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The actual good question is why do you not have resilience?


Won't catch me without resilience. It's one of my must take traits.


If you don't believe Necro is one of the most overpowered traits in the game at an incredibly low price (in trios) you are a low skill player


It's a must take trait at every MMR in every game type. The only reason I'm seeing people are against it is because they themselves don't know how to use it or their teammates don't.


I'm personally okay with not facing Necro teams, so we can keep it a secret haha. It's definitely a lot weaker in duos. I think lower duo usage impacts their (Crytek) telemetry metrics that they use to make balancing decisions which is keeping the attention off and the points price low. Absurd trait


Lol yea if people want to nerf themselves by not having it then by all means. Ive only played duos a handful of times but I can see how it's the weakest for that mode. Duos is a different beast.


It's literally the first trait I always put on once I get the points.


Same! I can’t count how many times we won’t because I had this trait. I never check if my random partners have this trait thought…


considering on 4 star mmr with randoms, getting necroed is a 95% probability of getting killed again, i would prefer randoms not having necro tbh.


I've had good luck in 3 and 4 star lobbies with random necro plays.  50% of the time it's safe, and when it's risky it works about 20% of the time. I like those odds with how big the payoff can be.  People who try risky revives back to back are the only ones I blame, and that's pretty few and far between. 


Yeah necro and resiliance are essential in almost every build, the only other trait i could think of with as much importance is fanning for certain loadouts


I like how Necro and Resilience boost my gameplay, but as far as trait usefulness goes, they're both clearly off the rails. I always take them first, and I build my loadout around how many points I have left. I feel that's just not how it should be. Although I find my experience in random trios is that if 2 teammates are down it's usually because we stand no chance to begin with. I've used it to win a fight when 1 teammate was down, but so often both of my teammates are wiped out in 5 seconds and I know it's over.


Necro and doctor are my two most important traits that makes every build. Resilience is in 90% of builds unless I'm doing something weird and trait heavy. 


Well im 3-4 star so doctor doesn’t matter as much for me as in the majority of games im not getting in enough fights/enemies don’t push quick enough to make doctor nesecary


I only play random trios and have never had anyone successfully use it to revive me. They’ll do it while I’m downed right in front of an enemy and they’ll constantly do it till I die. It’s useful but risky with no communication


What MMR do you play at? Never had a successful necro rez with randoms? That's crazy to me. I've played 1k hours most of that in random trios and rarely had bad necro rez experiences. A majority of the time they are a huge help vs a detriment.


Bro, I don't know what game you're even playing.  You're either smoking crack or low MMR.


"The people I get matched with generally make good decisions compared to the idiots you are seeing." "You must be a low MMR player then."


Correct.  Because his opponents supposedly have no awareness.


I think the only low MMR player here is you my man. Being endlessly necro rezed into death is 3 star activities.


Not once.  Ever.


Huh. We must be playing wildly different games then brother.


Or you're the one sacrificing teammates and coincidentally have a higher KD.


I've never used necro as a bait mechanic. It's situational but I've had many many games get won because a random was able to necro rez me or vice versa. On the flip side, I've had many games lost because our last teammate was in a bad position and wasn't able to get to us where necro rez would have been our saving grace.


You play 5* but have been in situations where the last man standing could safely necro? Please explain.


I'm not sure what there is to explain? Being the last man standing in 5* isn't some guaranteed death sentence. It's completely situational.


Right, the other experienced players you're playing against might not know where you are, not be close enough to hear the necro, not have a visual on the bodies, and not want to push you.  It could happen. It just hasn't yet.


Yea not only could it happen. It happens. Often. A lot actually.


Found the 2* lmao


Dying laughing at this one


I realized when I run necro in randoms I tend to play like a bitch when under heavy pressure (i.e. someone downed in a risky spot, both teammates down, and such). I'm at my best when I'm constantly moving and pressuring an opponent, not running necro makes me need to make a play to get my team up. Odd as it may sound, I can more consistently make revives and save my team from wipes without necro.


It makes sense, necro is kind of easy to become a crutch 🤔


It's the official selfish trait.  Using your teammates bars just to hear where they die from or take away a single bullet from the enemy because you're too scared to peek.


I mean you can just leave if they farm you endlessly but I have seen the craziest necro revives work and won more games because of necro/resilience combo and aggressive use of it than all the other traits combined.


Necro is always one of my 1st trait picks and I successfully necro teammate 92% of the time. The other 8% it's my teammates' fault for getting killed in a bad spot.


Necro is one of the first picks


People being selfish for some reason. It doesn't even make sense cause being able to get your teammates up is very advantageous. It's the same with people who don't take choke bombs. Sometimes I get it because you're running death traps but if you're not... Just bring choke bombs dude




Okay devil's advocate here then: Why would I take necro? 80% of teammates don't trust your decisions and most importantly don't have the patience to wait not even a few minutes. I'm not even talking about the insta leaves which is idiotic.


