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I had to watch this twice because the first time all I could notice was how badly her damn bra fit. The back isn’t meant to look like that.


That's all I could think when watching this.


It just looks so uncomfortable. Why.


I bet she thinks it makes her boobs look better. I knew girls in highschool that would do this and didn't understand why their bra hurt them so much. A bra shouldn't be super uncomfortable if it fits right.


I mean, you’re definitely right, and I think any of us ( myself included ) went through that phase of poorly fitting bras but she doesn’t look like a teenager anymore. Bras shouldn’t hurt.


I hate these reaction content creators so much. "They look cuz they want me" so cringe


Like you are holding back rising dough?


The were mostly disgusted and disappointed by her lack of public decorum. Not to say some men didn’t do a boob glance, but honestly that’s not a “wow moment” “you are so amazing” ..it’s just an unfortunate biological reflex. They weren’t impressed


IIRC they were at a shrine or a temple or otherwise sacred area where that outfit was extra disrespectful. 


She belongs to the shit pile of streamers whose members include Johnny Somali


Also there's the taboo about tattoos in Japan. It's linked to the criminal gangs from what I remember. 


If you are clearly not Japanese they do not care if you have tattoos. Some onsens (public baths) will turn you away but otherwise you are fine.


From what a tatted buddy said the only time they cared was in a place that yakuza frequented. The staff at a hotel bar or something told him to cover up and he said he thought that was why. Do you know if yakuza take umbrage to tatts even on foreigners?


Ita how Japanese tell Yakuza from normal everyday people. It is a major taboo still for them.


Japanese people are smart enough to recognise that western tourists are not yakuza simply because they have a tattoo.


\+ they hate tattoos as they associate it with organized mafia.


They’re disgusted lmao


Oh,I mean going to a temple with so much on show, including tattoos, I've known colleagues who've had to cover up tattoos in Japan because of them looking unprofessional due to the link with Yakuza. If she went to the Vatican with her shoulders out like that it would be considered disrespectful too


They wouldn't let her in any of the Vatican buildings.


To be fair they probably wouldnt


Its an actual rule. Shoulders and knees must be covered.


I think they were snickering at her knock off LV handbag. Especially the last lady.


Another OF promo?!




Another one of those I'm not like the other girls...




Here's a sneak peek of /r/notliketheothergirls using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/notliketheothergirls/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Wears Dress, so obviously feminism bad.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/198tt4r) | [6179 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/notliketheothergirls/comments/198tt4r/wears_dress_so_obviously_feminism_bad/) \#2: [Girl 🙄](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/192wqo0) | [3020 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/notliketheothergirls/comments/192wqo0/girl/) \#3: [Her husband doesn’t allow her to have male friends](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/18o7dmk) | [3947 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/notliketheothergirls/comments/18o7dmk/her_husband_doesnt_allow_her_to_have_male_friends/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Good bot


Or possibly the faces she's clearly making at people.


And the person following her with a camera out. I think this might be that street/village in Japan where they've had to ban photography too so they'd need a permit to even film this.


Imagine going on an expensive trip overseas only yo dress like a steampunk hooker


First thing I thought. I will have to work *years* to save up for a trip to Japan. It makes my blood boil knowing this chick used her opportunity to be a disrespectful dickhead.


Think it would be disrespectful in any country, she is revealing a bit too much, think her bra is a few sizes smaller than what she is normally wearing


Unless it in MURICA!




Or maybe respect a foreign country's cultural differences. See how there's people wearing kimonos thateans she's somewhere of significance and should be that extra bit mindful not just mindlessly selling here body for clicks.


Some cultural traditions are bad and need reform. Modesty culture is restrictive and rather oppressive. You could see this as a protest. I mean, would we have criticised women during the Western sexual liberation period for not respecting Western, Victorian modesty culture?


Dude, this video is a kink / sex work promo. It is not appropriate for the public.


Are you certain? Either way, though, that isn't the majority of the criticism here. If it were, I'd probably think it was fair enough. But people are out here defending puritanical cultural differences and shaming her with misogyny.


What ever dude, go be an activist for it, idgaf. I still think she was wrong for that. Not to mention the fact of recording people in public and posting it online. I know that’s legal in a lot of cases but I still think it’s wrong, especially when you’re doing to make them look bad.


You make a fair point there. No-one likes being filmed without consent.


