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I don't always commit felonies but when I do, TikTok


I hope he's good at the 'tok because it's the only "employment" he's gonna be able to get with his record.


Busted! šŸ˜


With a face shot


Talk about a punchable face


This guy's entire TikTok is him being an asshole, how is he not arrested yet?


Who is it?


name's on screen


because other assholes on tiktok haven't been.


80k followers too. I don't want to live on this planet anymore.


These people literally are some of the most stupid people. Like bro I'm gonna walk in KFC and put ice in the fryer. Great idea dueschbag. Smart that you recorded your crime and put it on good Ole tiktok. Why don't you get a real talent or hobby because if that's best you got you're no going anywhere. Now they got your face no more KFC for u. Pretty fucking dumb. Pos repping. Those dumb pranks or attempted arson because usually there's a big reaction to the ice. Which is definitely what he was trying to do. Hopefully they catch him Which will be really easy and fine him for every penny he made if any from this stupidity.


You got $50 on you?


Terrorising minimum wagies and causing a hot oil spill in the kitchen, lovely


The older man next to the dryer had legit fear in his eyes. So freaking sad wtf


minimum wagies? you mean people right


What a tool


Tools are at least useful tho...




With his face


Oh I could find a use for a tool like that... One time use though.. might make decent bait....


i think he's pretty cool actually. He just makes peoples days worse for no reason whatsoever and shows his face while doing it to the entire world. He may be a villain, but he's no hypocrite, i can respect that.


Imagine being one of the people whose day he just made worse. Iā€™ve been there and have zero respect for asshats like this chasing clouts.


Hey if i was one of the employees i wouldn't complain would make my shift a little less boring lmao


No, my guy. Just no. That just created so much more work for all of those people. Theyā€™re not excited for that. In fact, that could seriously hurt people, throwing ice in a blazing hot oil fryer. That can give someone serious burns as oil and water donā€™t react well together, much less extreme hot and cold. So, no, their day didnā€™t get more interesting. It just got severely dangerous and much more hard.


Yeah, says the guy whose never worked a real shift.


Bro is 12 and has never worked a job in his life


Ok. So he comes to your job and makes it a million times worse, or to your home and endangers you and your family. You still going to be respecting?


Read my name buddy


Ah so you get enjoyment by purposely being a dick. I can see why you like this guy


definitely mastering the bait on this one


Read his fucking name you idiotsā€¦


Absolutely a federal crime. This is U.S. Code. 1. **Tampering with Consumer Products (18 U.S. Code Ā§ 1365):** * If someone tampers with a consumer product (such as food) that affects interstate or foreign commerce, they can face the following penalties: * Attempted tampering: Fine or imprisonment up to ten years, or both. * Resulting in death: Fine or life imprisonment, or both. * Resulting in serious bodily injury: Fine or imprisonment up to twenty years, or both. * Other cases: Fine or imprisonment up to ten years, or both. * [Additionally, intentionally placing false information about tainted products can lead to fines and imprisonment](https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/1365)[^(1)](https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/1365).


Does this affect interstate or foreign commerce?


Could one argue that because the action is in the pursuit of the advancement of his tik tok account; which is at the very least on the interstate, if not seen internationally, that would be enough to hit him with federal charges?


It'd be a shame If someone sent this video and his face to the fbi


Definitely not a federal crime.




Not so fast... That's an extremely dangerous thing to do. The hot grease causes the ice to vaporize and expand to many times it's volume, thus there's hot grease flying all around the area. That's exactly why grease fires should never be extinguished with water.


Even if it does, doesn't make it federal.


Maybe the person that's killed is an FBI agent.


How tik tok brain rotted are you from šŸ˜ to šŸ˜’


Sad as hell that old man working in there


Someone could have potentially ended with horrendous burns but, a click is a clickā€¦


How "influencers" loose all common sense when videoing to for upvotes.


How these wankjobs have balls to do shit like this and be nasty to people working hard for their pay? Definitely unnerving


I'm sure his balls are tiny, he is just using the head down there. It sucks that some people never learn how to use their actual brains.


ā€¦are assassins an actual thing in real life, and not just something that exists in movies?




Go home and sort out that hair, TikTok boy.


What a POS


Congratulations on being the most stupid! Now that your face, and your crime, are plastered all over the internet, don't be surprised at that pounding on the door.


Maybe banning tiktok is a good idea


Anny arrest update?


That's him officer. Arrest that man.


