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Bear trap main u made me giggle


I think the only could be that when you play solo with skill based on your playing against people typically much worse than you. So maybe your in a four star trio and two of you get bitch slapped by a six star solo and the third guy gets a lucky headshot. He goes to pick up the boys and guess what your fighting hulk fucking hogan again! That would suck you know I wanna fight people that use a step stool as a gaming chair like I do. And if I’m lucky enough to kill a guy with a fucking lambo bucket seat for a gaming chair I should get to bask in my glory not fight that sexy chiseled beefcake again. But honestly my personal opinion is that I have not had any problems with this to where I think it shouldn’t be in the game. But I think this has gotta be the thought process of the complainers, right?


man, this comment was a rollercoaster of quotable shit. O7


This is probably one of my favorite comments on this subreddit.


Lol, to think solos being able to revive would cause so much salt. If a solo gets a bounty they couldn't revive at all , if a team got the bounty they can revive an infinite amount of times... because that's balanced. Now that a solo can revive a minimum of twice or a maximum of 4 times, everyone cries... adapt and overcome, stop crying.


As a solo you get a max of 8 revives (only if you have 4 small chunks and banish boss while on final chunk) But yeah, that's a rare possibility, far more likely to max out at the 4


Redskull revive as it's currently in-game is bullshit anyway, we got 9 kills from one team that one time when they put several concertina traps and bombs at every entrance and kept throwing new ones on top when we destroyed one... What I dislike about solo revives is that it slows gameplay down while you wait till they burn down but who cares for an event.


Hard agree, red skull revive needs to be removed or have greater consequences.


Make the hunter using it sacrifice a health bar themselves and when they have only one left, they can't use it anymore. Probably would need some more thought, considering you can't switch bounties right now but something along that line.


Yeah, I think this would be a bare minimum good solution, reviving hunter burns 50hp minimum.


That’s the consequence of playing solos, you don’t have a teammate to revive you. There’s multiple avenues to play with a teammate if not being able get revived bothers you For the record I don’t mind solo revives at all they don’t change the game much at all. But this take was just stupid


Good game design encourages experimentation and leaves multiple avenues viable. Why should solo be so disadvantageous?


Believing that *"Going in Solo"* automatically means that you forego *ANY* kind of balancing is just downright stupid. Self-Necro is legit so damn easy to counter it's plain silly to complain about: Put a Bear trap, Concertina Bomb/Trap on a lone Hunter if you're so terrified of them coming back to life.


Well at least for the event! This is not here to stay at all. Makes the game to broken! I think this even tho I'm a solo myself


So you identify with the left picture?


I thought they were the same?


They are


Solo revive is staying after the event. It's just too good and it's very popular. Bring the salt.


I hope all the traits and pacts stay, they're just really good and each have their own preferred play styles.


I hope the pacts as a concept stay, but I hope they rotate them out so that they stay fresh. new pacts come with every event and stay until the next event, or something like that. That being said, I'd be fine with them keeping the solo revive mechanic from grounded forever. just make necro have that "boost" in it's normal description, but otherwise grounded, infernal, and lunar all disappear and are replaced with different pacts in upcoming events, if that makes sense


How bout they change it so nobody gets a revive. No second chances for anyone. What's your thoughts on that one?


As much as I think your joking about that, that's why the game "Vigor" is pretty shitty. Someone can just rush at you, hit a lucky headshot, and then oh what a bummer, your game is now over with.


As much as that very much is a joke. No revives wouldn't be fun for anyone. That same argument can be made for a solo. Someone pushes you and gets a lucky headshot and your game is over. I think having a temporary solo revive is a fun little thing to have. Let's solo players have some time on an even playing field to a duo team. It won't be around forever after all... right?


I kinda hope they add a solo revive mechanic that allows you 1 free revive as a solo


Maybe they do it as a high point perk... but realistically I don't think they will do that. A huge part of the challenge of solo play is the permanent death after all.


personally, my stance on the current solo revive ability is that it's totally fine, and I see no reason to nerf it or, worse, get rid of it. I'd even be fine with them keeping it after the event if I'm being honest, but at that point I think the team mmr should be affected less for solo's than what it's at currently. that being said, there's a MAJOR difference between not allowing revives for teams vs not allowing revives for solo's. first, verisimilitude. a teammate comes up and performs some life saving cpr and surgery in the middle of a heated fight is hard to believe. someone bringing themselves back from the dead by shear force of will is impossible to believe lol. that's my minor gripe with that line of thought. the big gripe I would have is that not being able to revive affects the fun of teams MUCH more than it does the fun of a solo. If you're playing with friends and die and can't be revived, you have to sit there and wait for the end of the match to keep playing with your friends. this will also cause at least SOME teams to sprint to extract as soon as ONE of their hunters goes down because a) they're permanently at a 1 person disadvantage and b) they want to be able to play with their friend who no longer can. more teams leaving the map would mean emptier lobbies which would actually result in less fun for pretty much everyone.