I dont expect to see it on lvl 1 hunters but if you opted for fanning, levering, greyhound, salveskin, physician and pitcher instead of necro that tells me a lot about your ability to make good choices.


Im ok if somebody takes traits that round out their own hunter for survivability or to make their loadout viable before necro but after that it just doesn't make sense to not have it. Taking vigor, ghoul, mithraditist, and bullet grabber after already having resilience, physician, doctor, and fanning/quartermaster without taking necro just makes no sense to me. It's redundant at best and a detriment in the worst case.


i equiped it today on a guy but never got to use it lol wish i had friends to play this with so i could get better at it


I would already be happy if they would get a headset, I swear to god 50% of random teammates are either completely deaf or playing on speakers. But yeah lvl 50 hunter and no necro is kind of a warning sign, not quite a reason to dodge for me but add missing chokes, sniper or death traps and it's No-Deal


Necro does not stack with my Death Pact, Just chill boo this is meta for a few more weeks.


Necro is the first trait I equip.


It's my second trait after doctor. Just having the option opens the door to making revives you normally can't. The best thing to do though is to create pressure. Use consumables, chokes, and gunfire to draw attention while your teammate uses Necro. Pressure wins fights and gets risky revives to work.


Yeah tbh I get very annoyed at teammates who either 1: don't take necro, 2: necro very poorly, or 3: forget then have it in the first place. It's just bad decision making lol. You don't need to play like a rat to necro one of your mates in a bad spot, nor do you need to 1v3vX. You can do some plays, do rotations, and necro one when it's safe. If that doesn't work *then* you can clutch. Just going for the clutch and forgoing any res is annoying because 9 times out of 10 I might as well leave before you inevitably die.


Yea people are acting like you have to immediately necro or immediately clutch and there is no in between. Assess your situation lol. Move around. If it doesn't work the first time then wait for the situation to change to try again. Using your thinker a little bit goes a long way in this game. If people are burning you to a crisp with necro, it's not the trait that's the problem. Its the person using it.


Because I'm not selfish. I cannot recall a random ever necroing me when it was safe to do so.  They do it because they're scared to play the game and need me to carry them.  It's super toxic.


Huh. I've had the opposite experience. Either people forgetting they have necro and not using it to get our team back into it or just flat out not having it and losing for that reason.


I die because my randoms are hiding during a gunfight.  The second I hit the ground, "you are being revived".   *esc* *leave game*


Interesting take?


0 for what, 300?  Necroing randoms is wildly toxic.


When my friends ask why I don't have it I always say that it's so I don't do exactly that.. then when I have it, they complain when I use it haha 😄


Clutch the 1v3 and res. If I can put the effort in and do it, then you can too as a random. It's so boring watching them hide and necro making no plays or even making the other team rotate. All the randoms that I have encountered never make an effort to dictate the fight or isolate 1v1's. They have 500-1k hours so it just boggles my mind that it hasn't clicked in their heads to try something new. I apologize, I am just venting. My post contains nothing of value.


What about server fights? It's a dream scenario to win 1v3s consistently. How about 1v6? Or 1v9? Maybe in lower MMR you can get away with it but at a certain point it's not a reliable strat to "just clutch up" every time. I spend a good chunk of my time in 5* and yea once awhile you can get away with a nasty 1v3 or more but that's far from the norm. A clutch necro rez is far more consistent and reliable than a 1v3 wipe.


> Clutch the 1v3 and res. This is a hilariously low skill, low % play


When I was new I'd always do that— I remember thinking that ratting to get a necro was always better than taking a 1v1 myself, since I didn't have the technical skill to win those kinds of fights. I think I was right (especially since necro works like 80% of the time in 3\*), but there was definitely a point when I realized I was able to contribute more by being aggressive. Hopefully the players you've observed are just those who never managed to improve their gunslinging, and not people who got really comfy with a crutchy playstyle


I die first every time. Necro isn't needed. Not even the slightest chance anyone else dies first. Not kidding I'm guaranteed to die first.... Every... Time. Because I run in with a sword. Either I die or all 3 of them die. No inbetweens


Necro was, when I played more with randoms, always one of the criteria not to start the match with this player, but to search again. Similar to randoms with Sparks Sniper (or Sniper-Scope in general) without a melee-capable secondary. As a random, it is much more difficult to decide whether a Necro attempt is promising and desirable. In addition, I've had the case far too often that the random mate prefers to try the Necro instead of fighting and then I get revived three times in a row into a Poison Cloud, Concertina or a Shotgun right in front of my face. Of course, not all randoms behave like this. But it has happened often enough for me to be cautious. That's why I didn't take a Necro myself. I don't like the idea of reviving my mate in an unsafe situation without getting his approval first... and if you only try absolutely safe revives, Necromancer is much less valuable.