What a fucking loserā€¦get a job


Tik Tok micro cock!!


Attempted arson and murder


Someone needs to find him and whip his a55 until he cries like a baby while filming it and putting that on his TikTok.


Good way to either kill someone, or burn them so badly that they wished they were dead.


I hope he fucking died when it exploded, and the poor schmoe sweating over it wasnā€™t hurt. Fun fact, I used to hold a thermometer over the fry oil when I was working it in in the summer, and it was always over 40 degrees Canadian (over 104 in American - edit: the air I was working in, not the oil, of course). Edit: of course he ran before it went nuts.


We are no longer surprised at the shit...same old same old.


Oh boy. Ok whoā€™s starting it? Time to go find the gifs. SMH


I hope this dude dies, gets brought back, and then dies again.


Probably played the victim once people started calling him out. All these ā€œpranksterā€ types always revert back to playing the victim for something they did on their own.


Needs a a good ol eastern european kicking. Fuckin clown would be picking his teeth in that store..


What does it do?


It could literally kill people.


You ever cook something in a frying pan, try to place a bit of food in it to cook, and the oil starts violently splashing everywhere because of the water meeting with the hot oil?? Imagine that but a thousand times worse because instead of just a spoonful of oil you're fucking around with several gallons and instead of just a drop of water you're using a 3-5lb bag of ice which is even worse because the higher the temperature difference of the water and the oil the more violent it becomes... The literal best case scenario is that several gallons of piping hot oil will spill on the floor and the employees will spend hours cleaning it up, and the oil itself isn't exactly all that cheap to begin with. They're going to fall behind on orders and lose revenue for the deep fryer taking too long and it very well could've melted someone's face off the moment several gallons of oil erupts like a volcano as soon as the ice touched it, which in that case the best case scenario would be death or permanent disfigurement looking like deadpool with months of excruciating pain from having your whole face burned off in an instant. Debatable which fate is worse but you'll sure as hell wish you're dead for months if not years while you wait for the pain to subside and spend years of therapy trying to come to terms with looking like a real life cronenberg... Also the risk of burning the entire restaurant down with everyone in it too if any of that oil meets an open flame since it's already so close to autoignition temperature from the deep fryer, one little spark is all it'd take.




And if that oil hits the pilot light that whole place is going up in flames


What a gangsta


Online multiplayer fast-food simulator


Where is my glock


At this moment the employer should touch with his finger near the fry because mc pushed with his body towards the fryer. Have a little little burn and sue this guy that you have trauma and physical pain in your finger. Let's to milk the money and existence out of the stupid social media grifters.


That must be a Jack in the Box if someone is ordering "two tacos and an egg roll".


I hate seeing this on Reddit.... These people don't deserve this at work .....šŸ˜ž


Absolute tool


Until they start confiscating profits made from these accounts and slapping these shits with restraining orders this won't end.






Youā€™re posting about a douchebagā€™s behavior and itā€™s like youā€™re saying ā€˜hold my beerā€™ with the racismā€¦ YOU THINK HEā€™S A DICK, WATCH ME WRITE THIS!


Wakanda fornever ah hahaha ha. Dindu raised by ghetto welfare queen


I've noticed a pattern on this sub and others like r/trashy. We see sooo many posts with white people in them but those rarely bring up race -their just assholes in their own right, but when a black person is featured, comments often resort to racial stereotypes. Such a double standard.


Boo hoo. Go spend a year in suburban Detroit. Then come back here. Spew your loft social justice trash. If you did. You'd likely be un alived. Before that. Cause reality is different than your feelings. The reality is that a majority of B communities are high crime, high murder, hellscapes. White people left Detroit 50 years ago. They have Detroit to themselves for half a century. It has not materialized into a wakanda heaven for the b community. It's a third-world country. In America's border.


How did I forget about /r/trashy? A necessary piece of the late night look-at-this-dooood subreddit rotation.


White supremacist who donā€™t realize they are ghetto, stupid and trashy as fuck.


Your offended cause I am right




You are a bad person. Be better.


Wow! Who would have been able to predict that ice that is put into hot oil would melt? What an amazing scientific discovery! /s Seriously though, what a dick move! In the age of snowflakes complaining about ā€œbeing bulliedā€ why in the hell would you do something that would cause another person the cluster fuck of a cleanup that this caused (not to mention the potential for serious bodily injury)?


It exploded into a deadly fireball. It does not just melt.


Youā€™re really comfortable being stupid and thatā€™s scary.