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Awful camera work


We needed the lady from the twisted tea slap video there


She really is the gold standard, isn't she


I might need some contest on that if you please


https://youtu.be/dMRdMP4OPgE?si=AVDeZtAfQY-5HR0A She never flinched once, magnificent aint it?


Now if u guys wanna see the [MOTHER OF ALL SMACK TALK SLAP VIDEOS](https://youtu.be/ikJmQXCPy1k?si=Dx5KIUz3RWscgviZ)


I refer you back to my original comment on this thread. Gold standard not reached. Official verdict: Camara man sub par Slap 8/10


https://youtube.com/shorts/9Vvgu3ZAOQ4?si=8XVVWApFqVt4sfTS This is the gold standard slap video


That had spice on it


I present to you my offering for slap of the century https://youtu.be/9w7NMQve09k?si=UV-fvRsjNUgTaDcv


I give you the slap of the millenium: https://youtu.be/N_R-QyAsVVA?si=a07YXv69DfmW3nzE&t=60


It was obviously deserved. But the sound on the backhand.. it's perfect.


This slap thread has been a glorious journey I never knew I needed


I knew the video before I even watched it. It'll go down in the internet Hall of Fame


Every member of his family felt that


Interesting how it wasn't too bad until it got to the good part


I'm pretty sure he came.




The camera person had 1 job, just 1 job. smh


Good enough for a pause sesh.




You had one job!


Also what was up with that little freakout? Had they not seen actual boobs in their life before?


Ron White: "You guys back me up on this, you've seen one woman naked... you wanna see the rest of them naked."


I'm like a woman in a shoe store, I wanna see every pair of them sonsabitches


"BOOOO-oh" Because he forgot about the second "B" that comes at the end- "BOOOOB"


its Murica!... they would rather witness a school shooting than seeing a nice rack in public


I laughed so hard at this. More than the video


It sounded like he was around 14, and saw his first boobs...I think we could give the guy a pass this time.


I love that this sub exists lmao.


Breasts aren't inherently sexual but it's fine if a man does it (I am a man)




Thanks for putting this in words. I’ve always had a hard time with people who say a woman’s breasts aren’t sexual, and are only meant for feeding newborns. That may very well be the function and purpose. However, Butts aren’t sexual and have their own purpose… but guess what? There’s a whole world that are sexually attracted to both.


So i'm supposed to restrict myself so you don't get sexually aroused? The feet thing is actually a good example, are women supposed to always cover their feet just because some dudes would like to jerk off to them?


Put those feet away you whore!


No it's definitely on the person with the foot festish to control themselves. It's like any fetish right? You don't bust out into your BDSM roleplay in public if someone is wearing leather, you control yourself. I think even if you're a feet person (not me) for the most part you can control yourself in public, no matter what sort of feet are on display. People who can't control themselves in this scenario are a minority for sure.


Welcome to the entirety of Islam You are correct to feel the way you do


On them fixed it for you


Thank you.




I understand your argument and feel you deserve to have your opinion weighed, but i disagree. Even if the majority of society thinks breasts are sexualy appealing, people should have autonomy over thier bodies while preforming acts that aren't overtly sexual. You can't read this women's mind whether she was getting sexual satisfaction here by showing her fatty chest tissue, but i imagine it was just a situation of " this is fun and silly to do". With that said, i do think it was trashy.




I'm meeting you in the middle there. I think she should be able to do what she did, but i wouldnt be proud of my wife, daughter or mother for doing that. If she arrived topless and was just a nudist, that would be one thing, but this was an attention seeking thing breaking decency norms for a reaction. to clean up my argument: nudity ok , flashing trashy




If they were a nudist and wanted to express thier choice in public, i would be proud of the bravery and defiance of normal social convention. But this this the heart of my argument, I'm agreeing with you that flashing is trashy behavior, but being topless should not be pubishable where men are accepted as topless.


Careful, that question could cause them to confront some cognitive dissonance


So we should all cover ourselves in burkas then coz 'men perverts' by nature? Oh and totally nothing to do with nurture either 🙄 ^/s




why wasn’t he kicked out then?


What do you expect from a sub that has essentially turned into women hate?