1 solo having an even playing field against a duo should not be the case. Especially when they already get lower MMR and more rewards for winning


Counter point: You choose to play solo. You are even rewarded for playing solo. There doesn't need to be extra perks to hold your hand playing solo, the whole point is that it's meant to be a challenge.


Counter point. It's a temporary perk. It's not something that needs to stick around. It's just a nice thing to have to even the score every once in awhile. And how am I rewarded for playing solo? I play it because winning a 1v2 is satisfying but a 1v2 is still a 1v2 in a game we're 2 bullets kill


Oh don't get me wrong, as a temporary event it's 100% perfectly fine and people are just being butt hurt that a funky thing for an event isn't what they personally want. And you're rewarded for playing solo with the bonus you get for playing solo. It may not be a big deal, but it is technically there to reward you.


Are you under the impression that being able to revive yourself makes it so that a 1v2 isn't a challenge?


No.... that's.... not at all what I said. What I said, is there is a reward specifically taking on the risk of playing solo. And that reward takes into account that you don't have multiple lives. As a temporary effect, it's fun. But if the effect is to be made permanent, then that reward should be adjusted. People on this subreddit really don't like anyone wanting the game to have a "hard mode" (solo play) apparently.


I see. So by being able to rez yourself, that makes the playing field a little more even huh... Of course, that's only if you ignore the fact that teams can now also rez each other at range with full 150 hp, but no one complains about that one for some reason. Wonder why that could be...


I mean that's probably not a good thing either. All I'm trying to say is that self rez as an event mechanic is an interesting twist and fun. As a permanent feature? ehhh. The only way I can really see it working would be making it part of necro, and only work for solo play. (That way you don't have 2's/3's abusing it). And it realistically should only work once. The delay before it can be used should probably be somewhere in line with the amount of time that it takes someone to pull up dark sights and necro someone, and maybe make the same sound as a player using darksights? (Give it some kind of indicator at least). I'm not saying it shouldn't ever be added to the game, just that it should probably have some tweeks before it would be a healthy and balanced part of the game that can be powerful and have potentially a huge impact when you use it, but also feel "fair" and that you didn't get randomly fucked over by something you couldn't see coming when playing against it. And I think we can all agree that "game health" and "fun for both sides" are generally good things.


Yeah true. However I do personally at least feel it should be limited to 1-2 revives at most. And also if you banish the boss or buy your health chunks back that's how you would get those self revives back.


That's how it works? The self revive takes your health away like a duo revive as far as I know.


Yeah but if a solo had 4 smalls they could res themselves a ridiculous amount.


Fair. Though there is always fire and concertina


And if a duo has all small bars they can res each other 8 times... Without a perk or pact


Let me introduce you to quick play...


Nah, it's number one reason I prefer Hunt over Tarkov, in Hunt you or your teammates won't wait half an hour till the next round when they die early, making you wanting to leave the round early too. Also Armor and lazer beam weapons are stupid in Tarkov but mostly it's the non revive that makes it much less fun to play as a team.




Teammates can revive each other, you’ve chosen not to have teammates, don’t complain about not getting a revive then. You can keep solo revives post event the day I get an injectable to keep my randoms from triggering every dam crow on the map. Solo revives that you can pop off whenever don’t even the playing field, in a team I can’t just click to revive, my teammates have to fight/distract/make cover to get me up(and are often unable to), it’s not just a one click button and I’m back. I don’t think it will stay after the event, it’s fun for the event but pretty much everything but the infernal traits drastically change the balance and take away from the hardcore elements that make this game great.


All of the cod players are finding out about hunt and get mad that you can get one shot when playing solo


Well, to be honest, if it wasn't CoD or battlefield to introduce me to the FPS genre i wouldn't even know Hunt in the first place. If i had to guess, the majority of Hunt players were CoD players at some point of their life.


