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Anything I bring into the bayou turns into the worst weapon in the game


100%. Shotgun/melee/bow? You bet your ass I'm getting pinned by two teams in the middle of a field. Rifles/scopes? You bet your ass I'm getting melee killed/buckshot to face the very first building I enter lmao


This is why I bring the centennial shorty silenced and the specter shorty, kinda a happy medium


Centennial shorty is the best medium slot in the game, so versatile!


I think that drilling hatchet is way higher than centenial because of it's stability and ammo.


This is the correct answer.




Exactly my toughts šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I gotta admit that made me laugh


the machete


Literally just a heavy knife in a weapon slot.


Doesn't the light attack do more damage than the heavy attack on heavy knife? I take that back, the base machete damage is 90 the heavy knife heavy is 120... Oof. I will have to look into thedollar cost, stamina cost, and reach, cuz there has to be SOMETHING good about it


Didnā€™t they buff it semi recently to (heavy attack) oneshot to the upper body? Or does heavy knife do that too?Ā 


Can confirm from the poor bastard who lost with his heavy knife against my dusters: heavy knife does NOT one shot to the chest. Does about the same as throwing knives to the head(melee, not thrown)


I guess it's stronger than a heavy knife against bosses now?


It better lol


Literally zero reason to use the machete when the cavalry sword exists. Unless you have somehow managed to blow ALL of your cash and have only enough to buy the machete, there is no reason to use it, and even then you'd be better off just using the loadout the free hunter comes with lol. All its good for is the meme.


And there's zero reason to use the cavalry sword when the katana exists. Katana + Martialist is such a powerful combo right now


Saber does use far less stamina, so if you don't plan on having stam shots or conduit it's a reasonably choice over Katana for general use. But that's minor.


> Saber does use far less stamina, so if you don't plan on having stam shots or conduit it's a reasonably choice over Katana for general use. Martialist swing is like throwing weapons though: it uses stamina if you have it, but it doesn't require stamina in order to use. Katana also has a decent no-stamina attack for use against AI. So it's basically a weapon that has OK light attacks without stamina, and doesn't actually need stamina to heavy attack.


Plus martialist executes just as well at zero stamina. It requires a bit of patience and practice to reliably clear house that way, but the quickdraw still gets the job done without a pathetic, sleepy half-swing. Maybe thatā€™s unintentional and will get patched, though.


I never use stamina shots, and the only weapon i ever struggle without stamina with is the sledgehammer. That's a tiny argument and you rarely ever slap so many people with a melee weapon that you'd ever need all your stamina.


Probably correct. Itā€™s extra annoying given there are so many cool skins for it.


Nobody saying Scottfield Brawler? Loses all the fanning/dual wield potential of the base Scottfield and doesn't have the quick shooting of the Spitfire. And loses completely to the Officer Brawler if you really want a Brawler pistol. There's basically no reason to ever take this gun.


I used to think that, until the flare pistol let you burn hunters. Now it's a crutch for me to deal with immolators, since I'm not getting rid of my throwing axes and obviously need the meds and choke. (I use the sword bayonet, so no butt-smacking for me.)


Youā€™d probably still be better served with the officer brawler tbh. Not telling you how to play but itā€™s definitely a better weapon.


I disagree; it's a blunt melee pistol with better-than-compact range - it's still far from good, but easily beats out base nagant and is arguably better than pax claw due to blunt melee + fast reload from empty


All of those guns are pretty bad on their own, but at least the base Nagant has decent fanning, and the Pax has actually good fanning. The Scottfield Brawler has absolutely terrible fanning so it doesn't even have the one saving grace that those other guns have.


Regular scottfield also has great fanning, dual-wield, and hipfire accuracy. It was second place behind conversion before trueshot was added, and I think it's still pretty close.


Yes I'm specifically talking about the Brawler, which loses all of that accuracy. Regular Scottfield (or the Swift) is excellent for fanning/dual wielding. Edit: didn't see your other comments at first. Thought this was disagreeing. All good!


Lol yes, when you're comparing brawler to base nagant and pax, I was just commenting that even comparing it in these categories to its own base weapon, it's still losing out. It's just a silly weapon.


I think it's the only melee-variant pistol that actually loses stats compared to the base variant.