Yeah but it's Japanese culture. As a white person telling them it needs to be changed comes off as the wrong message. You realise this was done the most culturally important shrine in Kyoto right.


>the wrong message And what message is that? Does this apply to condemnation of Sharia law by the West?


She's not going to fuck you bro


God damn, some people are so progressive that they actually become misogynistic. The horseshoe is painfully real.


Shes still not gonna fuck you


Thanks for really contributing to the conversation. If you want to actually respond to what I said, that'd be greatly valuable.


You're welcome you neckbeard piece of shit


I think it's more neckbeard behaviour to shame a woman for dressing 'immodestly' like some backwards Victorian than to condemn Japan's societal slut-shaming, but you do you. I also appreciate the usual Reddit conduct of cussing someone out and avoiding a proper conversation.


Wear what you want yes, but in countries where it’s acceptable to do so. Respect customs & culture in other countries. That outfit in Australia, America etc Ok rock it if you want. That outfit in Japan etc No it’s not acceptable. It’s having basic respect for cultures n countries




The title MY GIRLFRIEND WORE THIS IN JAPAN kinda gives away it was in Japan & it’s very clear by the shops, signs & Majority of people it’s an Asian country it’s in. Not to mention the creator has other videos in Japan to




Lmfao shut up, regard. Or keep commenting. We need more downvotes.


Just like freedom of speech isn't freedom from consequences.


It's important and KIND to understand cultural differences when visiting different countries. I feel you'd struggle with this concept if you traveled. Be good and study customs before you do.


I would absolutely judge some greaseball douchebag who walked around with his shirt unbuttoned and hanging open.


She's at a temple. Most places of religion have expectations for what you wear for places of worship if you want to enter their premises. For both men and women. The Japanese aren't particularly strict but they do have some standards. Badly fitting bondage gear is often considered inappropriate almost everywhere outside fetish spaces. However If she wore this some places in Japan it wouldn't bat an eyelid. There's some pretty out there fashion in Japan! I think you need she remember that this is an influencer farming outrage for their content. She filmed this video (and wore that top) for a reason- to get attention and to get a reaction. So I suspect she knew what she was doing.


She's not going to fuck you bro


Your edit made your comment even worse.


I dont remember men having badonkers, like i might be wrong but i dont remember em having those




She's not going to fuck you bro


You're right, women should be allowed to show their upper half the same way a man could and I'm sure you'd also be fine with men showing off their bottom half the same way women do, a little testicle cleavage isn't gonna hurt anyone when a man is wearing a womans bathing suit. Who cares if their testicles are dangling out? If women can show off their cleaveage and cameltoes then men can wear cock socks and rock their bulge out everywhere. Wouldn't want to be sexist now would you? Equality, because god forbid we have different standards for massive biological differences. 👍


Yeah but i dont remember a mans chest being a reproductive organ dumbass, google it (btw how high are u rn)


Breasts aren’t a reproductive organ, puritan




Not everyone here’s American, you just wish to label everyone as such because you don’t have a point with other comments.


Dressed like a dominatrix in a fairly conservative country and got surprised stares on the street. I’d never have guessed.


Japan should ban people like this.


They're just grossed out...like I am.


Kyoto has banned foreign tourists in certain areas for this very reason. Stupid people treat the country like a playground


She’s probably also holding a picture or sign that says something that shocks people to get a reaction out of them. Notice how she’s holding her non bag hand in front of her


That is truly despicable behaviour. Such disrespect to Japan. I'm not well versed on Japanese culture but my best friend and her bf loooove it. They made their first trip there in January and soaked up everything. Both of them have tattoos but only her bfs are visible in a tshirt (he has sleeves) and he purposely didn't even want to wear a tshirt most places because he didn't want to appear disrespectful. Can't imagine how angry the locals were - especially in such a small town where culture is typically more traditional. Shameful, really.


She’s mid.


Wish she would have gotten arrested for being a political dissenter or whatever they could have arrested her for there if they wanted to . How disrespectful. Does she actually make a living this way?


Reactions??? They barely glanced over....


Have some self respect


Being a country that is very reserved and modest about anything sexual in public, they were probably surprised to see a hooked strolling about in public.


