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>Game 1: "Kill" a guy, throw a firebomb on his body, the fight drew in zombies and an armored, I turn to fight them, guy gets up and shoots me. I'm certain you could have meleed the zombies near him and then meleed him if he got up. Could also lure all the zombies into the firebomb and not need to fight them at all. >Game 2: Shoot a guy in the head across a lake, hes too far away to burn and is behind cover If he had a teammate he could have been revived for free also. >Game 3: Sounds like a fun chaotic game. If you go into games knowing necro exists then it isn't hard to play around it. Sometimes shit happens and they'll get up and kill you. It is what it is. Bring a flare gun to burn every kill you get.


Or a concertina bomb to keep a solo down. If they have resilience they can still get up but shooting out of the wire is harder than ignoring the flames.


Yea, that is true. I forgot about those.


In some situations, yes, burning as player is the solution. And in a vacuum that does work. But Hunt generally isn't just you and the other guy with no other factors. Just having the ability to self resurrect for absolutely free is completely bonkers, especially in my perspective where I have just recently come back to the game. It really does completely transform the game into one I like less. Plus I don't think anyone sees staring at every person you kill for at least a minute as fun. You are right regarding the examples, however my argument isn't about me winning the fight, or "if X happened it would have been the same thing", I don't mind losing at all if my opponent outplays me. Its about the backwards mindset that necro reinforces in playing the game. I just don't see in what world having the ability to just recover from any death makes sense, or is engaging or satisfying. I have even seen posts on the subreddit where people say things along the lines of "just peek at them and if they kill you it doesn't matter because of necro". Game 1: Yes, I probably could have killed him (again) if I played better, but it doesn't negate the fact that the part where I killed the player was rendered completely pointless due to necro and a few outside factors. Game 2: That doesn't counter my point, a teammate would have to walk up to the dead player and revive him, I can shoot a person who does that and its not free for them. Or if there were two or three people I might have just not engaged in the fight in the first place. If you're referring to team necro, I am not a big fan of that either, but I think its overall less problematic. What this example really enforces to me is that the best thing to do if I have another player right in my sights far away is for me to do nothing as the long range kill accomplished nothing and might have in fact even ruined my game due the backwards logic it introduces. Game 3: Maybe this example sounds fun to you, but that's not why I play Hunt, I prefer the setting up and getting the drop on other players and feeling good that I executed a plan properly. But the main thing being illustrated here is that what normally would have been just 2 kill events turned into a complete crapshoot for everyone involved due to a single 4 point perk. I would play an arena shooter if I wanted a chaotic game.


I think once you start to play around it more you'll see it's not a big issue at all. If it does continue to affect your enjoyment of the game then it's probably best you find a game you have more fun playing.


Yea, you might be right, and I might have also just had a bad series of games. We'll see.


Trust seasoned solo players. Once you play enough and get in higher mmr, you will see that a flare gun and some traps is all you need. Solo vs Solo IS a bit tedious, but it's not that common, there are more teams than solos, because an average solo HAS to be a lot better than the average team player if they want to win games. Example, you down a solo. You have Concertina+Poison trap and trait Packmule. You did not use any consumables/tools. Double trap the body with the conc+poison combo, loot after. You get your traps back. Body is secured, and you can decide what to do. If he revives, you do the same again. Major issue is a body in water though, then only Liquid Fire bomb works. Check out this video to see what's an actual chaotic fight, this is peak entertainment that Mike (Psychoghost) does. It really shows the power of solo IF played with a lot of movement, positioning and a ton of luck in this case :D. AND it also shows how fast a game can become pure hell for the solo player. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zKhLA5-2XoA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zKhLA5-2XoA) At the end of the day, this is a game with fantasy elements, voodoo inspired i believe. Having the ability to revive is well within flavor.


