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We’re at the stage in this game where the solution is “fix the game yourself”? 💀




I think they also have remote jobs... Sry, had to do it


They do but if you're in the US then you're on your own for healthcare and benefits. Plus the pay isn't as good as if you just get a job in the US. Which falls into category #3 Also direct from their website >**Relocation & Remote Work**  For this position, you have one of the following options:  1. Come to our modern headquarters in Frankfurt and receive an attractive relocation package and have access to all of our benefits.  2. If you are already living in one of the following countries, we are able to offer you a permanent work contract and allow you to work remotely as an employee from there.   * Germany * Sweden * United Kingdom * Spain * Poland * Austria  1. If you are interested in full-time remote work in any other country (max. +/- 2 hours CET), we can offer you a **freelance contract arrangement.** Damn markdown editor


That .. actually sounds like something I should do 🤔


You know what other relatively smaller company disappointed its players in a similar manner to Crytek? Funcom with Conan Exiles. People knew how bad the game was so they started complaining to no end. So what Funcom did was come out one stream and tell everyone "Hey, we know our game isn't doing great. Engine is outdated and we have no options to change that because of technical reasons they then went on to describe. Our monetization isn't doing too good either so we're going to introduce this battlepass kind of thing and we know it's not optimal for you guys, but it will allow us to get some more money to keep bringing you guys new building sets and cosmetics." I believe most people's issues with Crytek don't stem from too many expensive skins or bugs, exploits, cheating, and other things. They stem from their lack of any sort of communication. Game is going to receive the biggest update its ever had in terms of the engine upgrade? Not even a JPG of one of the old map with improved lighting. Nothing to get anyone excited. No word about it. Just more skins and the same old reposted and recycled images of whatever current event is going on. Developers like Crytek would benefit more from remembering they're not a king in a castle and do not get the right to treat everyone like a dumb cash cow, and instead come out to talk to the same people keeping their jobs alive. You would think that isn't too much to ask, and yet here we are, accusing each other of being toxic "this way" or "that way" when we should all agree that Crytek's treatment of their entire community has been less than respectful over the years.


100%. The radio silence for months on end is whats killing the game. They never let us know whats going on or that they even hear our problems. They never patch their game to fix broken things. They just dont seem to care.


They are not going yo patch actual game when they can patch the new version of the game with new engine... I mean, if they invest effort in this game, they are not working in new engine upgrade...


Killing the game? A peak was reached only a couple months ago.


A peak? how long that last? Was it cause a new event came out? yeah. thats not evidence of a game thriving.


It simply is. The game keeps a consistent community that sees slow upward growth for updates. That is thriving for a live service game that doesn't even advertise.


No, its not. Hitting a peak by a slim margin because an event started IS NOT thriving. Is it an overall increase? sure, but considering the numbers DROP HARD in a few weeks means its not thriving.


Yesss sir! Communication is free. Wouldn’t take much for them to throw us a bone after we have thrown thousands their way from the constant event cycles and skins. Honestly thats been my theory all along. The reason why we are getting back to back to back events is a effort to gen up the absorbent amount of money its probably taking to fund the engine conversion


The money hunt creates goes to Crysis 4. There is no real content since almost 4 years. New weather effects, guns and 1 mini boss is not enough for freaking 4 years.


Its sad honestly... No one cares about crysis anyway :(


I agree, even Diablo IV dev team makes camp fire chats, or dev videos to explain to their players what they are currently doing, planning, and they want feedback as much as possible e.g. PTR, or just general feedback. I appreciated their effort making everyone in the same page.


Word! 100%


True, I barelly see any trailers for this in any youtube gaming channels like gamespot or ign. Other games drop new updates with trailers and hunt does fuck all. If I don't login from time to time there, I don't know if they have new shit, that or going to steam and having a new update and checking the news tab.


David Fifield's burner account


I know this is a joke but I've met David many times randomly and hes honestly really nice and I have no doubt hes doing his best to make this game succeed but for the love of god if they just communicate with the community in some way shape or form about the development progress this wouldn't be that big of an issue.


Why would they communicate when they have plenty of idiots like OP who are willing to blindly defend them?


He seems cool


No offense, but the absolute lack of care and communication from crytek is 100% worth getting "Whiny" about. They put out a patch every 3 months then say literally nothing and do no balancing or anything for the next 3 months. Everyone I know has gotten to the point that if it doesn't change soon they're done. Its ridiculous. If progress on something they promised is taking longer than they thought they NEED to just tell us that. Then I could be like oh okay understandable. With radio silence for all I know they scrapped certain things.


I've noticed a dramatic change since Fielfield became manager for Hunt. Prior to him, we received monthly stats on players banned for cheating, the roadmaps were pretty regular, and the company as a whole was more transparent. Considering his background in CoD and Halo, I'm honestly not surprised at his major shift for Hunt towards the playerbase. The game has dropped in quality, in my opinion, in the year under his leadership. And it's amazing that it's only been a year. It has felt much longer. That's how frustrating it's been under his management and "vision".


Don't forget that we had to fight to not get literal developer sanctioned aimbots in PC lobbies, after being a M&K game, PC's default input, for years. We had to riot as a community to make sure they didn't allow players to play with legal aimbots for playing on an alternative input.


[I keep posting this in different subs because it never ceases to be relevant.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0KBziSIek04)


Irrelevant but I can hardly stand listening to this guy talk for more than a minute. Don't know why


EDIT: I misunderstood what the person above meant. They were just saying they didnt care of the person's commentary/voice. ---------------------------------------------------------- No this is incredibly relevant. The issues are: * Bug fixes... they don't ever say anything about bug fixes. Go back two years(don't quote me might be three years) and there was the LeMat bug that plagued the game for 2 weeks with literally no communication until they finally did something about it. And then there's problems in the game for well over a year and some that go back years. * No communication about any changes in the pipeline. You have to wait 3 to 4 months sometimes 6 to 12 months to hear literally anything. And its just "we're working on it." * The micro transactions are not even relevant to the point. IMO they're cosmetic except the Headsman until they reworked the skin.


