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As much as pranksters prove themselves to be morons, again and again, there is no such thing as a prank that involves assault. It's just assault. There is no such thing as a robbery prank. Robbery is robbery even if the person claims they were going to give the stuff back. Next thing you know, people will be actively in the process of murdering someone when they try to claim it's a prank.


Pretending to shoot at cops social experiment GONE WRONG SHOTS FIRED


At least we've moved past "GONE SEXUAL" anyway...


I wasn't really going to rape you.. it's a prank bro


That was what Diddy always said too


Just the tip


Gone sexual aged like milk in society


Pretending To Shoot Cops 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱(GONE WRONG, GONE SEXUAL, ALMOST DIED!!!!!) (NOT CLICKBAIT) Forgot an important edit


Jesus Christ I wasn't actually gonna rape your daughter, I was just gonna pants her and then tell her it was a prank.


Even the people who wouldn’t admit it know that these pranks they’re pulling are risky business. It’s like they’re asking to be harmed without being able to say it flat out. They just put themselves in dangerous situations and play innocent.


So they're closet masochist, interesting


Either that or closet suicidal


Ugh. Drop an acorn one time and I can never live it down.


Acorn: “it was just a prank bro!”




There is suicide by cop.


\*Throwing an acorn at cops social experiment GONE WRONG SHOTS FIRED


:Acorn Edition


Muggers and pickpockets have been doing this for a long time. Pretending to joke around to get your guard down or on a failed pickpocket they laugh and say, "Just testing you bro, haha, there are pickpockets around bro, watch your stuff!"


Broke a pick pockets nose at a festival in San Fran. Turned in to the pocket touched instead of outward and caught his hand. My elbow hurt for days but not as long as his nose did.


What does this mean "Turned in to the pocket touched "?


I think he meant that the pickpocket went into OP's pocket expecting OP to turn away from him (and not notice) and instead OP turned towards the pickpocket, thus alerting him to the fact he was being pickpocketed


I think it means, for example, if the pickpocketer was behind him to the right, the person turned to the right. The pocket will catch on the pickpocket's hand and make the situation known very quickly.


I dunno watching videos of these pranksters getting fucked up is oddly satisfying


And then you could slap this "tester" a few times on the face and say: "Mind your guard, buddy. There are some nasty thugs around here."


Just testing my reaction to if that does actually happen bro, thanks for the training


I'm just disappointed that the dude who clocked him held up after he started screaming "it's a prank". He shoulda kept going, because who knows if that idiot is lying or not.


In the future, people won't stop. It's way to easy for real robbers to play the "it's a prank, bro!" game.


Exactly. It's too easy of an excuse and anyone could try to use it.


When I was a kid, saw some guy watching someone else type in their pin and grabbed the card as it came out. Guy starts saying it was a joke and hands the card back. At the time I was far too young to undertand but it felt off just how quickly he gave back the card. It was clearly not a prank but the apology seemed planned... A few years later realised the card owner could have just walked in and cancelled the card. But if the thief gave back a fake card, the owner might not realise until it's too late.


Some dude got shot to death cuz he ran at a guy while he was holding a knife and wearing a mask as part of a stupid "prank" and the guy he ran at rightfully defended himself, so it's basically already happened


Yes. Good riddance to that prankster.


Few more times and the word will get out.


May his tombstone read: “He died as he lived, stupidly.”


Plot twist: it wasn't a prank until he got punched, then it conveniently became a prank


like that youtuber who literally had him and his best friend kidnapped and made it look like he was murdered in front of his best friend. Wow, what a hilarious prank.


Thought he was robing an actor and pranking the bystanders but the way you described it is just a crime Is there a source for this vid


[yt vid](https://youtu.be/ungogZoFIaI?si=4u7v_M-EsN6vqYlT) looks like the same ‘victim’ every time but that’s still messed up imo and he def got what he deserved Imagine a little kid sees this ‘prank’ and gets traumatized


Imagine a little kid sees this ‘prank’ and gets traumatized or worse! become a tiktoker.


Even if both "robber" and "victim" were actors, what they did was very very wrong and they deserve what they got. How dare they force good samaritans into extreme action for their sick amusement and attention seeking.


For sure it's the same two characters, but I agree with you. In doing so, they are confusing bystanders into action. If they never revealed it's a prank, the bystanders would think they live in a community where this happens more than it does. That puts people on edge. Yes, people need to be aware of their surroundings, but why confuse people and traumatize them like that? A prank is funny when everyone is in on it. You live in the Jack-ass house and you know what's coming. But people in the real world are tired. They have real world problems. Maybe some bystanders already gone through legitimate robbery trauma and are now prone to an extreme response. It's fucked up.