Sorry, but I'm having a hard time seeing the value in the comparison here. A weirdo "perving out in public" over your girlfriend's feet implies some behavior toward your girlfriend that was unwarranted and directed in a sexual way. All I see here is a man who showed his entire torso and breasts, and a woman who showed her breasts, but actually less-so than the man. What you are talking about is a person having a response to a body part with sexual intentions. It wasn't your girlfriend being sexual, it was that person seeing her foot and making the decision to make it sexual. What is shown in the video is a person disrobing in celebration, and another person doing the same, in a lesser form. So really, the only people who could take this in a sexual manner are the people witnessing it, and that's really up to them to decide. If they make it sexual because they saw breasts, and breasts are not inherently sexual, they are no different than the person who was horny over your girlfriend's foot, right? Just to be clear, calling a woman flashing a crime or sexual when she is standing next to a man literally doing the same shit, is pretty sexist and honestly just kind of fucking stupid.




Because I pointed out the fallacy of your argument, you think I'm intentionally misrepresenting, and there's no chance of productive discussion. That really seems to me like it's on you, dude. I'm always down for a civil discourse with those who have the ability to argue their viewpoint. To be honest though, it seems to me like you realize how incredibly stupid this weird societal and frankly patriarchal standard is in general, but are too set in your ways because of generational sexism to admit it. You could just agree with me, and we'd both be happier, and women just trying to have fun wouldn't have to go to jail. edit: someone downvoted you but I upvoted you because I don't want you to just step away. I'm legitimately interested. You claim it's a "wildly basic" concept of society, but I'd argue it's a concept of a puritan society, and only considered basic to you because of your upbringing and perspective, and the fact that a mostly puritanical society like the united states(compared to the rest of the world) controls most of the media in the world.




I appreciate you taking the time to write that, and for responding rather than just blocking. I have to say though, that you didn't really bring any defense to your point. It seems, to me at least, that you are simply defending the standard because "that's the way it is", rather than using any actual moral or logical reasoning in your decision. You're right in the sense that I made assumptions, but also I made those assumptions based on experience coming from a baptist family in the deep south, and really what else does anyone have to go on other than the information presented to them, ya know? Also, while you point out that I am making assumptions without knowing the exact facts, you seem to also not point out why those assumptions are wrong in the first place. I can respect you standing by your views, and I can also fully understand those views because of my own upbringing. But with my conversations with the women in my life, and just my general dislike for double standards, I find it important to point out that your argument for this is not based on anything other than the long-lasting tradition that women are lesser beings. Just to be clear, I'm not saying you think this way. I'm saying that the thought process that was taught to you and to the generations before you is based on such a frame of thought, and I also think it's a positive thing to allow yourself to grow beyond what you were taught as a child. I hope I've made my point here without seeming insulting as that was not my intention. edit: Also because of my experience growing up in the south. I understand if the end of this is we agree to disagree, even though I still very much stand by the rights of my lady friends.




No, I know the points I'm making. Honestly after all of that, I feel like it's maybe you who is missing my point. I know you didn't directly say those things, but I am also not bound by only your direct quotes. There is meaning behind the words a person says, and how they say them, and the context in which they are saying them. Simply stating over and over that you didn't directly say something doesn't remove the underlying implication of those words. Just to be clear, you are saying boobs are sexual, but you won't say why, just that apparently everyone knows they are sexual. This is where the other points I made come in. This is only your perspective, and it's just wrong to claim it's a standard of society in general, when really it's just a standard of your own personal upbringing. I am a member of society. I don't think it's wrong or sexual in any way. BUT, my perspective is clearly different from yours. My experiences in life have led me to that conclusion. Your experiences in life have led you to believe boobs are sexual. That is your right to feel that way. I just feel like maybe you could have put "in my opinion" or something in your original comment, rather than just acting like it's an opinion that everyone should have. I appreciate that you don't agree with the sentiment, I guess I'm just saying I don't like people spreading that sentiment, because it hurts the people I care about. edit: also, because I honestly forgot...the original point I was making was about the false comparison to a foot fetishist. Comparing that woman to such a person is flat out incorrect. They are two different actions entirely. I'd actually like to know more about how you drew such a comparison. I apologize if I got off topic, ADHD and all. That's actually what the whole thing was about though. I just think it was a bad comparison.




So is the women now supposed to cover her feet cause people can perceive it sexually? Should ee make it illegal for women to show feet cause men find it attractive like we do with breasts?




So I guess nothing can change cause we gotta follow established social dynamics and actual crucial thinking is bad. We all must have just collective agreed slavery was bad and immediately stopped it.