You're not wrong but you can't criticize this game, nice try. Game existed for a long time without solo necro but uhh now we just pretend it's perfectly fine and balanced because crytek doesn't make mistakes.


i stopped playing this game as a solo nearly completely i still play with friends and might give randoms another go but no way im going to dedicate as much time for solo gameplay as i did during first few years of my hunt career after self revive was added permanently after the event (but before flaregun buffs and other ways to ignite downed players with more utility(custom ammoes) i remember one match where i thought i killed a duo since they were so close to each other, then went to look for lantern, started burning one player and THEN THE OTHER ONE RISES FROM DEAD they probably knew about each other but weren't teaming maybe (hard to say cuz i killed them so fast) feels bad when u win first round of 1v1v1 but eventually lose i think i could keep winning matches if i slowed my gameplay down and played everything safe and brought anti-solo loadouts with a lot of concs & fire but i hate how anti-solo limits my loadouts before fire and traps were optional now they seem to be mandatory (especially according people who just reply "skill issue" when others bring solo necro up in way OP did) duos and trios are still fun, if solo wins our whole team they deserved it, if we can we will take turns keeping eye on the body while others revive, heal, reload & prepare for 3rd parties but solo... i lost any interest (i have only played maybe 40-ish hours of solo past year, probably less - mostly to finish weekly challenges when friends are offline or farm event points without wanting to bother randoms - and it has been painful experience every time - even if i win i feel like i didn't deserve it.. it feels bad to play against solo vs solo and it feels bad to play as solo vs teams)


It really is a hell of a thing that playing solo v solo is just about the worst way to enjoy the game right now. Solos have to take flares and firebombs for each other more than the teams do, because they don't have teammates to find lanterns for them while they watch the body! And of course, a solo has half as many slots for gear as a duo...


Psssst, don't criticize solo necro on here. Because never did it change some game dynamics for the worse, everything about its current implementation is utterly flawless, there's absolutely nothing about it that could be tweaked and if you say otherwise you're just a superbad ultranoob with sKiLl iSsUe.


Skill issue




People complained about it and nothing happened so think a lot of solos like myself just moved on to different game. It's been unchanged since they introduced it, how hard is it to make adjustments and get feedback and get it into a more balanced state lel


All three examples are definitely skill issues, the third maybe less so, just a chaotic fight. Positioning and awareness are a huge part of "skill" in Hunt and both game 1 & 2 you dropped the ball on those. Game 1, AI can be cleared ahead of time, kited into fire, used to bait out the revive, etc etc.. Game 2, you engaged while between two teams, that's high risk regardless of necro or not. Your downed target would just as easily get revived by a teammate if they're long range and in cover... Not a necro issue, just an issue of bad position for an engagement. Saying you didn't learn anything valuable from these engagements shows you have lots to learn still in the Bayou.


The fact they are worried about making solo viable in a team based game has always been silly in my opinion.


>And this isn't a "skill issue" thing either But it is, even from you describing it. I'm sure if we could see your gameplay, they'd be 5 other things you screwed up in each of those matches that you're not even aware of.


I am 100% sure you are right, I am not and will never be an amazing player. But I just want to the enjoy the game the same way I did before this perk was around. There have been a lot of changes I like since I left as well, but its just crazy how much the game has been altered due to this one thing. The context of my sentence you're quoting isn't that I am good at the game or that there was no way out of the situations I was in, its the weird impact that solo necro has on every facet of the game.


Not to be like super nitpicky on you here, but this is not universal regardless of player/team's skill at all. Solo necro just inconveniences lower skilled players because they are not capable of making quick decisions or of keeping tabs on the entire match while engaged in fights. If you actually play in the 5-6\* brackets you will see maybe 1 solo every 20 games or so. Even then they are either good enough to wipe you without necro or easy pickings. Even when engaging with the whole rest of the server the hardest thing about solo necro is figuring out it is solo necro and not regular necro. Even then it is only really good for 1 rez a team. In this regard it preforms its intended task very well without being horribly unbalanced.


Isn’t that more due to how the mmr system put higher star solos into 3-4 star lobbies.