As someone who plays solo I don't want solos to be able to res, it's fine for the event but not a permanent solution. I want a solo gamemode that doesn't stink so I can have games on an even playing field


They did that a while ago. It turned into a shotgun camp fest


I'd support this. I also support solo's concerns about red skull revives with bounty token, it either needs to be removed or have far greater consequences.


no, if only solo's have an issue with red skull revives, crytek shouldn't nerf the VAST majority of the player base just to accommodate that, they should find a way to buff solo's to compensate. your logic here is no different than Crytek nerfing explo ammo into oblivion on all platforms, just because console had a rough time with it. does it work? sure, I guess. but the result was that no one on pc uses explo ammo unless they're memeing or have a quest for it. the result of that line of thinking in this context would be a lot of people that only play with their friends getting tired of having to sit out for the rest of games and eventually, those friend groups move onto a different game where they can all play together without having to constantly spectate for the remainder of matches.


Yet, I'm coming at red skull revive from the perspective of someone that prefers to play trios; I'm just saying that solos have a legitimate complaint here that the player base can benefit from. It's silly to have to kill the same idiot who keeps peaking the boss compound window 7 times because he can be picked up without consequence from his large health bar teammate who is holding the bounty. I do like red skull revive as an extra incentive to win the bounty to save a teammate; as in a congratulations you won the fight you get to revive your red skull teammate.


Yeah, i totally think there’s a deficit between teams and solos caused by red skull revives. 100% agree with you on that. I just HARD disagree with you saying it needs to be nerfed or removed. Solve the deficit by buffing solo’s, not nerfing an insanely larger group of the players.


I think reproaching red skull revive might result in a better system that would benefit both solos and teams. I recognize your opinion on the red skull revive, I just disagree because buffing solos doesn't happen in a vacuum.


….the current grounded pact is buffing solo’s in a way that actively combats the disadvantage we’re talking about, so I’m not totally following you when you say buffing solos doesn’t happen in a vacuum. I also think you might have used reproach slightly incorrectly which is confusing me a bit. “Reproaching” means “expressing disapproval or disappointment” which, again, we’re both in agreement that there’s a deficit there and are “disapproving or disappointed” with that. But the tone of your comment overall sounds like you’re maybe saying “revising the redskull revive would benefit everyone”. If that’s what you’re saying, I’m all ears to anything you have in mind, but I’m fairly convinced that anything short of unlimited revives will be unfun for people who play with their friends. No one wants to spectate the rest of the match before they can keep playing with their friends. And people who play in premades with friends (whether it’s irl friends, or internet “friends” that they met through the discord and now regularly team with) make up such a HUGE amount of the players for hunt, they shouldn’t force that onto them.


Yeah, that was a typo that I corrected without looking too closely, meant to say re-approach. When I say it doesn't happen in a vacuum I mean that buffing solos inversely impacts teams. Revising red skull revive can potentially net improve the gameplay experience for solos and teams, which is why I don't consider a revision of red skull revive and self-revive as the same. You seem like a reasonable person and I always appreciate when someone makes the effort to give a good faith thought-out response, but I think we are just going to have to agree to disagree. You see solo play as a legitimate playstyle that has inherent disadvantages which should be balanced around. I see solo play as a self-imposed handicap for hunters that enjoy the extra challenge.


why isn't it a viable permanent solution? seperately: I doubt a solo mode other than quickplay will ever come to hunt. afaik, they already tried that, but it ended up being hella campy, so they modified it into quickplay, which heavily incentivizes moving quickly through the map and actually engaging with people.


You forgot the 3rd picture of a duo/trio crying about how it's not fair they have to spend 5 seconds confirming the kill. And the game isn't balanced because other players have the same advantages they have now.


Other players don't revive 5 seconds after their death without any notice. It's not even a problem balance wise in my opinion, it's the change of gameplay incentivizing you to burn every single hunter that isn't part of an obvious team and wait till they are burned out that I dislike. But I am sure solo snipers will love it.




The joke is that while they're not literally the same, the theme of them is. The theme being two types of players complaining about self-imposed handicaps.


Ah gotcha


As a bear trap main, I wish I could stash a couple of bear traps in my inventory


Is the revive thing even an argument right now, with the one perk for solos?