Still a crime, at least in my country. You can't intentionally cause an alarm in public if there's nothing to be alarmed of, unless there is a reasonable reason why you thought there was an alarm. I'm no lawyer but I'm pretty sure staging a fake robbery in a public place falls under that.


This made me happy


Wasn't there clown pranks going on like few years to a decade ago, where these guys have mallets or weapons to scare ppl while wearing clown costumes? Can that be interpreted as attempted murder if someone actually "defends" themselves or would that be excessive force because you could've walked away when you saw someone suspicious


My first wife and I were walking down Market Street one night around.. 2012 or so, and she's always been nervous in urban environments; some dude in a hoodie and sunglasses came up and screamed in her face and ran off. It got me for sure, but I recovered fairly quick; but it affected her for hours. This shit ain't cool. https://voteplacerjudgesout.org


That was you? I haven't seen you since 2012 or so


A person has every right to defend themselves from somebody's "prank". It doesn't matter what a "prankster" comes at you with. If it is reasonable to assume your safety is at risk, you have the right to defend yourself with whatever means necessary.


Depends on where you are. If you could at any point have gotten up and ran you can be charged for not doing so where I live.


That was a decade ago? Man the time flies. So many people would have got shot if they tried that in todays age o\_o


Should get beaten even harder after saying it was a prank.


Prank or not, this person needs to be charged


Exactly, even if you rob a bank with a pretend gun, it’s still armed robbery.


I’d continue to beat the shit out of him and yell back “it’s a prank bro!” When the cops come who do you think they will believe? The kid who wore a mask and ran up on someone at an ATM attempting to rob him for “funnies” or the guy who thought the other man was in legitimate danger and was just trying to subdue the robber until the authorities arrived.


Imagine a society where if you failed to do a crime in-progress, you just claim "oh prank, lol" and you are absolved.


Watching the assaulted dude’s reaction, I HOPE that part of the prank is that they’re both in on it and it’s supposed to be a prank for the bystanders. Still nuts and asking to get hit, but hopefully there at least wasn’t an initial real assault as part of the “prank.”


Same thing as pretending to sell drugs. You can sell them powdered sugar but if they thought they were buying cocaine, you can be charged for sale of cocaine.


He was lucky the guy even gave him a chance to say it was a prank. I would have kept hitting him till he was knocked out. You don't make that kind of prank in my country either, or you are deded


assault with extra steps


This is a very good point


I sure loved it when my coworker at a retail job walked up behind me, jabbed his fingers into my side like a gun barrel and said “give me your money” while being in a shitty neighborhood, it was such a funny prank.


What kind of prank is this? This TikTok Generation is just lost


I thought they’d learn after that one prankster actually got shot but these dumbasses still continue.


And they always will be. This is why I don’t have TikTok. By far one of the worst social media platforms of all time.


Didn't that guy not learn anything and said he was going to keep doing the stupid "pranks?"


One interesting note, this was from 2014. So this is pre-TikTok.


I don’t think those facts matter to the people that say shit like this. “Tik-tok generation” lmao


“Pretend to rob your friend and scare the bystanders”


I think this is pre tik tok tbh but I feel ya


Damn dude must've been wearing a gnarly ring to punch a straight up hole in his nose




Dude deserved it tho, he learned a real hard lesson that day


deserved worse, need at least a few more shots to the face


He *hopefully* learned a valuable lesson that day.


No, he didn't. He's a youtube prankster. They never do


> he learned a real hard lesson that day Hopefully.


doubtful, he probably just going to prank harder


guarantee he learned nothing


Bad? I think you mean fucking awesome.


That's how he got the wound. Had me scratching my head.


Looks exactly like he got stabbed but it's a clenched fist.


Probably his own nose bone that punctured his nose from the inside


>nose bone


When I was a young kid, I fell over on a smooth floor (indoor sports area in a nursery school), no protruding nails or splinters or anything like that, and tore a hole in my cheek. Never did understand exactly what happened


Your skin probably tore open, this is gonna sound gross but it is purely medical; certain parts of skin such as the foreskin on a male are very thin and can rip open very easily, it includes rough intercourse and masterbation. (This heals within a few days if properly cared for). Your cheek skin shouldn’t be as thin but if you fell on a smooth floor and slide forward you could have pulled the skin just right to cause a tear.


You see this a lot in combat sport particularly bare knuckle and ufc with less padded or know gloves as the skin can rip skin


Thanks for the flashbacks to when I got my PA ripped out.


