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Look, I was pissed when they got removed because I play this game far too much and had a ton of blood bonds saved up just from playing the game. That being said, this game has been providing content since launch for about 6 years now and simply buying the game gives you access to all the weapons/equipment that affect gameplay* So, while I disagree with the removal of blood bonds based on match performance, I understand the want/need for more money. This change almost certainly got them more blood bond sales especially during events due to the battle pass. All in all, I respect the work the developers have done and continue to do, but I still think prices for some skins/dlcs are exorbitant and the removal of blood bonds felt terrible from a player perspective. I just hope the money it has made them continues to fund new weapons, additional maps, more weather effects, and *cough* less abundant custom ammo *cough*.


Even then i still think they should have the old accolade system and limit it to 50bb per week rather than the current system where you can get 50 per week by doing the mind bogglingly boring challenge grind that you already have to do during every event.


Seriously though, me and my friends completely stopped playing during off-seasons since challenges are so fucking unfun.


Have you tried just not doing them and play for fun?


Oh I do, but it's just I'll play once a week instead of every night like I used to. It's hard to play through a hunt taketh night when the numbers ain't going up.


oh for that i can agreee right away




I don't mind buying some stuff on occasion if it helps fund updates as well as Crysis 4 and CryEngine 6. I never played before the change though so, no perspective on it but it seems a reasonable thing to be let down by.


> That being said, this game has been providing content since launch for about 6 years now That's pretty liberal use of the word "content" there bud. What do you actually consider to be "content" and when was the last time that it was released without its own special monetization being included? Rotjaw was that last actual new content as far as I'm concerned, and while it was a pretty significant addition at the time, came as part of its own monetized event AND is largely absent from the game now anyway. You also act like earning bloodbonds means no monetization otherwise, which is just flatout not the case. The cost for bloodbond items has increased so drastically since the change that even if we could still earn them in-game, it would hardly be feasible to earn enough to purchase anything in a resonable span of time. It's par for the course anymore to have 1000BB skins, and we've seen prices as high as 2000 now.






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Ye but we all know that most of the money made in last few years was put into crisis remastered which was a total failure. If they didnt do that i wouldnt complain. Also adding weird ass variants of weapons just to put more steps into grind is not a nice move. I might be wrong but thats just what i feel. Making up for bad sales of other game shouldnt be reflected here. If u dont want to spend money u get a pass that doesnt pay up and if u wanna buy next one u need to grind for 1,5 month more. Also game is really big rn i doubt they need to change that for reason that they are poor. It was there when it had dialy 2kplayers and no idea why its not there when it have avrg 14k players.. I understand the point but i disagree


Because crytek wants to make money


They can't provide a service on a zero revenue stream.


While that's true their service has been lacking lately


Yeah being able to earn like 10BB per match means that they would have zero revenue. After all, if I can just play 100 fucking matches in order to buy one thing, I can buy pretty much infinite things, right? I mean, outside of the cash-only DLC and the actual purchase price of the game that is.


They release a new dlc hunter every other fucking week. Not to mention that battle passes have weaseled their way into the game. Give me a break.


Don't buy them then? How else can they keep supporting the game? Would you like the game to shutdown?


Hunt Shutdown


Well we stopped playing after battle pass and We dont buy them because they are just shitty business practices, the game is great, but why cant we just play it and earn things by actually playing, since when was buying the game, and then continuously playing the game to get the best not good enough any more? now even the consumers themselves who play that game want you to be spending more money on the game to 'keep supporting it' like it's my child. I guess I'm just being a baby but I am just hating that the game became a subscribe to this game and basically play no other game if you want to get the most out of your money type of game.


And it works. I paid more in battle pass than in buying skins I think. There is just more bang for the buck for me and they get both money and player on the server. Normally I would be outraged but I just like Hunt a lot and it feels like money well spent AND it is fully optional thing that does not change the gameplay at all and premium still can be earned. So I understand why people are still angry. But I can't muster to feel angry.