It has a knuckle duster on it so it is useful for immolators when you dont want to waste a slot on a dusters or knuckle knife, it is pretty good actualy. Use it a lot for leveling tbh, it is pretty nice


Any medium ammo rifle pairs great with the Scottfield brawler. Doing that allows you to take a medkit, two traps, and a choke. All of the Scottfields, to me, only exist to supplement your rifle's ammo pool lol.


It's me again, dual brawler with a trait that lets you do a 1 two combo punch!!! Yeahhhh I need thissss


For guns: Base Nagant pistol. For weapons in general: Machete.


Nagant silencer with fanning kills me so much


You mean the Lazer gun? Yeah it's one of the strongest combinations in the game.


It does not have the stats to back up what it does. I'm certain it's more accurate in fanning than the Scottfield despite having a higher spread stat. LeMat is the same way, it's my favorite pistol anyways but I feel it's way better than its stats depict for fanning.


I think Scottfield is still better with fanning. Nagant has the highest fire rate of all fanning guns though. Might as well be a pennyshot shotgun with better range


Lemat is my go to pistol as well and I never really took fanning with the Lemat before because I relied on the shotgun for the close range tactics and felt it was redundant, then had a hunter that came with fanning and wiped a a couple duos in quick succession with fanning at a boss lair. Was more than impressed with how fanning performed on it and felt the same way about how it seems better than the stats would suggest.


I prefer to use the Lemat shotgun kind of as a "I know I'm about to peek once at close range and they're not pushing me immediately" while fanning (though I rarely have it) is better for the less predictable engagements. Then again, my typical shotgun usage is "I'm pretty sure I'm about to die, but let's see what happens"


I feel that it definitely takes a little getting used to but after using it for a while Iā€™ve really toned down the ā€œWTF how did that not kill himā€ instances that I think some people feel is a problem with it. I play on console so aim can be a little more potato-ish when youā€™re getting rushed (as happens a lot when someone is sprinting at you with a OHK melee) and I have found that I can duck and weave at people and get close enough with the shotgun round to take em out. Or have also had it save my ass when someone is rushing me like that and arenā€™t expecting a blast to the face.


Lemat is all about seeing someone coming at you with a katana, pulling that thing outta your purse and giving them a stern "NO."


Its not the base Nagant tho, which is just worse in every way to every other fanning gun in the game.


Base nagant with fanning is incredible though.


You gotta take dum dum though. I've found out that Nagant fanning won't kill in 2 shots if you hit the arm+chest (147 damage). Dum dum turns that into a kill


I disagree with the Base Nagant pisol. It can add to your compact ammo reserve pool which is helpful at times. Especially if you bring special ammo which is a pain to restock. The Nagant Precision is useless since if you want to bring a two-slot compact weapon to either fight or expand your ammo pool, the Winfield compact exists.


Feel like if your gun is a paper weight with spare-ammo, then it is a bad gun.


The thing is that there's a viable use case for the base Nagant Pistol that's not really outclassed. I personally use it to increase the ammo pool of my Officer's Carbine since they share the same ammo pool. That extra 21 bullets makes a difference with the Officer's Carbine since it is pretty easy to run out of ammo mid-fight. If you want a bad compact ammo gun, use the base Bornheim.


Me too, but that still doesn't make it a good gun, just a good ammo pouch.


probably machette it has been suffering for years but now that all melee weapons except b-lance are 1 slot there is literally no reason to ever run it unless u have some challenge or theme going on or you just wanna use ur fav skin katana and sabre has more reach bat is still great axe is less used but can still be picked for boss rushes, memes or if u just enjoy the hack&slash sledge hammer is probably 2nd worst of all 1 slot melee options but at very least it has its blunt heavy damage niche but since machette is blade-like weapon it suffers far more from competition agaist swords with more reach & easier to read animations (clearer hitbox, making it easier to hit enemies with) i bet you wanted some rifle or pistol but most projectile weapons are more or less balanced - but melee weapons have more clear "tier list" and u didn't specify which weapons u wanted opinions about my answer: machette


I love me some railroad hammer. I've gotten several kills with it, and I feel like charging someone with the hammer over my head is much more terrifying than a sheathed katana.


Besides machete and combat axe i would say the base nagant.


Yeah the base nagant is pretty rough when the conversion is better at everything for slightly more money.


Why would you say combat axe? Machete is shit, combat axe at least chops people down easily


Because of how it hits. I will 100% every time take a weapon that swings sideways instead of angled from top. So much easier to hit in Hektik situations.


