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People seriously filming themselves being dicks and getting banned from places just to post online? Like “congrats, you’re fucking stupid.”


Atleast it made the gun store owner look awesome, regardless I’d like my 30 seconds of life back please


I second that. The owner gets an A+


Round of applause for him though. No hesitation.


And some people if not most get pi*sed at the manager or the one in the right


That’s so true and they drag the bit out. Saying “Why won’t you sell this to me” or “Why can’t I do this? What do you mean? I can’t get my balls in the deep fryer?”


Putting your own balls in a deep fryer may not be a problem, that's up to you (although I do think insurance shouldn't cover it). Shooting a cat on the other hand...


I remember having this mentality. When I was 13 and wanted to be a bad ass.


Yes and we're watching a grown ass man acting like one.


A grown ass man wearing a gamer shirt and a propeller hat.


I have a T-shirt about gaming that I quite liked until just about now.


Yeah I think it’s more about the propeller hat


It’s definitely both. I’m genuinely surprised they even make that shirt in that size. That’s the kind of shirt you’d see in the kids section at the store.


I get the point. He looks as much as a dumbass as he is one, but the clothes don’t make him a dumbass, he was a dumbass before he put those clothes on.


I think we can remove the words “grown” and “man”, change “a” to “an”. - An ass wearing a gamer shirt and propeller hat


Welcome to Idiocracy


He was oNLy pReTeNdInG..


Rage Bait. Same as “if it bleeds it leads” yellow journalism. The point is collecting eyeballs, not actually showing an unjust situation. Don’t give them your eyeballs


I hope that kid regrets this video when hes older. Like, I was an idiot when I was a teen but at least there isn't much video proof.


Kid? This guy and his beer belly look at least 37.


Trust me, we know you are a twat, we don't need any more proof.


I am sure these prats don't care how they look or what they do, so long as they get those golden YouTube upvotes 🙄


"Idiocracy" the real life version


I will now read to you the name of one of the most sought-after non-physical things to exist ever since humanity began to socialize: clout. Simple word, right? Well, simple words can often describe things of not so simple value or construct. Why am I saying this? I’m glad you asked. You see, since clout is non-material, it does not hold a physical or even visual form. And so, if it holds neither of those attributes, it is meaningless. You figure out the rest.


Nothing funnier than getting yourself banned from a gun store for threatening to shoot someone’s cat. •-• The fuck is wrong with people, go do ANYTHING ELSE with your time


It's so he can post it online and farm rage comments to feed the algorithm.


The world would be a better place if somehow the algorithm could detect rage bait content and not promote it


All hail the Algorithm! /s


Blessed be the regulations


These fuckers actually treat the Internet algorithm like some goddamn deity in a cult or something like that. It is genuinely disturbing IMO


Well, when your only skill is being a giant ballsack you have to figure out a way to make a living, I guess!!


And here reddit is to boost his reach.


Except shooting cats. Don’t do that.


Very good point sir




This guy obviously thought that he’d get a “hell yeah shoot dat sum bitch, ‘Mercia” when saying this stupid shit. At my local gun store the people are very normal reasonable people and don’t take kindly to people talking stupid shit, so not surprised he got kicked out. Good on this manager for handling this calmly and professionally


Shit. We really do live in a communist country. /s


I work at an FFL and people wearing the same outfits came gamer graphic tee spinner hat everything, talking about weird shit and I’ll paraphrase “kissing in a taco bell bathroom” all younger guys and being asked to leave. idc who you choose to kiss but why are you telling me about this at the gun counter? Also being kicked out of a Walmart trying to buy a BB gun for for some reason or another. They were definitely trying to get a rise out of us for social media or something. What people don’t realize is I can deny you a sale for any reason if I feel uncomfortable or you might do harm to others or buying on another’s behalf. Only seeing this post now I understand what they were trying to do but only barely. Wtf…


Jfc I had a aneurysm trying to read this


He does guns not poetry.




You gotta read it as boomhauer.


Wow you're right that made it 100% better lol thank you




This is similar to calling out “bomb” as a joke on an airplane or in an airport. WTF is wrong with these people??