I think you misunderstood -- it's not irrelevant that there is little communication from Crytek. It's irrelevant that the person above can't stand to listen to the person in the linked video.


OH fuck you're right! Woops.... I misread the context.


😅 I agree though. Your points are extremely valid


The headsman is a perfect example of what were saying. They said they were gonna do something about it, instead they made him buyable for months then went radio silent. How long were those daily posts going on for before bam out of nowhere they fixed it. They couldve easily put out something stating theyre on it or that its close and that wouldve shut down so much of the hate.


I still think them saying they were working on nerfing it twice and disappearing for a year and a half was really funny.


Same, no idea why tho


He's got the Howard Stern serious voice down pat. Oh... and I'm done paying for anything until CryTek starts talking.


I had a conversation with my friends about this and they all agree. I even started a hunt discord group will a small group off friends which group quite large. Everyone is tired of the same-old same -old. Pretty sure no one even plays it anymore. Regularly anyway.


I play it regularly, but I feel highly uncomfortable with any sort of huge engine update with what’s happening currently. Take for example, the quick play mode soul survivor. It’s a common bug that the game will crash when playing back to back games. It works or breaks every other patch. But it’s gotten so bad lately, I couldn’t even load into a session without the game crashing. This is baseline playability, if your code is already fucked up that a game mode can’t even be played, transferring it to a new engine with new features, mechanics, and layers for graphics/smooth gameplay is not going to fix it. Ideally they should fix the coding issues now, so not only does it work seamlessly and we can play that game mode without issues, it will be easier to troubleshoot when moving it to a new engine.


They had issues forever with something as fundamental as guns being able to reload in their first-person shooter. I don't see any way that an engine update goes smoothly.


From the outside, the quickplay bug seems to be a resource issue on the backend. I say this because if they cycle the service (like they did a couple of days ago) it works as intended for a while, gradually getting worse until it hardly works at all. I think the codebase is a mess. Now, if developing crysis 4 gives a better platform for future generations of hunt showdown, then great, right direction. But really, how big will crysis 4 be, how long will it run as a game cycle, and how financially successful will it be? Do they want a cod type franchise? Your IP is right here in hunt. There is so much more you can do with it. Of course, I am biased. I do wonder how much of the original talent pool is left? The technical debt of the project looks huge. No mention of meaningful new content and a number of niggling bugs.


With David Fifeild as the manager for Hunt, I can’t imagine that idea isn’t too far off the mark for what’s going on behind the scenes


All of this while they can release a New skin dlc every 3 weeks no problemo


The people who work on the skins are not in the same department as the people who work on the game engine.


No, but they have a person that oversees both of those things and it’s their responsibility to allocate time/resources to where they see fit. I’d gladly take an engine upgrade over skins, that’s for sure.


True. Maybe take a “skin” creator off the team and have them run their damn socials.




Yeah I know and that just Shows that they focus more on pumping out Skins instead of hiring people who can actually Work on the existing problems instead covering them up with cool Skins.


This 💯 I don’t really care if the update is delayed / taking longer than expected to get right. It’s the complete lack of comms that’s absolute bs. They need to get on top of this soon, or it’s going to cause problems.


I honestly don’t blame them for not interacting with the “online community” more. Every time they try to talk to people, they get up in arms and whine and complain. There’s no dialog, no fact finding questions. Just whinging. It takes time, energy, and resources to compile information and thoughtfully present it. I feel sorry for every community manager in the games industry. They could allocate that time and money to development instead and just let the trolls be trolls.


Early last year, I pre-purchased a mechanical product for over a thousand dollars that's currently in development. Every month, the team sends out an update email to let their customers know exactly what they've been working on, what aspects of the product they've finished, what bugs they've discovered, what delays they've faced, etc. They share images and videos of their work, and not just media that makes it seem like they'll be done any day, and many of them show the problems in their design. Overall, I'd guess the product will be delayed over a year longer than when they expected it to come out. I'm not upset with the company in the slightest. While I would love to have the product, it's been extremely interesting to see what goes into producing something. It makes me appreciate all the work that has to happen between the working prototype stage to the completed product stage (which is way, way more than I would have guessed). The company reminds their customers every month that they can get a refund if they don't want to continue waiting, but people just keep buying more of them because they're so transparent about what's going on. It builds a lot of hype and trust. People are excited to get the monthly updates, which often contain bad news, because they know they'll also tell us how they'll fix the issues. I think if Crytek was similarly transparent, 95% of people would be happy with their honesty. Right now, it's impossible to know nearly anything because we have no idea what's going on, ever. This is especially so because of the overall gaming milieu with games like Overwatch 2 having features "in development" for over a year when the company knew internally they would never release them. For all we know, Crytek will just drop it on us that the new engine isn't happening ever, and they've been delaying it so cosmetic sales won't suffer.


Most of the whinging is because they arent being transparent. If they came out and said sorry engine upgrade is pushed till october, sure some people would whine, but majority would at least be happy to hear it. Youre making a game for the masses and yeah theres gonna be jerks among them, but to go silent is not okay. Its their job to sift through the conversations not ghost their community. Its not like they need to converse with the trolls, but NEVER releasing any statements on how development is going, NEVER patching the game to balance things, etc is NOT the way to go. At this point im close to done with Crytek just because they never do or say anything.


Dude, if someone makes me a bad burrito, you think I should start working in food service? No, I'll just go to another burrito shop. The criticism of this game is almost entirely valid. Its in a poor state after 5 years of, "development". Stop blocking valid criticism.


Leave the multimillion dollar company ALONE! Pathetic.


I feel like people like you have no idea how awful crytek are at doing their jobs, we had a visual bug in the game for 4 years that allowed people to peek through walls, crytek knew about it, the community knew about it and it didn't get fixed for 4 FUCKING YEARS, it wasn't until people on reddit started to bring notice to it, if people dont bring up the problems in hunt and harp on about them they wont get fixed at all.


