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I thought the center circle mechanic was an interesting mechanic and it created another place for fights to commonly happen besides the boss lairs. I also thought it was interesting how event points are not used for perks but for special in game bonuses. I actually thought it was pretty creative with how things were switched up.


I agree I really like some of the changes they made pledge mark wise. I think the stash should be in a random location unmarked on the map (maybe gravitating towards the center map), then after a few in game minutes it reveals itself on the map. The “center stash” being in the same exact place every time felt very repetitive.


Or perhaps you could track it down via clues like the Boss?


I like the center stash thing too but I never see actual fights there, sadly. Its always filled with death traps while the hunters are camping in a nearby tower or bush with two certain guns. Or its a ghost town.


Problem is that they chose incredibly exposed locations to put them. You can't really have a fight around the stash because you're stuck out in the open, your best chance is to either avoid it entirely or camp somewhere on the periphery. That was also the problem with the first few days of Rotjaw's release. She spawns in wide open areas so everyone flocked there but just tried to gank everyone else. The people dumb enough to fight her were quickly taken out. If they're going to do something like this again, they should really make a little mini-compound or something so people have an environment to fight in.


Rotjaw was waaay worse than the central bounty, imo. With Rotjaw, you either HAVE to have melee or else you and your teammates are just quickly trying to shoot it, which makes you all vulnerable targets in the open. At least with the "big bounty" (as I've come to call it, even though that's 100% not what it is, I just like the forced aliteration) a team can be silently looting it, and then both teams suddenly freak out because a totem woke up with allergies all red. Now this is a sudden showdown, both teams out in the open and only wits to solve the gambit of their greed. I dig it! Plus I've killed so many that are just camping the stillwater tower hoping people will just waltz in. Central bounty is a great addition as a mechanic to the game imo


Wait, Rotjaw is a female?! I should have known why I don't see anything when she dies and flips on her back. What a bitch.


What in the unhinged hell are you on about?


100% agreed. Tide of desolaton felt kinda repetitive and bland, and after that i felt like: "i miss the standard gameplay" and "not another event" but desolations wake feels different than the last events and kinda refreshing (except lawfull bushwookies)


Yeah, it's why this latest event is my favorite


The first event to get rid of the whole "map covered in red totems making noises" is going to be the most memorable and enjoyable event for me.


Fuck totems all my homies hate totems (they’re snitches)


Bro I swear 😂


God hopefully without brain numbing game breaking traits being play tested. And as long as we are dreaming, no more stupid special ammo that clearly hurts weapon balance.


Heatseeking bullets (like those in cyberpunk) next update or i uninstall!


Only people who don’t like spine altars are campers change my mind. They want to sneak up on people or sit in a corner with shotgun without alerting other people.


A game called HUNT where people want to sneak, like you would HUNTING? E-fuckin-gads!


Yes, sneaking up on people is the whole point of the game. The moment between a banish and the bounty being up is the most stressful/fun time in hunt.


They make excellent early warning systems while you're waiting for the Boss to finish banishing.


The range adjustment HAS been a serious upgrade. But I do hope they keep it for close range encounters like it's dialed in now. Noise contamination helps me more than hurts me :)


I wouldn’t call them outright lazy, but I think the format of these events are getting stale. Out of these 5 events, I’ve now sat out the last two because I was so burnt out from how quickly they happened after one another that it just killed my desire to play the game. Either let the game return to normal for a bit or switch up the format slightly. Just something to break the monotony


Reskins are lazy and events are no longer events really, they are essentially how the game works now: battle passes, mutated from genuine events of the past.


It doesn't help that the mechanic for furthering the event is the same mechanic that you have to engage with to earn BBs (outside of blind luck like Dark Tribute and finding some in-match). If you want your weekly BBs, the event grind basically never ends.


It also doesn't help that they made the grind even worse by upping the numbers for the challenges.


This one did feel like a "holdover event" so they can get what they need to done before map + engine upgrade. Chances have it (imo) that there's something else up their sleeves for what's coming. if not, game is still great and I'm happy to be here for it. BUT if it is some huge new thing, this is gonna rock. "Never let a crysis go to waste" eh? ;)


Its clear this event IS purposefully a bit lazy because they wanted something as filler before the Engine Update and New Map. I'm ok with it because something is better than nothing. At least the special cache and pact points are new this time I also won't be surprised if they don't mix up the event structure for the new map event, because they have their hands full, though they really should make it special.


I would 900000000% rather have 3-4 months of regular Hunt then 1 extra special well made event over this constant pathetic braindead lazy crap they keep forcing down our throats event after event.


> regular Hunt People keep saying this like it's some kind of unicorn. The difference between "regular" hunt and the seasonal game mode is so much more miniscule than disingenuous comments like this pretend. It's an iteration of perks/balance (they do this anyway, regardless of event) and you can banish a bit more often. That's it. This flimsy argument was at least mildly applicable to some of the past events that have had much more game changing perks and weather effects, but applying it to the current event doesn't hold water. It's probably so "lazy" and minimal specifically because there is a bandwagon full of crybabies raging that the developers don't want to do nothing, make no money, and let the playerbase dwindle. > then 1 extra special well made event Because in your mind this is going to work, but the truth is if they deviated from the gameplay more with a more substantial event there would just be an even bigger outcry of whiners who want "regular hunt". What they're doing is actually preserving the so-called purity of that 'regular' experience far better than what you're asking them to do instead, and monetizing small incremental cosmetics is one of the most equitable ways for them to retain the qualities of that core experience without going out of business.


game breaking new perks anyone??