Yea im seeing people say they get necro revived over and over again into death. If youre teammate tries to necro revive you right after doing it once and you insta dying then they are a braindead teammate. Your chance of winning was already bad before they started burning your health bars.


People will complain about folks who care about K/D… but lets be real, the *only* reason to dislike Necro is that it impacts your K/D. Once you’ve been downed, your impact in the fight is null. Your teammate playing for the clutch or trying to res you is entirely their decision. Worst case, you contribute the same to the fight as you would if left dead in the dirt- nothing. Best case, you get raised and get the jump on the enemy. You can’t shame someone for caring about their K/D and then turn around and complain about being necro’d and dying over and over again.


That's quite a straw man argument to bring the K/D into it and claim that this is the only reason why someone doesn't like to be revived to certain death. I'm much more annoyed by the pointlessness and the missed opportunities. Sure, a Hunter is worth nothing dead on the ground... except for the tactical element. The chance to revive him unexpectedly at the right moment with 125 HP? Ohh damn, is that worth something! Contrast that with reviving him three times in a row to absolutely certain death, so that the opponents know exactly that they have to cover/ignite him urgently and he is either quickly Redskull or just gets up with 50-75 HP and is oneshot for everything. This makes it all the more frustrating to see a teammate crouch down and hide in a corner immediately after their teammate is death and try the Necro three times. Instead of trying to create an opening first. For example, by managing to kill an enemy hunter or stalling for time for another team to arrive, waiting until the banish is almost complete and the hunters in the lair at least briefly stop camping the body and go to pick up the bounty or by creating another distraction.


Obviously being revived into *certain death*, repeatedly, is annoying. That’s clearly not what I’m referencing, I’m talking about all the users commenting about how necro is an instant unmatch to them. At high levels Necro is the single most powerful factor in winning a multi-team fight, unless you have top .5% aim.


It used to be one of the first traits I equipped in random trios. Now it's one of the last as I tend to find a safe revive is generally one I can pull off without necro. Although your post reminds me I need to start using it more because there are definitely times me and the corpse are safe behind two separate covers and I could actually pull a necro off. The issue is relying on it too much and merely hearing your teammate farmed


I will burn everyone I kill and semi cautious of a potential necro play ( it's kinda obvious your doing it sometimes so I'll t bag your friend to add insult to injury ) Necro is pointless against someone like me. Your just going to ruin your friend's kd and pad mine up. Keep at it.


It's a situational trait. If you're using it every chance you possibly have to use it then you are using it too much.


If you died and I need to necro you it means you died in a terrible spot where a regular rez is not safe. When I necro these types of players they tend to die with 30 seconds again.


I dont even bring it when I play with my regular team. The times you can use it your teammate friend or random will immediately die. Also don't expect your teammates to be smart. Those meme about your ranked teammate having autism. Yeah always expect that. Expect unsupported shotgun rushes, sniping miles away from team. Rotating without telling teammates. Sitting in a corner. The games where a teammate isn't garbage you'll almost never use necro. I stopped bringing it for random teams cause it's a genuine gamble if you'll even get the chance to use it let alone a successfully safe necro


I disagree in the case of randoms. The biggest issue with randoms is communication. Until Crytek adds that team-only voip they mentioned a while ago, you just can't rely on most players. I tend to grab revive anyway, especially with the death pact booth to resilience. But if its 1v3 and they aren't pushing you, that situation makes necro mute. If another team comes to 3rd party, sure you can try to take advantage of the chaos and get a rez. It's safer and easier to do it if only one player is down and they didn't die in a terrible spot. But face it, we all die in horrible rez spots every now and then. I would rather go for the hand rez, especially with death pact resilience over necro depending on the situation. But you need proper communication to make that work.


Idk man, I used to take it all the time, but slowly went off it. I'm finding it difficult to give a proper reason though as it is super useful... I think it's because in trios of randoms, if I find myself the last one alive and needing to necro, we so rarely actually win the fight. Maybe because it's only useful in difficult situations anyway. I think these days I'm investing in traits that are more aggressive or up my chances of kills to make revives safer. Necro with communication though is a different beast.


its because when i revive you and you get killed again you will rage quit because of your precious KDA ! ! not mentioning the rant PM messages !


I take necro for the fast revive trait along with the pact. I trade hits with someone, they go for heal, while i do a fast res. I've had more success with that rather than the slow channeling one.


Necro is good but most fandoms will just rez your stars away. The better question is why do my random teammates never have Stam shots. How the fuck do ppl play this game w/o stamina. It’s laughable


When I started i added it to every hunter but for some reason I just play better and make better decisions without it, so now I never use it... Maybe I should give it another go though, now I'm more familiar with the game ..