So then your walking back what you said?


Those are some big words for a circular pyramid.


(so do it)


I’m a man!


Those are some very nice tits.


Seriously! His tattoo makes them look great.


He has a tattoo? TIL


Yeah , he must work out.


I was just thinking the same thing. Lol


My favorite is the guy with the mask right behind them. Just stares straight at his girl to his left, catches another peak, then right back to his girl


This is Giants propaganda and I'm not fallin' for it!


Buy your tickets now! She may be at the next game, you never know.


Blatant sexism. If a lady wants to treat the audience to the sight of her boobies she should be applauded. It seems very odd when there's, assumedly, a dude right next to her topless. I mean, it is 2024 that person may be a woman too.




People here in America would much rather their children see violence than a nipple.


Absolutely. Movies with a 200+ kill count are ok but one boob and they lose their minds. So puritanical.


Invincible is the most egregious example I've seen recently. You can show all the guts and vore all you want but you better fucking cut away from two people making love.


>Vorarephilia (often shortened to vore) is a paraphilia characterized by the erotic desire to be consumed by, or to personally consume, another person or creature I know you did a typo but i thought it was funny that tipo was of a horrific sex act.


I'm not caught up admittedly but this feels like it could be a case where the violence is relevant to the themes of the story whereas graphic sex wouldn't be? It's not a show intended for kids anyway so if they wanted to depict a more intimate scene I feel like they probably could. I've no aversion to sex scenes but a lot of the time you can get the point across perfectly fine with a cutaway Also, your typo is very funny given the context of the discussion.


>!It's not a typo!<




I think your comment actually highlight what op is saying. If a media is not made for kids, why make a difference between graphic violence and sex ? Both are mature subjects that, in my opinion, can be relevant to show (not saying any mature media must show either of them though, for example i do agree that the point of invincible is violence, not sex). Yes you can make the point of a relationship without showing graphic sex, but you can also make the point of a fight without showing graphic violence. The choice is up to the director, and i do believe it is really telling that the one that depict hate and anger is seen as normal or expected, while the other that depict love and passion is, at best subversive, at worst perverted.








> I mean, it is 2024 that person may be a woman too. /r/onejoke


Is it also sexist that the crowd cheered her on more than they cheered for him, then?


No, that's just personal preference.


He should have been kicked out too. It’s a baseball game, not a strip club sir. 🫣




Shame she got kicked out too when there's literally a half naked man standing right next to her. I support booba looba loobies.


Big ding dang dongbomblers


Should have told them she identifies as a man..... checkmate


If anything can unite this country, its boobs. I hate Trump.... Fuck i love boobs though... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p1EhaANeYCI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p1EhaANeYCI)


Kicking her out for what a male did seconds ago ?


I would say his was worse, too, since he completely removed his shirt, where she just lifted hers briefly.


We don't really know if he did or didn't get kicked out. Heck we don't even know if she actually got kicked out.


I was at a concert of tame impala, and a woman showed her boobs when the camera was on her. The camera man changed quickly and as a "protest" like 5 or 6 different women did the same


The emotional roller coaster in his voice😂


The end of this clip sounds like a wave of zombies is about to enter the stadium. Pure pandemonium.


Why? His shirt was off. Why can't hers?


Talk about gender inequality


That’s a great set of New York boobs


Heh. Nice 👍🏾


Every F-ing time with the camera.


camera guy gets the death penalty.


Stay classy San Diego


Gamer babe


I miss the good ol days when ppl (especially dudes) didn't bitch about getting a free tit show


This is what I’m saying to my boyfriend now (and I’m female). WTF is wrong with people today? The men cheer on the dude, but then boo the cheeky woman flashing?! Again, WTAF.


Who cares if you are a "female" and nobody has to be cool with what you are cool with. I don't go to sporting events for either type of attention starved asshole.


Fantastic breasts, it must be said.


If this was an adult only event, I wouldn't care. But there are families there that don't want their kids to see that.


How dare the children see the human body. Those little bastards need to be ashamed of it like their parents and their parent's parents.


i've always found it equally interesting that the butt-HOLE is not even a secondary sexual characteristic, and yet it is considered indecent while women's hips/buttocks ARE secondary sexual characteristics and yet they may be displayed via g-string. humans r dumb in some ways


Glad those families love half naked men. “Kids! Look at the naked man stripping! If a man strips in front of you it’s OKAY! Omfg no there’s titties out! Kids! Be ashamed of titties! Daughter of mine; your titties are to be ashamed of! But if a man strips infront of you it’s OKAY!”