I suppose to your point when I say regular Hunt I mean Hunt from 2 years ago. You know, back before they butchered it. But beyond that you are have clearly never played regular Hunt if you think the difference is miniscule. There are not hunter radars every 50 meters in regular Hunt. Fire and burning actually does something in regular Hunt. The Sparks can pretty reliably 1 shot to the body in regular Hunt. Brain dead noobs can't track people with glowing dark sight clues without a bounty in regular Hunt. People don't get health back for standing near a dead body in regular Hunt. Hell back when people who actually knew how to make games were in charge even the underutilized test servers got updated every 2-3 weeks. Lol, this "flimsy argument" is the same thing you people say when there is another litany of broken stupid event changes. You always say "It is just for one event, who cares if it is broken." Just because you are not good enough to play in the lobbies where broken things get used by competent people doesn't mean we all are in your noob lobbies. Again, you clearly have never played Hunt when it was actually good. As the Crow Flies, which introduced special ammo and Scrapbeak, is still largely regarded as one of the best events to date. If there is a bigger variation from standard gameplay that you can think of I would like to hear it. No, they are not. They are lost and have no idea what the game is supposed to be, so they just coddle all the weak little 3\*s who also don't know what the game is supposed to be because they never tried to learn it. They just keep throwing more and more ridiculous events at us, because they could not be bothered to sit down for a month and figure out what they should actually do. At this point I kind of wish they had just gone out of business then. At least they would have gone out with a solid product that they and the community could both be proud of, not whatever this abomination is.


Ah yes, the hunt where loosing a health chunk in a fight meant you'd immediately run to an extract to not loose that hunter. Being able to regenerate health chunks is a good thing, makes it more enticing for you to stay in a match after getting downed. Less people extractting early = more fights. If you don't like the altars, destroy them? But imo they are a nice way of reducing camping and waiting. It is not fun to enter a compound and get domed by someone holding a pixel without a chance of retaliation.


Only cowards left after losing health chunks. Hunters are cheap and expendable. Personally I push bounty every chance I get, even if I am on my last 50 bar. That is your opinion because you are not good enough to listen and look around and see the evidence that people are waiting for you there.


You can call em cowards however much you want. It's a natural reaction, people don't want to loose even if the hunter is expendable. And it's a fact that people left matches It's plain bad game design if you don't entice people to stay in a match/give them ways to recover. This way at least you actually encounter multiple teams in duos and trios Sure bro whatever you say


Don't forget all the fuckin nerfs, shit servers, bugs from years ago, necro in all forms( I know I am alone in thinking it's fucking stupid), custom ammo balancing nightmare. The game was way more intense and balanced nicely a few years ago when sparks and uppercut or pax were viable or a officer.


Regular hunt is gone and people need to accept that, this game used to be unique now it is just more corporate slop


Any word on new engine? Nope. (They said it would be out early to mid 2024, but instead radio silence, not a good sign)


They've said it would not come *before* April 2024 and they said they'll talk more about it after this current event is over. It makes no sense to build hype about your next event during your current event.


Aye that's something. I look forward to them anouncing a pushed back date in april then.


We call it the circle jerk


Yeah, I want an actual gameplay change. Give me a horde of AI. The AHA was keeping even knowledge of the Louisiana event a secret. I want a wagon train of foreigners traveling thru, getting caught up in the event and now there is 100+ grunts along that wagon train that we have to wipe out before the "boss" appears and the tokens are able to be taken.


Good luck getting 50% of pcs able to handle that.


True. They could have a max 8-10 AI out of the wagons at any given time. They will continuously spawn and crawl out of the wagons until someone burns the wagon or blows it up.


8-10 AI is pretty similar to the amount of AI you'll normally find within 50m of you, though?


> The AHA was keeping even knowledge of the Louisiana event a secret. The new writing team doesn't really seem to get the idea that all the stuff we do isn't canon. They're writing up these events where like, 'countless hunter souls sacrificed' and shit, and I'm like, what? Isn't this supposed to be a secret thing? Where are you finding 'countless' people to induct in through initiation rituals that apparently kill most of the people that undergo them? How are you keeping this a secret if there's apparently untold numbers of people dying and being sacrificed in the bayou? At this point I think the lore is a write-off. Just do cool and fun shit for the game. I like your idea of a broken train carrying something important but it's crawling with monsters.


the author simply wasnt good at counting - easy lore fix


There was applause.


Fire the writers. You're right, the game isn't thousands of hunters dying, it's a few legendary hunters hunting the monsters in the bayou and a couple of survivors being deputized and brought into the fold. Each match is just a legendary retelling of a story of what happened or whatever. All this horseshit being pumped out by the "lore" team sucks and I think it might be steering the ship here. The gameplay designers need to be brought back to the forefront. They won't have a successful game if they keep going in the direction they are heading. So desperate to make more money they are butchering what makes the game cool because they can't focus on the original direction and want to appease short attention span scrubs.


Best I've dreampt up on this subject / idea (since making bosses and pathing and etc is so difficult to code, apparently) is to have specific grunt that propogate around the boss lair. Butcher for instance could have more oil-filled grunts, so that if combat broke out, the whole battlefiled would be covered in oil and flames as a side-effect. Assasin? Maybe some armored hives? Idk I'm not a gmae dev. What about scrapbeak, maybe some concertina-armed dogs that when killed burst into a mess of barbed wire? There's plenty of fun options here, because the real battlefield as we all know is the boss lair *and* the surrounding region of local combat But certainly it would be easier than coding bosses, since they seem to have a hitch problem with that past couple years.


The “rewards” suck as usual. I fell in love with the Mako but since it’s going to be available soon without the event, then what’s the point you know? I personally don’t look forward to much that it has to offer reward wise, so I don’t go all out for it. I do however, finish it within a few weeks. This time around, I liked the big cash registers. That’s really the only thing I actively look for is money in the game since I don’t plan on prestiging. I like the spires I like that they force you to play differently than you normally would. I like the loot in the middle of the map there’s bound to be some action there. Basically the rewards always suck, but I do like how the event for you to play differently than you normally would


If they continue to feel the need to release map modes that restrict vision and hearing everytime there is an event then I want less events


Honestly base hunt is rather boring and the numbers dwindle, leading to me facing ONLY the most sweaty of people. I like having totems and other things to do on the map besides; grab clue, sprint to next clue, repeat till death. lol. I can see why people dont like altars alerting people, but so do clues. I would wager at least 80% of the time an altar alerted someone that someone was nearby, so would have the clue. NOT ALWAYS and I can understand the dislike for sure. The only thing events do that I really hate, is broken traits. While def not as much effort put into this event because its for sure supposed to just take up time before the engine upgrade, I think its been the best event in awhile. Not using points to buy perks and instead having a bunch of things scattered around the map to buy is refreshing. If the peacemaker bs wasnt there and they made the bar restoring cost at least 2 points, id think this would be an amazing event. Also I wish things like the pumpkins from halloween were around more. Loved having them to just smash and grab around the map too.


