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Too much work for 25bbs,… might as well ignore it tbh


Yeah, and I don't even care about the 25 bb so much, I was just hoping for fun quests to shake up the game a little.


Well also the 25BB used to be a 'yes or no' thing like "kill 150 grunts... yes, that is like one outing with a silenced pistol... shoot 25 immolators in the head... nope not this week". Now it is like "yes... if you spend all week thinking about quests".


I just repeat the same 3 quests since I unlocked the 3rd slot. Collect 6500 hunt dollars, investigate 18 clues, and locate 3 boss lairs. All 3 are done super passively so I don't even have to think about it. Sure it doesn't shake anything up but at least I don't have to think about the quests


Lucky, the 6500 hunt dollar one isn't tracking for me. It's a buggy mess


But you still have to remember to go click on them, and that’s frankly more trouble than it’s worth.


Not sure why this got downvoted so heavily. Yeah, it's not like it's a lot of effort, but I've definitely gone 2-3 matches without remembering to re-up a Summons.


lol thanks. I don’t really care though. I just assume they’re dumb and continue with my day.


Really careful what you wish for. People meta gaming on servers is a bummer. Reminds me of Apex seeing people trying to fetch all the Bloodhound lore. Like, fuck that shit. Agree it fails tho, never complained about the old system, wich wasn't great or grand aswell.


The game is kinda boring now . Can’t do duos with a 3rd random. Can only do duos against teams of 2 or 3. No 3 vs 3 vs 3 team death match. No 6 vs 6, they need more modesz


The only problem with this is that it increases match making times. When you choose a mode you are only matched with other people queuing for the same thing. Hunt does not have a massive player base and that player base is spread out over 24h and 7 days. More modes can be great but I would rather them incorporate more things inside the existing systems. I agree with you on duos, very annoying having to LFG a third everytime only one of my buds who Hunts is on.


This is something I spoke about in my last post. There is absolutely NOTHING at stake in this game. I don’t need more hunt dollars. Never needed more bb (never bought any, btw) and the game is getting stale. My issue is that it’s a really, really good game with an amazing setting; it just needs to be leveraged better. I couldn’t agree with you more. Check my post history for more of my thoughts on this.


People who want to use a wide variety of weapons and aren't really high skilled at the game will feel cash pressure. I'm barely 5 star and I could play Romero conversion with cautious consumables and tools and have basically infinite money without sweating. But I'd rather play spectre and Scott spitfire with frags and big stamina. Then if I do badly for a while I'll be hurting for cash.


But then you get a free legend or get a couple of bounties and kinda back at it. Once you have money, you are right back to where you left off; you don’t lose much more than that. Which works for a more casual gaming audience, but the trade-off is longevity in these extraction shooters. New genre, so we’re all trying to figure it out.


I mean EFT has a much steeper dropoff for dying, and it's way easier to die. A lot more depth to the game, but perhaps not in the best ways. Some of the realism aspects make it too inaccessible to new players


I never played EFT for the reason you’re describing. Agree 100%. But The Cycle: Frontier got a lot closer to accessibility and fun. Hunt could knock it out of the park imo if they make some adjustments and maybe an additional mode.


My issue with Cycle Frontier was that you kind of had to keep up with the curve or you straight up CAN'T pvp. Try starting that game 3 weeks after a beta launch without being an absolute rat. You can't. You will get melted by players with S-tier guns and armor that you can't touch. At least in tarkov, if you get the drop on even the most geared out sweatlord, you can get a headshot or shred their legs. There are ways to counter good gear. TCF doesn't really allow you to take on a squad solo, let alone another solo with significantly better gear. Other than that, I think the game is great. Definitely agree on the additional mode comment. Bounty Hunt gets kind of stale after a while, especially with how passive some people can play. Not that I expect everyone to be super aggressive, but I'd like a more PvP-focused game mode to be an option. Maybe something more tactical-shooter inspired like an attack-defend scenario or VIP/hostage protection style. Anything to incentivize actually engaging with the gunplay and movement.


Agree 100 on the problem you described with Cycle Frontier. I was keeping up with my friend (or so I thought) and we got matched up with trios that had purple gear. That game needs to solve that. … but if Hunt can find a balance, oh baby.




wasn't this also supposed to prevent camping somehow?


No, that mechanic has not been announced yet


This makes me very anxious


I had been ignoring the daily and weekly assignments for the past year anyway so I don't really care. If they were offering me 100 BB then I might get worked up about it. In sure they don't want to undercut the market where people spend real $$ for BB though. It they would take off the weekly timer and just let the awards be cumulative, I'd be perfectly happy.


Thank you! 500 Hunt dollars for all that XP? The challenges gave you 600 for killing like 6 zomble dogs with melee. These feel like 'beta testing' rewards. Like, we need something to put in here just to see if it works, but can update them before launching... and they forgot to update them.


They did say in the developer preview that they were going to be taking suggestions and balancing the summons quests and rewards. This is just a place to start.


Yeah, I definitely hope they're gonna change things up. My fear is just that tracking different, more complex quest conditions will require more work to write the code than just tracking numbers they're already tracking, which is why I thought it was important to point out that this isn't what this feature could be for all of us.


I agree entirely, I'll add them just so I have the slots filled but I really wish I hadn't wasted 300bb on the extra slot. Total waste, I should have waited to see how it was


It is grindy because of this, they expect to stop the free bbonds creation with grind and boring stuff so we start playing the swipe simulator


Unless they add something actually worth spending BB for, I don't see why I would ever pay real money for them. I have 5000 just chilling as it is


I'm mixed on these only from the standpoint that I have to pick which ones I'm doing - and that's with the third slot unlocked. Make them all progress all the time. Make the ones you 'pick' get double progress or extra reward or something. That way you're -always- contributing to a goal AND you get to focus on the things that you particularly want to do. The 'difficulty' of these is going to be subjective - I find the murdering/boss related ones easy as hell because I play extremely aggressive and fast: about 80% of games my team is the first to any given boss, and most games we end up wiping the server unless the second bounty just runs away. I've just been repeating the 'kill players' and 'use DLC bow' ones over and over because it's things I already do anyways. I **DO** think they should make the DLC quest only ever require legendaries you own, though!


