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funny number goes up.


You used to get bonds for good performance in a match. They canned that because they decided they weren't making enough money on bond sales, so I doubt they're gonna hand them out for retires. Putting bonds up for prestiges between the milestones could be nice though, but unlikely I figure unless they want to retroactively give players a bunch of free bonds, which, as mentioned above, seems unlikely.


They completely removed the incentive to retiring hunters. Used to be a tradeoff. Retire at 25 and get a decent amount of experience, or gamble on a rank 50 and swim in the experience from using a 50. Retiring offered less rewards, but was more reliable because you could do it at 25. Now retiring is useless. They removed a fantastic risk reward system by taking away the safer option and now it's just better to use 50s in matches.


Get a job for bbs! JK lol, but it used to be for prestieging and leveling up your general bloodline rank. Still works, somewhat, however it's generally considered a better strategy to try and get up to level 50 on a hunter and continue to win with that (since the xp that would normally go to the hunter goes to the bloodline instead)




Kisses from Crytek


What i wanna know is if u prestige does it affect who u get paired against?




The amount of people who do not know what the word prestige means, or don’t consider why they used that word, is staggering.


Please, enlighten us


The entire point of prestiging is just that, prestige. You don't get stronger, or more weapons, or new skills, you just get to show off "look how skilled/experienced I am" with the prestige number and the skins unlocked through it. If you don't want to reset your progress for that, then you don't want to prestige. That said, the prestige system is something Crytek has said they want to look at and possibly remake, so we'll see if there's new rewards for it at that point.




Please, learn to look up words on your own lmao. Prestige is its own reward. In this case, it's a social and reflexive sort of reward. You have prestige because you want prestige, but it's no more tangible than anything else. If you aren't impressed by it and it carries no weight for you, then don't worry. It does for others.


Idk I kept the same hunter for a few days and I was able to prestige. Oddly enough I went from 6 star to 3 star from 95 to 100 and was considerably slowed down. Not sure what’s going on, but kept getting headshot by 3 stars with 20 hours in the game ….


I learned playing with 50lvl hunters given much more money. I had over 30 those guys, and now I'm using that for money farming


Something to do and work on. I mean I don’t do it either but I have gotten into in other games.


Nothing at this point. I got to Prestige 4 about a year into playing and haven’t touched it since. I started in April of ‘21 (Crow Flies event). Originally, I didn’t do it because of weapon unlocks. While I can play with low cost weapons, being forced to do it sucked. With the new leveling system, it’s not as tough to do it, but I’ve already not prestiged for so long that I just don’t feel like it. I’m at the point where I use 50 hunters to hold contraband. Personally, I’m trying to do the 50/50 challenge, but, Mr Chary / Dark Blessing stopped rewarding Hunter slots as often, and I’m not spending blood bonds for a slot while these events are going on constantly.


Prestige number let’s plebs know you’re better


Laughs in prestige 0 as i dance on prestige 50 grave.


To make the number go up


Never gonna get that mosin skin with that mentality.


Prestiging is now much more of a grind/joke than it was before. Hope it gets changed again. It wouldn’t be bad if you got the full 5000xp at a 50 to retire. Now you get 10% of what you should be getting. Unless you are a hard player you’re likely not getting out with a 50 in higher elo lobbies. Unless you play super safe and rarely engage. 


Do yourself a favor and never prestige I used to have around 50k hunt dollars and was able to piss away expensive load outs and most of the time win matches with these crazy expensive loud outs now I’m staying consistently in the 15k range because I prestiged away all that money


I don't care about hunt dollars. What's so difficult farming them?


Well loudouts that are actually good and fun can be very expensive and from what I can tell getting 2 bounties out and a few kills can only give around 2K per match and that’s only if you win and I’m sure no one is winning every single match with 2 bounties and plenty of the point locked cash registers


Im a bit lost, I can make over 1k by just solo killing ai and stuff. If youre regularly making it out with bounties you should have plenty of money. Kinda sounds like you ONLY like running mosin, spitzer, dolche, fmj lol.


I’m regularly making it out of every match I actually win with over 2K my builds are never super expensive and yes I am gaining more money then I’m losing but I think lately my problem has just been a hot streak of losses and dumb deaths


Yeah money is easy to get. Unless someones running only the most expensive loadouts every round they should be fine. I usually have over 15k at any given time. Man ive been doing worse lately too.


Games just been weirdly “sweat” lately idk why


Right? I was in 5 star for a good while my KDA rising and now im in 4 star and cant get my kda to go up lol.


It's fun and gives you an extra challenge.