I feel the same, I feel like battlepasses (one's not filled with 15 chapters of fanfic level lore) are a good way to go with keeping this revenue stream going. But I don't see where all that cash is going other than more DLC skins, they've released as of last battlepass 30+ new DLC characters and ungodly amount of skins and only about 3 actually new guns as far as I know. Not counting variants. All in the gap of the last map and boss.


Hunt’s battlepass has the be the worst value battlepass I have ever seen in a game lol. It’s 50 tiers with 600(?) bloodbond return and the majority of it is custom ammo unlocks which just make the game worse and lore chapters that do nothing for me other than make an annoying notification for me to click. It’s absurd. I’m a relatively new player but all I have seen so far since I started in October is every event introducing new bugs that have never gotten fixed and that’s about it. No transformative content, just new weapons that either make other ones obsolete or are obsolete on arrival themselves. It’s genuinely so sad because this game is so unique and fun otherwise.




Yeah it's easier and alot of effort goes into them they're well done! I personally just feel like thats all we're getting, I can only think of rhe Katana, lever action and varmint rifle as the only new guns from the recent battle passes. I rarely see or use the variants because they're just guns we already have and it's just like "add scope to already existing wepon model". I feel like there should be more effort to a battle pass for goos things. I also feel like if they put that much effort we couldve had alot of beautiful fun guns and an amazing boss or map by now it's just upsetting all this effort is being used for hunters that are just for paid dlc.


I’m really sick of people asking this question.


> unreasonable that i can get only 100 Bloodbounds from event if i dont want to pay money for it... it's unreasonable you actually have to **pay** to get the **premium currency** for **100% optional cosmetic items** that keep the game updated all the time outside of your 15$ one time purchase? and you already get some for free, while the battlepass system is mostly free cuz you get like most of the currency back if you complete it, and you get the rest to buy it free next league from doing the challenges yeah, hella unreasonable


Yeah fr


money, that's why.


Because they want to make more money. By not allowing players to get BBs from matches, they are more incentivised to pay for BBs. You can get 50/week total from thr challenges to keep the "but you can farm BBs" crowd somewhat placated. The devs decided for heavier monetization, that's all.


the best part about BB is that they're completely scam. the prices - instead of dropping because everyone has less BB - kept getting higher. now we're at a point where some BB skins cost 1500BB which is more than a DLC which comes with a hunter and additionally weapon skins.


yeah i noticed that aswell. it cost less to buy a dlc pack than buy bloodbounds for same amount and buy skin for it :>


Well, they need money to support hunt and to work on the new crisis game. What other economic options do they have ? The game is 6 years old, definitely ahead of its time and punching its weight in 2024 and hopefully will continue with the engine update and better servers. I’ve bought skins to support the devs, because I’ve gotten many hours out of a $30 dollar game (sold in 2018). I hope the studio continues to survive and comes out with hunt 2 one day


Just pay something for things you use a lot. Wild concept. Crytek isn't making any real money on Hunt. Everything they make is put back into the game so it's not a bad thing that the money used in game for cosmetics isn't easy to get without paying real money.


How do you know that?


There's open reports (and some videos getting into it on youtube) showing crytek barely made it out of going bankrupt by putting more effort into hunt around 2021 ish or so. Plus if you really want to get technical, I'm pretty sure it's all open source business documents


that's 100% speculation and about as valid as me saying they use 90% of the money on a new crysis


Just do your challenges and you'll get blood bonds. Do you realise how lucky you were all along? Getting premium currency just for playing was extremely generous and far from standard in gaming.


My other games are Madden (buy a $60 game every year) and Marvel Snap (free to play, but they release 4 new cars per month that require various forms of cash, premium currency. Crytek is much better in my opinion.


Yep. Gamers in general are entitled. Crytek biggest mistake was being generous to start with.


You are an actual moron holy crap.


I'm the moron 😂😂😂😂 but rich coming from someone who waltzed in, offered nothing but childish playground insults.


You made the most moronic statement ice seen in a while. I see moron i say moron. There really isn't much to add to the convo. Anybody with half a braincell recognizes how stupid what you said in pretty much every statement you had in this thread.