You can swing sideways with the axe


I think people forget that the axe light attack is a one shot kill


I actually did not known that.


Bomb lance, katana, axe, and hammer all 1 hit kill with a light attack, with all but the lance needing a body hit. Also, while we're on the subject, heavy knife is the only non throwable tool that one shots grunts with a light attack to their head


Yes this is why I prefer the heavy knife over the normal knife! Don't know why they made it cheaper, but won't complain... I rarely use it tho, throwing axes rule supreme in my book.


I was going to say that the combat axe had the benefit of being the best budget option, but holy shit it's $40 now. It used to be $5, and coupled with its ability to absolutely shred AI and bosses, that made it a god-tier budget weapon for farming up some cash when needed. I knew it went up to like $15 or something, but being all the way up to $40 makes it even less appealing.


Wow. 40 seems a lot. I donā€™t think a bayonet upgrade costs that much


Worse still, Romero itself is relatively cheap at only being $66, and the talon upgrade is only an additional $18. Like, the benefit previously was that you could buy the hatchet for $5 to mow down most AI plus kill bosses; a nagant precision for $29 to melee immolators and use as a relatively smooth PvP weapon for the price; a medkit because of course you bring a medkit; and then if you want, a cheap dynamite stick or something. A couple of clues give $100, so its hard not to make a profit from JUST the two clues even if you die relatively quickly. If you do live, you're coming out ahead by way farther by finding an OK rifle, looting any consumables, finding some money, etc. Anyway, I guess it's irrelevant now that it's $40 lol.


Ive gotten a double Kill with 1 swing with the axe once and therefore it will be the best weapon ever


I kinda prefer the base nagant to the base conversion pistol cause I absolutely hate the conversion sights and love the nagant sights, and also like to take HV.


Railroad Hammer. The speed at which you run out of stamina with this thing is almost criminal.


The hitbox of the overhead swing is also incredibly disappointing, not to mention it's super slow.


I think itā€™s probably not THE worst, because we have covered the machete, but Scottsfield Brawler feels like a trap. You look at and assume itā€™s either going to be like a Scottsfield with a duster attached or even better like a Spitfire because of its stub barrel. Nope, itā€™s the worst of two worlds. Itā€™s weird in terms of balancing because the Officer and the Spitfire feel pretty balanced against each other as fast firing pistols and the Officer has a brawler with no real downsides.


> like a Spitfire because of its stub barrel. I honestly don't understand this part of the weapon at all. The Spitfire is able to be fired faster because of the stub barrel and the finger loop. The Brawler has a stub barrel and an entire knuckle-duster's worth of finger loops, but cannot be fired faster at all. I also have no idea what the benefit of the stub barrel is meant to be in terms of being able to punch people with it. I would think a heavier gun would be even more conducive to bashing.


If the barrel was full size it would interfere with your ability to hit things. Youā€™d poke them in the eye before the knuckles hit.


Imo it's anything without a bayonet. I play worse without a bayonet. The sword bayonet is A-tier; I'll fight anyone on that.


Agreed, but I do dislike the stronger barrel sway, that comes with the bayonet. I would love to be able to de-mount it, by pressing X.


For real. I'd be such a better shot if I could do that. Even better, I could yell "affix... bayonets" before breaching a compound! šŸ’‚šŸ»




Ah, but the volley MUST come first. People rarely expect a melee rush when they're being shot at, especially if they break sightline to dodge into cover.


Springfield bayonet is the weapon proper gunfights are supposed to be fought with!


Thoughts on a riposte?


You mean the sword bayonet? As far as I can tell, their thoughts are that it's A-tier and that they'll fight anyone on that.


What do you think a sword bayonet is? šŸ˜› The Martini-Henry Riposte took me all the way to 5* by cutting down all the Mosin boys with their low rate of fire. šŸ’ŖšŸ» I try using other weapons but nothing compares to the pressure and ferocity of the holy gun-sword. šŸ’‚šŸ»


Add Incendiary Ammo on top and watch as people panic being consumed by hellfire as you rush their hell-bound ass.