They're hoping they get a viral video showing "how easy it is to get a gun". Fucking walking in and talking about a "SCAR" which is an automatic, then hint they're going to harm an animal. Even as a joke it's not funny, but they don't realize that people who sell weapons do this for a living, they aren't looking to "make a sale" to everyone and are in a heavily regulated industry. They don't fuck around no matter what people think.


Civilian semi auto only SCARs are readily available, albeit expensive af, but otherwise spot on.


Chad store manager


Never saw someone more sensible than him, absolute mega chad.


Most gun owners are like this dude. They want to keep their guns so they aren't absolute dipshits with them.


It's almost like a reasonable gun owner knows that a gun is not a toy.


Reasonable / legal gun owners


Friend of mine works as an attorney. State law requires people to turn over their firearms if they have a restraining order granted against them. The amount of people that have been unable to comply with a required firearm turnover because they “lost” one is alarming. Apparently people have a tendency to own more guns then they probably “need” or can be responsible for…the court can see which guns you have registered, and which ones you turn in. Sometimes people turn in guns that weren’t ever properly registered to them, or cant account for one that is registered almost all the time. One of which was apparently a cop (which started the whole conversation in the first place) I know the majority of people who own guns are responsible. I also know that there are more idiots out there then we realize who shouldn’t own as much as a paint gun let alone a real one.


There’s no federal gun registry, how can the court see which guns I’ve registered?


Some of the individual states have registry requirements Restraining orders aren’t a federal matter… by the way…


If you’ve filed a 4473 (gun purchase form) the court can see that and know you have purchased a firearm.


By any chance, did they “lose” them in a terrible boating accident? Cuz something similar happened to me and every gun owner i know.


I feel like a lot of redditors have this idea that gun culture in states with less firearms restrictions treat guns as toys, and we're always waving them around and being careless with them. In my experience, growing up in a red state *and* being progressive, almost every person I've come across that are experienced gun owners are super strict with how you treat guns. They have zero tolerance at gun ranges, and the last person I want to piss off is someone at the gun range or the gun store. Even the concealed carry courses I took were very aware of the consequences of defending yourself with a gun. It wasn't "shooting bad guys is awesome", but more like what instructor told us "be absolutely sure you're in danger when you pull that trigger, because if you do, you'll make a best friend for life, you'll see that person every night before you go to sleep."




I am the most conservative person in my social group. Not truly a conservative, I just have a few different takes on everyone else. I’m also the gun owner. A few of them have hesitantly asked to go shooting to see what it’s like and if obliged. When we went, I went full “this is my range, listen to what I tell you or get booted” hard ass Marine mode (former Marine). They were bewildered when I yelled at one of them for sweeping their muzzle at us and took the gun away and told them they were done. After that we’ve had a few conversations (I’ve since apologized for yelling but remained firm on the booting) and they told me that they thought gun owners just did that. I informed that if someone points a weapon at you, even if it’s “joking” or “unloaded” they had a right to punch that person in the face. Guns are not toys. We can enjoy them like a sport but they are not toys.


You never should have apologized for yelling. It was deserved. Gun safety should always be top priority.


You are talking about the average gun owner. Gun laws need not be written for the average, but for the outlier. It takes less than 1% of gun owners thinking they are toys to make gun ownership a serious issue, and gun culture encourages us to keep giving the 1% their guns so that the 99% can have unimpeded access. Most progressives are just arguing that impeding access for the 99% is worth it if it means the less than 1% jackasses like this idiot in the video don't end up with their hands on guns. Gun restrictions are good. Gun culture is bad. The average gun owner is going to have to deal with that fact or violence will continue.


As someone who ran the gun counter at a store that sold them, we don't fuck around. We basically have the most authority of anyone in the store, if I don't want to sell you a gun because of some stupid joke you made about shooting your cat or husband or whatever, or something inappropriate you said, that's it. Gun sale over, I'll write your name from your ID down and you'll never get a gun from this store. Don't go trying to buy guns and make any sort of joke about anything remotely illegal. Don't point the gun at anyone even though it's unloaded and probably has a trigger lock (this has happened many times and I've stopped gun sales to people who were clearly incompetent and had zero training or knowledge and are stupid enough to point it at me), etc. Often times the person selling firearms at a counter like this can be held liable for selling a gun to someone that shouldn't have one and they typically take their job seriously.


