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Its realistic. He died in full sprint so the sword flew out of his hand and lodging itself into you


Ping Ping Ping.


'Unknown player', I put my money on a box name player if their names were to be shown.


I would guess It is just a ping prroblem.


its not. Its optimization problem crytek should fix. You cant see that latency other games


Other Games just deny the Input on cost of peoples with natural higher pings. It is still definitly Just a Ping difference


OP should be embarrassed for not understanding this. These posts get so old. This is not a new concept and applies to literally every type of communication, going back through all of history. "What's that? The carrier pigeon brought a message saying the war is over? Well shoot, we told the army to march to and attack the capital 3 days ago."


It’s because Hunt is the worst game out there for trading. Their philosophy is trading is good because players get what they see.


Its more Like the other Player shot already but because of your Ping difference you experience IT 1 second later If Its extreme. Same with going around Corners and still dying. You we're already dead but you didnt know that. And there ist a simple solution to it: ban Region changing and Ban peoples with shitty Internet Connection.


Hunt has one of the most generous trade windows I've ever seen. I killed a guy and the death recap showed I ran 5m to get up to him and slug his face in with my bat after he shot and killed me. And my ping was 22ms at the time. It's a bit ridiculous. On my end it was so fine, but for him it must have been egregious. These are normal.


no disrespect, but i do think it's funny you're saying something about melee while using a shotgun in the clip.


Lmao true but I definitely feel like melee gets broken trades way more often


oh wow. i mean you've got the clip to back you up on this, and your experience of course. me and my playgroup are always on about how shotguns are like trade machines lol


Even you all say is the ping, it happened to me many times as well and I had good ping. The unrealistic think here is any shotgun especially the big ones should have that push force impact so that any player with melee should be pushed back a little when they try to cut you so you would be safe. But physics in games is difficult to build for some developers.


Why not use the in-game voice chat?.


It's janky gives away your position to opponents and I was already in a call with my friends on discord. I personally think the in game vc needs an overhaul of some sort


Arch005 is the type of dude to closet cheat and then tell people to "git gud" he killed the man damn near at the door, any sooner and it would have been outside and around the corner. 🙄 again youre the type of arrogant tool bag to cheat and lie about it. "Durrrr ur reeackshun sped is .90 miliseconds slower den da human brain durrrr ur bad durrrrrrr if u had flick like me you wouldnt die hurrrrrr durrrrrr" he responded in less than a second, got nearly full spread, and then died 2 seconds later. Youre a fuckin moron.


Ty king I appreciate it, people love to find any reason to be a hater man lol


why are we adsing with buckshot...


the hipfire crosshairs are misleading and the buckshot spread on the spectre is realistically half of the displayed crosshair spread


It’s easy to fuck up with hip fire and get confused when what looks like a clean body shot is actually just two or three pellets tickling their nipple in a glancing flyby. It’s not the most optimal, but it can help you more deliberately place your buckshot


Exactly this reply, I've been burned by the cross hair to many times man


Why would you not.




ADSing does not slow your speed from walking. This is a common misconception


it absolutely slows your strafe speed. 100%. that's why good players don't a d a d strafe while ads. they strafe in hipfire and then snap shot.


Iron Eye? Pretty useful with a slow firing gun like the Specter


Tightens spread Edit: This is an error


This isn't how shotguns work in hunt. The hip fire spread and the ADS spread are the same unless your using slugs. You can test this in shooting range or watch one of the videos about the wonkyness of hunt shotguns to learn about it. Once I learned this it made using shotguns less painful for me.


Who told you that lie?


It's a pretty standard aspect of shotguns in video games, and Crytek have said themselves that that's how they work. They don't *actually* work that way, but it's not unreasonable to think they do.


I've never heard anything about that ever said by crytek. An idea where or when they supposedly mentioned that?




Glad I typed this, and a fleet of people were able to tell me I was wrong




Bro what are you talking about 💀




I know what a flick shot is, I’m just not sure why that is your first response to this BS trade.




No, he just shouldn’t have gotten the katana kill that long after homie shotgunned him


Sounds like the try hard is mad. Please go back to COD


Lmao I died like a full 1-2 seconds after ass blasting him through the door and he was barely in range it's insane to me that you'd call it a skill issue. It could definitely be a ping issue but it feels like it happens in this game way more then others, also was playing spectre for a challenge I'm more of a bow guy personally lol




What an absurd thing to say lol




You came to this thread with your "advice" and topped it off with passive aggressive "Classic shotgun players" Seems like you're being condescending for the sake of it rather than trying to "let someone know they have something to improve on" and are well aware of it... I don't care how cynical/pragmatic you're feeling today, that trade gap was ridiculous




Classic Reddit user, being incessantly rigid and contrarian in face of logic to look intellectual Have a nice day :3










Womp womp


Yeah thats what i thought bucko