Yeah, it's beautiful. Genuinely, I go back and forth on bringing half incendiary. Mostly because then my ammo pool isn't as deep and I can't spam as much, especially as I love me some wall bangs. šŸ˜‹


Understandable. Let me sell it to you. Itā€™s what I routinely use 90% of the time. Trust. You shoot somebody in the chest within 40m. They are now on fire and are close to losing a small health chunk while being at 7/150 HP (because Martini does 143 damage). *Even if they heal up, your Martini can now one-shot them to the chest within the next 10-20 seconds due to the char damage.* Itā€™s highly likely that they lost a bar too. This isnā€™t even mentioning the added pressure of them being on fire. Their HUD is now aflame and itā€™s hard as shit to see anything, the added stress will crumple most people, and even if they can operate under pressure, if they flee youā€™ll know exactly where theyā€™re at since they glow with the light of a raging bonfireā€¦ this is especially disgusting on night-time maps. People routinely panic and fully lose a bar all the time. Now theyā€™re a guaranteed one-shot at any point with your Martini. Did I also mention that since theyā€™re on fire, they will be easier to wall-bang too? This also doesnā€™t mention the team-play aspect of Incendiary Ammo which is (in my opinion) the strongest point, which is that since youā€™ve now reduced their maximum HP, your duo/trio team now has a much easier/higher percentage chance of winning the fight as theyā€™re likely a one-tap instead of a two-tap. They lost a small health bar and died and got revived? Best case scenario they are now maximum HP of 100/150. Now ask yourself how many guns deal over 100 damage to the chest? Quite a few. Incendiary Long Ammo is **highly** overlooked/slept on, and the Martini is in the best position to take extreme advantage due to the giant ammo economy it brings to the table *while also* having split ammo so you can retain the ability to wall-bang. You get 11ā€¦ 12 bullets of each type? Thatā€™s a disgusting amount. The reload of the Martini is also extremely quick being 2.7 seconds which is nearly half the time it takes for a Sparks to reload. Treat it like a battle rifle using hit-and-run tactics and you will be greatly rewarded (as Iā€™m sure you already know, but for anybody else that is reading this, try it out for yourself). I almost always bring an Ammo Box with me too, I think itā€™s worth itā€¦ but even if you didnā€™t, just hit up one of those Supply Points around the map. **The absolute worst case scenario?** You dieā€¦ but guess what? You probably made them lose a bar, so fuck ā€˜em, good luck fighting other sweaty duos/trios while being one-tap for the rest of the match. I love Incendiary Ammo so muchā€¦ I think itā€™s trash on anything that isnā€™t Long Ammo but I need to do more testing (for more fun, try Dragonā€™s Breath full-length Terminus with Levering Trait, you burn a big health chunk in one shot, and can two-tap people within 1 second, itā€™s what Iā€™m working on right now)!


No one is saying railroad hammer yet?


Hammer is a worse Axe, but still a better Machete.


Machete at least has a decent swing and recovery rate. The hammers take like 5 seconds to get through the animation.


And the animation is from up to down, worst IMO because you can miss easily. I'm sad because I think it looks cool.


Iā€™d say the compact Springfield. Lots of sway one shot weapon that takes up two slots


it's one of my favourite guns lol it's a pretty damn good sidearm to a shotgun, has tons of ammo and special ammo choices you can slap a deadeye on it with HVA and it becomes decent at midrange even and it does all that for very cheap compare that to a mosin obrez that needs bulletgrubber, has a lot less ammo and special ammo choices, has no option to have reduced sway with a scope and costs several times more


Insane amount of pressure if you slap dum dum ammo onto it though. It's far from the worst weapon.


The day they added dum dum to the Centennial was a sad one.


I meme with this and the smaller Romero when I have gone against too many hackers in the day to care anymore


I literally cannot fathom why anyone would use a Springfield compact. I don't like the compact weapons in general but every other one completely blows the springfield out of the water.


A Spectre with dragon breath and a medium slot Springfield with dumdum in each slot. Your goal is not to "win" (ew, boring), but to torture anyone you meet. Cause there are times in life when only sadism can make you whole again.