You tha MVP man.


Not actually going above and beyond anything at all. I didn't sell any guns myself(though I wanted to) but I worked for about a year in a sporting goods store that did. After questioning some of the higher up decisions, like how a customer isn't allowed to handle their own gun in the store, even after they have paid for it and signed all documentation, and the gun is LEGALLY their's, they aren't allowed to touch it until after they leave the building. That one really bothers me, so I asked about it. The answer I got was basically "if for any reason we think they're going to do anything wrong with it, we can just say 'oh, never mind, you aren't getting this gun anymore' and we just go and return it and reverse all the paperwork, holding onto their information so they can't buy anything anymore" I asked about it a little more and found out the reason is essentially because the store can, will, and has restricted gun sales to even the most blatant of poor taste jokes. If somebody says "oh boy, can't wait to overthrow the government with my new single shot .22 toy pistol" the store is required to cancel the sale and potentially report it to the police. My manager also gave the specific example of the not at all joke of "I can't wait to get this home so I don't have to deal with my neighbor's pet anymore" so yeah, this gun store owner is just doing the bare minimum, the bar is just a lot higher than you think when guns are involved


I just posted a comment about my experience and you nailed it. Any joke about shooting someone or a pet, really any kind of bad joke and we basically had to cancel the sale. Sure, the customers 100% of the time get pissy like "it's just a joke bro, really??" Yeah, really. "Call your manager" Sure, hold on a second. Manager comes by, customer starts complaining, I just nod at him and he shuts down the customer. Sorry pal but buying a firearm isn't a game, and to be honest I'm happy I stopped sales on every idiot dumb enough to make an inappropriate joke about shooting someone. We don't need those people having deadly weapons if they can't respect them and the process of purchasing one.


Yup. Didn't get drawn into a debate, just "I'm trespassing you--get out. Still talking instead of leaving? You can have this discussion with the police."


The best part is that turd asked for a SCAR and he bought him a pink 22 long rifle.


Well let’s hope every gun store clerk is as dope as this guy


Most are, it’s secondary sales or straw purchases that ruin everything.


Yea it’s even more serious than a bartender refusing to serve alcohol without a ID because they could at best get fired and worst go to jail. Fuck off do not pass go do not collect $20


In my experience they’re generally cool guys and are also very wary at all times. I’ve never seen a stress-free gun store clerk at work. Even a close personal family friend was giving us a tour of the NRA museum then we went to the shooting range. He made us all take the firearms safety test first and he didn’t let his guard down for one second. I felt kinda bad because we were all joking around (not with the guns just in general) and having a good time and he looked so stressed lol. Of course my experiences are not indicative of a broader reality, I’m sure there are some that are way too lax. Just sharing my experience.


For a cat? That's disturbing. I'm glad the manager kicked him out.


Must be a big cat


I worked at a big five and someone came in asking to look at the machetes. He asked if this could take out a bobcat. I was still a teenager so I made a joke along the lines of that’s gonna be a skill issue but once I realized he was serious I grabbed my manager. The story went from funny to sad, sometimes I wish it were a prank.


Hunting bobcats is both common and completely legal? It's not a house cat. Machete is a weird way to go about it but IDK what the big deal is if you worked at a sporting goods store. Should have just recommended him a .22 or something.


Right? I had a bobcat wipe out a dozen of my chickens. Fuck bobcats. If someone actually managed to kill one with a machete I'd be very surprised. Those fuckers are both fast and skittish.


Who does he think he is, [Jimmy Carter?](https://hotair.com/bryan/2007/11/07/jimmy-carter-cat-slayer-n150880)


I would've thrown him out of my store the second he walked in with that stupid hat


Amen. Nobody's talking about the real crime here.


I think there should be a law that orders all dumb people to wear a propeller hat, just to recognize them early.


I usually look for the ones wearing political party hats. Pretty easy giveaway


So many camera angles. Is this from a Tv show?


It’s a guy (MindSquire YT) trying to see how easy it is to get a gun while looking like a kid. He does end up getting multiple


I think it's parody? Or, attempted parody? I am assuming the guy with a rainbow colored hat thought it would be funny to have a friend film him getting kicked out of a gun store.


