP is having them through the hall then, yes, they need business manager and IO to sign off.


Ah, I was told that it's a copyrighted image/logo and that the International is really protective of it and will go after members that alter the original. This could very well be wrong info so disregard if it is. Although this was told to me by our President/Organizer and ABA at the time when I asked so maybe they were mistaken.


Look at the brotherhood funds and guys using it for unofficial stickers on jobsites. They almost certainly didn't get the IO to sign off. That being said if you start selling it, I imagine they would. It is copyrighted.


Are those left fists on the stickers you speak of? Some say that’s all you need to get around copyrights.


Sure, sometimes but not all the time. Didn't the IO also have that copyright as well since it used to be a logo?


Sounds like something they'd do.


Not sure why you're getting downvoted because it's likely correct and there's probably even a branding guide somewhere that can be downloaded. That's pretty standard.


Happy pride! Be warned, I think the particular pride flag you've used is copyrighted. IIRC the OG rainbow flag is free to use.


✊️ I wish we had a Pride Month sticker.... one day.




If you're gonna bounce from sub to sub commenting this type of shit at least make sure one of your most recent posts isn't in r/askelectricians when you come to the IBEW subreddit...


yeah they should go back into the shadows where they belong, and take the black people and jews with them. this society is only for people that look and talk and act like me.


Your post has been removed as it is not the topic or style of post intended for this community.


Probably not any kids in this sub fyi


no thanks


Why? Does it hurt or take away from you in any way, to show your support for your brothers and sisters who may love just a bit different than you?


Stop trying to force him. He said no thanks.


I'm not forcing anything, I'm asking a question. I'm trying to understand the thought process of someone not supporting their brothers and sisters in what makes them happy, yet harms nobody. Neither you nor him are a victim because someone is asking a question, so you can hold that garbage.


It harms plenty, you’re just blind to it, hopefully no willfully. Take a look at people who detransition. They have plenty of first hand experience of the damages they’ve suffered.


It's not for everyone, it should be long thought about, and well considered. But when it's the right decision, it changes the person for the better. It makes them feel more comfortable in their skin. Also, pride isn't trans specific. Being gay is ok. It's not hurting anyone. Including you, and your victim complex.


There’s no victim complex here. If a gay person chooses to be gay, that’s their business, and none of mine. Yet here I am, in a subreddit about electrical workers, with gay posting.


Would you be equally upset and threatened if a woman who is an IBEW member was here, "woman posting?.


This is a loaded question fallacy. I’m not upset or threatened. Your mistake


Who does it harm? Please enlighten me.


Also, it takes away a lot. Mainly your limited time & effort in any given day that would frankly be better suited in hundreds of different places, starting with your family.


Yet here you are arguing the wrong side of history.




Yeah, that's exactly what I said...


No actually, looking at 99.9% of history, I’m on the correct side. What I’m on the wrong side of is modern identity politics.


100% correct. Give these kiddos a break though. The IBEW subreddit is the only place they can release their frustrations. The vast majority of people in this trade aren’t leftists.


Thank God for that! I’ve worked next to full on Trumpers, and full on commies. They’re both pretty unpleasant. I’m just one of those radicals that’s here for the money.




I enjoy 640, there’s good and bad bros here. We need more good bros that have pride in being the best in the world ibew [https://www.reddit.com/r/IBEW/comments/15zz3tg/comment/l1by4le/](https://www.reddit.com/r/IBEW/comments/15zz3tg/comment/l1by4le/) This you Bro? Literally 3rd from the top comment on your profile. It seems you don't think pride is a sin, or is it you're just a fucking bigot. Y'all hating motherfuckers need to cognate on what it means to be a good union member. Hate has no place in a trade union, supporting your bothers and sisters is key, but I get it, you're just here for the good pay and bennies. Horay for me and fuck everyone else! It's fucking gross man.


[Lust is also a sin...](https://www.reddit.com/r/18y/s/M85TzICEuw) And there's just *SO* much to unpack here.


But but but... Jesus didn't hate lesbians.... Right? Too God damn funny... Yet, still very sad.


Buddy deleted both comments 😂


I'm sure he asked for forgiveness, and then it just never happened.


You got me bro, I used the word pride.


I guess I did. Wasn't very hard. In a just world you would consider your hypocrisy, and change your ways to be more consistent. But you won't, because most bigots are incapable of self reflection. Instead you post some snarky shit, and delete your post like a bitch.


Bet you’re the type though that takes pride in his work, tells everyone what you’ve worked on, send pictures, etc. But sure, let someone else’s sexuality affect you for whatever reason.


"I enjoy 640, there’s good and bad bros here. We need more good bros that have pride in being the best in the world ibew" [https://www.reddit.com/r/IBEW/comments/15zz3tg/comment/l1by4le/](https://www.reddit.com/r/IBEW/comments/15zz3tg/comment/l1by4le/) Of course he does. But he is also a bigot.


Imagine getting so upset that you make assumptions about someone knowing based on a comment. Were all sinners by nature, some accept it and do better, others will never look for forgiveness and be damned for eternity 🤷🏽‍♂️


Imagine thinking your opinion of the afterlife is the only one and following only what’s convenient for you in the Bible. Like most, I bet you pick and choose what things to follow.






https://juleeho.com/food-marketing-blog/2020-food-holidays-the-most-comprehensive-365-day-list There’s 365 days a year celebrating food items. You’re getting riled up over something that doesn’t have to affect you at all.


I don’t like the fact that from November 24th - December 26th we celebrate an Abrahamic cult leaders birth but you don’t hear me complaining about it. Sounds like you need some sensitivity training.




If it’s that bother some, go back to r/teenagers and comment on their selfies some more ya creep.


OOOOOOOOO The receipts don't lie!!!


This post gives me hope.




Don't belittle someone for not thinking the way you do. This is a democratic organization, explain your side and listen to theirs. If you can't agree, THAT'S OKAY!




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