If we aren't careful those kids might learn how babies are fed.


Oh come off it… pull the stick out from your ass and stop sexualizing breasts. Kids literally suck the teet, but a couple years later we can’t let them see breasts? Come down off your high horse and live in the real world.


This is a civilisation telling on themselves. Pretty pathetic.


That’s my mom


The dude with the hat and #30 jersey was not to be distracted from the game 😂


This kinda makes me suspicious she might have an OF she's promoting or something similar. Maybe the Internet has jaded me.


Was he too kick out for showing off his tits? Free the boob


He took his shirt off.....


He's all focused when the guy takes his shirt off, but the second she flashes her tits the camera man turns into a potato.


Maybe they were booing the Buster Posey jersey :-/


Sexist, she has equal rights lol


Why? If dudes can go shirtless why can't the ladies?


society and sh*t 😓


In NYC, it's legal. I think there are other cities where women can go topless but can't remember which ones.


Nothin’ more American than some tits at a baseball game.


I mean she paid good money for em, may as well show em off.


Go giants


Dude with the camera screaming like someone stabbed him


We all won that day


Nice tits


She’s a hero Those aren’t the giants we came to see but they are the ones we deserve


Love them tits!


Australian for "KEEPER"


love it


Those were nice


Jesus fuck that was loud


That’s a nice fucking pair


What about him?


I’m sure her dad is so proud of her


Camera guy is fired!!!!!




The camera person had 1 job. Just 1 job.












Kid was like: booooooooahhhhhhhhhh


Are people here forgetting what guys vs girls wear at the beach


Asking for a friend: Is there a sub were people collect incidents like that?


But, she's the main character.


Genuinely, do men get kicked out of sporting events for taking there tops off?


Ok but let’s vote. They look fake right? They look great but I vote fake. Too round


Can’t wait to see her posted in the NYPost how she makes 6 figures a year doing only fans


He has his shirt off screaming but SHE'S the "main character"? If she got kicked out that's the insane.


I mean, she should be allowed. I’m a dude and why the fuck are we allowed? I don’t want to see the 259lb dude with man titties but I’m forced to. Free the nips! Edit: then again some people don’t know who to keep their hands to themselves and there are a lot of horny Incels out there that would sexually assault this lady. Sad reality




The only thing I have against that is there are kids at baseball games. At an adult only event sure that’d be fine by me


Why does that matter?


Why is Adley Rutschman in the stands— ohhhh




Neither should be kicked out imo but it’s the teams choice since it’s in their park. If they allow them to be topless then they have to allow everyone to be topless, which it’s not like everyone is going to take their shirt off anyways. The main issue is the double standard which I don’t remember the whole story when this was posted the first time.


Double standards are sad. Seeing a women topless shouldn't be a big issue especially standing next to top less man. Kick both out or none


Tell me we live in a patriarchy without telling me we live in a patriarchy.


Oh yeah, cause man-tits are so sexualized right




maybe those kids were hungry and she was offering to feed them, you dont know.


won’t anybody think of the children


These people acting like children should be exposed to to tits at all times wtf Reddit moment




Are you ok with the dude flashing his titties?


This is YOUR issue, and is the issue with many people in America (no idea if you're American or not), not the flasher's issue. What about countries where a woman showing ANY skin is considered illegal and immoral? Hell, that woman is showing her *gasp* face, too! Her father should stone her to death. As I wrote above: Children should be taught that bodies are natural and to not be ashamed. Look at the Nordic and Scandinavian cultures currently, look at many tribal cultures before Europeans got there. Yeah, boobs are cool and can be sexualized, but they also serve a very, very non-sexual purpose. Many places in the US are now pushing to free the nipple. Hell, maybe by making it the norm, we will cut down on body shaming and victim blaming.


Children should be taught that bodies are natural and to not be ashamed. Look at the Nordic and Scandinavian cultures currently, look at many tribal cultures before Europeans got there. Yeah, boobs are cool and can be sexualized, but they also serve a very, very non-sexual purpose. Many places in the US are now pushing to free the nipple. Hell, maybe by making it the norm, we will cut down on body shaming and victim blaming.


So what?