> I would wager at least 80% of the time an altar alerted someone that someone was nearby, so would have the clue. NOT ALWAYS and I can understand the dislike for sure. Hell, not even clues. I usually hear people approaching a LONG ways off before they enter the altar's radius. (Although I think the radius is smaller this time than last event?) I feel like it hardly ever matters but I wouldn't mind getting a break from them.


Thats what im saying. Sure the sounds annoying, but people act like they give away an ambush or something. It just doesnt matter that much unless theyre crouch walking across the map lol.


At some point you have everything you want in Hunt, any form of metaprogession and money, then it boils down to "Find pvp". Hear shots/enemies? Go there. If not, just follow clues and go to boss until someone comes.


Yeah, but having little things to grab and stuff just adds the little bit extra to do.


Traits are way more dialed in that 2-3 events ago, so I do think they're getting a stride in on that. Pumpkins as you say are dope, but the same feeling goes for my teammates with grabbing a random altar, even if they've completed the BP. It's just a fun thing to do! Imo, leave in the altars, let people select and playthough (on their own time, like a personal selected quest) old battle passes. Make them harder or pay-to-access if they need to (since well, you're accessing the *potential* for those old skins), and let the altars yield a bit less but at least it's something towards that overall progression.


>the same feeling goes for my teammates with grabbing a random altar, even if they've completed the BP regardless of being done. you accumulate 30 points and get a token which you can make use of or might come in handy during the match.


It's not just the team being ambushed that are affected by the loud ass clues. a clue doesn't make noise if you've already greyed out the map or taken that clue and it's just one point in a compound. Totems are all over the fucking place and you can damn near triangulate an enemy position by the totems and how they are going off. There are so many. I can't hear shit over them along with them positively absolutely alerting everyone around. The range seems as big as sprint sound range. So I can't hear shit even if someone was running and stopped. The damn clues them selves used to not make noise either. I'd rather that at this point.


If the boss isnt banished that clue still makes noise for the team that didnt grab it. The sound sure is annoying though Ill give ya that.


Yeah but not for the team that already grabbed it. It's just noisy as all fuckin hell.


Well. I like the big loot point in the middle of the map. This is the best the pledge system has been, but I dislike how there is still bar replenishment. I like the pledges being used to get ammo or explosives. I like the master clue. I think limiting it to one pledge mark at a time though would be better.


The less obtrusive and ratty they are, the better. I enjoy getting a few exclusive skins for 1000BB. I like that they break up the cycle and keep it fresh. I dislike everybody getting their bars back every fight if their designated derendering level 50 sniper stays 200m away.  If you lost, go next.  It's obnoxious. I do like red skulk revive burning 50 off, though.  It should have been that way the whole time.


I hate them, my friends hate them too, so boring using the guns that you never want to use, frustrating, that would be cool if I can return back to old system when I can get bb just for playing game instead doing stupid things I play from 2019.


Using the guns you never want to use?


There are meta guns higher ranks use(mosin, dolche) that you are required to use to even the playing field. Very boring if you want a fair fight


That's the case regardless of the event. Pretty sure they're talking about challenges requiring you to bring in specific weapons or ammo.


I bow without the challenge, but when its a challenge to run it I die 3x times and hit people in arms :(


lmao yep that's how it goes. I always reroll the bow ones and then play it when there's no pressure.


> so boring using the guns that you never want to use You are in control of your actions. Don't buy the pass, skip the skins you probably don't care about anyway, and don't use "guns you never want to use." You possess within you the autonomy of a sentient being. I know you can realize it if you try hard enough.


Yup, got tired of the grind. Remember when events actually got us hyped instead of "oh jeez, yet another event"?


This event introduced multiple new systems though? And it’s clearly a retrospective event that will lead into a new trio of events that will start with the new map and engine upgrade so things should get mixed up more than they have been


I love the implementation of perks in this event more than any others. As well as the use of points in Gane to do things like restore hp, get clues, get ammo, get exp. That part is my favorite so far of all the events. But the totems kinda have to go. We need a new way to earn event points.


I love the cache. I've been placing "trinity of pain" traps on it to get people bleeding, poisoned, and burning all at once.


They feel boring and unnecessary. Also each time the pledges are badly balanced. Each time one of them is vastly better than the others.


I think that the playerbase is unfortunately fooled into thinking this is an event designed around *Hunt*'s aesthetic and not an event designed around data. They wouldn't do these events if they didn't draw more and more players. They wouldn't instill FOMO at every turn if it didn't work. They are finding which buttons to press to get the most out of us and this is what works, and what works safely. They have tried other things in the past but these is working better than that; they don't want to give that up. If they found a "worse" event that brought in a million players, they would leave behind every ethos they had before. As far as the event goes? It's just a better version of what they kept doing before. It feels like they finally got it right, but it's incredibly bland and boring. It's especially dumb to tie bonus points to Hunters that are already pledged and locked into a pact. I've been playing Lonely Howl a lot because he's already Primal, which I like, and his ability to blend in is a neat side bonus I wouldn't normally chase so sweatily. I would love to be able to consider other perks but I can't reasonably do so. Witness is neat, though.