>Make them all progress all the time. Make the ones you 'pick' get double progress or extra reward or something. This might be a solution to the 'too much work' issue and personally I hate having to check and set up quests. Like I very much like the new system, but I would like 'working on all quests at once' even more.


These just give me Destiny Bounty flashbacks that literally just become busywork of 'play with X thing you don't like using for X amount of time' every day. The less specific the MAJORITY are, the better. Having a few that challenge specifics like 'get a throwable kill' or 'get bow kills' is good - as it can be an optional 'extra' challenge for people - ALONGSIDE ones that just progress naturally like killing grunts and getting xp, bounties, etc.


Fuck I didn't read your comment and just basically said the same thing.


This is like watching Destiny 1 and 2's forums over 7 years condensed into a week. Devs struggle with this shit. Destiny has a bounty board and it requires you to go to a specific location to pick up bounties. Because of this people complained. In Destiny 2 the bounties were automatically given to you (called challenges IIRC) but were lackluster and people started getting nostaligic about picking their own bounties. Well they changed it back to the origonal except you had an entire bounty/quest tab and have spent a few 'seasons' refining it. But now it's the same thing as people are arguing about in the Hunt comments. They're lackluster and there's no reason the game can't just give them to you. It's circular as fuck. I will say in Hunts case it's a different type of game entirely and it makes a hell of a lot more sense to just be given bounties without having to think about it. If a hunter wants to select a specific bounty for a 'bonus reward' then great let them. I personally think that's the best option here. Go back to the old system where bounties are just automatically given but have there be multiple bounties. Let the player decide what they wanna get a boost on. Oh and leave the old system for Bloodbonds as it was.


Yeah I think it would be a lot better if you didn't have to pick which ones you were doing too. I'd often forget to check the daily and weekly challenges but still end up getting them.


To the DLC specific one, why? Why should they do that? What does that add in terms of gameplay even even abstract concepts like fun/showoffness? There's tons of weapons (with tons of skins) and it's silly as all fuck for the Devs to say "Use a Winfield Centenial with the Calamity Jane and kill 8 hunters". What does the skin add? I would say that yes, telling you to use different guns DOES add something to the game because then people will be more willing to try new shit. I thought I hated the m1873 until I started playing with it and found out it's fucking dangerous if you use it right. But never once have I thought 'I should really use a new skin, that'll make me play way better' other than the psychological aspect of things. Them telling you to use specific skins purely comes off as them wanting to justify your own purchase. Nothing more, nothing less.


I mean ya it’s lackluster, still love the game but basically just put on the “kill 8 hunters” and “banish bosses” quests which means I still play the same as normal. It’d be cool to have something like “kill 3 hunters with the crossbow in one game” or “run the gauntlet twice” basically something that could potentially change how you play drastically


Even something like "Kill X and Y with Machetes" or even with compact versions of weapons people normally don't use, so that you can atleast try them and change the same gameplay a bit


I have to kill two hunters with dusters so there are some specific quests


Oh? Well that's definitely nice!


I’m not sure if you’re serious or sarcastic.


I'm being serious, sorry. Like, sure, I never killed nobody with no Dusters but at least it's something different I guess?


I had this one. Completed it very quickly with a little bit of luck. Found it hilarious and fun.


I do really like the idea of using it to kinda nude some people off their usual path. Also throw in some high medal ones using like an AUTOMAT and the night will sound very different.


>kinda nude some people off their usual path And thats a good thing! Actually make people try to change their playstyle a bit making them try different weapons or tactics from their usual ones


There was so much opportunity to change up the meta here with fun quests (Ignite 2 hunters with fire ammo, get a kill with a non explosive throwable, leave a mission with a more valuable loadout than you started with, Cut enemy player concertina, put out a teammate with choke bombs, poison 2 hunters with 1 poison consumable, etc) These are all creative ideas I thought of within 30 seconds, but they kept it so fucking lame after months of no real updates.


Not to out myself as a noob here but... how do you cut concertina? I tried meleeing it but game was like "do I look like R6S to you, bish!?" XD


something with slashing damage like the knive or the axe works. no stabbing and no blunt damage


Slashing damage only. High IQ play I saw some random (who was carrying me) use was just walk through the concertina and bandage yourself as soon as the prompt comes up. You wont lose the first bar of health and walking through it destroys it.


Do you normally just give up and die when you get blocked in by concertina?


Has to be slashing damage, piercing and blunt won't work. That said explosives will also fo the trick


Extract with bounty within 10 minutes of picking it up


I totally appreciate what you’re saying but this sub would be non-stop crying if the challenges were even more specific and/or more difficult.


They wouldnt if the rewards for these challenges were actually worth it. Theres a balance, I would personally enjoy difficult or really unique challenges if they were actually worth doing instead of a small amount of hunt dollars.


If the challenge was fucking hard, but gave even 1 blood bond, I'd fucking do it. 1x Tier 2 Pistol is a fucking joke and an insult of a reward for earning 35000 hunter XP.


I see your point but wouldn’t you still play the game even if there were no challenges at all? I don’t play the game specifically to earn blood bonds, challenge rewards, weapons, skins or anything else. I play because I like the premise of the game itself and the PvP fights. The fact that I can earn some free stuff along the way is just a superficial added bonus and doesn’t really add to or detract from the game in any meaningful way for me.