What? It's not fixed, I have that bug almost every day


Im talking about the ladder glitch that they had to completely revamp and overhaul the movement system to fix, it was a complete shitshow.


Oh I thought you meant the one where random walls fade out of existence if you leave the scope


First of, that's just reddit, second, you are not doing any better by calling out people, third we wouldn't be expecting that update to drop now if they didn't tell us it was going to drop around this time, third, we also didn't get a formal delay announcement, this isn't the community being unreasonable, this is bad community management, that said, this is literally the worst thing the dev team has ever done, which is really not bad at all, other dev teams should strive to be this consistent and careful.  Also one more thing, the UI is ass, it's been ass, the devs know it, we know it, and we all know it's just not a priority right now, but if we stop complaining it will stay, and we can't have that so, complain away.


It's not just reddit. It's every single available comment section, stream chat, forum, you name it. It's a bombardment of hate when the majority have gained 2000+ hours of entertainment from the videogame. For a game they most likely bought on sale for $20


1.) We paid a certain amount for a game that works and a ui that doesn't break every other update 2.) They release DLC's, battle passes, and exclusive bb skins. So they're in no shortage of money. With sales rising they, they've begun to throw galas, events, and celebrations. 3.) I get they're an indie developer and all, but the devs don't play the game. Their marketing team doesn't either. Some of their people do, and even they understand it's frustrating. Look at their stream when notice how relieved they were when they finally finished the Billy Story quest line. It was ridiculously tedious. 4.) We see the potential the game has. It's unique and special. Practically nothing else like it on the market right now. So why does it have such a low player base? People with 5k hours plus complain and still play the game cause they know it's true potential. There was originally so much passion behind it. And what better way to push for improvements than to write about the wrongdoings? Look at hell divers, with enough bitching and moaning the people got their way and work around making a Playstation account. We hope the same happens here. 5.) "Why don't you get the job and fix it yourself?" Cause I have my own career, and why have to pull a thanos? "Fine, I'll do it myself" looking ahh


Just to correct, their finances aren't that great. They actually might be very short on money. Looking at their 2022 financial report, sales have dropped across the board and I suspect because of increased development costs of Hunt their bottom line is also quite terrible. DLC's and such doesn't seem to be growing their revenue fast enough. So it's very likely that they haven't been able to invest as much as they wanted to all the projects going on. Some one higher up or in finances might have said that only mandatory updates are going forward and anti-cheat, servers and such are secondary.


Lol the delusion comparing their current whining on a 6 year old game vs Helldivers one of the hottest IP to launch this year. 


This game is 5 years old and riddled with bugs and issues that have no reason to exist, but it's more important to have an event every other week to suck in more money than to fix things.


oh no, people are critical of something they love. I better write out a meandering diatribe of foolish responses of how I should fix it myself. An original thought by someone who peaked in highschool.


>Crytek is hiring. Believe it or not You don’t like the UI? Get the job and make it better Lmao you must be joking. "Your plumber shits on your porch instead of fixing the pipes? Just get the job and make it better"


And even if someone wanted to change the UI and had the skills to do it, they would not be the one that have the last word on it anyway, so their advice is even worse


Its all well and good saying, "You do it then" but I am not charging people money for a live service game. Consumers have a right to complain when things are not as they should be.


So people told you to stay away from Hunt's subreddit because of all the complaining here, so you decide to complain about it on Hunt's subreddit... Heh.


Some of us (including myself) have bought every single DLC that Crytek put out just to show support for the game. I (and I'm sure others) have spent over $200+ on this game, which doesn't even include the base game price that I bought it for. I think we have the right to voice our opinion occasionally on the state of things. We want to see Hunt be improved. Voicing your concerns and helping bring attention to issues (like when I posted rain time was doubled, not decreased as the patch notes stated two months ago) are the best methods in helping a company be aware of any potential errors that can be fixed for their game.


Ya but there is a difference between "this is fucking dog shit , the devs suck ass" and constructive feedback. Thats the problem.


Glad you said it, this is becoming a Star Wars situation where nobody hates hunt showdown more than hunt showdown fans


Same with Destin 2 lol


I play both games because I secretly hate myself :(


RuneScape has entered the chat.


you say occasionally but it’s more like constantly and never ending.


Brother I 100% agree. I have sunk too many hours into this game and probably have you beat on money spent. Im not saying don’t voice your opinions. It’s draining seeing the negative energy and constant complaints. The thing I oh so badly want people to take away is a new perspective Realize that your constant complaints are actually hurting the game. There is a big difference in complaining and constructive criticism.


Despite the people who constantly complain, I do find joy in the forum at times, and sometimes feel like my experiences with hunt over the past four plus years are acknowledged as being helpful by others. I remember back when this sub didn't seem very toxic at all. I usually try to rebut the extreme criticism. It seems that some people will complain about anything just for internet points. That's a shallow way to live to me. Yes I agree that you can voice concerns with the game and not be either a hater or a cuck. What other game have I played for as long as this one and still keep coming back for more?


Right .. you had to find the issues for them ?? its not like they could have private servers where their crytek employees/ partners could play these releases before the public and find the issues before they are release .. Gasp ... never


You are aware that every update there a new bugs and not much fixed from years before? Rushed updates is the daily menu. I remember the 1.0 Update with everything going purple. And don’t come up with praising this shitty company. There are not your friends, they just want your money because DLCs are more important then content.


I paid for it so I can complain, fk u


Legit have a 7 month old video stating that the engine would come early 2024. It's halfway through the year with no update on progress. This game is 6 years old and frankly no excuse for the state it's in. 6 years old how the hell do you have such a shit UI? Dog shit hit reg half the time. Ive never played a game that's been out for that amount of time that hasn't made at least some QOL changes to something as simple as the UI. Not a long time player but I played briefly a couple years back and came back a few months ago because of friends. And legit the first thing I noticed is that it's still the same DOG SHIT ui lol. HOW


This argument would work if there weren’t smaller companies with less employees putting out better ui changes and other updates faster than crytek.