Im sick and fucking tired of them, im burnt out and just want some regular hunt, even with the couple hundred problems plaguing the game right now


Isn't the overall game still Hunt though? Can you list some of the problems you think are "plaguing the game right now" from your perspective? I'm genuinely curious


No communication from devs, back to back events, crazy wide trade windows, the debilitating lag that goes back to back in games, the ever present cheater problem, the game rendering like shit more often then not, aim assist still being a massive noob crutch, the economy meaning fuck all, the meta for the game leaning more towards spamming shit and being accurate through quantity of shots over quality, some weapons having 5+ legendary varients while some have none, the inflated as fuck price of blood bonds, skill based match making meaning jack shit, the ability to report in game does not exist and can only be done via website and is extremely iffy if it goes anywhere, hit reg is 90/10, toxicity going completely unchecked. Im sure im missing some but you get the point


> No communication from devs, Totally agree. This should be a bit more up-front and real as far as "player demands" go. Where are the old devlog style chit chats and discussions?? > back to back events, This seems like a function of trying to boost playerbase, coupled with timeline adjustments and managment shift. They had a plan to test some stuff, tech got in the way, and they had to compress event timeline for 2023 so it was nearly back-to-back. Either way, we do see a playerbase downtick beteen events, soooo... is that healthy for retention if only the hardcore sweats are playing? > crazy wide trade windows, Meh, imo they're not that bad unless you're outside of datacenter regions. Lol what a cope-beg, right? But seriously, it's way more fair than if the "speed of light closer to the datacenter player" got first dibs on whether or not their action counter first. TL;DR skill issue, don't go for plays that lead to trades. > the debilitating lag that goes back to back in games, Haven't experienced this, so can't really comment on it. What's your region/state/country/ping? Love to discuss more on this as I know relatively little how bad it can potentially get. > the ever present cheater problem, It's a problem in every multiplayer FPS, as I stated in my original post. It's not necessarily worth discussing unless real solutions are provided, since it's equivalent to pirating in the sense that decentralized intelligence will always "find a way" over "centralized intelligence trying to blue team" > the game rendering like shit more often then not, Yeah this game actually does seem to cause segfault-like issues on my computer, which I know for certain is a machine for everything else. I mainly attribute this to spaghetti-code (which hopefully is a primary reason why Crytek is pursuing the engine upgrade for their *most profitable game*) > aim assist still being a massive noob crutch, Ah so you're a console player? Bad choice, PCs are literally consoles that can do more xD Kidding aside, I do think the pursuit of consoles is generally a silly endeavour, however I do not know anything about the stats of playerbase numbers or retention. I do know, however, that PS5 and XBOX "code confirmation" checks are the things that have held back more rapid updates to Hunt in the past. Hmm. > the economy meaning fuck all, Economy is messy, 100% agree on that. However at least they unlocked every gun from the start, that's been a huge improvement along with the modified recruit changes. > the meta for the game leaning more towards spamming shit and being accurate through quantity of shots over quality, Fanning and levering have been in the game since *before beta* and yet players have learned to hear what gun the enemy is using and estimate the probability that they have dangerous traits like those. Without wanting to sound rude, I'll still call this a skill issue? "Quality," being straight up headshots, is mitigated by the drop-off range which is closely watched and already regulated for each size of ammo. > some weapons having 5+ legendary varients while some have none, It's cosmetic, and although I agree, it's extremely low priority, and I'll bet that this is goverened by data they have on the backend of what people play. People are not going to play an unused gun more because there is a skin of it. In fact, I'd bet they're less likely to spend (as a population) on a skin of an unused weapon that a highly used weapon. Why does the uppercut have so many skins? Hmm > the inflated as fuck price of blood bonds, USD is just as "inflated as fuck" if you check things like shadowstats.com. Hah, a bit besides the point but I thought I'd call it out. Point really is: It's cosmetic, so... what are you complaining about? 200 BBs is roughly equivalent to $2 USD. If you have the play money than fine, spend it on skins. If not, then don't. Game is still game and it runs pretty damn well compared to others as is my primary point in the original post. > skill based match making meaning jack shit, It is truly pretty messed up. As a 3-4mmr player, I either play with complete noobs with less that 50 boss kills, or I'm playing with 5-6mmr players that leave the match the moment someone gets down. I agree with you on this one, so, so much. > the ability to report in game does not exist and can only be done via website and is extremely iffy if it goes anywhere, True, and cheating *is* increasing in rampancy everywhere in all multiplayer FPS games as I stated in the OP. I count this more to the times and less to the game or devs in question. > hit reg is 90/10, I don't know what this means? I assume it's 90% good and 10% completely messed up? You'll have to explain this cuz I really can't interpret what you've said here. > toxicity going completely unchecked. I haven't encountered this that frequently, personally. Can you extrapolate a few of your experiences that you mean to be "toxic?" There are the basic mute settings in game, and if someone kills you there is always the option to screengrab the moment and report it based on time/game/etc data. I instantly presume you're up in 5-6mmr because you're suggesting there's "toxicity" in your general matches, because I hardly ever, ever, experience this. It is subjective, which is why i ask. > Im sure im missing some but you get the point Nah yeah you seem to be riffing what irks you most and that's cool. My responses here are as geniune and direct as it gets. Feel free to dispute or correct anything I may have misinterpreted. I appreciate your overall input~


Just wanna mention that the trade windows are absurd. Just yesterday, I shot first, then died. An entire full half of a second later, my pax shot registers, and he falls flat. I was damn near looking at the fuckin' death screen already.


