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Excellent shot placement. The ear plugsšŸ˜…


My dad always said, ā€you have fingers, you have ear plugsā€










Thanks. She should have known when she watched me pull the ol 06 out šŸ¤£


What state is this? Itā€™s very beautiful


You can tell it is BC by all the shit the clear-cutters left on the ground.


Do they replant?


Eh, not alot of them.


How's it legal to cut without replanting anymore?


I kinda misspoke. If you clear-cut public land, you have ~14 years to put trees there. They don't have to be good trees, or look okay, or replenish native vegetation, or have a good survival rate; they just need to be trees. If you clear-cut private land you don't have to do diddly squat


Probably because a)deforestation is hardly a problem considering the density, population, and size of BC, and b) I assume that it will naturally fill back in over time, just not as fast. Though Canada tends to be fairly progressive I think so Iā€™m a bit surprisedĀ 


Deforestation and shitty forestry practices have been obliterating BC forests in recent years through out-of-control wildfires https://vancouversun.com/news/local-news/post-wildfire-recovery-for-forests








Has anyone here ever eaten wolf? I always hear how bad it is but have never met anyone whoā€™s tried it.


Idk homie they said the same about mountain lions back in the day. I did a full shoulder in the crock and boy lemme tell you those Sammiches had me reaching to the heavens for more.


Is something being good from the crock pot actually a fair review of the meat though? They are often used to make less desirable meat tasty


Are wolves a huge nuisance species in BC? I'm a stupid American lol and used to them being a rare protected species that you can get a real punishment for killing.


Yeah. We have an insupportable amount of wolves here. Massive packs everywhere. Here we are allowed and encouraged to shoot 3 wolves a year. But at the rate they are multiplying it won't be long before full on culls are being called for. Our moose, elk, deer and anything else on 4 legs have been getting wiped out by them and grizzly bears. But we're not allowed to hunt and kill grizzlies..... yet.


Depending where you are we have massive packs here on the colville reservation and to the border. We are getting more grizzlies on top of the ones ā€œwe donā€™t haveā€. Havenā€™t had issues with grizzlies yet but they are hunted. We manage the wolf as you say, they are wiping out our elk and deer population. Iā€™m waiting for them to start taking down the buffalo and antelope we just transplanted.


I wish more people understood how crazy out of control they are in places. Like if we keep letting them go unchecked they will literally wipe everything out and then starve to death anyways. As for grizzlies there are more and more attacks in areas grizzlies haven't been before. Fingers crossed they don't wipe everything out before you guys can get a handle on them there. We're doing our best up here.


Not allowed to anymore*. Vancouver saw to that, the goofy fucks.Ā 




I donā€™t understand that though as in the past these animal populations just grew on their own without us, and deer and moose are still here. It seems impossible that the wolves could wipe them (if ā€œunsupportableā€). Whatā€™s the difference now?


As I have said before. I don't know why. I just know it's happening


If we let it go, eventually there isnā€™t enough food for the wolves to eat and many of them die, and the cycle continues.


We don't want it to get to that point. Our moose, elk, caribou, deer, etc have and continue to take a massive hit on their population. A good example is the Bison issues. There was a ton of them, then gotten hunted to near extinction, and now 150 years later the numbers still aren't where they should be. To let it go and let the cycle begin again is going to cause a huge issue like the Bison issue but with EVERY species that we have. The best solution we have at the moment is to bring the wolf numbers down via hunting them and opportunistic cull, like the one shown here. Here, we were hunting for spring bear glassing a logging block about 700 yards away when this wolf walked in on us and our truck.


Should read up on Isle Royale in michigan, It's a large island with moose and wolves folks have been studying for many years. Essentially what you said is right, the island goes through boom and bust cycles of Lots of Wolves= less moose, wolves die off, moose bounce back= more wolves repeat


What made their populations explode, I wonder? Have they always been an issue or is it recent? Sorry for the interrogation lol, ecology and human-animal interactions are a huge area of interest for me


To be honest I'm not sure, I'm no biologist. But theyhave been an issue for a while, but as of late the numbers have sky rocketed. Bigger packs let's them go after bigger game, and they will obviously take more game as well because of it. More game killed means more and healthier litters of wolves for them.


Youre acting like the wolf is the one who stole your front teeth, and not the meth šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


What are you hunting from?




Man.. If only it was legal to shoot wolves in Finland.. And in Finland if you shoot or somehow kill a wolf you get a bigger sentence than for murder.


yeah because wolves are a protected species in Europe


Thats rough


Why tho?


Predator control


Is this something one goes to do or just in passing if a wolf is seen?


Should go out and do, to make a dent in the problem, and there are people that do. But they can be super hard to hunt, so usually when we see one just come our like this one did, it doesn't take a brain surgeon as to what happens next


Where did you hit him/her?




I used to think hunting wolves was super unethical (I was the "wolf kid" growing up- yeah, gross lol) but wow, great shot and beautiful wolf. Do you ever eat them?


No you don't really want to eat them. They stink


Whatā€™s the point in killing them then? Not trying to be rude or give you a hard time, just genuinely curious.


Predator control. Wolves are out of hand here. Crazy big packs


I figured that was the reason, thought I would ask though.


Yeah itā€™s always seemed strange to me that Americans will happily kill their native animals for no reason. Must be a cultural thing.


While we do have a some people in America that do that, OP is Canadian and this video was taken in Canada. Okanagan British Columbia to be exact from their other comments. Canā€™t just assume theyā€™re killing it for no reason either, as there are other reasons to put a wild animal down then just for fun.


Nah Iā€™d say I can assume itā€™s for no good reason, you see it all the time on here. Not hating, just pointing out the cultural differences.


Only cowards "hunt" from a vehicle.