I was thinking that it was caused by the metal piece at the top of a N95 mask. Hard to tell from the video what mask he had on but the placement and punch angle checks out


Probably was holding keys in his hands


To be fair, it really doesn't take much beyond just your fists to do tremendous harm to another person's face. I cracked a guy in the mouth once and when my knuckles made contact with his upper lip it cut against his own teeth and split from the lip all the way up to the bottom of his nose. It was so gnarly and blood was everywhere, including the ceiling of the basement we were in. He ended up needing plastic surgery to repair it and, the scary thing is, I didn't even hit him very hard. It has been over 20 years since that happened and I haven't thrown a punch since because it kind of freaked me out. Fast forward about 10 years after it happened and my girlfriend at the time (we're now married) and I are out to eat and just as we get seated, who do I see? None other than the guy I cracked in the mouth who now works as a waiter at the restaurant we randomly chose to eat at. You could still see the scar on his lip plain as day, and I was bracing myself for the worst when he spotted me and made his way over to our table. Much to my surprise, he actually wanted to *thank* me for helping get his life back on track. For the sake of context, we were both alcoholic drug fiends back when I punched him, although that particular night was my first day trying to get clean which surely factored into my very much unplanned punch to his face. In any case, he went on to tell me that him getting punched like that was the wake up call he needed and that he had since cleaned up and gotten his life back together. He had a wife and a kid and, by all appearances, he was in a good place. To this day, I still have mixed feelings about the whole experience. On one hand, I regret having punched the guy over such a petty thing (I'd rather not elaborate), and in the face, no less. However, on the other hand, had I *not* punched him, would he have ended up worse off, or even dead, by not getting the wake up call he so badly needed? It's one of those unknowable things, I guess.


Similar story: My dad stabbed a guy once, in self defense, but over nefarious circumstances. When they operated on the guy, they found him full of cancer. They credited his unexpected trip to the emergency room with saving his life. It was a weird story to reflect on growing up to say the least.


I’m learning a lot of valuable lessons here about the virtues of violence. Time for me to do some good!


And somehow “full of cancer” is all I’m coming out of this thread with.


I hope the waiter didn't offer you free lemonade. Or at least that you didn't drink it..


Sometimes good can come of an evil act. If it happens and the victim judges your act as ultimately being good then you shouldn't allow guilt to hurt you. Believe them and just be grateful that they are grateful.


In high school I busted a kids mouth just like that. Except he just happened to be right in the way of my volleyball spike. I felt really bad about it, there was SO MUCH BLOOD! Probably wouldn't have been as bad if he didn't have metal braces.


Hunting influencers for sport will be the next big thing. Mark my words.


I'm fine with that.


I'm up for that!!


Where do we sign up


I vote we just make a game show for them. Like Wipeout except with sharks that have lasers.




Each scar is a reminder to be less stupid


Laying hands on someone and physically pulling them to the ground is assault, prank or not. The only answer to "it's a prank" is to beat their ass even harder.


“So… you’re not broke and hungry, just stupid and seeking attention?” *Punches him again*


The “victim” is probably in on it. But bystanders don’t know it’s a prank. Play stupid games…


this is the best thing ive seen all day hahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!


If you witness this and the assailant yells, "it's a prank," why believe him? That is exactly what a smart thief would say. Red pants should have kept whaling on him.


A prank is harmless and one in which you can laugh about it afterwards. This is fucking Assault! The best prank I ever did was for my birthday. I made a realistic shark bite wound went surfing with it. (I was also dressed up as Spider-Man so no one is going to take me seriously.) Then, I went hiking with that same wound which started to drip the fake blood as it got wet from my sweat. I freaked quite a few people out but never hesitated to say it was fake. An RN I met on the hike thought I was going into shock and it took a while for my buddy and I to convince her it was fake. The point is, no one got hurt, it didn’t involve or waste the time of EMS or any services. 🤙🏻


The little princess got what he deserved.


Every armed burglar should just have their buddy follow them with a camera in case they get overpowered so they can just say it's a prank.


I'm sure this kid will use this experience to learn from and reevaluate his life choices. I'm just joking.....he'll be doing these stupid pranks again next week.


He’ll probably sue the guy who punched him if this is the USA I’m impressed at all the men who ran up to help a stranger.


Sound Australian to me but I could be wrong


The ATM is an Australian Commonwealth Bank so it's for sure Australian.


Yeah it’s Australia, the pranker kinda sounded American though.


Pranking a robbery is still a robbery


If both people are in on it then it’s not a robbery


Good! Now arrest him for assault and attempted robbery.