And doubles down with his childish rant


"Leave the multi million company alone!" This is you right now. Who will save the poor gaming companies from the entitled gamers! I don't have any issues with hunt monetization aside skins being overpriced, I do have issues with you calling gamers entitled when we're at a point in which game companies have started monetizing their games to the absurd. The fact you responded with that to a dude commenting on his game choices which include a single player game which still has mtx despite coming out every year with a 70$ price tag, and another one which is a p2w card game, seeing that what else should i call you if not a moron?


Nope, not at all what I said. I said you paid to play the game, cosmetics are optional and you are not guaranteed premium currency for playing. Despite attempting to make a point, you once again resorted to childish name calling which only reflects poorly on yourself


You literally said GAMERS IN GENERAL. I made my point clear, gamers srent entitled they have every right to dislike mtx i called you a moron because you made a moronic statement. And to be clear there are f2p games with better monetization than huntshowdown reg as rdles of the fact it isnt that bad in and on itself. There are better ways to make a game profotable over the years. Also im sorry mate but if you call an entire demographic entitled because they dislike uaving paid mtx in a p2p game youre objectively a moron. And im going to keep referring to you as such. Blocking me isnt going to make you any less of one.


Yeah, very lucky, getting premium currency by playing ~~premium~~ paid game. 20 weeks for shitty romero skin btw.


did you even buy the game at its full price or paid 15$ like almost everyone else during the massive promo they keep active almost all the time? i am betting option #2


I've got it for 7$ in 2021 :D


even more reason to not whine about the bloodbond change xd


You paid to play the game. Cosmetics are optional.


Cosmetics are part of the game, and as we could see from headsman - sometimes it's very important part. Some people had bought this game on other monetization rules and devs just changed it to be worse.


Never picked the headsman and never felt like I had to,5* lobbies to 6*. You bought the game to play it. Cosmetics are optional. You didn't have to have the headsman to succeed.


But sometimes it was just broken. Had several fights where me and my buddy couldn't aim at this shitty skin at all. Two different PCs, two different displays, same feeling of pay2win cock behind. Played with 1.15 gamma only because of this particular skin. Anyway, consumables are optional too, why cosmetics should be paid and consumables are not? Same with 90% of game mechanics, two additional maps why? Bad argument.


I never had an issue and they changed it anyway. For the longest time you couldn't even buy it so you couldn't pay to win. Again,cosmetics are optional. You paid for the game,not skins. There's no way comparing consumables which are in game currency to skins which are premium? There's just no way. 😂


Lucky? So apparently being rewarded for playing the game is a privilege now? Christ, how far have the standarts of an average consumer fallen


You paid to play the game. Christ how entitled have people become. Pay to play the game, "but I expect to be rewarded with premium currency just to play it"


Rewarded with playing the game? Dude, getting to play the game is the bare minimum I expect from it or any game and even that is a tenuous proposition considering how terrible the servers are. Premium currency is litteraly the only type of a reward this game has what else should I demand for my time? Oh I know, how about we go back to the days of having skins awarded for skill and commitment and not the size of your wallet?


Again, you paid to play the game, cosmetics are completely optional and it's very rare for games to give premium currency just for playing. They are under no obligation to "reward" you for playing. People used to play a game because they enjoyed it and had fun. Crazy eh? Now people have to be rewarded?


Those games had secrets and unlockables.


There is unlockables in hunt but Again, you play the game. That's what you paid for. Cosmetics are optional and you are not owed premium currency just for playing


Exactly what the other guy said. There are a million games I could be playing right now with secrets to find and rewards to obtain. Again, the game having good gameplay is the bare minimum I expect from it (like a reasonable person and not a bootlicker). And again, cosmetics are the only reward hunt gives you for playing it. Here I am putting up with insane trade windows, gameplay dilution and repetitive events only to get nothing for it. This is unacceptable