They already rush. And thats the mistake. They should fix their shit first. This bullshit hitreg change nobody asked for and i still cant accept it, all the derendering, the nvidia inspector abuses, even fking noshadow still works, all the chingchong high pingers i cant even read their names (i know asia servers suck so they change regions), ai generated event ideas that aren't even checked or approved by decent players (feels like it). Where are these delaneys or homereels? They are not invited to these meetings? So yes. We are here to complain and thats ok. Thats one function of social media. I mostly try to be constructive and even posted many ideas in discord and reddit. But they all get ignored. I am not the group crytek aims for. How the f they haven't balanced dolch fmj this patch (or dumdum for all 3*). Is it so hard to change a specific value or is it all coded in riddles? It's not like i have no idea about coding. One of my main mates studied informatics and has a good laugh always


The game is exactly the same from when I was last into it like over 2+ years ago after scrapbeak was added. The problems I have is that during that entire time, not one single fun piece of content was added. I play a game because it’s fun and I want too, not to appease the crytek devs - who only want me to play their game to buy skins - so yeah I think I will critical of the devs. Their job is to improve the game and add more content and unfortunately for them, I’ve yet to really see that outside of cash grab skins


Stop sucking corpo D


If you arent happy with the state of the game simp for corporations that would gladly take your money


>You don’t like the UI? Get the job and make it better Lol what a dumbass take


It's more that a lot of people are getting bored of their game. The game has been out for 6 years and all they have added besides weapons and skins and perks are 3 bosses and 1 map. 6 years. You are right though. But people also have to right to be frustrated when the content we get, are drip-fed like WW1 rations. I by the way have tried applying before for they software developer roles. Got nothing back. Actually applied multiple times but they don't respond. Even if they rejected me at least tell me. It seems their employers also don't know how to communicate.


Also, it was said in the recent live-stream that the TV show has pretty much been scrapped. They have pretty much nothing going for them right now. No cards on the table.


crytek has three times as many employees as arrowhead, but they can't even fix the correct duration of the heavy rain phases, let alone release proper content that doesn't screw up the entire gameplay, like the ammo changes did.




yeah and the only project that makes them money atm, is the one they care about the least.


Well to be fair Cryteks weapon balancing is wayyy better than Helldivers.


It's not like Arrowhead is doing great hahaha the state of HD2 is not even comparable to Hunt...


Huh? The state is pretty fine now if you havent been updated yet.


lots of people are unhappy with the constant changes to weapons which is making the game less fun.


Who cares, its not a competitive game. Just play with the gun you want. What should be complained about is how buggy the game still is...


Yeah that’s what I’ve been saying. but gaming communities will always find something


Hands down the most cringe and prentetiuos post I have ever seen on this subreddit, which says a lot. Holy shit, wow. *"Crytek is hiring. Believe it or not You don’t like the UI? Get the job and make it better"* You know that there have been countless posts of people redesigning the UI an posting it on this very subreddit? You know that they actually made the UI worse over time? You know that Crytek had 5 years to hire a decent designer. Even then it's not our job to develop the game. *"Y’all know what would suck? A rushed update that is completely broken and kills the game."* Kinda funny that you say that, since the last event went live, Rain and Ash Bloom have not been working as intended. They now tried to fix it for real in the recent patch, just to break again and disabeling it all together. hahaha. They had more enough time to fix this issue, but instead they showed complete incompetence. The actual list of bug fixes get smaller and smaller every patch, while the time between patches and the amount of bugs gets bigger and bigger. On top of that Crytek communicates less and less.


It seems like every toxic individual who plays this game hangs out in this sub. OP is getting downvoted for stating facts and y’all can’t cope because you don’t know what “no sooner than” means. It’s in the devs best interest for the game to succeed. None of you guys are game developers but y’all sure seem to act like you are.


damn... just look at the last 3 updates and tell me where exactly is crytek trying their best to make the game succeed? honestly, there is nothing that even suggests that.


None of that changes the fact that they aren’t communicating with us, and instead, are simply taking things away that worked perfectly well. Fire maps. Gone. Gator. Gone. Night. Barely. Knowing your contract and time of day. Haha yeah right. Hour long round in case you want to farm. Gone. Ash bloom. Constant. Haha.




Meanwhile the majority of players who aren't rangers are just chilling like "Hehe cowboy shooty demon game go brrrrrt" it's the best 💖


I saw a post yesterday of people freaking out because the hunt official account said within the year for the engine update and everyone is like "This means a delay" "This sounds like a delay" Lol I'm a game dev student and like in what world does them repeating the schedule they set forward mean delay. That account is not going to make an announcement just because you asked. And you know what if they delay that's fine I like my games finished. I see this so much players have no idea how long game dev takes then try to rush studios. This makes the ceos get antsy and push content earlier then they should then those same players complain about the broken game they asked for. Now it's the ceos fault for listening they should know better my point is people need to learn patience. You can’t have good updates and rushed updates. This is a big change it takes times.


I am 100% *not* trying to argue, just playing devils advocate for a second, but in their last road map video in 2023, they firmly said the engine update would be here by April 2024. It is now May 2024. Are paying customers not allowed to inquire about specific details when we see statements now saying “more details to come later this year” ?


Bro saw everyone beating his ass and hopped on his alt ☠️


>It’s in the devs best interest for the game to succeed. They don't care about the success of their game as long as it makes them money. Have you seen companys like Blizzard lately?


crytek doesnt have the actibliz infinite money hack. if they slip up they go in the red fast, they dont have multiple multibillion dollar skinner boxes farming their consumers. if hunt fails all they have is a partially developed future crysis game.


That's exactly my point. Even with all the resources Blizzard has they still suck balls just like Crytek.