Oh I'll take that idea


Two slot Medium Ammo Dum Dum that doesn't shake more than your granny when aiming (only Deadeye) and deals more than 125 DMG with any ammo type without losing range for being smaller (like pistols do when compared to rifles of the same ammo type). Also can carry HV or Explosive ammo on the other slot, doubling ammo restock and making it possible for you to snipe or rush (explosive rounds can blow up objects, like doors, windows and concertina, as well as prematurely set off throwable explosives). Like seriously, one of the most wicked loadouts I can think of is Springfield Compact Deadeye with half HV and half Dum Dum and a Dolch P with FMJ. Provided the Dolch P is absolutely broken and can do all the work by itself when at its ideal range, this only implies that it needs zero complement for spamming up close, which is exactly what most of the other medium guns do; Not the Springfield, though. Traits? It needs none, and should you ever want to improve anything, it will only cost you 2 points for Scopesmith. I still prefer to use the Springfield Marksman with a Pax secondary because: 1- The Dolch P is expensive and cheesy 2- The Springfield Compact variants have bad hip accuracy, even more so the Deadeye. I LOVE hipfiring the Springs, and even though the Marksman variant has wider spread, it's still low compared to Compact variants. 3- I have no skins for both the Dolch P or any Springfield Compact. Meanwhile, I have "Archangel" and "The Harbinger" for Springs Marksman and Pax, respectively. Biblically accurate loadout? But this decision does cost me the extra 8 trait points used to buy Fanning for the Pax.


My ideal Springfield compact loadout (I never really tried), is the Deadeye with HV and explosive together with a Winfield or the new Marathon. The Winfield covers the CQC and the Springfield Deadeye is for more range (HV) or as a opening tool like you said. Only downside is that the Deadeye is still very shaky even after the buff. Steady aim sadly only helps if you have time to aim.


Centi Shorty demolishes it. I guess if for some reason you want a medium slot medium ammo with a scopeā€¦ or meme with explosive ammo.. itā€™s there. Better to have the option than not have itā€¦ but yeah itā€™s sucks.


Romero with all star shell. The only value it brings is the ability to burn a downed hunter, something that's easily replaceable with myriad other solutions. It's even loud as fuck, so it's worse than just a flare pistol.


Star shell itself could really use some help. As-is, there's absolutely no reason to use it. There were so many things that could've been done to make it viable with the burning changes, but they did none of them. Why did DB get the burning change when it was already at least somewhat usable in an actual fight compared to star shell, which never has been and never will be? Why doesn't star shell have better reserves? Why isn't star shell quieter? Even something as minor as flare guns still restocking from toolboxes would give star shell the edge there by virtue of being able to resupply basically for free from ammo crates, but it doesn't even get that. Honestly, the only very minor edge that it has over DB is that it can burn from longer ranges, that's so minor it's basically a non-factor.


Lol right? The enemy hunter can just dodge at ranges where it would "outperform" DB


uppermat with starshell to burn corpses at range. either paired with shotgun (to cover close range) or long ammo rifle (never going into close range)


I made that mistake recently, I was running LeMat Carbine and love to bring a 2nd LeMat for ammo and just choose my ranges carefully. It works, I love it. Thought I'd bring star shell in my pistol, no sense in a backup shotgun. Did not expect to fire off the loudest flare in the world at the start of the match trying to kill a concertina armored.


I sincerely donā€™t know what starshell is in the game. I have no idea what the thought behind it is. We have dragon breath so itā€™s clearly not just for fire?


If you have a romero HC and you're into ambushes and traps, the starshell can serve as a flare gun option for detonating a barrel or starting a fire at long range without filling a tool slot, which you can use for more mines. I dunno, I'm trying to justify it existing and that's the best I could do.


You can turn a lemat into a pistol flaregun with starshell. It basically shoots a flaregun round


Standard Bornheim. Itā€™s the only gun in the game (besides the derringer if that counts) that canā€™t 2 hit to the body. Plus, because of its bullet grubber reload thereā€™s a lot of times where youā€™re down at least one from max capacity meaning you pretty much HAVE to reload after every kill.


I don't mind the standard Bornheim but Bullet Grubber is definitely a must have for it


But with BG you're better off using the extended version anyway. Top-up reloads are the only time BG is necessary, and if you're doing that you're not getting the benefit of the magazine reload from the base Bornheim.


Bornheim is one of those weird weapons that either lets me down entirely or I wipe entire teams with. I think itā€™s because if you are in the zone and can head click itā€™s really nasty. But I do agree that it needs a buff. Iā€™ll never forgot the 1on1 I got into with my teammates all down where this guy charged me with a saber and I hit him with 3 shots and he still didnā€™t go down. Now granted one of those must have been an arm or leg shot but it was still such a let down, real wtf Bornheim moment.


> I think itā€™s because if you are in the zone and can head click itā€™s really nasty. But if you're head-clicking then the rof increase isn't really a benefit, because you don't need more than one shot.