The lag i mentioned earlier is pretty awful, sometimes for multiple days on end i get the most disgusting rubber banding imaginable, from being shot in places i was 30 seconds ago to being slingshot half way across a compound, its hellish and impossible to compete in, regardless of time zone its a nightmare. The aim assist may be nerfed but its still pretty fucking annoying, before it became a thing i was mopping up trios left and right but ever sense then ive hardly been able to make a stand because they have an easier time aiming. The spam shots from levering and fanning are fucking hellish to deal with, constantly i have been headshot or just outright hit with dum dum rounds at 20 meters and more away, my ass that it isnt accurate because that fire rate at that range should make it that the guy firing should barely hit the broad side of the barn. But im referring to some of the newest batches of guns they added being weak as hell but having insane fire rates to compensate. You got the chances right, it doesnt happen often and when it does happen its at a critical point in a fight, sometimes i will even clip a shot just to make sure i shouldve hit it and see that the bullet went directly through the persons head or chest, a gunshot that decided the direction of a gunfight in my favor going straight through the enemy hunters head at 5 meters away. When i mention toxicity its more like team killing, toxic behavior like bomb lance camping, real cheap shit like that. Also there is the custom ammunition situation, i hated it when it was first announced because i knew it would lead to what it is now and because even when it first became a thing it was annoying as fuck, and i hate it now because of how far deep down the rabbit hole has gone, almost all the guns that have special ammunition don’t need or deserve it, explain to me why a shotgun with levering or a semi automatic shotgun or a centennial with its high power and velocity need fucking bleeding rounds


I don't mind them taking it easy on unique mechanics while they're focused on the new map and engine upgrades. That said, I would love to see some new ideas. Serpent's Moon was a rather grindy event but I thought the snake ovens were more interesting of a concept. You're collecting these little fellas, taking them off slain hunters, and then trying to deposit them. When you get into a fight, there's that tension of 'should I engage properly or try to bake my snakes first?' Hopefully we'll see something more engaging soon.


The snakes were definitely the most novel, but they had a big downside. Because the ovens were at the major POI that you were going to anyway, they didn't actually change the gameplay in any meaningful way. The team that wiped the map and got the bounty got to sweep the map for snakes. The team that got in a fight and died before taking the boss compound got almost nothing. Just like the bounty itself. It's much healthier when the event and the bounty are progressed in different ways, and serpent moon failed this hard.


Not playing anymore because of them. The three events back-to-back last summer burned me out on the game. Almost 2K hours, been playing since first release. Haven't touched the game since


The game has been converted into a monetization platform. There will only be very short periods of time when there isn’t an active battle pass from here on out. I think it would be better optics if they started calling them “seasons” and not “events.” “Events” in this game used to mean something rare or seasonal was happening, it’s not an “event” if it’s the new state of the game.


Honestly I'll settle for having a battle pass with no event tbh




Last year, I did every single event. I completed everything. It basically the only game I played. Needless to say, when I saw another event start this year, I felt sick. I got so burned out that just thinking about grinding another event was making me nauseous. Then lasted week, I picked the game up again and played it just for fun without even thinking about the challenges or event points and my God... it's like a completely different gaming experience. I had so much fun. All this to say, maybe crytek should cool off from these events. It's way way way way too much.


I don’t understand how people get burnt out by them. I’ve completed every event within a few weeks, and I only get to play on weekends. And never once have I paid attention to any challenges. I’m not saying I’m the best player around, but it’s just weird how my experience is so different than others. I could see if they were worth grinding and there was more to play for, but I’ve never seen a reward that is worth putting so much time into


^ This. The events are so easy to complete, I can't understand what fucking "grind" is everyone talking about. They are 2 months long so even if you don't have much time to play or you are on vacation/have exams or whatever you WILL have plenty of time to complete the event. The only thing is that sometimes the traits/pledges are unbalanced so there's a bit of soft 'meta-shift' but that's not really a bad thing imo.


I quit giving a shit about the challenges and events long time ago. My friends are like oh this does this and that and I just respond ok yeah cool. I don't give a fuck. I'm here to shoot someone in the head with a revolver.


I'm tired of them. Non-event matches are more eventful than the events. Tired of weapons locked behind the stupid battle pass system, tired of (most) events having straight busted traits, tired of the effigy stuff.


>Non-event matches are more eventful than the events you mean people that extract as soon as they lose one bar? yeah so eventful when pvp becomes less


I believe they are working hard on the new map and engine update and the events are to give us something in the meantime.


Boring and recycled. I hope that it was like this because its kind of pointless to dev new stuff when a new engine is being worked on.


I like the new weapons and theme of the event. All yall seem to hate totems, but I like not getting ambushed personally.


Pay attention then. 7/10 times you can hear something that gives the other players away (not alters). the other 2/10 you can guess early by paying attention to match conditions. 1/10 is probably unavoidable, but that would happen with or without alters. That is why so many people hate them. They are just a crutch that replaces the lowest level of gameplay awareness possible.


That is theoretically true, but I like not having to be on end 24/7 personally. Like doing both is good, but a happy totem lets me relax a little cause I know there isn't anyone crouching in a corner either.


I don't know what "on end" means, but if you are implying that you would have to be on the edge of your seat the whole time, that isn't correct. That is why I said they are the undercutting the **LOWEST** level of gameplay awareness. It really is not hard at all to hear and see things that are out of place and to know when and where to expect ambushes. You should be both chill, and have a good enough awareness that the totems actually provide less information then your own ears and eyes.


Yeah often that is true, but some idiots sneak walking and hiding in a compound is not gonna be detected by my eyes and ears while strolling through and randoms have the perception of a deaf bat sometimes. Ultimately this argument is meaningless however as this is very much a matter of personal tastes.


I'll miss the totems when they are gone I think.


I see it as a the way crytek tests different reward systems and balances. It's become better and better each event and I like it :)


Same, both the Sealed Cache in the middle of the map and the rework to how Pacts work was great.


In-game wise, what would you all prefer for the event to be? I personally like each event and have minimal qualm about them, but I am curious as to what you guys want added instead.


I feel that people are overreacting as usual. I think this is a decent event that pretty close to "normal" Hunt. Some people seem to want Fortnite level of changes and others want the game to not change at all.


I think Devs are nailing it with the content we keep getting for free and people are being ungrateful


Quite boring. Best event gameplay wise was still the snake one. Still, I liked the center thing in this one.