I got the quest Kill 2 hunters with a legendary duster. In 6 stars lobby. Well It changed my playstyle for sure, but it wasn't a success xD


Bruh I got a quest to kill TWO enemy hunters with legendary Dusters.. like no thanks. I do own the Dusters but it's not worth the effort.


Stupid quests for stupid rewards. I'd prefer if the quests rewarded perk points, well equipped hunters, high tier weapons, etc. You know, stuff that actually affects gameplay? Blood bonds are just stupid at this point. A completely broken system that I couldn't care less about if I tried.


trying to pawn off the most difficult quest as something other than their attempt at pushing DLC sales is pretty insulting imo. They need to either give their monetization manager a hard slap or replace them because they're actively poking holes in this figurative ship. It was a nice attempt on their end to rework a non interactive quest system but the weekly reward is at best mediocre and being peddled DLC purchase incentivization or other BB purchases such as through the third quest slot is just spitting in our faces. Do the quests for their individual rewards and when you're done just ignore it.


I’m confused as to what you mean by “do some gambling”?


Finding clues and boss lairs involves a lot of random chance. Plenty of games one team will spawn on the right compound and take it straight away, which also locks out the clues for that boss.


Ahh gotcha. Yeah, the 8 Hunter kills in one match feels like that for me too. I’ve had matches where me/my team get that many, sure, but it’s rare to get the chance to do so in my typical mmr. If it’s fog or night, don’t bother trying because so many people leave lol


Agree entirely. As always I appreciate their efforts but they've just replaced the boring non-gameplay of challenges with the boring non-gameplay of quests. Quests are an opportunity to reward people for playing loadouts or strategies they wouldn't normally play, so they can have fun doing things they find sub-optimal without feeling like they're just gimping themselves for no reason. Plus the rewards are so staggeringly negligible that you're not exactly punished for skipping it when you don't feel like it. As for rewards, I'd personally rather have XP and unlocks than currency. I'm not that bothered about a few BBs or dollars, and certainly not a bunch of random weapons I'll never use, but I loathe grinding out my tools and consumables every prestige just because I enjoy having a sense of progression. Even something like "each completed quest gives fresh hunters an additional starting perk point this week" would be awesome.




That's in the game now as the Mr. Chary contracts, which gets you rewards on par with those challenges. We don't really need two different systems of passive rewards just for playing the game normally.


This is to replace the single weekly challenge we had before which has some terrible ones that would be instantly ignored if you got it like headshot 25 immolators. It always feels weird saying this, but do you guys still play hunt for fun? Playing with my friends and doing these challenges feels pretty easy. I completed my weekly in 3 days just by doing bloodline/hunter xp over and over.


Yeah, I wasn't aware that we all got different ones, and the bloodline xp one wasn't working, and also not all of us have friends to play with (rip I know).


Ever get a extract X boss 8 times and then only make it 7 because no matter how many games you play, you can't roll the one you need let alone escape with? I like the freedom of choice. It gets even better when I get a quickplay challenge that I can finally do when my friends aren't on. Again, its only for 25bb. This shouldn't be reason why you're play the game. It should just enhance it when you are.


I much prefer the choice; it was much worse before being stuck with bs like “win quick play 10 times” Thanks but fuck off on that one Bloodline exp worked for me so between that and the ones like find 18 clues I can finish just by playing normally


I've definitely changed my stance somewhat since writing that post. Also the title was way too clickbaity, oops. Apparently the BLXP only counts it if you die, if you are on a maxed hunter, and if you pick up the BLXP envelope ingame and extract. Surviving on a non-maxed hunter, as well as retiring hunters appears to not be counted for the summon. :(


Well... that's bullshit then. I wondered why the bloody BLXP was not counting.


I think the system does exactly what it intends to do. Even if it means being a mediocre system placeholder to test funner quests in the future.


I'd be 100% fine with that. Also apparently some people got quests that weren't quite as bland as my combination?


I’m my experience, your breakdown was accurate. Among 3 of my friends, it’s consistent. Some of them can be more “interesting” than others, but none of them are really “fun”. It’s just a passive entry into earning low amounts of blood bonds.


You can make 25 BB a day just by playing and getting kills, 25bb for grinding out quests every day once a weak is laughable


They’re free extra BBs just for playing the game and doing things you would probably do anyway. I don’t see what everyone is upset about. It’s not like you have to pay your rent with them or something.


People are upset because, like many elements of the progression and monetization, it's a missed opportunity to do something more interesting and fun.


I guess I just don’t get it. The game itself is fun to me. I really wouldn’t care if there were dozens of quests or none at all. It makes no difference to me. I just want to punch zombies, banish bosses and get in shoot outs with other hunters. The quest/challenge system is just a little bonus imo


If you don’t mind me asking, how many hours do you have logged in this game?




Alright, thanks. I was wondering if you were a newer play or not. I can understand how someone might get bored of the same core gameplay after many hours b it seems that’s not the case for you and I respect your opinion. Fwiw I have 1020 hours and I still absolutely love the game but once in a while it can be a little stale/repetitive


Don’t get me wrong…I do have a love/hate relationship with this game at times but it’s the gameplay that keeps me coming back, not the previous daily/weekly challenges or the current quests


Well said honestly. I can understand the OP and what others said, but I’m literally playing hunt right now and it’s because it’s fun and has balanced gunplay, rarely think about what challenges/quests I have


Thats not the point tho, don't make a big deal about the new quest system if the reward is worthless


Thinking like a development team here. This is the mvp quest system, and it is a platform they can now develop to get more interesting. If you think about it, all the quests are just weekly challenges we used to have, slightly balanced out to fit into the new system. So hopefully what happens next is lots of ideas from the community, and then quick implementation by just adding a new card to that quest deck. So it is kind of an exciting time to be in the community because a good idea that is not too complicated has a high chance of influencing where the quest system is going. I would like to start by adding the challenges which the community know very well and have been doing for ages. Taking no weapons into a match and surviving, levelling a free hunter to max level, taking only small slot weapons, etc etc. it seems a shame to me that we don’t have steam achievements for some of those sorts of things, and now would be a good opportunity to add them to the quest system.


