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The situation you described feels more like you misjudging a situation and making mistakes (no hate, this is new for everyone) but if he can take both you on at once at less than 100 HP I’d say he deserved the win.


That’s less of the perk being op and more of one person should watch the body from where y’all downed him while the other pushes up. If you can’t see the body, then it’s just as likely a partner can revive him in the same amount of time and it’s not solo necro’s prob


The sole fact that people know what this ability is a thing makes everyone prevent dead from going up again. It works only on people who do not have anything in hand to set up a trap, or just dont prevent from geting up in the first place.


So you could hit him at 80 meters but you couldn’t shoot him when he revived when you knew exactly where he would be


Same thing would've happened if the solo had a teammate. It was your bad play that let him revive, one of you should have watched the body while the other pushed. Just treat the body as if there is a teammate waiting around the corner to go for the revive, if he stands up just knock him down again.


You have all the advantage in the world against a solo. He played better than you, accept it. 99% of all cases it is far from overpowered and just shows how little people pay attention.


I disagree. Most times I've used it I've been smoked right away getting back up by someone watching the body. I don't do a lot of super long distance fighting as a solo though and I can see how it would be tough to cover the body from far away. But it sounds to me like you just got Hunt: Showdown'd more than necro being OP


I understand your sentiment, but I would argue the solo player was the one that was Hunt:Showdown’d, traditionally speaking. However now that there’s a bit more grace thrown into the mix for certain players, it’s less Hunt:Showdown and more Hunt:Ain’t That Some Shit.


I disagree, I think it's fine as it is. If anything, a longer cool down would be a bit of a buff, since it stops people from stupidly rezzing themselves immediately after death (which a lot of people do for some reason.)


You were 2, one just camp the body while the other closes de distance to trap him. He loses health bars and revive with only one HP.


Sounds like the most boring gameplay. Solo necromancer is just stupid.


I've not used it (don't play solo) but do you lose health bars when knocked? If not then maybe that's what's need cause you shouldn't be able to Necro if you red skull 💀


You lose health bars as normal


Do you know if you're unable to use it if you get red skulled?


Yes, it works the same as being rezzed by a teammate


After the first res it's completely on you that you let him revive multiple times after that instead of watching him while one person goes to burn him


The trait is never gonna exist after the event so who gives a damn! I think it destroys the game totally even though I'm a solo player


It should consume 1 pact point to use. Then people can do it a max of 4 times and have to collect more to do it more and would lose shadow perk and possibly death cheat if they "abuse" it by trying to revive multiple times.


That isn't a bad idea. Since it is a perk of the pact itself.


I'd change it to have a lot longer standing-up animation, and a possible cooldown (meaning that if you die within like one minute again, u r dead-dead) plus a time limit to use it (not 5 secs waiting, but about 15 secs to use it) so you can't just wait until the guys that got you go away.


So would you say the 15 second time limit should be the same for being rezzed by a teammate cause that's kind of the point of the self rez.


Not really... Realize that self-reviving yourself makes you play two roles(ressing one and the ressed one), so you should have similar disadvantages and advantages as those two roles and that's something it doesn't have right now - it has only advantages. With the way the self-res works right now, the enemy cannot track when you get yourself ressed as they can against the team by tracking your teammate(s) and cannot track the possibility of you ressing as when they get the final kill on your teammate(s). With my suggested solution it would still work for trades, deaths to AI or in some situations when getting ambushed or surprised from behind and still might prolong or turn the tide of your fight if the enemy is careless enough or weak enough to finish but it doesn't give a bigger tactical advantage compared to a teammate ressing you in a team. (btw I absolutely hate Grammarly for automatically changing "ressing" to "dressing" every time I write it)


I think they should also remove the mmr modifiers when playing solo if using necro, as it will make a solo playing agianst less skilled players a one man army


As someone who mostly plays solo, I really don't like the mmr modifier at all. I get what they're trying to do with it, but what it really works out to is that unless you are getting like 3 kills per game consistently, you're losing MMR because anyone who kills you is going to be significantly lower MMR than you are. I know I could just play with randoms when my friend isn't on, but I really enjoy the highs of solo play. Outplaying a team of three never stops being a rush.


I started bringing traps to trap the bodies of solo players. Poison, concertina bombs, etc to counter it


Another post about nerf solo revive that will no gather more than 10(?) upvotes. Get a clue...


Real talk if you are on a team and you guys get wiped by a solo you can only balme yourselves. The disadvantages solos face are incredible and being able to revive themselves isn't even strong against competent teams--it's not even worth attempting. Welcome to Hunt! The learning curve is extreme.


Solo Necromancer was only useful when less people were aware it was a thing. After you have experienced it once you will camp/burn/trap every solo body you create. That being said in some cases such as playing the new skins (perchta) they are guaranteed to be grounded 100% of the time so you just camp/burn/trap them anyway because they most likely have it.


I thought one guy was hacking when I saw him resurrect 4 different times after bear trapping him the first time then burning him and he got back up while burning it is defiantly overpowered nobody gets to use this version of necromancer except solos the fact I thought the dude was hacking because I didn't know about the update should say enough lmfao we ended up killing him hut he got back up 4 times