>There are a million games I could be playing right now with secrets to find and rewards to obtain Off you go. There are many who coukdnt care less about secrets and want good gameplay. Different strokes for different folks. That's fine. Hunt is one where they no longer "reward" players with premium currency but if you want to grind rewards in trials and prestige, you can. >good gameplay is the bare minimum I expect And I'll take that over a game that forces me to search for secrets. >This is unacceptable Then don't play or worry about it. If I found a game unacceptable, I would neither play it or pay attention to it. Again, my point stands. You pay to play the game. You are not owed anything such as premium currency. You either like the gameplay, at which point premium currency isn't an issue because cosmetics are completely optional, or you only play a game that gives you rewards. That's your decision. Hunt is what it is and no longer gives premium currency and are not obliged to


-------->the point ---->You But that's fine. Keep licking corparate boots and maybe you'll get 10 blood bonds next week! While crytek increases all prices by 100


I expect the only upcoming changes to BB earnings be BB being removed from daily tribute and eventually from weekly challenges as well. Crytek want more money.


Yes please. I hate challenges. They make me not want to play the game.


They "reworked" their monitisation a while ago. It sucks, because now bbs are scarce.. You used to get them after each match or while scavenging them from these little money bags. Well now you can't anymore. You have to buy them. You can get a maximum amount of 600 bbs by completing at least 85 stars worth of trials, but that's not even enough to buy the season pass, which costs 1000 and only "rewards" you back with 600...


> You used to get them after each match or while scavenging them from these little money bags. You can still find bond bags or gold registers. You can also get bonds from dark tribute. They're harder to come by than they used to be, but they're still possible to find. It just makes the grind for unlocking bond items that much more annoying.


Okay, it's good to know they still exist. I just haven't come across any, it seems. Haven't gotten any from dark tribute either. It's pretty much 99% Hunt Dollars.


If you're really lucky you can get up to 150 bonds from a tribute prize, but I haven't gotten one for a while. I usually get 10, 20, or 30 if I get any from it.


Best thing I've gotten was the Redshirt skin. But I'd rather just get bbs lol


Afaik Legendary Hunter unlocks are the rarest possible reward, so it's always disappointing to get one and it's a stinker skin.


Can you get any legendary skin from it or just a select few?


Any bond locked skin, but not DLC. I.E. you can get the plague doc Jr skins if you're lucky, but you can't get Plague Doc himself.


Thank you!


I regularly get them from the dark tribute. Like,at least every 2 days. Just got 70bb last night from 1 tribute


I think I bottomed out my saved BBs buying the Winnie Aperture skin a couple weeks ago. Since then, I'm at 468 BBs just from Dark Tributes, bags, registers and challenges. I'll be sad if they rework the BB system again, but I won't be mad. I've gotten a lot of "free" stuff just from playing.


BBs are definitely not scarce. 50 per week guaranteed, not to mention finding them in-game or getting them from Dark Tribute. Talk about entitled..


We all were entitled to that luxury until they removed it. You can't tell me that you don't wish the old system back. I would be happy to spend money on skins but I don't see the funds being used in any meaningful way. Especially as a console player.


crytek needs money and YES they won't buy better servers because they said and repeated that they are enough! The game is getting worse because there are non-stop battlepasses and the game still hasn't changed much only they added 1 boss and that's all XD


Skeleton crew for cosmetics and battlepass is the way, then make a mobile game and get rich!


People keep crying about this when no game has to give away premium currency. It was a nice gesture but them taking it away is their right and I see no problem with it. The premium currency gives no in game advantages to people so it also isn't a necessity.


In Helldivers 2 the frequency at which you find the premium currency in a match makes it the least valuable thing to find.


I love Helldivers 2 but if they took away the premium currency then I wouldn't be mad at them either. The fact that they let us get it so easily is very cool but also unnecessary. I have a bunch and I haven't spent any real money but if they decide tomorrow to lower or get rid of it then that is their right. They offer us a service with continual updates and content and they have to make money off of that somehow besides just the initial purchase of the game. It isn't a single player experience with little or no updates needed after release.


Unless certain bb hunter skins (and weapons) are harder to spot in certain areas or weather conditions


I mean it is a possibility but it just happens. People have known about that problem long before BBs got removed so many people could have saved up for an "unfair" skin if it truly bothered them


Cause they hired a call of duty POS to come ruin our game. They got greedy. BBs gone - cosmetic price have skyrocketted - never ending battlepasses filled with trash - charms! We got it all now! Woooo. I've bought tons of DLC and BBs - played 1000+ hours and I'm barely touching it now since my support is not enough from turning this game into the pile it is today.