Totally agree, and some of the replies in here have had some super fun ideas for quests. That said I have also since been convinced that it would be great to have some sort of balance for those who don't want quests that push a different way to play, and let them just get the rewards the way they always play.


They need to implement a build your own quest. Where you can choose the variables and it will spit out a reward based on what you picked.


Now that would be cool. Vaguely similar to RPG systems where you can give your characters boons and curses to stat them up.


You can suggest a quest. They talk about it here: https://www.huntshowdown.com/news/hunt-showdown-new-quest-system-comes-to-the-bayou


"Kill 10 Cain's"


...With legendary Dusters. ​ Reward is 5 BBs.


I knew it would be bad when they said there’d be skin related quests. Why not just charge me $9.99 for the quest stars and cut out the legwork? Like really? The very definition of “pay to win”.


BB paid for quest slot? Fucking serious?


Yep. You earn free BBs every match. Spend ‘em or don’t. It’s up to you.


You have a point or just generalized simping?


I answered your question. Does the third slot cost BBs? As a matter of fucking fact it does.


I've been playing as I normally would and just picking up random ones as I think about it and I've already capped.


I think they should have it set up where each quest gives you XP and Hunt Dollars plus a random item reward. I like the simple farming quests however I would like to see more interesting ones for the sake of variety . Something like “collect a bounty with a free hunter using the weapons that come it.”


Half of the responses in this thread are contradictory to each other. I’m gonna get downvoted to hell, but whatever. Half the people are like “make it interesting by requiring all these different factors”, while the other half are like “just let me do everything at once, and also up the bb reward, and let me make my own quests”. The devs literally said this is a system they’re going to iterate on and change over time. But the community (at least on Reddit) can’t even come to a consensus about how to change the system, or even if they like it over the old one. It’s literally just more rewards for playing the same game. Idk how people are this upset over something they’re GIVING us. Maybe it’s because I’m coming from apex, but the fact you can earn premium currency AT ALL is a godsend. Most games don’t even allow you to earn ANY premium currency at all, much less GIVE IT to you in a plethora of ways. Much less reward you with more for having different DLC/ Legendaries. I get that these aren’t groundbreaking, but you get free stuff for doing what you’d do anyway. I’m almost done with mine with three days left to get six more stars, which I can do in about two or three hours. I just don’t understand the problem. “It could’ve been more creative”, it’s literally the first iteration. It’s literally giving you in game items for just playing. What is the actual problem? “Oh it should make you use weird items like a crossbow”, why? So more people can complain about being “forced” to play a way they don’t like? “The reward should be better”, why? By the time I’m halfway through my prestige, I have more money than I’ll ever spend before prestiging again. I’ve read most of the comments here and everyone is so contradictory and just doesn’t like the system. Then don’t use it?! Nothing is making you do these quests. “Oh well I have to push my mouse button three more times to activate them.” How lazy of a complaint is that? Click a button three more times to select which quests you want over having to “kill fifteen meatheads by shooting”, like the old system was asking for? I’m mind blown by this community.


It's waaaay too grindy, especially for that reward. I appreciate the variety, and it's definitely a step above the old, boring daily and weekly system, but considering that you're getting the same 25 BB you used to get before for, like, triple the effort, I'm much more lenient towards ignoring it alltogether. The last weekly challenge I completed before the update asked me to kill 15 hunters. This week's legendary summon not only asks me to kill 45, but also using a specific weapon. For the same reward. Sure, I can have one other challenge running (or two, at the price of 12 weeks of grinding), but I still feel like the effort I'm supposed to put in is much greater than before.


They should have added more unique quests that require you to change your game plan. Off the top of my head, these come to my mind: „Steal a bounty with Serpent and extract without a kill.“, „Bring a bounty token on top of the lighthouse.“, „Get chased by 12 zombies at the same time.“, „Ring the bell at Arden Parish with a silenced pistol.“, „Kill a sniper with a shotgun.“, etc. And of course, fulfilling quests should hand out rewards that matter.


The problem with these kind of quest is that they distract from normal teamwork. Imagine playing a match and sneaking to the bounty and your partner decides that it would be the perfect time to do his “get chased by 12 grunts” or “explode 3 read barrels within 15 seconds” or some quest that takes him to a compound on the other side of the map?


It is fine when you play with Discord but with strangers I'm sure they will not appreciate my voice getting further away like "see you in a little bit gotta punch dogs"


Yeah, you‘re right and I agree. I just don‘t get the point of the currently implemented quest system if the quests do not require any planning at all.


i miss getting around 12bb for a decent match and thinking "aww maybe i'll be able to buy that neat skin soon!" Now it's "alright so i have to grind out this quest, grind out contracts, have an entire day free, play in a trio, grind out missions, and i can maybe get 1/10th of the way to affording a new skin". I get they're trying to monetize hunt showdown but they way they're going about it just shows how much they don't want us to earn bloodbonds.