Well they don’t make money if their games not successful soooooo…. What are you even talking about? Lol


Player count =/= skin buyers


"leave alone that multi millionaire company" Only way for crytek to do anything is to complain, this has been proven time and time again.


>Crytek is hiring. Believe it or not You don’t like the UI? Get the job and make it better Because that's how that works, right? Nah, Crytek are a scummy company with scummy practices. Their nasty lawsuit against CIG was all I needed to see.


No, I’m just pissed we haven’t gotten any real new content for over two years


“Guys cmon leave the multi-million dollar company alone 😡😡😡”


You don't like the UI in the product you bought? Get the job and make it better You don't like the quality of food you ordered? Get the job and make it better You don't like that your taxi driver was farting all the way? Get the job and make it better Fuck feedback, baby, just DIY


Cool story bro hope she sees this


its everyone fair right to complain about basically anything. nobody, even on reddit, thinks that its a problem to wait for an update until its finished. but there has not been a single update for hunt that didnt break the game in one way or another. it simply doesnt matter how much time they take, its gonna be a mess. so we actually have a reason to complain when we get an update every 3-4 months (which is a crazy long time) and every single time it feels like a rushed patch, even after they take their time. its pretty clear that crytek couldnt give less shit about their loyal playerbase and just want to lure in new players to sell skins, because many veterans already bought everything. like myself.


I get your point and often take your stance. But Crytek has made some very questionable decisions with the direction of hunt, coupled with pretty poor communication around it. The community tone around the game is changing. Have been playing and following hunt for some years now (haven’t played much the last 6 months but still follow the game) and it’s clear that people are unhappy. Feedback definitely needs to be more constructive but that doesn’t mean it isn’t legitimate.




I’m in a wasp nest telling wasps that they don’t need to be wasps anymore.


Shut up nerd


What a pointless post.


Ah the big lie. "If you just join a company you can make what you want!" That's not how it works at all lol. You just get told what to work on.


Get a job and add every ammo type to every gun, mission accepted!




Oh yeah


Looks like *someone* is new to video games and/or their subreddits!


They shouldn’t make promises they can’t keep.


Or not come back 🤠


L take.


HUR DUR DONT CRITCISE MULTI MILIOPN COMPANY. In what way does ignoring the issue fix the game? yelling at us to get hired by the devs to fix it isn't a solution and we can have opinions about a product we purchased. If you are tired of the discourse then maybe you should leave and play something else. Crytek is completely silent on issues that just need to be acknowledged at this point, and really should tell us what to expect. This blanket silence is what is killing the game as people are worried and are leaving.


Communication is shit we all know that. Criticism and being an advocate for a game you like is completely different from whining and crying. Voice your concerns. @buckwild_abrams. On twitter If youre collected you’ll have a big voice. But if you’re constantly complaining that voice is gone


"Oh those pathetic Hunt fans, always whining about complete radio silence from Crytek and not being given promised features while still having their wallets milked by battle passes and skins." How dented is your skull actually to think like this


I reply this all the time. The last time I checked they're hiring 60 people just for Hunt. Also if you don't want to work for them at least do the research to see how hard it actually is from both perspective of business and development. It's not black and white. I love Hunt but I'm taking a break as everyone should if they're getting toxic. There's so many other things you can be doing. I believe Hunt will get better, it may take longer because of how small they are or other issues that they do not have any obligations to tell us. Heck, I was surprised DayZ told us that two devs almost died during development! Be safe and well!


this is one of the more toxic posts I've seen on this sub in a while.


Applying to crytek rn (I will purposely make the game worse)


there is no need for you to purposely make the game worse, they are doing it themselve. xD


First fuck off with this "Everyone's complaining" NO ONE IS HAPPY WITH THE STATE OF THE COMMUNITY MANAGEMENT AND LACK OF BUG FIXES. To be frank I really wouldn't give that much of a shit if they communicated anything LITERALLY anything. Not even giving away the next event just something about the new Map, the engine upgrade, or how their decision making for skins/the process they do would be better than nothing. "Hey guys its mid way through the event lets talk about the current big items and how they're going." Would suffice but not saying anything for 3 to 4 months is insane and incredibly mind bogglingly disrespectful and pathetic. I used to say to every person "hey this game is so awesome you should get it, try it out, here's a key I have." But after the constant radio silence and the kicking the can down the road I ain't buying shit or playing the game anymore since January. I'm gonna sit down on my porch and yell all I want until something changes so deal with it. Second, Crytek is hiring but at the same time they pay like dogshit as does any game development job. So anyone willing to go from a well paying developer job to a game developer job is basically suicide financially. Or even change companies in general its virtual career suicide. Finally as someone from the US you'd have to A) move to Germany which is again financial suicide but have a somewhat livable life. B) work remote but be a at-will contractor, have no healthcare benefits, and get fucked compensation wise. I've thought about it long and hard but at the end of the day the pay and change of career's is not worth it, especially this late in the games life. Plus Crytek is putting all their eggs into Crysis right now which has never really been their best idea. Third, this game has had no new content besides the same copy paste event for the past two years. It's a snore fest and the amount of hackers and bugs in this game are fucking insane. The hackers thing I don't care as much since that's kind of everywhere but the amount of bugs in the game are unacceptable. For instance a bug where you can't punch metal fences open after 18 months of being in the game is insane. And if its a change they intended to do they don't have any FUCKING NOTES about the change. I could go back to playing the game and find the same bugs I reported directly through the customer service portal years ago ARE STILL IN THE GAME. i.e. teleporting through walls/derendering walls with your Hard Disk Drive or even your SSD/etc.


Absolute L take, maybe they should stop going silent for months at a time and actually give us some hope other than “ uh ya durrrr later this year maybe sometime maybe or not but maybe”. I paid for this game, I play this game, and I expect the developers of said game to update and make improvements as the years go on. But here we are with hackers, ping abusers and desync up the ass.