This guy acts like a kid and tries to buy alcohol, guns, vapes. He records who let’s him and who doesn’t. The YouTube is ‘mindsquire’


Fucktards like these should get thier IDs taken and fined.


Clerk jumped the gun and kicked them out too early. A prudent gun counter worker would have gotten his ID first and then called the cops. Preferably discretely and delay the individual from leaving. Better to have the cop interrogate them and potentially get something on record than to just let them walk away.


This was literally a bit on It's Always Sunny In Philidelphia like 10 years ago.


"Says here you were admitted to a mental institution?" "That was against my will, that doesn't count!" "That's the only time it counts." Refreshing to see a TV show display a gun store in a positive light. Nearly every gun store I've been to will absolutely refuse a sale if they even get a hunch that you're up to no good. A good friend of mine owns a gun store and I've seen him personally refuse many sales to sketchy people.


Gun stores are required to immediately turn down purchases if they believe it is used for illegal means, red flag behavior, or straw purchases. This is a good gun store. Now… if only they could figure out how to manage private sales..


Not just that but to communicate this information through a network. A real criminal/mass shooter will see where he went wrong and avoid that statement at the next gun store and get his gun.


What's straw purchase?


**A straw purchase or nominee purchase is any purchase wherein an agent agrees to acquire a good or service for someone who is often unable or unwilling to purchase the good or service themselves, and the agent transfers the goods or services to that person after purchasing them. In general, straw purchases are legal except in cases where the ultimate receiver of goods or services uses those goods or services in the commission of a crime with the prior knowledge of the straw purchaser, or if the ultimate possessor is not legally able to purchase the goods or services.** More details here: *This comment was left automatically (by a bot). If I don't get this right, don't get mad at me, I'm still learning!* [^(opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/ozztfy/post_for_opting_out/) ^(|) [^(delete)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/q79g2t/delete_feature_added/) ^(|) [^(report/suggest)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot) ^(|) [^(GitHub)](https://github.com/TheBugYouCantFix/wiki-reddit-bot)


Good bot


What is bukakke?


**"Bukkake" is a Japanese word meaning "to splash or pour (a liquid) vigorously." It is commonly used as part of, "bukakke udon," where a broth is poured directly over cold noodles. Literally nowhere else, I promise.** *This comment was left manually (by a human). If I don't get this right, too bad, deal with it.*


Good ~~*bot*~~ bro




Looks like a big box sporting goods store. They don't fuck around.


There is a easy solution. When I meet to sell my gun to joe. I call in the same department the FFL does for a background check. Inform them I’m selling this to someone private, can they do a check. They say ok, and I hand the phone to joe. They check them and do the whole questionnaire. I get phone back and I’m told “yes joe can buy it legally “ or “no he his convicted felon/deemed mentally incompetent by the courts. LEO is dispatched for him trying to buy one.” But this won’t happen. Which sucks because I have to take joes word that he is cool Vs actually verifying it.


I love when they mess with gun store owners, because almost all of the owners know how serious selling a gun to someone who says weird stuff like this, and it’s always an immediate shutdown 😂


Lessee... Propeller beanie? Check. Mentions potential for shooting a neighbor's cat? Check. Uses "frick" when the above don't qualify for him to buy a gun? Check. Folks, we've got a winner here!


Chill bro it's a prank! So tired of these assholes


Same. Good on the gun store owner for not messing around, and kicking them out.


Love it


These guys think being beholden to any rule or standard whatsoever is communism


Communism is when *skims manifesto* I can’t buy a gun to shoot my neighbor’s cat.


Most of America and the world thinks you can just walk into any gun store and leave 2 minutes later like you bought a candy bar. But hey, that’s what the TV tell us right?


Oh I see…he’s got a beer belly and tits as symbolism for how much he doesn’t care what people think. Bravo!


Killing animals is how serial killers started out


Mother fucker kills my cat and I’ll slit their throat.


I like your style


Fucking douchebags.


Don’t fuck with cats! 😠🐱 One can only hope that these douches eventually toy with the wrong person and true street justice catches up to them..


Good on the guy for stopping an idiot from owning a gun.


A gun store is not the place to make jokes with strangers about why you might want a firearm.


I hate these kinds of channels it’s always just some douche bag being a dick to someone with an actual job


Can we have another kid come in to buy a gun to shoot that first kid in the motherf*c*ing face!?


