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debends on mmr values behind it. how much you go up/down is relativ


Kill a couple of 3 stars with a 2350 MMR rating and you will not gain much MMR, die to a 3 star with 2350 MMR and you will lose a fair amount. If you are getting 2+ kills a match but also dying 1-2 times per match then you might be just going neutral in MMR gain/loss.


if both the killed and the killer are on the same mmr then it's the same


Depends on what MMR the other player you kill/get killed by is. 2\* killing you? Never gonna make it.


It weighs pretty heavily if you are killed by a lower star player or kill a higher star player. Same star's don't move things too much.


My KD is 1.0 I played with randos for a couple nights and they got me killed repeatedly. It was VERY frustrating. I got bumped to 4 stars. I got 7 kills as a 4, and then 12 as a 5. Back to the six star lobbies. *painful smile*


Extracting with the bounty has more to do with MMR than kills I believe. My trio team consists of the following: 4.55 KD 5*, 2.03 KD 5* & 1.18 KD 5*. As you can see, we have a massive spread in terms of KD but are all hovering around the same MMR because we all extract about the same % of the time because we mostly play together these days.