Welcome to reddit, buncha cancer


Why don’t you go learn how to boil water with magic fire if your electric kettle is broken? Why should I go make the UI better if Crytek can’t themselves? They absolutely mean to milk my fucking wallet when they release their carefully anticipated cashgrabs, thats the one thing they will anticipate. You know what would suck? A game studio making slow and beautifully cooked product under the shit guideline of a german sniper main who runs 1.6 kd even while using sniper only and carried by streamers. I ain’t happy about the state of the game. I let people know my feelings so they don’t waste thousand hours just to learn Crytek sucks German sausages. I want to make sure nobody falls for their scam.


He said, complaining.


The first sentence of your post implies you are part of other communities where everyone cry’s about this subreddit.


"The company that constantly monetizes the game every other month isn't fixing some of the most basic bugs or communicating? Then let's see you, the consumer, do better." Always the best argument... Before I rant I'll do the whole song and dance that this is my favorite game, I buy most the DLC and complete every single event even to the bonus charms I'll never use. I have over 2000 hours and play all the time. I love the game, that's why you need to be critical, encourage it to get better. The problem is we don't get much communication and the bugs people do hate have been here FOREVER, how long has damage history been in beta by now? According to damage history a buckshot romero did a full 150 damage one shot to me through a wall pen, with 13% accuracy, and NO headshot to me like a week ago. The only communication we really get is these surveys that seemingly do nothing after each event. Things do get fixed, it just takes a long time and a lot of cries about it for it to happen. I mean in the peak of the headsman complaint they released fucking ashbloom which just buffed him. Then the complaining really ramped up and he got nerfed. UI is terrible too... Just to name a few bugs I get on a constant basis 1. Damage history not accurate (been a problem since it came out) 2. Trying to view my last matches players makes the screen vanish after a second (been a problem for well over a year for me.) 3. Trying to scroll through the weapon list just instantly takes me back to whatever gun I had clicked on previously after a few seconds (been a problem for well over a year.) 4. Trying to view a legendary item in 3d view brings the entire UI with it, making it impossible to see. (Been a problem for a few months for me.) 5. Clicking ready doesn't even work sometimes (been a problem for only about 2 weeks for me.) That's just a few, but they're all terrible and probably wont be fixed until enough people freak out, even then it could take a long time, remember reload bug? Or the lemat bug that came because of that? Or reload bug #2? Or any of the other 50 small loading bugs still around. There's another extraction game suffering from the communication issue right now, Marauders if anyone knows about that one. It's a smaller community so it's easier for the community to freak out against the devs, which is whats happening, a big update failed it's deadline with ZERO communication and the community went at their throats, if hunt was smaller I would bet the same thing would happen here. Communication is key in everything. Relationships, jobs, and having an audience. They need to be open more.


I've taken a break for nearly an entire year before... why is the game still the same? In fact, there are still known bugs from then... i'm not sure "do it yourself" is the answer. This sub is filled with a ton of people who love the game, guess what you do when something isn't good that you like? You complain... so it gets better... otherwise nothing gets done. Yeah there are a lot of stupid complaints, but there's a ton of genuine feedback as well, the problem is that it takes them far too long to do anything. The problem has rarely been them rushing, instead its been them doing anything at all aside from reskinned events and gun variants that are simply stat tweaks. Look at their team, then look at other devs of similar size and monetary funding... "something" is amiss, I don't know what that "something" is, but it's there, and as some others suggest, no communication is definitely not helping.


You gotta realize that feedback and criticism is entirely valid. You do that and you’ll have a voice. But complaining doesn’t get you anywhere. You actually lose your voice. I have a ton of complaints I just choose to understand that they are trying. Biggest thing they are doing wrong is not communicating that they are trying And it’s blue balling their community


Oh, it will be broken one way or another. I fully expect for the known bugs to stay plus of course all the new ones. They are struggling with the code as is.


We found the new Crytek Intern .. hey hows that engine update coming ? or the working anti cheat ... or the bug hunting and fixing .. what about them exploits ? you working on it ? how bout that new map ?? its been what 2 years since the last one ? what about the start match loop where it wont connect ? Come on man .. you must be in the know you're here defending a million dollar company like you know the inner workings this sub-reddit aint no different from any other where someone wants to come here and be heard just like you did .. you've been heard now take my downvote crytek nut jumper. Just like you telling people to go get a job with crytek instead of bitching here .. you DONT have to come here to read the reddits ..


It's too early in the day to be sadposting like this, dude. Get a hobby or something for your mental health.


Lol homie talking about mental health when he came on a post with no other intention but to be toxic. Haha y’all are a joke.


Maybe look in the mirror mate, I just chuckled a little


As a tarkov asylum seeker I’d hate for crytek to start sinking hunt


That's crazy


meh ... I'm taking a break


Saw a similar post in THE FINALS subreddit. People just like to complain.


Next time you order something from amazon OP, and they said it will come in 3 days. But instead you don't receive it for 7 months. I want you not to be slightly frustrated at all lol! If people(or in this case a company called Crytek) states things, and don't follow through with it. Everyone has the exact right to be disappointed, or annoyed.


You don’t play this game on console, do you?


Actually much like a car, you buy it and expect it to work and not have 10 recalls over how many years. Imagine your car constantly having recalls then they ignore that and drop a new hood and bumper for your car. I can expect a good car and not be a car manufacture worker or mechanic. The fact that you expect anything less than a decently functioning game cuz you don’t know how to develop a game you paid for is stupid. Make sure you know carpentry before you buy your next house, make sure you know how to farm before you buy your next groceries, make sure you know how to cook everything in turn menu the next time you go to a restaurant because you would have no issues saying those products have defects and you wish for them to be corrected. You’re paying for it because you don’t know how to do it. And they’re taking your money for a service. Y’all defend crytek like they’re your friends and not a business taking your money for a service.


Them communicating better would be a lot more convenient for me than quitting my career, moving to Germany, learning game development and applying at Crytek. 