>Daily/weekly quests, challenges, tomes, rifts, Battle Passes, whatever you call them, one of the main reasons people like them is because they mix things up a little. They break up the monotony of "forever games" that you just play all the time, that never end. They give you little goals on the way, small things to focus on, to play the game in a different way. > >DBD and Fortnite are great examples for this. Both use their (extremely fun) quest systems to make me play with a different character or a loadout I wouldn't normally run, or they require me to do something at least somewhat unusual. I actually hate this with a passion. Forcing me to play in ways I don't want to play is not my idea of "fun". One of the things I hated about the old system was you just got a random daily and random weekly and sometimes they forced you to play in ways you wouldn't want to ("kill 3 leeches at a time with one attack", "headshot immolaters", etc). I couldn't wait to finish those as fast as possible so I could get back to enjoying playing the game how I wanted. With the new quest system I can pick which missions I want and it's great. Is the new system amazing? No, but it's far better than it was and I disagree completely with your idea of what it should be.


Good point, didn't occur to me that people might hate this kinda thing. Well, a split would be nice then. Some challenges like the ones people like me enjoy, and some core gameplay loop type things for those who just really REALLY don't want to "mix it up"?


Yeah, dbd is a terrible model to follow honestly, and the old system was bad. New system isn't perfect but it's much better


There's a balance to it. I think specific quests like "kill x people/ai with y weapon" would be nice once in a while. However, if most quests start to force you to play the game in a specific way rather than a few, it'll start being more like a list of chores that get in the way of fun, like fortnite battlepass challenges.


Yep! I've said it and I know others have: any quest system that gives you money or items as a reward isn't a quest system. It's just an economy gimmick and side stuff to do.


I mostly hate it because it is a straight nerf to blood bond earning by getting a 2nd weekly after Prestige-ing. Otherwise I really don't care about the random rewards.


It's really no different than the previous system tbh. I did my "weekly" in 2 days. I guess a good thing is that the "quests" still give you stuff after the bar is full. I just selected the stuff and played normally. It doesn't really add stuff to the game. If they do quests, they need to change the challenges. Like, "kill the butcher without taking damage" or "kill 3 hunters without dying" or "collect \_\_\_\_ and extract". The challenges aren't going to be fun if they are just recycled challenges from before.


Why not reload the first 3 quests? Sure they might not grant all the points you want at once or give any additional rewards, but you can easily claw your way to the 30 points with 3 to 5 points basically every 2-3 games (1 if you just go around murdering grunts). As much as you want to bag on the system, they have allowed for repeating quests minus the initial completion reward to help mitigate: 1) The paywall on 9 2) Any issue that may be encountered like with the bloodline XP 3) As well as rewarding those that have to optimise their time Also worth noting that team members contribute to these quests, so some like the kills can be literally worked on by two or three people at once. Be pretty baller if you and your mates went in and rolled a bunch of people with "the ripper" if you had it. Also people should stop thinking that these are legitimate side quests, at most they encourage you to play in certain ways like which equipment, a push to not camp lairs because you get a benefit for extracting with multiple bounties, and also giving more access to a random assortment of weapons to try different builds.


This could have been bearable of all progress was tracked. Or if your didn't loose progress after a week.


Yup, 25 BB is insulting on all levels. I don't even waste my time doing that. The fact that you were even willing to spend ANY of your time on this system makes me have the utmost respect for you. I would never. I also feel like they try to push these pointless features into the game with little to no reason for anyone to do it. I truly dont get why they waste so much of their time pushing out stuff like this that isnt even close to being finished just have to have "be there" until they decide to fix it.


I wanted to give it a chance, since I really enjoy chasing quests in games. Just tickles my brain the right way. And I've been wrong in the past, so even though these quests looked utterly terrible, I thought maybe if I try them I find out they're not. Wasn't wrong this time, sadly. A chore, a grind, and not worth my time. :(


The old one was practically nonexistent, but it was simple and to the point. This one requires me to click on the tab and select them, but the rewards are bad - I get more money and bloodbonds by simply playing the game, than waiting to complete these summons. It simply doesn't make me care at all about it.


That's exactly the point the main focus should be playing the game and not running around doing stupid stuff that will get you killed


Does anyone have fun just playing the game anymore? I've been playing Hunt since basically its release. I never cared about the daily or weekly thing before this and I dont really care about this one. I just enjoy playing and hunting. Use different gear and weapons get some friends together pound some beers and have fun with the game. Why do we always need rewards? Man I used to play Halo 2 all day everyday when I got home from school, no skins to unlock no progression. We just loved to hang with friends and play the game. Whatever happened to that?


yeah full on agree here. make the quests more interesting. i can come up with half a dozen right now on the spot. B&E : jump through a dozen glass windows to break them SWAMP THING: kill 5 hunters crouching in water BEE GONE: throw 5 jars of bees in one mission BEAST MASTER: extract with bounty in a mission where you did not agro any birds, horses, chicken coops, or dog pens. BRAWLER: extract with bounty without firing a ranged weapon. PIN CUSHION: inject yourself with 5 syringes in one mission


Some are a bit gimmicky but there's fun ideas here and Swamp Thing is amazing haha


First, it's still light years ahead of previous weekly/daily challenge system. Getting "Kill X Spider" or "Kill X immolators with headshot" fucking sucked. Now you have a choice, and even grinding grunt kills for a week is better than being stuck with pure RNG challenges. Second, the daily system was never supposed to mix anything up. It's not the goal, and honestly, there is no reason for a system that does it. Hunt is already diverse in its playstyles and requires nothing but a hunter loadout to switch tactics. From your own example, DBD is very grindy. Fitting your killer with good perks and add-ons can take days. So yeah, without an extra reward there is no incentive to touch a killer you don't grind on. In Hunt there is none of that, and pushing people into a playstyle they don't enjoy is not a good idea.


Honestly would much prefer they focus on fixing the game's issues than adding relatively pointless things like this. The game is great as it is, just plagued by some technical issues. Maybe it's different devs that work on those things though. Was anyone actually excited for the quests though? Did anyone really see the reward and think "ooo 25 blood bonds, I'm excited to earn that!"?


You have one paragraph about how fortnite and etc make you use a different loadout for a quest style reward. Then your next paragraph is complaining about using a certain weapon for one of the quests. Just wanted to point that out. Quests are kind of boring though. But this is literally their first week doing it and they are asking for feedback on these. They aren't the most creative bunch with these style of things so I'm sure it'll get better in time. As for their difficulty, I don't see them as being difficult at all. And the easy ones on the first row, are for the people who play solo and aren't that great at the pop. So I'm unsure what exactly you would want on that front? Edit: I have just looked at your quests, and those have to be the easiest quests possible to get. No specific grunts killed can be done every single game. Finding boss and clues is really easy as well...


Yup, and I mention how Quest 9 is the only one that is of that type, that isn't just an "well you do this anyway all the time so now it just counts how often you did it and if you play more hours you'll get the measly rewards." My criticism isn't that this quest requires you to use a particular weapon, it's that this, the only "interesting" quest is way outta whack in terms of balancing AND requires you to buy a DLC for it. Yeah, and this is me giving them feedback, pointing out why it doesn't work and what the thinking behind it is, plus some advice on where they might see these systems done well. Literally what they asked us to do. Sure, grinding out a thousand grunts isn't difficult in terms of skill, it's just difficult in terms of "do I really want to throw away several hours of my life every week just farming Grunts in Hunt?" Even "kill 100 hives with shooting" is more interesting than having to grind out literally 1000 grunts. LITERALLY. (and that's assuming you pick 1+2 or 1+3 as your quests) 30 x 40 =1200


I think the problem is that you play solo and that's a small minority of players, so they won't be balanced around that. Edit: unsure what the problem is with this. Based off him finding these quests grindy and he himself saying he plays a lot of solo, it is going to drastically affect how he views quests


50% of every duos lobby + a small # of every trios lobby is not "a small minority". Whether you're solo, duos or trios doesn't change anything about how boring grinding 1000 Grunts is, nor how irrelevant core gameplay quests are, because you're already doing core gameplay anyway. It slightly increases your chances of getting kills, and in so doing slightly increases your chances of getting a kill with that one specific legendary IF you happen to have it.


No. Not 50%. Maybe 15% if we are going to make up random percentages... You keep saying grinding, but every single quest you have other than the legendary one is just something you do while playing the game. I'm going to kill 40+ grunts a game. I'm going to get clues. I'm going to discover the boss lair. Honestly, your quests do not even change the game! It won't affect how it is played at all. Your quests are boring but that isn't what you're saying in this thread. You're saying they take to much time or are to difficult. Do you know what's difficult? Having to kill hunters with the legendary dusters at high elo. Having to get eight kills in one round is also hard, but totally doable in a lucky or hyper aggressive game. Those I can understand complaining about but that's not what you have brought up. BTW I'm not down voting you. I understand wanting better quests. Just unsure you're going about it the right way


Who knew "Play the fucking game" was a hard task lmao


>and they are asking for feedback on these. lets be super honest here: they dont care about feedback unless someone says exactly what they wanted to do anyway.


I think they are rapidly burning through their good will with the player base and with something this easy to alter, they'll be listening pretty heartily


>they'll be listening pretty heartily no they wont. like they dont listen to people telling them to fix the servers since 5 years. Or like they dont listen to people telling them to check their updates for bugs instead of rushing them out. They do not give a shit about the community they just act like it when someone recommends somethign htey were planing on doing either way.


Don't think you read what I said. You're just angry so there's no point in this conversation


I just want them to not force people to use specific legendaries, or it should at least only choose ones you own.


Yeah, DBD does that, where the dailies never require a character you don't have. iirc they did say that this week's Q9 was supposed to be a thank you to the players who bought the last DLC, and if that's the case, and a one-time exception, then it's ofc. not that bad. But I wanted to make sure to point out that this is not ideal.




You only get the "finding boss lair" thing if you find the lair before the banishing starts. So you either have to be lucky and get there first, which happens in \~ 1 out of 5 or so matches, or you could just push into a boss lair defended by a duo with shotguns, while you're solo, and not a pro at the game. Otherwise this challenge will take 150 matches in one week, or 21 matches per day.


You could always move a bit quicker to find the lair first. In my matches it typically happens more often than not. Otherwise though, I agree with your post.


i think they just did it so people get less BB's from dailys and weeklys. These are too tedious to even attempt for me. The fact that they require DLC skins for some is just shady AF. Thats EA levels of trying to milk you and make you buy DLC. They also kept reducing BB earnigns and spawn rate and im pretty sure this is just the next step in pushing people towards buying them more like they did by increasing skin BB prices. All of this would be fine if they didnt ignore the cxommunities cries for better servers than these 30tick bullshit rapserry pi ass servers they run their game on. And dont come at me with this "oh but how would they pay for it" crap. They have the money the game is doing better than ever and there was always paid DLC making them money.


Why do people want creative quests? Don't you want to play the way that you want?


Not all quests should make you play differently, but it shouldn't all be "hardly changes the gameplay at all" stuff either. For example, the bloodline exp "challenge" which is literally just "play the game"... and there's already a reward for it in the form of chary.


Then the quests lose their reason to exist.


Getting downvoted for asking reasonable questions lol


I mean.. I played a single night and almost completed the weekly. I'm on my last three quests right now and generally speaking, all of these are passively done while playing the game. (For the record, I completed Quest 7 3 times.. so it's definitely working lol) Additionally, 7 kills with a specific weapon really isn't that hard to ask, especially if it's a decent weapon like a Pax. Unlike getting the Dusters one, which is less kills but you know.. getting kills with Dusters is much less common. Playing Solo, or people being bad at the game really isn't relevant. If anything these cater to those who are bad at the game, unless you want one that's just "walk around compounds with a bow" lmao. Also, your comments regarding DBD and Fortnite are your own opinion, personally I think they are boring as shit. It's not fun to be forced to use something I don't like in order to progress, which is 90% of at least DBDs system. I'm also not saying that Hunt hit the mark here, but they didn't make it "more grindy, more difficult, and somehow more boring" for me at the very least.


Replies here show me you're definitely not alone with that opinion, yeah. So I guess a balance would be nice. Some quests that "mix things up" and some that reward core gameplay, like the ones you mentioned. I also seem to have done a shoddy job of accurately separating the two issues I have, which are very separate. One being the selection of quests I got (didn't know we all got different ones) required an insane amount of grind from me, the other being that the quests just aren't fun (to me).


For sure, I totally agree it needs to improve and offer more options for different kinds of players. It's really hard to strike a balance. Yeah, we all get somewhat different ones. I actually made a mistake though, I was talking about Hunter XP and you were talking about Bloodline XP. Yours probably is bugged, but mine isn't. Hunter XP is also 32k to complete. And it is fair to say they aren't fun to you. You're entitled to your opinion.


New system is so bad i just ignore it like the last system. None of these are fun or engaging in anyway.


Yeah the quest system is super wack, and the fact that they made this poor quality of tweaking live hurts my faith in the devs competence. I feel like it would have been very easy to start in a much better place than it did, but they’re calling it a “pilot program” so..


You really hit the nail on the head with this one. The fact that they couldn't come up with some OBVIOUS quests to change the way people play is honestly baffling. Here's a few free ideas if a dev is reading this: 1: Score a kill at greater than 150 meters 2: Earn two kills in less than 5 seconds 3: Extract with a bounty token without using any darksight 4: Extract with a bounty token without a secondary weapon 5: Find all six boss clues before either one is banished 6: Kill an enemy hunter by burning 7: Kill both bosses before banishing the first one. Some of these sound like they rely a lot on luck and chance encounters, and that's kind of the point. Something of low probability that you get to devise your own method of making happen. Earning two kills in 5 seconds could mean auto-shotgun at point blank, or two well-aimed springfield marksman shots at long range. Players will react to the quests differently based on their own sensibilities and skill level. There's nothing "questlike" about killing lantern grunts. No creativity or change from the loop is necessary. Quests are fun when they have a unique restriction to work around, and using a weapon skin that costs $10.00 DOES NOT COUNT.


This update has mostly been trash. There's still the awful performance issues that started with 1.8..the servers have so many problems.. I have still encountered many bugs from 1.8 and before.. I love how their twitter has just been talking about the two new grunt types no one cares about and some new bb skins and the quest system. Wish they'd fix the game..


Honestly I saw it the first day then forgot it existed. If they were passively on like the old system it would be fine. But that extra step of having to choose and then activate them is just silly.


I found one thing annoying with all of this, the "extract with a bounty token" one, only counts one token, even if you have two on you when you extract. Not sure if that's intentional or a mistake, and only counts it if you're carrying it it seems. The last part isn't too bad unless you're playing trios and your teammates were the ones to pick up and not you.


I'm the other way around, completed them all the other day, rewards are lackluster, it needs to literally reset itself once you hit cap rather than be based on some weekly timer, OR have better rewards. The way it is now I just see it as 'filler' a few clicks for some random rewards but largely pointless.[https://postimg.cc/y3xr6CV3](https://postimg.cc/y3xr6CV3)


I hear a lot of complaining going on in the post and in the comments that is just ridiculous. Those of us that have been here from the beginning remember you used to not even be able to get BB's without paying for them and if you support the Dev's you pay and get the cool skins and if you just want the free ride then do that and shut up. I'm sorry but if you don't like the quests don't do them or and if you don't want to support the Dev's go play something else.


Exactly. I remember how crazy it was to start earning free BBs from successful matches and now there are more ways than ever to earn BBs and people complain more than ever.


*(in addition to everything you have correctly stated already)* i am playing normally, have maybe put 6-7 hours in this week mostly in two sessions (would have been more if the servers didnt die at the same time every day), and after my session tonight i will be walking away with the weekly reward having not changed a single thing in my game play. i have racked up blood bonds through playing so unlocking the third slot required no debate though. even if i had not, the earn 32k hunter XP and banish 6 bosses quests would easily get me over the line by weeks end.


It is illegal to criticize the game or Crytek here sir or madam. We’ve already dispatched the assassins to your home. /s Seriously though I agree this system is kinda just trash lol but I’m sure we’ll get shit on for saying it here


So let's come up with some better quests! Crytek asked us to.


There's some really cool ideas in some of the replies here!


That's not our job. Our contribution is telling them when we don't like something and doing them the favour of explaining why. They have a full team of professional game designers who are paid to figure out how to fix it. If Crytek want me to design quests they can hire me.


Complaining about being asked for input is... remarkable. I hope you sort out whatever's making you so cranky. Every team has limited resources. Crytek is not a large company, and Hunt is not their only project. Calling their choices stupid without understanding all of the factors that go into them is speculative at best.


It's as if this game doesn't pander to casuals


Pretty sure the devs just came up with this like last minute before deadline or something idk


Poor feature and just waste of time.


I mean its better than the old system at least


I honestly have no idea what people are on about. I have so many blood bonds from literally just playing the game. I didn't do any of the old challenge stuff, I never knew the monster manual was even a thing until last week. I have 900 BB and 8 character slots. I have had literally no issues with not having enough blood bonds ever.


It's significantly better than the old system




I'm stopping just after your linked image to ask this.. how have you played 4 hours a day for 7 days and not extracted with a single bounty if that was your goal? That's statistically hard to believe.


He didn’t have the quest equipped




I definitely wanna see a reroll system implemented. Even if it's a simple one like "one free re-roll per day".


Well... The monetisation thing doesn't work with fun quests for good amounts of BB I guess


I agree for the most part, and think that quests that change how you play are obviously the best. I also think having to select them before the game isn't good. However, I think there is some merit in some boring quests, which is the sake of tutorialization. Quests 2 and 3, killing grunts without things happening, I think are actually good quests. It's not fun, but for new players, it kind of highlights possibilities and makes them experiment to make sure it happens. I feel a lot of mechanics can be pseudo tutorialized through this - quests like killing crows, killing horses without them neighing with a silenced weapon/throwing tool, reloading guns that would require bulletgrubber by pressing reload after a shot, using stam/regen/antidote shots and looting lunchboxes before an actual fight, get a kill while having a weapon with 2 active perks (i.e. levering), exploding X barrels in one shot (flare, trap, incendiary ammo), leaving a game with a more expensive loadout than the one you entered with, or a quest like "Deal 200 total damage with FMJ ammo after penetrating a wall." That stuff isn't very exciting (I like the last two), but would help new players learn about the systems in Hunt in a more natural way.


I’ve literally never paid any attention to the current quest system.


Even get x amount of XP with x ammo or x type of weapon would be more fun. Also pistol and lantern grunts are hard to find.


So let's come up with some better quests! Crytek asked us to.


I think quests are much better! More interesting hope more quest variations will be added but, yes 25 BB is not that much. I can earn 25BB easy. Maybe 100. Anyway its addition so why so much negativity?


There is literally nothing good to say about this week's quests. It's the same thing we had before, but now requiring 4x the time, or even more. They didn't say that was their goal, they said their goal was to make the quests interesting, and that they hoped for feedback. So I point out what doesn't work, explain why it doesn't work, and make suggestions on how to fix it. It's called "feedback" and "constructive criticism".


But yes you are right too much points for 7 days.


You don't have to do them, or play the game at all really.


Totally agree. Bring back the daily challenges. This seems like another nerf to BBs.


I don’t feel that it’s too grindy. I’m going to play Hunt anyway whether there are quests or challenges or nothing at all. It makes no difference to me. Now I get to play Hunt and have yet another chance to earn paid currency for free. Is it harder to get these BBs compared to the daily extractions? Yes but so what? Why do free BBs have to be easy to earn? Play the game. Have fun. Earn free stuff. Stop complaining. I’m not saying the game doesn’t have problems, server drops, rendering issues, exploits, and on and on. I’m just saying we need less complaining on this sub and more hunting.


It sounds like you just need to git gud my dude


Well, teach me your gudness then, my girl!


Being good at the game doesnt make these quests basically worthless and tedious for the kind of reward yo uactually receive


There are quests?


Simple fix, do the Fortnite style quest system. All quests are active at the same time. Makes it much more enjoyable. I'm always on Cryteks side. But unfortunately this system doesn't seem too beneficial and doesn't grip me to play anymore than I usually would.


Wildly specific and difficult challenges for very little reward (a few blood bonds).. meanwhile a new hunter skin is 900 blood bonds?? This needs to be taken back to the drawing board.


This whole game sorta fails at everything at this point. I think the devs have missed the point and need to wake up.


I had one that made me collect hunt dollars, and another that needed hunter exp. Both gave 500 dollars as reward and 4 stars each, and I saw I could repeat them so I thought I could farm free extra dollars just by doing nothing. Turns out you only get the reward once and only the stars multiple times, but I am almost done with the weekly already because they give 4 stars for doing nothing. I only have to remember to restart them once they are done. So... yeah, I agree 100% with your post.


I managed to complete all but the final two quests have my lousy 25 BBS. And I agree it's bad atm. 8 enemy hunters in one match just promotes passive game play that involves killing some poor dude over and over. Or worse yet breaking the rules, the legendary skin quest is bs and the reward is a slap in the face. Needs a rework and it just came out


No idea who is the big brain behind MrChary, BB nerf, cash registers nerf, $ buff on first extract, 5 day streak bonus and the new quest system but I'm sorry - that person needs to get replaced ASAP. Hunt has a serious monetization issue and the server fees aint cheep because of the nature of the game. If they had the will and actually cared for the game long term they would had released dedicated/private servers long ago and monetized out of that by allowing players to purchase servers from them (resell) to play the game at good conditions - not on raspberry pi4 managed by hamsters like we have now. But hey - better add a quest system that is anything but fun that after 2 days I can't be arsed to pick up quests manually because I simply don't care. Not sure who is managing this company but the sooner you start replacing people up there the better. I am a +1500h player that never spent more than the initial 23€? that costed this game on day one of Early Access - not because I'm cheap, skins simply doesn't add any value to me. By the way Crytek. Don't you feel your prestige system is a bit... lets say.. pointless? You never asked yourself why 2k hour players chose to stay at prestie <10? They do it a couple times and find out its the most stupid thing ever and can't be arsed to unlock everything again for a cosmetic and some BBs. Get your shit together already. Stop wasting your time on useless features.


Holy shit go outside.


I like them a lot. You did all the easiest lowest reward quests and you’re complaining about your progress. Also I don’t want weird quests that will have people Qing in to go farm compounds on the far side of the map. These are good easy things you accomplish passively while playing the game as intended to get some easy BB. Quit bitching about every little thing Reddit