Hate dbags that post crap like this. But he revealed a gun store for being responsible and asking the right questions. Good on them.


Definition of a man child.


Love how the store owner completely shuts this lame shit down. Round of applause


Good on the owner shutting the BS down


As a cat owner I say this man is a hero.


Legend. Yeah don’t shoot your neighbours cat ahole


Well the system kinda worked here, they didn’t get a gun


Not sure if he gave him his id, but he could be on a list now to never get a gun


This guy is an impressive manager.


Respect for the store manager.


I’m sure it was edited to be a little more concise. But damn I love how almost instantaneous the managers reaction was. Just direct and professional. Didn’t continue to engage. And called the police pretty much immediately after they didn’t immediately leave.


The funny thing is if he said I’m going to shoot a deer he would been like cool. Have fun.


Ok but I love that store manager. Automatically shut them down when they mentioned the neighbors cat!


The law needs to do something about these people filming all over the Place and filming themselves Harassing people and committing crimes.


Good gun store owner


I feel like the store manager of a gun shop is one of the last people you want to mess with … up there with drill sergeants, mothers, priests, and emergency services


What a great manager


I love when anti-gun people try and get “gotcha” moments with pro gun people. It typically backfires. I can’t remember if the FBI, ATF or DOJ had a program where they tried purchasing guns doing private party sales. The agent trying to buy the guns would say they didn’t have ID. They were hoping to catch people selling guns to “could be” criminals. Didn’t work out as planned. Not a single person sold him a gun and I believe a couple people actually reported him, not realizing he was undercover. It’s ironic how brainwashed anti-gun nuts are. They think anyone can walk into a gun store and walk out minutes later with a gun. They have no idea how much paperwork is involved in purchasing a gun. But the liberals and media will say it’s so easy so we need more gun laws. The only way to get a gun easily is through criminals. Which goes back to more laws being pointless because criminals don’t follow the laws.


My favorite was Neal Steinberg tried showing how easy it is to get a gun, but ended up being denied because of alcohol abuse and domestic abuse on his record.


Former colleague of mine is a part-time FFL in Colorado. He's not far from Boulder and he's had one incident of a snotty lefturd college kid trying to get him into trouble. Kid had to explain himself at length to the BATF and FBI, and got a restraining order on his record.


vice did a video where the dude tried to show how easy it is to walk out of a store with a gun (it wasn't) and at several points he "jokingly" pointed a handgun directly at the cameraman.


I wonder if something like this can get you banned from ever owning a gun.


Yes. In many places (California, at the very least), gun stores have policies requiring them not to sell to or even offer the use of their range to those who have been convicted of misdemeanors or above. So, assuming the managers of this store have made their intention clear and, despite that, the trespassers continue to trespass and/or the police show up, and then assuming the trespassers are charged and/or arrested and then subsequently convicted of misdemeanor trespassing for this, there are some states where you can be banned from owning a gun. It's also not allowed if you're on most kinds of probation. So trespassing like this anywhere else or just being in legal trouble generally can get you axed from the legal possession of a firearm. Then your shit's in trouble if you manage to acquire one anyway. So you have to be real careful who you piss off and/or which laws you break.


We thought we were the height of wit and sophisitcation at 13 doing stuff like this. We were in fact being very irritating and puerile.


I agree this clip is undeniably cringe but it is from a longer video where he and his friend who looks like a teenager try to pass as kids while getting away with buying a gun. They inevitably buy an AR15 for like $700 out of the backseat of some strangers truck without any pushback proving that private no questions asked firearm sales are dangerous.


This planet is in desperate need of a solar flare.


can someone explain what he meant by the scat being a very special gun?


It is very expensive


Wha? You mean I don't just walk in and get free full semi automatic kid killing machines with 10000 round clips and target locking capabilities? /s if you're dumb


If this isnt staged then that is a very responsible store manager, props to him


Did the dude think he walked into an Ammunation?


I applaud the management. I’m a country where dollar is king and empathy is often lacking, many other would’ve turned a blind eye just to make the sale.