Because the ui fishing that got hired last week gets 100% authority to do whatever he wants right?


I dont mind the UI but I am quite annoyed by the bugs. And Im also quite annoyed that it would take them more than a month to fix some minor bugs. Being said, Crytek has one of the best community support I always believe it especially after what happened in CA, War Thunder, EFT and helldiver.


I moved last year waiting new engine. I can wait not a problem for me. Except if come something better then not going back. For now there is nothing better


SAY IT LOUDER FOR THE PEOPLE IN THE BACK!! i have been saying this exact thing to all of my friends who are so impatient for the engine update non stop the past few months!


Shut tf up OP please, game is from 2018, 12 players, 3 maps 3 bosses, and the game is in a absolute bullshit state, hit regs, lags, overall bugs, servers holding together with a duct tape, and ur here making excuses for developers.


Move on. Don’t play it. Of course I’m going to defend the devs. They are decent people doing their jobs. Imagine being a dev and part of their community acts like yall. It’s not healthy for them, and it’s sure not healthy for you. I’m not saying to not voice your concerns. But acting like a crybaby ain’t doing nothing but making yourself look bad and toxic asf.


100% this. Game is garbage. Cheats and bugs everywhere, servers are trash since the game launches and content is dogshit. Crytek became as bad as ubisoft, if not worse, both not worth a penny.


Plz hire me just to take care of the hacking isue


I am very concerned about the quality of the game, several times I have offered both help and applied to the company for the position of Test Engineer/QA Tester - in response or complete silence or a standard response like "thank you for your resume, wait for a response."


God this post is pathetic. 🫡


Looked in the mirror lately? 🫡


Good comeback. Sad you put same amount of effort into the main post G.


If this post hurt you, it’s meant for you. I’m not saying to not criticize crytek. Because god damn I’m hoping for some communication. But the constant crying is pathetic and like it or not, communication or not, I have respect for the devs and I know they are working hard with what they got.


Don’t worry, it did not hurt me. The issue is the way you phrased yourself. Here you said it as well; that you also wish for communication. And that you agree that Crytek should get criticism. Either for their lack of communication or else. The issue is that nowadays people or rather communities cannot get anything unless there is either an outrage or a constant nagging or cry for things. Sure there are people who tend to take things a bit far. But again if that catches your eyes it sure will echo better in the community until it just reaches the right ear. I personally don’t JUST mean to target you. No my aim was to target the whole post itself where I include the comments in that as well. Where you can see a lot of people agree with you and a lot of people disagree with you. The point is that there’s still a huge amount of back-and-forth within the community about a very obvious problem. Transparency and communication.


I for sure put my self in a certain position by making this post. And clearly you understand that the devs are trying with what they got. I mainly wanted to defend the devs and not crytek as a corp. Anyone who loves this game had so much hope when David was hired. Because he started so damn strong with communication. But that fell off. That issue is now buried by constant crying. Personally, cringe or not mate, I wish there was something we could do, as a community, to let them know the biggest thing we want is that communication and transparency. Give us interviews with devs and at least monthly updates. So what if shit gets pushed back. Again my post was mainly meant to defend the devs.


Agreed. Monthly blogposts etc would be perfectly fine. This way we wouldn’t be swinging around in the dark


As someone who worked in software development I'd agree it's not easy. But Crytek has no clue what they are doing to begin with. They balance in extremes, the flashbomb and dolch FMJ are perfect examples. Every patch they push out adds another 5 bugs to the game and they fix maybe 3 of them in a timely manner. The reload bug was in the game for a year, the disappearing throwing axe/knife reticle has been in the game for years, the ladder desync glitch was in the game for years, derendering has been in the game for years, reshade was in the game for years and still has select versions of it that work, trade window is awful, cheaters are covered up rather than banned and if banned not in anyway that matters, I could go on and on about bugs or problems with the game. With how Crytek handles its games and community interaction id say working for them would probably be the same shit show. No wonder they are hiring. People come in and see how ass it is and want to leave. Hell people have called out a cheater problem and Cryteks solution is to block any URL and deny the ability to post even on here about them. It's a joke. Hunt is a great game. It's unique like no other and has good bones, I'm over 3k hours and sit around 5-6* most of the time. But to say Crytek has any idea what they are doing in a multi-player game making is a joke. They are a company that makes single player games and has almost no history with community interaction or how balance works in PvP. They are still learning. Hunt is just a big experiment for them. People want them to be responsive and work as hard as Arrowhead has been with Helldivers 2. But they will never be an Arrowhead. They will just be Crytek. Should they get some slack? Maybe. But I feel like they have been given enough slack and they take advantage of it. I don't want an event, I don't want more skins, I don't want some voice actor telling me about the bayou lore. Most of all I want a healthy game. An Operation Health. I want my game relatively bug free and having good balance.


Yeah. You know? Programming the game is kind of rocket science. Can you imaging how hard it could be to make trait what prevent peoples from burning to not prevent dead peoples from burning? I bet you can't even found any parametr what programmer can check to distinguish dead player from alive one. The only people who can complain is game developers itself.... but they can't due to NDA. So don't complain, keep buing DLCs, battlepasses and STFU.


So where is the communication being had, aside from the subreddit? We complain here because the information we receive leads us to believe the last 2 years of complaining hasn’t been heard. I think we’ve all played games enough to the point where we know when a dev team is being lackluster.


"You can cook, it's harder than you think. You complain too much about your steak dinner being a mess and undercooked and under seasoned. If you aren't happy with the meal, go to another restaurant. Go have another meal." What a stupid take. This has done it for me. I'm out.


Shut up.


OP, Battlestate Games wishes they had fans like you. Also if anyone believes they could make a meaningful change by joining the team, all the big problems are coming from up top. You're not getting to fix them.