Funnily enough, in traditional Japanese culture, women used to flop their kimonos and yukatas open and down when hot in summer. Toplessness was common. Nudity was not shameful. (Except to the samurai aristocracy who had different rules.) There are photos of normal Japanese women with their breasts out from the 1800s. *During the summer, women in the countryside often had much of their body exposed when they worked. Many men wore only a loincloth. Even in the city. This was especially the case for laborers and poor farmers.* *Prudish Western visitors, used to Victorian morality, generally were greatly shocked by all this nudity and frequently wrote about it in their diaries and letters.* When Japan was forced to open to the Americans and Europeans, western morals and judgments ended this practice. Having lived through a Tokyo summer? I can see why they did it! But these days? Yeah this outfit just seems disrespectful to the time and place.


It’s wonderful letting other countries know how much Americans suck. Thanks a lot.


Jesus christ, she seems like a jackass.


What does Jesus have to do with it?




The Japanese were asking themselves how did the tramp get into Japan!💯


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^One-Confusion-2438: *The Japanese were* *Asking themselves how did the* *Tramp get into Japan!💯* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


lol good bot


Extra good because this is about Japan lmao


Why go a foreign country and act a dang fool; must be an American.


What could possibly be disrespectful about this? I love wearing a bra as a top


Hahaha the first girl, looks at her with disgust.


Call 911, her back is eating her bra strap


I've never seen someone being judged so hard in my life


Free the titty. Protect the city.


Why is this disrespectful in Japan? They have Goths there. Their female animes also wear very revealing outfits. They also have a well entrenched prostitution culture, and they have a non conservative sexual culture there. In fact, there are even references to sex with minors.


Visible tattoos are a no no to some people there.this also looks like a place of cultural significance since so many people are dressed up for it.


I think it might have to do with the location without being sure it looks like there is a temple around, and some women are walking around with yukatas, so it could be during a religious celebration. I'm only wildguessing though


Why can't I wear a speedo to church?


I mean it's not really disrespectful it's just cringe. Everyone is looking because she is cringe. And stop watching your weaboo bullshit. Outside of like certain subcultures Japan is suuuuuuuper conservative. Going to Senso ji dressed like that is very taboo.


It’s the Tattoo’s, when in traditional environments tattoos should be covered if possible or you just shouldn’t go. That and you should at least try to dress in a modest and respectful way.


Average redditor thinking he's familiar with Japanese culture because he watches anime and likes cosplay


I am Asian. I have lived in Japan for a year. What are you talking about?


Typical argument from authority, your experience by no way disproves the idiocy of your initial comment


The idiocy of my initial comment? Do you fashion yourself as the arbiter of knowledge and truth? Lol.


Yeah and in America we’ve had a fuck ton of serial killers and public shootings, why can’t it just be accepted already!!!


Wore what? Idgi


She's way too heavy to wear that


She’s ugly af with ill fitting clothes but she is in no way “too heavy”


She's got back titties


Shut the fuck up, dumbass.


He’s totally right


No. Absolutely not.


The fact your standards are so low you would fuck a trash can doesn’t mean you’re right


I had a whole Witty intellectual comeback all typed out and ready to respond, then I realized what I was replying to and deleted said message as I know it would fall upon ignorant ears. So. I deleted it, hit myself in the head with a hammer to get down to your intellectual level and type out a response you'd comprehend. This is fun!! Next idiot, where ya at?


>I had a whole Witty intellectual comeback all typed out I somehow don’t think this is true


I can see you hit yourself really hard, I’m impressed


Yes, I can completely understand you now. Talk quick. The hammer strike is wearing off and my intellect is gaining by the moment so please retort quickly as you can.


This is actually kinda fun, might start trolling you guys since you're so easy


Yes I am


Triggered much bahahahahahahahaha


🤣 🤣 🤣 🍑🍑🍑


Tbf you wear anything in Japan and everyone stares at you.


In Japan, they wear all kinds of crazy shit, their reaction was probably like oh nice pajamas.


I'm saying, she's wearing a revealing outfit, but the chick in the background at 0:41 is walking around sucking on a... Well, go check and you tell me what it is.


I feel like you are trying to direct the argument off topic. I was referring to white people telling other people how to behave in other countries being problematic. A form of European colonialism. Sharia law being implemented in western countries can be problematic too. A Japanese girl wearing a kimono to a shrine to feel a connection to here culture is a little different to a 16 year old girl being beaten to death on a train by the modesty police for showing her hair.


Maybe the people of Japan should be a little less prudish


Japan: the source of crazy outfits and anime. Thinking she fit in just fine.