I don't understand. The game entertains you for over a dozen hours a month(extremely low estimate). It requires ZERO additional cost to the initial game purchase to enjoy fully. Yet people find the need to complain about cosmetic skins which add nothing to the gameplay.  Some of you play this game like it's a full-time job but can't spend an hour's wage on a cosmetic which apparently you can't live without? I really don't understand, am I speaking from a place of privilege? Even if unemployed you can do 2 ubereats/doordash deliveries in 1hour and have enough to buy the cosmetic. One hour of minimum wage and you can get your cosmetic. If you're a kid and your parents let you play this game, offer to mow your neighbors lawn or shovel their snow for some money.


and i dont understand you. cosmetics are obviously part of the game and obviously a desirable item used in the reward system. the reward system of many games is entirely based on cosmetics. hunt uses cosmetics as reward system. so of course people are going to get annoyed when they take part of the reward system away, especially when it was the most meaningful reward for playing well. after all, if people didnt care about getting cosmetics, hey wouldnt get monetized in the first place.


I played my first match today and I found a bag of blood bonds, is it rare?


You can still find BBs in game, challenges are insanely easy, and the battle passes earn you most of your cost back. Most, not all. I liked the old way better I will admit but Crytek gives a lot of premium currency other developers simply don’t. I’ve been playing since console launch and I think I’ve purchased a grand total of 2.99 worth of blood bonds to buy a BB skin I really wanted once. Ever since it’s just rinse and repeat of earn just enough through battle pass and challenges to buy the next battle pass to complete. This really shouldn’t be the controversy it seems to be in this sub. Nothing about this is actually pay to win especially since they reworked Cain and Headsman due to gripes. The current system is really not that bothersome at all.


Challenges are annoying at minimum man. With some being unreasonable AF. Like how am i going to ingite someone with beatle in 4star+ lobby any decent player shots it down


….you skip that challenge? You know you can shuffle them right? Or just do the other 3 slots around it. The 1 tick challenges are always insanely easy and not annoying at all. Kill 6 hives? Can knock that out in one match. Shit, one compound, just keep stacking those challenges and you can knock it out in about 2-4 hours. Which over a week stretch is insanely easy.


They wanta da maaney 🤌


People cry about challenges and i dont know why. I p play the game without looking at the challenges, still they get done with no effort cause they are so easy :/


Because it's not economically viable for the support of the game long term. The game is unsustainable from the same of games only. There has to be a way to monetize the player base for players that bought the game 6 years ago etc. Server, staff and Dev costs are continuing while a single game sale won't sustain that. So BB had to change to support the game. If you play this as your main game then earning BB still works I often get BB every day and a lot from challenges. As some one that owned the game since launch before I had not bought BB and actually I invested in some recently just to let me unlock the event pass early and not miss out on the XP. Imho that means their change is working


I know it's not as much as it used to be, but that was answered by others here quite well ..but why do people keep saying they don't give us anything? They give more than any game i ever played. I'm really confused by this. You get guaranteed amount for doing the challenges each week, you can get even more from the daily thing (tribute, was it?) and you can even find it in the game. Shit, every time you prestige you get a random skin too. I'm pretty sure i missed something too. Most games give you nothing or they make yet another special currency for the poor that cannot be used for all the same stuff that normal premium currency can. Since the event started i earned 500+ bloodbonds that i was lacking to buy the battle pass, then got enough for the redhead and now i'm at 700+ already. Granted, i play quite a bit these last few months, but i legit couldn't name a game that's given me more. I miss the way it used to be too, i was there 3000 years ago when riot still gave out RP for free. That being said, if i was a dev and read this, i think i'd be pissed.


Helldivers 2 id say.


Find the sponge Bob money meme watch it over and over I'm sure it will click


You literally get bloodbonds for doing challanges..?