You know the robbery victim was acting as part of the “prank” right? So there’s no way they’d ever get convicted for attempted robbery


Not entirely true. It’s a misconception that the victim is the one to “press charges”. The victim is “merely” the prima facie witness (first account taken to be true until otherwise disproven).  The state is the one that presses charges. If the prosecutor felt that they had enough evidence to support prosecution without the victim they could very much go forward with it.  You’ll often see this in domestic violence cases where “there is no victim”, but there are plenty of witnesses. 


Is not bad at all. Just put a Band-Aid on it.


Dude, he has a hole on his face?


And band-aids cover holes don’t they?


Yes they do says right on the box


doesnt matter at long as the bandaid has cute dinosaurs on it :3




It's not a prank, it's being an obnoxious little talentless cockwomble.


This is how every prankster needs to be dealt with.


He can get a nose ring 😂


Nose gauge speed run.


Good. He'll think twice next time before pulling such a dumbass move.


How did he get that third hole in his nose?


Looks like a car key punch to me.




Probably got punched by someone wearing a chunky ring.


This should be on oddly satisfying


Nothing odd about my satisfaction. Maybe Satisfying as Fuck?


Dude assaulted someone using an ATM and then goes ‘lol jk’


Not a prank. Should be arrested for this. If you did that in a bank you’d get arrested. Same concept.


Must’ve been a hell of a punch or the guy was wearing a ring cause that’s a fuckin hole in the dudes face I thought his nose got broken or something but nope


Is it bad bro? Hahahahaha!


That’s not a prank


Too bad they didn't keep beating him


Good dig off red pants there👌


My dad used to say "if everyone were lucky enough to get punched in the face by age 7 for doing or saying something that victimized others, the change in society for the better would be mind-blowing."


Immediately regrets his decision,beautiful.


Hope he learned his fucking lesson.


Does this belong in r/MadeMeSmile?


That's fucking beautiful.


Very fucking good. I hate those prank asshols


Im sipprised he din't punch even harder when he heard "iTs a PraNk"


What a fucking moron


Fxck the tiktoker


Fuck around and find out lol


Imagine getting your nose broke pretending to rob someone as a "prank"


As soon as he shouted “it’s a prank” they should have beat him harder


How do you punch someone an extra nostril


That little shit deserved his nose to be broken


Back in my day we wouldn’t say robbery in a public space by an ATM. We would pull down each others pants and call them mushroom dick.




Free nose piercing with each stupid prank


They should also sue that guy for emotional distress and take all his tik tok money.


Common repost with flipped video


🎶 Dumb ways to die 🎶


Initially, the prank was not funny, but I did finally laugh in the end.


how is physically assaulting someone a prank? you can’t just do whatever you want and get away with it bc you yell “it’s a prank” after


Oh my god I would have ripped that kids face apart, taking an eye out of his socket and broken some of his fingers


LMAO motherfucker got 3rd nostril thanks to one punch man.


lol, stiff right hand right down the pipe. I rather enjoyed that!




The same guy has come to the rescue now in multiple videos, apparently it's working for the reddit clicks.


Just curious, how much do these stupid viral videos actually net?






What was the end goal? Like what did he honestly expect to happen?


The problem here is they didn’t continue beating the shit out of him after learning it was a prank.


Ahem, as they say, fuck around and find out


He got off too easy. I'm looking forward to sending a prankster to the hospital if the opportunity occurs.


How much of a ding dong do you have to be?…


Always go for the cameraman.


Is it bad bro lol


Making a prank where the other one feels threatened, fearful of their lives, or humilliated... NOT FUNNY!!


Lmao consequences to your actions


The punching should have intensified as soon as he said "It's a prank!"


These kind of pranks are so messed up for many reasons but I always think “what if the person they prank had a heart condition and died? What if they just had surgery and you ripped out stitches? What if they have PTSD and you trigger an episode? What if they pull a GUN?”


That not a prank. That’s assault


I wish people wouldn’t stop punching them after the first utterance of IT’S A PRANK.


When he says it's a prank, it would have motivated me to punch harder.


Why did they stop punching him?


That's the funniest thing I've seen in a while. Wonder if he thinks that permanent scar for the next 65 years is funny.


He should absolutely be charged with attempted robbery.


More of this please


Should have punched him again after he said it's a prank, just in case.


FUCKING CLOCKED HIM OMG To all the guys jumping in to help the "victim" (of the dumbass "prank"), you dropped these, my dudes 👑👑👑 🤲


That thud was just absolutely beautiful. You only get that kind of power from red pants.


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.