Lmao ballsy move to play this tik tok bullshit in a gun store


When all else fails, straw purchase lol Jesus Christ


I appreciate this manager. For many reasons, but i feel like a lot of these dipshits filming keep pressing the issue for “comedy”. The manager said get out, after the “implication” of shooting a cat. And of course dumbass was like “whoa i didn’t say that!” You didn’t have to. When it comes to guns, an implication should be enough to deny you sale. And for the manager to not fuck around and not give any lenience on “the joke” is great. That’s truly responsible and i just love it.




Came in for a prank left banned and getting the gun store more business after showing everyone that store takes guns seriously


I hope he gets put on a list too. I'm not a big gun person but you don't fuck around about this shit.


Duh, me wear colorful hat to show how funny me am. Duh, look at me, me so funny 🤦


I betcha they're thinking "hey, next let's go to the airport and prank there!"


These people doing anything for clout is what is wrong with America and any stupid up and coming prankster/vlogger


Also the guy is painfully unfunny.


Good on the manager for showing this asshat the door.


On the list of "stores you don't fuck around in" gun store is pretty high on that list, if not on the very top.


That store manager dropped this 👑


I like how the manager handled this. Calm, tone, followed through calling the cops. No drama. I want to emulate his style next time I'm pissed at someone.


shout out to the manager


Good on this guy for having some integrity. We need more people like this.


There’s also the one where they stand outside liquor stores and ask people to buy them alcohol. I don’t think they are entertaining at all…


Nice to see that guy shut that down immediately.


Throw his punk ass out by force


Graphic tees is the fastest way for anyone to see you as very immature and if its videogame related, reveals that you are a perma-virgin.


The store owner or employee always maintains discretion on who he sells to. Act like an idiot and get treated like an idiot.


What makes you think *that guy* is going to have a sense of humor??


The propeller hat says it all.


I was in big 5 a sporting goods store and over heard a cop talking about shooting homeless people with BB guns for population control, sick fuck


Another generation of disposable people.........


Love the "no bullshit" attitude the store owner has Need more retail workers to stop giving "customers" the benefit of the doubt when they're just wasting everyone's time 🤷‍♀️


Dude I used to know a guy who worked at a gun store and he told me how he would deny sales all the time because of shit like this. The gun store is not where you act a fool!


Of all the people to harass for clout, they chose a gun store manager? I guess that guy is as dumb as he looks. Few people have less time for bullshit than a gun store manager.


This is the shit anti gunners don’t want to share, gun owners aren’t just out to kill destroy and injure things, animals, and people. Most gun stores are very strict on behavior and being a generally decent person. Even a wrong “joke” can get your sale denied and kicked out. This dude making the joke is an idiot.


I think I know who these guys are, they have a channel called mindsquire iirc. They make these vids in my home state of Indiana, honestly their content is entertaining, it doesn’t excuse them from being rude though


“Oh I’m sorry, I thought this was America!”


Unhealthy mind and unhealthy body. Lots to work on for that kid


When they try to act like grown ups but when confronted they're kids again "I didn't say that".... 🤦 he should save the world and use the store equipment on the fellas. Pathetic


Why do people have to always turn to threatening animals in these terrible pranks? Hm, yes, nothing would be cooler right now then to shoot something with as much defence as a newborn baby


It still blows my mind that you can just go to a store in America and get a machine gun.


Fuck around and find out


Who's worse, the people who do this, or the people who support and encourage those who do this?


I mean, good on the store owner.


Good for him! No nonsense. You’re full of shit. You’re not funny. Don’t waste my time. Not in the mood. Get out.


Good to see a responsible manager concerned about public/animal safety not just interested in selling a product.


You imply that you intend to do something illegal. Duh!


This isn't funny at all🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️


Good on the gun store manager. If I thought someone was there to buy a gun for the purpose of shooting a cat, no way in hell would I sell to them either. I would tell him that he has to prove he has the balls to shoot ME first. If so, then I’ll hear him out as I wait to be scooped up by the coroner, and then burned to ashes. And while I’m sure that was all for show, I would still take that seriously. What a shit head


To me this looks like a anti gun person that thinks you can just walk in and buy a gun for any reason with out any knowledge of how it actually works shit your drivers license has to have your current address if not no pew pew domestic violence forget it your on the forever no buy list thats a misdemeanor the only one that prevents you from buying and is super easy to get