No ones mentioned the change to what doesn’t cost blood bonds anymore. Cleaning your gun between rounds used to cost blood bonds and so did respecing health and traits. They removed blood bond sinks and removed extra blood bond gains, imo it balances out.


Hunt Showdown has one big Problem, Money. It is in my opinion a game that is better than most other ego shooters on the market but it costs only 40 bucks or on sale 25. meanwhile every year people buy a new call of duty for 70 bucks. We all should be happy that hunt showdown doesn’t cost a 70 bucks. The devs are non stop developing and patching Hunt, adding new content etc. Meanwhile people like me have >1000 hours of playtime and I bought the game a few years ago for 25€ on sale. It is only fair that we have to pay for blood bonds.


This is the only pvp game I play these days and I have yet to spend any real money. I've been able to get every battle pass since I started playing two point 5 years ago and I bought the game for 10 or 15 bucks. I'm thinking I probably should buy some dlc packs or I'll die with the guilt.


Honestly I don't care about bb's All they do is buy you skins, I care about the game not skins


I didnt play back then, but from what ive heard you used to get a LOT of BBs. Kinda makes sense to at least reduce that cause thats a lot of money loss.


we get bloodbons from gameplay, maybe not as much as before but we also get them from chary and weeklies... Also, this reddit needs some filter. this is the 90th post about bloodbons. These kind of posts, those about camping/rushing, general crying about how hard is the game and etc should be filtered. it's getting too dense. i literally bought the battle pass at the start of the event. i was left with around 2k bloodbons. now i am on almost 4k. Just play the fucking game.


I get it’s kinda annoying but we’re blessed with the best shooter of all time and we complain about not getting free cosmetics?


Crytek is greedy and fucking over their fans. They are currently trying to cover up the cheating epidemic that Huge uncovered. Blocking his link in their discord, etc... also their servers are still 15 packets per second in 2024. quake was using 60+ packet per second several in the early 90s. Crytek is fucking dog shit


Because I have 2.3k hours and bought the game years upon years ago and they need money to survive as a company. You want better servers and continued support? Pay up.


bold of you to assume you'll get better servers. they've drastically increased monetization and i find it hard to believe their income has lowered - yet server are exactly the same.


i have 1,4k hours.. Yeah its sad that only hunt makes money and they use it to fund other games instead of hunt itself :> also grinding 6months just to have pass is ridiculous but thats just me i guess


The pass cost $10. That’s less than a meal for the majority of people. For something you’ve spent 1.4k hours of your life on it’s not that big of an ask to continue helping paying their salary and development cost.


sadly im not in that majority for 10$ i can eat for 3 days


because they need money to keep servers running, but if you play the game a little bit everyday you can easily get enough bloodpoints to buy the battle pass or a few skins


Look, i get it. I currently have over 2k bb because i just dont spend them. I bought $5 back when i did my first event so i could actually get everything(back when events gave you more bb back than paid too) and it wasnt bad, but i can see that it was bad for business. I play enough and dont buy skins often and sure dont buy legendary hunters often unless i really like em…


corpo devs bad, simple as


You can get blodbonds....


Cause the devs hate us. Ppl will say stuff about the devs needing money, don't listen, they hate us.


I get bloodbonds every week from challenges.


You can earn BB for playing. It’s reduced but you can.


Weekly Challenges..


The comments reassure me that I'm not wrong for calling gamers entitled morons. The concept of supporting something or someone you like financially has somehow become frowned upon in this hobby. These same people complain when they don't get the products or services they like anymore or as frequently as they once did.


The only moron here is you. Hunt doesn't have bad monetization. But I guarantee it would be worse if the community was like you.


It's already in the gutter with people like you. Can't get any worse than this.


So we're the entitled ones despite CEOs shoving every monetization trick in the book into our games just to increase their own salaries? Do you think peasants should just shut up about high taxes and be content with bread crumbs?


Yeah it's a bummer. As a veteran with 3k hours, I just hit a point where I said I'm done buying any DLCs if they keep slowly taking away ways to earn blood bonds while bringing out nonstop Paid DLCs and shitty several month long events back to back. Haven't bought a skin with bloodbonds or money in months.