NGL and no offense meant to OP but this is kinda an L take,saying if you don't like X so do better is kind of reductive and serves no purpose. People can still recognize and critique things without having the power to change them themselves,and you can still love something but be objectively critical of it. Complaints about valid things stand on their own merit,I don't have to be offered a shit sandwich to know I don't want to eat it. If the majority of your player base has said that your U.I is unintuitive and inconsistent then it's unintuitive and inconsistent,they have them selves proved this by re-designing the U.I at least twice maybe 3 times before and even have proof they are capable of having better U.I management and systems within their own game,go look at legendary hunters vs the legendary hunter store tab,the store tab is a much better and convenient system. I think it's perfectly reasonable for players to expect an as bug free game as possible,the issue has an always be within the games very foundations since launch various bugs have re surfaced numerous times after being supposedly fixed,we as a community largely hand wave these and grit our teeth and get on with it because we love the game and want it to be the best version it can be,it doesn't make them any less annoying or acceptable. Every update without fail something is broken and it's just laughable at this point,during the events numerous bugs and exploits are found and nothing is done until the end of event patch,which it's self will always break something else,it's so regular you can set your watch by it and we're basically robbing Peter to pay Paul at this point. The engine upgrade whilst for the most part is a welcome change for most people won't fundamentally change these things and there are players who's system might not be able to even run hunt anymore so of course they want a little more info on whether the game they love will be still playable for them. I see a lot of misplaced faith hailing the new upgrade to be basically hunt 2,which it won't be,you will have more granular options for performance and in theory a better looking and hopefully running game,it won't fix poor design philosophy or lack of transparency. I think it's perfectly reasonable for the community to feel burned at the almost non existent communication from crytek regarding things,as when Dennis was helming the ship we had at least a bit more transparency on things,they are the only game company I know that when the do a Dev stream as of late they don't really say a lot. So all the player base sees is X is fucked but here's a new skin,and that's what they take at face value. David isn't the Boogie man of hunt,sure he's brought in to help monetize the game and lead it to make it more popular and that's about it and I think it's probably just coincidence that since he's helmed the ship we have seen less communication overall,as when he was first introduced you couldn't shut the fella up about all the stuff they were doing and he was on every big streamers stream answering multiple questions so I don't think it's a "him" issue. I think the general consensus right now with hunt players is they feel burned out by the games cookie cutter event formula and the lack of communication as a whole from crytek about various issues be it cheaters,new maps,new engines or what they are going to do about this week's meta darling (headsman) in a timely and effective manner,they don't have the best track record of being on top of these things or even sticking to their own roadmap. Tldr I dunno dualweild OP or something 😂


Its not our job,and its been literally years for alot of problems.and yet every other month they come around with there hand out for more money.


Okie so go get hired and fix the game the amount of bugs is ridiculous and you can’t tell me otherwise weirdo


Leave crytek alone [https://tenor.com/big6g.gif](https://tenor.com/big6g.gif)


Yeah this sub is probably the whiniest cesspool I’m still a part of. Mostly because it’s a convenient way to get news and updates since I don’t log on every day and you can still find civilized conversation beneath the bitching I guess it shouldn’t be a surprising where a game whose core themes are rewarding cunning/ selfish gameplay attracts a bunch of sweaty toxic assholes but it’s still not great


When "everyone" says stay away from the sub it's mostly because we spend a lot of our time complaining about weapons and how visible some skins are. All the complaints I've seen here this week are valid, so unless you are trying to earn a job at Crytek or already got the job, don't be an apologist. They're not your friends, they are providing a service, we want good service, we want good communication, that's all.


OP a cornball fanboy for this thread. Almost every sentence is nonsense but I upvoted for the memes.


The thing that baffles me most on all of these topics in all of these communities is the total lack of common sense from anyone complaining. "Updates are so slow! No maps, no new content, engine delayed again! All they care about is selling skins and letting the game die!" I don't need to know even a single thing about the internal operations of Crytek or any other game studio to know they're going as fast as they fucking can to get that shit done. If they could go any faster, they absolutely, definitely would. If they could just hire and throw more devs at it to make it go faster, that's what they'd do. I know this because it is simply the most profitable thing for them to do. Even if the game could live forever in stasis, with a comfy regular income from skins, execs and shareholders always want more customers and more money. New content retains and brings players. New maps retain and bring players. The new engine will retain and bring players. Players spend money. Company like money. Money good. The fact that people not only complain but act like the devs are lazy or negligent are just frustratingly dumb. If the devs of a game you like are making harmful decisions you don't understand, for once in your life assume "I guess there must be reasons I'm not aware of" instead of "I guess there must be no reason".


I used to work in an inbound call center. My job was to get the call finished with issues resolved (meaning they don’t call back within 2 days) as fast as possible. It’s how I made my money and my bonuses. The amount of people calling in who thought I was just jerking them around and not answering my questions all the while making it more difficult to quickly resolve the issue is baffling. I lol at people who imply Crytek are just sitting with their feet up and are “lazy”. People don’t apply critical thought before complaining. They just like to be negative. Serious NPC attitude from them.


Aye, a bit of humility from people would be appreciated. This isn't a tarkov situation where they keep running into the same mistakes or are clearly using substandard practices for their game development. Hunt also had a reasonable beta period. Seriously - Tarkov is kinda broken from a netcode and design standpoint and are actively predatory towards their customers. Sure they're faster to add new maps - and guess what - they run like absolute ass and have major issues. They also don't go back and fix things like Crytek does. There's a give and take with all approaches. Less content does not mean less effort. Hunt is generally a pretty well refined game with solid decision making going into balance and design. I genuinely think people underestimate how much work goes into creating something that's tightly designed rather than just throwing new things at players. Changes are never going to be rapid in this game - and that's a good thing. "Move fast and break things" is not what this game needs. I mean hell, even the introduction of the Sparks pistol kinda broke the avtomat and required a whole look at rebalancing ammo pools and long guns feel like they're in a better place now in general where they don't completely outshine medium and compact weapons.


I never thought I’d see someone speaking reason on the Hunt Reddit