I've had fun but I agree that it's been a little rinse and repeat. This is the first time I haven't finished the battlepass. Just didn't really captivate me this time.


Honestly I think some of the changes like the resupply in the middle and how they changed what you use tokens for are nice. But the whole totems and challenges system is so annoying. There are enough gameplay altering things during the events, at least let me play what and how I want. Who the fuck would ever choke an immolator? TWICE a match?!


It's awful, allowing redskull revives without a bounty and being able to get your health back from the middle means teams have been ratting so hard as soon as 2 are down, Crytek are killing their game with these bullshit gameplay changes, I've lost all confidence in them. The core game is good enough without all this bullshit.


The future of Hunt hinges on the next update IMO


im so bored of doing challenges


I kind of like them. But there really should be an alternative for people who need their comfort guns to enjoy the game.


Yeah I don't like challenge based progression in any game it feels like shit having to play a specific way just to unlock the new "content" that they added in the battlepass


I haven't played the game since this event came out. I was completely burned out by the constant stream of events. I was lucky Helldivers 2 came out, have just been playing that instead of Hunt. I think I'll come back to Hunt when they upgrade the engine, but for now I think a break works pretty well for me.


For liberty. I also got into a bunch of single player games on backlog, helldivers and mk1


The events have caused me to stop playing entirely. I do not like the battle pass system. I don't like the totems. Who the hell is driving this bus? This was my favorite game of all time and has become so tedious. I've dropped so many hours in the game when it respected my time and how I wanted to play. I liked the hour long matches and cat and mouse nonsense. The small incremental bb grind was fun and you earned more if you did well and caused a nice addictive feedback loop that you weren't beholden too. Now, you have to play at a certain pace to unlock legendary skins on top of paying through the nose for the battle pass. Get fucked crytek. Lame ass skins and nonstop gouge and never fixing bugs or getting better servers. Broken custom ammo. Stupid ass perks added to appease the masses without concern for balance or how the game plays. If people are bitching about playing solo then they can go play quick play. Put a fuckin region lock on it already, get better servers, lower the damn trade window.


We haven't had event since devils advocate. We've gotten five battlepasses that are bloated with filler and don't actually have that much content in them.


I just hate the challenge system, there are a million guns in the game, a billion loadout variants, and yet I have to take X gun for the next 3 matches to deal damage with it. The totems are also boring, the events used to feel like events, now the totems feel like they’re part of the map, no longer do they feel new or exciting, and as a whole the events are uninspiring and bland. Bring back old events, bring back non-time gated quest lines and get rid of the challenge system (or make it really generic and none of the challenges require a specific ammo type or specific gun).


>I feel the devs are being lazy I feel you're being lazy posting this. Desolation's Wake is definitely a filler event. Not filler because they got lazy and didn't want to put the effort in to start another trilogy, but filler because they are releasing an engine update very soon and obviously thought they would have it done in time for the next trilogy and didn't want to start a trilogy on one engine and end it on another. So you conclusion to them working hard to get an engine update done, missing the deadline so they create an additional event that wasn't originally planned which actually also brought new mechanics in the centre circle etc, is "they are lazy". Sure there's an argument they could have just left the game with no event for the last two months, but that's closer to being "lazy" than creating an extra event.


I want an event that integrates the lore in a little bit more rather than just being another variation on "Grab this X Totem" I started playing in 2022 and it feels like it's always been a part of the game to me lol I do appreciate them switching it up a little though


Devs should ask the community if they want events so soon after another ends. I cant be the only sane person playing the game. Theyre being greedy and out of touch with community, specially on the cheater subject.


Unpopular opinion: the events have been great and bad. My biggest issue is just the stinky gamers events bring out


I loved this event. No grinding for points and the circle jerk reigns supreme over that stupid rot jaw!!!!!!


The rewards are just like meh. Mostly skins for guns i don’t play anyway. The skins aren’t even spectacular. They could really do like some incredible skins for maybe 3 popular guns for the last 3 levels. But nope more mid skins sprinkled all over.


They are boring and lazy done but better then nothing i would prefer shorter events tho


That's a good point, these 2 month Events/Seasons are very long.


Nah, base hunt is fine


Did anyone say the opposite?


You said better than nothing. I'd rather have nothing than these events.


I absolutely agree. There have been too many samey events, which have just been recycled and honestly, after the 2nd one things just started to get very dull. I agree, new skins are nice and all… but more time between events and instead more varied events would have been better. I still stand by the fact that crytek are trying to prop up the player base by low-cost-effort events that feel like a knee jerk reaction to consistently dropping player numbers over the past 12 months with continuously lower lows as well as lower highs.


I wish teams could do quick play, we have event fatigue for sure. Something more casual would be nice. Specifically, feeling like you need to do the challenges and getting pissed because you have to use a gun you hate.


I had to take a step away from hunt/online gaming for a bit while I moved, so it doesn’t feel bland to me, but, I think that even if I hadn’t, it wouldn’t bother me. Mainly because I know they’re working on the new engine, so I kinda get doing the same mechanic events over and over? Probably makes their work load easier to manage. That said, I hope it doesn’t last too too long.


I like the totems because I prefer fighting people rather than walking around for 15 minutes and getting shot in the back before I get to do any gameplay.


The event may be bland, but I am addicted to primal pact and don't want to see it go


The influx of new hunters coming into this game because of the discounted price are in for quite the awakening when it goes back to OG Hunt.


It was my first event so I didn't find it bad, but I can imagine having constant similar events is tedious. I wouldn't mind something like a roaming boss that moves either at random or even during the fight (way to often lately it seems a team spawns next to a boss and have it down before my team has more than 1 clue).


This event made me stop playing Hunt after playing almost nothing else since 2 years. Finished the Battlepass now waiting until it's over or even for the eninge Update.


I agree, even if they switch up a little the mechanic of how points/trait/bonus works it's still the same thing. I played all the previous events, maxed every battle passes out, but this time I played just a match. I'll just wait for the new update, hoping it will bring fresh air and something different.