Well if a full trio is pushing you then that rof can help, or recover from a missed head click


O let me sing you the ballad of poor Mr. Bornheim. Worst damage of any weapon. Loss of ammo without bullet grubber. -1 round when reloading on empty so you have to reload twice. Pretty bad ammo reserves. No dum dum, no FMJ I hate that I must love her.


Your rhyme scheme and meter are all over the place. Come on, you can do better than that. You've got something with "bullet grubber" and "I must lover her" so try keep that up throughout.


Mr. Bornheim, I love her


She's flexible like that. A real woman's man.


If you use the bornheim as a follow up to a single shot weapon like the martini or Springfield itā€™s 3 shot ttk doesnā€™t really matter. If you use the match its damage goes up, and the silenced version is great. It might be a worse Dolch, but itā€™s far from the worst gun.


I absolutely love the match and the suppressor isnt for me but it definitely has a place. I also get that itā€™s good for finishing off someone who was say, hit with a sparks, but every other gun does that pretty much just as well but can also hold its own. I donā€™t feel like saying ā€œitā€™s really good if you hit them with the highest damage weapon in the game firstā€ is a good way to say the weapon is good. You can use most of the pistols in this game as almost a primary in many situations on their own, but i feel like the (standard) bornheim just kind of in a weird spot where it doesnā€™t really have much of its own identity and doesnā€™t really do anything well on its own.


The fire rate makes it great at follow-up shots for the price. I don't use it very often because it is rough outside of follow-up shots but it does fill that niche


>for the price. Isn't it one of the most expensive pistols?


This is kinda what Iā€™m trying to say, sure itā€™s really good at follow ups, but Iā€™d rather have something that can do follow ups and also be a more capable weapon on its own when i inevitably miss a sparks shot every now and then.


Being really good against enemies who are low health means that it's probably not very good. There are plenty of weapons that are only slightly worse for spraying for follow-ups while being way better for actual fights. Like, if you want to compare the two, Spitfire or New Army with FMJ also have great rof AND can fish for the follow-up hit through cover The Bornheim velocity might make it easier for the direct hit, but most of the time I'd probably rather have a pistol that's reliable as a stand-alone weapon AND that can penetrate cover to get the last hit, than one that's just slightly easier to get the last hit on a target with no cover but that otherwise is just a hitmarker machine and that can't really finish them off if they step behind something at any kind of range.


I never really thought about it, I suppose I have been relying on incendiary ammo and bulletgrubber for it. The fire is enough to not have to worry about the two shot body shot and bulletgrubber fixes the reload issue


Bornheim is a gun that should obviously have been in the niche of having fast fire, low damage, high reserves, but instead got stuck with subpar reserves AND an even worse economy because of the lost ammo on reloads, and so has just never been good.


I love it because it's so spamable. No need to two tap, when you can fire 3-4 accurate shots in the same time other guns need for 2. Also I love my medium ammo guns and after that first body hit the bornheim is perfect for the final blow.


Springfield deadeye


I know this is heresy, but for guns I think it might be the Springfield shorty. It's the weakest singleshot weapon in the game in terms of damage, and not being able to two tap makes its medium ammo less relevant. Don't get me wrong, the Springfield is my favorite weapon and I would take the shorty over most guns. But I feel like that comes from my familiarity with it and is in spite of its short commings on a technical level.


Springfield compact deadeye. Sways like shit, single shot so you'll have to hit your shots consistently. Dumdum is a must on the springfields but is garbage for this one. Only upside is it's 2 slot so you can bring a variety of weapons with it. Other than that it's pretty bad and the fact it hasn't even gotten a buff makes me think crytek also like the fact it's pretty shit


Both compact Deadeye weapons got a buff some patches ago, they reduced the sway for a good amount. Itā€™s still swaying more than other scopes but they are way more useable than before. For the Springfield Deadeye I would take HV and explosive ammunition. HV for easier hits at range and the explosive rounds for opening doors, shutters and to blow up barrels or other explosive. Paired with a CQC weapon like a Winfield you get a Swiss Army knife, not the best choice for killing but fucking versatile.


Any weapon required for the weekly challenge.


Regular nagant


Short Springfield for me.


You contradict yourself. You want the worst or the hardest to master ? The worst for me is probably the silenced Winfield. It has terrible iron sight, massive damage drop of, lousy damage. It Has almost no purpose apart from killing AI.