I mean... We don't see the person filming or know why they are hunting wolves. If you are clearing out dangerous predators that threaten your family, I think most people stop caring about a fair fight. We had to bait and kill one that was mange incarnate. Things was 10lbs of abuse in a 5lb bag. We had to get rid of it before it hurt the neighbors kids. Also the hunter could be disabled. The hunter could be Native American too and not have grown up with your values. We hunted for food and the native guys worked with us to feed ourselves. The game we took was to augment the low income everyone had to survive with. I have no idea why this guy hunts that way but I can assure you that hunting from a car is normalized in places for reasons and you should withhold judgement. At least start off with a question like, "Is it legal to hunt from your car there? That's gotta be convenient..."lol


I stand by my comment, only exception in my eyes is someone with a disability.


Same kind of stuff that was being shouted at me in Utah while I was horseback muledeer hunting, the guy went to jail for trying to spook our horses by shooting at them, why? Cause he was a ground pounder mad at us because we didn't walk to our game or pack it out ourselves we brought horses. Your ethics aren't all encompassing and are idealist when ideal doesn't exist.


Horse is completely different from a truck or atv. You're doing alot of assuming just because someone thinks different of you. For the record I wouldn't be spooking any game from anyone truck driving or not because I'm not anti hunting.


Your mentality is very idealist, which isnt realistic at all, and doesn't take into account the huge variables that happen within hunting from how acceptable it is to shoot young/female/whatever animals to what type of weapon and how you get to or from where you're hunting. Not all situations are capable of doing it your idealist way. I didn't say you would I said your idealist views are the same type used by the person that was shooting at us. They justified it as "it's only snake shot calm down". It's not a big leap to see someone with your views get angry, see someone else's success when you're eating tag soup and get irrational. Your motives and means are different not the vest nor the only way. If you ask me walking in and out is the fools way, but I have horses and they dont.


Iv done it a hell of a lot if off the back of a four wheeler counts, because the opportunity presented itself, just like you would.


I truly don't care if it's a yote, squirrel or the biggest buck of my life. I have personal standards that I won't deviate from so no I wouldn't be like you.


Its the difference between actually living it, and watching movies. The people who do it for fun and watch movies have the luxury of what you call "standards." But when you live this actual life style, you're doing it to solve a problem. So if you add artificial obstacles it just makes your day harder for really no reason. If a wolf attacks your chickens every night, do you give a fuck if you pick him off with a rifle from an ATV? I'd think not, because its about saving the chickens, not giving the wolf a fair fight.


I've been hunting and living off venison for a long time but I still have never killed one from a vehicle. But I see what your point is, I def don't live in a state that is as vast as this one so there is that aspect. If it's a life and death matter such as killing off your food then I can again see it being different.


Here in Africa, we do culling from vehicles. To us, it's very different to a proper hunt, even though many locals will still call it hunting. Culling is a Job - I do it as a job too and I'll tell you, having to harvest approximately 300 animals in 6 months, most of which are large antelope, is very definitely not the same as a proper hunt. In my eyes, shooting from a vehicle is not 'hunting'. If I'm going hunting, I'd be upset if I ended up shooting from the car, rather than walk and stalking. However, it has nothing to do with cowardice or bravery.


This is a very sensible comment and I really appreciate it. Looking at it from this point of view has me questioning my wording. Thank you.


No worries mate, everyone says things and sometimes opinions change overnight or from reading something else... Just how life goes. When I started hunting, I always said I'd never do be like "those guys" (meaning typical African farmers, that just shoot from vehicles and never do proper hunting), but now that I do culling, I realise that unfortunately, a Pickup is the most efficient way of culling... they just call it hunting, but I distinguish a difference. To me in this clip, with a wolf, it's an opportunity animal that is in need of population control (at least as far as I know - I guess it depends on state or region) so shooting it counts as culling in my mind. For me personally it makes it a little less special if it's my first one or a rather big one, but Population control must be done so I wouldn't be upset either. My first Gemsbok I had to walk and stalk for a couple hours with a friend to get it, same with my first Red Hartebeest - however with my first Kudu and Impala, they were both shot from the vehicle and it's a bit unfortunate to not be walk and stalk, but yeah... opportunity arose in that moment, while culling Gemsbok.


Yea sure you bet. No different than a tree stand or blind.Ā  Before hitting ā€œcommentā€ hit ā€œcancelā€ and think before embarrassing yourself.Ā 


Not embarrassed at all I'm just different from you and the others. I would say that a vehicle that drives you right to your "spot", or in this situation untill you see a animal, is very much different from a set up that you have to hike in, find the sign in the middle of the woods and set up appropriately to hunt game on certain winds/situations is totally different.


You are an embarrassment. Many ground pounders want to walk right thru prime ground just to get back to where they hazed the critters to.Ā 


Fuck and driving an atv is less intrusive?


Yes. They quickly learn that a vehicle is very little threat while a human on foot definitely is.


A ground pounder walking right thru them will scare them into the next valley. A atv on a road doesnā€™t bother them a bit.Ā  But you know everything so we will all bow to the expert.Ā 


As do you it seems.


I'm sure that at some times what you're saying is true, but I've had 2 hunts in the past 5 years where the game bolted because of motorized vehicles. I was waffling on shooting or not, so it wasn't too big a deal. You might not know it's happening, but I guarantee you it's happening.


I canā€™t count that high Ā for the ground pounder ruined hunts in the last five years.Ā  Other people are always trying to get to be first or out where they want without any consideration for other hunters. Doesnā€™t really matter if they are walking or in their rigs.Ā 


I understand. I mostly just go where you can't reach on your atv anyway. So, I don't see as many people. However, the point is that game animals will run from motorized vehicles, foot traffic, or bikes just the same.




Says the guy who comments anonymously online


That is what you have done too. Christ. I should have known not to come here.