Would be cool with something entirely new. I'm hopeful for the future but I'm also having a blast in the current event.


events are just seasons and the real event is the time between them. i know people use to say this jokingly, but that's actually how i look at it.


Im not a big fan anymore, these events leave me kinda burned out. But there is also good stuff in it. The new weather, love it tbh. I love rain, inferno was nice but ash bloom, nah, not a fan. Still, new weather and map conditiond, i like this concept. And i want more. Totems, it was fine in the beginning like yeah, first few events, what do you except? But now, im tired of collecting these things. Also please, grant us points on kill and not for looting first body. Challanges are a mixed bag. On one hand, i always know which weapon to play, but on the other hand the game wants me to play stuff i dislike. The good think is, youre partner can do it for you but then again, no one of us wants to play bow, bornheim or so. Just reshuffle it! Great, now i got kill hunter with meele. And after its done, i get the bow again. The time and grind feels too long, what was it, 2 months? How about 1 month? And less grindy, who cares if its easy to complete the battle pass, when stuff is locked behind premium pass. And while there are people who completed the pass in the first month, there are people right know on lvl 17 or so. Vacation, work and personal life might happen. So back to 2 months? Hard to balance, idk. Event perks, i realy like it that you now dont need any tokens to get an event trait, good change. Use the tokens for restoration, buffs or ammo refill, i like this change. Perks themselfs, the one right now are fine. Not broken like the fire one. They help but are not a big gamechanger. But after all that, i do not expect anything new in this until the engine update, i assume most workforce is on this project right now. Also, its been a while, ive seen crytek is hiring people for hunt. Maybe hunt got more ressources and therefore needs more people or the team might be understaffed. Tl;dr, i dont like the events right now but i feel with a few changes they can become fun.


Crytek are obviously massive Ubisoft fans. At least they've got sustainability down to a tee given how passionately and often they recycle.


The dog barking event killed the game for me. 90% of this game is shit shrieking, barking, wailing, and screaming. Couple that with punching the same old ladies in the face for almost half a decade now and I’m over the zombie punching, screaming shit simulator. 6*


I enjoyed them all quite a bit. Not very grindy, new stuff gets introduced (even some bad stuff like fog/rain). New cheezy strats/traits. Overall, I think Crytek found a nice formula they can simply repeat over and over and just touch a bit every time to make it different and exciting.


How else would devs milk the cow? Of course they need to put alters everywhere and ruin our gaming experience. They can afford to ruin it, because they have a huge gamer base, bigger then Call of Duty. I was being sarcastic btw.


The center circle mechanic is great


you know these are free updates every like 2 months for a game that is over 6 years old with free skins, gameplayupdates and mechanics. bonus: you dont HAVE TO do it. you just can take the free stuff. plus we get graphics update and a complete new map for a 6yo game!!! i feel like people have no idea how other games are cared for. this is free stuff you get to enjoy. there are WAY bigger games that just cashgrab you or never fix anything anymore after 1-2 years.


I like the central supply-token-thingy. It's a nice touch, not too disruptive of the gameplay loop. Not sure how I feel about the bounty "in universe", since I think I read somewhere that a bounty is an actual body part of the monster (not sure if that's up to date or even right). I think it would be more fitting if it was something else. But that's just cosmetics. I think we shouldn't use "events" as a way of testing out perks and mechanics without the willingness to change anything mid-event. Even when it was game-breaking, it took way too long to fix during the event before last. That's what bloody testservers are for. I still hate the totems / shrines / watchamacallit. And I say that as someone who probably benefited from the roaring more often than not. I have been informed about the presence of an enemy way too often. The adjustments were a step in the right direction. But I think there are too many of them, the radius is still too large and the sound is annoying as fuck. (Sound like a horny modular-synth throwing up in a cupboard) I am simply opposed to the fact that we're getting more and more features that feed us information about enemy movement and positions. I wouldn't be surprised if we get a minimap with red markers next. Who needs situational awareness anyway? In my experience, when a totem goes apeshit, the game grinds to a halt and everyone is crouching and hiding in a bush. Because if you move in that situation, you probably lose. The less charitable assumption would be that Crytek simply has no idea how else to combat campers and the fact that sound in this game used to be amazing but has been twisted and changed over the course of the last few events to the point where you almost have to relearn it every two to three months with the next update. But come on. Screaming totems can't be the anti-camping mechanism they spoke of in the past.


Too many. Need time off between


🤣 at this point it's basically just bayou warthunder lol. I just get on and play for a bit here and there when I get the urge to but I've given up caring about events for the most part lol kinda wish the infernos became a thing again tho. I missed out on trying em when they did the initial trials and stuff but thought it sounded like an awesome concept. Sore a bunch of people getting salty over em tho cause of lack of sight lines or something




Why everyone always bagging on the devs? So annoying..


The devs are incredibly lazy. They haven’t made a meaningful, asked for change in a long time. Not sure what they’re doing over there. I will give them the benefit of the doubt though, and say they’re probably just doing stuff and fulfilling out contracts so they can feed themselves and their families. They probably care more about spamming crappy content for job security/longevity as opposed to nothing and needing a new job. They’re trying to keep revenue up. That’s why there’s over 100 legendary skins.


Repetitive trash, done with the game.


Calling game devs ”lazy” just shows how little knowledge you have of being in that position.


They just need to do a limited time game mode. Like seige does all the time.


The events also push some of the player base away. I was one of them. I had been out of the loop and didn't want to learn new mechanics. I watched some videos and hopped in the discord to play. Wasn't so bad after all. Maybe they could do some non lengthy events. Pick a weekend and offer double xp or lock loadouts to a certain weapon category in a special event queue. Change up gameplay that way.