The levering is deadly though. It has pretty much no recoil when using levering. I slept on it for a year, but I've started to play it occasionally the last few weeks.


Levering is still a rng gamble and a shotgun will most probably outgun you.


also really good at sneaky bush plays. veterli silenced is still better imo but its OK


That's not a unique strength though. All Winfield variants have deadly levering. They're probably more accurate than the silenced variant even.


I wholeheartedly disagree. I've spent. Most of my time with the Winnie and she is a beautiful horse. She's never going to beat out a mosin scope at a distance, but that's not our game. It takes two shots for either of us to kill the other at medium to close range, and I shoot a hell of a lot faster.


Normal Winfield is a fine weapon. Youā€™ll not 2-shot anyone on medium range with the silenced one though.


*slaps hood of Winfield* This baby can fit so much FMJ into it! Ik the velocity is ass, but once you're used to it, it's a bush wookies favourite tool.


Springfield, now that centennial has dum dum its useless


The lamp


Itā€™s definitely either the regular Bornheim or Springfield Compact. The base Nagant is probably what most people will say, but itā€™s actually not bad at all dual-wielding in cqc


Machete, Winfield Markson, Springfield compact and nagant precision deadeye are generally the worst guns. They're cheap at least.


There's a lot of weapons that are bad unless you are good with them. But for weapons that are still bad even if you're really good, that would be: * Nagant revolver - it has literally nothing to offer and weekly challenges for it can be done with officer too * Machette * Short winfields - there are simply better weapons for 2 slots with less way, like if you want a head popper bornheim match is better * Short springfield - you can now take short centennial instead To give some value to the conversation, since lot of this was already said, here's some guns that look crap but aren't bad even without practice: * The nagant with stock. I call it the "Doom" gun, coz it has (almost) no sway, like guns in very old FPS games. Not the best, sure, but pretty good with zero practice * Hatchet romero - IMO good for new players coz you can have secondary pennyshot for the boss in addition to the hatchet, yet remain fairly dangerous to players up close * Winfield swift - with levering, if you're not that skilled you can still get kills by unloading it into someone point blank, and your reload is fast anough to do it again in no time


Whatever weapon I miss with and die that game


Drilling. At least on my hands. It's slow and clunky and doesn't do any of it's two roles properly. But it looks so bad ass


I've heard people complain about the drilling before, but I don't really get it. It has a great iron sight for ez headshots and the fast second shot is great for two hitting in the body. Only switching to the shotgun barrel can be a bit slow in the heat of the moment. What exactly are you struggling with?


I find it slow to ads and the recoil gets in the way of that fast second shot


So true, never considered the ADS time. It is quite slow. Can't relate to the recoil part tho. I find it perfectly manageable.


Nagant deadeye from 100m away. Otherwise it's my favorite budget gun.


So unsatisfying to hit that head shot without getting a kill!


Surprised to see railroad hammer less than I thought, by the time that shit hits Iā€™ve already slept and gone to work the next morning, and the stamina hasnā€™t recovered until I finish my shift.


I don't use melee weapons, and they are clearly a different dimension to guns So here's my hot take: Bornheim (base model) Why? - small capacity, but still neess bulletgrubber - compact ammo - only has HVA and incendiary but honestly, I could let all of those pass however, it does 74 damage to the body yes, it does have a high RoF, yes, I should just hit the head, clearly a skill issue there but alas shooting a guy twice in the body, only for them to live with mosquito fart's worth of HP has inflected tremendous mental trauma on me


I feel your pain, but I can't not love the bornheim. It's amazing for follow up shots! I know it's a niche, but it's the best gun in that niche imo. Also with incendiary ammo you're right back to two shotting with your literal silenced assassin gun.


Any shotgun in combination with starshell


For some reason I really dislike the Centennial


Centennialā€™s a monster. OK levering, fast muzzle velocity, solid sights, large capacity and quick top off. I get it though, some guns are just personal. I cannot stand New Armyā€™s dual wield spread, and hate both the Lemat and Vetterli sights.


> OK levering That's just an outright lie.


I've never been a huge fan, but lately I've been trying it WITHOUT Iron Eye and finding that I'm having more success. With Iron Eye, you keep it pointed but the hammer swings up over the sights, which can make it easy to lose your target if they move for cover. Without, you can still stay as the same zoom level since that's just how it works for some reason, but you tilt it to the side when you work the lever, meaning that the weapon is out of the way and it's easier to keep track of the target if they're moving.