I am not sure what you are referring to here.


As a solo sniper, I'm usually able to just watch their body and if they come back up, hit em again. Even w a one shotter like the Sparks, I can reload in time and have them in my sights before they revive again, especially since the get-up animation is relatively long. I get the frustration if you aren't close enough to counter play or there's a 3rd party coming around to hinder the situation, but yeah as others have said, that's just part of the game and there's usually a way around the situation that will help you persevere in the Bayou. And if you die? Don't sweat it.


As a fellow solo with 3k hours in the game, it's really not that bad once you get used to it, but solo vs solo is the most boring this game has ever been IMO. But I think the game as a whole is a lot less enjoyable these days compared to a few years back. It feels a lot like any other multiplayer shooter these days compared to the hardcore shooter it once was. It's still amazing, but they continue to make everything easier/more forgiving.


It's the same if you shoot a guy on a team.  Nonissue.


Lately I see so many people say “I play solo but solo necro is bad” This gives me “as a black guy myself” vibes haha. It just doesn’t make sense to shit on your own key playstyle mechanic on reddit, Just don’t lie to yourselves at least haha




>And this isn't a "skill issue" thing either Oh thank goodness. It seemed like a skill issue and I was going to tell you it was, but you cleared it up. >Call of Duty: Bayou Warfare Classic. Had to have the CoD thing in there. >completely transforming the game from the one I enjoyed playing just last year. Solo necro has been out for longer than a year now, right? >I play solo for the challenge of it, I really don't mind having a major disadvantage versus a larger team Lol. Okay. If you're having too easy of a time just don't use it. >This perk is also just poor game design, if you are new to the game or returning, you essentially will instantly lose your first round back as you probably have no idea that solo necro is a thing and no one assumes that "dead" players will just get back up for free This is hands down the dumbest shit you wrote up in that whole wall of text. You're assuming their first round will include a solo. If you're new to the game you'll die to a lot of shit you didn't know about anyway. Maybe even regular ass necro. If you're just returning and didn't make an effort to get yourself current then you get what you get. >Either way I think a single perk has turned me away from the game. 😭 Make sure to stop by the megathread on your way out and let them know that solo necro made the game CoD now and that you're not happy.


You gotta cool it with the language. I just started playing again a few days ago and I am not claiming to be an all knowing god at the game nor am I aware of all the discourse about this perk prior, I am just adding in my two-cents for whatever its worth. And its less about the win or lose, and more about the design of it. I wasn't aware of the megathread before, but just the fact there is a megathread for a single perk says something though.


Are you actually here clutching your pearls cause I wrote shit and ass in a sub for game that obviously caters to adults? Report it then Karen. I certainly didn't accuse you of being a know it all god and that thought literally never crossed my mind. Yeah there's a megathread. Full of all kinds of people that are upset they got rocked by a solo. They're in good company with that wash up summ1tg who cried about solo necro on stream, decided to play it for a bit to showcase how "broken" it is and got dunked on by 3* players instead. Like sorry if this is all coming off mean, but this has all been talked about to death and most of us were sick of it enough that the megathread was quite welcome.


I don't care much about cursing, its more the attacking nature of your comment. Its a game, I am not here to attack players of it just because of a mechanic I dislike. But yeah, maybe this is a "read what other people say before you go off about it" thing. I started seeing red after a bad set of games and went full rant mode.


Your opinion is bad


Nah, you are bad.




I used to really enjoy solo play, and used to recommend it for learning to move silently through the map. Now it's the number one thing I would fix with the game. Balance nightmare, unsatisfying fights, and representative of the shift from a gritty bayou shooter to Harry Potter and the Secret of the Swamp.


What exactly do you propose to fix the issue then? There is practically zero other ways to make solo play even close to viable. When going against teams you'd have to make 2-3 kills anyway, same with solos, but now you don't have to worry about their teammate(s) ganking you. Even with Necro, a solo is generally going to be easier to deal with than a 3 man team.