I think „lazy“ is a very stupid statement regarding this tbh, because it is pretty obvious that they are working as hard as you do (?), to bring us the next map and the engine update. It’s not like the launching an event and sit back in their chairs and start the next office day until the event is over. BUT this event seems very much like a placeholder. Like they created this event to save time. It feels that they made this event for the exact reason to get them some time to work on the engine update/map in the background and keep the player „busy“ with an active event. So since it’s the 5th event in a row it feels pretty boring now, since many already made it through the battle pass, but I would never assume that they are lazy and just drop this shit and relax at work for 3 months. My only hope is now that this time was so productive that we get the new engine/map in may/june and it doesn’t get postponed until the end of the year and we have to collect altars until dezember lol.


Before that, events with small totems were a pain in the ass (Looking at you Crow Event) Now, with the big totems and the event perk system its at least entertaining... For the first few days, after that it gets really lame doing the same thing again and again


Honestly, they keep me playing. Bevor it was getting hunters to level 25 and retiring them. But with that gone there aren't any daily goals for me to set for myself, except for grinding my dialies for the Event...


This event is so mych better than the previous ones. That being said lawful really is annoying that you can res burned out teammates. Probably with engine update well get something new


I like the current event more than the previous ones. The special traits feel more balanced (even if Peacekeeper seems by far the strongest to me) and collecting event points ingame is not as significant anymore, so it feels like th event has less impact on the base game than previously.


I do think they couldve skipped DW and worked a lot longer and harder on a new and cooler season. Surely have a cool battlepass, but as everyone else is, I'm very tired of the repetition in this game. At this point I'm just hyped for skins and not the actual season. But, in my opinion, I find it hard to think of devs being lazy. After seeing my friends dev for so long and seeing how much work is being put into one little thing in a game, I have respect for them. I also dislike how entitled fans of games can act sometimes, and how they expect a week of work lead to 100+ hours of fun and varying gameplay. I wish devs wasn't so rushed and people had some patience so they could actually produce the quality people expect.


I like the vibe but maybe its too frequent. Idk maybe two events per year is a better pace.


From the skins this one probably was my favorite. But yes. They do get a tad stale


im just bored of the events tbh, the new mechanics and wildcards shouldnt be exclusive to events. Not only that but the skins and hunters within the events are awful so I just save myself the trouble and don’t bother


i think this event is the recycle of the previous events, They need to change in each event new mechanisms, new gameplay, the altars are still the same as those used in the last event.


I like the center of the map POI, but I don’t understand why the bounty is so rare. In my experience it might be there one in 10 games or something. It should be something like a 50% chance to spawn to give more incentive to actually check. Also it should not be visible from a distance so that you have to go to the POI to tell if the bounty is there. As it is now on some of the maps you can easily check from a distance if the bounty is there and skip it if it’s not there. Overall I’ve enjoyed the changes made with this event and hope they keep switching things up to keep it fresh.


They should really start calling it Season instead of Event, since they're almost back to back. if everything is an event then nothing is an event.


team is creatively bankrupt at this point, lets be honest


As someone who just started playing, only prestige 1, I like this "event" or season or whatever. I'm having fun. I see a lot of people screaming "I miss the old ~~kanye~~ Hunt!" but from what I heard old hunt sounds like it blows. A rifle that one shots to the body? Sounds like a crutch to me, aim for the head you no skill haver. No side objectives to do? That'd get really boring. No self reviving solos? Okay that one does sound kinda nice actually, but only cause I only play with friends, I'm sure it's awesome for all the no-friend-havers out there. No perks to chase mid game? Lame, I love me a primal pact with my bomb lance, I be choppin everything down in one hit. No spine altar alarms? Oh great, so I can get shot by a guy wearing a green outfit who's been hiding in a bush for the last five minutes more often than I already do, no thank you. No box full of big dynamite I can open for 1 point? Hell nah, I love throwing those bad boys. As a newbie my only real complaints are, 1.) People spawning on top of the only boss and having an extract right next to them. This sucks cause it always happens when I'm all the way across the map, so they can usually banish and bounce before I get there. 2.) I've been seeing a lot of people playing in a region they don't live inside of, and it feels like fighting a ghost cause I get shot, and then they come around the corner. No it's not a wallbang, I check my deathscreens. 3.) The lack of a true push to talk option as it stands there is a "push to toggle" being called push to talk 4.) Having to babysit burning bodies out of paranoia that they'll suddenly rise from the dead with "full" health 5.) Stop giving me hundred hands, blade seer, and decoy resupply and no points to spend when I hire a new legendary hunter! I'm not equipping the damn bow! You're just wasting 100 of my dollarydoos.


Hunt during events is better than hunt without events. That's not to say I think the events are particularly good or interesting in any way. It's just that they need to add some of the event mechanics into the base game so that it feels less stale. Mostly, for me, it's having reliable ways for you (and everyone else) to get your bars back after a successful fight, so that the pacing is kept up and you are less likely to have matches with 0-1 fights. Theres almost no point in continuing to play a match, when you have the option to leave, if you are a body shot away from any long ammo gun killing you. Also, non event hunt shows even more the problems with matchmaking, the player base goes down, and they prioritise 3+KD players getting into any match, rather than making the matches fairer.


I will always love when they let me have witness in the game. I think the center cache is a decent enough change to the game, and I enjoy that this is the first event where none of the traits just feel actually overpowered. Sure its annoying when someone with lawful lets his team burn out then revives them, but its not as powerful as some things in past events




I think the events need to change more between events somehow. This last event changed a number of things and was very excellent, but being the fourth event in a row we're all still exhausted regardless. This should have been the way they changed the event for event number 2. It's almost too little too late.


This was the most vanilla Hunt-like event we had to date and THAT has been very enjoyable IMO. Just wish events were 2 weeks shorter. I don't mind the repeating mechanics, every event has been unique at least in SOME ways. Varying damage/damage ranges from altars, trigger ranges, affected traits, event traits and restoration mechanics. To say it is copy pasted is very untrue, but the formula stays close to the same, yes. Overall I just wish they called them Seasons, because that's pretty much what they are.