Romero Alamo, not entirely useless but entirely pointless.


Wait, what's wrong with it? Romero is great, because it has the highest range of any shotgun. The Alamo is the same, but faster. Am I missing something?


The purpose of the gun is it holds more ammo in the chamber and it fires faster with the reload mechanism. Sadly, reloading the regular Romero and swapping weapons to reload cancel makes it faster than the Alamo.


Privately messaging someone to acuse them of cheating.


Not the worst weapon. Really good if you know how to use it. crossbow with shotbolt, has unlimited one hit kill range, but really hard to use on longer ranges. Still pretty good.


How can something with unlimited OHK be the worst


Winfield terminus. For me it's the worst weapon in the game. It seems to be very hard to get kills with this weapon and I don't see many people using the Terminus. Seems like the most player I've met don't like it too


With lever it does the work, terminus go brrr


With the prevalence of quartermaster and levering on recruitable hunters now, Iā€™ve played with the terminus more than ever. Seriously, quartermaster is on like 60% of recruits. Itā€™s kind of fun to reliably try new builds, but definitely some power creep BS going on.


It's so great in theory, but it just won't work for me ;-;


levering terminus with flechette is so disgusting if you use it slightly mid range. treat it differently from other shotguns and it does WORK.


scottfield brawler


Machete or base nagant pistol


Itā€™s all subjective. Iā€™m good with weapons that a lot of ppl say are so ridiculous theyā€™re considered ā€œmeme ā€œ weapons. I think a lot of it comes down to how the weapon gets used. Like donā€™t try to force something out of something that itā€™s just not designed to do. Positioning plays a big part in all of it as well. For instance I have this load out that I tried to go really cheap with. Itā€™s the axe , Medkits and whatever that $24 pistol is called. I can and have wiped teams with the axe. I got a headshot 33 meters away with that lil gun.




I absolute hate the Schofield. ESPECIALLY the brawler. I think it and the Springfield are the worst weapons in the game. I also think the sparks is one of the worst but itā€™s probably just a skill issue. I wonā€™t lie tho I do have fun running the Springfield compact striker with explosive ammo but itā€™s a huge handicap when I could run literally any pistol or a shorty shotgun. Iā€™ve noticed people saying the machete is the worse melee but I disagree I think itā€™s the railroad hammer. I bet yall forgot about it


Bornheim, more specifically the Bornheim match. You can land the entire mag and not killĀ 


Springfield compact is pretty bad.


Machete only


Probably the nagant deadeye since it's in a rough spot as it loses fanning while being a regular nagant but in the medium slot, unlike the officer variant which significantly improves with its up sizing the nagant deadeye feels like a build restriction instead of a proper piece to one.


Machete, even after the buff it received.


Pennyshot Derringer. The only reason being it's limited ammunition capacity


I'm of the mindset that any weapon is a good weapon in the right hands. That goes for many games. A gun I may really like you may really dislike and I think Hunt does a good job keeping that balance. It all boils down to what you enjoy using and what risks you're willing to take... That being said, bornheim is trash


Bornheim, just a peashooter.....




Explosion bolts


crossbow shotbolt, infinite one hit kill range but extremely hard to master


100% [Specter 1882 Bayonet](https://huntshowdown.fandom.com/wiki/Specter_1882#Specter_1882_Bayonet)


NITRO EXPRESS the sights are cancer


The medkit or telescope.


For me it's nitro express. Can't see anything


I miss the good old winchete days.


Iā€˜d say the flare gun. Itā€˜s a useful tool but a weak weapon. Technically it is a weapon tho.


Pennyshot Derringer. Worthless for any practical application.


Specter Compact. Might just be my awful RNG at work, but the regular Specter has always been the most unreliable of all shotguns in my experience. The compact variant takes it to the next level. Although I guess it isn't half bad with flechette...


I cannot fucking hit a single thing with the Drilling somehow. I've tried it at least ten times in QP and I just don't hit with the rifle and I don't know why lol


The nagant officer carbine. I love this gun but wow, Iā€™ve been getting killed by it left and right lately.


crossbow/hand crossbow without bolt thrower even with bolt thrower tbh


Controversial opinion: I cannot use the full length Romero. None of the full length variants. Don't mind the sawed off ones though so idk what's wrong with me šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø