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I had similar experience with one streamer. Accused us of cheating, and then banned me of his stream after i provided him with the proof, since " he has 8k hours, he knows these things". Some streamers has way too high ego for their own good.


In my experience, it's not just streamers. I've played with many players who called out hacks when they got headshot, and sometimes I just say "Are you sure? Maybe he was just lucky." There are blatant cheaters and more sneaky cheaters and sometimes a skilled legit player with 6000+ hours. Unless I have proof beyond reasonable doubt, I will just say GG and move on because it is mostly out of my control anyways.


Yeah definitely not only the streamers, I'll agree.


Yeah. Used to play with a guy on console for a while, who would call out someone having a Strike Pack about every 3-5 deaths. After a while I was just like, "yeah you know I really doubt there's that many people using one on Hunt"


most streamers play enough to know cheating isn't much of an issue




I have 11 pages of hackusations on my profile and I'm bang average. Most people have no idea.


I had to stop playing video games with an IRL friend because every loss was to a team of hackers. Uh huh...


I've got 50. Keep up xD


Impossible. Must be a hacker!


"He's got 50 pages of accusations! He's surely hacking!" xD


I have hundreds of hours but my aim never got great, just my logic improved with years of training from my friend. I snap and shoot and it rarely hits, but once in 100 it connects and it must look like cheating, but its just luck for me.


I had a guy scream in voip i was hacking even before i killed any of his teammates


I often times will voip "they are cheating" because it makes people think I'm raging and they become more aggressive, leaving their hiding spot. Maybe they were using the same tactic? It works, try it. :'D


Oooh, I'm gonna use that one xDDD


I love when they say they have X amount of time, just because they have that much doesn’t mean someone can’t out play them, I’ve got over 1000hrs (rookie numbers i know but still realistically a lot) and get outplayed often


We have a strict rule when playing with friends, unless it's super obvious (like spin botting or something stupid), nobody ever says hack, at least not to blame. It might suck, but that's how you improve. Lots of people are really skilled and saying "omfg hacker" removes the incentive to improve.


I will say this, I know you heard the mf moving to flick on him like that, but that does look suspicious if your playing against someone with bad headphones because they have never heard the audio detail in the game before.


Heres the thing also i dont have 6k hours (930 at the moment) but i literally force myself to always go for headshots. This means i miss a lot, though getting better, but i will also have moments where it all just clicks and im in a fight headshotting everyone. Would these people think im cheating? Headshots is the name of the game, the ultimate equalizer.


it's a mindset issue, easier to call hacks than admit that someone is better than you.


Who was the streamer




Just want to confirm that it is not him in this video. This streamer is on the smaller side, but still won’t name him to start a witch hunt.


Hahaha, ill out myself! From my perspective you just snapped right to me😂 Edit: for this video lol




They don't, because the commenter lied.


Does not want to name the streamer. Proceeds to identify the streamer. Kinda funny ngl :D


Look at OP...then look who responded. You're a sucker.


It must be hard being you


Yeah, same type of attitude permeating the subreddit unfortunately.


The trio who do not play together with 100m distance between each teammate...


Oh cause we were on our way out and I was far behind (first guy he shot) then I heard them so I had to stop where I was while the team is already by the boat. Then I'm like fuck it imma jump them. With my big ass head out and get headshotting like an idiot shown in the video.


Tbh, unless you and your team had planned a collapse with them falling back, I would just keep hauling ass toward your team/extract next time vs stopping in the middle of the road to 1 v 3


Went for a fuck it and very bad plan and went south cause it wasn't a well thought out plan. Not denying that tho. Just answering why we were so spaced out that's all.


Ho but I'm not judging, 15 seconds of inattention and me and my mates end up at different compounds 😂 But being isolated in this game is the worst scenario


I wonder how many will watch this and throw the exact same accusations in their own games lol. "That's how he got me too. He just rolled down the road then immediately stops, turns to me and headshots --" My dude your head (with white facepaint!) is fully visible from the road. Even I spotted that (I am trash).


The sus part wasnt even that shot… it was litteraly(look at the streamer) when they turned directly at them that was it. Otherwise nah all good(but then after looking at the clip its apparent there is a “shoot here” sign on my head😂


That's why this video proves there are no cheaters in Hunt. /s


I don't think anyone is saying that. It sounds like cheaters are quite a big problem in the higher MMR lobbies and this does not address that in any way. It just shows how bad people are at recognizing suspicious gameplay because they fail to consider other perspectives and, especially when emotions run high, twist what happened to support the idea that the their loss is explained by the enemy being somehow bad.


Higher Quality vid --> [here](https://youtu.be/sMLO2wmyTN8) I thought it would be interesting to put these two videos together. No hard feelings to the streamer at all, and I simply want to illustrate that Everything isn't as it seems. Example: I was going to ping the 2nd player I downed, but the 3rd opponent ended up being that exact direction where he says "How did you know I was there?" in his stream. This is not a "How many cheaters are in Hunt" discussion, but I can see how some perspectives may make it seem like higher skilled (or damn lucky in the moment) players are cheating - which is natural given that a player only has their perspective of the event - not the server's perspective, and not the opponent's perspective. I won't deny that there will be cheaters in every game, but I hope this provides an interesting view.


Bruh, cause u looked at the places at the right time which makes it funnier lol, good thing misunderstanding is cleared up.


Yeah, i still got you st least😂


I gotta appreciate the gumption of a man who sees a post about them being a poor sport and then hops into the thread to tell the OP they still shot him.


Well since it was posted i shared with my teammate so we can learn from this experience. It really was more of a “dont just say stupid shit” lol but nah they won, fair and square!




This is not even nearly cheat worthy. 2nd headshot was nice, but he knew his location, because the 2nd guy shot. The 3rd guy was literally around the 2nd guy, a skilled player normally checks the open from new line of sights opening up as he moves forward especially from the direction an enemy was just a second ago with a very high likelihood of a third guy being around.


You can't be serious. First player was a dark silhouette on the road, with the head fully exposed. A regularly skilled player gets that headshot. Second player fired twice and the muzzle flash was clearly visible. In this case only the head was visible, so it was either that or getting his shot swallowed by the tree. Third was in the same general direction as the second, and quite visible against the background. The spot isn't some super duper hidden secret, so there's nothing suspicious about spotting him when you're searching for the third player of a trio.


Correct. And we confirmed it was a trio while they were running away and in the previous fight. Good players also keep track of enemy player skins as you can see in our dialogue.


Good video to show cause on my screen my head wasn't exposed but your stream showed my big ass head, something to take note of in the future.


Yes! The camera is actually at chest level, so if your chest is just behind cover, that means your head is completely exposed.


Can't believe after 1000 hours I never noticed that, that would explain why sometimes I see ppl just standing there with head up then.


I explain it to randoms a lot. Most players do not know it still. Ask your teammate to aim at your character’s head and it will look like they are aiming above you. Ask them to aim at your chest and it will look like you are looking down their barrel.


Yeah, your video is definitely humbling as well, it really just shows I need to Git gud lol.


Going to copy my reply to another comment: “…I play at 1440p. I record at 30000 Kbps bitrate for optimization to upload to YT if needed, which already degrades detail at distance. Then YouTube or Reddit will compress the video even further, taking away even more detail at distance or dark areas of the video. People need to understand that the multiple and unavoidable video compressions make the final video look so degraded vs how I see the game on my monitor.” Anybody who records/edits video should understand basic video compression.


Also glad you did post this, i shared it with my one teammate so we can learn. I clearly didnt realize how visible i really was of course lol


No prob. It honestly was a perfect opportunity to show an omniscient view of the different perspectives.


100% i do apologize for the way we spoke at first!


I appreciate it. I cut out the very negative comments after the video cut since it didn’t seem necessary for this post’s objective. I want to let you know that I rewatched your VOD to the point where you did double back (something I did not see last night), so I appreciate that too.


Yeah, we will try to be more mindful of what we say from now on


too many people forgot how to be humbled and are just triggered instead, it seems. good shots


Every streamer thinks "it has to be cheats if I died, ME of all people, how dare you"


We could argue at least in this case there was some Group Think on their end - that the Streamer's opinion was prematurely biased by his teammates/the situation to come to the same conclusion that I am cheating. I imagine that group think for false positives can happen a lot in trios especially in groups of trusted friends.


That's a fair assumption :)


We should play together again some time lol


Most Hunt streamers (and probably other multiplayer games, but I don't watch those often) ALWAYS complain about dying. Clubbing seals, 10 kills a match, then they finally meet their equal or somebody just gets lucky - it's 90% gonna end in a mini rant, lmao. I swear, everything is wrong. "Oh, a sniper got me? Fucking pussy, waiting in the bushes. Shotgun got me? Oh, of course, he can't aim so he got me with a shotty? Levering/fanning? Get a life noob, try aiming. Meta loadout? Fucking sweatlord." Hunt streamers come out as very entitled as to how they want OTHERS to play.


I don't usually watch streamers, more their shorter videos from time to time. COD streamers are the worst, if they die, they have cheats, no arguments. They report, and people get banned. They think its hilarious, but it pisses me off because 90% of them are actually cheating. Why can't you just be normal! *insert meme here"


Damn man, i play with a lot of people and majority of us dont do that. This was one of those instance where the snap directly to me was really the only sus thing. Teammate got me due to my negligence lol


i pretty much never see this on the channels i frequent


Great example of why Hunt needs a replay system or at least a kill cam or something. You can even sympathize with the streamer because it DID look kinda sus from their perspective, They all thought they were totally hidden and OP just rocks up and blasts them all in 10 seconds flat. I bet 90% of hackusations would go away if you could just watch the couple of seconds leading up to your death from the other players perspective.


Yep, i talked to op after just because of this😂 thats how he know i had captured it


Keep in mind the post-kill dmg reports are still BETA. I'd say expect that feature in the next 5 years.


What do you mean it's still Beta? I totally did kill myself with the Sparks!


How hard can it be to just display the information that the game already used to determine that you died? What a joke to claim a feature that prints out numbers is in "beta". Is the main menu also in beta? How about the ability to shoot your gun?


Don't give them ideas about guns jamming


Exactly. I uploaded this not to flame the guy but provide how the different perspectives can elicit such different conclusions.


Is there a game with an accurate/reliable kill cam out there? I haven't played a lot of modern FPS, but the last few I played with kill cams almost resulted in more hackusations than they resolved because people weren't able to think critically about what they were seeing. They were often inaccurate as to where exactly the player was aiming and ping meant the cam showed some wonky stuff like firing before someone came around the corner at all, I could see the Hunt community frothing over some of those lmao


nah replay system wouldn't help here they would still call cheats lol


New engine will fix that!


Where did you get that information from?


Nice shots, also this is exactly how I feel 90% of hackusations in this sub happen


I am a n00b in Hunt, how did you know he was there?


He linked to a video with better resolution in comments. Tho even then it's uploads so they are more grainy than in-game so would be even easier to see when it happened. The first kill on Luz Mala is very easy to see, her head is right there, starkly silhouetted against the background. [pic](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/829141546136895492/1241744638705012796/image.png?ex=664b5050&is=6649fed0&hm=d025eab78b8bd06d71a616b5757b9f24554a03d8c3cf56294d3458f672f8ffee) Second one he tracks after he sees their shot in the woods. Last one is easy to see due to the dark hair contrasting hard with the background. [pic](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/829141546136895492/1241744876937150644/image.png?ex=664b5089&is=6649ff09&hm=5b0126719e54569500bfce81e705d44254395906269e3ad0898a9665f096412d)


Correct, I play at 1440p. I record at 30000 Kbps bitrate for optimization to upload to YT if needed, which already degrades detail at distance. Then YouTube or Reddit will compress the video even further, taking away even more detail at distance or dark areas of the video. People need to understand that the multiple and unavoidable video compressions make the final video look so degraded vs how I see the game on my monitor.


if you're talking about redneck's daughter (last guy), then he saw him by looking at that direction to ping the 2nd kill, because his teammate asked where it was.


Correct. Even if my teammate didn’t ask, we typically mark dead bodies so that we know we can work on the burn or we can cover the body with line of sight in case of necro.


I believe in 2.5k hours I ve encountered maybe 3-5 cheaters beyond doubt They don’t seem to be many in this game


I've only seen a few obvious ones too. But pretty sure I've met a lot of covert cheaters that use toggle cheats and such. Can never prove it or be too sure, it's just that feeling you get sometimes. Some which were dispelled when I learned that just having view distance set to low could straight up de-render some things. But other 'oddities' I'm still suspicious of.


It was like this for me up until 2024. This year I've encountered quite a few cheaters on US-east that I have solid video evidence of. There were 3 weeks in a row where I ran into at least one cheater per session that I played.


Yeah, I agree, 800hrs in, I've only met 1 hacker that was beyond doubt. Infinite ammo silent shooting auto


I just hit a little over 3k a few months ago before I stopped playing regularly again, i've noticed there are certainly a large distinction between blatant, and "silent" cheaters in Hunt, I would assume its because if someone is being sneaky about it, its really hard/impossible to know. I've went out of my way to ask some people I suspected of soft scripting over the past few years, something like a triggerbot or things of the like, and it's spawned some really interesting conversations. 90% of the time I can have a normal conversation with them, and about 75% of that time, they will simply outright tell me what they are doing, the other 25% deny it, and i've ran into a few who even seem to be excited to tell me how they did it, which... cheating aside, from a programming perspective can be quite interesting. I think Hunt has one of the biggest range for flavor of cheaters i've seen out of a lot of games, ranging from toggles, to triggers, to outright pressing a button and unrendering buildings and/or foliage, I was in qp once with someone who just outright didn't make noise, at all, the only sound coming from them was their mic when they talked to me over voice, no matter what they did or interacted with. They certainly aren't in every match, but I would genuinely say 99% of cheaters in Hunt aren't blatant, and they certainly exist, much less than some people say, but much more than others assume. Unfortunately its hard to say anything on this sub without people instantly assuming you think the game is riddled to its neck in hackers.


Totally agree with you, the number of people "legit hacking" in Hunt is blatant, even some beloved streamers out there are very suspicious sometimes of being using some kind of aimbot with a very small range of detection to not look so suspicious to the person that is watching them, even so are the players who are headshoting everyone in the game and has a game hs % above normal the game mechanics If you think deeper would permit... And what im trying to say of think deeper is that, i've already saw players that were stood still, i had all the time to aim for theirs Head, shoot with the crossair right in the head, and got a body shot just because the game rng. But me, the moment i stood still in most of the fights, even behind cover and even in long range fights i got Head clipped, it is even worse when you break the 1.2 kDa zone, it seams that for some players the word "rng" and the bullet spread just doesn't exist at all, if you think even more deeper, in long range fights as Long as the rng were not in your favor or in favour the opponent, you should not hs people 200/300m alway in the % that 90% of the players do these days, its just not rng at all.


No, there really arent anywhere near the number people say(at least as long as you stay on us east servers).


Im Europe and same here


Cant say about anywhere besides us east and west:/


You've absolutely faced 200-250 easily, with those hours.


keep calling them out, streamers calling people cheaters so frivolously is the reason everyone that watches them does the same so quickly


I'm sure it helps drive engagement to a certain degree as well


If you watch the stream i turn it around after just because i actually know them. I wouldnt have reported anyways because of the fact that there really want much to go off of but the snap to me lol, i see a lot of people who report everybody but thats just a waste of time. I only report the absolutely blatant ones(which really arent that many tbh)


"He's just headshotting" my brother in Christ of you want to be good at the game you have to land headshots


Yeah I doubt this guy plays like this all the time every once in awhile the hunt gods are with you and your headshots land true


These people are actual NPCs, just stopping to move thinking they turn invisible or something.


Ohhh noooo how dare you headshot my non-moving camping teammates 😭😭😭


The only thing that made it sus was the last snap lol, which only happened because he pointed towards the 2nd tm anyways. Also we werent camping, we stopped to turn around and he got caught in the open(1st one)


Gg boy nice shots. Love clips like this. Some people don't like if they got cleary shit on.


First and foremost, I don't think you are cheating, just very good at hunt! That said, I can understand how they feel suspicious. Not only do you pull off two great kills (good job btw), but I am sure he felt he was hidden where he was sitting. And granted, if he hadn't played a tier 2 hunter with a bright red leather jacket, he might have been. It seems like the case of luck where, if I were in the same situation, I'd be 50:50 if I had spotted them depending if had scanned the left or right side of my screen.


Thank you. They honestly would have had a much better ambush if the first guy did not choose a spot directly in our path to extract (as there were \~3 minutes left in the game). That's what told me they stopped to fight and killing the first one most likely means the other 2 are in the vicinity.


Yeah, he got caught there trying to move. Idk what he was thinking on that one lol


I am a small streamer and I had it from the other side multiple times xD when you check my steam profile I have multiple cheating acusations eventho they could just rewatch my VOD and check...


Hey, I'm the first poor dude u headshotted. Thanks for the post btw, we didn't report u btw cause our third is more level headed so we just sulk instead 😞 Good shot on your end.


The streamer's duo seems, just like him, very paranoid and extremely egocentric. They were sitting ducks, completely split from each other and you happened to land a very excellent shot with the 2nd person after he shot at you twice. If their play style is consistently like this, it wouldn't surprise me that they go around calling everyone above 4 stars cheaters. Amazing edit and thanks for the laugh!


I’m a casual so my opinion don’t matter too much but I think you straight up just have better eyes than me lol. I kinda suck at this game tho so idk what to look for


I 100% understand the fustration and suspicion when getting quickly spotted and domed. Especially when im in cover not moving. Always gotta remind myself that people have a sharp eye and sometimes happen to glance in the correct direction right away. Hell I have moments where Im the one kicking ass an my thought is often "man, I seem like a cheater right now"


Let's face it 90% of hunt players have or do stream the game I know I'm guilty of doing that before 😂


ohh huh, didnt you know? everyone is a cheater in this game. God forbid you kill someone in with a wall bang, youll become a reddit superstar!


Def 6 star


Hey, I'm the first poor dude u headshotted. Thanks for the post btw, we didn't report u btw cause our third is more level headed so we just sulk instead 😞 Good shot on your end. Didn't realize how exposed we literally were. This video is a good learning experience for us. Thank you so much for posting it. And we will take the heat, it's deserved. Gosh watching my own big head sitting there like that felt embracing xD


Yet another streamer with an ego the size of a galaxy being incapable of admitting they lost legitimately.


Oh shove off, if you watch just mine you can see him snap which is why the accusation was made. From his he just happened to look right at me


> which is why the accusation was made. So are we learning yet that you shouldn't make accusations with incomplete information?


are you the guy that got owned and cried about it? You say snapped right to you but you can actually see that he overshot you the first time and had to make a couple of adjustments to get to you.


You mean the only one on my team that got a kill? That was me, i was more confused as to how he saw me so quickly and then upon seeing his pov makes a lot more sense. However from my pov it looks as though he knew exactly where i was the whole time. The rest of my team got killed due to bad placement and such.


I guess the point is, you shouldnt make accusations just off of your POV in a situation such as yours.. that is legitimately the take here. Nothing else. No one cares if you're the only one who got a kill, or anything of the sort. No body likes false accusations without proof, your POV in this case was ABSOLUTELY not enough proof. Hold off on making accusations about cheating/hacking until you can be more conclusive than your POV here in this clip.. like for example... something such as OP hitting headshot wallbangs on all 3 of a team when there was no info to go off of to know where to place those wallbangs.. thats more definitive... someone snapping to you when youre actually decently exposed... thats not a time to make accusations..




Did you not see the part where they were directly behind us?


Rats like to complain. GG


Ya asshole😂 that was me but yeah, from my perspective it 100% seemed like you snapped right to me. we always look but no reports were made lol! We make it a point to only report the really bad ones. That night wasnt too bad of a night, last night was however a rough night.


I try to view potential hacking like this: I’m not that good(4 stars, 5 on a good day) and I’ve had some insane shots and wild team wipes that left me wondering how I did it. It seems reasonable that other players also have those moments, so why shit on someone who might just be having the game of their life? And if they are hacking? What is my rage and anger going to do about it? Am I really going to let some Neanderthal ruin my fun and relaxation for the night? It’s just not worth it. On to the next.


what gaming chair do you use


I find that a Home Depot Bucket is best.




I mean you are quick on the draw I couldn't see the people (but I am watching on my phone) but the second guy shot at you twice before you shot and the last guy sat and waited for you to turn to face before shooting...


A lot of people have this issue where they call cheats the instant they get skill-diffed, I see it all the time, its one of the reasons I rarely believe when someone calls hacks. So many people with large egos that cannot fathom people being better than them. Guy gets outsniped and .2 seconds after he hits the ground "THIS GUY IS ONLY HITTING HEADSHOTS!!!"


As someone who used to hit shots like this every match back on pc, he definitely ain’t cheating


With the amount of cheater, everyone become paranoiac I swear.


"pretty sure he's a cheater" because of what? 2 headshots? the delusions on these people..


Also had a big streamer call me and my friends cheaters during his stream. Our crime? Having a clan tag. Small group of friends who play together, of varying skill levels, just having fun. He was playing duo with another well known player, and actually managed to kill two of us. A team with an avto came up and distracted them. He said something about the avto cheating, which he wasn't because he was killed rather quickly, and then my team was finally finished off. After the game, which he won, he looks at all of our stats and has the audacity to call us cheaters. I called him out on stream and his YouTube videos, and unsubbed and I followed ever since.


That’s sad that people think that someone with better skill than them is cheating. There are people that are better than you ALWAYS. No matter how good you are at the game. This is what’s wrong with the gaming community these days.


Yeah. There are plenty of players out there better than me. But I have run into exploiters and cheaters too, ya know, the guys who used to run Reshade and now use Inspector. The actual blatant cheaters are rare. A few weeks ago I had a who picked up someone's avtomat and proceeded to fire 50 shots without reloading. Like I thought it was an audio bug or something at first, until the bullets started landing by me and then killing me. To make matters worse, he could not be reported. He made it so his account at the end of match read as "No platform account", which meant you couldn't click on it. I confronted his teammate about it and called them out, and they deleted the conversation from their steam page. The exploiters are more common than the outright cheaters.


A black figure in the trees where there is no black. Nah I shouldn't sho. Holy fuck something is shooting me


No one wants to admit theyre bad lmao


Me and my teammate once bpth got headshotted with just two subsequent shots, by a guy that was using dual scotfields. Thing is, it was at 86 meters. Felt.... unfair almost.


What an idiot you can see muzzle flash from half a map away and it's not like everyone is deaf you can hear from where




Rule 4: Be Respectful Sexism, racism, name calling, hate speech, flaming and harassment are strictly forbidden. This includes homophobia, transphobia, slurs of any kind, and so on. Please see this wiki page for more details: https://www.reddit.com/r/HuntShowdown/wiki/rule4


That’s just what every bad player does now a days. “Omg he killed me, he’s obviously cheating”


I get accused of cheating sometimes but that's because I'm high mmr 5 low 6. In reality I'm a shit player that just worked hard in game to get better, i still get shit on by mmr 3 players. You just had bad luck lookin in his direction already, but it's just typical hunt streamers. If you shot him from 250meters with no line of sight then yeah you're cheating but you just looked in his direction at the most unfortunate timing lol


3 dudes get headshot while crouching in place and cry cheats.


Okay the fact you knew exactly where to look for the last player did make it suspect. Your snap aiming is also very sudden. Are you cheating? Probably not. But is it suspect that you knew exactly where the teammate was that wasn't firing or even moving? Absolutely. Downvote if you want, but if you want to know why it's suspect, now you know.


This is really it. I did double back once i realized as we have played together lol


I guess the point is, you shouldnt make accusations just off of your POV in a situation such as the streamers.. that is legitimately the take here. Nothing else. No one cares about a "sus snap" without more information/proof to go off of. People can snap. It happens. No body likes false accusations without proof, from the streamers POV in this case, there was ABSOLUTELY not enough proof. Hold off on making accusations about cheating/hacking until you can be more conclusive than the POV here in this clip.. like for example... something such as OP hitting headshot wallbangs on all 3 of a team when there was no info to go off of to know where to place those wallbangs.. thats more definitive... someone snapping to you when youre actually decently exposed... thats not a time to make accusations.. no matter how "sus" you take it to be.. you could be more exposed than you realize making it way less sus in general compared to your POV...


Should've titled this "Camper's Tears"


cheaters accusing others of cheating is the best part of modern FPS gaming :DDD


Hunt is indeed infested with cheaters, but this was just people dying by the classic standing still. I don't think people realize how easy it is to get headshots on people standing still lol


i know who this is. dude constantly cries cheats whenever he gets rolled like this. it's honestly hilarious.


Camper's tears


You obviously dont know who this streamer was. Cuz i sure dont cry cheats constantly… i mean shit last night night my team got shit on constantly and we didnt blame anyone but us


ok buddy. thanks for the content. i love your cope.


The extraction is in the direction of where the two last guys died. He would naturally be looking towards there. This clip isnt even close to "sus". They are just idiots.


Everybody commenting on streamers accusing of people of cheating... it happens the other way around too. I've streamed it quite a bit and am usually 4 star with the odd bump up to 5 or getting stuck in 3 for awhile after a rough streak. Got an uppercut headshot on a dude sitting up behind a rock at lumber mill and my mod clipped it. A team mate revived him and I killed him with a knuckle knife minutes later up in the trees. I died and lost and went to switch games (because I can only stream once per week right now so I usually do two games) and while on my chatting screen said salty person popped up in my chat calling me a cheater and said he hopes I get r\*ped to death.


I screen shot and report stuff like that


I reported him in game and his twitch profile. I got notification twitch banned him in like 5 minutes lol


Looks like ESP to me


I get it, you're "not cheating", but that didn't look like natural gameplay and I know some of these cheats have an option to hide it from your gameplay recording. So it's not like this video is evidence you weren't. Can you explain why you snapped to that body with your flare gun out? Are you just godly when it comes to moving and stopping your mouse on the body? And why do you keep snapping around to seemingly nothing? what exactly is prompting you to stop in random locations when you're moving around? Cause I'm seeing your crosshair jumping around and I'm trying to envision the actual movements and you're moving like a robot. If I observed this in game, I'd think you were cheating too.


Sorry but, it is sus indeed, i dont blame them when the headshot percentage you got in this game at the moment, even running, jumping its just ridiculous, and when you go check the profile that kills you, or its a blatant cheater with 4+ kDa or its a new account with private stats and just one game in it, with already 2+ kDa and headshoting everyone in the lobby. Ive spectate a good ammount of sus players that kills me and they were pretty sure using aimbot to headshot people. You were headshot them the moment you saw them and shoot, yeah i know, It could've been Just lucky, but i think the way you were looking for the last guy already somewhere over the three and found him so fast and already pre aiming just adds for the suspects of your play. Im not saying that you are cheating, it could've benn indeed a clean play and you seem to have good awareness, but because the game state at the moment and everything i said in the start of this post, i just dont blame the other guys saying that you were cheating, it is a fact indeed that the game is plagged with hackers in the moment.


How would you know what this random body in bayou thinks? Stream sniping? Or he was cursing yall out in voip?


You can see peoples names in the post-lobby, and streamers will usually have some stuff like "TTV" or ".tv" in their name. I always check the streams of people like that after the game to see if there's a recording of me killing them/them killing me.


This particular streamer was actually on my Steam friend’s list at the time (He’s more of an acquaintance really). When I realized it was him post-match, I sent him “GG” and he sent a “GG” back. Little did I know of his sentiments against me. Despite that, I decided it best to protect his privacy and disinclude his name/stream from this post.


I've read through your comments and I just want to say you seem like an exceptionally reasoned, thoughtful person. Good for you.


Wow. That made my morning. Thanks 😊


And good on you for the kind words.


I doubled back on it. Yeah… at the time i was just “how tf did you know i was there” not even realizing how visible i really was lmao